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Complete the story with the past tense of the verbs:

It was late in the evening of December 16th 1878. Doctor Charles Blunden, a well-known Liverpool doctor, was still in his
surgery. At about 9 p.m. somebody____________KNOCK at the door. On the doorstep there ___________BE a boy of about
twelve wearing dirty trouses and no shoes. There ____________BE a dark blue scarf around his neck. Doctor! he
___________SAY, Please come with me! My mother _____________BE ill! I think she ___________DIE. The
doctor_____________FOLLOW the boy to a street near the surgery. The boy______________POINT to a woman on the
ground. She was unconscious. The doctor _____________LOOK at the woman and then______________ STOP a passing
horse and cab. The doctor and the boy_____________ LIFT the woman into the cab. At the hospital the doctor
____________TREAT the woman for pneumonia and luckily she ______________RECOVER completely. Some weeks later,
the woman_____________THANK Doctor Blunden for saving her life. He ______________SMILE and ___________SAY
that the real person to thank was the womans son. My son? she ____________SAY, No, not my son! and she
______________START to cry. My son ____________DIE from fever two years ago. Doctor Blunden _____________BE
amazed. The woman continued, This is all I have to remember him by. She _____________SHOW him a dark blue scarf. It
was his. I always wear it in winter. Doctor Blunden______________RECOGNISE it immediately. It was the barefoot boys
Put the verbs into the present simple or present continuous:
He usually_______________DRINK coffee but today he ____________DRINK tea.
I wont go out as it ___________RAIN and I ______________NOT HAVE AN UMBRELLA.
What she ______________DO in the evenings?
He ______________COME to see me tonight; we _____________GO on a trip tomorrow.
I _____________LISTEN very carefully but still I __________________NOT UNDERSTAND what he
____________DRIVE at.
6. Mary ____________SEE a doctor about this tomorrow.
7. Im sick and tired of John and I ______________THINK of telling him what I ______________THINK of him.
8. Pardon me, madam, but I _____________THINK you ______________STAND on my feet.
9. I_______________NOT HEAR anything. You just _______________IMAGINE things.
10. The court _____________HEAR this case next week.
11. Dont take his remarks too seriously. Hes so upset that I _______________NOT THINK he really ____________KNOW
what he _____________SAY.
12. He always _____________SAY he will mend the window but he never ____________DO it.


Put the verbs into the present perfect simple or the past perfect:
I _____________FLY over Loch Ness last week. You ______________SEE the Loch Ness monster? I
_______________NOT SEE him for three years. I wonder where he is.
You ___________BE there before? Yes, I ______________SPEND my holidays here last year. You
_______________HAVE a good time? No, it never ______________STOP raining.
You ____________LIKE your last job? I _____________LIKE it at first but then I _____________QUARREL with my
employer and he ______________DISMISS me.
She ______________SAY shed phone me this morning but it is now 12.30 and she ________________NOT PHONE yet.
What are those people looking at? There ____________BE an accident. You _____________SEE what
I havent seen her since she _____________GET married.
I havent seen her since she _____________BE married.
Where you _____________FIND this knife? I ______________FIND it in the garden. Why you _____________NOT
LEAVE it there?
Someone ______________RING up half an hour ago and _____________SAY that there was a bomb in the aeroplane.
Since then the crew have been searching for it but they _____________NOT FIND it. This is the third scare bomb they
___________HAVE this week.

Put the verbs into the right tense:



I ______________KNOW the answer tomorrow.

He ______________RESEMBLE his father in a few years time.
He ______________TELL you what you want to know when he ___________HAVE the necessary information.
They ____________GET married next week.
By the time you _____________COME back I _____________FINISH the whole work alone.
He ___________BE about to leave the room when the phone rang.
By next Sunday my friend _____________STAY in bed for two weeks.
You ___________FEEL a lot better after you _____________HAVE a rest.

