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Peer reviewed International Journal




RNI itle Code# JHAENG#$$$%& ISSN'()($#(*+$ Po,tal Re-i,tration No.#G/S0M#%&/($1)#1% Dateline: September 1 - November 30 2013 Year I: Volume I: Issue: IV Place: Jamshe pur !an"ua"e: #n"lish Perio icit$: %uarterl$ Price: &s'1(0 No' o) Pa"es Nationalit$ o) the e itor: In ian Name o) the e itor: *ithilesh +umar ,hoube$' -.ner: /$an0$oti # ucational an &esearch 1oun ation 23rust45 625 7loc8 No'-35 Shastrina"ar5 +a ma5 Jamshe pur5 Jhar8han 5 Pin-93100(' Publisher: *ithilesh +umar ,hoube$ Nationalit$ o) the Publisher: In ian Printer: *ithilesh +umar ,hoube$ Nationalit$ o) the Publisher: In ian Printin" Press: /Y:NJY-3I /$an0$oti printin" press5 /$an0$oti # ucational an &esearch 1oun ation 23rust45 625 7loc8 No'-35 Shastrina"ar5 +a ma5 Jamshe pur5 Jhar8han 5 Pin-93100(' De2laration' -.ner o) Jamshe pur &esearch &evie.5 #n"lish %uarterl$ is /$an0$oti # ucational an &esearch 1oun ation 23rust45 625 7loc8 No 35 Shastrina"ar +a ma5 Jamshe pur5 Jhar8han 5 Pin -93100(5 an publishe an printe b$ *ithilesh +umar ,hoube$ an printe at /Y:NJY-3I /$an0$oti Printin" Press5 /$an0$oti # ucational an &esearch 1oun ation5 625 7loc8 No'-35 Shastrina"ar5 +a ma5 Jamshe pur5 Jhar8han 5 Pin-93100(5 an publishe at /$an0$oti # ucational an &esearch 1oun ation23rust45 625 7loc8 No'-35 Shastrina"ar5 +a ma5 Jamshe pur5 Jhar8han 5 Pin-93100(5 an e itor is *ithilesh +umar ,hoube$' '

Se3te45er 1 # Nove45er )$ ($1)

!EAR 1'' Volu4e I '' I,,ue IV

Pu5li,6ed 7ro4 Ja4,6ed3ur J6ar86and

C6ie7 Editor' Mit6ile,6 9u4ar C6ou5e:


A 3u5li2ation o7


&e"istere o))ice: 625 7loc8 No'35 Shastrina"ar5 +a ma5 Jamshe pur5 Jhar8han 5 Pin-93100(5 3el Nos': 06(;-22266<35 <33=0;;3;95 #-mail: "$an0$oti')oun ation>re i))mail'com


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


Chief Editor: Mithilesh Kr Choubey Editorial Board

Dr. J.P Mishra, Dean, Student Affairs, School of Management Studies, Varanasi, UP. Emailjpmishra sms!aranasi.com. Dr. A." Mishra, Principal, M#M Medical $ollege, Jamshedpur, Jhar%hand. Dr. Vija& 'ahadur Singh, (eader, Dept of $ommerce, (anchi Uni!ersit& and )ormer Director, *igher education, Jhar%hand. Dr. "eha +i,ari, Prof-in- $harge, Dept. of Mass $ommunication and Assistant Professor, Dept of English, -arim $it&,$ollege, Jamshedpur, Jhar%hand.
"ational . /nternational (eferee

Dr. 'rij -umar Pande&, Uni!ersit& Professor0 (td1, 'a2a Sahe2 'himrao Am2ed%ar Uni!ersit&,'ihar, Ph. 34335-346789. Dr. S.- Sinha, Uni!ersit& Professor and Dean, Department of English, -olhan, Uni!ersit&, Jhar%hand. Dr. (a%sha Singh, Principal, Sri. San%arachar&a Maha!idh&al&a, 'hilai, $hhattisgarh, Email(a%shasingh37 rediffmail.com. Sri. (ajesh -umar D,i!edi, Vice $onsul, $onsulate #eneral of /ndia, *o $hi Minh $it&. :7.::, *ori;on +o,er, *o $hi minh $it&, Vietnam, e-mail-2a2lujsr &ahoo.com, 0+el "o.< 77 95 :345: 68694. 77 95 9 43==73>=. Dr. *anuman Sharma, Uni!ersit& Professor, Dept of 'otan&, (anchi Uni!ersit&, (anchi, Jhar%hand.Ph.=5>:849888. Peer (e!ie, $ommittee

Dr. Musta? Ahmad, *ead of the Department, Dept. of $ommerce, -arim $it& $ollege Jamshedpur, +el "o.<7=>>595>:35. Dr. Danish Ali -han, Associate Professor, "/+, Jamshedpur, Jhar%hand. Sri (a%esh Shahi, 0 M'A, @@' 1 Senior Ad!ocate, Jamshedpur, Ph.7=5>:>58:33 Dr A2ha& -r Pande&, D.- $ollege, Dumraon, 'uAar, 'ihar. Prof. @ -achap, *ead of the Department, Dept of Ps&cholog&, Jamshedpur $o-operati!e $ollege, Jamshedpur, -olhan Uni!ersit&, Jhar%hand. +el "o.<==>:::4768 Dr. S. Ansari, *ead of the Department, Dept of *indi, -arim $it& $ollege, Jamshedpur. Jhar%hand, +el "o.<7=9>6663545. Dr. Poonam Saha&, Assistant Professor, A'M $ollege, -U Jamshedpur. Dr. -.- Saha&, Asst. Professor, A'M $ollege, Jamshedpur. Dr. -.M Mahato, *ead of the Department, Dept of $ommerce, Jamshedpur, $o-operati!e $ollege, -olhan Uni!ersit&, Jamshedpur. Dr.P.- Pani, Assistant Professor, Dept of $ommerce, A'M $ollege, -olhan Uni!ersit&, Jamshedpur. Dr. Sanji!e Singh, Dept. of $ommerce, Jamshedpur $o-operati!e $ollege. Jamshedpur. Dr. D.- Pande&, Asst. Professor, Dept of $ommerce, A'M $ollege, -olhan Uni!ersit& Jamshedpur, Jhar%hand, +el "o.<7==>5639=>9. Dr. -.M Mahato, *ead of the Department, Dept of $ommerce, Jamshedpur, $o-operati!e $ollege, -olhan Uni!ersit&, Jamshedpur. Dr. Aja& Prasad, M#M Medical $ollege, Jamshedpur, Jhar%hand.


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

JAMSHED !R RESEAR"H RE#$E% $SSN 2320&2'(0 Mr. -rishna Prasad, Dept of $ommerce, Jamshedpur $o-operati!e $ollege, -olhan- Uni!ersit&, Jamshedpur. +el "o.<=5>:86=7=: Dr. Pra2hat $hou2e&, Senior medical consultant, U"/SE), "e, Delhi. Dr. -halid Per!e;, Associate professor, V/+, Vellore, +amilnadu.

Dr.P.Pa88eera33a Pro)essor5 Department -) 7usiness : ministration5 *an"alore ?niversit$5 *an"ala"an"othri5 +arnata8a5 In ia' Jo,e36 P.D :sst' Pro)essor in 3ourism Stu ies5 Department -) 7usiness : ministration5 *an"alore ?niversit$5 *an"ala"an"othri5 +arnata8a5 In ia'

Arunava Pra6ara; &esearch Scholar5 Department o) ,ommerce .ith 1arm *ana"ement5 Vi $asa"ar ?niversit$5 @est 7en"al'


Dr. Nilan;ana De5 :ssistant Pro)essor5 Department o) 7usiness : ministration5 /iri0anan a ,ho. hur$ Institute o) *ana"ement an 3echnolo"$ 2/I*345 Aat8ho.apara5 :Bara5 NA 3;5 /u.ahati C ;91 01;5 :ssam5 In ia'

Dr. Arvind S6ar4a !ecturer in Special # ucation5 ?ttar Pra esh Vi8lan" ? har Dr' Sha8untala *isra ?niversit$5 *ohaan roa 5 !uc8no.-22601; 2?P4' Dr. Sud6a Rao Special # ucator 2V I45 ?ttar Pra esh Vi8lan" ? har Dr' Sha8untala *isra ?niversit$5 *ohaan roa 5 !uc8no.-22601; 2?P4'

+ C


Dr.9.P.Sin-6A &ea er5 Dean D Aea 5 ?niversit$ Deptt' -) ,ommerce5 NilamberPitamber ?niversit$5J'S',olle"e5*e inina"ar5Palamu5Jhar8han '

Dr.S.0.P.Gu3ta :sstt'Pro)essor5?niversit$ Deptt'-) ,ommerce5 Nilamber- Pitamber ?niversit$5


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal J'S',olle"e5*e inina"ar5Palamu5Jhar8han '


Dr. D.9 Mi,6ra :ssociate pro)essor5 Dept o) #conomics5 Jamshe pur ,o-operative ,olle"e5 Jamshe pur5 Jhar8han '

Pro)essor o) #conomics5 :n hra ?niversit$5 Visa8hapatnam-35 :n hrapra esh5 In ia'


Ra;e,6wari Pani-ra6i :ssociate Pro)essor5 /I3:* Institute o) *ana"ement5 /I3:* ?niversit$5 Visa8hapatnam' Mo6d. 9a4alun Na5i :ssistant Pro)essor5 Department o) ,ommerce an 7usiness Stu ies5 Jamia *illia Islamia' ,entral ?niversit$5 Ne. Delhi'11002('



Dr. G. Vi;a:ala8,64i :ssistant Pro)essor5 1acult$ o) commerce5 +arim ,it$ ,olle"e5 Jamshe pur' Jhar8han '

Dr. Ne6a iwari :ssistan Pro)essor5 Dept o) #n"lish5 +arim ,it$ ,olle"e5 Jamshe pur5 Jhar8han 5 In ia'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


DR.P.PA99EERAPPAI J"SEPH P.DII EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE A0S RAC Entrepreneurs constitute the central pillars of any economic sector around which the entire industry is being built. The effectiveness and existence of entrepreneurs are decided by the type of internal and external business environment that prevails in the economy. The situation is not different in the case of entrepreneurs in tourism industry also. Investors are always in search of fertile and favourable land to grow their grains of investment which might be a challenge for most of the economic sectors in our country. Tourism being a vast and fastest growing industry, the entrepreneurial options are spread to many sub-sectors such as accommodation units, travel consultancy, tour operation, catering, transport operations, foreign exchange, etc. As our social life becomes more mechanical and urbanized, a strong platform is being created for the tourism entrepreneurs to grow fast and the same trend and fashion of social life would be stimulated and continued in the years to come. Though tourism entrepreneurship loo s very attractive from outside, there are !uite a lot of problems being faced and overcome by the entrepreneurs of tourism industry at their different levels of growth. In this paper, the researchers have made an attempt to analyse the opportunities and challenges of tourism entrepreneurs and to recommend some strategies for their betterment with the help of an empirical survey conducted by distributing !uestionnaires to selected tourism

entrepreneurs located in "a shina #annada district of #arnata a $tate in India. The study recommends that the government should play a crucial role in developing $tate-of-art infrastructure, frame liberal tax and standardized assessment and accreditation policies. 9e: Word,' ouri,4A Entre3reneur,A Inve,tor,A In7ra,tru2tureA A22reditation Introdu2tion 3ourism is a multi-sectoral an multi)acete in ustr$ .hich has been reco"niBe as Fan activit$ essential to the li)e o) nations because o) its irect e))ects on the social5 cultural5 e ucational an economic sectors o) national societies an on their international relations'F In 20115 there .ere over <93 million international tourist arrivals .orl .i e5 representin" a "ro.th o) ='6G .hen compare to <=0 million in 2010' International tourism receipts 2the travel item o) the balance o) pa$ments4 "re. to ?SH1'03 trillion 2I;=0 billion4 in 20115 correspon in" to an increase in real terms o) 3'9G )rom 2010'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


3ourism in In ia is the lar"est service in ustr$5 .ith a contribution o) ('<G to the national /DP in 2011an this creates 9';9G o) the total emplo$ment in In ia' In 1<<;5 In ia receive 2'3; million )orei"n tourists but as .e reache to 20115 there is a phenomenal "ro.th in )orei"n tourist arrivals to In ia i'e' 6'2< million' -ur )orei"n eJchan"e earnin"s )rom tourism in 1<<; .as onl$ ?SD 299< million an b$ 2011 .e have a )orei"n eJchan"e earnin" o) ?SD 16(6= million tourism business an that is eJpecte to increase to ?SH3;('( billion b$ 2019 at a <'=G annual "ro.th rate' 3ourism is one economic sector in In ia that has the potential to "ro. at a hi"h rate an ensure conseKuential evelopment o) the in)rastructure at the estinations' Situate in the southern part o) In ia5 the province o) +arnata8a sprea s over the Deccan Plateau' +arnata8a is the ei"hth lar"est state in In ia in both area an population' It .as )ormerl$ 8no.n as *$sore' -n November 151<;35 the name *$sore .as chan"e to +arnata8a' 3he name o) the lan +arnata8a has come )rom L+ari-na uL meanin" the lan o) blac8 soil sa$ the scholars5 D some others hol that L+aruna uL also means beauti)ul countr$M either .a$ the lan is celebrate as beauti)ul throu"hout its ancient literature' 3he State is situate bet.een ;= e"ree #ast an ;9 e"ree #ast lon"itu es an bet.een 11 e"reeNorth an 19 e"ree North latitu es' +arnata8aNs mani)ol attractions inclu e ever$thin" that interests the visitors' 3he .il li)e sanctuaries at 7an ipur5 Na"arhole an Dan eli5 the &an"anathittu 7ir Ns Sanctuar$' Sriran"apatna .hich itsel) is a .ell 8no.n tourist center5 hill stations li8e Nan i Aills an +emmanna"un i an *ercara5 beaches at +ar.ar5 ?llal5 *alpe an *aravanthe an St' *ar$Os Islan ' 3he .orl )amous 7rin avan /ar ens at +rishnara0asa"ara5 *$sore5 the monolithic statue o) /ommatesh.ara at Sharavanabela"ola5 /ol /umbaB .ith its

.hisperin" ,ollection o) 3ourism Statistics )or the State o) +arnata8a 6 "aller$ at 7i0apur5 the Jo" )alls an other .ater )alls at Shiva Samu ram5 *a"o 5 ?nchelli or !ushin"ton near Si apur5 !al"uli at Yallapur an other places in icate the variet$ an richness o) the attractions that +arnata8a State hol s out to the visitors' :s per the latest statistics reveale b$ the Department o) 3ourism5 +arnata8a ran8s )ourth nationall$ .ith 2; million omestic arrivals an 0'62 million international arrivals ma8in" it the seventh most-visite state in In ia' Ao.ever5 there still remain unsolve issues concernin" in)rastructure5 connectivit$5 sanitation an conservation o) both natural an historical herita"e' ?n erlinin" the 8e$ issues .hich +arnata8a tourism )aces5 *r' P V &avi5 *D an ,#-5 In)rastructure Development ,orporation o) +arnata8a 2iD#,+4 observe that re"ional lin8a"es5 connectivit$5 accommo ation an lac8 o) )inancial resources .ere the main hin rances to evelopin" tourism in +arnata8a' :ccor in" to him5 the Public Private Partnership 2PPP4 )ormat can be use to accelerate in)rastructure evelopment an )or )aster implementation o) the pro0ects' ,itin" a )e. problems )acin" the evelopment o) PPP pro0ects in +arnata8a5 *r' &avi sai that there .as a lac8 o) clarit$ on .hat .as o))ere b$ the "overnment an the eJpectations o) the private sector' Ae )elt that a proper un erstan in" o) the roles an responsibilities o) both the public an private sectors .as reKuire to carr$ the PPP pro0ects )or.ar ' Da8hina +anna a .hich is popularl$ 8no.n as P,ultural ,apital o) +arnata8a state5 is contributin" an $et to contribute si"ni)icantl$ to the tourism prosperit$ o) this state' ItOs a istrict in the state one can )in .i e variet$ o) natural an cultural attractions' In spite o) all these treasures the istrict has5 a mere lac8 o) channeliBin" to.ar s utilit$ maJimiBation o) tourism potentials is seen throu"hout the istrict'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

Aere is the actual role )or tourism entrepreneurs to act e))ectivel$ an .isel$ )or eJplorin" an )acilitatin" the vast tourism resources in the istrict' 3he istrict is "ettin" the services o) too man$ entrepreneurs shattere at i))erent spheres such as accommo ation5 travel a"enc$ an tour operators5 caterin" an other "roun han lers' It is assume b$ the researchers that tourism entrepreneurs in "eneral an entrepreneurs in Da8shina +anna a in particular tr$ to survive in an unhealth$ environment cause b$ man$ )actors' "5;e2tive, o7 t6e Stud:' In the vie. o) the above bac8 rop5 the researchers have un erta8en this stu $ to achieve the )ollo.in" ob0ectives: 1' 3o eJamine the role o) tourism entrepreneurs in the "ro.th o) the tourism in ustr$ in "eneral an to anal$se the opportunities an challen"es o) tourism entrepreneurs in Da8shina +anna a istrict in +arnata8a in particularM an 2' 3o recommen valuable strate"ies in or er to overcome the challen"es an to enable "ro.th o) tourism entrepreneurs in the state o) +arnata8a' ouri,4 Entre3reneur, and Entre3reneur,6i3 De7ined' 3he ultimate "ro.th an evelopment o) an$ countr$ or state or in ustr$ epen s on the rate o) investment .hich is put in' #ven thou"h the investment criteria are eci e b$ the state5 it shoul have proportionate share in all sectors o) an econom$' It is ver$ clear that this investment balancin" is onl$ possible throu"h the public-private partnership enablin" more an more entrepreneurs to "et into the entrepreneurial mar8et' JEntre3reneur,F are the central pillars o) an$ economic sector aroun .hich the entire in ustr$ is bein" built' 3he e))ectiveness an eJistence o) entrepreneurs are eci e b$ the t$pe o) internal an

eJternal business environment prevails in the econom$' 3he situation is not i))erent in the case o) entrepreneurs in tourism in ustr$ also' Investors are al.a$s in search o) )ertile an )avourable lan to "ro. their "rains o) investment an creatin" a suitable environment is a challen"e )or most o) the economic sectors in our countr$'

:n entre3reneur is a ris8 ta8er .ho has a hi"h nee o) achievement5 stron" pre)erence )or innovation5 emplo$s anal$sis an lo"ic in problem solvin" an establishes a istinctive competenc$ )or the enterprise' 2,arlan D -thers 4
#ntrepreneurship re)ers to an in ivi ualNs abilit$ to turn i eas into action' It inclu es creativit$5 sense o) initiative5 innovation an ris8 acceptance5 as .ell as the abilit$ to plan an mana"e pro0ects in or er to achieve ob0ectives' In a broa sense5 entrepreneurship shoul be consi ere as a min set that can be use)ull$ applie in all .or8in" activities an in li)e' 3here)ore5 entrepreneurship is a 8e$ competence )or all' :ccor in" to /ibb D :llan 2200(45 to some people the meanin" o) entrepreneurial culture is maJimiBin" the potential )or in ivi uals to start business an to others it means maJimiBin" the potential )or in ivi uals an in all aspects o) li)e to behave entrepreneuriall$' #ntrepreneurship is e)ine as the opportunistic value riven5 value a in" ris85 acceptin" creative activit$ .here i eas ta8e the )orm o) or"anisational birth5 "ro.th or trans)ormation 27ir :1<9<5 *a huri sa.ant D &a0esh &a" e:20114 Q3ourism #nterprisesO re)er to the i))erent )orms o) tourist relate business ventures permitte .ithin the National ,onstitution' !i8e an$ other enterprise5 tourism enterprises are also business ventures havin" similar preparative principles5 but .or8in" on a ver$ .i e scale 2S'S +han8a: 20114' Sinclair an Stabler 21<<;4 have e)ine the tourism enterprise as Pa composition o) pro ucts involvin" transport5 accommo ation5 caterin"5 natural resources5 entertainment an other )acilities an


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

services5 such as shops an ban8s an other tour operatorsR 2S'S +han8a: 20114' : Qtourism entrepreneurO ma$ be e)ine as a person or a "roup o) persons pro ucin" an mana"in" tourism pro ucts' In this process5 the entrepreneur must have the commonl$ prescribe entrepreneurial traits alon" .ith service sector specialties 2S'S +han8a: 20114' Entre3reneurial "33ortunitie,' In ia has emer"e as one o) the )astest lea in" travel5 tourism5 aviation an hospitalit$ po.ers in the .orl ' 3ravel D 3ourism has become one o) the most po.er)ul an $namic sectors o) the In ian econom$ in the past )e. $ears' Aoli a$s have move up in Nspen in"N priorit$5 mostl$ In ian tourists spen on 3ravel5 Aotels5 Shoppin"5 1oo an !eisure' :lmost 100 million In ians are pro)essionals or entrepreneurs' In ia is one o) the lar"est contributors in evelopin" an attractive outboun mar8et in the @orl ' In ia has receive 6'2< million )orei"n tourists in the $ear 2011 .ith a "ro.th rate o) 9'<G an 3'2= million international tourists visite In ia bet.een Jan-Jun 2012' :s one o) the bi""est mar8ets5 the number o) outboun travelers in In ia is increasin" ever$ $ear an continuousl$ recor e much stron"er "ro.th' In ians are "enerous an the$ are "oo spen ers' :s per the account5 1='21 million In ian nationals visite other countries in the $ear 2011 .ith a "ro.th rate o) <'=D correspon in" to 12'<< million in 2010' &eco"niBin" the tremen ous potentials in outboun In ian tra))ic5 numerous International an National 3ourism -r"aniBationsS7oar s increase their mar8etin" an promotions an openin" their branches in In ia' In other .or s5 In ia is the QAotspotO )or )orei"n tourists' 3he ,entral an State 3ourism DepartmentsS /overnments e))orts pla$e a lea in" role in increasin" the tourist arrivals' It is also ver$ pertinent to mention that a ver$ lar"e number o) omestic tourists

travelle to various statesS estinations in In ia' 3he omestic tourism in the countr$ has seen phenomenal eJplosion' :ccor in" to *inistr$ o) 3ourism 2*-345 9(0'96 million In ian people visite various estinations in In ia in the $ear 2011 .ith a "ro.th rate o) 13'9G correspon in" to ;=;';0 million omestic visits in 2010' #ver$ corner o) In ia o))ers somethin" more than that eJpecte 5 i) $ou can )in $oursel) at the ri"ht place at the ri"ht time' In ia in "eneral an +arnata8a in particular is a "ol en mine )or the tourism entrepreneurs to be"in their 0ourne$ .ith multiple o))erin"s' It is the place .here ever$ one o) the entrepreneurs can come up .ith their specialiBe services as it contains everlastin" tourism resources both tappe an untappe ' Met6odolo-: Ado3ted' 3he researchers have use both primar$ an secon ar$ metho s o) ata collection to ra. the conclusions o) this stu $' :s part o) collectin" primar$ ata irectl$ )rom i))erent entrepreneurs o) tourism in ustr$5 a sel)-structure Kuestionnaire .as istribute urin" this $ear amon" (0 entrepreneurs runnin" i))erent businesses such as travel a"encies5 tour operations5 accommo ation units etc' 3his trul$ helpe the researchers to eJamine an un erstan the opportunities an problems o) the respon ents as the$ thrive to.ar s success' 3he researchers have use a "oo amount o) secon ar$ ata also to ma8e an in- epth stu $ about the recent evelopments in the tourism in ustr$ an its role in buil in" a state in terms o) )orei"n eJchan"e earnin"s an emplo$ment creation' Secon ar$ ata also enable to "ather in)ormation about the entrepreneurs in "eneral an tourism entrepreneurs in particular' Anal:,i, o7 Data and Inter3retation' Aere5 the ata "enerate b$ the researchers throu"h a structure Kuestionnaire is


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

anal$Be 8eepin" in vie. the ob0ectives o) the stu $5 .ith the help o) )e. tables' 1' -ut o) the total (0 respon ents5 90G a"ree that Da8shina +anna a is a hi"h pro)ile tourist estination havin" .i e opportunit$ )or "ro.th .here as 20G isa"ree to the statement' 2' -) the units chosen )or stu $ area are5 either ne.l$ starte 2=6G4 or inherite 230G4 or purchase an eJistin" business )rom someone 222G4 or lease 22G4 )or a stipulate perio ' @ith respect to the business nature ==G o) the establishments .ere proprietorship5 30G .ere partnership an 26G )unction as private lt ' )irms' 3' 3he response re"ar in" the $ears o) eJperience o) the entrepreneurs5 16G o) them have less than ( $ears o) eJperience5 2=G acKuire (-10 $ears o) eJperience5 36G have "ot

11-1( $ears o) eJperience an the percent o) respon ents "aine more than 16 $ears o) eJperience are 2=G onl$'

=' -ut o) the anal$sis o) the ata5 it is reveale that 36G o) the entrepreneurs have one sel) )inancin" )or their business5 12G o) them have "ot some /ovt' ai an (2G o) respon ents have epen e on ban8 loans' (' @ith re"ar to the problems or challen"es )ace b$ the entrepreneurs5 16G o) the entrepreneurs )ace )inancial problems .hen runnin" the business5 1(G o) the entrepreneurs )ace problem o) )in in" suitable location5 =0G o) the entrepreneurs )ace severe competition an 29G o) the entrepreneurs )ace problem .ith /ovt' re"ulations .hen settin" up an runnin" the business'

a5le#1 Re,3on,e o7 ouri,4 Entre3reneur, a5out o33ortunitie, and C6allen-e, S.N 1' State4ent A-ree >K? 90 6= 62 90 66 ;2 (0 30 ;0 9= ;6 Di,a-ree >K? 20 36 39 20 3= 29 (0 ;0 30 16 2= otal >K? 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

D'+ is a hi"h pro)ile tourist estination havin" .i e opportunit$ )or "ro.th 2' Ina eKuate evelopment an *ar8etin" o) the estination 3' Prior .or8 eJperience is a prereKuisite to start a business =' Shorta"e o) able an e icate emplo$ees is a ma0or concern (' Ai"h emplo$ee rotation is a bi" challen"e 6' 1ace problem o) )un in" ;' Proper encoura"ement D promotion )rom the /overnment 9' : eKuate )inancial support )rom the /overnment <' &i"i D ,omplicate approval an !icensin" proce ures b$ authorities 10' Nee )or simpli)ie ocumentation )ormalities b$ the /ovt' 11' Ai"h taJ rate e- motivate the investors Source: Personal Surve$ 3he above table clearl$ portra$s the response o) the tourism entrepreneurs as to .hat percenta"e o) respon ents have a"ree

or isa"ree to the statements pertainin" to their business' 3he )in in"s o) the stu $ are


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

)ull$ base on the ata anal$sis an interpretation one above b$ the researchers' Ma;or =indin-, o7 t6e Stud:'

;' *a0orit$ o) the respon ents are

reall$ loo8in" )or a simpli)ie accre itation proce ures an a reasonable taJ rate )or the e))icient an e))ective "ro.th o) this in ustr$'

1' It is )oun

in the stu $ that the istrict o) Da8shina +anna a is a hi"h pro)ile tourist estination havin" .i e opportunit$ )or "ro.th' +anna a lac8s in)rastructural an mar8etin" evelopment strate"ies to be place .ell in the tourist map' that prior .or8 eJperience in the concerne area is a prereKuisite to start a business' It .oul be so i))icult )or the )reshers 2ineJperience 4 to survive in a ne. mar8et environment' e icate .or8 )orce in tourism in ustr$ is consi ere as one o) the "reatest challen"es b$ most o) the respon ents' @hen this problem is couple .ith hi"h emplo$ee rotation o))ers a real tou"h time to the tourism entrepreneurs o) the sample area' i))icult in )un in" their business' *aJimum number o) them epen s on ban8 loans .hich the$ nee to un er"o so man$ te ious proce ures to "et it sanctione ' thou"h "overnment epartment provi es bit o) incentives an "ui ance to the entrepreneurs5 severe competitions an strict le"islation )rom the "overnment )or obtainin" a varieties o) approvals an licenses reall$ ma8es the in ustr$ less pro)itable an attractive'

9' 3he sample area reKuires more

involvement )rom the si e o) the "overnment to promote alrea $ eJplore attractions an to tap maJimum tourism resources o) this re"ion' :s per to a$Os situation "overnment involvement remains onl$ as tourism policies .ithout much practice' Strate-ie,' In or er to overcome the problems an challen"es )ace b$ the entrepreneurs5 the researchers5 "ui e b$ the empirical enKuir$5 have put )orth the )ollo.in" strate"ies' 1' Development o) a tourism master plan )or the istrict b$ involvin" tourism entrepreneurs o) this re"ion to ma8e it reall$ an Q:mal"amO estination in the state' Plan implementation coul be better one throu"h Public Private-Partnership 2PPP4 mo el .hich paves the .a$ )or all sorts o) tourism entrepreneurs to "ro. their level best'

2' Da8shina

3' It is un erstoo

=' Shorta"e o) able an

(' 3ourism entrepreneurs )in

2' /overnment coul "ive approval )or

more tourism an hospitalit$ trainin" institutes throu"h .hich the a eKuate number o) tourism pro)essionals can be supplie ' 3his .oul surel$ help our entrepreneurs to evelop their business horiBon to an$ eJtent'

6' #ven

3' 1inance is consi ere

to be the li)ebloo o) an$ business an tourism business can be no eJception to it' : special )un in" polic$ )or tourism pro0ects shoul be a opte b$ the state so that tourism entrepreneurs coul per)orm


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

better in brin"in" more an more tourists )rom an outsi e the countr$'

=' :s .e coul

realiBe a clear ne"li"ence o) mar8etin" an promotion net.or8 in the stu $ area5 this aspect o) evelopment shoul be )rame b$ inclu in" most e))ective an a vance promotional tools li8e roa sho.s5 travel mart5 conventions etc' re"ulations )or approval an accre itation must be simpli)ie alon" .ith re ucin" the tourist taJ in the state' 3he ne. investors in the in ustr$ shoul be "iven some taJ rebate up to certain $ears' !i8e QSpecial #conomic TonesO2S#T45 In ia can i enti)$ an eclare QSpecial 3ourism TonesO 2S3T4 in the stu $ re"ion eJclusivel$ to evelop an promote tourism in ustr$' o) )ollo.in" a mass mar8etin" strate"$ b$ the entrepreneurs o) this re"ion5 the$ can specialiBe in various t$pes o) tourism pro ucts since me ical tourism5 )arm tourism an e ucational tourism has .i e scope o) evelopment in the istrict' /overnment in collaboration .ith the private sector nee s to improve the in)rastructures an accessibilit$ o) the re"ion to )etch more an more tourists to this area'

!et us not onl$ emphasiBe on Kualit$ emplo$ees but our econom$ reKuires creative emplo$ers also to pull the chain o) evelopment )or.ar ' Re7eren2e, ' 1' 7eBbaruah *'P 21<<<4: In ian 7e$on the *illennium'5 /$an publishin" Aouse5 Ne. Delhi' 2' /ibb5 :llan' 2200(4: 3o.ar s the #ntrepreneurial ?niversit$: #ntrepreneurship # ucation as a !ever )or ,han"e'5 National ,ouncil )or /ra uate #ntrepreneurship5 ?+' Polic$ Paper U 003' InY Ven8ata &ao D / an0ene$a S.am$ 2# s'4: 3ourism #ntrepreneurship #Jcel 7oo8s5 Ne. Delhi5 pp-233-23<' 3' A' Nan an 2200;4: 1un amentals o) #ntrepreneurship5 Practice Aall o) In ia Pvt' !t '5 Ne. Delhi' =' *a huri Sa.ant D &a0esh &a" e 220114: #ntrepreneurship in *e ical 3ourism' In Y Ven8ata &ao D / an0ene$a S.am$ 2# s'45 3ourism #ntrepreneurship #Jcel 7oo8s5 Ne. Delhi' pp-162-16<' (' ,arlan 5 J' @: ,arlan 5 J' :' an Pearce5 J' @' 21<<(4: Q&is8-ta8in" Propensit$ :mon" #ntrepreneurs5 Small 7usiness -.ners5 an *ana"ersO' Journal o) 7usiness an #ntrepreneurship: ;15 pp 1(-23' 6' S'S +han8a 220114: Developin" 3ourism #ntrepreneurship in In ia: Perspectives an Prospects' In Y Ven8ata &ao D / an0ene$a S.am$ 2# s'45 3ourism #ntrepreneurship #Jcel 7oo8s5 Ne. Delhi5 pp-<-<' ;' Joseph P'D D Pa88eerappa' P 220114: 3ourism # ucation to.ar s #ntrepreneurship' In Y Ven8ata &ao D / an0ene$a S.am$ 2# s'45 3ourism #ntrepreneurship #Jcel 7oo8s5 Ne. Delhi5 pp-(1-(;'

(' 3he rules an

6' Instea

Con2lu,ion,' 3he stren"th o) an$ sector or econom$ is etermine b$ the number o) entrepreneurs an their enterprises sprea across the countr$Sstate' 3ourism in ustr$5 one o) the vital pla$ers in the .orl econom$ is also not i))erent in this concern' :ll state economies shoul create a )avorable an health$ environment to ta8e out )ull a vanta"es o) their tourism entrepreneurs'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

9' :, Nielson5 Ne. Delhi 220064: ,ollection o) Domestic 3ourism Statistics )or the State o) +arnata8a' In annual 1inal &eport submitte *inistr$ o) 3ourism 2*ar8et &esearch Division4 /overnment o) In ia' <' /upta :sha 220094: #ntrepreneurial ?niversit$: In iaOs &esponse' In &esearch D -ccasional Paper Series: ,SA#'2'09'&etreive )rom http:SScshe'ber8ele$'e u Paper Presente to the International ,on)erence Q+no.le "e Innovation an the #ntrepreneurial ?niversit$'O -r"aniBe b$ the ,olle"e o) # ucation5 The0ian" ?niversit$ an @orl ?niversit$ Net.or8 2@?N4 2-(5 :pril 200;5 Aan"Bhou5 ,hina'

10' @33,5 20125 3ravel D 3ourism#conomic Impact 20125 @orl ' ...'.ttcii'or"5 accesse on 10'9'1013 11' @33,5 20125 3ravel D 3ourism#conomic Impact 20125 :sia Paci)ic' &etrieve )rom ...'.ttcii'or"5 accesse on 10'9'1013 12' D-35 /overnment o) In ia5 20115 In ia 3ourism Statistics at a /lance' ...'tourism'"ov'in5 accesse on (9-2013 13' +arnata8a 3ourism: Poise )or "ro.th5 2009' &etrieve )rom ...'eJpresstravel.orl 'com5 accesse on (-;-2013



Aave $ou notice the risin" chorus in the mana"ement literature proclaimin" that .or8 must have meanin"V 3his is a ver$ positive evelopment5 because .or8 is a hu"e part o) li)e5 an meanin" in li)e is not 0ust a Fnice-to-haveF' @e nee it in the .a$ .e nee oJ$"en' 3here are )e. thin"s more li)e-enrichin" an li)eprolon"in" in human eJperience than a sense o) meanin"''' 7ut ho. man$ people trul$ eJperience their .or8 as meanin")ulV 1rom m$ eJperience con uctin" research5 teachin" an spea8in" in a number o) countries over the last 1( $ears5 I can attest that lar"e numbers o) people o not' :cross all manner o) occupations5 )rom "as station atten ants to investment ban8ers5 surve$s reveal the numbers o) people )ailin" to )in meanin" in .hat the$ o' So .hat i) $ou .or8 in a place .here mana"ement is una.are or unconcerne that it coul o more to in)use the ail$ "rin .ith a hi"her sense o) purposeV You learn to ma8e $our .or8 more meanin")ul $oursel)''' 3he 8e$ is to lin8 $our personal values an motivations to the .or8 $ou per)orm' 3o o this5 pa$ close attention to the elements o) $our .or8 that $ou )in ener"isin" an )ul)illin"''' !oo8 )or opportunities to ma8e an authentic connection .ith the people .ho bene)it )rom $our .or8' Invest some ener"$ in evelopin" positive relationships .ith others .ho contribute to the same .or8 results $ou care about an )in ener"isin"' %rom &'a e (our )or 'ore 'eaningful&


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


ARUNAVA PRAHARAJI EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE A0S RAC *o-operative occupies an important position in Indian %inancial $ystem and ta es a pivotal role in the rural credit delivery system in India. +ecause of the agrarian nature of Indian Economy *ooperative has advanced more credit to agricultural sector in comparison to other financial institutions. It plays a very significant role in ,ural and -rban financing. +eing the middle tier of the *ooperative *redit $tructure, "**+s are functionally positioned to deal with the concerns of both the upper .$*+/ and lower .0A*$/ tiers. In this context, the present study attempted to assess the performance of "**+s in )est +engal. The basic ob1ective of the study was to examine the growth through selective indicators, analyze credit-deposit ratio, and study the growth of investment, wor ing capital and cost of management position of "**+s. This study is mainly based on secondary data collected from 2%$*3+ reports, ,+I bulletin and other published 1ournals relating to *o-operative ban ing sector. %rom the above study it is suggested to the 4overnment should formulate specific policies for the overall growth and development of "**+s in west +engal. "**+s should also try to adopt modern and sophisticated technologies and customer friendly policies to face competition efficiently and successfully with commercial ban s. 9E!W"RDS' State Co#o3erative 0an8 >SC0?A Pri4ar: A-ri2ultural Credit Co# o3erative So2ietie, >PACS?A Di,tri2t Central

Coo3erative 0an8, >DCC0,?A National =ederation o7 State Co#o3erative 0an8, Ltd. >N=SC"0?A Intere,t.

