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Vark Test tells you something about your learning style and it can be use to undestand in wich mode you are stronger learner and it helps students to learn more effectively and teacher to use more diversity of stragegies to teach. This work presents the results obtained from the Vark questionary as a student, this can be used to understand your workmates, classmates and your boss about their learning mode, and a description of the results.

Vark General Information:

Vark is a questionary that is used in order to get your learning profile or preferences, it help you to find in which way you prefer to learn or give information. Vark is not a learning style, you can use it to find out how can you learn better, and after you finish the Vark questionary you will be ask to provide personal information and you get a result in Aral, writing and reading, visual, and kinesthetic and it will help you to know in which way you learn better. Read/Write: preference is for information displayed as words. Not surprisingly, many teachers and students have a strong preference for this mode. Being able to write well and read widely are attributes sought by employers of graduates. This preference emphasizes text-based input and output - reading and writing in all its forms but especially manuals, reports, essays and assignments. Visual: those people who prefer this model are those who like PowerPoint presentation, Maps, Symbols, and Charts etc. and this learning mode could be define as Graphic. Aural: this mode describes the preference of those people who likes heard and spoke and they learn better when they are in groups discussions, web chats, etc. Kinesthetic: This mode I can define as practice mode because here you use your experience connected to the reality and you are able to give examples based on the reality and your experience or expertise. The results are presented in numbers for example: AURAL =2 etc. it is a quick questionary with just 18 questions and many people asked way 18 questions only. And that is because when we present a questionary with more than 25 questions people take it less seriously. In other hand this results may show you if you are multimodal at learning or you have a single way to learn, and this has advantages and disadvantages. Multimodal is good because you could be adapted to some different methodologies and you will have good result and you can match your preferences with whatever mode to learn, but being a multimodal learner has some disadvantages because you will need more than one model in order to be satisfied. The Vark questionary can provide us strategies that can lead to success in any learning environmet because you are like light up in which way you prefere to learn

and give up information, and suggest you that there are some strategies that can be harmful for your learning stely. The Vark questionary alerts people to the different approaches to learn and help to know what is our best way to learn.

I have multimodal ARK learning preference. I am multimodal style of learning because I learn in a variable combination of modes but I am stronger learner in Aural this mode describes my preference to hear and speak, and Kinesthetic that means that I learn by practice but I like Read and Write too, and is my style because I like manual reports and take notes with key words that help me to remember things.

INTAKE To take in the information: SWOT - Study without tears

OUTPUT To perform well in any test, assignment or examination Imagine talking with the examiner. Listen to your voices and write them down. Spend time in quiet places recalling the ideas. Practice writing answers to old exam questions. Speak your answers aloud or inside your head.

Aural 6

attend classes attend discussions and tutorials discuss topics with others discuss topics with your teachers explain new ideas to other people describe the overheads, pictures and other visuals to somebody who was not there

Your notes may be poor because you prefer to listen. You will need to expand your notes by talking with others and collecting notes from the textbook. Put your summarised notes onto tapes and listen to them. Ask others to 'hear' your understanding of a topic. Explain your notes to another 'aural' person.

Reading and writing 5

teachers who use words well and have lots of information in sentences and notes essays manuals (computing, technical and laboratory)

Organize any diagrams, graphs ... into statements, e.g. "The trend is..." Turn reactions, actions, diagrams, charts and flows into words.

Write paragraphs, beginnings and endings. Write your information into lists (a, b, c, d or 1, 2, 3, 4).


laboratories field trips examples of principles lecturers who give real-life

Use pictures and Photographs that illustrate an idea. Go back to the laboratory or your lab manual.

Write practice answers, paragraphs... Role plays the exam situation in your own room.


VARK test was taken by Telma Serrano and the result was the one expected because described the real way in which I learn better. I can conclude that VARK test is a very useful questionary that help us to find out or define our style of learning preferred.

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