Put the verbs into simple past, past continuous or past perfect:
Until 1217 all English forests such as the New Forest and Sherwood Forest _____________BELONG to the Norman kings.
They were royal hunting grounds and Saxon people____________NOT HAVE the right to hunt in them. The rules for the royal
hunting ground_______always__________BE strict, but William I, also called William the Conqueror, made them stricter. If a
man killed a deer without the kings permission, his eye was put out, or his hand was cut off. No wonder that when William I
died, nobody _________FEEL sorry for him. He _________BE too cruel to them. He ___________MAKE so many wise laws
that although the English admired him, they could not love him. William II, one of the Conquerors three sons, was even crueller
than his father. He was called William Rufus, or the Red King because of his red face and hair. He ____________MAKE the
forest laws even harsher than before. While he ____________HUNT, nobody was allowed to walk in the forest. What is more, a
man was hanged if he _________KILL a deer. It is no wonder that people said that evil would catch him some day in the depths
of the forest. By the time he died, their words _____________COME true.

Put the verbs into present perfect simple:

Antonella ____________LIVE in Rome for two years.
George ___________HAVE a job in a sports shop since January.
We ____________BE on holiday since Sunday
Sarah ____________NOT BE to Greece since 1998.
My parents ___________BE married for thirty years.
Paul ____________KNOW Stefanie since he was a child.
__________you ___________SPEAK to your friend since last Sunday.


Put the verbs into present simple or present continuous:

Jack is at the gym. He ___________PLAY basketball.
Louise _____________LIKE ballet music very much.
Sarah ____________DO gymnastics every Thursday evening.
Sam and Katie ____________HAVE a tennis lesson at the moment.
Joe usually _____________RUN round the park every evening.

Put the verbs into past tense simple or past tense continuous:
Levi Strauss _____________LIVE with his family on the eastern coast of America when, like many other Americans, he
____________CATCH California gold fever in 1849. To raise money for the voyage he ________________SELL cloth from
his brothers shop. When he ____________GET to San Francisco, one of the first people he ______________MEET was a
miner who __________ASK if they had brought any pants with them from where they ______________COME. As he
_______________LISTEN to the miner explaining that gold seekers quickly _____________WEAR out their trousers, Strauss
_____________SEE a need. So he ______________MAKE pants out of his tough canvas. They ______________BECOME as
profitable as finding gold and they were called Levis. Still, Levis _______________NOT REMAIN a uniform only for those
who _______________SEEK gold. The gold ______________RUN out. But during the 1860s people _____________BRING
news of the Levis to Texas. There, the cowboys who ______________WORK as hard as miners _____________FIND the
pants solid and comfortable as well. And that ____________CHANGE the clothing habits of the whole country. By the early
part of the 20th century more and more people ___________MOVE to the cities. Still, the cowboy ______________BECOME
the great American hero. He featured in books, magazines, movies and finally in television. As he
________________BECOME a legend, so ___________DO the clothes he ______________WEAR . So by the middle of the
century, everybody _______________WEAR them from children to movie stars and the president of the United States.

Put the verbs in the present perfect simple or the past tense simple:
Diana first ____________MEET Mark three years ago.



They _____________BE friends for a long time.

Last summer they _____________AGREE to get married, but they ___________CAN NOT decide when.
When Diana ____________SEE that Mark ___________BE afraid to get married, she _____________THINK of a trick.
She just_____________PHONE Marks parents to ask for their help.
Now Dianas and Marks parents and friends____________BE in the church since 10 oclock.
At last, Mark _______________UNDERSTAND whose wedding it was.
I ____________NOT WATCH TV last night.


Put the verbs in the past tense or the past perfect:

Mike _____________MISS the train yesterday because he _____________GET UP too late.
When Nick ______________ARRIVE the stadium, the match________already___________START.
After the rain ____________START, the children _______________GO home.
By that time mother ______________COOK dinner.
John ______________TURN the corner when he _____________HEAR a strange noise.