1. Introdu2tion o7 2o#o3erative 5an8, In ia is a evelopin" countr$ )acin" a number o) problems5 such as the population eJplosion5 lo. pro uctivit$5 ineKualities5 lo. livin" stan ar s5 in)lation an so on' In ia consistin" o) 16G o) the .orl Os population sustains onl$ on 2'=G o) lan resource' :"ricultural sector is the onl$ source o) livelihoo to the t.o-thir s o) its population .hich "ives emplo$ment to the (;G o) .or8 )orce an is a source o) ra. materials to a lar"e number o) in ustries' :)ter 66 $ears o) in epen ence5 ta8in" into concern these problems5 the "ro.th o) the In ian econom$ is rather slo.' 1or the solution an )or rapi economic evelopment5 it .as necessar$ to a opt miJe econom$ as the economic s$stem )or the balance "ro.th o) public an private sector to"ether .ith a ma0or role )or cooperative societies to contribute their nit in the process o) economic evelopment' In the


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

conteJt o) "lobaliBation o) rural evelopment perspectives5 a evelopin" countr$ li8e In ia nee s to evote "reater attention to.ar s rural evelopment' ,o-operative movement has been reco"niBe as an e))ective instrument )or the economic evelopment o) the rural masses an )or improvement in the socio-economic con ition o) the poor' In In ia co-operation became a part o) national polic$ an hence the In ian co-operative movement is sometimes ironicall$ escribe not as a movement but onl$ as a pro uct o) "overnment polic$' 3he co-operative movement in In ia .as basicall$ or"aniBe a"ainst the mone$len ers to save )armers )rom the clutches o) the povert$ an in ebte ness' 3he nee )or a"ricultural cre it throu"h co-operatives .as )elt because o) rural in ebte ness' 3hus the In ian co-operative movement .as initiate b$ the /overnment' 3he ,o-operative *ovement in In ia is as ol as more than a hun re $ears' Initiall$5 the co-operative movement .as starte .ith a limite scope o) activities o) rural cre it but over the $ears it has several achievements to its cre it in almost all the sectors o) the economic activities li8e a"ricultural cre it5 istribution o) a"ricultural inputs5 provi in" mar8et support5 processin"5 etc .ith social essence' 7ecause o) the a"rarian nature o) In ian #conom$ ,o-operative has a vance more cre it to a"ricultural sector an pla$s a ver$ si"ni)icant role in &ural an ?rban )inancin"' 3he ,o-operative ban8in" s$stem has a three tier structure5 .ith State ,o-operative 7an8 2S,74 at State level or :peJ level5 District ,entral ,o-operative 7an8 2D,,74 at District S interme iate level an Primar$ :"ricultural ,re it ,o-operative Societies 2P:,S4 comprisin" o) the rural mar"inal )armers at the villa"e level' ?n er this three tier institutional structure5 the D,,7s provi e an operational lin8a"e bet.een the :peJ level an the P:,S comprisin" o) the ultimate bene)iciaries i'e'5 the mar"inal rural )armers in a vancin" loans5 acceptin"

eposits5 collection o) cheKues an various other ban8in" services' 7ein" the mi le tier o) the ,o-operative ,re it Structure5 D,,7s are )unctionall$ positione to eal .ith the concerns o) both the upper 2S,74 an lo.er 2P:,S4 tiers' 3his ver$ o)ten puts the D,,7 in a position o) balancin" competin" concerns' @hile the S,7 ma$ .ish the D,,7 to prioritiBe its tas8 in a particular manner in one han 5 the P:,S ma$ have their o.n eman s on the D,,7 on the other' 7alancin" these competin" concerns coul o)ten be a ilemma )or the D,,7s' :t present5 there are 3;1 D,,7s operatin" in In ia .ith 13262 branches inclu in" Aea -))ices' 3he :ll In ia &ural ,re it Surve$ ,ommittee 21<(1-(=4 recommen e in its report that there .oul be one ,entral ,o-operative 7an8 in each District' In @est 7en"al thou"h there are 1< Districts at present5 onl$ 1= o) those Districts are bein" serve b$ 1; D,,7s as the ,entral 1inancin" :"encies .ith a net.or8 o) 2;= branches' In terms o) pro)itabilit$ o) those ban8s as reveale b$ the publishe ata o) N:1S,-75 it is )oun that some o) the ban8s are per)ormin" consistentl$ .ell5 .hile some others are not per)ormin" satis)actoril$' :)ter the intro uction o) Neo #conomic polic$ in In ia in 1<<1 as a part o) total re)orms in the service sector5 /ovt' o) In ia set up Narsimham ,ommittee 21<<14 eJclusivel$ )or loo8in" into the matter o) 7an8in" Sector &e)orms )ollo.e b$ several other eJpert committees such as Pa amanabhan ,ommittee 21<<(45 3arapore ,ommittee 21<<;45 +annan ,ommittee 21<<945 7asel committee 21<<9 an revise in 200145 +apoor ,ommittee 21<<94 an Verma ,ommittee 21<<<4 urin" the last t.o eca es an the$ have su""este i))erent measures )or revival an "ro.th o) ,o-operative ban8s' In :u"ust5 200= 2 urin" the 1st ?P: re"ime4 the /ovt' o) In ia )orme a 3as8 1orce un er the ,hairmanship o) Pro)' :' Vai $anathan' Ao.ever5 ,o-operative ban8s have ma e a commen able pro"ress in eJten in" their "eo"raphical sprea an )unctional reach


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

almost at par .ith the NationaliBe 7an8s5 in spite o) various a verse situations li8e hu"e ecline in pro uctivit$ an e))icienc$5 erosion o) pro)itabilit$5 irrecoverable ebts an increase o) unviable branches' ,ooperative ban8s are also )acin" tou"h challen"e in cut-throat competitive cre it environment' Public sector ban8s are no. eJten in" their business reachin" out last mile o) rural areas' Public sector ban8s have a .i e popularit$ .ith ,7S D :3* )acilities5 no political inter)erences in boar mana"ementM on the other han ,ooperative ban8s have no such a vanta"es' 3he present stu $ is an attempt to assess the per)ormance o) District ,entral ,ooperative 7an8s in @est 7en"al' (. Review o7 literature S6ar4aA N. 9.A >1&D+? con ucte a stu $ on short term a"ricultural cre it o) &a0astan ,,7' Ae conclu e that the central cooperative ban8s shoul re- esi"n their loan policies )or the evelopment o) ban8s an loan shoul be "iven in installments' Ae )urther su""este there to 8eep a proper lin8a"e bet.een a vancin" an repa$ment o) loans in the sho.in" an harvestin" seasons' Jo6n Win7redA A.A >1&&$? in his stu $ anal$Be the causes o) over ue o) 16 D,,7s in 3amil Na u )or a perio o) t.elve $ears 21<;0-;1 to 1<91-924' Ae )oun that there is a hu"e amount o) over ues ue to slac8ness in recover$ o) loans' Ae su""este provi in" interest rate rebate as a re.ar )or prompt repa$ment o) loans an improvin" recover$ per)ormance' 6iru3ati RaoA V.A >1&&+? anal$Be the )inancial mana"ement o) Sri8a8ulam D,,7 an )oun that this ban8 has )aile to observe the )inancial iscipline li8e borro.in"s5 len in"5 an investments' 3he ban8 has eJperience a e)icit in the maintenance o) reKuire cash throu"hout the stu $ perio 2i' e' 1<90-91 to 1<<2-<34'JainA >($$1? in his stu $ on comparative per)ormance anal$sis o) District ,entral ,ooperative 7an8s 2D,,7s4 o) *aharashtra5 /u0arat an &a0asthan )oun that &a0asthan

have per)orme better as compare to /u0arat an *aharashtra in terms o) pro)itabilit$ an liKui it$' Mi,raA 0. S.A >($$C? in his stu $ consi ere recover$ per)ormance o) the P:,S as the most suitable in icators o) their per)ormance' :s membership siBe has "ro.n over the $ears in case o) the P:,S5 their recover$ has ta8en a beatin" because peer pressure5 .hich ensures recover$5 has "ra uall$ .ea8ene 'S6a6A D.A >($$*? con ucte a stu $ in )or.ar an bac8.ar istricts o) *aharashtra' 3he stu $ reveale eterioration in )inancial health o) ,entral level ,re it ,o-operatives ue to raisin" NP:s or over ues' In or er to revitaliBe the rural cre it s$stem throu"h co-operatives there shoul be control over the hi"h transaction cost5 poor recover$ per)ormance5 an NP:s' 3o re uce transaction costs or ensure better repa$ment per)ormance5 he ha su""este lin8in" o) Sel)-Aelp /roups 2SA/s4 an Non-/overnment -r"aniBations 2N/-s4 .ith mainstream )inancial institutions' C6anderA R. an C6andelA J. 9.A >($1$? in their article anal$Be the )inancial e))icienc$ an viabilit$ o) D,,7s in Aar$ana an )oun poor per)ormance o) the ban8 on pro)itabilit$5 liKui it$5 solvenc$5 e))icienc$ an ris8 mana"ement parameters' 3he results reveale that ban8s per)orme better on one parameter but .ea8en on other' 3he$ ha su""este ban8 shoul chan"e their vision an brin" competitiveness to rescue )rom )inancial mismana"ement an un erutilisation o) resources' Len-areA 9.0.A >($11? in his article conclu e D,,7s are runnin" .ith si"ni)icant "ro.th in terms o) )inancial parameters thou"h their per)ormance is eterioratin" over the perio o) stu $' 3o improve their )inancial per)ormance5 the recover$ per)ormance .as emphasiBe throu"h improvement o) a"ricultural process' ). "5;e2tive, o7 t6e ,tud: 1ollo.in" are the ob0ectives o) m$ stu $ C


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

i4 3o eJamine the "ro.th o) D,,7s in @est 7en"al throu"h selective in icators ii4 3o anal$Be the Deposit5 ,re its an ,SD &atios o) D,,7s' iii4 3o stu $ the "ro.th o) investment b$ D,,7s in @est 7en"al iv4 3o un erstan the .or8in" capital an cost o) mana"ement position in D,,7s' %. Re,ear26 4et6odolo-: +. Li4itation, o7 t6e ,tud:

@or8in" ,apital5 ,ost *ana"ement5 an Investments'






S-URCES "= DA A 3his stu $ is mainl$ base on secon ar$ ata' 3he secon ar$ ata on various )inancial aspects o) the District ,entral ,o-operative 7an8s in @est 7en"al .ere collecte )rom National 1e eration o) State ,ooperative 7an8s !t 2N1S,-74 reports5 &7I bulletin an other .eb sites5 papers5 boo8s an 0ournals relatin" to ,o-operative ban8in" sector' ""LS USED ="R ANAL!SIS "= DA A' 1or anal$sis o) the ata5 various statistical tools li8e *in5 *aJ5 *ean5 S'D5 ,'V5 3ren anal$sis have been use ' PERI"D "= HE S UD! 3he perio o) the stu $ has been ta8en )rom the )inancial $ear o) 2001-2002 to 2010-2011' 3he )inancial $ear starts )rom 1st a$ o) :pril o) a $ear an en s on 31st a$ o) *arch o) neJt $ear' SAMPLE DESIGN 3his paper is an attempt to stu $ the )inancial per)ormance o) the D,,7s' 3hese ban8s .ere purposel$ selecte )or the stu $5 8eepin" in vie. their role an involvement in shapin" the economic con ition5 especiall$ in terms o) Number o) ban8s5 7ranch o))ices5 *embership5 #mplo$ees5 Deposits5 ,re its5 ,D &atios5

Some o) the ma0or unavoi able imitations in the present stu $ are as )ollo.in": i4 3he ata collecte )or the present stu $ is entirel$ secon ar$ in nature' So the stu $ carries all the limitations inherent to the secon ar$ ata' 3his stu $ is )ull$ base on the annual reports o) the ban8s an reports publishe b$ N:1S,-7' :ll statistical tools use )or the present stu $ have their usual limitations' 3he present paper stu ies onl$ the avera"e per)ormance o) the District ,entral ,o-operative 7an8s in @est 7en"al' Ao.ever5 the results ma$ not hol "oo eKuall$ in case o) in ivi ual ban8Os stu $' 3he stu $ has been un erta8en onl$ throu"h the anal$sis o) Kuantitative )inancial ata' 3he Kualitative aspects o) the ban8in" sector havin" a si"ni)icant impact on the pro)itabilit$ coul not be incorporate '

ii4 iii4 iv4


C. Anal:,i, :nal$sis re)ers to the computation o) certain measures alon" .ith searchin" )or pattern o) relationship that eJist amon"st the ata "roup' Interpretation re)ers to the tas8 o) ra.in" in)erence


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

)rom the collecte )acts a)ter an anal$tical an S or eJperimental stu $' 3he anal$sis has con ucte usin" secon ar$ ata o) 1; District ,entral ,ooperative ban8s in @est 7en"al .ith their )inancial ata )or a perio o) 10 $ears )rom 2001-02 to 2010-11' 3he etails o) "ro.th o) D,,7s in @est 7en"al are epicte in table-1'

Source; NAFSCOB Reports


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

3:7!# -1 JAMSHED !R RESEAR"H RE#$E% $SSN 2320&2'(0 Growt6 o7 DCC0, in We,t 0en-al No' o) D,,7s No' o) -))ices 3otal *embership 1; 263 22320 1; 263 2263< 1; 263 231;6 1; 26( 2(<0; 1; 290 26136 1; 29( 3;9<< 1; 2;3 3;06; 1; 2;= 3;0;< 1; 2;= 362(< 1; 2;( 363;6 1* (C) (()($ 1* (D+ )*D&& 1* (*( )$%DC $ *.*+ C&((.DC $ (.D+K ((.*1K

Year 2001-02 2002-03 2003-0= 200=-0( 200(-06 2006-0; 200;-09 2009-0< 200<-10 2010-11 Min MaL Mean S.D. CV

Inter3retation' a5le B 1' 3he above a5le#1 reveals the "ro.th o) D,,7s in terms o) number o) ban8s5 -))ices an *embership' In terms o) number o) ban8s5 there is no chan"e )rom 2001 to 2011' 7ut in terms o) number o) o))ices there is a positive )luctuatin" "ro.th eJcept in the $ear o) 200;-09' No' o) o))ices have been ecrease si"ni)icantl$ in that $ear' In case o) membership o) D,,7s5 an increase o) 66'12G is )oun .ith the increase in the number o) membership o) 3;0;< in 2009-0< as compare to 22320 in 2001-02' 3here is a

ecrease in membership in 200<-10 an 2010-11' 1urthermore5 it is )oun that there is almost per)ect positive correlation 2r E W 0'<=4 o) total membership siBe in In ia an @est 7en"al i'e' the tren o) membership siBe in @est 7en"al )ollo. the same pattern .ith the membership siBe o) D,,7s as a .hole in In ia'

A0LE # ( rend o7 Ca3italA Re,erve, and 0orrowin-, o7 DCC0, in We,t 0en-al ,apital &eserves Year :mount 3ren G :mount 3ren G 2001-02 2002-03 2003-0= 200=-0( 200(-06 2006-0; 200;-09 2009-0< 200<-10 2010-11 *in *aJ *ean S'D' ,V (;;0 60<9 62(9 ;1(9 <00< 10<=1 10269 103=< 10;62 112=2 (;;0 112=2 9;9('(0 2226'<1 2('3(G 100 10('69 109'=6 12='06 1(6'1= 19<'62 1;;'<( 1;<'36 196'(2 19='36 N: N: 1(1'21 3;'== N: 1;1(0 19390 1<03( 22=<( 219(1 2((3= 263=2 26<;6 2;;66 29=61 1;1(0 29=61 233<<'00 =1;<'=1 1;'96G 100 10;'1; 110'<< 131'1; 12;'=1 1=9'9< 1(3'60 1(;'2< 161'<0 1(='9( N: N: 13('33 23'0< N:

>R,. in La86? 7orro.in"s :mount 1=00( 1<(02 2160= =0(<1 =9102 60;96 63(<( 62<33 (;;(6 6;((= 1=00( 6;((= =(6=2'90 20=6<';; =='9(G 3ren G 100 13<'2( 1(='26 29<'93 3=3'=6 =3='03 =(='0< ==<'36 =12'=0 3=6'=0 N: N: 312'31 13('<6 N:

SourceM N:1S,-7 &eports

7ase YearM 2001-02 GRAPH B ) rend o7 Ca3italA Re,erve, and 0orrowin-, o7 DCC0,


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Inter3retation' a5le B ( a5le#( sho.s an anal$sis o) the )un s o) D,,7s an their tren in terms o) ,apital5 &eserves an 7orro.in"s' 3he amount o) capital is (;;0 la8h in 2001-025 it "ra uall$ increase an reache to &s' 112=2 la8h in 2010-11 .ith a percenta"e o) <='9= 21<='9=1004' In case o) reserves5 it .as &s 1;1(0 la8h in 2001-02 .here as in 2010-11 it .as recor e &s' 29=61 la8h .ith 6('<(G 216('<(-1004 "ro.th tren ' 3he borro.in"s are collecte b$ the ban8s to meet the short term an lon" term cre it nee s' 3he borro.in"s o) D,,7s in @est 7en"al

urin" the $ear 2001-02 .as &s' 1=00( la8h5 the "ro.th o) borro.in"s sho. )luctuatin" tren accor in" to the cre it nee s o) the ban85 )inall$ the borro.in"s .as recor e &s' 6;((= la8h in the $ear 2010-11 .ith 392'36G 2=92'36-1004 "ro.th' 3he avera"e "ro.th o) ,apital5 &eserves an 7orro.in"s o) D,,7s in @est 7en"al is 1(2'26G5 136'==G an 32('<0G respectivel$' 3he S'D o) capital is 39'(<G5 &eserves are 2='3;G5 an borro.in"s 1=6'16G' 3he variation o) ,apital5 7orro.in"s an &eserves in m$ stu $ perio is 2('3(G5 1;'96G an =='9(G respectivel$'

3:7!# C 3 De3o,it,A Credit, and C/D Ratio o7 DCC0, in We,t 0en-al >R,. in La86? !oans Year Deposits ,SD &atio outstan in" 2001-02 22=269 <3991 =1'96 2002-03 23;301 91;6< 3='=6 2003-0= 2=20;9 931;1 3='36 200=-0( 26261= 109663 =1'39 200(-06 2;1=0< 1=;;=2 (='== 2006-0; 32=;;6 19<0=2 (9'21 200;-09 3(=3(1 212399 (<'<= 2009-0< 361=(= 212<20 (9'<1 200<-10 =1<<2= 22;19< (='10


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2010-11 Min MaL Mean S.D. CV Sour2eM NA=SC"0 Re3ort, Inter3retation' a5le B ) It is reveale )rom a5le#) that urin" the $ear 2001-025 the Deposits are re"istere as &s' 22=269 la8h an it increase to &s'==6611 la8h in 2010-11' 3he mobiliBation o) eposits has been increase

==6611 ((%(CD %%CC11 )1%%*D.C *&1)+.1+ (+.1CK

2==2;9 D1*C& (%%(*D 1C$1$%.) C%(*D.C& %$.1+K 0a,e !earM ($$1#$(

(=';0 )%.)C +&.&% %&.() 1$.1% ($.+&K

"ra uall$ urin" the stu $ perio 5 an the avera"e eposit mobiliBe b$ ban8 is 31==;9'6 la8h' @hereas cre it eplo$ment o) D,,7s in @est 7en"al is 0ust &s' <3991 la8h in 2001-025 it increase to 2'6 times .ith an amount o) &s' 2==2;9 la8h in the $ear 2010-11' 3he avera"e outstan in" loan in the ban8s is &s' 6=2;9'6< la8h'

/&:PA -= De3o,it,A Credit, and C/D Ratio o7 DCC0,

3he proportion o) the ,re it eplo$e to the eposit mobiliBe 5 popularl$ 8no.n as ,SD &atio5 is one o) the Parameters to assess the per)ormance o) a ban8' 3he ,SD &atio o) a ban8 in "eneral5 in icates ho. much o) a ban8Ns core )un s is bein" use )or len in"5 the main ban8in" activit$' : hi"her ratio in icates more reliance on eposits )or

len in" an vice-versa' 3he ,re it Deposit &atios o) D,,7s )rom 2002 to 2011 sho. a )luctuatin" tren ' 3he maJimum ,SD ratio o) the ban8s is (<'<=G in 200;-09 an the minimum ,SD ratio o) 3='36G is recor e in the $ear 2003-0=' 3he avera"e ,SD ratio urin" the stu $ perio is =<'23G .ith a variance o) 20'(<G an S'D is 10'1='

3:7!# - =


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Co,t o7 Mana-e4ent Per E43lo:ee and Co,t o7 Mana-e4ent to Wor8inCa3ital >R,. in La86? @or8in" ,ost o) No' o) ,ost o) *"t ,ost o) *"t to Year ,apital *"t #mplo$ees per #mplo$ee @or8in" ,apital 2001-02 2<109= (0<9 20(1 2'=< 1';( 2002-03 32<3(0 11269 206< ('=( 3'=2 2003-0= 33<33< 10(1( 20;2 ('0; 3'10 200=-0( 3;;=1= 131=3 2031 6'=; 3'=9 200(-06 3<293< 12;(( 2031 6'29 3'2( 2006-0; =;=909 1390< 203; 6';9 2'<1 200;-09 (112;6 19;=( 20=2 <'19 3'6; 2009-0< (1920; 1<1=3 203( <'=1 3'6< 200<-10 (;126; 199<6 2021 <'3( 3'31 2010-11 60<29< 19<3; 201= <'=0 3'11 Min (&1$D% +$&D ($1% (.%& 1.*+ MaL C$&(D& 1&1%) ($*( &.%1 ).C& Mean %%1%D* 1%()1 ($%$.)$ C.&& ).1* S.D. 11$$)+ %C&$ 1D.&( (.)% $.+C CV (%.&(K )(.&CK $.&)K )).%CK 1*.+&K Sour2eM NA=SC"0 Re3ort, 0a,e !earM ($$1#$( Inter3retation' a5le B % ,ost o) *ana"ement o) District ,entral ,ooperative 7an8s inclu es salaries an other operatin" eJpenses' It is a parameter o) the ban8 to measure the e))icienc$' : ecrease in cost o) mana"ement per emplo$ee is a "oo si"n impl$in" that the ban8 is utiliBin" its resources e))ectivel$' I) it increases5 .e can sa$ that the ban8 is not properl$ utiliBin" its resources an the per)ormance o) ban8 is not "oo ' 3he ,ost o) mana"ement o) D,,7s in @est 7en"al is sho.n in a5le#%. It reveals that the cost o) mana"ement per emplo$ee has been increasin" constantl$ over the $ears )rom &s'2'=< la8h 22001-024 to &s' <'=0 la8h 22010-1145 thou"h the maJimum amount o) that ratio is )oun in the $ear o) 2009-0< 2<'=1 la8h4' 3he avera"e cost o) mana"ement is &s'1=230'< la8h an the S'D is =69<'96 .ith a variance o) 32'<6G' @ith re"ar to the percenta"e o) cost o) mana"ement to .or8in" capital5 it has been )luctuatin" )rom 1';(G to 3'6<G urin" the stu $ perio ' 3he minimum percenta"e is recor e in the $ear 2001-02 .ith 1';(G an the maJimum percenta"e is recor e in the $ear 2009-0< .ith 3'6<G'

/&:PA -(


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Inter3retation' a5le B + 3he District ,entral ,o-operative 7an8s have been investin" their )un s in i))erent investment avenues' 3he etails o) investment b$ D,,7s are investment in /ovt' Securities5 other trustee securities5

purchasin" the Debentures o) !an Development 7an8s5 )iJe eposits an other investments' 3he a5le# + epicte "ro.th pattern o) investment b$ D,,7s in @est 7en"al'

3:7!# - ( Growt6 o7 Inve,t4ent 5: DCC0, in We,t 0en-al >R,. in La86? Year 2001-02 2002-03 2003-0= 200=-0( 200(-06 2006-0; 200;-09 2009-0< 200<-10 2010-11 Mean Investment 1=0930 1(23;3 1(6(0( 1=6=19 12<12= 21(3;6 23=92; 2=1=01 2;1(6( 2<2026 1&D$%%.+ 1%$.C) %(.+( )$.(%K 0a,e !earM ($$1#$( G o) /ro.th 100 109'20 111'13 103'<; <1'6< 1(2'<3 166';( 1;1'=1 1<2'93 20;'36

S.D. +&DD$.+D CV )$.(%K Sour2eM NA=SC"0 Re3ort,


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Investment in 2001-02 is &s'1=0930 la8h an it increase "ra uall$ $ear b$ $ear an .as recor e &s'2<2026 la8h in the $ear 2010-11 .ith a "ro.th rate o) 10;'36G 220;'36-100'004' 3he avera"e investment o) the ban8 is 1<90=='( la8h urin" the stu $

perio ' 3he Stan ar la8h an the ,'V is 3he hetero"eneous the $ears sho.s homo"eneit$'

Deviation is (<990'(9 30'2=G .hich is hi"h' ata o) investment over a lo. e"ree o)

/&:PA - 6 Growt6 o7 Inve,t4ent 5: DCC0, in We,t 0en-al

*. Con2lu,ion and ,u--e,tion,' 3he )inancial per)ormance o) the District ,entral ,o-operative 7an8s in @est 7en"al is anal$Be b$ usin" i))erent statistical techniKues' 1rom the above anal$sis5 it is conclu e that there is no chan"e in number o) D,,7s throu"hout the stu $ perio an the no' o) branches sho. a positive tren ' 3he membership in ,o-operatives has been increasin"' 3he capital an reserves increase b$ almost ouble urin" the stu $ perio 5 .ith a nominal percenta"e o) variation' 3he ,o-operative ban8s have been maintainin" on an avera"e =<'23G o) ,SD ratio 2,SD ratio o) D,,7s in In ia is ;9'1(G4 .hich si"ni)ies that the ban8s are havin" surplus amount o) cash' It also in icates that ban8s are not ma8in" )ull use o) their available resources' So it is a vise to the mana"ement to consi er the amount

o) borro.in"s so that the sprea mar"in can be increase ' 3he cost o) mana"ement per emplo$ee is )oun increasin" urin" the stu $ perio ue to increase in cost o) mana"ementM the number o) emplo$ees more or less remains the same urin" the stu $ perio ' 3hus the mana"ement o) D,,7s has to concentrate on cost o) mana"ement' 3he D,,7s have been sho.in" consistent "ro.th in investment' :s ,o-operative ban8s are oin" their business in rural sectors an most o) the customers in rural sector are either illiterate or semi-literate5 there)ore5 to attract more an more customers better customers services li8e Kuic8 isbursement o) loans5 eJplanation o) the terms an con itions o) the eposits an loans5 )illin" up the ocuments etc are to be "iven'


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It is su""este that /overnment shoul )ormulate speci)ic policies an the same shoul be implemente )or the overall "ro.th an evelopment o) District ,entral ,o-operative 7an8s in @est 7en"al' D,,7s shoul also tr$ to a opt mo ern an sophisticate technolo"ies 2li8e :3*s5 ,7S )acilities etc4 an shoul )ormulate customer )rien l$ policies to )ace competition e))icientl$ an success)ull$ .ith commercial ban8s'

RE=ERENCE 1' Sharma5 N' +' 21<9(4: P,entral ,ooperative 7an8s an Short 3erm :"ricultural ,re it 2: case stu $ o) &a0astan4R5 3he ,o-operator5 Vol' XXII5 No' 235 June 2' @in)re 5 :' J' 21<<04: P,re it DelinKuenc$ in District ,entral ,ooperative 7an8s C : stu $ in 3amil Na uR5 In ian ,o-operative &evie.5 Vol' XXVIII5 No' 1 3' &ao5 V' 3' 21<<(4: P1inancial *ana"ement o) the District ,entral ,o-operative 7an8 Sri8a8ulam 2:n hra Pra esh4R5 In ian ,ooperative &evie.5 Vol' XXXII5 No' =5 :pril =' Shah5 D' 2200;45 P1inancial Aealth o) ,re it ,o-operatives in *aharashtraR5 *P&: Paper No' 3<=<5 poste 0;5 November 2012 (' ,han er5 &' an ,han el5 J' +' 220104: P1inancial Viabilit$ an Per)ormance #valuation o) ,ooperative ,re it Institutions in Aar$ana 2In ia4R5 IJ,7& Vol' 15 N15 December

6' Sin"h5 /' an Su8hmani 220114: P:n :nal$tical Stu $ o) Pro uctivit$ an Pro)itabilit$ o) District ,entral ,o-operative 7an8s in Pun0abR5 J71SI& Vol' 15 Issue 3 June ISSN 2231-=299' ;' !en"are5 +' 7' 220114: PDistrict ,entral ,o-operative 7an8s in In ia: :n :ssessmentR5 ISSN No: 2230-;9(05 Vol' I5 Issue C XI5 December 9' +anchu5 3' 220124: PPer)ormance #valuation o) D,,7s In In ia - : Stu $R5 :PJ**&5 ISSN 231<29365 Vol'1 No' 25 -ctober

0""9S 1' Varshn$5 P' N': 7an8in" !a. D Practices5 Sultan ,han D Sons' 2' *ahes.ari5 S' N': Principles o) *ana"ement :ccountin"5 S' ,han D ,ompan$' 3' &a8shit5 P' 220034: 1inancial *ana"ement CSimpli)ie 5 #le"ant Publication5 +ol8ata5 pp10-22 =' :"ar.al5 D' &'220034: 7usiness Statistics5 Vrin a Publications 2P4 !t 5 pp 103-11( (' +othari5 ,' &' 2200(4: &esearch *etho olo"$ C *etho s D 3echniKues5 Ne. :"e International 2P4 !t 5 Publishers5 Ne. Delhi5 pp 132-13= 6' +ul8arni5 P' &' 220104: ,o-operative 7an8in"5 *acmillan Publishers In ia !imite 5 Navi *umbai5 pp ;1229' WE0SI ES 1' ...'rbi'or" 2' ...'na)scrob'or"'in 3' http:SSmpra'ub'uni-muenchen' e YYY


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DR. NILANJANA DE0I EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE A0S RAC Empowering women is one of the most crucial concerns of the 'illennium "evelopment 4oals of the -nited 2ations. Effort are made by 4overnment as well as 243s worldwide to ma e the women fol empowered and aware of their rights. This is deemed necessary because empowered women can contribute substantially towards the development of a nation. 5owever, in spite of best of efforts by all authorities concerned, women are yet to be fully empowered. In this study, it was found that in rural Assam, women are partially empowered and it was possible after women started contributing towards their family income. In fact, $elf 5elp 4roups, 243s, 'icrofinance Institutions etc. came forward for their rescue. )ith a meagre amount of finance provided by these entities, women were able to ta e up various income generating activities and eventually were able to improve their status in the family and the society. 5owever, as far their level of empowerment is concerned, it was found that they en1oy freedom of mobility, economic security, ability to ma e small and large purchases, and participation in the decision-ma ing process of the family. +ut they lac freedom from domination by the family, political and legal awareness and they are lagging behind to some extent when it comes to participation in the society and social issues. Thus, one can say that women in rural Assam are partially empowered. 9e: word,' Wo4en e43ower4entA A,,a4A Mi2ro7inan2e. Introdu2tion 3he term Q.omen empo.ermentO still continues to occup$ a prominent place in public an private polic$ initiatives .orl .i e an is eeme to be the most remar8able )eature in the annals o) the )inal chronicle o) the 20th centur$' 3he term essentiall$ means that .omen have the capabilit$ an po.er to re"ulate their a$to- a$ lives in the social5 political an economic environment' 7ut un)ortunatel$ on most occasions the$ have been sub ue ' Ao.ever5 i) "iven a proper chance5 .omen can use their immense potential an march han -in-han .ith their male counterparts' 3he process o) .omen empo.erment can be consi ere as a silent revolution C a revolution that has chan"e the )acet o) QIn ian .omenO an ushere a ra$ o) hope an vibrant ener"$ ami the ran8s o) .omen o) ever$ class' 3his revolution has sprea an active impulse o) sel) su))icienc$ an .omen )rom ever$ noo8 an corner o) the countr$ came )or.ar to 0oin han s )or the enli"htenment an betterment o) their sisters5 .hich the$ )eel can be achieve b$ pursuin" various income "eneratin" an



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livelihoo promotin" activities' 3hus5 .hen .e tal8 o) Qto a$Os .omanO5 the picture that comes to our min is that o) a .oman5 .ho is evoi o) pre0u ices5 a contributor to.ar s the )amil$ income an an active participant in the ecision-ma8in" process in the )amil$' Ao.ever5 in realit$5 this is not so' In )act5 .omen empo.erment in In ia is still an illusion' 3hou"h the .omen o) North #ast In ia are consi erabl$ better o)) than their counterparts in other parts o) the countr$5 but their participation in the ecision-ma8in" process is almost ne"li"ible' ,ustomar$ la.s prevalent in the countr$ althou"h allo. In ian .omen a certain e"ree o) )ree om but the$ ebar them )rom ecision-ma8in" at the communit$ an villa"e level' It is Kuite si"ni)icant to note that althou"h In ian .omen have been ma8in" an in ispensable contribution to.ar s their )amilies as homema8ers5 such a role is rarel$ appreciate or ac8no.le "e ' *oreover5 the role o) a home-ma8er is non-remunerative' 3here)ore5 so lon" .omen are not )inanciall$ in epen ent or o not ma8e an$ si"ni)icant contribution to.ar s the )amil$ income 2it ma$ be )rom tra itional activities li8e .eavin"5 a"riculture5 rearin" o) cattle or poultr$ etc' on her o.n45 she .oul har l$ en0o$ a role in ecision-ma8in" process in her )amil$' Interestin"l$5 In ian .omen realise it an as such the$ are incline to ta8e up various income "eneratin" activities .ithin the eJistin" constraints' In this conteJt5 various schemes )loate b$ the /overnment as .ell as *icro)inance Institutions5 Non /overnmental -r"anisations an Sel) Aelp /roups pla$ an active role' Small amount o) )inancialS non )inancial "rants )rom these institutions enable .omen )ol8 to pursue various parttime income "eneratin" an livelihoo sustenance activities apart )rom bein" a )ulltime homema8er' *oreover5 micro)inance schemes provi e the much nee e impetus )or pursuin" various livelihoo sustenance activities b$ rural .omen5 .hich has resulte in the rise o) a ne. .or8)orce C the .omen .or8er that is cr$stallisin" into

clarit$' 3hus5 it can be anticipate that .omen empo.erment thou"h an illusion .oul soon become a realit$' Review o7 Literature @omen empo.erment is vie.e as a prereKuisite )or the process o) an$ economic evelopment in a countr$ an even the @orl 7an8 has su""este that empo.erment o) .omen shoul be a 8e$ aspect o) all social evelopment pro"rams 2@orl 7an85 20014' /overnment o) In ia ha been )ormulatin" various policies pertainin" to .omen empo.erment in the countr$ an in In ia5 the $ear 2001 .as observe as Q@omen #mpo.erment YearO' Interestin"l$5 the empo.erment approach .as )irst clearl$ articulate in 1<9( b$ Development :lternatives .ith @omen )or a Ne. #ra 2D:@N4 2Shitole D Deo"iri8ar5 20124' Since the 1<<0Os .omen have been i enti)ie as 8e$ a"ents o) sustainable evelopment an .omenOs eKualit$ an empo.erment are seen as central to a more holistic approach to.ar s establishin" ne. patterns an processes o) evelopment that are sustainable' :ccor in" to +eller an *b.e.e 21<<145 .omenNs empo.erment is a process .hereb$ .omen become able to or"aniBe themselves to increase their o.n sel)reliance5 to assert their in epen ent ri"ht to ma8e choices an to control resources .hich .ill assist in challen"in" an eliminatin" their o.n subor ination' +abeer 21<<<4 e)ines .omenOs empo.erment as the process b$ .hich those .ho have been enie the abilit$ to ma8e strate"ic li)e choices acKuire such abilit$' 3his abilit$ to eJercise choices incorporates three interrelate imensions: resources .hich inclu e access to an )uture claims to both material an social resourcesM a"enc$ .hich inclu es the process o) ecision-ma8in"5 ne"otiation5 eception an manipulationM an achievements that are the .ell-bein" outcomes'


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Stu ies sho.s that .omen in :ssam5 especiall$ in rural areas5 are not eKuall$ empo.ere as their male counterparts an there eJists consi erable "en er ineKualit$ in achievement in i))erent spheres o) li)e' 3he main reasons o) these can be attribute to povert$5 violence an lac8 o) political participation 2/overnment o) :ssam5 20034' Ao.ever5 the con ition o) .omen in other parts o) the countr$ is almost same' In )act5 the avera"e .omen in In ia .ere isempo.ere absolutel$ relative to men an there eJists little chance in her empo.erment over time 2+ishor D /upta5 200=4 but their empo.erment is vie.e as critical )or the ver$ evelopment o) In ia5 as it enhance the Kualit$ an Kuantit$ o) human resources available )or evelopment' "5;e2tive o7 t6e Stud: 3he main ob0ective o) the stu $ is to 8no. .hether .omen in rural :ssam are empo.ere or not a)ter availin" )inancial support )or un erta8in" various income "eneratin" activities' Re,ear26 Met6odolo-: In vie. o) the ob0ective o) the stu $5 ethno"raphic an surve$ research .as un erta8en' :s the stu $ .as base on .omen o) rural :ssam5 emphasis has been "iven on Q)ace to )aceO interactions .ith the respon ents' In- epth open en e intervie.s 2a Kuestionnaire .as use to 8eep the intervie. in trac84 .ere pre)erre ' *oreover5 visits to the respon entsO place o) resi ence )acilitate irect observations on various aspects li8e the respon entsO 8no.le "e5 perspectives5 vie.s5 opinions an most importantl$ her position in the )amil$ as .ell as her role in ecisionma8in" process pertainin" to various issues relate to her an her )amil$' Sa43line26niNue: samplin" techniKue .as samples .ere selecte )rom 3he respon ents .ere selecte ,onvenience a opte an rural :ssam' )rom villa"es

in the istricts o) Darran"5 Jorhat5 +amrup5 !a8himpur5 Sivasa"ar an Sonitpur' Sa43le ,iOe: ;0 2sevent$4 respon ents' Para4eter, o7 wo4en e43ower4ent >E43ower4ent IndeL?' ne o) the #mpo.erment )rame.or8s use in *icro)inance is Aashemi5 Schuler an &ile$Os #mpo.erment In eJ 21<<64' In this stu $5 this In eJ has been use to measure .omen empo.erment in rural :ssam' 3he Intervie. Sche ule 2Kuestionnaire4 .as esi"ne base on the parameters )or measurin" .omen empo.erment as "iven in the #mpo.erment In eJ' 1or each parameter5 a set o) Kuestions .ere use 5 .ei"hts .ere assi"ne to each option 2a"ainst a Kuestion4 an )inall$ b$ usin" a BeroSone approach )or each parameter that )orms the In eJ5 the Q1inal #mpo.erment ScoreO .as obtaine ' =indin-, De4o-ra36i2 and ,o2io e2ono4i2 3ro7ile o7 t6e Re,3ondent,' *a0orit$ o) the respon ents belon"e to the a"e-"roup o) 20C=< $ears5 .ere marrie an mostl$ live in a nuclear )amil$' : )e. respon ents .ere unmarrie an a )e. .ere .i o.e ' Interestin"l$5 ivorce is consi ere as a taboo amon" the rural )ol8s an there .ere no reporte cases o) ivorce amon" the respon ents' *oreover5 the .i o.s .ere )oun to resi e in the resi ence o) their husban Os .ith their chil ren' 3he percenta"e o) respon ents .ho .ere marrie an live .ith their husban an his )amil$ .as ;1'= G' *oreover5 as most o) the respon ents .ere in the a"e "roup o) 20-=< $ears5 the$ are mature enou"h to ma8e their o.n ecisions as .ell as capable o) participatin" in the ecision-ma8in" process in their )amil$ an in villa"eScommunit$ levels' 3he literac$ levels o) )air "en er in rural :ssam sho.e a miJe picture' :lthou"h about 2=G o) the respon ents .ere illiterate


