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Chapter I Certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99)

Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease (B 0-B !)


The fourth-character subcategories of B20-B23 are provided for optional use where it is not possible or not desired to use multiple coding to identify the specific conditions. Excludes: asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus [H !" infection status # $2% & B 0 Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resu"tin# in infectious and parasitic diseases Excludes: acute H ! infection syndrome # B23.0 & HIV disease resu"tin# in myco%acteria" infection H ! disease resulting in tuberculosis HIV disease resu"tin# in other %acteria" infections HIV disease resu"tin# in cytome#a"ovira" disease HIV disease resu"tin# in other vira" infections HIV disease resu"tin# in candidiasis HIV disease resu"tin# in other mycoses HIV disease resu"tin# in *neumocystis carinii pneumonia HIV disease resu"tin# in mu"tip"e infections HIV disease resu"tin# in other infectious and parasitic diseases HIV disease resu"tin# in unspecified infectious or parasitic disease H ! disease resulting in infection '() Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resu"tin# in ma"i#nant neop"asms HIV disease resu"tin# in -aposi.s sarcoma HIV disease resu"tin# in Bur/itt.s "ymphoma HIV disease resu"tin# in other types of non-Hod#/in.s "ymphoma HIV disease resu"tin# in other ma"i#nant neop"asms of "ymphoid0 haematopoietic and re"ated tissue HIV disease resu"tin# in mu"tip"e ma"i#nant neop"asms HIV disease resu"tin# in other ma"i#nant neop"asms HIV disease resu"tin# in unspecified ma"i#nant neop"asm Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resu"tin# in other specified diseases HIV disease resu"tin# in encepha"opathy H ! dementia HIV disease resu"tin# in "ymphoid interstitia" pneumonitis

B 0$0 B B B B B B B B B 0$& 0$ 0$' 0$! 0$( 0$) 0$+ 0$, 0$9

B & B B B B &$0 &$& &$ &$'

B &$+ B &$, B &$9 B B B $0 $&


HIV disease resu"tin# in 1astin# syndrome H ! disease resulting in failure to thrive )lim disease HIV disease resu"tin# in mu"tip"e diseases c"assified e"se1here Note: *or use of this category+ reference should be made to the morbidity or mortality coding rules and guidelines in !olume 2. Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resu"tin# in other conditions Acute HIV infection syndrome HIV disease resu"tin# in (persistent) #enera"i2ed "ymphadenopathy HIV disease resu"tin# in haemato"o#ica" and immuno"o#ica" a%norma"ities0 not e"se1here c"assified HIV disease resu"tin# in other specified conditions 3nspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease ,c-uired immunodeficiency syndrome [, .)" '() , .)-related comple/ [,01" '()

B ' B '$0 B '$& B '$ B '$, B !

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