Complete with the verbs in the right form:

It _________BE easier if you used a dictionary.
If he were rich he ___________travel all over the world.
If I were elected Prime Minister I ___________ABOLISH taxes.
If he __________BE older, he would understand politics better.
If you ____________WORK harder, you would have better results.
I __________HELP him with his project, if I knew how.
Unless we ___________HAVE a car of our own, we couldnt always arrive on time.
What would she say if she __________FIND OUT the truth?
Put the verbs in the present perfect or past simple:
In 19th century England, people ____________READ books called Penny Dreadfuls.
I ___________READ comics when I was younger.
People around the world __________READ comics for over 100 years.
When I was little, I thought Superman really ____________EXIST.
Batman ____________BE my favourite comic character since I ____________BE ten.
Herge first published Tintin in 1929. My grandfather ____________ENJOY this comic since then.
Christies, who are famous for selling works of art, ___________SELL an old comic yesterday for 14,3. Mr. Carr, the man
who ______________BUY it, says it _____________NOT BE expensive. He should know, he ___________BUY many
old comics in the last few years. Hes a collector. Mr. Carr ___________START his collection some years ago. Since that
time, he ____________BUY copies of the comics where Batman and Spiderman first______________APPEAR; and the
comic he __________ADD to his collection yesterday has the first Superman story. The comic, Action Comics Number 1,
____________COME out in June 1938 in the USA. It _____________COST 10 cents at the time. Mr. Carrs son, eightyear-old Sam, ____________NOT READ any of the comics in his fathers collection.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs:

If I go on holiday next year, I ___________TAKE some photos.
If I ____________HAVE enough money, Ill buy some souvenirs too.
If I lived on a desert island I _____________HAVE TO go to school.
Unless it rains tomorrow, we _____________SWIM in the sea.
I wont go to the party unless you ____________COME with me.
I wouldnt go camping alone if I ___________BE you.
I ___________BUY your mother a hamster unless I _________BE sure she really wanted one.


Put the verbs in the past simple or the present perfect simple:
I _____________HAVE three cups of tea so far today.
_________you ever _________SEE a yak?
Mark last ____________SEE Jennifer three days ago.
They ________already ___________CHECK IN for the flight.
How long ago _________the bus _________LEAVE ?
__________you _________WRITE your diary yet?



I ________just __________HEAR about the fire.

Their plane ___________LAND at 6.45 this morning.
We _____________NOT SPEAK English since we ____________ARRIVE.
Caroline _____________VISIT her stepsister a few months ago.
_________you ever _________MEET my friend George? Yes, I ___________MEET him last week at a party.
We ___________SEE the new Star Wars film ages ago but we ___________NOT SEE any films recently.
When __________Sally and Neil _________GET MARRIED? In May last year.
I ___________LOOK everywhere but I ____________NOT FIND it yet.
When _________you last _________USE it?
Guess what I _________just _______DO? I _________BUY a mountain bike.



Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs: past simple, past continuous, past perfect:
One summer afternoon in New York in 1875, while his wife _______________PREPARE dinner, Mr. Levi Gamin
_____________LEAVE his house to buy some tobacco. He _________never ___________RETURN. Sixty years later
in1935, The New York Times _____________PRINT a story about a man dressed in strange old-fashioned clothes who
______________STEP in front of a car while crossing Times Square. He ______________DIE instantly. The dead man
______________CARRY no identification and there was nothing in his pocket except some old bank notes from the year
1875. The police ______________HAVE no idea who the man was or why he _______________WEAR such strange
clothes, until a police officer ________________DECIDE to check the missing persons file for 1875. In the file was a
description of Mr. Gamin which matched the description of the dead man exactly. It was then that the questions
________________BEGIN. Why __________Mr. Gamin ____________DISAPPEAR in 1875? How __________he
suddenly ___________TURN UP in Times Square in 1935? Where _____________BE he for the past sixty years and why
___________his appearance ____________NOT CHANGE? ___________Mr. Gamin really _____________VANISH into
thin air or ____________something unknown ____________TAKE him into another dimension?
My sister and I _________never_________BE to Sweden before so we _____________LOOK forward to our trip. We
___________CATCH the train from London to the ferry terminal at Harwich, but while we _____________WALK towards
the ferry, we ______________HEAR that it ______________NOT ARRIVE from Sweden yet because a bad storm
_____________BLOW UP during the morning. The ferry finally ______________ARRIVE at midnight after we
_____________SPEND eight hours playing cards and drinking coffee.