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

but in contrast to this about 23G o) the respon ents i "o to school5 2=G ha passe the 7oar 2,lass 104 eJaminations .hile a ver$ small )raction o) the samples .ere ?n er /ra uates an /ra uates'

earnin" an eJtra income to supplement their )amil$ income5 the$ .ere also able to ischar"e their responsibilities e))icientl$ as home ma8ers also' E43ower4ent level, o7 re,3ondent,' n this stu $5 the Aashemi5 Schuler an &ile$Os #mpo.erment In eJ 21<<64 is use to access the level o) empo.erment o) .omen in rural :ssam' : set o) 9 2ei"ht4 parameters .hich constitutes the #mpo.erment In eJ is use in this stu $' 3he parameters inclu e mobilit$5 economic securit$5 abilit$ to ma8e small purchases5 abilit$ to ma8e lar"e purchases5 involvement in ma0or ecisions5 relative )ree om )rom omination b$ the )amil$5 political an le"al a.areness5 an participation in public protests an campai"nin"' Mo5ilit:' Wmen in rural :ssam en0o$ )ree om o) mobilit$ to a remar8able eJtent but their mobilit$ is con)ine mostl$ to their o.n villa"es' &espon ents atten e meetin"s or"anise b$ Q*ahila SamitiesO an Sel) Aelp /roups in their o.n villa"es on a re"ular basis' Ao.ever5 in man$ situations5 it .as )oun that the$ i not en0o$ complete )ree om o) movement' 1or instance5 man$ respon ents .ere not allo.e to "o to the mar8et or health-care centre or to a theatre alone' 3he$5 ho.ever5 .ere allo.e to "o .ith their chil ren or some relationsS)rien s as a companion'

E2ono4i2 ,u,tenan2e a2tivitie, underta8en 5: t6e Re,3ondent,' @omen5 since a"es5 .ere )oun to evote their time an ener"$ in per)ormin" house-hol chores an .ere havin" ver$ insi"ni)icant role in the ecision-ma8in" process o) their )amil$' :ll the respon ents5 .ho .ere part o) this stu $5 .ere pursuin" various livelihoo sustenance activities' In the process o) earnin" a livelihoo 5 the respon ents availe )inancial "rant 2non )inancial "rant in some cases4 )rom Sel) Aelp /roupsSN/-s' In )act5 support )rom these institutions )acilitate them in pursuin" various livelihoo sustenance activities' he activities un erta8en b$ the respon ents inclu e .eavin" 23;G45 rearin" "oats 26G4 an pi"s 21<G45 )isher$ an poultr$ 26G45 shops an stalls 212G4 an activities li8e sil8 .orm rearin"5 beaut$ parlour etc' *a0orit$ o) the respon ents ha ta8en up .eavin" as an activit$ o.in" to the )act that .eavin" bein" a tra itional activit$ o) :ssamese societ$M the$ alrea $ possesse the necessar$ s8ills an .ere con)i ent that the$ .oul be able to eJcel in this )iel ' *oreover5 .eavin" is an activit$ that can be carrie out .ithout leavin" oneOs house' 3hus5 in this process o)
Para4eter o7 E43ower4ent IndeL Mo5ilit: !e, 1. (. ). %. +. Does she visit the mar8etV Does she visit me ical 1acilitiesV Does she moviesV visit the (9 3; 12 3<

a5le 1' Mo5ilit: o7 Wo4en in rural A,,a4

No 12 33 (9 31 Additional Point, 3; 12 00 1< otal Para4eter S2ore 2(9Z14 W 212Z04 W 3; E <( 23;Z14 W 233Z04 W 12 E =< 212Z14 W 2 (9Z04 W 0 E 12 23<Z14 W 231Z04 W 1< E (9 Avera-e S2ore 1'36 0';0 0'1; 0'93

Does she "o outsi e the villa"e

Criterion' 1 point )or ever$ Q$esO5 plus an a classi)ie as Qempo.ere O'

" AL ).$C itional point i) the respon ent "oes alone' : score o) 3 or better is


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

3he avera"e score obtaine )or the parameter C mobilit$ is 3'065 .hich is sli"htl$ hi"her than the su""este empo.ere score o) 3'00' 3hus5 it can be sai that .omen in rural :ssam en0o$ mobilit$ .ithin as .ell as outsi e their villa"es to a consi erable eJtent' :nother stri8in" )eature that is seen in course o) this stu $ is that )ree om o) movement o) .i o. .as more than the marrie .omen' 3his can be attribute to the )act that circumstances ma e them shoul er the responsibilities o) their )amil$5 .hich compelle them to step outsi e their homes' E2ono4i2 ,e2urit:' 1inancial an non)inancial support )rom N/-sSSel) Aelp /roups helpe the respon ents to pursue various income "eneratin" activities an enable them to be substantial contributors to.ar s their )amil$ income' 7ut un)ortunatel$5 ma0orit$ o) the respon ents

2about =9'6G4 )aile to evelop the habit o) savin" a han )ul that .oul ai to overcome a perio o) )inancial crisis' 3he reason is ue to their economic har ships'-n the other han 5 almost all respon ents possess lan C be it )or a"riculture or )or housin"' 7ut the )amil$ propert$ 2mainl$ lan D buil in"4 is more or less o.ne b$ husban or )ather-inla. o) the respon ent' Interactions reveal that it is customar$ in :ssamese societ$ that a male member inherits the )amil$ propert$' :n insi"ni)icant lot 2about 11'=G45 ho.ever5 o.ne lan in their name' *oreover5 a si"ni)icant percenta"e o) the respon ents o.n some valuables 2those their )amil$ "i)te them at the time o) marria"e an also those the$ have acKuire .ith their savin"s ma e out o) their income "eneratin" activities4' Ao.ever5 man$ o) them ha to sell a part o) those urin" )inancial crisis' 7ut all these happene prior to ta8e up income "eneratin" activities on their o.n'

a5le (' E2ono4i2 ,e2urit: o7 Wo4en in rural A,,a4 Para4eter o7 E43ower4ent IndeL E2ono4i2 ,e2urit: !e, 1' -.nership o) resi ence or lan M 2' -.nership o) an$ pro uctive assetSincomeM 3' Aavin" cash savin"sM =' Aavin" use cash savin"s )or business or mone$-len in"' 09 69 3= 3=

No 62 02 36 36

otal Para4eter S2ore 29Z14 W 262Z04 E 9 269Z14 W 22Z04 E 69 23=Z14 W 236Z04E 3= 23=Z14 W 236Z04 E 3=

Avera-e S2ore 0'11 0'<; 0'=9 0'=9

" AL (.$% Criterion' : score o) 2 or better is e)ine as Qempo.ere O' Sour2e: Surve$ 3he calculate score is 2'0=5 .hich is hi"her than the su""este empo.ere score o) 2'00' 3his implies that .omen5 especiall$ a)ter pursuin" various income "eneratin" activities o en0o$ a level o) economic securit$' A5ilit: to 4a8e ,4all 3ur26a,e,' Stu $ reveals that .omen .ho have ta8en up various income "eneratin" activities5 have been empo.ere to ma8e purchases )or their chil ren as .ell as )or themselves' 3he$ mainl$ purchase small thin"s that are usuall$ eman e b$ their chil ren'

a5le )' A5ilit: to 4a8e ,4all 3ur26a,e, o7 Wo4en in rural A,,a4


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

Para4eter o7 E43ower4ent IndeL A5ilit: to 4a8e ,4all !e, No 3ur26a,e, 1' Does she purchase small items use )or ail$ )oo preparationM 2' Does she purchase small items )or hersel)M 3' Does she purchase icecream or s.eets )or the chil renM 6; (2 ;0 03 19 0

Additional Point, =6 W =< 3< W =6 66 W (;

otal Para4eter S2ore 26;Z14 W 23Z04 W =6 W =< E 162 2(2Z14 W 219Z04 W 3< W =6 E 13; 2;0Z14 W 20Z04 W 66 W (; E 1<3

Avera-e S2ore 2'31 1'<6 2';6

" AL *.$) Criterion ' 1 point )or each Q$esO plus an a itional point i) the purchase is normall$ ma e .ithout as8in" the husban Os permission an another a itional point i) the purchases are bou"ht at least in part .ith the mone$ earne b$ the respon ent hersel)' Aavin" a score o) ; or better is classi)ie as Qempo.ere O' Sour2e: Personal Surve$ 3he calculate score o) ;'03 su""ests that .omen in rural :ssam are empo.ere to ma8e small purchases .ith their income' A5ilit: to 4a8e lar-e 3ur26a,e,' Interactions .ith the respon ents reveal that once the$ have opte )or various income "eneratin" activities5 their abilit$ to ma8e purchases )or their )amil$ has increase substantiall$' 1urther5 the$ pla$ a ver$ si"ni)icant role in eci in" the thin"sSassets that are to be purchase )or the )amil$' Data collecte )or this parameter o) the #mpo.erment In eJ is tabulate belo.:

a5le %' A5ilit: to 4a8e lar-e 3ur26a,e, o7 Wo4en in rural A,,a4 Para4eter o7 E43ower4ent IndeL A5ilit: to 4a8e lar-e !e, No Additional otal Para4eter Avera-e 3ur26a,e, Point, S2ore S2ore 2=2Z14 W 229Z04 W 0';; 12 E (= =( 2( 21 2=(Z24 W 22(Z04 W 1'(< 21 E 111 (2 19 1; 2(2Z=4 W 219Z04 W 3'21 1; E 22( " AL +.+* Criterion: 1 point )or the )irst Kuestion5 2 )or the secon an = )or the thir Kuestion' :n a itional point is "iven )or each cate"or$ i) the purchase .as ma e5 at least in part5 .ith mone$ earne b$ the respon ent hersel)' : respon ent .ith a score o) ( or hi"her is consi ere Qempo.ere O' Sour2e: Surve$ are empo.ere to ma8e the ecision or 3he calculate score o) ('(; is hi"her purchase various necessar$ items )otheir than the su""este score o) ('00' :s )amilies .ith the income o) the brea such it can be in)erre that respon ents 1' Does she purchase pots an pansM 2' Does she purchase chil renOs clothin"M 3' Does she bu$ the )amil$Os ail$ )oo =2 29 12


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

earner o) the )amil$ alon" .ith their o.n contributions'

De2i,ion#4a8in- 3ower' Dcisionma8in" po.er amon" .omen )ol8 varies .ith a"e5 e ucation an more importantl$ their contribution to.ar s their )amil$ income' Stu $ reveals that althou"h most o) the respon ents

participate in the ecision-ma8in" process o) their )amil$5 the$ are not the ultimate ecision ma8ers C the ultimate ecision-ma8in" authorit$ lies .ith the senior male members o) the )amil$' Ao.ever5 respon ents .ere allo.e to ma8e pett$ ecisions pertainin" to their )amil$'

a5le +' Involve4ent in 4a;or de2i,ion, o7 Wo4en in rural A,,a4 Para4eter o7 E43ower4ent IndeL Involve4ent in 4a;or de2i,ion, !e, No Additiona otal Avera-e l Point, Para4eter S2ore S2ore 1' Aas she been involve .ithin (1 1< 0 2(1Z14 W 21<Z04 0';3 the past )e. $ears in ecisions W 0 E (1 about house repairs or renovationsM 2' Aas she been involve in a 32 39 9 232Z14 W 239Z04 0'(; ecision to ta8e in a "oat 2or W 9 E =0 other cattle4 )or pro)itM 3' Aas she been involve in 9 62 0 29Z34 W 262Z04 0'3= eci in" to lease lan M W 0 E 2= =' Aas she been involve in 10 60 0 210Z=4 W 260Z04 0'(; eci in" on purchasin" lan 5 a W 0 E =0 boat or bic$cle ric8sha.M " AL (.(1 Criterion: ,ate"or$ one an t.o each receive 1 point i) con)irme ' ,ate"or$ three is "iven three points an cate"or$ )our is "iven = points' :n a itional point per cate"or$ is "iven i) the ecision concerne spen in" mone$ earne b$ the respon ent hersel)' : score o) 2 or better is consi ere Qempo.ere O' Sour2e: Surve$ 3he calculate empo.ere score o) 2'21 su""ests that .omen in rural :ssam are empo.ere to ta8e part in ecisionma8in" process o) their )amilies' =reedo4 7ro4 do4ination 5: t6e =a4il:' In In ian societ$ 2eJcept the matriarchal societ$45 .omen are )oun to be ominate b$ the male members o) the )amil$ all throu"hout their lives' *oreover5 on man$ occasions the$ are )oun to be sub ue an )orce to o thin"s a"ainst their .ill' 3he$ have least sa$ on .here the$ .oul li8e to invest their har -earne mone$ an sometimes are even )orce b$ their husban s to "ive up their savin"s'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

a5le C' Relative 7reedo4 7ro4 do4ination 5: t6e 7a4il: o7 Wo4en in rural A,,a4 Para4eter o7 E43ower4ent IndeL Relative 7reedo4 7ro4 !e, No otal Para4eter S2ore Avera-e do4ination 5: t6e 7a4il: S2ore 1' Aas mone$ in the past $ear been ta8en )rom her a"ainst )ree .illM 2' Aas lan 5 0e.eller$ or livestoc8 been ta8en )rom her a"ainst )ree .illM 3' Aas she been prevente )rom visitin" her natal homeM =' Aas she been prevente )rom .or8in" outsi e the home' 1 3 0 0 6< 6; ;0 ;0 21Z04 W 26<Z14 E 6< 23Z04 W 26;Z14 E 6; 20Z04 W 2;0Z14 E ;0 20Z04 W 2;0Z14 E ;0 0'<< 0'<6 1'00 1'00

" AL ).&+ Criterion' I) none o) these have happene 5 one is labele Qempo.ere O' 3hese scores there)ore nee to be reverse )rom ne"atives to positives5 so that a respon ent .oul have a score o) = .hen all ans.ers are QnoO' Sour2e: Surve$ 3he omination o) the )amil$ on .omen )ol8 althou"h is less prevalent in to a$Os societ$ but still it is evi ent )rom the calculate score o) 3'<(5 .hich is less than the su""este score o) ='00' Politi2al and le-al awarene,,' -ne o) the important parameters o) .omen empo.erment is their a.areness about their political an le"al environment an most importantl$ about their ri"hts' 1in in"s reveal that most o) the respon ents lac8 a.areness about these areas'

a5le *' Politi2al and le-al awarene,, o7 Wo4en in rural A,,a4 Para4eter o7 E43ower4ent IndeL Politi2al and le-al awarene,, !e, No otal Para4eter Avera-e S2ore S2ore 1' Does she 8no. the name o) a local 11 (< 211Z14 W 2(<Z04 E 11 0'16 "overnment o))icialM 2' Does she 8no. the name o) a 29 =2 229Z14 W 2=2Z04 E 29 0'=0 *ember o) ParliamentM 3' Does she 8no. the name o) the =< 21 2=<Z14 W 221Z04 E =< 0';0 Prime *inisterM =' Is she a.are o) the si"ni)icance o) 0 ;0 20Z14 W 2;0Z04 E 0 0 re"isterin" marria"eM (' Does she have 8no.le "e o) the 0 ;0 20Z14 W 2;0Z04 E 0 0 la. "overnin" herita"eM " AL 1.(C Criterion: -ne point is "iven )or each cate"or$ con)irme ' : minimum score o) = is consi ere as Qempo.ermentO' Sour2e: Surve$ 3he calculate score o) 1'26 is much lo.er than the su""este empo.ere score o) ='00' 3hus5 in spite o) the )act that .omen in rural :ssam are en0o$in"


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

certain a vanta"es unli8e .omen o) other areas5 the$ are least a.are about their outsi e .orl an the ri"hts the$ shoul en0o$' 3his eventuall$ implies that the$ ma$ be sub ue b$ the societ$ or their )amil$ on certain occasions' Parti2i3ation in 3u5li2 3rote,t, and 2a43ai-nin-'

*a0orit$ o) the .omen )ol8 are activel$ involve in the revolution a"ainst antisocial activities as .ell as are involve in the propa"ation o) e ucation an evelopmental .or8s in their villa"es' :lthou"h the$ are involve in various social issues5 the$ are $et to be involve .ith political issue an politics'

a5le D' Parti2i3ation in 3rote,t, and 2a43ai-nin- o7 Wo4en in rural A,,a4 Para4eter o7 E43ower4ent IndeL Parti2i3ation in 3u5li2 3rote,t, and !e, No otal Avera-e 2a43ai-ninPara4eter S2ore S2ore 1' Aas she campai"ne )or a political 03 6; 03 0'0= can i ateM 2' Aas she ever collectivel$ proteste a"ainst: =1 2< =1 0'(< : man beatin" his .i)eS ivorcin" or aban onin" his .i)eS ?n)air .a"esS?n)air pricesS*isappropriation o) relie) "oo sS Qhi"hhan e nessO o) "overnment or police o))icials Eit6er >1? or >(?A w6i26ever i, 6i-6er $.+& Criterion: #ither one o) these cate"ories con)irme is consi ere as empo.erment' Sour2e: Surve$ Ao.ever5 the calculate score o) 0'(< )or the parameter C participation in public protests an campai"nin" is ver$ lo. to consi er them to be empo.ere ' Con2lu,ion ,onclusivel$5 it can be sai that the status o) .omen in rural :ssam sho.s a miJe picture' -n some instances5 it can be sai that .omen are empo.ere but the$ are certain instances .hich in icates that there are $et to be empo.ere ' :s )ar as mobilit$5 economic securit$5 abilit$ to ma8e small an lar"e purchases5 an participation in the ecision-ma8in" process o) the )amil$ are concerne 5 the$ are empo.ere ' Ao.ever5 the$ lac8 )ree om )rom omination b$ the )amil$5 political an le"al a.areness an the$ are la""in" behin to some e"ree .hen it comes to participation in the societ$ an social issues' 3hus5 one can sa$ that .omen in rural :ssam are partiall$ empo.ere ' 1urther5 the popular ?N#S,slo"an shoul come in han $ in the conteJt o) .omen empo.erment5 that states C Qe ucate a man an $ou e ucate an in ivi ualM e ucate a .oman an $ou e ucate a )amil$O' #ven the @orl 7an8 has su""este that empo.erment o) .omen shoul be a 8e$ aspect o) all social evelopment pro"rams 2@orl 7an85 20014' Various stu ies reveal that .omen i) that .ant5 the$ can improve their o.n status in the )amil$ as .ell as the societ$' 7ut the essential prereKuisite in this aspect is universal e ucation o) .oman C e ucation .hich .oul stren"then their stan in ecision-ma8in" process .ith a broa er 8no.le "e-base' It is .orth mentionin" that lac8 o) universal e ucation ten s to perpetuate the uneKual status Kuo 27hu$an5 20064' RE=ERENCES


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

1' 7hu$an5 Dasarathi' 220065 Januar$4: P#mpo.erment o) In ian @omen: : ,hallen"e o) 21st ,entur$R 5 -rissa &evie.5 pp 60-63' 2' /overnment o) :ssam' 220034: P@omen: Strivin" in an ?neKual @orl in :ssamR5 Auman Development &eport5 2003' &etrieve September 1=5 2009 )rom http:SSplanassam'or"SreportSh r2003S AD&'html' 3' Aashemi5 S$e ' *'5 Schuler5 S'&' an &ile$5 :'P' 21<<64: P&ural ,re it Pro"rams an @omenOs #mpo.erment in 7an"la eshR 5@orl Development5 2= 2=45 pp' 63(-6(3' =' +abeer5 N' 21<<<4: P&esources5 :"enc$5 :chievements: &e)lections on the *easurement o) @omenNs





#mpo.ermentR5 Development an ,han"e5 30 2345 pp' =3(-=6=' +eller5 7' an *b.e.e5 D',' 21<<14: PPolic$ an Plannin" )or the #mpo.erment o) TambiaNs @omen 1armersR 5 ,ana ian Journal o) Development Stu ies5 12 2145 pp' ;(-99 +ishor5 S' an +' /upta' 2200=4: P@omenOs #mpo.erment in In ia an Its States: #vi ence )rom the N1ASR 5 #conomic an Political @ee8l$5 XXXIX 2;4' Shitole5 /'Y' D Deo"iri8ar5 Sonali' 220124: P@omen empo.erment throu"h SA/s in In ia C a case stu $ o) 3hane District5 Sume haR 5 Journal o) *ana"ement5 1 2245 pp' 1-6' @orl 7an8' 220014: P#n"en erin" Development: 3hrou"h /en er #Kualit$ in &i"hts5 &esources5 an VoiceR'5 Ne. Yor8: -J)or ?niversit$ Press'

Ne. arrivals

3A# !-@!:ND 7$ Jhumpa !ahari

1rom the PulitBer PriBe-.innin"5 best-sellin" author o) The 2amesa e comes an eJtraor inar$ ne. novel5 set in both In ia an :merica5 that eJpan s the scope an ran"e o) one o) our most aBBlin" stor$tellers: a tale o) t.o brothers boun b$ tra"e $5 a )iercel$ brilliant .oman haunte b$ her past5 a countr$ torn b$ revolution5 an a love that lasts lon" past eath' 7orn 0ust )i)teen months apart5 Subhash an ? a$an *itra are inseparable brothers5 one o)ten mista8en )or the other in the ,alcutta nei"hborhoo .here the$ "ro. up' 7ut the$ are also opposites5 .ith "ravel$ i))erent )utures ahea ' It is the 1<60s5 an ? a$an[charismatic an impulsive[)in s himsel) ra.n to the NaJalite movement5 a rebellion .a"e to era icate ineKuit$ an povert$M he .ill "ive ever$thin"5 ris8 all5 )or .hat he believes' Subhash5 the uti)ul son5 oes not share his brotherOs political passionM he leaves home to pursue a li)e o) scienti)ic research in a Kuiet5 coastal corner o) :merica' 7ut .hen Subhash learns .hat happene to his brother in the lo.lan outsi e their )amil$Os home5 he "oes bac8 to In ia5 hopin" to pic8 up the pieces o) a shattere )amil$5 an to heal the .oun s ? a$an le)t behin [inclu in" those seare in the heart o) his brotherOs .i)e' *asterl$ suspense)ul5 s.eepin"5 piercin"l$ intimate5 The 6owland is a .or8 o) "reat beaut$ an compleJ emotionM an en"rossin" )amil$ sa"a an a stor$ steepe in histor$ that spans "enerations an "eo"raphies .ith seamless authenticit$' It is Jhumpa !ahiri at the hei"ht o) her consi erable po.ers'
S6ort#li,ted 7or t6e ($1) 0oo8er PriOe


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

DR. ARVIND SHARMAI DR. SUDHA RA"II EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE A0S RAC ,egular primary teachers in the +areilly "istrict were investigated regarding their participation in inclusive education to include students with disabilities in general education settings. This study examines 77 regular primary teachers from fifteen primary schools in eight bloc s in +areilly "istrict regarding their attitudes towards, and willingness to accommodate, the needs of a student with a disability. The results show that 87.97: were in support of the concept of inclusion, while ;7.97: perceived it negatively and <=.;9: was neutral. >uantitative data obtained through a !uestionnaire was supplemented by !ualitative data obtained through interviews. The interviews focused on the positive and negative effects of inclusion, as well as problems in implementing inclusive education. The findings will highlight lin s between the age and teaching experience of regular primary teachers and their attitudes towards inclusion. Introdu2tion Inclusion is a "lobal tren in e ucation that reKuires the involvement o) an collaboration bet.een e ucational pro)essionals' @hile e ucational pro)essionals accept the e ucational ri"hts o) chil ren .ith isabilities an the principle o) inclusion - that schools shoul provi e )or the nee s o) all the chil ren in their communities5 re"ar less o) abilit$ an isabilit$ 21oreman5 20094 - there remain si"ni)icant barriers to achievin" these i eals' 3his "ap entails i))erences bet.een attitu es to.ar s inclusion 2i'e'5 theor$4 an a .illin"ness to embrace it 2i'e'5 practice4' Inclusion entails a restructurin" o) mainstream schoolin" to accommo ate ever$ chil irrespective o) abilit$ or isabilit$ 2:vrami is D Nor.ich5 20024' Since the main arenas o) inclusive e ucation are "eneral classrooms5 the attitu es o) "eneral e ucation teachers to.ar s inclusion cannot be ne"lecte ' 1or this reason5 man$ stu ies 2e'"': :vrami is5 7a$liss5 D 7ur en 20005 ,ornol i5 3erreni5 Scru""s5 D *astropieri 1<<95 *onahan5 *arion5 D *iller 1<<65 &eusen5 Shoho5 D 7ar8er 20015 Sn$ er 1<<<5 Villa5 3housan 5 *e$ers5 D Nevin 1<<65 an @oo 5 1<<94 have )ocuse on the attitu es o) re"ular primar$ teachers to.ar s inclusion' Previous stu ies o) attitu es to.ar s inclusion have $iel e contra ictor$ results' @hile some researchers reporte uncertain an even ne"ative attitu es to.ar s inclusion on the part o) "eneral e ucation teachers 2Aammon 5 D In"alls5 200345 most reports 2e'"': :vrama is5 et al'5 20005 ,ornol i5 et al'5 1<<95 DO:lonBo5 /or ano5D Vanleeu.en5 1<<;5 Daane5 7ierne-Smith5 D !atham 20005 Scru""s5 D *astropieri5 1<<65 Smith5 D Smith5 20005 an Vi ovich5 D !ombar 5 1<<94 in icate positive attitu es5 accompanie b$ a belie) in the )un amental value o) inclusion' ?sin" the Aetero"eneous # ucation 3eacher Surve$ an the &e"ular # ucation Initiative



Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

3eacher Surve$-&evise 5 Villa5 et al'5 21<<64 reporte that ;9'9G o) (;9 "eneral e ucation teachers in North :merica sho.e positive attitu es to.ar s inclusion' :s the relationship bet.een "eneral an special e ucation is one o) co-eKual partnership an mutual support5 this stu $ ar"ue that a ministrative support an collaboration .ere po.er)ul pre ictors o) )avourable attitu es to.ar s )ull inclusion' Scru""s an *astropieri 21<<64 supporte Villa5 et al'Os conclusions' 3he$ reporte that approJimatel$ 6('0G o) ;539( "eneral classroom teachers supporte the concept o) mainstreamin" an inclusion5 an (3'=G eJpresse a .illin"ness to accommo ate stu ents .ith isabilities in their classroom' Ao.ever5 this .illin"ness appears to var$ accor in" to the t$pe an severit$ o) isabilit$5 an the resources provi e to support inclusion' In their surve$ o) 91 primar$ an secon ar$ teachers in the ?nite +in" om5 :vrami is5 et al'5 220004 reporte that re"ar less o) the positive overall value assi"ne to the concept o) inclusion5 stu ents .ith emotional an behavioural i))iculties .ere seen as creatin" more concern an stress than those .ith other t$pes o) isabilities' In ?"an a5 in contrast5 stu ents .ho .ere ea) or har o) hearin" .ere consi ere to present more i))iculties than stu ents .ith other isabilities5 )ollo.e b$ those .ith severe intellectual isabilit$ 2+ristensen5 -ma"os!oican5 D -nen5 20034' In a comparative stu $ con ucte in 1inlan an Tambia5 *orber"5 an Savolainen 220034 state that 1innish teachers perceive the inclusion o) chil ren .ith speech isor ers5 speci)ic learnin" isabilities or ph$sical isabilities to be more success)ul5 .hile Tambian teachers .ere reluctant to inclu e stu ents .ith ph$sical isabilities an visual impairment' 3he Tambian results appeare to be ue to the i))iculties inherent in the lon" istances stu ents must travel to reach the nearest mainstream school' Severit$ o) isabilit$ an availabilit$ o) resources consistentl$ in)luence teachersO attitu es to.ar s inclusion5 re"ar less o)

i))erences in nationalit$ or culture' @here isabilit$ .as severe5 teachers believe that the re"ular classroom .as not an appropriate e ucational environment 2*orber"5 D Savolainen5 20034' : "reat eal o) research hi"hli"hts the importance o) the availabilit$ o) material an human resources5 inclu in" appropriate trainin" an technolo"ical ai s' *an$ teachers surve$e in icate an un.illin"ness to have stu ents .ith isabilities in their class5 espite a consensus re"ar in" the value o) inclusion 2Vi ovich5 D !ombar 5 1<<94' /eneral e ucation teachers in Spain5 )or eJample5 i not perceive instructional a aptations )or chil ren .ith isabilities as )easible5 e))ective or esirable 2*olto5 20034M nor i the$ perceive other teachers to be com)ortable .ith collaboration Daane5 et al'5 20004' In Ital$5 ,ornol i5 et al'5 21<<94 note issatis)action .ith the time5 trainin"5 personnel assistance5 an other resources that have been provi e )or inclusion pro"rams' @est.oo an /raham 220034 )oun that teachers in t.o :ustralian states )elt the$ i not have the pro)essional 8no.le "e to .or8 .ith stu ents .ith isabilities' /eneral e ucation teachers ten e to a"ree on the challen"es o) inclusive pro"rams5 but to isa"ree on the bene)its o) inclusion 2DO:lonBo5 et al'5 1<<;4' In a ition5 inclusive pro"rams necessitate collaboration .ith other teachers5 so territorial issues re"ar in" role overlap an role ambi"uit$ appear to constitute a ma0or barrier to inclusion 2@oo 5 1<<94' 3he level o) schoolin"5 .hether earl$ chil hoo 5 primar$5 or hi"h school5 constitutes another variable in teachersO attitu es to inclusion' In a stu $ o) <00 teachers in the ?nite :rab #mirates5 :lahbabi 2200<4 )oun that primar$ school teachers ha more positive attitu es than earl$ chil hoo an hi"h school teachers' Ai"h school teachers .ere )oun to emphasiBe teachin" curriculum content5 an )elt that teachin" stu ents .ith isabilities .oul create problems'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

Years o) teachin" eJperience appeare not to be a variable in attitu es to.ar s inclusion Villa et al' 1<<64' In a stu $5 teachers .ith var$in" e"rees o) eJperience 2i'e'5 1 C 20W $ears o) eJperience4 in t.o Jor anian cities emonstrate little i))erence in their attitu es to.ar s the inclusion o) stu ents .ith autism in mainstream classes 2*uhanna5 20104' In brie)5 international stu ies have in icate that .hile "eneral e ucation teachers are )avorabl$ ispose to.ar s the theor$ o) inclusion5 the$ are concerne about its practical implementation' 3his stu $ eJamines the attitu es to.ar s inclusion hel b$ re"ular primar$ teachers in the 7areill$ District o) @estern ?ttar Pra esh' 3he purposes o) this stu $ are to establish the attitu es o) "eneral e ucation teachers to.ar s inclusion5 their .illin"ness to teach stu ents .ith isabilities5 their positive an ne"ative attitu es re"ar in" inclusive pro"rams5 an the practical problems the$ encounter in implementin" them' Demo"raphic variables such as a"e5 "en er5 an $ears o) teachin" eJperience are also consi ere ' Met6odolo-: 60 re"ular primar$ teachers )rom )i)teen primar$ schools in ei"ht bloc8s in 7areill$ District .ere chosen throu"h strati)ie ran om samplin"' :ll teachers .ere .or8in" in inclusive primar$ schools .ith minimum )ive stu ents .ith isabilities' 3hese stu ents .ith isabilities t$picall$ spent up to three hours a a$ 2.ea8l$ t.o times4 stu $in" .ith itinerant teachers 2I34 in resource rooms' 3he rest o) the time the$ .ere in the re"ular classroom' 3he ata .ere collecte .ith the help o) teacher Kuestionnaire an intervie.s' 3he Kuestionnaire .as a apte )rom the Inclusion %uestionnaire )or # ucators 2Salen 5 1<<<4' It provi e Kuantitative ata about teachersO attitu es to.ar s inclusion in t.o parts' Part 1 collecte emo"raphic in)ormation about participants5 such as "en er5 a"e5 an teachin" eJperience5 .hile Part 2 comprise 2( statements esi"ne to

eJamine teachersO perceptions to.ar s inclusion5 their .illin"ness to teach stu ents .ith isabilities5 the positive an ne"ative results o) inclusion )or stu ents .ith isabilities5 their attitu es to.ar s collaboration an instructional a aptation5 the a$-to- a$ issues the$ )ace in implementin" an inclusive e ucation pro"ram5 an implementation problems hamperin" inclusion' 3eachers .ere as8e to respon to each statement usin" a !i8ert scale )rom 1 2stron"l$ isa"ree4 to ( 2stron"l$ a"ree4' 3he intervie. protocol reporte b$ Salen 21<<<4 consiste o) 13 Kuestions an .as con ucte b$ researchers in all )i)teen schools' In the intervie.5 re"ular primar$ teachers .ere encoura"e to eJpress their personal an pro)essional belie)s about inclusion an collaboration that coul not be eJpresse in a simple Kuestionnaire' 3hemes a resse in the intervie. inclu e the issues an problems )ace in caterin" )or stu ents .ith isabilities5 pro)essional learnin" opportunities teacher accesse in re"ar s to inclusion5 their personal vie.s on the positive an ne"ative outcomes o) inclusion5 an the impact o) inclusion on stu ents .ith an .ithout isabilities' Pro2edure, 3he Kuestionnaire .as istribute to the re"ular primar$ teachers o) )i)teen primar$ schools in ei"ht bloc8s o) 7areill$ District o) @estern ?ttar Pra esh' SiJt$ Kuestionnaires .ere istribute amon" )i)teen school teachers but )ive o) them have not returne the Kuestionnaires an .ere eJclu e )rom the ata anal$sis' Ao.ever5 it is .orth notin" the Kuestions that teachers .ere reluctant to respon to 2number ;5 95 <5 105 115 165 1<5 214' 3he$ concern the ne"ative e))ects o) inclusion )or stu ents .ith isabilities5 the success or )ailure o) inclusion in their classes5 the eJpertise an trainin" reKuire to uphol the belie)s o) inclusion5 an )eelin"s o) subor ination to special e ucation teachers 2I3 teachers4'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


Varia5le 1emale *ale otal A-e 2(-30 30-3( 3(-=0 \=0 otal !ear, o7 tea26in- o7 eL3erien2e ]( (-10 10-1( \1( otal Re,ult,

a5le#1 De4o-ra36i2 in7or4ation a5out ea26er, =reNuen2: 3( 20 (( 12 1( 20 09 (( 09 2( 16 06 ((

Per2enta-e 63'6= 36'36 100 21'9< 2;'2; 36'36 1='(( 100 1='(( =('=( 2<'0< 1<'<1 100

1. Que,tionnaire General attitude,# &e"ular primar$ teachers sho.e sli"htl$ more positive than ne"ative attitu es to.ar s inclusion' :s sho.n in 3able 25 6('=(G .ere in support o) the concept o) inclusion5 .hile 2('=(G perceive it ne"ativel$ an 1;'2=G .as neutral' @ith respect to .illin"ness5 ho.ever5 1='((G o) re"ular primar$ teachers in icate the$ i not .ish to teach stu ents .ith isabilities in their classes' #ven teachers .ho believe in the i ea o) inclusion .ere reluctant to accept stu ents .ith isabilities in their classroom5 an ;='((G sho.e a stable .illin"ness to teach stu ents .ith isabilities' Po,itive and ne-ative re,ult, o7 in2lu,ion# 3he surve$ in icate that more than hal) o)

the teachers believe that inclusion brin"s social bene)its )or stu ents .ith isabilities' Some 63'=3G believe that inclusion provi es stu ents .ith positive role mo els5 .hile onl$ 13'=;G o) teachers isa"ree ' -n the other han 5 onl$ ;='(6G sa. aca emic bene)its comin" )rom inclusion5 .hile 23'9<G believe the opposite' 3he ma0orit$ o) teachers 2;('9(G4 )elt that stu ents .ith isabilities .oul receive a better e ucation in a special e ucation classroom' =('6;G teachers thou"ht that stu ents .ith isabilities ma$ eJperience )eelin"s o) )ailure an )rustration .ithin the "eneral classroom5 .hile 10'3=G isa"ree ' Some =1'3;G o) re"ular primar$ teachers .ere concerne that stu ents .ith isabilities ma$ lose specialiBe services as a result o) inclusion in the mainstream classroom'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


a5le#( Attitude, toward, In2lu,ion 5: A-e and ea26in- EL3erien2e o7 tea26er, A-e A 0 C D E Stron-l: Di,a-ree Neutral A-ree Stron-l: Di,a-ree A-ree 2(-30 01 02 02 0( 02 30-3( 02 02 01 06 0= 3(-=0 01 03 02 10 0= \=0 02 01 00 0= 01 otal $C $D $+ (+ 11 ea26inEL3erien2e ]( 01 01 01 03 02 (-10 03 0( 03 10 0= 10-1( 02 02 01 0; 0= \1( 00 00 00 0( 01 otal $C $D $+ (+ 11 Pro5le4, in i43le4entin- in2lu,ive 3ra2ti2e# -ver t.o thir o) teachers in icate the$ i not have enou"h time to e))ectivel$ meet the nee s o) stu ents .ith isabilities' In a ition5 a lar"e ma0orit$ o) teachers 29;'9<G4 pointe out the$ lac8e the trainin" to implement inclusion success)ull$' Insu))icient support an resources .ere barriers 290';6G4 )or them in implementin" the principles o) inclusion' 1urthermore5 more than hal) the teachers a"ree that eman s )or aca emic results ma8e inclusion o) stu ents .ith isabilities i))icult' : 0ustin" their instruction .as problematic 2;9'=(G4 an ;2'(6 G in icate that it .as i))icult to meet the nee s o) stu ents .ith certain isabilities in the "eneral e ucation classroom' ,onsi erin" that a 0ustments in curriculum an instruction are a ma0or part o) inclusive practices5 these results in icate the i))iculties involve in establishin" an inclusive e ucation environment' Colla5oration and role 3er2e3tion,# : ma0or )actor in the success o) inclusion is the e"ree o) collaboration bet.een "eneral an special teachers5 an their perceptions o) their respective roles' 3he ma0orit$ o) re"ular primar$ teachers 299'3=G4 .ere neutral re"ar in" the e))ectiveness o) their communication .ith special e ucation teachers' Some =('1<G )elt that the$ pla$e a subor inate role re"ar in" their stu ents .ith isabilities5 an 23'6;G reporte )eelin" some e"ree o) intimi ation in collaboratin" .ith special e ucation teachers' :bout hal) o) the teachers 2(9'(6G4 )elt that the$ .ere su))icientl$ involve in the inclusion process' A-eA -enderA and :ear, o7 tea26ineL3erien2e# 3he most istinctive )eature o) 3ables 2 an 3 is that the ol er the respon ents5 the more positive their attitu es an .illin"ness re"ar in" inclusion' It appears that as teachers "ain pro)essional eJperience their attitu es to.ar s inclusion becomes increases5 possibl$ ue to the stren"then in their 8no.le "e the$ report re"ar in" practices to enhance outcomes )or stu ents .ith isabilities' 3his in icates the importance o) on"oin" pro)essional learnin" opportunities )or teachers'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


a5le#) Willin-ne,, to ea26 Student, wit6 Di,a5ilitie, 5: A-e and ea26in- EL3erien2e A-e A 0 C D E Stron-l: Di,a-ree Neutral A-ree Stron-l: Di,a-ree A-ree 2(-30 00 01 01 0; 03 30-3( 01 01 02 0< 02 3(-=0 01 02 0= 12 01 \=0 01 01 00 0( 01 otal $) $+ $* )) $* ea26inEL3erien2e ]( 01 02 01 03 01 (-10 02 01 03 16 03 10-1( 00 02 01 11 02 \1( 00 00 02 03 01 otal $) $+ $* )) $* -verall5 primar$ e ucation teachers in this Kuestionnaire emonstrate positive attitu es to.ar inclusion' @hile 92'6<G .ere in )avor o) inclusion5 .hen those .ith neutral attitu es are inclu e 5 ;6';9G o) teachers o not re0ect the concept o) inclusion' Ao.ever5 "eneral attitu es to.ar s inclusion o not eKuate .ith a speci)ic .illin"ness to teach stu ents .ith isabilities' 1. Interview *ost "eneral e ucation teachers emonstrate positive attitu es to.ar s inclusion' Some consi ere it to be a natural evelopment in e ucation an reporte mutual bene)its )or their stu ents .ith an .ithout isabilities' 3eachers emonstrate an un erstan in" o) the social )unction o) inclusion b$ in icatin" that stu ents .ithout isabilities learne to accept an un erstan people .ho .ere i))erent )rom them' 3he$ also pointe to aca emic an social achievements o) stu ents .ith isabilities5 such as improve han .ritin" an social s8ills 2e'"'5 )rien ship4' 3eachers in icate that the$ learne to consi er stu ents .ith isabilities as important members o) their class' 3he purpose o) this stu $ is to investi"ate the attitu es o) re"ular primar$ teachers in the 7areill$ District to.ar s inclusion' 3he stu $ eJamines the .illin"ness o) teachers to teach stu ents .ith isabilities5 their i eas re"ar in" the positive an ne"ative e))ects o) inclusion5 an the practical problems eJperience b$ teachers attemptin" to inclu e stu ents .ith isabilities in their classroom' 3he relationships bet.een emo"raphic variables an teachersO attitu es an .illin"ness are also consi ere ' 3he results in icate that re"ular primar$ teachers are ivi e in their attitu es to.ar s inclusion' @hile teachers .ho perceive inclusions positivel$ are outnumbere those .ho perceive it ne"ativel$5 actual .illin"ness to teach 3eachers reporte the$ )elt inclusion to be success)ul .hen the$ sa. all their stu ents pla$in" to"ether5 re"ar less o) isabilities' -n the other han 5 most teachers emphasiBe that )or inclusion to be success)ul5 the$ nee e more s$stematic support )rom Itinerant teachers an resources such as teachin" materials5 trainin"5 an smaller class siBes' Di,2u,,ion