Complete the conversation with the present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs:
Mum: Hi, Joe. ___________you _________HAVE a good day?
Joe: It was OK. I can smell onions.
Mum: Yes, I ____________MAKE hamburgers. Theyre nearly ready.
Joe: Great. Im hungry. I ____________NOT HAVE anything to eat since breakfast.
Mum: _________Jenny__________DECIDE to come for supper or not?
Joe: I dont know. I ___________TRY to phone her all afternoon, but her line __________BE engaged.
Mum: No problem. I ___________MAKE enough food for six. Anyway, Im not very hungry.
Joe: Why?
Mum: Because I _________EAT bits and pieces from the fridge all day!

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs:

If I ____________WIN the lottery, I _________never_________WORK again.
If Helen __________WIN a million pounds, she _____________GIVE some to charity.
It _____________BE amazing if Brad ______________PASS his driving test the first time.
It ____________NOT SURPRISE me if Brazil _____________WIN the World Cup.
I _____________BUILD more schools if I _____________BE Prime Minister.
If they ____________OFFER me a job, I _____________TAKE it straightaway.
If I _____________GO to live in the USA, I ______________NOT WANT to live in Los Angeles.
Surely she ______________NOT GO out with him unless she ______________LIKE him!

Complete with the correct form of the verbs: past tense, present perfect, past



(simple or

Four men once_______________DWELL in a foreign country. They _______________DEAL in cotton, which