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

stu ents .ith isabilities .as lo.er than these )avourable attitu es .oul in icate' 3eachers .ith positive attitu es to.ar s inclusion can be reluctant to teach stu ents .ith isabilities in their re"ular classes' 3hese results o not appear to be ali"ne .ith the results o) various stu ies 2e'"'5 Scru""s D *astropieri5 1<<6M Vila5 et al'5 1<<64' 3he i))erences sho. that in the absence o) a "eneral consensus amon" e ucational personnel5 it .oul appear i))icult to evelop an e ucational s$stem that embraces iversit$ an inclusion'

3he nee )or chan"es in the in ivi ual attitu es an values o) re"ular primar$ teachers .as reveale b$ their )eelin"s on speci)ic issues' 1or eJample5 .hile the$ accepte inclusion as a principle5 the$ )elt that time evote to a sin"le stu ent .ith a isabilit$ .as time ta8en )rom the rest o) the class' -ther teachers hi"hli"hte a sense o) lac8 in the set o) s8ills an 8no.le "e necessar$ to teach stu ents .ith isabilities' Similar issues .ere )oun amon" :ustralian teachers 2@est.oo D /raham5 20034' &e"ular primar$ teachers reporte that inclusion provi es stu ents .ith an .ithout isabilities .ith social bene)its5 such as positive role mo els' : ma0orit$ o) teachers5 ho.ever5 believe stu ents .ith isabilities reKuire specialiBe services in special e ucation classrooms5 an .ere concerne that these specialist services ma$ be lost i) the$ .ere e ucate in a re"ular environment' 3hese concerns illustrate possible reasons )or hesitation in implementin" inclusive e ucation practices' *an$ re"ular primar$ teachers .ere a.are o) their limite s8ills an 8no.le "e re"ar in" inclusion5 inclu in" the relevant s8ills an 8no.le "e5 an even the ver$ nature o) isabilit$ an inclusion' 3his appeare to ma8e teachers )ear)ul o) chan"e an hesitant in acceptin" the ne. e ucational a"en a o) inclusion' 3eachers )elt supporte throu"h the provision o) the resources reKuire to carr$ out their eJpecte roles5 inclu in" materials5 human resources an trainin"' 3he practical

.a$s in .hich these resources are utilise to support classrooms an school environments nee to be better un erstoo 'Dettmer5 3hurston an D$c8 2200(4 claime that the most important element in the implementation o) inclusion is the clari)ication o) roles' &e"ular primar$ teachers participatin" in this stu $5 )or eJample5 appeare to assume that the role o) Itinerant teachers .as to be responsible )or the aca emic evelopment o) stu ents .ith isabilities5 .hile their role .as merel$ to provi e a social settin" in the "eneral classroom' -ver time5 re"ular primar$ teachers "ra uall$ come to accept their e ucational responsibilities )or the aca emic "oals o) stu ents .ith isabilities 2@oo 5 1<<94' :s roles clari)$5 the team becomes more cooperative an roles become less ri"i ' #bersol 2200345 ho.ever5 .arne that coherent )unctionin" cannot be eJpecte to be achieve spontaneousl$' #ven i) there are no "enerall$ accepte e)initions o) the roles o) re"ular primar$ an Itinerant teachers5 .e can "ain a sense o) their respective areas o) responsibilit$ b$ un erstan in" the contribution both "roups o) teachers can ma8e to the classroom pro"ram' &e"ular primar$ teachers can share their 8no.le "e o) content areas5 "ra e level curriculum an e))ective teachin" metho s5 inclu in" lar"e "roup instruction' Special e ucation teachers5 on the other han 5 can )acilitate in ivi ual rather than "roup learnin" st$les5 instructional strate"ies5 clinical teachin"5 anal$sis an a 0ustments o) instruction an curriculum5 an behaviour mana"ement' Itinerant teachers supplement the .or8 o) "eneral e ucation teachers in re"ar to the specialist5 in ivi ualiBe instruction that can improve the Kualit$ o) outcomes )or stu ents .ith isabilities 2Ae.ar 5 20034' ,han"e in e ucational values an philosoph$ is another important )actor in the success)ul implementation o) inclusion5 as evi ence b$ the responses o) teachers urin" the intervie.s' I) re"ular primar$ teachers retain an$ e ucational pre0u ices


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

an a ri"i sense o) boun aries in the provision o) e ucation pro"rams )or all stu ents5 inclu in" stu ents .ith isabilities5 then the provision o) supports an resources ma$ not be enou"h to maJimiBe outcomes )or ever$one' 3he relationship bet.een the a"e an eJperience o) the respon ents an the ne"ativit$ o) their attitu es .as a )eature o) this stu $ not supporte b$ .i er research 2e'"': ,hun5 20005 Villa5 et al'5 1<<64' 3he )in in" that $oun"er an less eJperience teachers ha more ne"ative attitu es an a lesser .illin"ness to inclu e stu ents .ith isabilities in their classroom' 3he challen"e then )or these teachers .ill be to promote more positive attitu es amon" less eJperience an $oun"er teachers throu"h on"oin" pro)essional evelopment an mo elin" o) e))ective practices5 via collaboration an peer partnerships 2Pu"ach5 1<<(4' 3his paper has reporte the results o) a small-scale stu $ eJaminin" the attitu es o) re"ular primar$ teachers in 7areill$ District o) @estern ?ttar Pra esh to.ar s inclu in" stu ents .ith isabilities in their classroom' 3he outcomes o) this stu $ provi e evi ence that the attitu es o) these teachers are ver$ similar to those o) teachers in other countries' 3eachers are unsure o) their pro)essional 8no.le "e base an ho. to cater )or stu ents .ith isabilities in their classroom' 3he challen"e )or a ministrators an those people .ith eJpertise 2e'"'5 special e ucators4 .ill be to brea8 o.n the barriers bet.een "eneral an special e ucation teachers .or8in" to"ether as a normal part o) pro)essional evelopment' 3he inclusion o) stu ents .ith isabilities in re"ular classrooms is a "oal o) man$ e ucators an e ucation sectors aroun the .orl 2:rmstron"5 :rmstron"5 D Span a"ou5 20104' 3he same concerns an challen"es are share internationall$5 inclu in" s8illin" teachers5 promotin" collaboration amon" e ucational pro)essionals5 an maintainin" positive attitu es to.ar s e ucatin" stu ents .ith isabilities in "eneral e ucation classrooms' 3his approach5 supporte throu"h this small

stu $5 provi es a basis )or )uture research involvin" all members o) the school communit$ 2i'e'5 stu ents5 parents5 "eneral e ucation teachers5 special e ucation teachers5 a ministrators5 an therap$ sta))4' RE=ERENCES 1' :lahbabi5 :' 2200<4: Pteachers attitu es to.ar s the inclusion o) stu ents .ith special nee s in "eneral e ucation classes in the ?nite :rab #mirates 2?:#4R' International Journal o) Special # ucation5 2= 2245 =2-(=' 2' :rmstron"5 :'5 :rmstron"5 D'5 D Span a"ou5 I' 220104: Inclusive e ucation: International polic$ an practice' !on on: Sa"e 3' :vrami is5 #'5 7a$liss5 P'5 D 7ur en5 &' 220004: P: surve$ into mainstream teachersN attitu es to.ar s the inclusion o) chil ren .ith special e ucational nee s in the or inar$ school one local e ucation authorit$R5 # ucational Ps$cholo"$5 202245 1<1211' =' :vrami is5 #'5 D Nor.ich5 7' 220024: P3eachersN attitu es to.ar s inte"rationSinclusion: : revie. o) the literatureR5 #uropean Journal o) Special Nee s # ucation5 1;5 12<1=;' (' 7ac8man5 J' 21<9=4: P:cKuisition an ?se o) Spellin"-Soun ,orrespon ences in &ea in"R' Journal o) #Jperimental ,hil Ps$cholo"$5 395214' 6' 7o.man5 I' 21<964: Q3eacher trainin" an the inte"ration o) han icappe pupils: Some )in in"s )rom a )ourteen nation ?N#S,- stu $' #uropean Journal o) Special Nee s # ucation5 15 2<-39' ;' ,hun5 S' 220004: P3he stu $ on or inar$ school teachersN a.areness to.ar inclusion e ucationR5 ?npublishe manuscript5 3ae"u ?niversit$5 +orea' 9' ,ornol i5 ,'5 3erreni5 :'5 Scru""s5 3'5 D *astropieri5 *' 21<<94: 3eacher


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

attitu es in Ital$ a)ter t.ent$ $ears o) inclusion' &eme ial an Special # ucation5 1<5 3(0-3(6' Daane5 ,'5 7eirne-Smith5 *'5 D !atham5 D' 220004: P: ministrationsN an teachersN perceptions o) the collaborative e))orts o) inclusion in the elementar$ "ra esR' # ucation5 1215 331-339' Dettmer5 P'5 3hurston5 !'5 D D$c85 N' 2200(4: ,onsultation5 collaboration an team.or8 )or stu ents .ith special nee s 2;th e '4' Nee ham Aei"hts5 *:: :ll$n D 7acon' #berol 5 S' 220034' PInclusion an mainstream e ucation: :n eKual cooperation s$stemR5 #uropean Journal o) Special Nee s # ucation5 195 9<-10;' 1oreman' 2# '4 220094: Inclusion in action 22n e '4' S$ ne$: ,en"a"e' /aa 5 #'5 D +han5 !' 2200<4: Primar$ mainstream teachersN attitu es to.ar s inclusion o) stu ents .ith special e ucational nee s in the private sector: : perspective )rom Dubai' International Journal o) Special # ucation5 22 2145 <6-10<' Aammon 5 A'5 D In"alls5 !' 220034: 3eachersN attitu es to.ar s inclusion: Surve$ results )rom elementar$ school teachers in three south-.estern rural school istricts' &ural an Special # ucation %uarterl$5 225 2=-30' Ae.ar 5 @' 220034: 3en )ault$ notions about teachin" an learnin" that hin er the e))ectiveness o) special e ucation' 3he Journal o) Special # ucation5 365 196-20(' +im5 A' 2200<4: 3he role an issues o) special classes an inclusive classes in re"ular school o) +orea' Journal o) International Special # ucation in the :sia-Paci)ic5 (5 12-19' +im5 J' 21<<=4: Aistorical implications o) one hun re $ears in +orean special e ucation' Journal o) Special # ucation5 1(5 111-129' +ristensen5 +'5 -ma"os-!oican5 *'5 D -nen5 N' 220034: 3he inclusion o) learners .ith barriers to learnin" an







12' 13'







2(' 26'



evelopment into or inar$ school settin"s: : challen"e )or ?"an a' 7ritish Journal o) Special # ucation5 302=45 1<=-201' !i)shitB5 A'5 /laubman5 &'5 D Issa.i5 &' 2200=4: :ttitu es to.ar s inclusion: 3he case o) Israeli an Palestinian re"ular an special e ucation teachers' 1<5 221;1-1<04' *olto5 *' 220034: *ainstream teachersN acceptance o) instructional a aptations in Spain' #uropean Journal o) Special Nee s # ucation5 195 311-332' *onahan5 &'5 *arion5 S'5 D *iller5 &' 21<<64' 3eacher attitu es to.ar s inclusion: Implications )or teacher e ucation in schools 2000' # ucation5 11;5 316-320' *orber"5 S'5 D Savolainen5 A' 220034: Stru""lin" )or inclusive e ucation in the North an the South: # ucatorNs perceptions on inclusive e ucation in 1inlan an Tambia' International Journal o) &ehabilitation &esearch5 262145 21-31' *ousouli5 *'5 +o8ari as5 D'5 :n"elopoulou-Sa8a ami5 N'5 D :ristotelous5 *' 2200<4: +no.le "e an attitu es to.ar s chil ren .ith special nee s b$ ph$sical e ucation stu ents' International Journal o) Special # ucation5 2= 2345 9(-9<' *uhanna5 *' 220104' Investi"ation o) i))erences in attitu es5 belie)s an 8no.le "e o) inclusion o) stu ents .ith :utism bet.een special an "eneral primar$ teachers in Jor an' ?npublishe *aster o) # ucation 2&esearch4 thesis5 1acult$ o) # ucation an Social @or85 ?niversit$ o) S$ ne$' Par85 J' 220024: Special e ucation in South +orea' 3eachin" #Jceptional ,hil ren5 3=5 29-33' Pu"ach5 *'5 D Johnson5 !' 21<<(4' ?nloc8in" eJpertise amon" classroom teachers throu"h structure ialo"ue: #Jten in" research on peer collaboration' #Jceptional ,hil ren5 622245 101-110'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

2;' &eusen5 :'5 Shoho5 :'5 D 7ar8er5 +' 220014' Ai"h school teacher attitu es to.ar s inclusion' 3he Ai"h School Journal5 9=5 ;-1;' 29' Salen 5 S' 21<<<4' So .hatNs .ith our inclusion pro"ramV #valuatin" e ucatorsN eJperiences an perceptions' 3eachin" #Jceptional ,hil ren5 325 =6-(=' 2<' Scru""s5 3'5 D *astropieri5 *' 21<<64' 3eacher perceptions o) mainstreamin"Sinclusion 1<(9-1<<(: : research s$nthesis' #Jceptional ,hil ren5 635 (<-;=' 30' Seo5 /'5 -a8lan 5 3'5 Aan5 A'5 D Au5 S' 21<<34' Special e ucation in South +orea' #Jceptional ,hil ren5 (95 213219' 31' Sha e5 &'5 D Ste.art5 &' 220014' /eneral e ucation an special e ucation preservice teachersN attitu es to.ar s inclusion' Preventin" School 1ailure5 =65 3;-=1' 32' Smith5 *'5 D Smith5 +' 220004' FI believe in inclusion5 but '''F: &e"ular e ucation earl$ chil hoo teachersN perceptions o) success)ul inclusion' Journal o) &esearch in ,hil hoo # ucation5 1=5 161-190'

33' Sn$ er5 &' 21<<<4' Inclusion: : Kualitative stu $ o) inservice "eneral e ucation teachersN attitu es an concerns' # ucation5 1205 1;3-191' 3=' Stoler5 &' 21<<24' Perceptions o) re"ular e ucation teachers to.ar s inclusion o) all han icappe stu ents in their classrooms' 3he ,learin" Aouse5 665 60-62' 3(' Vi ovich5 D'5 D !ombar 5 3' 21<<94' ParentsN5 teachersN an a ministratorsN perceptions o) the process o) inclusion' # ucation &esearch %uarterl$5 215 =1-(2' 36' Villa5 &'5 3housan 5 J'5 *e$ers5 A'5 D Nevin5 :' 21<<64' 3eacher an a ministrator perceptions o) hetero"eneous e ucation' #Jceptional ,hil ren5 635 2<-=(' 3;' @est.oo 5 P'5 D /raham5 !' 220034' Inclusion o) stu ents .ith special nee s: 7ene)its an obstacles perceive b$ teachers in Ne. South @ales an South :ustralia' :ustralian Journal o) !earnin" Disabilities5 95 31(' 39' @oo 5 *' 21<<94' @hose 0ob is it an$.a$V # ucational roles in inclusion' #Jceptional ,hil ren5 6=5 191-1<('



Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal



DR.9.P.SINGHI EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE A0S RAC ' Impact investments are investments made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. Impact investments can be made in both emerging and developed mar ets, and target a range of returns from below mar et to above mar et rates, depending upon the circumstances. Impact Investing tends to have roots in either social issues or environmental issues. Impact investors actively see to place capital in businesses and funds that can harness the positive power of enterprise. Impact investing occurs across asset classes, for example private e!uity ? venture capital, debt, and fixed income. There are many international investment firms who prefer to ma e their investment in India as they feel that there is lot of potential for @impact investingA ,eason is that the practice of serving BCC million lowincome people with !uality products and services in a timely and affordable way becomes standard procedure for Indian business. -nder impact investing, money is used to deliver social benefits alongside financial returns. The paper presented here, explains the meaning, history and mechanism of impact investment. The paper also points out the current status of impact investment in India, challenge and probable solutions. 9e: word,' So2ial venture 2a3italA An-el inve,tor,A 3atient 2a3italA 5otto4 o7 t6e 3:ra4id >0oP?A

Introdu2tion' Impact investin" is a process .here the investment is ma e into the companies or or"aniBations that .ill bene)it the societ$ an at the same time )etch investor .ith some amount as returns' Impact investors are primaril$ istin"uishe b$ their intention to a ress social an environmental challen"es throu"h their eplo$ment o) capital' 1or eJample5 criteria to evaluate the positive social an Sor environmental outcomes o) investments are an inte"rate component o) the investment process' In contrast5 practitioners o) sociall$ responsible investin" also inclu e ne"ative 2avoi ance4 criteria as part o) their investment ecisions' Aistoricall$5 re"ulation - an to a lesser eJtent5 philanthrop$ - .as an attempt to minimiBe the ne"ative social conseKuences o) business activities' 7ut there is a histor$ o) in ivi ual investors usin" sociall$ responsible investin" to eJpress their values5 usuall$ b$ avoi in" investments in speci)ic companies or activities .ith ne"ative e))ects' In the 1<<0s5 Je #merson a vocate the blen e value approach5 )or )oun ationsN en o.ments to be investe in ali"nment .ith the mission o) the )oun ation5 rather than to maJimiBe


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

)inancial return5 .hich ha been the prior accepte strate"$'

Note or the #nterprise ,ommunit$ Partners ,ommunit$ Impact Note' Impact investin" is istin"uishe )rom cro. )un in" sites li8e In ie"o"o or +ic8starter in that impact investments are t$picall$ ebt or eKuit$ investments over ?SD H15000 .ith lon"er-than-tra itional V, pa$ment times5 an ma$ not have an FeJit strate"$F 2tra itionall$ an IP- or bu$out in the )or-pro)it startup .orl 4' :lthou"h some social enterprises are nonpro)its5 impact investin" is t$picall$ .ith )or-pro)it5 socialor environmental-mission- riven businesses' Impact investin" is istin"uishe )rom micro)inance 2such as *Y,=4 primaril$ b$ eal siBe an secon aril$ b$ the investment )or eKuit$ rather than ebt' -r"aniBations receivin" impact investment capital ma$ be set up le"all$ as a )or-pro)it5 not-)or pro)it5 7 ,orporation5 !o.-pro)it !imite !iabilit$ ,ompan$5 or other esi"nations that ma$ var$ b$ countr$' Impact investment FacceleratorsF also eJist )or see -sta"e social enterprises' Similar to see sta"e accelerators )or tra itional startups5 impact investment accelerators provi e smaller amounts o) capital than Series : )inancin"s or lar"er impact investment eals'Some private )oun ations also ma8e impact investments' See Pro"ram&elate Investment )or more'Impact

Simultaneousl$5 approaches such as pollution prevention5 corporate social responsibilit$5 an triple bottom line 2 People5 Planet5 Pro)it4 be"an to measure non-)inancial e))ects insi e an outsi e o) corporations' In 20005 7aruch !ev o) NY? Stern School o) *ana"ement pulle to"ether thin8in" about intan"ible assets in a boo8 b$ the same name5 .hich )urthere thin8in" about non-)inancial e))ects o) corporate pro uction' 1inall$5 aroun 200;5 the term Fimpact investmentF emer"e 5 an approach that eliberatel$ buil s intan"ible assets alon"si e tan"ible5 )inancial ones' I43a2t Inve,t4ent Me26ani,4, Impact investments occur across asset classes an investment amounts' :mon" the best-8no.n mechanism is private eKuit$ or venture capital' Impact investments can also be ma e b$ in ivi ual an"el investors' FSocial venture capitalF or Fpatient capitalF impact investments are structure similarl$ to those in the rest o) the venture capital communit$' Investors ma$ ta8e an active role mentorin" or lea in" the "ro.th o) the compan$5 similar to the .a$ a venture capital )irm assists in the "ro.th o) an earl$sta"e compan$' Impact investin" primaril$ ta8es place throu"h mechanisms open to institutional investors' Ao.ever5 there are .a$s )or in ivi uals to participate in provi in" earl$ sta"e )un in" to ventures that blen pro)it an purpose' 3hese inclu e &S1 Social 1inance5 ,alvert 1oun ation5 *icroplace an .ith private impact-)ocuse )inancial a visors such as AIP Investor' -ther opportunities available to in ivi uals inclu e the Institute )or ,ommunit$ #conomicsN Investor Note5 the ,alvert 1oun ationNs ,ommunit$ &einvestment

Investment net.or8s also eJist to brin" to"ether in ivi uals .ith an interest in impact investin"' Investor net.or8s ma$ have in-person meetin"s an Sor online plat)orms to )acilitate )in in" suitable investment opportunities' Investor net.or8s ma$ or ma$ not have a pool o) )un s to invest on behal) o) the net.or8' -)ten5 the role o) the net.or8 is to brin" investors an investees to"ether but investor net.or8s var$ in the amount o) ue ili"ence the$ o as a net.or8 vs' .hat in ivi ual investors o in assessin" eals'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

Despite this momentum5 the .ea8ness o) mar8et mechanisms 2such as ratin" a"encies5 mar8et clearin"houses5 s$n ication )acilities5 investment consultants4 creates ebilitatin" ine))icienc$ that hampers investment'

3he &oc8e)eller H2005000 1oun ation :cumen #levar #Kuit$ H31 million H<6 million

Indian ,2enario 3here are man$ international investment )irms .ho pre)er to ma8e their investment in In ia as the$ )eel that there is lot o) potential )or Pimpact investin"R &eason is that the practice o) servin" 900 million lo.-income people .ith Kualit$ pro ucts an services in a timel$ an a))or able .a$ becomes stan ar proce ure )or In ian business' ?n er impact investin"5 mone$ is use to eliver social bene)its alon"si e )inancial returns' : 8e$ )actor .h$ In ia is an attractive mar8et )or impact investors is the accessibilit$ to consumers at the bottom o) the p$rami 27oP45 .hich has tri""ere the nee )or sociall$ impact)ul mar8et- riven solutions to evelopment issues' :ccor in" to Ja$ant Sinha5 partner D mana"in" irector5 -mi $ar Net.or8 In ia : visors5 In ia is the epicentre o) impact investin"' In a .a$5 the )uture o) the impact investin" in ustr$ "loball$ is "oin" to be establishe here' 1lo.in" table in icates recent impact investments in In ia b$ some "lobal investment )irms a5le 1' I43a2t Inve,t4ent in India>!r' ($11#($1)?

:n"el investors are no. see8in" to invest in sociall$ relevant enterprises at the see sta"e as the$ see an opportunit$ to ma8e hi"h returns an help communities chan"e )or the better' &ecentl$5 investors ali"ne .ith the In ian :n"el Net.or8 create a social impact )un in" arm PI:N ImpactR to provi e see capital )or companies that cater to those at the base o) the economic p$rami ' I:N Impact ma e its )irst investment .ith &s 3-crore roun o) )un in" in technolo"$ venture /ram Vaani in collaboration .ith ?S-base Di"ital Ne.s Ventures in 2013 ' !ast $ear5 about H1(1 million 2about &s <02 crore4 .as investe in social ventures across In ia5 as investors .ho re. a.a$ )rom the sector )ollo.in" the o.nturn in the micro)inance in ustr$ ma e a cautious return' Social venture )un s are no. tar"etin" companies in sectors5 such as clean ener"$5 e ucation5 telecom5 .ater an health' :mon"st the most active investors in the space is :avish8aar Venture5 .hich has )un e a))or able healthcare compan$ Vaatsal$a an a"ri-base startup INI 1arms' FI) .e remove clean tech an micro)inance5 the impact investments in In ia are "ro.in" ever$ $ear' In ia has become the )ocal point o) impact investments )or all "lobal investors5F sa$s :avish8aar ,#- Vineet &ai5 .ho is raisin" a ne. )un o) H<( million 2about &s (;0 crore4' : number o) overseas investors are also steppin" up their presence in the sector' -mi $ar Net.or85 an investment )irm bac8e b$ e7a$ )oun er Pierre -mi $ar5 has earmar8e close to H200 million5 or &s 15200 crore5 )or social impact investments in

Na4e o7 or-aniOation


otal i43a2t Inve,t4ent H200 million

-mi $ar Net.or8 /ra$ Ventures5

/host H60 million


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

In ia' -thers5 such as :tlanta-base /ra$ /host Ventures .hich has a corpus o) H60 million 2&s 360 crore4 an the :cumen 1un 5 are also active pla$ers' /ra$ /hostNs investments inclu e 0ob portal babaJobs'com .hile :cumen has bac8e :vani 7io #ner"$ an solar lamp solutions provi er D'!ite Desi"n'F3here .as a ver$ real "ap in this space5 .hich see )un s li8e I:N an ?nitus are tr$in" to )ill in5F sa$s Vishal *ehta5 co)oun er o) !o8 : visor$ Services5 .hich has a venture )un o) H6( million 2&s 3<0 crore4 )or social ventures in In ia' /ram Vaani5 )oun e b$ II3-Delhi pro)essor :a itesh.ar Seth in 200<5 is a communit$ ra io service available in states such as Jhar8han 5 &a0asthan5 :n hra Pra esh an ?ttara8han ' ,itiBens can post or listen to messa"es about social issues5 maternal health5 a"riculture issues or corruption throu"h it' Seth eJpects to use the latest roun o) )un in" to buil the technolo"$ an user net.or8 )or his compan$' F/ram Vaani has brou"ht t.o million users to"ether across In ian s t at e s as .e l l as :)"hanistan an Pa8istan5F sa$s &avi +rishnappa5 a technolo"$ entrepreneur .ho is no. a core member o) the impact investment arm o) I:N' F,orrupt o))icials have been eJpose 5 .omen sarpanches have been able to reach out to their villa"es an technolo"$ has been use to brin" accountabilit$ in the rural health eliver$'F @ith "ro.in" social capitalism5 impact investin" is pic8in" up pace in In ia'5 a philanthropic investment )irm co-)oun e b$ e7a$ )oun er Pierre -mi $ar an his .i)e Pam5 is loo8in" to invest H200 million in )or-pro)it an non-pro)it or"aniBations across In ia in three-)ive $ears' -n the other han 5 /ra$ /host Ventures5 a lar"e impact investor "loball$5 plans to invest H60 million in the countr$ over the neJt )ive $ears' &ecentl$ provi e a 3he &oc8e)eller 1oun ation "rant to Dasra as part o) its

commitment to evelop the In ian impact investin" in ustr$ an unloc8 more impact capital ori"inatin" )rom .ithin the countr$' 7esi es5 it has "iven a "rant o) H2005000 to Vill"ro Innovations 1oun ation to.ar s the costs o) its social entrepreneur an enterprise evelopment pro"ramme5 .hich trains earl$-sta"e social entrepreneurs to re)ine their business mo el an scale their social impact to create positive bene)its )or poor or vulnerable people in In ia' 1or :cumen5 In ia is its lar"est port)olio .here it has investe H31 million out o) cumulative "lobal investments o) H9= million5 across sectors li8e health5 ener"$5 a"riculture5 .ater an e ucation' :cumen is also activel$ eJplorin" the a))or able housin" sector' @hile :cumen oes not have an In iaspeci)ic "oal5 its aim )or its cumulative "lobal investments is to reach H1(0 million b$ 201(' :t the same time5 the number o) hi"h net .orth in ivi uals 2ANIs4 in In ia has increase 5 an the$ see8 to invest their .ealth .ith both a )inancial an social bottom line' @ith over a oBen omestic an international )un s operatin" in this space5 the se"ment has "ro.n stea il$ over the past )e. $ears' -mi $ar Net.or8 has a sector-base approach to impact investin" an is )ocuse on supportin" or"aniBations that are scalable5 sustainable an have the potential to create lar"e-scale opportunities' 3he potential is that the .or NimpactN "oes a.a$5 that the practice o) servin" 900 million lo.-income people .ith Kualit$ pro ucts an services in a timel$ an a))or able .a$ becomes stan ar proce ure )or In ian business' /ra$ /host Ventures has alrea $ investe aroun H60 million in In ia in areas li8e e ucation5 creatin" 0obs5 .omen empo.erment an spar8in" innovation that serves lo.-income communities' 7et.een a))or able e ucation an mobile services5 it .ill invest another H60 million over )ive $ears'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

:ccor in" to research b$ the &oc8e)eller 1oun ation5 impact investin" "enerate aroun H100 million 2rou"hl$ &s (30 crore4 o) capital in In ia in 2012 an is sai to be "ro.in" at 30G per annum' 3he potential )or impact investin" in In ia can be "au"e )rom the )act that Dasra5 a strate"ic philanthrop$ )oun ation5 has receive a lar"e number o) stron" proposals that a ress man$ areas o) impact investin"5 such as unloc8in" capital5 creatin" common plat)orms )or investors an social enterprises5 creatin" in ustr$ bo ies5 supportin" an replicatin" incubators5 accor in" to Natasha -Ba5 irector5 talent mana"ement5 Dasra' Despite the recent sur"e in the number o) social enterprises5 the section o) 7oP2 7ottom o) p$rami bein" serve b$ these enterprises is still ver$ small' 3his in itsel) su""ests the nee )or a massive scaleup o) eJistin" enterprises as .ell as more innovations bein" brou"ht to the lo.income consumer' :ccor in" to Sachin ra &u ra5 In ia irector5 :cumen5 neither o) these .ill be possible .ithout the ri"ht t$pe o) capital supportin" the "ro.th5 an hence the potential is si"ni)icant' :s impact investin" is becomin" an establishe asset class5 there is more )ocus on returns an commercial opportunities' 7ut in or er )or the sector to "ro. an have sustainable social impact' a5le' ( =und =low So2ial venture 2a3ital inve,t4ent >Sin2e ($11?

3he above table 23able No'24 in icates that venture capital in social enterprises is sho.in" o.nturn' 1urther5 1un 1lo. throu"h Social venture capital investment 2bet.een 2011 134 is not as hi"h as .e have assume ' Social entrepreneurship an impact investment epitomiBe a H2'= trillion in ustr$' In ia is also consi ere as epicenter o) impact investment' In In ia .here 900 million people live at the bottom o) p$rami 5 tmpact Investment ma$ chan"e their lives in a bi" .a$' In ia is believe to be a crucial )or innovative social entrepreneurship an an$ s.a$ o) interlopers can be isastrous :bove ata sho.s that impact investment in In ia is at a nascent sta"e no.' Some eJperts believe that the eJpectations bein" raise are 0ust be$on the capabilit$ o) the s$stem to eliver' It is eJpecte to sort out eep-roote societal problems overni"ht' Social entrepreneurs shoul be blame )or thro. up impact tar"ets an numbers o) bene)iciaries5 .hether in e ucation5 healthcare or .ater an sanitation5 that are hi"hl$ unrealistic' 3he )act is usherin" chan"e an outcomes at a s$stemic level in the i))icult arenas li8e e ucation5 healthcare or .ater an sanitation5 .oul reKuire $ears or eca es o) .or8' Short-termism is incon"ruent to this sector' 3he absence or )lui it$ o) e)initions in the impact investment has a e to the con)usion' 7asic Kuestions as R.ho is an impact investor5 or even5 .ho is a social entrepreneurR are still as8e ' Impact investin" coul mean i))erent thin"s )or i))erent sets o) people an "eo"raphies' :s )or social entrepreneurs5 there are the not)or-pro)its5 )or-pro)its an 5 latel$5 innovative h$bri s that combine the t.o mo els nu "in" )or space' So5 .hat precisel$ is impact investin"V Impact investin" is basicall$ the i ea o) usin" pro)it-see8in" investments to brin" about social or environmental "oo ' It is champione b$ a

!ear o7 Inve,t4ent in 4illion >P? Inve,t4ent ($1) ($1( P().% 4illion P1+1.%14illion P(%D.%% Sou2e' Venture Inve,t4ent re3ort, ($1(


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

cohort o) institutions5 inclu in" the &oc8e)eller 1oun ation5 /ates 1oun ation an several )inancial po.erhouses li8e ,iti"roup an JP *or"an5 amon" man$ others' :cumen has several investments in In ia5 inclu in" Aus8 Po.er5 !i)esprin" Aospitals an TiKitBa Aealthcare' Aavin" reco"nise access to capital5 especiall$ ebt capital5 as a t$pical challen"e in In ia5 Novo"ratB recentl$ si"ne up .ith ?S:ID )or a cre it "uarantee o) up to H1( million in ebt capital )or social enterprises' In )act5 the non-availabilit$ o) .or8in" capital is be"innin" to "enerate a serious erosion o) o.nership' #ntrepreneurs are ilutin" eKuit$ hol in"s5 some to the eJtent o) ;0-<0G5 eJposin" themselves to the ris8 o) bein" mar"inalise .ithin their o.n companies' 1or social entrepreneurs5 this coul translate into a mission ri)t5 as the$ be"in to cut corners an )ollo. investor irectives that ma$ be inimical to the lon"-term interests o) the compan$ an the sector' =or A New "rder @hile the challen"es in the sector are multi)arious5 scores o) entrepreneurs have been oin" .on er)ul .or8 un er tr$in" con itions' In ians have ta8en a lea here an this has to be sustaine ' Imper)ections are inevitable as an in ustr$ "ro.s an can be a resse ' 3he positive o) the h$pe5 in some .a$s5 is that social issues are no. mainstream' 3he stru""le is in a ressin" present pit)alls an chartin" the roa ahea ' ^ 7ill Dra$ton5 chair an ,#- o) :sho8aInnovators )or the Public5 .ho coine the term Nsocial entrepreneurN eca es a"o5 has an ans.er )or the tremors be"innin" to roc8 the sector' Ae li8es to loo8 at the bi" picture an insists that it is about time businesses5 social enterprises an even "overnments or"anise themselves i))erentl$' 3he ol or er has to "ive .a$ to the ne.M an the ne. value is Fcontributin" to chan"e'F Ae recommen s a totall$ ne. architecture o)

)unctionin"' @e have to create an open5 )lui team architecture' 3a8e the eJample o) /oo"le5 .hich has or"anise itsel) ver$ i))erentl$ )rom other companies -- it is riven b$ an ecos$stem o) 15900 teams' 3he "oal is not to capture bi""er mar8et shares'F 1rame.or8 chan"e in societ$ is .hat is eJpecte mechanisms that alter the ol .a$s o) oin" thin"s .hile a ressin" social challen"es' :sho8a has recentl$ trie to o this in a))or able housin" )or the urban poor' In :hme aba an else.here5 it has catal$se innovative coalition a Ph$bri value s$stemR as .ith evelopers5 civil societ$ or"anisations5 housin" )inance companies5 architects an "overnment' In :hme aba alone5 65(00 units are un er construction .ith various evelopers5 but no. .e are ta8in" a step bac8 to tr$ an )ormulate a metho to replicate this mo el across the countr$' :part )rom the )unctional problems other problems are that the nascent In ian impact investment in ustr$ remains beset b$ ine))iciencies an istortions that currentl$ limit its impact an threaten its )uture tra0ector$:

Investors are lar"el$ unable to .or8 to"ether e))ectivel$ "iven a "eneral con)usion o) terminolo"$' 3his limits investorsN abilit$ to share 8no.le "e an co-invest5 .hich perpetuates ine))icienc$ an )ra"mentation in the )iel ' 3he absence o) basic mar8et in)rastructure5 li8e stan ar s )or measurin" an benchmar8in" per)ormance5 constrains impact an capital )lo.s' 3hese problems are eJacerbate b$ the .ea8ness o) mar8et mechanisms such as ratin" a"encies5 mar8et clearin"houses5 s$n icate )acilities5 an investment consultants'

3he combination o) these )actors - barriers to in)ormation )lo.s an collaboration5 a