they_____________ SELL to Europeans who_____________WEAVE it into cloth. People _____________KNOW them as
Peter, James, Terence and Archibald. One day an idea ______________STRIKE Peter, and he ____________TELL it to the
others. As a result of the idea which Peter________________BEGET they all ______________PUT their capital together and
_____________GO into partnership. First they_____________BUY a site. Then they_______________BUILD a warehouse
near the docks on part of it. Some time after they ____________DO this, Peter_______________SPEAK to the others:
I_______________THINK it over, he _____________SAY, and my meditations_____________BRING it home to
me that though up to now we______________BEAR the responsibilities of the firm jointly, the mistakes that one
man______________ KEEP making________________ COST us a lot.Archibalds carelessness ______________ DRIVE me
to desperation.
After he ______________EXPLAIN his idea further, the others ______________ CATCH what he
___________MEAN but_______________SHRINK from the solution he____________SEEK to impose. But
he____________WIN them round, and they________________FALL in with his idea. So they________________TEAR UP
the old deed of partenership, and they _____________DRAW UP a new one. They __________________SPLIT UP their
responsibilities equally and each ______________ STRIVE to make the new business pay and the firm
_________________THRIVE for a while. But soon they ________________ BEGIN to have trouble with rats, which
_______________EAT the bales of cotton that the workmen _______________SEW UP ready for export. So they
______________BUY a cat, ______________TAKE it to the warehouse, __________________SHUT it and
________________LEAVE it there. When it _____________TRY to escape, they _______________THRUST it back. Each
partner ________________HOLD shares in the cat, one leg to each partner; and they _______________FEED it by turns.
Luckily it _____________EAT very little. One day they ______________SEE that the cat _____________BE lame. A dog
________________ BITE it or somebody ______________TREAD on it and its leg _______________BLEED and
________________SWELL. On consulting their books the partners ________________FIND that the leg which the cat
_______________HURT _______________ BE Terences. when Terence _________________LEARN this, he
________________TAKE the cat into the office, _______________ PUT it on the floor, ________________KNELL down,
_________________WIND a rag soaked in oil round the leg, and ______________BIND it carefully. The cat
_________________FEEL cold; so it _________________GO by the fire, where it ______________LIE down and
________________SLEEP. But it _______________CREEP to close, and the bandage soaked in oil ______________CATCH
fire. The cat ________________AWAKE terror-stricken,________________SIT UP, _______________ FLY into a panic,
_________________SPIN round, ________________RUN into the warehouse, and _________________SET the cotton bales
on fire with its blazing leg. A strong wind _______________BLOW at the time so that the fire __________________ SPREAD
and the whole warehouse _________________BURST into flames. The fire-brigade ________________SPEED to the scene
and _______________HACK and _______________HEW to get into the burning building. But to no purpose. The building
_______________BURN too fast. Numberless rats ________________FLEE from it, _________________SLIDE into the
water, and _______________SWIM away. The partners ________________LOOK ON helplessly; and their blood almost
________________ FREEZE in their veins, as they think what their fate ______________MAY _______________BE, if they
_________________ CAUGHT inside. The cat ______________BURST through the flames, ________________SPRING into
the street, _______________ SHAKE OFF the burning bandage, and _______________RID itself of the trouble. The partners
________________CATCH and ________________SMITE the cat, which _______________DIG its claws into them,
and________________BREAK loose. They _________________FLING stones at it. It ________________STEAL off and
________________HIDE. They _________________ SEEK it out, ________________FIND it and _______________SLAY it.
After they _______________SLAY the cat, the partners ________________REMEMBER again what they
______________LOSE. They ______________TEAR their hair, ______________ REND their garments,
_________________BEAT their breasts, __________________WRING their hands and _________________ SHED tears of
rage. Gradually, the first effects of the disaster ________________WEAR OFF, and they ________________ BEGIN to think
what to do. Suddenly Peter _______________HIT ON the solution of the problem of damages. He _________________SEND
for Terence. They _______________MEET at their club. I _______________FORGET, _____________SAY Peter, that it
____________BE your leg which ______________DO the damage. You must therefore pay us damages. At this Terence
____________GROW pale. Then he ______________KNIT his brows, ________________GRIND his teeth, and
________________ SWING his stick menacingly. When Peter _______________SEE the reception he _______________GET
he _______________ BE afraid to say any more and _______________RETIRE hastily. He, James and Archie
_______________MEET and _______________ MAKE their decision. They _______________RING UP a lawyer for legal
advice. Then they _______________CLOTHE themselves in their Sunday best and _______________BRING Terence before a
judge. The judge _______________LEND their lawyer attention for a while, but the latter_______________SPIN out the
argument to such a length, that in the end the judge ______________ CUT him short and __________________CHIDE him for
wasting the time of the court. Then he _______________LAY down the law. Everybody _________________HANG on his
words. Poor Terence _______________CLING to the hope of success like a drowning man to a straw and he
______________BE justified, for the judge _________________OVERRIDE the plaintiffs charms. He


_______________HEAR the arguments which the plaintiffs lawyer _____________STRING out to such inordinate length, he
It _________________BE true that Terences leg ______________BE on fire, he_____________GO ON. but it
____________BE also true that the other three legs ______________TAKE the flaming leg to the inflammable cotton-bales.
Those three legs and their owners _________________BEAR the burden of responsibility for the damage. He therefore
______________ BID the three reimburse Terence for his loss. When Terence _______________HEAR this, his spirits
_____________RISE. His face ________________LIGHT up, and his heart_________________LEAP with joy, as he
__________________DRINK IN the judges words. The plaintiffs ________________FLY into a rage and
__________________PROTEST angrily, for the decision ____________ SPELL ruin to them. But the judge
________________SWEEP their protests aside, and ________________BESEECH them to obey the law. After Terences
former associates ________________PAY him off, they________________GIVE UP the cotton trade, and
_______________SHOE horses for a living instead.


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