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

lac8 o) in)rastructure5 an an un er evelope ecos$stem o) interme iaries an services provi ers - threatens the evolution o) the impact investin" in ustr$ an 5 ultimatel$5 its abilit$ to realiBe its potential )or social an environmental impact' In ivi ual investors an service provi ers lac8 the capacit$ an man ate to solve these challen"es alone' 3he /lobal Impact Investin" Net.or8 2/IIN4 is a not-)or-pro)it or"aniBation e icate to increasin" the e))ectiveness o) impact investin"' 3he /IINNs pro"rammatic a"en a .ill be roote in the challen"es )ace b$ investors5 an it .ill serve as a )orum )or i enti)$in" an a ressin" the s$stemic barriers that hin er the impact investin" in ustr$Ns e))icienc$ an e))ectiveness' Need 7or a ,el7 Re-ulator: 0od: 7or i43a2t inve,t4ent' @ith in In some can a "ro.in" in)lo. o) impact investment ia there is an ur"ent nee )or settin" stan ar s )or impact investment that ress the )ollo.in" issues properl$: Ao. to e)ine the impact investment @hich sectors .ill Kuali)$ )or impact investmentV Ao. to measure the social impact Ao. to measure tan"ible returns Ao. lon" shoul perio V be the hol in"

subseKuent pressure to "ro. sa. companies in the sector commit man$ eJcesses an in iscretions .hile ealin" .ith poor borro.ers' ?n)ortunatel$ *icro)inance i not have a sel)-re"ulator$ bo $' @eNve seen the problems' 7ein" accountable is a "oo thin"5 especiall$ bein" accountable to ourselves' Indian I43a2t Inve,tor Coun2il >IIIC? In 2012 the In ian Impact Investor ,ouncil 2III,45 set up b$ some lea in" impact investment companies to re"ulate the sector' 3he III, is loo8in" to or"anise impact investin" in the countr$5 both in terms o) structure an philosoph$' III, is loo8in" at the economics o) impact' ?n er its e)inition5 100 percent o) the impact )un 5 $our port)olio nee s to eal .ith lo.income population' No oubt ebate is still on stan ar s an ma$ ta8e couple o) $ears in )inal ra)t' III, .ill ma8e it bin in" on its members to )ollo. the stan ar s set b$ it on investin"' III, has nine lea in" impact investors as its )oun in" members' 3hese inclu e :avish8aar5 -mi $ar5 #levar #Kuit$ an ?nilaBer Ventures5 the )amil$ o))ice o) &onnie Scre.vala' 3he council eJpects to )orm a charter an have 30 members b$ en o) the 2013' Prominent in the list o) potential members are lar"e evelopmental )inance institutions 2D1Is4 li8e D1ID5 ?S:ID an I1,' 7ut the bi""est concern is its complicate ness' 3he bi""est concern .ith a sel)-re"ulator$ bo $ is prescribin" speci)ic practices that all pla$ers ma$ not be .illin" to accept' 0i--e,t 6urdle,' Is it possible to have sin"le e)inition o) Impact investmentV @ill all the members accept the re"ulations .illin"l$V

Ao. to measure returns

3hree $ears a"o .hen micro )inance bubble burst in In ia5 ever$one )elt the nee )or a re"ulator$ bo $ in the micro)inance sector' 7et.een 2006 an 20105 a lot o) )un s )rom private eKuit$ 2P#4 an venture capital 2V,4 poure into micro)inance5 an the

:ccor in" to Venture Intelli"ence5 .hich collates ata on V, investments5 V, )un s have ma e 10< investments in social businesses 2eJclu in" micro)inance4 in


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

In ia5 amountin" to H3<( million 2about 25000 crore4' 1or V,s5 social businesses are 0ust one part o) their investment port)olio' 1or impact investment )un s5 social businesses are the onl$ part' :ccor in" to Venture Intelli"ence ata5 siJ )un s )ocussin" on impact investments in In ia have raise H309 million in the last )ive $ears' 3hat sai 5 the investment pool available )or social businesses is much lar"er as )amil$ o))ices an )oun ations li8e those o) 7ill /ates5 *ichael Dell an -mi $ar Net.or85 as .ell as )orei"n )un s li8e :cumen5 o not have a speci)ic corpus )or In ia' Youn" entrepreneurs nee "ui ance in choosin" investors .ho reall$ mean impact an are .illin" to provi e patient capital'

In ia can be the epicenter )or the ne. an innovative approaches in impact investment' @hat is nee e is to impact investment )un must be 100 percent e icate to the poor'

RE=ERENCES: 1' Sin"h Namrata 210 June 20134: PIn ia ta8es centre sta"e in impact investin"R 53imes o) In ia5 http:SStimeso)in ia'in iatimes'co mSbusinessSin ia-businessSIn iata8es-centre-sta"e-in-impactinvestin"Sarticlesho.S20(12(1;' cms5 accesse on (-;-2013 2' :hona /osh5 #3 7ureau 2 *a$ 9 20134: 3he #conomics 3imes5
http:SSarticles'economictimes'in iati mes'comS2013-0(09Sne.sS3<11;121_1_vcinvestments-vc-)un s-vineet-rai5

,on2lu,ion In In ia impact investment is at a nascent sta"e5 but eJpectations are still ver$ hi"h' !ar"e number in In ian an )orei"n investors are 8een to invest millions o) ollars )or ma8in" 900 million In ians5 improve their stan ar o) livin"' In ian 7ut the s$stem o) impact investment is not .ell evelope in the countr$ $et' *ost importantl$5 its re"ulator$ mechanism is $et to be evelope in the absence o) an$ speci)ic re"ulator$ s$stem 3hree $ears a"o5 man$ micro )inance institutions collapse in the countr$' 3a8in" notes )rom the past eJperience It is important to )ormall$ evelop a re"ulator$ institution to han le5 monitor an re"ulate the )ast "ro.in" impact investment process in the countr$' Impact investment has some other problems as .ell' ,enturies ol social an economical problems o) millions o) In ians can not be shorte out in one or t.o $ears' It .ill ta8e more time' So cratin" too much buBB aroun impact investment .ill onl$ harm the cause' @ith more than 900 million people 2 7oP45

accesse on (-;-2013 3' JP*or"an &eport22<'11'20104:

PImpact Investments: :n #mer"in" :sset ,lassR'

=' Domini5 :m$ 21= *arch 20114:

F@ant to *a8e a Di))erenceV Invest &esponsibl$F'5 http:SSen'.i8ipe ia'or"S.i8iS3he_Au ))in"ton_Post5 accesse on 23-62013 (' 1raser5 7ruce D @' @ealth$ 220114: P3o Impact Investin"R5 http:SS...'nas aK'comSarticleS.eal th$-attracte -to-impact-investin"cm233995 accesse on 0;-;-1013


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DR.S.0.P.Gu3ta Y
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE A0S RAC "ebate over right economic model for India is on. +ihar development 'odel, 4u1ratDs 4rowth 'odel and #eralaDs social models are in the centre of many debates now. 0rominent economist 0rof. Amartya $en has supported the +ihar development model over 4u1arat growth 'odel. 5e believes that +ihar "evelopment model is more suitable for India than 4u1arat model. 3n the other hand, world famous economist 0rof. +hagwati prefers 4u1arat 4rowth model over +ihar 'odel. 'any economists are criticizing both the Indian economists for in debate, which is unnecessarily overstretched and creating media hype. 5owever, relevance of such debates can not be undermined on the basis that debaters have some short of personal agony or professional. A fruitful debate over +ihar development model and 4u1arat 4rowth model is very important and relevant for the country. 9e: Word,' E2ono4i2 4odelA Growt6 4odelA A4art:a SenA 0i6arA Gu;aratA Ja-di,6 06a-wati and Arvind Pana-ari:a

Introdu2tion 1irst time in the histor$ o) in epen ent In ia5 there is a ebate over "ro.thS evelopment mo els' ?nli8e the ebate over capitalism Vs communism5 this ebate is on more narro. issues' It is about "ro.th Vs evelopment' 3hree mo els are in iscussion these a$sM 7ihar Development mo el5 /u0arat /ro.th *o el an +erala mo el' :ll these three mo els have )oun prove their e))ectiveness in respective states' 7ut ne. ebate is on .hich mo el is better an )it )or the countr$ as a .hole' 3he paper presente here5 microscopes all these three mo els .ith "reater emphasis on 7ihar an /u0arat


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

mo els' :s there is no )ormal e)initions o) 7ihar5 +erala an /u0arat mo els5 have been substantiate on the basis o) popular notions an vie.s o) prominent economists li8e Pro)' Sen an Pro)' 7ha".ati' A4art:a Sen on 0i6arQ, -rowt6 ,trate-:' In his recent intervie. :mart$a Sen bac8e 7iharNs "ro.th strate"$5 ar"uin" that "ro.th .as not in epen ent o) social trans)ormation' ,itin" JapanNs mo el5 .hich .as later a opte b$ South +orea5 3ai.an5 Aon" +on" an Sin"apore5 the note economist su""este that .ithout e ucation an proper health )acilities5 it .as i))icult to achieve balance "ro.th' Ae su""ests5# ucate labour )orce is the bi""est "uarantor an e ucation an health$ labour )orce is able to pro uce ever$thin" )rom I3 to autoparts' Ae also reco"niBe the impressive "ro.th rate5 o) over 11G5 recor e b$ 7ihar urin" the 11th )ive-$ear plan 2200;-20124 an sai it .as an important in icator an sho.e the abilit$ to chan"e' Ae believes that has achieve tremen ous "ro.th rate beatin" the all the evelope states an the national "ro.th avera"e is an obvious outcome o) the state "overnments hi"h eJpen iture on primar$ e ucation5 health an other )acilities tar"etin" poor population'

7ihar ran8s poorl$ on most human evelopment in icators5 its per)ormance has improve in recent $ears5 .hich accor in" to Pro)' Sen is riven b$ better a ministration an steps to improve 0i6ar Develo34ent 7ihar mo is literac$ an health4odel' )acilities' :el )e.
an inte"rate approach )or evelopment an "ro.th' In the 7ihar *o el state )un in" is ' hi"hl$ polariBe to.ar s primar$ e ucation5 health )acilities' 7ihar *o el assumes that .ithout e ucation an proper health )acilities5 it .as i))icult to achieve balance "ro.th' 9erala Model' Sen ha o)ten lappe up +erala mo el as F+erala eJperienceF - stateriven evelopment - as a role mo el )or other In ian states' In 7ha".ati-Pana"ari$aNs boo85 the F+erala *o elF is a metaphor )or a primaril$ re istribution an state- riven evelopment Gu;arat -rowt6 Model: metaphor )or evelopment riven primaril$ b$ "ro.th an private-entrepreneurship' /u0arat *o el Page54 Jamshedpur Research emphasiBes on hi"her "ro.th rate as the solution to povert$ re uction'

months a"o5 he slamme opposition la.ma8ers bent upon F isruptin"F Parliament an state that the$ .ere "uilt$ )or the eaths bein" cause b$ non-passa"e o) the 1oo Securit$ 7ill5 su""estin" that the "overnment ta8e the For inance routeFSince November 200(5 a ne. "overnment le b$ Nitish +umar has implemente a number o) economic an social re)orms' 7et.een 1<<< an 20095 state /DP "re. b$ ('1G a $ear5 .hich .as belo. the In ian avera"e o) ;'3G' Ao.ever5 in Januar$ 20105 the In ian "overnmentNs ,entral Statistics -r"anisation reporte that in the )ive$ear perio bet.een 200=C0( an 2009C 0<5 7iharNs /DP "re. b$ 11'03G5 .hich ma e 7ihar the secon )astest "ro.in" econom$ in In ia urin" that ( $ear perio 5 0ust behin /u0aratNs "ro.th o) 11'0(G' :nother surve$ con ucte b$ ,entral Statistical -r"anisation 2,S-4 an National Sample Surve$ -r"anisation5 un er *-SPI5 sai that 7ihar sa. 1='90 percent "ro.th in )actor$ output in 200;-095 .hich .as sli"htl$ less than the In ian rate o) 1('2= percent' In 2011-12 7ihar .as at the top5 .ith 13'26 per cent /SDP "ro.th5 )ollo.e b$ *a h$a Pra esh at 11'91 per cent' In 2012-135 7iharNs /SDP "ro.th is estimate to have ecline to <'=9 per cent' In the economic o.nturn 2013 .hen nationOs "ro.th rate is shrie8e to belo. )ive5 maintainin" a "ro.th rate o) <'=9 is Kuite appreciable

Ja-di,6 06a-wati and Arvind Pana-ari:a: : "ro.th is the sin"le most important instrument o) povert$ re uction an that In ia nee s both to accelerate "ro.th' A4art:a Sen' /ro.th is not in epen ent o) social trans)ormation' @ithout e ucation an proper health )acilities5 It is i))icult to achieve balance "ro.th' Ae supports )oo subsi ies to the poor'

Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


Ja-di,6 06a-wati and Arvind Pana-ari:a on Gu;arat -rowt6 Model Ja" ish 7ha".ati an :rvin Pana"ari$a are hi"hl$ impresse b$ *o iNs economics' !ate last $ear5 in their boo8 NIn iaNs 3r$st @ith Destin$: Debun8in" *$ths 3hat ?n ermine Pro"ress an : ressin" Ne. ,hallen"esN5 7ha".ati an Pana"ari$a brou"ht bac8 to the )ore the +erala *o el vs /u0arat *o el ebate' Sen ha o)ten lappe up .hat he calle F+erala eJperienceF state- riven evelopment - as a role mo el )or other In ian states' In 7ha".atiPana"ari$aNs boo85 the F+erala *o elF is a metaphor )or a primaril$ re istribution an state- riven evelopment .hile the F/u0arat *o elF is a metaphor )or evelopment riven primaril$ b$ "ro.th an privateentrepreneurship' -pposin" SenNs Fanti"ro.th assertionsF5 the authors ar"ue that -rowt6 i, t6e ,in-le 4o,t i43ortant in,tru4ent o7 3overt: redu2tion and t6at India need, 5ot6 to a22elerate -rowt6. In an article .ritten recentl$5 Pro) :rvin Pana"ari$a ar"ue that /u0arat is oin" .ell because there is somethin" calle P/u0arat *o elR an he then compares it .ith P7ihar mo elR to )urther his case 2or cause4' Ae thin8s that the so-calle /u0arat *o el can be use as a one-siBe-)its-all mo el )or the .hole o) In ia' @hile the per)ormance o) /u0arat in man$ sectors must be reco"nise 5 Pro) Pana"ari$a ma8es a case that

ever$thin" that is "oo in /u0arat is because o) the /u0arat *o elM an in the sectors .here /u0arat is not oin" so .ell5 it is because other states are havin" a historical a vanta"e' 3his eJplanation can be seriousl$ conteste atleast as )ar as the e ucation sector is concerne ' *ore so because e ucation sector is an eJample cite b$ Pro) Pana"ari$a himsel)' Sen5 came up .ith a boo8 that he co-authore .ith eminent economist an )ormer N:, member Jean DreBe' N?ncertain /lor$N5 their boo85 ar"ues that the )easibilit$ o) hi"h economic "ro.th is threatene b$ the un er evelopment o) social an ph$sical in)rastructure an the ne"lect o) human capabilities5 in contrast .ith the :sian approach o) simultaneous pursuit o) economic "ro.th an human evelopment5 as pioneere b$ Japan5 South +orea an ,hina' #vi entl$5 that .as a stron" riposte to NIn iaNs 3r$st @ith Destin$N' 7ha".ati has also attac8e Sen over his recent FobsessionsF .ith 7an"la esh an ,hina5 countries lau e b$ Sen )or "reater state participation in health care5 e ucation5 etc' F:n e ucate an health$ .or8)orce brin"s economic "ro.th an )or that .e nee a )un amental chan"e'F Co43ari,on' 0i6ar V, Gu;arat In a t.o-part series5 .e compare "ro.th an evelopment in icators o) the t.o states over 20 $ears )ollo.in" the liberaliBation o) In iaOs econom$ in 1<<15 .hen the entire nation "re. at its )astest pace in histor$' In the )irst part5 .e eJamine "ro.th in icators to )in that +umar outscores *o i .hen it comes to eliverin" on "ro.th' In the secon part5 .e eJamine a broa er ran"e o) in icators5 .hich in icate that /u0aratOs "ro.th un er *o i has been )ar more inclusive than 7iharOs un er +umar'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


!ear 1<<1 -2001 2001-2011

a5le I' Avera-e annual -rowt6 rate National avera-e annual -rowt6 Gu;arat rate 6'1 ;'; ;'( 10'2

0i6ar Avera-e annual -rowt6 rate 2'; 9'2

3he accompan$in" table sho.s that /u0aratOs economic "ro.th in 2001-2011 at an annual avera"e rate o) 10'2G .as 2'( percenta"e points hi"her than the national avera"e' : closer loo8 at the table sho.s that /u0aratOs "ro.th in the prior eca e[ be)ore *o i too8 char"e in 2001[at ;'(G also beat the national avera"e5 albeit b$ a sli"htl$ smaller mar"in o) 1'=G' -n the other han 5 7iharOs econom$ limpe alon" at an avera"e annual "ro.th rate o) 2';G5 3'= percenta"e points slo.er than the national avera"e5 in 1<<1-2001' -ver the neJt eca e thou"h5 7iharOs "ro.th rate treble to 9'2G5 beatin" the national avera"e )or the )irst time in in epen ent In iaOs histor$5 even thou"h the improvement over the national avera"e .as b$ a small mar"in' 7iharOs turnaroun is amon" the eJceptional stories un)ol in" in In ia' 20115 the state "re. at an annual pace o) 10'<G5 beatin" both the national avera"e an /u0aratOs "ro.th rate o) <'6G urin" this perio ' 3here are those .ho .oul li8e to ascribe the entire turnaroun o) 7iharOs econom$ to the e))ect o) a lo. base' 7ut there is little empirical evi ence to support the theor$ that "ro.th rates across In ian states automaticall$ conver"e' :s economists ,hetan /hate 2o) the In ian ,ouncil )or &esearch in International #conomic &elations4 an Stephen @ri"ht 2o) the ?niversit$ o) !on on4 abl$ emonstrate in a recent #conomic an Political @ee8l$ article5 there is no evi ence o) either conver"ence or o) iver"ence amon" In ian states over the course o) in epen ent In iaOs histor$' 3he "ro.th acceleration in /u0arat seems to o.e more to the openin" up o) the In ian

econom$ than to *o iOs rule' 3o be sure5 *o i ensure that the econom$ i not lose steam b$ choosin" .ise economic policies but his per)ormance in rivin" "ro.th pales in comparison to +umar' In t6e edu2ation ,e2torA t6e ,tate o7 0i6ar 6a, done 7ar 5etter t6an t6e ,tate o7 Gu;arat. ihar has ma e si"ni)icant pro"ress in elementar$ e ucation' @hen Nitish +umar too8 over the reins5 the e ucation s$stem .as in total isarra$' 3here .ere )e.er schools5 1;G o) the chil ren in the a"e "roup o) 6-1= .ere out o) school5 9(G o) the eJistin" schools i not have a blac8 boar 5 the pupil-teacher-ratio 2P3&4 .as as hi"h as 1:905 an there .as poor "en er parit$ in enrolment 2;=0 "irls )or ever$ 1000 bo$s4' 7ihar5 .ith its limite resources5 trans)orme the entire elementar$ e ucation s$stem un er Nitish +umar' 3o a$ 7ihar is the lar"est public e ucation s$stem 2even bi""er than ?P4 in In ia .ith over 2 crore chil ren in "overnment schools' 3he state "overnment too8 a bol ecision to recruit over 3 la8h contract teachers to "et to a pupil teacher ratio o) 1:(0 2the ratio is still hi"h4'3he "en er parit$ in enrolment is no. eKuitable 2<=0S10004' *ost interestin"l$5 it is one o) the )e. states .here parents still pre)er to sen chil ren to "overnment schools' No. compare this .ith /u0arat urin" the same perio : the enrolment in "overnment schools actuall$ ecline 5 not man$ "overnment schools .ere constructe 5 the


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


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state continues to have poor "en er parit$5 an parents are optin" out o) public

e ucation s$stem in bi" numbers an .ith a hu"e ropout rate' 2all "raphs belo.4'

=i-ure 1 ' 7ihar public school enrollment in elementar$ e ucation nearl$ ouble .hile /u0arat enrollment sli"htsl$ ecrease ' 2Source : DIS#4 =i-ure ( ' 7ihar "en er ratio pro"ress .ith bic$cle scheme )or "irls an a)ter a ressin" la. an or er problems 2Source : DIS#4

=i-ure ) ' Parents in /u0arat pre)er to sen their chil ren to private schools5 the enrollment in pvt schools increase b$ 300G .$ource E "I$E/. =i-ure % ' 7ihar increase the access b$ constructin" more number o) schools5 .hile /u0arat i not o much in this aspect 2Source : DIS#4' ,omin" to the interestin" aspect o) learnin" outcomes5 accor in" to :nnual Status o) # ucation &eport 2:S#&45 a comprehensive annual surve$ o) &ural In ia one b$ Pratham5 7ihar outper)orms /u0arat b$ a hu"e mar"in in both rea in" as .ell as arithmetic' Please remember that the siBe o) 7ihar public e ucation s$stem is close to


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


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three times that o) /u0arat an 7ihar nearl$ ouble the capacit$ o) public e ucation s$stem a)ter Nitish +umar too8 over' :n$ e ucation polic$ anal$st .ill a"ree that it is ver$ i))icult to maintain Kualit$ .ith massive eJpansion an espite that 7ihar has outper)orme /u0arat'

:ccor in" to Pro) Pana"aria5 +erala has a historical a vanta"e in e ucation' It is a vali point5 but it oes not eJplain the colossal )ailure o) /u0aratOs public

e ucation s$stem5 .here onl$ 12G o) the chil ren in ,lass III can o a simple subtraction an onl$ 11G o) the chil ren in class V can o a simple ivision 2the correspon in" percenta"es )or 7ihar are 26G an 30G respectivel$4' : state .ith eJcellent a ministrative abilities 2as is o)ten claime b$ man$4 but onl$ 10G o) the chil ren acKuirin" minimum basic s8ills is har l$ a Pmo elR .hich can be applie to entire In ia 2"raphs belo.4' 3o put it simpl$5 the /u0arat *o el is e ucationall$ anoreJic'

=i-ure + RC' ,hil ren in St III .ho can o subtraction or more 2Source: :S#&-20124 '

=i-ure * R D' ,hil ren in St V .ho can o sin"le i"it ivision 2Source: :S#&-2012 4


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In /u0arat5 6(G o) the chil ren ropout be)ore the$ reach ,lass VIII an o) the remainin" stu ents5 onl$ 3(G can rea simple #n"lish sentences 2eJample o) simple #n"lish sentence as per :S#& : P.hat is the timeR5 Pshe has man$ boo8sR4' -nl$ 6 o) 335=(9 "overnment schools in the state impart e ucation in #n"lish me ium' @hen *r *o i sa$s In ia can eJport teachers to other countries5 it soun s li8e a novel thou"ht5 but that oes not even remotel$ match .ith the realit$ on the "roun ' ?nless there is a hu"e eman )or /u0arati me ium teachers abroa ` 1ocus on In ustr$ an in)rastructure is important )or "ro.th5 but )or that "ro.th to be sustainable it has to be bac8e b$ robust human capital an hi"her pro uctivit$' It is not uncommon to hear )rom in ustr$ the complaints relate to lac8 o) emplo$able s8ills even amon" "ra uates' In e ucation sector5 .e are sittin" on a time bomb' 3he learnin" outcomes in schools5 all over In ia5 are ab$small$ lo. an the$ are eclinin" ever$ $ear' I) .e o not a ress this challen"e .ith a sense o) ur"enc$5 .e mi"ht construct the most .on er)ul in ustries but there .ill no s8ille labour to run them' @hatever be $our political leanin"s5 no one can ar"ue that /u0arat is the mo el )or In ia to emulate to overcome that challen"e' 7ut it is onl$ one si e o) the coin' @hen total eJpen iture o) the state "overnment .ill be )ocuse on human capital5 an in ustrial "ro.th is remaine overloo8e 5 ris8 o) ver$ hi"h unemplo$ment can not be i"nores' 3here)ore5 a balancin" act is the nee o) the hour' Area, w6ere Gu;arat 6a, out 3er7or4ed 0i6ar /iven the rapi recover$ in 7iharOs "ro.th en"ine5 one .oul eJpect a substantial ecline in povert$ levels in the state' 7ut povert$ )i"ures have barel$ bu "e bet.een 200=-0( an 200<-10 in 7ihar' Povert$ levels ecline b$ less than a percenta"e point to (3'(G in 7ihar' In contrast5 povert$

rates )ell b$ an impressive 9'6 percenta"e points in /u0arat over the same perio ' @h$ i /u0arat succee in attac8in" povert$ .hile 7ihar )aile V :ctuall$5 /u0aratOs "ro.th has been )ar more balance than that o) 7ihar5 allo.in" people emplo$e in i))erent sectors to "ain )rom the "ro.th process' 7iharOs "ro.th has been narro.5 concentrate in the secon ar$ sector' @ithin the secon ar$ sector5 it is chie)l$ construction activit$ that has riven "ro.th' 3he narro. "ro.th base an lac8lustre "ro.th o) the primar$ sector 2a"riculture an allie activities4 has meant that most o) 7ihar has been le)t out o) the "ro.th process' ?nli8e /u0arat5 .hich is =2G urban5 7ihar is lar"el$ a rural state an the absence o) an e))ective a"riculture strate"$ has hurt the state ba l$' Nine out o) 10 people in 7ihar live in its rural parts' #ven as povert$ levels sta"nate 5 the /ini coe))icient[a measure o) ineKualit$ that ta8es values )rom 0 to 15 .ith 1 in icatin" eJtreme ineKualit$[.ent up in rural 7ihar sho.s that &ural ineKualit$ ecline in /u0arat over the same perio 5 althou"h ineKualit$ levels in richer /u0arat are hi"her than in poorer 7ihar' /u0aratOs a"ricultural per)ormance .as superior to most other states even in the 1<<0s' In the 2000s too5 /u0arat maintaine its "ro.th a vanta"e' 7ut .hat the avera"es actuall$ hi e is a remar8able turnaroun o) the resource-poor an rier re"ions .ithin /u0arat5 such as Saurashtra5 urin" this perio ' *uch o) /u0aratOs "ro.th over the past eca e has come )rom these parts rather than the irri"ate belt' ,allin" the superior "ro.th per)ormance o) such semi-ari re"ions an Qa"rarian miracleO' /u0arat un er *o i has been more inclusive than 7ihar un er +umar because o) *o iOs )ocus on the a"rarian sector' 3he )ocus on the a"rarian sector in the poorer parts o) the state has been amon" the most e))ective anti-povert$ tools an$ "overnment has emplo$e in the past eca e' @hile *o iOs supporters5 an sometimes the man himsel)5 mouth promar8et an anti-state rhetoric5 /u0aratOs "overnment has been activel$ interventionist in 8e$ sectors o) the econom$'


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3o be sure5 7ihar too has some notable achievements in improvin" social outcomes: rapi pro"ress in literac$5 especiall$ amon" .omen5 an universal e.ormin" o) chil ren are t.o stri8in" eJamples' Yet5 7iharOs overall success in sprea in" the bene)its o) "ro.th has been mea"re' 3he stri8in" stasis in povert$ levels espite eJceptionall$ hi"h "ro.th rates punctures +umarOs claims o) Qinclusive "ro.thO' +umarOs 8e$ achievement has been to brin" la. an or er un er control5 an to )acilitate a massive construction boom' +umar .oul li8e to pro0ect himsel) as an inclusive QsocialistO lea er' 7ut his re"ime has been Kuite elitist in realit$5 allo.in" a small section to corner the bene)its o) "ro.th' 3he iver"ences bet.een the narratives surroun in" the t.o lea ers an the actual outcomes in the t.o states illustrate the )act that an$ pro)esse alle"iance to an economic i eolo"$ is merel$ aime at public relations rather than to "ui e actual polic$ ecisions' Is the lac8 o) i eolo"ical ri"i it$ amon" politicians a mar8 o) .is omV -r5 is this another mar8 o) their .ea8nessesV

Con2lu,ion' Di))erent states have i))erent socio-economic an political con itions an the$ have to moul their policies to a ress their speci)ic challen"es' Some states mi"ht invest in in ustr$ an in)rastructure .hich can lea to rapi "ro.th .hile other states mi"ht opt to invest in human capital 2health an e ucation4 .hich .ill normall$ "ive returns in the lon" run' 3his is a matter o) polic$ choice an most o) the times that choice is ictate b$ circumstances' -ne siBe )it )or all is not a ver$ lo"ical avenue )or "ro.th an evelopment' It seems that both the mo els have ver$ narro. i))erences an both are complementar$ to each other' -ne han 5 7ihar mo el is more )ocuse on improvin" the e ucation5 sanitation an health con itions o) poor in 7ihar .ith the help o) )un s allotte Page60

b$ central "overnment D state resources' -n the other5 /u0arat mo el is more )ocuse on attractin" 1DI in the state' In ustrialiBation is the 8e$ activit$ o) /u0arat mo el' 7ihar is a ver$ poor state .here ver$ lar"e population lives belo. the povert$ line' So5 NitishOs i ea o) increasin" their stan ar o) livin" throu"h health5 e ucation5 an nutrition is Kuite "oo ' 7ut at the same time5 indu,trialiOation i, al,o i43ortant 7or t6e -rowt6 o7 t6e ,tate. So t6at 4ore an more emplo$ment opportunities be "enerate ' It is Kuite obvious that 7ihar mo el .oul not "et esire results i) it )ails to a opt /u0arat mo el' Same theor$ is applicable )or /u0arat also' Its "ro.th mo el remains useless i) a ver$ lar"e population o) the state remains poor' So some elements o) 7ihar mo el is also important )or over all "ro.th o) the state so that poorest o) poor brin" bac8 to the main stream' 1inall$ it can be sai that both the mo els are eKuall$ important':s )ar as "ro.th is concerne 5 I thin8 .e nee both the 7ha".ati an Sen mo el'In ia can never be a trul$ happ$ prosperous countr$ unless our passion )or "ro.th is combine .ith compassion )or the poor' : lar"e number o) people in this countr$ are poor'@hile SenOs mo el )or "ro.th
a vocates that In ia shoul invest more in its social in)rastructure5 the mo el put )orth b$ 7ha".ati ar"ues that mere )ocus on "ro.th can $iel enou"h resources )or investin" in social sector schemes' : most constructive economic polic$ is incomplete .ithout the element o) compassion' I support Dr 7ha".atiOs vie.s there shoul be passion )or "ro.th an eKuall$ support Dr SenOs mo el .hich sa$s there shoul be compassion )or the poor' 7ha".ati mo el .ill never be complete unless complemente .ith SenOs mo el 0I0LI"GRAPH! R RE=ERENCES

Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

1. 06a-wati Ja" ish DArvind Pana-ari:a521<124: In iaNs 3r$st .ith Destin$5 ,ollins 7usiness publication 5 ?S:' Pp-2;-29

4. A,6o8 9 Mi,6ra >($1)?'

(. 06atta26ar:a Pramit220134: P7ihar vs /u0arat: ,omparin" evelopment mo elsR *int D @all street Journal 20135 6tt3'//www.live4int.2o4/"3inion/L :tR,u7eCW"d0G"EV*J85L/0i6ar #v,#Gu;arat#Co43arin-# develo34ent#4odel,.6t4l5 accesse on 23-(-2013 3' Prat$a"a 220134: P/u0arat Vs 7ihar a: clash o) *o elsR' http:SSprat$a$a'nationalinterest'inS201 3S0;S26S"u0arat-vs-bihar-a-clash-o)mo els5 accesse on 31-9-1013

GNitish +umarNs 7ihar *o el 7etter 3han Naren ra *o i /u0arat: 7JP *inisterR5 6tt3'//arti2le,.e2ono4i2ti4e,.indiati 4e,.2o4/($1)#$%# ((/new,/)D*)C1(+S1S5;3#4la,# -u;arat#4odel#niti,6#4odel5 accesse on 11'('2013'

5. Swa4inat6an S An8le,aria
Ai:ar>($1)? ' G:mart$a Sen D Ja" ish 7ha".ati an ,on"ress D 7JP a"ree on evelopment5 isa"ree onl$ in e"reeR5 6tt3'//arti2le,.e2ono4i2ti4e,.indiati 4e,.2o4/($1)#$*# )1/new,/%$&1+*$)S1S-u;arat# ,6an8er,in6#va-6ela#2on-re,,#and# 5;35 accesse on 23-;-2013


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This paper details condition of primary education in Fhar hand in general and )est $inghbhum district of Fhar hand in particular. )est $inghbhum district of Fhar hand is different from the other districts of Fhar hand in a sense that it is a homeland of many tribal communities and BC percent of its population resides in rural areas. In the <B bloc s of )est $inghbhum district, there are more than ;7CC government run primary schools but !uality of education is still !uite unsatisfactory. The paper presented here, points out some specific impediments, responsible for unsatisfactory growth of literacy percentage in the region along with general ones that need a multipronged effort to ensure effectiveness. )hile the government has step in with incentives such as midday meal schemes, community participation in the governance, the primary schooling system has yet to be organized. 9e: Word,' J6ar86andA Pri4ar: edu2ationA -overn4ent tea26er,A Para tea26er,A 6i-6 dro3 outA low litera2: rateA di,,ati,7ied tea26er,A tri5al 3o3ulationA naLali,4A ,26ool in7ra,tru2tureA -overn4ent ,26ool,A Introdu2tion Jhar8han is the 29th state o) In ia' 1ormerl$ a part o) 7ihar5 the state .as )orme on November 1(5 2000 .ith &anchi as its capital' : hub o) in ustrial activities5 the state o) Jhar8han is also an e ucational estination' ,entres o) learnin" inclu in" 7irla Institute o) 3echnolo"$ an In ian School o) *ines5 II*5 &anchi an X!&I5 Jamshe pur attract stu ents )rom across the countr$ enroll )or their cuttin"-e "e pro"rams in .i e-ran"in" isciplines' Despite the )act that there are some eJcellent e ucational institutions in Jhar8han it has an ina eKuate e ucational in)rastructure' 3he 2011 census liste the stateNs o))icial literac$ rate at 6;'63G 2*ale: ;9'=(GM 1emale: (6'21G4 .ith onl$ nine istricts above the avera"e literac$ rate' 3he state o))ers )ree an compulsor$ primar$ e ucation available )or all chil ren up to a"e 1=' 3he state has a net.or8 o) aroun 215396 "overnment an private schools' 3he literac$ rate )or )emales is lo.er than males' # ucationists in Jhar8han paint a blea8 )uture )or primar$ e ucation5 especiall$ in rural areas' Ai"h ropout rates an .aste primar$ e ucation pro0ects are serious concerns'

Ca,e o7 Nitin ' A 3ri4ar: ,26ool tea26er in We,t Sin-656u4 Di,tri2t or J6ar86and
=0 $ears ol Nitin is a permanent primar$ school teacher in a "overnment school in a remote villa"e o) @est Sin"hbhumDistrict o) Jhar8han ' #ver$ a$ Nitin .a8es up ('30 in the mornin"5 he ta8es motorbi8e ri e to 3ata Na"ar rail.a$ station512 8ilometers )rom his house accompanie .ith his )rien *onish 7ish.as5 also a permanent primar$ school teacher in the same area' It ta8es them 1( minutes to reach the 3ata Na"ar &ail.a$ to catch a local train that ta8es them to ,haibasa' 3heir t.o hour train 0ourne$ to


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


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the ,haibasa is spent pla$in" car s .ith their ail$ co-passen"ers5 an rea in" ne.spapers' It ta8es Nitin )urther <0 minters to reach the school )rom the chaibasa rail.a$ station' Ae spen s 2-3 hours in the villa"e school an returns bac8 )ollo.in" the same route' 3hree alternative a$s ever$ .ee85 he )ollo.s the same routine' &est three .or8in"s a$s are mana"e .ith the help o) his school hea master5 co-teachers an local Pancha$at bo $' 3he onl$ ream Nitin has is to "et trans)erre in Jamshe pur cit$ so that he ma$ "et ri o) 6 hours cumbersome travel' Ais chil ren stu $ in "oo private schools' Ais .i)e is not intereste to shi)t in villa"e at an$ cost' It is not the stor$ o) Nitin onl$ but ever$ a$ hun re s o) teachers travel (-6 hours in a .a$ to their schools in a hope that one a$ the$ .ill be trans)erre to Jamshe pur cit$' :part )rom poor teacher stu ent ratio teacher absenteeism5 teacher issatis)action is also a bi" issue' 3here are more than 2(0 "overnment primar$ schools in the 16 bloc8s o) @est Sin"hbhum istrict o) Jhar8han ' Since <0 percent population o) ,haibasa +harsa.an istrict resi es in rural areas5 90 percent "overnment primar$ schools are locate in rural areas' 7asic )acilities in these villa"es are ver$ poor' Nitin sa$s 5 Q)or"et the electricit$ an sa)e rin8in" .ater5 li)e is un er an"er here' It is a NaJal a))ecte area' Nearest police station is 1( 8ilometer a.a$ )rom the villa"e' In the ni"ht policemen o not move )rom their pic8ets' #ven in a$li"ht .e har l$ see an$ police petrol team' Ao. can be .e put our )amil$Os li)e in an"erV5 he as8s' PSocial bac8"roun o) most o) these primar$ school teachers oes not .atch .ith the locals' So the$ run a.a$' 3heir chil ren are stu $in" in "oo schools in the cit$5 the$ o not .ant to live in these un evelope villa"es villa"eR a villa"er claime ' @hat e ucationV about the Kualit$ o)

It is as eJcellent` @e hope5 a)ter )inishin" primar$ school e ucation5 most o) the stu ents .oul at least be able to .rite their names an the$ .oul not be :N/?3A: ,A:P an$more5 local social activist an"uishes' Ae as8s -@h$ onOt these teachers "et their o.n chil ren enrolle in the schools .here the$ are poste V 3he Kualit$ o) learnin" is a bi" problemM also the Kualit$ o) teachin" has also ecline in the last )e. $ears' Shorta"e o) "oo teachers at the primar$ level is a bi" reason behin this poor e ucation status' :s per the :S#& 20115 there is a shorta"e o) =35000 teachers in =05000 schools here in the state' 3hat apart5 the teachers .ho are atten in" schools are not ver$ .ell Kuali)ie ' 3heir number is =35000 2:S#& 20114' In .hat coul be seen as the poor scenario o) e ucation in the countr$5 nearl$ <3 percent o) the can i ates .ho appeare )or the post o) teachers in Primar$ Schools o) Jhar8han )aile to clear the test' In a test con ucte b$ the Jhar8han :ca emic ,ouncil 2J:,4 )or the appointment o) 13590; teachers )or primar$ schools an ==01 ?r u teachers5 onl$ seven percent success)ull$ cleare the eJamination' 3eachers have their o.n point o) vie.' Nitin replies5 PIt is )oolish to blame these teaches )or poor Kualit$ o) e ucation in the re"ion' 3hese teachers are )reKuentl$ use b$ istrict a ministration )or census .or85 election ut$ an other t$pes o) "overnment .or8s .here lar"e number o) people is reKuire )or a short perio o) time' *ost o) the teachers spen 2-3 months ever$ $ear in these .or8s' *i a$ meal is an a e bur en on this primar$ school teaches' !ivin" con itions in remote villa"es o) these istricts is ver$ unsatis)actor$R salaries o) the teachers5 too5 pose a serious problem' @hile the permanent teachin" sta)) "et a salar$ bet.een &s 125000 to &s 1950005 those appointe on contract as Npara teachersN receive paltr$ amounts bet.een &s =5000 an &s (5000 per month' 3his


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


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i))erence in the salaries has le)t the Npara teachersN is"runtle an on a perpetual mo e o) a"itation' F3he permanent teachers are entitle to pension an "ratuit$' @h$ have these bene)its been enie to us5F

as8e para teachers .ho le a emonstration o) hun re s o) such teachers outsi e the :ssembl$5 eman in" re"ulariBation o) their services5 on *arch 26 last $ear

a5le 1' Di,tri2t wi,e litera2: rate o7 J6ar86and Di,tri2t Ran26i Ea,t Sin-656u4 D6an5ad Ra4-ar6 0o8aro Si4de-a Sarai8ela 96ar,awan Lo6arda-a 9odar4a Gu4la Deo-6ar Litera2: Rate>K? *C.$C ;('=< ;='(2 ;3'1; ;2'01 6;'<< 6;'; 6;'61 66'9= 6(';3 6='9( Di,tri2t Ja4tara 86unti Pala4u Giridi6 Du48a Gar6wa C6atra Late6ar We,t Sin-656u4 Godda Sa6e5-an; Pa8ur Litera2: Rate>K? 6='(< 63'96 63'63 63'1= 61'02 60'33 60'19 (<'(1 (9'63 (6'= (2'= =9'92

Sour2e' www.;6ar86and.-ov .in 3here are in total =05313 schools in Jhar8han 5 impartin" e ucation to aroun =0 la8h stu ents up to ,lass VIII' :lmost all these "overnment-run schools are )acin" a shorta"e o) teachin" sta))' -) the 15335(00 posts )or teachers in the state5 135(00 posts are l$in" vacant as o) no.' :n estimate 1( per cent o) the current teachin" sta)) is set to retire soon' In )act5 about 10 per cent o) them .oul retire b$ the en o) 2013 3he &i"ht to # ucation :ct sa$s the ratio o) teacher pupil in the schools shoul be 3(:1 at the primar$ level an 30:1 at the upper primar$ level' Aence5 as per District In)ormation on School # ucation 2DIS#4 &eport 20115 the status o) Jhar8han is rather ismal' 3he teacher pupil ratio in schools here at the primar$ level an upper primar$ level is =3:1'

a5le' ( Indi2ator, o7 3oor 3ri4ar: edu2ation ,:,te4 in J6ar86and

Para4eter, 3eacher stu ent ratio Ga"e o) stu ents2 ,lass I D II4 .ho o not un erstan the lan"ua"e o) teachers

J6ar86and =3:1 61G


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal



National ?niversit$ # ucation Plannin" an : ministration 2N?#P:45 a central "overnment bo $5 ran8e Jhar8han out o) 3( states an union territories in elementar$ e ucation' :s per the ata o) the Jhar8han # ucation Pro0ect ,ouncil 2J#P,4 till :pril 20125 number chil ren in the a"e "roup o) 6-1= onNt "o to school :s per the :nnual Status # ucation &eport 2:S#&4 20115 G a"e o) stu ents atten schools in the state' SiJ la8h (<G National avera"e- ;1G

a5le ') "ut o7 ,26ool ,tudent,A ($11>In t6ou,and?

,ountr$ Yemen 3hailan 2200<4 Philippines 2200<4 In ia220104 Pa8istan /hana South :)rica *ali Ni"er220124 +en$a 7ur8ina 1aso220124 #thiopia Ni"eria220104

3housan <=< 611 1=60 I6;= (=36 611 6;< 9(0 <(; 1010 101( 1;03 105(12

3he .orl is unli8el$ to )ul)il a basic commitment to "et ever$ chil into schools b$ 201(' *ore than (; million are still enie the ri"ht to primar$ e ucation5 an man$ .ill never enter a school evera


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

Sour2e' UNESC" in,titute o7 ,tati,ti2, Data 0a,e. > 6e e2ono4i2, i4e, 1) June ($1)? In 20125 National ?niversit$ # ucation Plannin" an : ministration 2N?#P:45 a central "overnment bo $5 ran8e Jhar8han 3= out o) 3( states an union territories in elementar$ e ucation' 3here .ere 21 in icators )or ran8in"5 inclu in" in)rastructure status an number o) teachers' : lar"e number o) chil ren in the state o not "o to schools' :s per the ata o) the Jhar8han # ucation Pro0ect ,ouncil We,t Sin-656u4 @est Sin"hbhum is a tribal state o) Jhar8han - a homelan o) in iaOs most primitive tribes' :ccor in" to the 2011 census @est Sin"hbhum istrict has a population o) 15(01561<5 3his "ives it a ran8in" o) 33(th in In ia 2out o) a total o) 6=04'3he istrict has a population ensit$ o) 20< inhabitants per sKuare 8ilometre 2(=0 SsK mi4 ' Pashchimi Sin"hbhum has a seJ ratio o) 100= )emales )or ever$ 1000 males5b3c an a literac$ rate o) (<'(=G' 3he ma0orit$ o) the population o) @est Sin"hbhum consists o) tribals' :lmost 90 percent o) the istrict lives in rural area' ?rbanisation process is ver$ slo. in @est Sin"hbhum istrict o) Jhar8han '3he istrict is covere .ith hills alternatin" .ith valle$s5 steep mountains5 an eep )orests on the mountain slopes' It contains some o) the best Sal tree )orests an the )amous Saran a )orest' 3here are plent$ o) .ater)alls an a lar"e variet$ o) .il li)e li8e elephants5 bisons5 ti"ers5 leopar s5 bear5 .il o"s an .il boars' Sambar Deer5 eer an spotte eer are also )oun 3he istrict contains 2J#P,4 till :pril 20125 siJ la8h chil ren in the a"e "roup o) 6-1= onNt "o to school' -) the chil ren .ho are enrolle 5 as per the :nnual Status # ucation &eport 2:S#&4 20115 onl$ (<G atten schools in the state5 .hereas the national avera"e is ;1G' 3hus5 the stateNs position is )i)th .ith 7ihar havin" (0G stu ents atten in" schools5 *a h$a Pra esh ((G5 *anipur (2G an ?ttar Pra esh (;G' lar"e eposits o) iron ore .hich are increasin"l$ bein" mine to )ee the "ro.in" eman )or steel pro uction'

Condition o7 3ri4ar: Edu2ation in We,t Sin-656u4' :ccor in" to 2011 census report literac$ rate o) @est Sin"hbhum District is onl$ (9'63G5 )ar less than the state literac$ rate 26;'3G4 an national rate 2;='0=4 ,on ition o) )emale literac$ rate is even more isappointin" in the istrict' -ut o) 100 )emales onl$ =6 percent are literate' It is an in icator poor con ition o) primar$ e ucation s$stem in @est Sin"hbhum istrict an also an in ication that "overnmentOs initiatives in this irection have been lar"el$ ine))ective as $et'

a5le %' Co43ari,on o7 litera2: rate in We,t Sin-656u4 wit6 India R J6ar86and

Litera2: Rate -verall *ale

India ;='0= 92'1=

J6ar86and 6;'63 ;9'=(

We,t Sin-656u4 (9'63 ;1'13


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal





=6'2( an 12<56(; respectivel$' ,hil SeJ &atio as per census 2011 .as <93 compare to <;9 o) census 2001' In 20115 ,hil ren un er 0-6 )orme 1;'=1 percent o) Pashchimi Sin"hbhum District compare to 19'<6 percent o) 2001' 3here .as net chan"e o) -1'(( percent in this compare to previous census o) In ia'

We,t Sin-656u4 C6ild Po3ulation ($11 In census enumeration5 ata re"ar in" chil un er 0-6 a"e .ere also collecte )or all istricts inclu in" Pashchimi Sin"hbhum' 3here .ere total 2615=<3 chil ren un er a"e o) 0-6 a"ainst 2335<0; o) 2001 census' -) total 2615=<3 male an )emale .ere 1315936

. a5le +' So2io#e2ono4i2 Pro7ile o7 We,t Sin-656u4 Di,tri2t o7 J6ar86and De,2ri3tion A2tual Po3ulation Male =e4ale Po3ulation Growt6 Area SN. 94 Den,it:/84( Pro3ortion to J6ar86and Po3ulation SeL Ratio >Per 1$$$? C6ild SeL Ratio >$#C A-e? Avera-e Litera2: Male Litera2: =e4ale Litera2: otal C6ild Po3ulation >$#C A-e? Male Po3ulation >$#C A-e? =e4ale Po3ulation >$#C A-e? Literate, Male Literate, =e4ale Literate, C6ild Pro3ortion >$#C A-e? 0o:, Pro3ortion >$#C A-e? Girl, Pro3ortion >$#C A-e? ($11 1A+$(A))D *%&A)D+ *+(A&+) (1.*+K *A((% ($D %.++K 1$$+ &D) +D.C) *1.1) %C.(+ (C1A%&) 1)1AD)C 1(&AC+* *(*A+C1 %)&A(*) (DDA(DD 1*.%1K 1*.+&K 1*.((K ($$1 1A())A&%+ C1&A)$( C1%AC%) 1).%DK *A((% 1*( %.+DK &&( &*D %C.D( C1.C& )1.DD ())A&$* 11DA(C1 11+AC%C %CDA1D$ )$&A$DC 1+&A$&% 1D.&CK 1&.1$K 1D.D(K

Pri4ar: Edu2ation In7ra,tru2ture in We,t Sin-656u4' 3he @est Sin"hbhum District .ith ,haibasa as its istrict hea Kuarter5 has been ivi e into 3 Sub-Divisions5 19 ,ommunit$

Development 7loc8s5 1( &evenue :nchals5 216 /ram Pancha$ats' 3here are 1;<2 &evenue Villa"es in the District'

a5le C' Pri4ar: Edu2ation In7ra,tru2ture in We,t Sin-656u4


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


Name o) the b*oc+

No o) ,ovt schoo*s

No-& .ovt Schoo* schoo*s 10 2; 13 = 2; 1 < < < < ; = 2 16 1( ; 02

"e-tra* schoo*s

7an "aon ,haibasa :nan pur /oel8era ,ha8ra harpur /u ri Aat"amaria Ja"annathpur Jhin8pani +huntpani +umar un"i *an0h"aon *an0hari *anoharpur Noamun i Sonua 3antna"ar 3onto 3otal

202 166 10; 160 296 96 11( 16= (3 133 ;9 109 <2 1<= 1(( 1=( 1=( 12= 2(13



Souce/ 0))icia* %ebsite o) District Admi-istratio- o) %est Si-.hbhum1 Jhar+ha-d

: surve$ con ucte b$ me amon" 120 schools o) @est Sin"hbhum istricts o) Jhar8han has reveale hu"e "aps in the

implementation o) &i"ht o) ,hil ren to 1ree an ,ompulsor$ # ucation :ct 2&3#45 3he surve$ in icate that even thou"h the


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

number o) school "oin" chil ren ha increase consi erabl$ 1= per cent in the last eca e5 there .ere man$ stumblin" bloc8s preventin" the implementation o) the &3I :ct' 3he )in in"s point to several anomalies5 most o) .hich are .ell-8no.n' /vernment irectives .ere not bein" )ollo.e to )orm school mana"in" committees 2S*,s45 .hile in 9;'( per cent villa"es5 villa"e e ucation committees 2V#,s4 continue to operate' :s per rule V,#s .ere reKuire to be ismantle once S*,s are )orme ' 7ut in man$ schools both are )unctionin"5 thus creatin" con)licts' @e )oun that ma0or isputes sur)ace 5 li8e in t.o schools5 re"ar in" trans)er o) po.er5 istribution o) )inance an control' @hile in most schools the number o) S*, members .ere in eJcess o) the limit5 norms .ere )loute in 36 schools b$ not ensurin" representation o) stu ents5 parents an 6e Ri-6t o7 C6ildren to =ree and Co43ul,or: Edu2ation A2t or Ri-6t to Edu2ation A2t >R E?5 escribes the mo alities o) the importance o) )ree an compulsor$ e ucation )or chil ren bet.een 6 an 1= in In ia un er :rticle 21a o) the In ian ,onstitution' 3he :ct ma8es e ucation a )un amental ri"ht o) ever$ chil bet.een the a"es o) 6 an 1= an speci)ies minimum norms in elementar$ schools' 3he &3# act reKuires surve$s that .ill monitor all nei"hbourhoo s5 i enti)$ chil ren reKuirin" e ucation5 an set up )acilities )or provi in" it' 7ut .e i not "et an$ evi ence o) an$ such surve$ to be con ucte at school level in the istrict 3he &i"ht to # ucation o) persons .ith isabilities until 19 $ears o) a"e is lai o.n un er a separate le"islation- the Persons .ith Disabilities :ct' : number o) other provisions re"ar in" improvement o) school in)rastructure5 teacher-stu ent ratio an )acult$ are ma e in the :ct' 7ut the "roun realit$ is Kuite i))erent in @est Sin"hbhum istrict o) Jhar8han ' In most o) the "overnment run primar$ schools in the istrict there is onl$ one permanent teacher .ho acts as the principal o) the school an there is one or t.o locall$

appointe Para teachers' In the remote areas5 pupil teacher ratio is ;0:1' Problems are man$' local resi ents in the panels' @e )oun 7al Sansa or ,hil renOs Parliament .hich .as not )ollo.e in 10 schools in ,haibasa re"ion' 3he most "larin" loophole .as ina eKuate representation o) .omen in S*,s .hen the &3# :ct calls )or (0 per cent representation o) .omen' -nl$ 2='16 schools a here to this provision' :s per the &3# :ct5 the stu ent-teacher ratio in all schools run un er the Sarva Shi8sha :bhi$an launche b$ the ,entre in 2002 has to be 1:30' but in most o) the schools in the istrict teacher stu ent ratio is ;0:1 an above' ?nli8e urban areas5 villa"ers have "reat respect )or teachers' 7ut teacher have other problems' #ntire .est Sin"hbhum istrict is un er evelope ' &oa an other in)rastructure )acilities are rare' covers an area o) (3(1'=1 8md' 3he istrict is covere .ith hills alternatin" .ith valle$s5 steep mountains5 an eep )orests on the mountain slopes' It contains some o) the best Sal tree )orests an the )amous Saran a )orest' 3here are plent$ o) .ater)alls an a lar"e variet$ o) .il li)e li8e elephants5 bisons5 ti"ers5 leopar s5 bear5 .il o"s an .il boars' Sambar Deer5 eer an spotte eer are also )oun ' *an$ rivers li8e @est +oel5 +aro+oina58u0u5 +har8ai5 San0ai5 &oro5 Deo5 an 7aitarini )lo.in" in the .est Sin"hbhum istrict' Lan-ua-e 5arrier' 3ribes mostl$ spea8s tribal lan"ua"es' *an$ villa"ers are spea8in" 7an"la an orria' :s per :S#& 20115 61G chil ren )ace the lan"ua"e barrier in Jhar8han 5 especiall$ in ,lass I an II' :ppointment o) primar$ school teachers compatible .ith local lan"ua"e in 2(00 schools o) @est Sin"hbhum is a ver$ challen"in" tas8' 3he state is alrea $ )acin" hu"e shorta"e o) teachers' Some times a"o .hen "overnment appointe local $ouths as para teachers5 one important ob0ective .as to "et ri e o) lan"ua"e barrier' 7ut :S#& 2011 report clearl$ sho.s that problem o) lan"ua"e barrier still eJist substantiall$'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

ea26in- 4et6odolo-: in tri5al area,' In most o) the schools teachin" techniKues in use are ver$ tra itional' 3hrou"h man$ teachers have obtaine 7'# an ,I/ 2certi)icate course in "ui ance5 2b$ &anchi &e"ional ,entre o) In ira /an hi National -pen ?niversit$4 $et non- conventional teachin" techniKues are not use in primar$ schools' No oubt that man$ teachers' @e )oun .ere hi"hl$ Kuali)ie an eJtremel$ but i not )in them innovative an capable o) usin" locall$ available pro ucts 2)orest pro ucts4 as non- conventional

teachin" support material' :part )rom poor in)rastructure )acilities5 incompetent teachin" is a ver$ bi" problem' 3eachers lac8 motivation an esire )or teachin"' 90 percent teachers are not satis)ie .ith their .or8 environment' #ven permanent teachers )rom the local communities .ant to be poste in nei"hborin" cities )or better in)rastructure )acilities5 chil renOs e ucation an better .or8 environment' 1ollo.in" table has the etails

a5le * De-ree o7 tea26er ,ati,7a2tion' We,t Sin-656u4 Di,tri2t o7 J6ar86and


=ull: Sati,7ied 6 ; 0 0 3=


Moderatel: Sati,7ied 61 1= 12 =1 22

Not Sati,7ied

Salar$ Structure Drin8in" @ater 3eachin" eKuipments School buil in" :ttitu e o) villa"ers to.ar s the teachers 7ehaviour o) District a ministration 3oilets an other basic )acilities in the school @or8 culture

33 6 0 =1 =2

0 ;3 99 19 02







Samp*e Si2e2001 Source/ erso-a* Surve3 *$ stu $ sho.s that none o) the teachers o) primar$ schools .ere issatis)ie .ith the pa$ scale the$ "et but their main issatis)actions lie in other areas li8e lac8 o) basic in)rastructure )acilities in the schools' Non-con ucive .or8in" con itions5 he)t$ behaviour o) istrict a ministration an insu))icient teachin" eKuipments' @e )oun that istrict a ministration o)ten involve them in non- teachin" activities li8e election ut$5 census .or8 an other 8in o) "overnment .or8s .here lar"e number o) human resource is nee e )or a short perio o) time' @e observe that school buil in" is relativel$ in "oo con ition in man$ parts5 but lac8 re"ular maintenance ma8in" 19


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

percent teachers .ere ver$ issatis)ie .ith the poor con ition o) their school buil in"'

I )oun that most o) the Schools lac8e an$ )ormal monitorin" s$stem .hich is so essential )or the Kualit$ enhancement @est Sin"hbhum istrict o) Jhar8han is )ull o) ores an mineral so it is not surprisin" that lar"est steel companies have presence in this area' 7ut their participation in the socio- economic evelopment o) the re"ion is ver$ unsatis)actor$' ata Steel 6a, ta8en ,o4e initiative, to

@e )oun that N/-s an other non"overnment a"encies are mostl$ active in urban an semi urban areas li8e cha8ar erpur5 ,haibasa Noamun i an *anoharpur' *ost o) the private schools are locate in urban areas onl$ $' 3he istrict has ( central schools' Per)ormance o) these schools is Kuite satis)actor$ in terms o) stu ent atten ance an over all mana"ement'3here nee to be more-at least one in ever$ bloc8'

Ca,e ,tud: RE="RM IN G"VERNMEN EDUCA I"N IN PUNJA0 Parivartan #Pun;a5 ea26in- 3ro;e2t >Pu5li2 #3rivate 3artner,6i3? "5;e2tive,' o wean awa: t6e tea26er, o7 Pun;a5F, -overn4ent ,26ool, 7ro4 t6e drearine,, o7 26al8,A 5oard, and 5oo8, and nud-e t6e4 to u,e 3he rope is calle a "anitmala an the bea s on it help chil ren learn to count an the )oam pieces are an earl$ lesson in "eometr$' In 2013 an N/- Sampar8 1oun ation si"ne a )ive-$ear *o?5 .ith the "overnment o) Pun0ab to retrain its teachers )rom class I to V' -b0ective is to .ean a.a$ the teachers o) Pun0abNs "overnment schools )rom the reariness o) chal85 boar an boo8s5 an nu "e them to use such props an evices to teach 8i s'3he Pun0ab teachin" pro0ect is Sampar8Ns )irst bi" pro0ect' I) plan "oes .ell5 in )ive $ears5 Sampar8 .ill spen H1( million 2about &s <0 crore4' Pu5li2#Private Partner,6i3' In the )irst phase o) Parivartan5 .hich .ill run till *a$ 201=5 Sampar8 is startin" .ith 13 bloc8s in Patiala istrict5 .hich has =91 "overnment schools5 .ith about 6(0 teachers an (05000 chil ren' Sampar8 .ill train an supervise teachers to use props to impart <6 topics relate to lan"ua"e5 maths an environmental sciences5 the three sub0ects tau"ht in primar$ schools' usin" mechanical or technical ai s to connect .ith stu ents' It ma8es learnin" an un erstan in" eas$' @ithout ai s5 a chil is limite to "raspin" soun 2.hat a teacher sa$s4 an pictures in boo8s' 3hese tools help in un erstan in" concepts an comprehen in" theories learnt )rom boo8s' No. Sampar8 has "ro.n )rom a team o) siJ to =2 in the last siJ months' Met6odolo-:' Sampar8Ns trainers .ill put "overnment teachers throu"h a pro"ramme o) one a$ a month5 )or ei"ht months a $ear5 on ne. .a$s o) teachin"' 3here is no chan"e the curriculum5 teachers or stu ents5 but aim is to provi e a better .a$ to implement learnin" .ithin the eJistin" s$llabus an in)rastructure' 3eachers are not eKuippe to use tools5 mechanical or technical5 that can help "rasp sub0ects li8e maths b$ usin" 2D5 3D or shapes' Public-private partnerships can enhance abilities o) teachers .ho mi"ht be "oo in theor$ but lac8 practical trainin" techniKues' Co,t' 3he Pun0ab "overnment .ill bear the travel cost o) teachers to trainin" centres5 .hile Sampar8 .ill bear the cost o) props5 trainers an the sessions' Sampar8 currentl$ has ei"ht trainers5 an also sources eJpertise )rom other entities' -ne o) these is 0o o"$an'or"5 another N/- that )ocuses on lo.-cost teachin" material an trainin" teachers'

Page71 Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013 JRR :ccor in" to Vineet Na$ar5 )ormer ,#- o) A,! 3echnolo"ies5 this pro0ect is meant )or trans)ormin" e ucation5 much li8e a lar"e-scale trans)ormation pro0ect5 usin" so)t.are en"ineerin" techniKues an

Peer reviewed International Journal


=inall: 3he Kualit$ o) e ucation provi e b$ the state "overnment in rural areas s$stem remains in Kuestion' @hile it remains the lar"est provi er o) elementar$ e ucation in the state )ormin" 90G o) all reco"niBe schools5 it su))ers )rom shorta"es o) teachers5 in)rastructural "aps an several habitations continue to lac8 schools alto"ether' 3here are also )reKuent alle"ations o) "overnment schools bein" ri le .ith absenteeism an mismana"ement an appointments are base on political convenience' Despite the allure o) )ree lunch-)oo in the "overnment schools5 man$ parents sen their chil ren to private schools' :vera"e schoolteacher salaries in private rural schools in some States 2about &s' =5000 per month4 are consi erabl$ lo.er than that in "overnment schools' :s a result5 proponents o) lo. cost private schools5 critiKue "overnment schools as bein" poor value )or mone$' No oubt that the literac$ rate is increase in the state an the number o) out-o)-school chil ren has ecline si"ni)icantl$ the percenta"e o) out-o)-school chil ren in hi"hl$ populate states li8e ?ttar Pra esh5 @est 7en"al5 -rissa an 7ihar remains a cause o) concern' In a ition5 S3 an S, chil ren are less li8el$ to access their ri"ht to 9 $ears o) schoolin"M the rop-out rate )or S3 chil ren bein" 62'<G an (('2G )or S, chil ren compare to a national avera"e o) =9'9G leavin" school be)ore completin" /ra e 9' ,hil ren have the ri"ht to have at least 1 Kuali)ie an traine teacher )or ever$ 30 pupils' ,urrentl$5 the national avera"e is about 1 teacher to ever$ 3= stu ents5 but in states such as Jhar8han 5 *a h$a Pra esh an @est 7en"al 1 teacher .or8s .ith more than 60 stu ents' 9= out o) 100 schools have rin8in" .ater )acilities overall in In ia' 7ut nearl$ hal) the schools in :runachal Pra esh5 :ssam an *e"hala$a o not' SiJt$-)ive out o) 100 schools have common toilets in In iaM ho.ever onl$ one out o) )our schools in Jhar8han 5 has this )acilit$' 1i)t$-)our out o) 100 schools have separate toilets )or "irls' -n avera"e5 onl$ one in )our schools in Jhar8han ' &3# provi es a ripe plat)orm to reach the unreache 5 .ith speci)ic provisions )or isa vanta"e "roups5 such as chil labourers5 mi"rant chil ren5 chil ren .ith special nee s5 or those .ho have a P isa vanta"e o.in" to social5 cultural economical5 "eo"raphical5 lin"uistic5 "en er or such other )actor'R &3# )ocuses on the Kualit$ o) teachin" an learnin"5 .hich reKuires accelerate e))orts an substantial re)orms' ,reative an sustaine initiatives are crucial to train more than 20 thousan 2:pp'4 ne. an untraine teachers .ithin the neJt )ive $ears an to rein)orce the s8ills o) eJistin" teachers to ensure chil -)rien l$ e ucation' 7rin"in" 6 la8h out-o)-school chil ren into classes at the a"e appropriate level .ith the support to sta$ in school an succee poses a ma0or challen"e' Substantial e))orts are essential to eliminate isparities an ensure Kualit$ .ith eKuit$' 1or eJample5 investin" in preschool is a 8e$ strate"$' 1amilies an communities also have a lar"e role to pla$ to ensure chil -)rien l$ e ucation )or each an ever$ one o) the estimate 1<0 million "irls an bo$s in In ia .ho shoul be in elementar$ school to a$' School *ana"ement ,ommittees5 ma e up o) parents5 local authorities5 teachers an chil ren themselves5 .ill nee support to )orm School Development Plans an monitorin"' 3he inclusion o) (0 per cent


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

.omen an parents o) chil ren )rom

isa vanta"e "roups in these committees shoul hel overcome past isparities' &. FShri +apil Sibal : resses (9th *eetin" o) ,:7#M Proposes #Jtension o) &3# up to Secon ar$ !evel *oots 7ill to ,ontrol *alpractices in School # ucationF' PI7' 2010-06-0;' &etrieve 2010-10-09' 1$. FN:, recommen s pre-primar$ sections in "ovt schoolsF' #conomic 3imes' 2010-09-03' &etrieve 2010-1009' 11. :8sha$a *u8ul5 3NN5 Jun 265 20105 0='09am IS3 22010-06-264' FA&D panel to oversee &3# rollout - In ia - 3he 3imes o) In iaF' 3he 3imes o) In ia' &etrieve 2010-0<-01' 1(. F&3# :ct: 1irst anniversar$ status reportF' # ucation.orl online' 2010-0(0;' &etrieve 2010-10-09' 1). FS, see8s action plan on eJecution o) &3# in N#F' i"overnment' 2010-09-2(' &etrieve 2010-10-09' 1%. FS, opens oor )or eKual pa$ to teachers in pvt5 "ovt schoolsF' 3ribune' 2010-09-12' &etrieve 2010-10-09' 1+. &3# Implementation http:SSiharne.s'comSin eJ'phpSe ucatio nS2<(-beeo-ri"ht-to-e ucation-acthar$ana 1C. 3he tele"raph 1eb 22'20135 Jamshe pur # ition'http:SS...'tele"raphin ia'comS 1130222S0spS0har8han Sstor$_16(<11<6' 0sp 1*. Dr' *ehta :run ,'' FDistrict-speci)ic !iterates an !iterac$ &ates5 2001F' # ucation)orallinin ia'com' &etrieve 2011-11-12' 1D. FNational 1amil$ Aealth Surve$5 1<<9C <<: 1act Sheet5 Jhar8han 5 Section: 7asic Socio-Demo"raphic 1eatures o) Jhar8han F' p' 3' 1&. :mmi +umari5 3NN Dec 35 20125 01'=6:* IS35 # ucation ta8es a bac8seat in Jhar8han 5 3imes o) In ia5 &anchi' ($. ,6elle:.,in-6A5 articles'economictimes'in iatimes'comS2


1. :run

,' *ehta' FDistrict-speci)ic !iterates an !iterac$ &ates5 2001F' # ucation)orallinin ia'com' &etrieve 2011-11-12' (. FNational 1amil$ Aealth Surve$5 1<<9C <<: 1act Sheet5 Jhar8han 5 Section: 7asic Socio-Demo"raphic 1eatures o) Jhar8han F' p' 3' ). FProvisions o) the ,onstitution o) In ia havin" a bearin" on # ucationF' Department o) Ai"her # ucation' &etrieve 20'='2-13' %. F,abinet clears lon"-pen in" # ucation 7illF' The 5indu 2Ne. Delhi4' November 15 2009' &etrieve &etrieve 20'='2-13'' +. Sripati5 V'M 3hiruven"a am5 :' +' 2200=4: FIn ia: ,onstitutional amen ment ma8in" the ri"ht to e ucation a 1un amental &i"htF' International Fournal of *onstitutional 6aw (: 1=9' oi:10'10<3SiconS2'1'1=9' C. 10 Jul5 20105 09'01:* IS35#3 7ureau 22010-0;-304' F,entre5 states to share &3# eJpenses in 69:32 ratio - 3he #conomic 3imesF' #conomictimes'in iatimes'com' &etrieve 2010-0<-01' *. P3I 21eb 135 20104' F&i"ht 3o # ucation :ct to be implemente )rom :prilF' Ne. Delhi: 3he 3imes o) In ia' D. F,entre to pic8 up ;0G o) e ucation la. tabF' Ain ustan 3imes' 2010-0;-30' &etrieve 2010-0<-01'


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Ei-6t6 All India Edu2ation Surve: >AISES? Re3ort 2ondu2ted 5: NCER >Provi,ional?
3he surve$ captures more than 13 la8h 2135065<<24 reco"niBe schools across the countr$ in each habitation5 villa"e an urban areas5 out o) .hich more than 9='1=G are in rural areas' :lmost 23 crore chil ren are stu $in" in 13 la8h schools across the countr$' 3here .ere 2295<<=5=(= stu ents enrolle in i))erent reco"niBe schools o) the countr$ .ith a 13'6;G "ro.th in stu entNs enrolment )rom ,lass I to XII' 3his is an increase )rom 20'30 crore stu ents enrolle in 2002' 3here is a 1<'12 G increase in "irlNs enrolment'-ne-)i)th o) the total primar$ schools in rural areas still o not have rin8in" .ater )acilit$' 3hree out o) 10 are .ithout usable urinal )acilities an about hal) o not have pla$"roun s' : comparison o) enrolment ata )rom 2002 to 200< )or primar$ schools sho.s a rop in enrolment in :n hra Pra esh5 /u0arat5 Aimachal Pra esh5 +arnata8a5 -rissa5 an 3amil Na u'3he ecline in enrolment in icates that stu ents at the primar$ level are shi)tin" )rom "overnment to private schools' @hile there is a maJimum increase o) =9'13G in "irlNs enrolment in primar$ schools5 the )i"ure ips to =2'(6G in hi"her secon ar$ schools' Similar tren is observe in percenta"e o) "irlNs enrolment in schools in rural areas' 3here .as 26';;G increase in total number o) schools in the countr$ urin" 2002-0<' *aJimum "ro.th rate .as seen in upper primar$ schools 2=<'1(G45 )ollo.e b$ hi"her secon ar$ schools 2=6'90G45 secon ar$ 229'<(G4 an primar$ 216'69G4' 3here is also 30G increase in number o) teachers in the countr$' 3he total "ro.th o) teachers in hi"her secon ar$ school increase b$ 3=G .ith a (0G increase in number o) teachers at hi"her secon ar$ schools in rural areas' Pupil teacher ratio 2P3&4 has also improve since the last surve$' P3& in primar$ schools has ecline )rom =2:1 to 32:1' ----



Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


DR. D. PULLA RA"I EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE A0S RAC 3he ,onstitution o) In ia see8s to secure )or all its citiBens5 amon" other thin"s5 social an economic 0ustice5 eKualit$ o) status an opportunit$ an assure the i"nit$ o) the in ivi ual' Several provisions have been incorporate in the constitution )or sa)e"uar in" an promotin" the interests o) the sche ule tribes in various spheres so as to enable them to the 0oin the national mainstream' 3his paper a resses the socio-economic status o) the sche ule tribes in the stu $ area' In the sample o) both Visa8hapatnam an ViBiana"aram5 ma0orit$ o) the househol s are the tribe o) +on a Dora' *a0orit$ o) the sample househol s in the stu $ area are Ain us an more than 6= per cent o) the sample population are illiterate' ,ultivation is primar$ occupation participate b$ the most hea s o) the sample househol s' Income )rom cultivation supports ma0orit$ o) the sample population'

*ore than (= per cent o) the cultivators have )arm income aroun rupees 25000 to (5000' #ven thou"h the .a"e laborers are more in the sample population5 the share o) income erive )rom that is less .hen compare to cultivation' 3here is a

nee to put more attention on e ucational aspects o) sche ule tribes5 .here this onl$ can motivate them )or )uture li)e' Introdu2tion In the tra itional caste s$stem5 In ian societ$ .as ivi e in to )our "roups on the basis o) tra itional occupations' 3he$ are 14 7rahmin 24 +shatri$a 34 Vaish$a an =4 Su ra' 7ut in the mo ern In ian social s$stem there are t.o more mar"inalise caste "roups namel$5 Sche ule castes an Sche ule tribes5 .ho are livin" out si e the main stream o) the societ$ because o) their lo.er social status' 3he caste base strati)ication o) the societ$ a versel$ a))ecte the eKualit$ o) opportunities to the isa vanta"e o) these "roups'

Pro)essor o) #conomics 3S(5 Siripuram %uarters :n hra ?niversit$ Visa8hapatnam-35 :'P' Page75

Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

3he sche ule tribes are the se"re"ate an isolate communities an are concentrate in the states o) -rissa5 7ihar5 *a h$a Pra esh5 :n hra Pra esh5 *aharastra5 /u0arat an &a0asthan .here the$ constitute about 90 percent o) the Sche ule tribe population o) In ia' In some o) the North #astern states also the$ )orm more than 90 percent o) their population5 an mostl$ live on the hillsi es an )orests' 3he$ are isolate )rom the rest o) the societ$ ue to poor transportation an communication )acilities an have remaine as e ucationall$5 culturall$5 economicall$ an sociall$ isa vanta"e sections' Sche ule 3ribes have been consi ere to be lo.est in the social hierarch$' 7ein" mostl$ illiterate5 the$ have been sub0ecte to all 8in s o) eJploitation C social5 economic an political' 3he$ comprise o) 6'9;5 6'925 ;';65 9'09 an 9'60 percent o) In iaOs population in 1<6151<;151<9151<<1 an 2001 census respectivel$' #ven to a$5 .i el$ pervasive realit$ in respect o) tribal communities in In ia is that most o) them are "eo"raphicall$ isolate 5 economicall$ .ea85 sociall$ i"norant5 politicall$ in i))erent5 culturall$ rich5 behaviourall$ simple5 trust.orth$ an lea in" their li)e in the lap o) nature' 3he$ are )acin" problems5 .hich )orce them to lea a li)e at bare subsistence level' 3he$ are in the situation )eature .ith povert$5 eprivation5 isa vanta"es .hich are i))icult to be tac8le e))ectivel$ on their o.n an ma8in" the "overnment in particular an societ$ in "eneral to intervene in a planne manner to solve the miseries o) tribes an )acilitate their evelopment process' : lar"e number o) tribal communities continue to be eJtremel$ bac8.ar an some o) them are still in the primitive )oo "atherin" sta"e5 .here as some others have pro"resse a little in terms o) economic an e ucational a vancement' In Visa8hapatnam5 the "ro.th rate o) tribal population )rom 1<91 to 2001 is (; per cent an )or ViBiana"aram5 it is =0 per cent' 1or :n hra Pra esh an In ia it is (9 an 63

percent respectivel$' 3his in icates that "ro.th rate o) tribal population in Visa8hapatnam an ViBiana"aram is less than that o) state an national avera"e respectivel$' 3he share o) tribal population in the total population o) Visa8hapatnam increase mar"inall$ )rom 13';= to 1='(( )rom 1<91 to 20015 the same )or ViBiana"aram5 :n hra Pra esh an In ia stan s at 9'(0 to <'((5 ('<3 to 6'(< an ;'6 to 9'20 respectivel$' Met6odolo-:

3he primar$ ata comprise o) collectin" in)ormation )rom the selecte sample tribal househol s in the tribal areas o) Visa8hapatnam an ViBiana"aram istricts o) :n hra Pra esh b$ .a$ o) canvassin" a structure sche ule amon" them' In a ition5 the secon ar$ ata are also ta8en )rom the ,hie) Plannin" -))icers o) Visa8hapatnam an ViBiana"aram Districts' 3he primar$ ata has been collecte urin" the month o) June an Jul$ o) 200;' : sample o) 339 househol s is selecte )or the stu $' : *ultista"e ran om samplin" techniKue is emplo$e to select the sample househol s' In the )irst sta"e5 t.o istricts viB'5 Visa8hapatnam an ViBiana"aram5 o) :n hra Pra esh .ere selecte )or the stu $' 3hen5 t.o man als viB'5 :nanta"iri man al )rom Visa8hapatnam istrict an Pachipenta man al )rom ViBiana"aram istrict .ere selecte ' In the thir sta"e5 )our villa"es )rom each man al .ere selecte ' In Visa8hapatnam District5 the )our villa"es .ere Damu8u5 :nantha"iri5 ,hila8ala"e a an +hambhavalasa' In ViBiana"aram District5 the )our villa"es .ere 7obbilivalasa5 :mmavalasa5 Pin ran"ivalasa an Pachipenta' In the )ourth sta"e5 all the tribal househol s in the sample villa"es .ere intervie.e .ith a pre-prepare sche ule' his paper anal$se the socio-economic status o) the sample househol s ta8in" into consi eration li8e5 hea s o) the househol s5 e ucational Kuali)ications5 t$pe o) rin8in" .ater5 speci)ic classi)ication o) caste5 t$pe o) occupation5 an eJtent o) lan cultivate etc'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

3able-1 escribes the "en er .ise classi)ication o) the hea o) the househol in the sample' -ut o) the sample o) 139 in Visa8hapatnam District5 male hea househol s are 121 an the remainin" 1; are b$ the )emales' In the ViBiana"aram District5 the sample siBe is 200' In that5 male-hea e 16= househol s an the )emales hea 36 househol s' :"ain5 here also the males hea the ma0orit$ o) the househol s' @ith re"ar to the overall

sample5 the male hea e ma0orit$ o) the sample househol s' In the tribal communities 16 per cent o) the househol s are hea e b$ )emales' 3he eJistence o) the )emale-hea e househol s oes not in icate the eJistence o) matrilineal societies but in those particular househol s5 the males are not alive' 3his ma$ be because o) the re uce level o) the li)e eJpectanc$ an epi emics bein" on rampa"e in those particular areas'

a5le#1' Head o7 t6e Hou,e6old Gender *ale Vi,a86a3atna4 ViOiana-ara4 otal

121 16= 29( 29;'694 292'004 29='324 1emale 1; 36 (3 212'324 219'004 21('694 3otal 139 200 339 2100'004 2100'004 2100'004 Y 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icate their percenta"es .ith their totals' 3able-2 enotes the e ucational Kuali)ications .ise classi)ication o) the hea o) the house hol s in the total sample househol s' In Visa8hapatnam District5 out o) 139 househol s5 the illiterate hea s are 11(293G4' 3he persons havin" primar$ an secon ar$ e ucational Kuali)ications hea t.ent$ o) the househol s' It is ver$ sa to note that out o) the total sample o) the Visa8hapatnam District5 the hea s havin" hi"her e ucation are onl$ o) three househol s' 3he literac$ rate in this istrict5 .ith re"ar to the hea o) the househol s is onl$ 16'6; percent' In the ViBiana"aram District5 out o) the sample o) 200 househol s5 a"ain the illiterate hea s are 10<2((G4' In this istrict5 the literac$ rate amon" hea s o) the househol s ten s to be =( percent5 in icatin" the success o) the e))orts o) the authorities in this area' @ith re"ar to the overall sample5 more than illiterate hea s constitute 2S3r o) the househol s' It is an in ication that nearl$ 9(G o) the hea s o) the househol s are either illiterates or .ith primar$ e ucation' 3his in icates the ina eKuate per)ormance o) the "overnmental pro"rammes5 .hich are to raise the e ucational status o) the sche ule tribes in these areas'

a5le#(' Edu2ational Quali7i2ation, o7 t6e Head o7 t6e Hou,e6old Edu2ational Quali7i2ation Vi,a86a3atna4 ViOiana-ara4 Illiterate Primar$ Secon ar$ Ai"her 11( 293'3=4 1= 210'1(4 6 2='3(4 3 10< 2(='(04 (= 22;'004 13 26'(04 2=

otal 22= 266'2;4 69 220'124 1< 2('624 2;


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

22'1;4 212'004 139 200 2100'004 2100'004 Y 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icate their percenta"es .ith their totals'


2;'<<4 339 2100'004

3able-3 sho.s the classi)ication o) the total sample househol s .ith re"ar to their speci)ic caste' :lthou"h this is not a pre etermine one5 onl$ these t$pes o) tribes have been come across in the selecte sample villa"es' In the present anal$sis5 .e come across i))erent tribes such as +on a Dora5 *anne Dora5 Noo8a an *oo8a Dora5 /a aba5 +oti$a5 7a"ata5 Yera8ula an Valmi8i' In the sample o)

Visa8hapatnam5 ma0orit$ o) the househol s are o) the tribe o) +on a Dora o) ;6 per cent an the neJt ma0orit$ are 7a"ata .ho are o) 10 percent' In the Sample o) ViBiana"aram5 ma0orit$ o) the Sample belon"s to +on a Dora 2=2G4 an /a aba 233G4 respectivel$'@ith re"ar to the overall sample5 all the tribes are o) i))erent proportion' 3he ma0orit$ belon"s to the +on a Dora an the /a aba tribes'

a5le#)' Di,tri5ution o7 ,a43le 6ou,e6old, 5a,ed on t6eir S3e2i7i2 Ca,te S3e2i7i2 Ca,te +on a Dora *anne Dora Noo8aD *oo8a Dora /a aba +oti$a 7a"ata Yera8ula Valmi8i Vi,a86a3atna4 10( 2;6'104 -3 22'1;4 < 26'(24 = 22'9<4 1= 210'1=4 -ViOiana-ara4 93 2=1'(04 23 211'(04 20 210'004 6( 232'(04 --< 2='(04 -otal 199 2(('604 23 26'904 23 26'904 ;= 221'9<4 = 21'194 1= 2='1=4 < 22'664 3 20'994 339 2100'004

3 22'1;4 3otal 139 200 2100'004 2100'004 Y 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icate their percenta"es .ith their totals' 3able-= sho.s the reli"ion .ise classi)ication o) the sample househol s' In the samplin" process5 as it is not a pre etermine one5 .e have come across onl$ t.o reli"ions5 Ain uism an the ,hristianit$' In Visa8hapatnam District5 out o) 139 sample househol s5 116 29=G4 belon" to Ain uism5 an to )in ,hristianit$ in the )ar-)lun" places is Kuite interestin"' :s most o) the areas .ere inaccessible5 onl$ some o) helpin" min e ,hristians ma$ be at their

out reach in their problems an some are convertin" into ,hristianit$5 here it is not reasonable to iscuss their o.n behavioural issues' In the same .a$ in ViBiana"aram5 out o) the sample o) 200 househol s5 <;G belon" to the reli"ion o) Ain uism' In a ition5 there eJist some househol s belon"in" to ,hristianit$' @ith re"ar to the overall sample househol s o) 3395 nearl$ <2G belon" to Ain uism5 an the remainin" to ,hristianit$'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


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a5le#%' Di,tri5ution o7 t6e ,a43le 6ou,e6old, 5a,ed on Reli-ion Reli-ion Ain u ,hristian 3otal Vi,a86a3atna4 116 29='0(4 22 21('<=4 139 2100'004 ViOiana-ara4 1<= 2<;'004 6 23'004 200 2100'004 otal 310 2<1';14 29 29'294 339 2100'004

Y 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icate their percenta"es .ith their totals' 3able-( brin"s out the e ucational Kuali)ications o) the total sample population' 3he levels o) e ucation are ivi e in to three cate"ories' Primar$ level in icates the stan ar )rom )irst to )i)th class5 Secon ar$ level in icates the stan ar )rom siJth to 10th class5 an the hi"her e ucational level in icates the classes above 10th stan ar 5 this classi)ication stan s )or this operational purpose' In Visa8hapatnam District5 out o) (3; persons .ho are above seven $ears5 3;; are illiterates5 as such more than 60 per cent people o not 8no. ho. to rea an .rite' :lthou"h there are persons .ho have e ucational Kuali)ications5 that number is )ar belo. than the level o) illiterates' 3he male literac$ rate is 36 percent an that o) )emales is 2= percent' In ViBiana"aram District5 out o) eli"ible population o) ;;9 persons5 =0; are males an 3;1 are )emales' 3he male literac$ rate is =( percent5 an that o) the )emale is 32'99 percent' In a ition5 the total sampleOs literac$ rate is )oun to be 3<'33 percent' @hen compare to the Visa8hapatnam istrict5 the literac$ rate is hi"h5 but that is )ar belo. the level o) the national avera"e' @ith re"ar to the overall sample5 the eli"ible population is 131(5 in that 6;3 are males an 6=2 are )emales' In literac$5 the male literac$ rate is =1'=( percent an the )emale literac$ rate is 2<'135 an the overall literac$ rate is 3('== per cent' In this literac$ area5 the "overnment is oin" a lot but the actual picture eJpects more than that is bein" implemente till no.'

a5le#+' Di,tri5ution o7 ,a43le 3o3ulation >4ore t6an + :ear, o7 a-e -rou3? a22ordin- to t6eir Edu2ational Quali7i2ation, Level o7 Edu2ation Illiterate Vi,a86a3atna4 Male 1;1 26='2<4 =e4al e 206 2;6'014 otal 3;; 2;0'204 ViOiana-ara4 Male 223 2(=';<4 =e4al e 2=< 26;'124 otal =;2 260'6;4 Male 3<= 2(9'(=4 otal =e4al e =(( 2;0'9;4 otal 9=< 26='(64


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

Primar$ Secon ar$ Ai"her 3otal (< 222'194 2= 2<'024 12 2='(14 266 2100'00 4 3(';2

== 16

103 =0

90 ((

=9 ==

129 <<

13< ;<

<2 21='334 60 2<'3(4 3( 2('=(4 6=2 2100'00 4 2<'13

231 21;'(;4 13< 210'(;4 <6 2;'304 131( 2100'00 4 3('==

216'2=4 2('<04 ( 21'9(4 2;1 2100'00 4 23'<9

21<'194 2;'=(4 1; 23'1;4 (3; 2100'00 4 2<';<

21<'664 213'(14 =< 212'0=4 =0; 2100'00 4 =(

212'<=4 211'964 30 29'0<4 3;1 2100'00 4 32'99

216'=(4 212';24 ;< 210'1(4 ;;9 2100'00 4 3<'33

220'6(4 211';=4 61 2<'064 6;3 2100'00 4 =1'=(

!iterac$ &ate G Y 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icate their percenta"es .ith their total' 3able-6 brin"s out the classi)ication o) the sample househol s base on .hether their chil ren 26-11$ears4 are in school or not' In the sample o) Visa8hapatnam istrict5 1; per cent o) the househol s have eli"ible chil ren not "oin" to school5 but in ViBiana"aram istrict it is ver$ lo.' ViBiana"aram istrict is oin" better than Visa8hapatnam istrict

in this aspect' 3here the eli"ible chil ren are able to "o )or e ucation' :t the a""re"ate level5 < per cent o) the eli"ible chil ren are not in school' 3his is an in icator o) bac8.ar ness in these re"ions' 3here is nee to enhance the incomes o) the parents so that the$ can sen their chil ren to school'

a5le#C' Di,tri5ution o7 t6e ,a43le 6ou,e6old, on w6et6er t6eir C6ildren in S26ool >C#11? !ear, EL3re,,ion Yes Vi,a86a3atna4 ViOiana-ara4 otal 10< 232'2(4 30 29'994 1<< 2(9'994 339 2100'004 N:-Not :pplicable'

39 ;1 22;'(=4 23('(04 No 23 ; 216'6;4 23'(04 N: ;; 122 2(('904 261'004 3otal 139 200 2100'004 2100'004 Y1i"ures in the Parenthesis in icate the percenta"es to the totals'

3able-; brin"s out the classi)ication o) the sample househol s base on the t$pe o) the source o) rin8in" .ater' 3his variable is consi ere because in the )orest areas5 lac8 o) sa)e rin8in" .ater is Page80

the main reason )or hi"h isease prevalence' In )act5 these areas are li8e isease prone areas .here the$ are the )irst to be a))ecte in the countr$ .ith an$ t$pe o) isease' Nevertheless5 this is onl$

Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal one o) the reasons )or the hi"h rate o) isease prevalence' In Visa8hapatnam District5 out o) sample 139 househol s onl$ 30 per cent are able to "et protecte source o) rin8in" .ater' 3his in icates that the ma0orit$ o) the sample is )ar a.a$ )rom the use o) sa)e rin8in" .ater' In
ViBiana"aram District5 out o) sample o) 200

househol s5 nearl$ ;( percent avail the )acilit$ o) sa)e an protecte rin8in" .ater' #ven thou"h this is "oo in icator5 more than a Kuarter o) the househol s o not have that )acilit$' @ith re"ar to the overall sample househol s5 ;1 percent are in the ambit o) sa)e rin8in" .ater' 3his in icates that a bit more action-oriente activities are nee e in this part'

a5le#*' Di,tri5ution o7 ,a43le 6ou,e6old, a22ordin- to t6e availa5ilit: o7 Nualit: Drin8inWater Sour2e Protecte Vi,a86a3atna4 ViOiana-ara4 otal 2=1 2;1'004 <; 229'004 339 2100'004

=2 1(0 230'004 2;('004 ?n Protecte <6 (0 26<'004 22('004 3otal 139 200 2100'004 2100'004 Y 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icate their percenta"es .ith their totals' 3able-9 escribes classi)ication o) the sample househol s base on the t$pe o) their house' Aouses have been classi)ie into three t$pes' Pucca house is a t$pe o) house built b$ concrete an havin" some )acilities li8e o.n toilet )acilit$5 separate rooms )or persons an so on' Semi-Pucca house is a t$pical house in the tribal areas' 3he .alls o) the semi-pucca houses are built b$ bric8M have lar"e tiles on the top5 provi e throu"h the )oo )or .or8 pro"ramme' 3he thatche houses have mu .alls an palm leaves as their roo)s'

In Visa8hapatnam District5 out o) sample o) 139 househol s5 more than (9 percent have a t$pical semi-pucca tribal house' In a ition5 nearl$ 39 per cent o) them have thatche houses' Nearl$ <6 percent o) the househol s o not have proper housin" )acilities in the sample area o) this istrict' In ViBiana"aram District5 out o) sample o) 200 househol s5 ma0orit$ o) them have "oo housin" )acilities' 3han8s to the e))orts o) the authorities o) the inte"rate tribal evelopment a"encies o) this area'

a5le#D' Di,tri5ution o7 ,a43le 6ou,e6old, a22ordin- to t6e :3e o7 Dwellin:3e Pucca Semi-Pucca 3hatche 3otal Vi,a86a3atna4 ( 23'624 91 2(9';04 (2 23;'694 139 2100'004 ViOiana-ara4 33 216'(04 131 26('(04 36 219'004 200 2100'004 otal 39 211'2=4 212 262';24 99 226'004 339 2100'004


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

Y 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icate their percenta"es .ith their totals' 3able-< brin"s out classi)ication o) the househol s base on .hether the$ have ration car s are not' 3he t$pical ration car is an in icator o) the services provi e b$ the "overnment an the level o) the househol s in the "overnmentOs recor s' 3he househol s .ith a @hite car are lo.level income persons an are provi e .ith essential commo ities at subsi ise prices an other )acilities' 3he househol s .ith a Pin8 car are the other si e o) the above sai vie.' No car in icates that none o) the services are provi e )or them )rom the part o) the "overnment' In Visa8hapatnam District5 out o) 139 sample househol s ma0orit$ o) them 293G4 are belo. povert$ line'

In ViBiana"aram District5 out o) the sample o) 200 househol s5 ma0orit$ o) the househol s are belo. povert$ line' It is interestin" to see man$ a number o) pin8 car hol ers in icatin" evelopment in the levels o) income in the )ace o) "overnment' Aere also it is isheartenin" to see some no car hol ers in icatin" inaction )rom the respective authorities' @ith re"ar to the overall sample5 ma0orit$ o) the sample househol s are .hite car hol ers5 enotin" that the ma0orit$ 263G4 o) the population in the sample area is belo. povert$ line an the people are in nee o) eJternal help in the )orm o) health5 )oo an other basic amenities'

a5le#&' Di,tri5ution o7 ,a43le 6ou,e6old, a22ordin- to t6e Po,,e,,ion o7 :3e o7 Ration Card :3e @hite Pin8 No car 3otal Vi,a86a3atna4 11= 292'614 2 21'=(4 22 21('<=4 139 2100'004 ViOiana-ara4 12( 262'(04 3< 21<'(04 36 219'004 200 2100'004 otal 23< 2;0';14 =1 212'134 (9 21;'164 339 2100'00

3able-10 sho.s the occupation .ise classi)ication o) the sample hea s o) the househol s' In the Visa8hapatnam District sample o) 139 househol s5 10; 2;;'(G4 are in cultivation an the remainin" in .a"e labour5 emplo$ees5 house.ives an others practicin" non-a"ricultural activities' Aere ma0orit$ o) the househol s epen on a"riculture )or their survival'

In the District o) ViBiana"aram5 out o) the sample o) 200 househol s5 1=< 2;(G4 are .ith ,ultivation5 an this sample area has a consi erable number o) emplo$ees5 particularl$ teachers' :"ain5 here also the a"ricultural cultivation5 the main sta$ o) the countr$5 is pla$in" the 8e$ role5 b$ allo.in" this tribal people to practice settle cultivation' @ith re"ar to the overall sample o) 339 househol s5 more than 3S= th o) the people epen s on cultivation'


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Peer reviewed International Journal


a5le#1$' Di,tri5ution o7 t6e ,a43le 6ead, o7 t6e 6ou,e6old, on t6eir Pri4ar: "22u3ation otal "22u3ation Vi,a86a3atna4 ViOiana-ara4 ,ultivation @a"e !abour Non-:"ricultural :ctivities #mplo$ee Aouse @i)e -thers 3otal 10; 2;;'(4 2= 21;'3<4 3 22'1;4 1 20';24 3 22'1;4 0 139 21004 1=< 2;='(4 11 2('(04 < 2='(04 16 29'004 ; 23'(04 9 2='004 200 21004 2(6 2;(';=4 3( 210'3(4 11 23'2(4 19 2('324 10 22'<64 9 22'364 339 21004

I 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icates their percenta"es .ith their totals 3able-11 epicts the occupational pattern practise in the stu $ area' 1or operational purposes5 the$ are ta8en as5 persons practisin" cultivation5 .a"e labour5 nona"ricultural activities5 emplo$ees5 stu ents5 an house.i)e' In the Visa8hapatnam District5 1;9 persons are cultivators5 in .hich5 males "o )or the lionOs share but it is interestin" to see some .omen are also epen on cultivation' It is also observe that both men an .omen are .a"e labourers' In the ViBiana"aram District5 also the same pattern eJists' *an$ a number o) chil ren are "oin" to schools' It is the result o) the activities one b$ the "overnment' @ith re"ar to the total sample5 also the same pattern eJists' 7ut as the a"ricultural sector can provi e onl$ seasonal emplo$ment5 the "overnment shoul encoura"e the people .ho are .illin" ta8e up sel)-emplo$ment5 an encoura"e smallscale in ustries in such areas that the$ shoul create emplo$ment )or man$ a number o) persons than the number o) persons the$ isplace' It is interestin" to see that man$ .omen ta8in" up i))erent occupations'

a5le#11' Di,tri5ution o7 t6e ,a43le 3o3ulation a22ordin- to t6e "22u3ational Stru2ture "22u3ation Vi,a86a3atna4 ViOiana-ara4 otal


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Peer reviewed International Journal

Male ,ultivation 161 @a"e !abour 1<9 Non-:"ricultural 3 #mplo$ee 1 Stu ents =; Aouse @i)e N: N:: Not :pplicable'

7e4ale 1; 16( 0 0 =2 =2

otal 1;9 363 3 1 9< =2

Male 222 222 2( 1; 136 N:

7e4ale 26 192 3 9 <0 6<

otal 2=9 =0= 29 2( 226 6<

Male 393 =20 29 19 193 N:

7e4ale =3 3=; 3 9 132 111

otal =26 ;6; 31 26 31( 111

3able-12 "ives the classi)ication o) the sample househol s5 .ho are practisin" other occupations o) earnin"' *a0orit$ o) the .or8s are in a"riculture5 the "overnment sponsors some other .or8s5 7amboo .or8 C bas8et .eavin"5 an the other .or8s stan )or non- a"ricultural .or8s'In the Visa8hapatnam District5 out o) the sample o) 139 househol s5 132 are .a"e labour an onl$ three sample househol s have persons practisin" other occupations )or earnin"' It in icates that tribal people epen on the a"ricultural sector )or their earnin" an )or their survival'

In the ViBiana"aram District5 also the same tren eJists as o) the Visa8hapatnam District' Inclu in" the bamboo .or8ers5 most epen on a"ricultural an allie sectors )or their earnin"' In this respect5 the "overnment shoul ta8e necessar$ steps to provi e non-a"ricultural emplo$ment provision )or the .illin" tribal people so that the$ can have other income "eneratin" alternative5 so that the$ ma$ come out )rom the clutches o) starvation an povert$'

a5le#1(' Di,tri5ution o7 t6e ,a43le 6ou,e6old on t6eir ,u5,idiar: "22u3ation, o7 Earnin"22u3ation @a"e !abour Vi,a86a3atna4 ViOiana-ara4 otal 2<3 2<6'0;4 < 22'<(4 3 20'<94 30( 2100'004

132 161 2<;';94 2<=';14 7amboo @or8 0 < 20'004 2('2<4 -thers 3 0 22'224 20'004 3otal 13( 1;0 2100'004 2100'004 Y 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icate their percenta"e .ith their totals' 3able-13 brin"s out the classi)ication o) the sample househol s base on .hether the houses are electri)ie or not' 3his electri)ication is a evelopment in icator5 because this pla$s a )avourable role in improvin" their stan ar o) livin"'

@ith re"ar to this5 in the Visa8hapatnam istrict5 out o) the 139 sample househol s5 onl$ 1< houses are .ith the )acilit$ o) electricit$' *ore than 96 per cent o) the houses are not electri)ie ' In this re"ar 5 this area is ver$ bac8.ar M the "overnment shoul ta8e more steps to provi e the )acilit$ o) electricit$ to these areas'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


In the ViBiana"aram District5 out o) the sample 200 househol s as man$ as ;= houses are electri)ie ' Ao.ever5 man$ a number are not electri)ie ' :s the areas are )ar-)lun"5 in thic8 )orests the electri)ication

is necessar$ )or their sa)e eJistence' @ith re"ar to the overall sample5 onl$ a Kuarter o) the sample househol s are electri)ie ' ViBiana"aram istrict is )ar better in this aspect'

a5le#1)' Di,tri5ution o7 t6e ,a43le 6ou,e6old, on t6e Ele2tri7i2ation o7 t6eir 6ou,e Ele2tri7ied Yes Vi,a86a3atna4 ViOiana-ara4 otal <3 22;'(04 2=( 2;2'=94 339 2100'004

1< ;= 213';;4 23;'004 No 11< 126 296'234 263'004 3otal 139 200 2100'004 2100'004 Y 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icate their percenta"es .ith their totals' 3able-1= brin"s out the peopleOs participation in public or"aniBations' 3his is to brin" out the 8no.le "e o) the people in this matter an their level o) participation in these or"aniBations' 3he main thrust .as not onl$ on D@,&: but also on P&Is an VSS' Ao.ever5 a)ter )iel investi"ations5 the$ opine that the$ i not have an$ 8no.le "e about other or"aniBations an about their )unctionin"' In Visa8hapatnam District5 *an$ a number o) people are members o) the D@,&: committees5 .hich are to inculcate the habit o) thri)t an "oin" )or combine sel)-emplo$ment practices' It is Kuite interestin" to see a tribal .oman bein" a presi ent in a Pancha$at 2Damu8u villa"e45 an man$ are members o) the Vana

Samra8shana Samitis C : pro"ramme initiate )or the evelopment o) the )orestation an increasin" the role o) the in i"enous people in these matters' In the District o) ViBiana"aram5 man$ are members o) the sel)-help "roup revolution .hich is on pace in the state' Ao.ever5 it is isheartenin" to see that no one has a role to pla$ in the Pancha$at ra0 institutions .here the ecisions about the .el)are are ta8en' @ith re"ar to the overall sample5 the "overnment shoul initiate man$ more steps to encoura"e the tribal people to participate in the ecision-ma8in" process'

a5le#1%' Di,tri5ution o7 ,a43le 6ou,e6old, 5a,ed on t6eir Parti2i3ation in Pu5li2 "r-aniOation, "r-aniOation Vi,a86a3atna4 ViOiana-ara4 otal


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


Pancha$at VSS

10( 2;6'094 3 22'1;4 =0 229'<94

1(< 2;<'(04 2 21'004 0 20'004

26= 2;9'104 ( 21'=94 =0 211'904

3able-1( epicts the eJtent o) lan o.ne b$ the sample househol s an the same .hether the$ are .ith o.nership ri"hts or not' :s the terrain is inaccessible5 althou"h the tribal people o.n lan 5 the lan is less in siBe' It is ta8en in acres' 1or practical purposes a)ter the compilation o) the ata5 the eJtent o) lan o.ne is ivi e into three cate"ories 14 one acre or belo. 24 above one acre an belo. three acres 34 three acres an above' In Visa8hapatnam District5 in the sample o) 139 househol s5 10< have lan ' Vast ma0orit$ o) them are small an mar"inal )armers' *an$ o) them are not havin" the necessar$ o.nership ri"hts' In the sample househol s5 19'12 percent have both lan an o.nership ri"hts'

In the ViBiana"aram District5 out o) the sample o) 200 househol s5 16; are o.n cultivable lan ' Ao.ever5 here also ma0orit$ are small an mar"inal )armers as in Visa8hapatnam' Ao.ever5 the ma0or i))erence in the status o) the )armers in the ViBiana"aram District an Visa8hapatnam District lies .ith re"ar to havin" the o.nership ri"hts' Nearl$ 62'(0 per cent o) the )armers have o.nership ri"hts in ViBiana"aram istrict5 .here this oes not eJist in the Visa8hapatnam District' @ith re"ar to the overall sample5 more than hal) o) the lan o.nin" communit$ oes not have the o.nership ri"hts' 3he "overnment shoul intervene in this matter to issue the much a.aite o.nership ri"hts )or the people'

a5le#1+' Di,tri5ution o7 ,a43le 6ou,e6old, a22ordin- to ELtent and "wner,6i3 o7 Land Cultivated Havin- "wner,6i3 Ri-6t, Vi,a86a3atna4 ViOiana-ara4

ELtent o7 Land Cultivated >in a2re,? 7elo. 1 1 to 3 above 3 N: 3otal


Yes 19 226'=;4 ( 213'9<4 2 2=0'004 0 20'004 2(

3otal 69 2100'004 36 2100'004 ( 2100'004 2< 2100'004 139

Yes (( 2;2'3;4 62 2;9'=94 9 266'6;4 0 20'004 12(

3otal ;6 2100'004 ;< 2100'004 12 2100'004 33 2100'004 200

Yes ;3 2(0'6<4 6; 2(9'264 10 2(9'924 0 20'004 1(0

3otal 1== 2100'004 11( 2100'004 1; 2100'004 62 2100'004 339


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

219'124 2100'004 262'(04 2100'004 Y 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icate their percenta"es .ith their totals' 3he table-16 brin"s out the classi)ication o) the eli"ible sample base on the income erive )rom cultivation' :s eJplaine earlier most o) the tribal )armers are oin" .ith mar"inal lan that too on the hill slopes5 an it is ver$ ol t$pe o) cultivation' In the Visa8hapatnam District5 ma0orit$ o) the )armers are erivin" the level o) income a 0acent to less than &s'(000' -nl$ a minimal percent o) the sample are able to erive more income )rom cultivation' In the ViBiana"aram District5 even thou"h ma0orit$ are erivin" less level o)



income5 it is interestin" to see that man$ a number o) )armers are able to erive more level o) income )rom cultivation' @ith re"ar to the overall sample5 also the same results eJist' So much is eJpecte )rom the "overnment to increase their level o) income )rom cultivation b$ e ucatin" them in usin" the cost e))ective mo ern implements an the hi"h $iel in" varieties' In or er to raise their stan ar o) livin" the "overnment shoul "o )or more pro-active steps to increase the pro uctivit$ in a"riculture'

a5le#1C' Di,tri5ution o7 t6e ,a43le 6ou,e6old, on t6eir In2o4e 7ro4 Cultivation 7or t6e :ear ($$C In2o4e Ran-e >in R,? ]1000 \1000 to ] 2000 \2000 to ](000 \(000 D above 3otalYY Vi,a86a3atna4 = 3'6;4 33 230'294 (9 2(3'214 1= 212'9=4 10< 2100'004 ViOiana-ara4 0 20'004 32 21<'164 <3 2(('6<4 =2 22('1(4 16; 2100'004 otal = 21'=(4 6( 223'((4 1(1 2(=';14 (6 220'2<4 2;6 2100'004

Y 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icate their percenta"es .ith their totals' YY 3he cultivable lan havin" sample househol s' 3able-1; brin"s out the tren s o) the Sample .ith re"ar to the annual income throu"h the .a"e labour an i) an$ other occupations are bein" practise b$ the househol s in the stu $ area' @ith re"ar to the Visa8hapatnam District5 as escribe earlier5 nearl$ <9 percent


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

o) the sample epen s on .a"e labour as a supplementar$ earnin" )or their livelihoo ' Ao.ever5 as there is earth o) opportunities5 man$ are able to erive onl$ ne"li"ible income )rom the source o) .a"e labour' -ver the three $ears5 the same tren is repeate ' 3his ma$ be ue to eJploitation )rom the non-sche ule tribe people' @ith re"ar to the ViBiana"aram District5 a"ain the same tren eJists as in the District o) Visa8hapatnam man$ o) the samples are able to erive onl$ ne"li"ible amounts )rom

the source o) .a"e labour an other sources o) earnin"' In this conteJt5 it has been su""este that the "overnment shoul en eavour to provi e as man$ a$s o) .a"e emplo$ment in these areas so that the minimal amount is bein" erive )rom cultivation can be supplemente throu"h this .a"e labour' 3he "overnment shoul concentrate on re ucin" the eJploitation in the .a"e labour an in re ucin" the .or8in" hours' 3he "overnment shoul tr$ to implement the minimum .a"e la.s strictl$'

a5le#1*' Di,tri5ution o7 t6e ,a43le 6ou,e6old, on t6eir annual in2o4e t6rou-6 ,u5,idiar: o22u3ation, o7 earnin- 7or t6e :ear ($$C In2o4e Ran-e >in R,? \1000 to ]2000 \2001 to ](000 Vi,a86a3atna4 (= 2=0'004 6< 2(1'114 12 29'9<4 13( 2100'004 ViOiana-ara4 100 2(9'924 (9 23='124 12 2;'064 1;0 2100'004 otal 1(= 2(0'=<4 12; 2=1'6=4 2= 2;'9;4 30( 2100'004

(001 D :bove 3otal

Y 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icate their percenta"es .ith their totals' 3able-19 in icates the classi)ication o) the sample househol s base on the level o) their annual income )or the $ear 2006' In the Visa8hapatnam District5 there is a miJe out come .ith re"ar to the level o) annual income' It is Kuite sa to see some sample house hol s .ith a level o) income o) belo. 3000 rupees )or a $ear' It is .orth$ to note that nearl$ <0 per cent o) the sample house hol s in the three $ears lie an is still l$in" in the re"ion o) belo. 3000 to10000 &upees per a $ear' In the ViBiana"aram District also the same results eJist as those o) Visa8hapatnam District' *a0orit$ o) the househol s lie in the re"ion o) &s'3000 to &s'100005 per annum' 3his enotes that the ma0orit$ o) the total sample itsel) eJists in that particular re"ion5 .here that amount is not su))icient )or their survival'

a5le#1D' Di,tri5ution o7 t6e ,a43le 6ou,e6old, on t6eir otal Annual In2o4e Ran-e >in R,? Vi,a86a3atna4 ViOiana-ara4 otal


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

7elo. 3000 10 = 2;'2(4 22'004 3001 to (000 69 (( 2=<'294 22;'(04 (001 to 10000 (6 <( 2=0'(94 2=;'(04 10001 to 20000 3 21 22'1;4 210'(04 :bove 20001 1 2( 20';24 212'(04 3otal Sample 139 200 Aousehol s 2100'004 2100'004 Y 1i"ures in the parenthesis in icate their percenta"es .ith their totals'

1= 2='1=4 123 236'3<4 1(1 2=='6;4 2= 2;'104 26 2;'6<4 339 2100'004

Con2lu,ion, *ore than 9= percent o) the total sample househol s are male hea e an more than 1( percent o) the total sample househol s are )emale hea e ' 3his enotes the pre ominance o) iseases lea in" to eath in these areas' In ViBiana"aram istrict5 the males hea 92 percent househol s onl$' *ore than 93 percent o) the househol s in Visa8hapatnam are hea e b$ illiterates' ViBiana"aram is better in this aspect' In the total sample househol s 66 percent are hea e b$ illiterates' *ore over onl$ 9 percent o) the househol s are hea e b$ persons .ith hi"her e ucation' 3his area in icates more attention )rom the part o) the "overnment' 3here is a nee to put more attention on e ucational aspect o) sche ule tribes5 .here this onl$ can motivate them )or )uture li)e' 3he ma0orit$ o) the total sample househol s in the stu $ area belon" to +on a Dora an /a aba communities in the sche ule tribes' *ore than <1 percent o) the total sample househol s are o) Ain u reli"ion5 an aroun 16 percent o) the sample househol s in Visa8hapatnam are ,hristians5 .here as this is onl$ 3 percent in ViBiana"aram istrict'

It is ver$ sa to see that more than 6= percent o) the total sample population are illiterate' :s ma0orit$ o) the hea s o) the househol s are illiterate their pro"en$ are also illiterate' *ore than ;0 percent o) the )emale population are illiterate' 1;'( percent o) the total sample population are havin" primar$ e ucation' 3he illiterates are more in Visa8hapatnam than in ViBiana"aram' ,omparativel$5 ViBiana"aram sample has more persons .ith hi"her e ucation' It is "ruesome picture that onl$ 3('== percent o) the total sample is e ucate ' 1emale literac$ is more in ViBiana"aram than in Visa8hapatnam' *ore than 16 percent o) the sample househol s o) Visa8hapatnam have chil ren not "oin" to school5 .hereas this is onl$ 3'( percent in ViBiana"aram istrict' It is ver$ sa to see that chil ren are not "oin" to school .hich calls )or special measures in our universal primar$ e ucation pro"ramme' 3he househol s havin" availabilit$ o) sa)e rin8in" .ater is ;1 percent )or the total sample househol sM this is onl$ 30 percent )or Visa8hapatnam istrict' ,omparativel$ ViBiana"aram District is oin" better in this re"ar ' Drin8in" o) protecte .ater re uces the isease prevalence5 as most o) the iseases are ue to contaminate .ater' So to re uce the prevalence o) iseases in these areas provi in" sa)e rin8in" is the )irst measure to be a opte ' 3he sample househol s .ith 8utcha houses in the total sample are o) 26 percent'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

ViBiana"aram istrict is better in this aspect' 7ut all season houses are the nee o) the hour' It is interestin" to see that more than 12 percent o) the sample househol s are havin" pin8 car ' *ost o) the sample househol s are .hite car hol ers5 in icatin" their bac8.ar ness as the$ are "enerall$ "iven to bac8.ar househol s' 7ut there is nee to improve e))icienc$ in the services provi e )or these car hol ers an to provi e car s )or all the househol s as the no car hol ers in the sample househol s are 1;'16 percent o) the total sample' ,ultivation is primar$ occupation practise b$ the most hea s o) the sample househol s an the .a"e labour )ollo.s' 3here is a nee to increase the emplo$ment "eneration activities in this areas as lac8 o) su))icient income is the root cause )or all the problems in an$ societ$' 7ut the results )or the total sample are vice versa' 3he .a"e labour is primar$ occupation )or most o) the sample population )ollo.e b$ cultivation' *ore than <6 percent o) the eli"ible total sample househol s are havin" .a"e labour as their subsi iar$ occupation )or their livelihoo '

area in the particular an all the )armin" communit$ in "eneral' It is Kuite interestin" to see more than ; percent o) the sample househol s erivin" more than rupees (000 )rom subsi iar$ occupations' #ven thou"h the .a"e labourers are more in the total sample population5 the share o) income erive )rom that is less .hen compare to cultivation' 3his enotes the pre ominance o) a"riculture in the stu $ area an o) sample househol s' @ith re"ar to total annual income5 there is e)inite chan"e in the sample househol s as some househol s are movin" )rom lo.-income ran"e to hi"hincome ran"e' *ore than == percent o) the sample househol s are havin" total income that is in the ran"e o) rupees (000 to10000' 3he incomes o) the sche ule tribes are paltr$ .hen compare to the incomes o) the "eneral population' Ao.ever5 there is a chan"e in the income levels o) the sample househol s' RE=RENCES 1' ,hau uri 7u a eb 21<<24: PSocio #conomic an #colo"ical DevelopmentR Inter-In ia Publishers5 Ne. Delhi' 2' Das &a0at +anti 21<994: P3ribal Social Structure: : stu $ o) the marin" societ$ o) *anipurR Inter-In ia Publishers5 Ne. Delhi' 3' +eller Stephen 21<;(4: P?prootin" an Social chan"e- &e)u"ees P*anohar 7oo8 Services5 Delhi' =' +hare P'+ 21<<14: PSocial ,han"e o) In ian 3ribes: Impact o) plannin" an economic evelopment5 Deep D Deep Publications5 Ne. Delhi' (' Pan e$ /D an 3i.ari &S 220034: P : stu $ o) socio cultural )actors a))ectin" repro uctive health amon" the primitive tribes o) *a h$a Pra eshR Publishe in : a8 2e 4 PDemo"raph$ an Aealth pro)ile o) the tribesR 5 :nmol Publications5 Ne. Delhi' 6' &a0a &atnam 7 2200=4: PImpact o) institutional cre it on socio economic

-nl$ 2;'(0 percent o) the total sample househol s are electri)ie an ViBiana"aram is better .hen compare .ith Visa8hapatnam in this aspect' *ore )acilities are lin8e .ith electricit$M a lot has to be one in provi in" this )acilit$ to the sample population in particular an the sche ule tribe communit$ in "eneral' 3he participation o) sche ule tribes in the public service or"anisations ma8es them capable to eci e some o) their issues' *ore than ;9 percent o) the sample househol s are members o) D@,&:' It is Kuite interestin" to note here is that there eJists a )emale presi ent )or a tribal pancha$at in the stu $ area' *ore than (= percent o) the cultivators have )arm income aroun rupees 2000 to (000' Income )rom cultivation supports ma0orit$ o) the sample population' Ao.ever5 initiate measures shoul increase the levels o) )arm income )or the sche ule tribes in the stu $


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


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evelopment o) tribals: : stu $ o) +hammam istrict in :n hra Pra eshR :pril C June 200=5 Vol 235 No-25 Journal o) &ural Development' ;' &o$ 7urman5 7'+ 21<614: Demo"raphic an Social Pro)ile o) the Aills o) N'#' In ia5 *ono"raph series' Ne. Delhi: ,ensus o) In ia' 9' Sachi anan 21<;94: PSocial structure5 status an *orbi it$ patterns: the case o) tribal .omenR vol (95 No-15 Jan*arch5 *an in In ia' <' Sin"h +'P 21<994: P3ribal Development in In ia: Problems an ImplicationsR ?ppal Publishin" Aouse5 Ne. Delhi'

10' Sin"h &'S 21<964: P,hallen"es occupational Structure o) Sche ule 3ribesR -ne In ia Publications5 Ne. Yor8' 11' Sin"h5 :0it +umar 21<<94: P1orest an 3ribals in In ia P,lassical Publishin" Aouse5 Ne. Delhi' 12' Sun er &a0 D an Ven8at & &avi 2200(4: P 3ribal Development in In ia : : Panoramic Vie.P Paper Publishe in P3ribal Developmental Stu ies P # ite b$ Dr 7'S Vasu eva &ao5 :ssociate Publishers5 :mbala cantonment5 :mbala'

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE A0S RAC 0resent day mar et is flooded with goods and services. *ustomer satisfaction leading to brand loyalty is a buzz word. 'ar eters are striving hard for survival in this competitive mar et and most importantly mar eters have realised that satisfying a customer and ma ing him loyal is easier and comparatively economical than getting a new customer who is already loyal to a competitors brand thus, its ideal to lead a customer to a satisfactory purchase experience and creating a loyal customer. This study attempts to identify through primary data the level of loyalty exists among customers for a %'*4 li e toothpaste and the factors that influence the customer loyalty. 4e3 words&5ra-di-.1 5ra-d *o3a*t31 "o-sumer 5ehaviour1 Media $-)*ue-ce obra-d *o3a*t3

Introdu2tion In a competitive mar8et companies are tr$in" har to "et the attention o) tar"et customers an create a istinctive bran


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Ima"e o) their pro ucts' &elationship principles5 both theor$ an practice have ra.n increase attention urin" the past eca e but5 the application o) relationship principle at the level o) bran is ne"li"ible 21ournier 1<<94' :bsence o) theoretical an empirical research on this sub0ect is noticeable ue to the )act that relationship thin8in"5 "ui es an lea s mo ern bran mana"ement practices to levera"e consumer bran bon s5 especiall$ ue to the increasin" unpre ictabilit$ an competitive mar8et' 2Sho8er etal'5 1<<=4'3he relationship bet.een consumer an bran is also "iven importance in the evelopment o) mar8etin" theories2*iller 1<<(4 as it also has implications to other relevant areas such as bran lo$alt$ an bran eKuit$' 3he characteristic o) a bran .hich i))erentiates one bran )rom the other is bran personalit$' 7ran personalit$ pla$s a vital role in buil in" customer lo$alt$ an repurchasin" behaviour' 2+im et'al 20014' 3he concept o) bran lo$alt$ is the central construct in the area o) mar8etin" )or past several eca es .ith the shi)t o) compan$ orientation )rom sales to mar8etin" .here customer is )ocal point an customer satis)action is the ultimate aim o) the mar8eter 7ran lo$alt$ is e)ine as customerOs pre)erence o) a bran 2Jacob$ D,hestnut5 1<;94 or attachment to a bran 2 :a8er5 1<<14 resultin" in repeate purchase' 7oth bran lo$alt$ an habit are .a$s o) ensurin" satis)action base on prior eJperiences .hich saves customer time b$ simpli)$in" search process an thereb$5 ecision ma8in" 2:ssael5 1<<24'7ran lo$alt$ is a customerOs pre)erence to bu$ a pro uct amon"st a host o) other pro ucts available in the mar8et' Such behaviour occurs because consumers perceive that the bran o))ers the ri"ht pro uct )eatures5 Ima"es or !evel o) Kualit$ at the ri"ht price' 3his perception o) the consumers becomes the )oun ation o) the bu$in" habit an ma8es him pre)er a particular bran over others' : lo$al customer is committe to a particular bran 5 is .illin" to pa$ a hi"her price an recommen s the bran s to others that his ecision is ultimatel$ base on

bran 8no.le "e' 7ran 8no.le "e o) a consumer comprises o) t.o important components .hich are bran a.areness an bran ima"e '7ran a.areness is relate to the stren"th o) the bran no e or its abilit$ to be recalle b$ the consumer .hich means its presence in the consumer memor$ 2!eone etal5 20064'7ran ima"e is the association o) bran s .ith various tan"ible an intan"ible attributes .hich i))erentiates one bran )rom the other' Stu ies reveal that thou"h )irms allocate substantial resources )or measurin" an monitorin" Kualit$ satis)action an lo$alt$ to retain customers an improve per)ormance' Ao.ever5 those metho s are still not su))icient )or ma8in" a customer lo$al' *ar8etin" mana"ers are also not ver$ sure about the Kualit$ o) the pro uct eJpecte because there is no such benchmar8 so as to compare to the stan ar eJpecte 2-lsen 2002? *ar8eters strive har )or a lo$al consumer because once lo$alt$ is )orme consumer oes not "et attracte to the competitors actions li8e price re uction5 Promotion an a vertisin" 27al in"er D &ubinson 1<<65 7a.a D hoema8er51<9;5!ichtenstein57urton D Notema$er 1<<;4',ustomer lo$alt$ has a si"ni)icant impact on )irms per)ormance an is consi ere to be ver$ important source o) competitive a vanta"e 2Aes8ett5 Sasser5an Schlesin"er 1<<;5Teithml an !emon 20005.oo ru)) 1<<;4 the conseKuences o) increase satis)action is enhance lo$alt$ 5lo. acKuisition cost an lo.er cost o) servin" repeat purchase lea in" to "reater pro)itabilit$ 2 &eichhel 1<<3M&eichhel an Sasser 1<<04' %ualit$ an customer satis)action are also ver$ important constructs an have a problematic relationships 2/otlieb5 /re.al5 an 7ro.n 1<<=4' 1e. empirical stu ies have teste the relationship bet.een Kualit$ D5satis)action vis-a-vis bu$in" behaviour or repurchase lo$alt$ 27loemer an &u$ter 1<<9M Teithaml 20004'I enti)$in" the relationship bet.een satis)action ratin" an


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


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bran lo$alt$ are some the tou"hest challen"es mar8eters come across2 *ittal an +ama8ura 20014'#))orts that can improve the Kualit$ imensions an satis)action can possibl$ pre ict or eJplain the purchase intention an lo$alt$ behaviour o) the customers2,ronin5 7ra $5 an Ault 2000MJohnson5 /usta)sson5 :n reassen5 !ervi85 an ,ha 20015-liver 1<<<4' ItOs evi ent )rom the research that a pro uctOs bran eKuit$ also a))ect the )uture

pro)its an lon" term cash )lo. 2Srivastava an Shoc8er 1<<14': consumerOs .illin"ness to pa$ premium prices2+eller 1<<345mer"er an acKuisition ecision ma8in" 2*aha0an et al51<<=45stoc8 prices 2Simon an Sullivan5 1<<3M !ane an Jacobson5 1<<(45Sustainable competitive a vanta"e 27hara .a0 et al'5 1<<3457ran lo$alt$ is an asset2:8er 1<9=4 an also increases the )leJibilit$ o) pricin" 2Stau t et'al4 '

wo 2o43onent 4odel o7 5rand tru,t

7ran lo$alt$ has a irect relationship bet.een consumers trust on the bran ' In literal terms trust means eJpectanc$ hel b$ an in ivi ual that the .or o) another can be relie upon 2&otter 1<6;4' 7ran bein" a personalit$ attache to the pro uct entrusts con)i ence in the min s o) the consumer b$ )ul)illin" the eJpectation o) the consumer )rom the pro uct' In other .or s it means the .illin"ness o) an avera"e consumer to rel$ on the abilit$ o) the bran to per)orm its state )unction trust is reporte to be involve as part o) Pbran cre ibilit$R in bran eJtension acceptance 2+eller D :a8er 1<<24 )un amental to the evelopment o)

lo$alt$ 27err$5 1<<35 &eichel an Sche)ter5 20004'In a research stu $ b$ &east 2003 on real an )ictitious bran s .ithin lo. involvement pro ucts an services cate"ories5 )in s that bran s .ith hi"her trust ratin"s ten e to have si"ni)icantl$ hi"her bran eJtension ratin"s' :mon"st the )ive imensions o) bran eKuit$ bran lo$alt$ is )oun to be core an e)ine as a set o) bran assets an liabilities lin8e to a bran s name an s$mbol 2:a8er5 1<<14'&evie. clearl$ sho.s the importance o) bran lo$alt$ thereb$5 establishin" the nee )or i enti)$in" the )actors in)luencin" lo$alt$ behaviour o) the consumers'


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Review o7 t6e Literature In an stu $ PDi))erence 7et.een South +orean *ale an 1emale consumers in the clothin" bran lo$alt$ )ormation process: *o el 3estin"R publishe in ,lothin" an 3eJtiles &esearch Journal 21<<<45 authors Jin'7 an +oh':5 )ocusse on causal relationship amon" bran lo$alt$-relate variables such as consumer 8no.le "e5 pro uct involvement5 perceive ris8 in)ormation search5 an customer satis)action an inten e to propose mo el o) clothin" bran lo$alt$ )ormation consi erin" the )ive bran lo$alt$ behaviour simultaneousl$ an to eJamine the "en er i))erences in the process o) clothin" bran lo$alt$ )ormation an )oun that consumers 8no.le "e 5pro uct involvement an perceive ris8 irectl$ in)luence bran lo$alt$5 throu"h the me iatin" variables o) in)ormation search an consumer satis)action In)ormation search an consumer satis)action irectl$ in)luence bran lo$alt$' 3he ma0or i))erence bet.een men an .omen .as that the most in)luential variable in In)ormation search .as perceive ris8 )or men .hereas pro uct involvement .as the most in)luential variable )or .omen'

7lac8.ell'S': etal'5 P3he :ntece ents o) customer lo$alt$5 :n empirical investi"ation o) the role o) personal an situational aspects on repurchase ecision5R publishes in the Journal o) Service &esearch 2 1<<<4 eJamine 5customer lo$alt$ perspective o) In ivi ual situation or nee conteJt an the customer perception o) his or her personal encounters .ith the service provi er' :uthors h$pothesise in this stu $ .hether perceive value .oul have a irect in)luence on repeat patrona"e .hich un er"ir s customer !o$alt$ an )oun that consistent .ith several theoretical propositions this stu $ empiricall$ eJamine the relationships concurrentl$ as .ell as evelop strate"ies )or enhancin" customer lo$alt$' -h'Aaemon in his stu $ Pthe #))ect -) 7ran ,lass5 7ran :.areness5 an Price -n ,ustomer Value :n 7ehavioural IntentionsR Publishe in the 0ournal o) Aospitalit$ 220004 Intro uce a comprehensive customer value )rame.or8 an tests an eJten e an tests an eJten e value mo el .ith lo "in" pro ucts' 3he eJten e value mo el in this stu $ ne.l$ incorporates the concepts o) bran a.areness as compare to bran or pro uct class an price )airness' 3his stu $ )oun the tra itional customer value process to be use)ul )or lo "in" research an mar8etin"' In a ition5 bran a.areness an price )airness concepts .ere )oun to pla$ si"ni)icant roles in the customer value process' Yoo etal'5 in a stu $ P:n #Jamination o) selecte mar8etin" miJ elements an bran eKuit$R Publishe in the 0ournal o) the aca em$ o) mar8etin" science220004 eJplore the relationships bet.een selecte mar8etin" miJ elements an the creation o) bran eKuit$' 3he authors propose a conceptual )rame.or8 in .hich mar8etin" elements are relate to the imensions o) bran eKuit$5 that is5 perceive Kualit$5 bran lo$alt$5 an bran associations combine .ith bran a.areness' 3hese imensions are then relate to bran eKuit$' 3he empirical tests usin" a structural eKuation mo el support


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the research h$potheses' 3he results o) the stu $ sho.e that )reKuent price promotions5 such as price eals5 are relate to lo. bran eKuit$5 .hereas hi"h a vertisin" spen in"5 hi"h price5 "oo store ima"e5 an hi"h istribution intensit$ are relate to hi"h bran eKuit$' -lson '-'S in his stu $ P,omparative #valuation an the &elationship bet.een %ualit$5 Satis)action5 an &epurchase !o$alt$5 publishe in the Journal o) the :ca em$ o) *ar8etin" Science 220024 evaluate alternative measurement approaches to eJaminin" the relationship bet.een perceive Kualit$ per)ormance5 customer satis)action5 an repurchase lo$alt$' 3he authors e)ine an measure the constructs .ithin a relative attitu inal )rame.or8 an compare these results to a non comparative or in ivi ual evaluation o) pro ucts' 3he use o) relative attitu es5 ho.ever5 in icate a much stron"er relationship bet.een Kualit$5 satis)action an lo$alt$ than the attitu es to.ar a pro uct .hen the$ are per)orme as an in ivi ual evaluation' @ith respect to pre ictive abilit$5 the stu $ )in in"s su""est that Kualit$5 satis)action5 an lo$alt$ shoul be e)ine an measure .ithin a relative attitu inal )rame.or8' Yi an Jeon in their stu $ G#))ects o) !o$alt$ Pro"rams on Value Perception5 Pro"ram !o$alt$5 an 7ran !o$alt$R publishe in the 0ournal o) :ca em$ o) mar8etin" Science 2200345 Investi"ate ho. re.ar schemes o) a lo$alt$ pro"ram in)luence perceive value o) the pro"ram an ho. value perception o) the lo$alt$ pro"ram a))ects customer lo$alt$' 3he results sho. that involvement mo erates the e))ects o) lo$alt$ pro"rams on customer lo$alt$' In hi"h-involvement situations5 irect re.ar s are pre)erable to in irect re.ar s' In lo.-involvement situations5 imme iate re.ar s are more e))ective in buil in" a pro"ramOs value than ela$e re.ar s' ?n er hi"h-involvement con itions5 value perception o) the lo$alt$ pro"ram in)luences bran lo$alt$ both irectl$ an in irectl$ throu"h pro"ram

lo$alt$' ?n er lo.-involvement con itions5 there is no irect e))ect o) value perception on bran lo$alt$' In the stu $ P!o$alt$ :n ,ustomer Satis)actionR 5Publishe in Journal o) Aospitalit$ an 3ourism research2200345 7ac8'+'J :n Sara'P', investi"ate the me iatin" e))ects o) attitu inal bran lo$alt$ on the relationship bet.een customer satis)action an behavioural bran lo$alt$ an also evelope a robust bran lo$alt$ measurement in the lo "in" in ustr$ b$ usin" attitu inal an behavioural bran lo$alt$ constructs an the )in in"s o) the stu $ in icate customer satis)action ha a si"ni)icant in irect e))ect on behavioural bran lo$alt$ .hen me iate b$ attitu inal bran lo$alt$5 inclu in" co"nitive-a))ective a co native bran lo$alt$ sta"es' In their stu $ P!in8in" bran eKuit$ to customer eKuit$R an article Publishe in the 0ournal o) service research 2200645 authors !eone etal'5 revie.e .hat .as 8no.n an not 8no.n about the relationship bet.een bran eKuit$ an customer eKuit$' Durin" their iscussions5 it became clear that t.o istinct research streams have emer"e an there are istinct i))erences5 the concepts are also hi"hl$ relate ' It also became clear that the )ocus o) both bran eKuit$ an customer eKuit$ research has been on the en consumer5 there is a nee )or research to un erstan the interme iar$Os perspective 2e'"'5 the value o) the bran to the retailer an the value o) a customer to a retailer4 an the consumerOs perspective 2e'"'5 the value o) the bran versus the value o) the retailer4' !ee'J'S an 7ac8'J'+ in their stu $ P:n eJamination o) atten ee bran lo$alt$ un erstan in" the mo erator o) behavioural bran lo$alt$R Publishe in the Journal o) Aospitalit$ an 3ourism 2200<4 trie to eJplore the path o) bran satis)action an bran lo$alt$ via bran trust throu"h up ate eJpectation o) bran value an also investi"ate the the i))erential ten encies to :ttitu inal bran lo$alt$ an 7ehavioural bran lo$alt$ .ithin the conceptual mo el' 3he authors )oun that up ate eJpectation o) bran value is the mo erator eJcept )or


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the bran test :7! 2attitu inal bran lo$alt$4 an lo. 77! 2behavioural bran lo$alt$4 atten ees sho.e a stron"er ten encies to.ar the path )rom bran satis)action to bran trust as compare to the ones .ith hi"h 7ehavioural lo$alt$'

In a stu $ P,ustomer Value5 Satis)action5 !o$alt$5 an S.itchin" ,osts: :n Illustration 1rom a 7usiness-to-7usiness Service ,onteJtR publishe in Journal o) the :ca em$ o) *ar8etin" Science2200=4' authors !am'S'Y' etal5 eJten e the prior research b$ evelopin" a conceptual )rame.or8 lin8in" all the in a business to business service settin" -n the basis o) the co"nition-a))ect-behaviour mo el5 the authors h$pothesiBe that customer satis)action me iates the relationship bet.een customer value an ,ustomer lo$alt$5 an that customer satis)action an lo$alt$ have si"ni)icant reciprocal e))ects on each other an )oun that most o) the h$potheses an 5 in particular5 con)irm the me iatin" role o) customer satis)action' 3he Stu $ P!o$alt$ &e"ar less o) 7ran s V #Jaminin" 3hree Non per)ormance #))ects on bran !o$alt$ in a 3ourism ,onteJtR b$ Xian" &obert li 5Publishe in Pthe Journal o) 3ravel research220104 eJplores the e))ects o) three non per)ormance )actors on bran lo$alt$ in a tourism conteJt an len s partial support to their irect e))ects on lo$alt$' Speci)icall$5 it is reveale that respon entsO attitu inal lo$alt$ is si"ni)icantl$ an positivel$ relate to their propensit$ to be lo$al5 an their behavioural lo$alt$ is si"ni)icantl$ an positivel$ relate to a bran Os mar8et share' Ao.ever5 bran parit$ oes not seem to a))ect respon entsO attitu inal lo$alt$ but is )oun to have a sli"htl$ positive e))ect on respon entsO behavioural lo$alt$' 3hese results su""est that the three e))ects on lo$alt$ coul be more complicate than ori"inall$ believe ' P@hen oes commitment lea to lo$alt$R a stu $ b$ 1ullerton'/ publishe in the 0ournal o) service research 220104 Investi"ates the roles pla$e b$ i))erent )orms o) their commitment in the

relationship bet.een customers an their service provi ers' It .as )oun that that .hen customer commitment is base on shre values an i enti)ication5 It .as a uni)orml$ positive impact on lo$alt$ an )oun important implications )or the evelopment an mana"ement o) service relationships because it is not necessaril$ the case that more customer commitment is better )or either the service provi er or the customer' 3he revie. o) the literature sho.s that the ma0orit$ o) the stu ies on bran lo$alt$ comprise o) the impact o) certain ps$cholo"ical )actors li8e personal an situational )actors an impact o) some purchase ecision )actors li8e bran class5 bran a.areness5 price5 Kualit$ an satis)action on bran lo$alt$' -ne o) the stu $ )ocuses on the mo eratin" )actor o) bran lo$alt$' 3here is a stu $ .hich )ocuses on the Plo$alt$ pro"rammeR as a communication miJ element an stu ie the impact o) such pro"rammes on consumer bran lo$alt$ behaviour an another is )ocussin" on selecte mar8etin" miJ elements an its impact on customer lo$alt$' -ne o) the stu ies Kuote here trie to eJamine the lin8 bet.een bran eKuit$ an customer eKuit$ '-nl$ one stu $ )ocuse on the s.itchin" cost imension vis-vis business to business service conteJt' None o) the stu ies Kuote above have touche impact o) *e ia on 1*,/ purchase ecision or an$ other )orm o) ,ommunication on 1*,/' 3hus5 there appears a earth o) stu ies on bran lo$alt$ behaviour o) consumers )or 1*,/' 3his stu $ )ocuses on the role o) me ia in )osterin" bran lo$alt$ behaviour o) consumers )or a toothpaste .hich is an 1*,/' Re,ear26 Pro5le4 &evie. o) the literature sho.s the earth o) literature in the area o) bran lo$alt$ behaviour o) consumers )or 1*,/' 3his research inten s to i enti)$ i) bran lo$alt$ eJists )or a )reKuentl$ purchase an lo.


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

price pro uct li8e toothpaste in a competitive mar8et an i enti)$ the role me ia in such a scenario' 3his stu $ .oul provi e mar8eters an insi"ht to put their mar8etin" e))orts to.ar s the ri"ht irection' Met6odolo-: +eepin" in vie. the problem an scope o) the stu $ &an om samplin" metho is use )or collectin" ata' &espon ents )rom three cities 7hubanesh.ar an ,uttac8 7erhampur are selecte )or the sure' 3otal sample siBe is (20 respon ents )rom these three cities' : preteste structure Kuestionnaire is use as a tool )or the purpose o) elicitin" in)ormation )rom the sample respon ents' 1or a proper an meanin")ul interpretation o) the ata statistical tools li8e 1actor anal$sis ,luster :nal$sis are use an in the process correlations eJistin" bet.een the )actors are also eJamine ' SPSS is use )or statistical anal$sis an ata processin"' "5;e2tive, o7 t6e ,tud:1' 3o eJamine the eJistence o) bran lo$alt$ )or a pro uct li8e toothpaste .hich is ver$ )reKuentl$ purchase 21*,/4 2' 3o eJplore the various )actors in)luencin" the bran lo$alt$S7ran s.itchin" behaviour' 3' 3o eJamine the In)luence o) me ia an a vertisin" in particular on lo$alt$ behaviour o) consumers' 6e Stud: 3he present stu $ is an en eavour to )in out the various in)luencin" )actors a))ectin" the bran lo$alt$ behaviour o) the sample especiall$ i) it is a )ast movin" consumer pro uct li8e 3oothpaste' :)ter liberaliBation the mar8et is trans)orme into consumers

mar8et5 )loo e .ith multinationals not onl$ o))erin" Kualit$ pro ucts but also at prices never seen be)ore' So5 the companies are le)t .ith no other option then satis)$in" consumers )or their survival in the lon" run' P,onsumer satis)actionR has become a 7uBB .or to a$5 corporate is tr$in" har to .oo the consumers an ma8e them lo$al to their pro uct' @ith a .i e variet$ o) bran s an variants .ith in bran s available )or the consumers to choose )rom5 most o) them bein" eKuall$ "oo in terms o) Kualit$ the consumers are )in in" har to ta8e a ecision' 3he Scenario .here all the pro ucts are eKuall$ "oo 5 attractive )ascinatin"5 consumers )in themselves in still i))icult situation to ma8e a choice' #ver$ other a$ consumers are "iven better choices5 better than the previous ones' In such a situation .hen .e thin8 o) bran lo$alt$ eJistin" in a )ast movin" consumer pro uct li8e tooth paste the obvious ans.er .ill be QNoO' 7ut5 a number o) research stu ies are5 in icative to the )act that consumers in "eneral are )oun to be Kuite lo$al to the bran s o) )reKuentl$ purchase items' Some o) the stu ies un erta8en in evelope countries have alrea $ prove that in the bran e ental care mar8et more particularl$ in the toothpaste cate"or$5 bran alle"iance is place thir a)ter ci"arettes an ma$onnaise' 7ran lo$al consumers as a matter o) )act5 provi e the basis )or a stable an "ro.in" mar8et share o) a compan$' 3here)ore5 interest o) mar8eters hover aroun the .a$s an means to evelop an sustain bran alle"iance )or their pro ucts an services' Ao.ever5 retainin" customers in a hi"hl$ competitive an volatile mar8et place is in ee a i))icult proposition'3a8in" all these )actors into consi eration an attempt is ma e in this stu $5 to eJamine the lo$alt$ )or a 1*,/ in a competitive mar8et'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


oot63a,te 0rand And Duration "7 U,e'


*ar8ets in In ia are a.ash .ith so man$ bran s o) toothpaste that one can sa)el$ presume )in in" a ban o) customers lo$al to one sin"le bran over a time-)rame .oul be i))icult' In other .or s5 en urin" bran lo$alt$ in the bran cro. e toothpaste cate"or$ .oul be a rarit$' 3he uration o) the use o) toothpaste .ill provi e an insi"ht into the bran A0LE#1 /roup 2Duration o) usa"e in $ears4 ] 1 $ear 1 to 3 $ears \ 3 $ears 3otal

lo$alt$ behaviour' :"ainst such an assumption5 the sample respon ents have been pose .ith the Kuestion that ho. lon" the$ are usin" the particular bran o) toothpaste an the summariBe responses is presente in 23able C14' &espon ents .ho use one particular bran )or more than 1 $ear are ta8en to be lo$al to.ar s a particular bran )or the sa8e o) the stu $ thus5 all the respon ents usin" a particular bran )or more than 1$ear are consi ere to be lo$al an less than one are ta8en as s.itchers' It is observe that out o) (20 respon ents5

Duration o7 U,e o7 oot63a,te 0rand No' o) &espon ents 2= 1<= 302 (20 Percenta"e ='62 3;'30 (9'00 100'00 belon"in" to 1*,/ cate"or$' 1actor anal$sis is use to con ense the ata an ra. meanin")ul conclusions an also helps in summariBin" the in)ormation containe in a number o) ori"inal variables into a smaller set o) composite imensions an cluster anal $s is is use )or "roupin" the variables on the basis o) their in)luence' Variables .ithin cluster are )oun to be homo"enous in terms o) their in)luence an bet.een t.o clusters the $ are hetero"eneous' 3he stu $ comprises o) 16 variables .hich are eJpecte to be in in)luencin" the lo$alt $ behavior are i enti)ie an throu"h the application o) )actor anal $s is the eJtent o) in)luence is i enti)ie throu"h the correlation values

:s !o. as ='62 per cent 2onl$ 2= respon ents4 are usin" their bran o) toothpaste )or less than a $ear an hence are the s.itchers all others ie the rest <('30 per cent constitute the "roup o) toothpaste bran users o) more than one $ear to three $ears an above three $ears thus as per the criteria o) the paper are the lo$alists' 3his observation is sharp in contrast to popular notion o) eJistence o) Qbran )ra"ilit$O in a bran cro. e mar8et li8e toothpaste' It also broa l$ con)orms to the earlier )in in"s o) research stu ies re"ar in" the presence o) hi"h-level bran alle"iance in the 1*,/ cate"or$ li8e toothpaste' ItOs evi ent )rom the above ata that bran lo$alt$ eJists )or a pro uct li8e toothpaste


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

6e ,iLteen varia5le, 7ound ,uita5le 7or t6e a33li2ation o7 7a2tor anal:,i,A are -iven 5elow' Variable 1 2V14 Variable 22V24 Variable-32V34 Variable =2V=4 Variable (2V(4 Variable 62V64 Variable ;2V;4 Variable 92V94 Variable <2V<4 Variable 102V104 Variable 112V114 Variable 122V124 Variable 132V134 Variable 1=2V1=4 Variable 1(2V1(4 Variable 162V164 #Jtent o) in)luence o) a vertisement 1reKuenc$ o) .atchin" television In)luence o) television a vertisement on toothpaste choice 1reKuenc$ o) rea in" ne.spapers 1reKuenc$ o) "oin" throu"h print a vertisement' In)luence o) ne.spaper a vertisement In)luence o) ma"aBine a vertisement 1reKuenc$ o) .atchin" cut outs an cutouts an ispla$s ispla$s In)luence o) a vertisement presente throu"h 1reKuenc$ o) listenin" ra io In)luence o) ra io a vertisement 1reKuenc$ o) visitin" movie houses 1reKuenc$ o) .atchin" a vertisements sho.n in movie houses In)luence o) a vertisement sho.e in the )orm o) sli es an short )ilms Satis)action .ith the present bran o) toothpaste 1reKuenc$ o) chan"in" toothpaste

3he result o) the )actor anal$sis is presente in the )orme correlation matriJ table in 3able-2 2:nneJture4' 3he ,orrelation value presente in 3able-22a4 clearl$ sho.s the positive correlation bet.een the variables .ith all those havin" a correlation value o) more than 0'( are )oun to be si"ni)icant an positivel$ correlate ' I) the value is less than 0'( itOs insi"ni)icant an i) itOs ne"ative the correlation is ne"ative' 3he table sho.s that there is a si"ni)icant positive correlation 20';=04 bet.een the eJtent o) in)luence o) a vertisement an In)luence o) television a vertisement' 3his clearl$ sho.s that television has a pro)oun in)luence o) bran lo$alt$ behaviour o) consumers' 3he neJt in)luencin" )actors amon"st the variables .hich has a hi"h correlation values 20'6324 is bet.een variables PIn)luence o) ne.spaper a vertisement an *a"aBine a vertisements an )reKuenc$ o) .atchin" cut outs an ispla$s .ith 2'(92 4 correlation value ':ll others are )oun not have a ver$ si"ni)icant association thus5 have ver$ lo. correlation values that is less than 0'('


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


a5le (>a? ,6owin- variou, 3o,itive 2orrelation, S#,-ND V:&I:7!# V3-In)luence a vertisement o) ,-&&#!:3I-N V:!?# television 0';=0'

L1I&S3 V:&I:7!# V1- #Jtent o) in)luence o) a vertisement V=-1reKuenc$ ne.spapers4 o)

rea in" V(-1reKuenc$ o) "oin" throu"h print 0'==1 a vertisement o) o) ne.spaper 0'=62 ma"aBine 0'6325

V(-1reKuenc$ o) "oin" V6In)luence throu"h print a vertisement a vertisement V6-In)luence o) ne.spaper V;-In)luence a vertisement a vertisement

V9-1reKuenc$ o) .atchin" cut outs an ispla$s V1= - In)luence o) a vertisement sho.e in the )orm o) sli es an short )ilms V;-In)luence o) a vertisement ma"aBine V< -In)luence o) a vertisement presente throu"h cutouts an ispla$s V1= - In)luence o) a vertisement sho.e in the )orm o) sli es an short )ilms V9 1reKuenc$ o) .atchin" cut outs an ispla$s V< In)luence o) a vertisement presente throu"h cut outs an ispla$s V10 - 1reKuenc$ o) listenin" ra io V11-In)luence a vertisement o) ra io V< In)luence o) a vertisement presente throu"h cut outs V1=- In)luence o) a vertisement sho.e in the )orm o) sli es an short )ilms' V11- In)luence o) ra io a vertisement' Variable10 -1reKuenc$ o) listenin" &a io

0'(92 0'=<=


0'==;' 0'(29'


0'=(9 0'(=95


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


V11-In)luence a vertisement


ra io

V12-1reKuenc$ o) visitin" *ovie houses V13- 1reKuenc$ o) .atchin" a vertisement in movie houses V-1=-In)luence o) a vertisement sho.n in the )orm o) sli es an short )ilms

0'1;; 0'209


1actor anal$sis proce ures are base upon the initial computation o) a complete table o) inter-correlations amon" the variables 2correlation matriJ4' 3he correlation provi es an initial in ication o) the relationship amon" variables' 3he anal$sis is ma e simpler b$ re ucin" the correlation matriJ to a smaller set o) relationships )rom .hich siJ variables are ra.n .hich in total account )or more than ;0G variance accounte )or b$ the )actor' In ivi ual variance accounte )or b$ the various )actors sho.s that 1actor 12V14 i'e' in)luence o) a vertisement causes the hi"hest i'e' 29'696 per cent variance in the respon entsO bu$in" behavior )ollo.e b$ 1actor 22V245 1actor 3 2V345 1actor =2V=45 an 1actor (2V(45 in the mentione or er .ith 12'(91 per cent5 <'339 per cent5 ;'92= per cent5 an ;'01= per cent5 respectivel$' In other .or s5 the )irst )ive )actors namel$5 Qin)luence o) a vertisementO5 Q)reKuenc$ o) .atchin" televisionO5 Qin)luence o) television a vertisementO Q)reKuenc$ o) rea in" ne.spapersO5 an )reKuenc$ o) "oin" throu"h print a vertisement to"ether have cause 6('==( per cent variation in the respon ents bu$in" behavior 1actor 6 can also be inclu e because it causes a

variation .hich is ver$ close to 1 i'e' 0'<=( an inclusive o) 1actor 6 .hich is Qin)luence o) ne.spaper a vertisementO lea s to the cumulative variation o) ;1'3(1 per cent' 7asin" upon the results o) the component anal$sis it can be in)erre that the sampleOs bran lo$alt$ have been consi erabl$ in)luence b$ a vertisements in "eneral an television an print a vertisement5 in particular' Such a conclusion is Kuite obvious as the pro uct un er surve$ is a 1*,/ one .hich is purchase )reKuentl$ b$ the consumers an a vertisin" as such pla$s a si"ni)icant role in in)luencin" their bran -choice behavior' So5 the )irst 6 )actors pla$ a ver$ si"ni)icant role in in)luencin" the respon entOs behavior to continue .ith the present bran o) toothpaste or s.itchover to another bran ' 3able-3 2:nneJture4 presents the percent o) variable accounte )or b$ the various )actors un erta8en )or the stu $5 the total variance is eJplaine brie)l$ in 3able-3 2:nneJture4'' Scree Plot 2)i"-14 presents the "raphical representation o) the variance contribute b$ the )actors in QJO aJis an #i"en Value in Q$O aJis 21i"ure -14' #i"en value is the sum o) sKuares )or a )actor also re)erre to as the latent root' It represents the amount o) variance accounte )or b$ a )actor' =i-ure#1


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


3he Scree 3est is erive b$ plottin" the latent roots a"ainst the number o) )actors in their or er o) eJtraction an the shape o) the resultin" curve is use to evaluate the cuto)) point' 1i"' 1 plots the siJteen )actors eJtracte in the stu $' Startin" .ith the )irst )actor5 the plot slopes steepl$ o.n initiall$ an then slo.l$ then becomes an approJimatel$ horiBontal line' 3he point at .hich the curve )irst be"ins to strai"hten out is consi ere to in icate the maJimum number o) )actors to be eJtracte that in)luence the respon ents si"ni)icantl$ .hile ma8in" their purchase ecision' :s per the response collecte the results o) the Scree 3est sho.s that the )irst siJ )actors viB'5 eJtent o) in)luence o) a vertisement5 )reKuenc$ o) .atchin" television5 in)luence o) television a vertisement5 )reKuenc$ o) "oin" throu"h print a vertisement5 in)luence o) ne.spaper a vertisement .oul Kuali)$ to be the most in)luential =i-#(' =a2tor, Pre,ent in

)actors b$ contributin" si"ni)icantl$ to the variance in bu$in" behavior o) the respon ents' :s per 1i"ure-15 variance cause b$ )irst siJ )actors .hich almost eKuals to one thus5 Kuali)ies as per the latent criterion5 an the others not contributin" si"ni)icantl$ to the respon ents choice o) toothpaste hence5 .oul not be acceptable' 1urther5 it is to be note that usin" the latent root criterion onl$ )ive )actors .oul have been consi ere ' In contrast5 usin" the Scree 3est provi es us .ith one more )actor' :s a "eneral rule5 the Scree 3ail 3est result in at least one an sometimes t.o or three more )actors bein" consi ere as si"ni)icant as .ill the latent root criterion i'e'1' ,lusterin" techniKue is use sho.s that variables 135 ;5 <5 11 an 3 belon" to ,luster I an variables 15 25 =5 (5 65 95 105 125 1=5 1( an 16 belon" to ,luster II' wo Clu,ter,


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal






13, 7, 9, 11, 3

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16

3he above mentione anal$sis an istribution o) the variables in t.o clusters on the basis o) rescale istance cluster combine o) the in ivi ual variables' It can be summariBe as variables in ,luster-I an variables in ,luster-II eJhibit a hi"h e"ree o) .ithin cluster homo"eneit$ in in)luencin" the bran lo$alt$ behavior o) the respon ents' 7ut5 variables in cluster-1 an ,luster-II have hi"h e"ree o) bet.een cluster hetero"eneit$' 3hus5 on the .hole the anal$sis sho.s that variables in cluster-1 pose a similar t$pe o) in)luence on the respon ents bran lo$alt$ behaviour an Variables in ,luster-II are similar in nature in in)luencin" the bran lo$alt$ behavior o) the sample respon ents' ,luster 1 consists5 )ive variables .hich are V3 V;5 V<5 V115 V135' 3hese variables are respon entOs habit o) .atchin" a vertisements sho.n in movie houses5 In)luence o) ma"aBine a vertisement on toothpaste choice5 in)luence o) a vertisements presente throu"h cutouts an ispla$s on toothpaste choice5 in)luence o) a vertisements broa caste on ra io an 5 in)luence o) a vertisement ispla$e Sbeame on television .hile ma8in" toothpaste choice' SummariBin" the cluster anal$sis5

,luster-1 consists o) various me ia o) a vertisin" that in)luences the toothpaste choice o) the respon ents' ,luster-2 consists o) all the other variables .hich are not important in in)luencin" the consumer ecision' 3hus5all the variable in cluster-2 o not have a si"ni)icant in)luence on the bran lo$alt$ behavior an *e ia both 3V an Print are consi ere to be the most in)luencin" )actors both in terms o) purchase ecision an bran !o$alt$' In a nutshell5 it can be conclu e as the variables in ,luster-I posses a ver$ close similarit$ .ith each other in in)luencin" the respon ents bu$in" behavior rest all other )actors are place in ,luster-II )or a more scienti)ic se"mentation o) the i))erent variables ta8en )or stu $' I43ortant Per2e3tion' =a2tor,B Re,3ondent,F

3he )actors in)luencin" the respon ents bran lo$alt$ behavior is presente in "raphical manner in 2 1i"' 3'4 3he )i"ure sho.s a )a e line .hich represents the "ran avera"e o) the avera"e ratin"s o) all the siJteen variables ta8en into consi eration' 3he calculate "ran


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

avera"e o) the siJteen variables is 1'2=69' 3he bol line in the )i"ure represents the avera"e o) the respon entOs perception o) all the siJteen variables ta8en )or the stu $'

1i"ure-3 sho.s that V= 2the respon entsO habit o) rea in" ne.spapers an 0ournals4 an V1( 2the satis)action erive )rom the present bran o) toothpaste4 are the most important )actors in)luencin" the

respon ents bran lo$alt$Ss.itchin" behaviour as perceive b$ the respon ents' 3he other )actors .hich also pla$ an important role .hen compare .ith the "ran avera"e o) the avera"e ratin"s are V1 2role o) a vertisement45 V2 2)reKuenc$ o) .atchin" television45 V3 2in)luence o) television a vertisement in ma8in" toothpaste choice4 an V( 2respon ents habit o) "oin" throu"h a vertisements appearin" in ne.spapers an 0ournals4'


:ll the other variables eJcept Variable 15 25 35 =5 ( an 1( are comparativel$ less important as per the respon entOs perception these variables lie belo. the line representin" the "ran avera"e o) the avera"e ratin"s'

0rand Lo:alt: Model 7ran !o$alt$ mo el is a )lo. chart mo el that eJplains the ps$cholo"ical process .hich trans)orms a customer

)rom )irst time user to a lo$alist an then a lo$alists a"ain to a s.itcher' *ost o) the time the customer tries a pro uct "ettin" in)luence b$ me ia in In ian conteJt television is most important me ia In)luencer' *e ia in)luences a consumer to "et attracte to a bran .hereb$ he initiates the trial process ':)ter tr$in" the bran i) a customer is satis)ie he becomes lo$al to the bran on the contrar$ issatis)action lea s to s.itchin"' S.itchin" initiates a customerOs search )or other better alternative' : satis)ie customer a vocates the bran


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

2positive .or o) mouth4 an issatis)ie customer results in ne"ative .or o) mouth' Ne"ative .or o) mouth is isastrous )or the )irmOs ima"e an )uture prospects' 3hus5 a )irm has to put all its e))orts not onl$ to attract customers but also to satis)$ them .hich results in retention o) the customer an positive .or o) mouth5 bene)ittin" the )irm in lon" run' 3he *o el is an outcome o) the research .hich i enti)ies the steps o) ecisions a customer ta8es startin" )rom bran i enti)ication .hich normall$ ta8es place because o) the customers eJposure to me ia )ollo.s throu"h a ran"e o) other steps an then )inall$ the customer becomes a a vocate o) the bran or sprea s

ne"ative .or o) mouth epen s on his level o) satis)action' :s me ia pla$s an important source o) in)ormation resultin" in customer eJpectation' 3hus5 itOs a visable )or the compan$ to ma8e onl$ those promises .hich can be met an not to buil up' ,ommunication throu"h me ia mi"ht lea to eJpectations an .hen eJpectations are compare .ith perceive Kualit$ an the eJperience is satis)actor$ customer becomes lo$al an an$ issatis)action mi"ht lea to s.itchin" as .ell as ne"ative .or o) mouth' 7ut the In)luence o) the me ia also motivates a satis)ie customer to tr$ a ne. bran is establishe in the stu $ .ith respon ents con)irmin" to "ettin" in)luence b$ me ia'

0rand Lo:alt: Model


7ran Ima"e

7ran 3rial

7ran Satis)action 7ran Dissatis)action 7ran !o$alt$

@or o) *outh

7ran : vocate

Ne"ative .or o) mouth an Search )or 1. In ian consumers are )oun lo$al ne. 7ran to a particular bran o) toothpaste
even i) itOs a 1*,/' (. 3elevision is the most In)luencin" )actor in consumer purchase ecision 1ollo.e b$ print' ). In ivi ual variance accounte )or b$ the various )actors sho.s that 1actor 12V14 i'e' in)luence o) a vertisement causes the hi"hest i'e' 29'696 per cent variance in the respon entsO bu$in" behavior' %. : vertisement pla$s an important role in motivatin" people to tr$ i))erent bran s lea in" to 7ran s.itchin"' +. SiJ )actors viB'5 eJtent o) in)luence o) a vertisement5 )reKuenc$ o)

Ma;or =indin-,


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

.atchin" television5 in)luence o) television a vertisement5 )reKuenc$ o) "oin" throu"h print a vertisement5 in)luence o) ne.spaper a vertisement .oul Kuali)$ to be the most in)luential )actors b$ contributin" si"ni)icantl$ to the variance in bu$in" behavior o) the respon ents' Con2lu,ion : mitte l$5 1*,/ bran s constantl$ enliven in the min s o) the consumers throu"h the mass communication tool o) a vertisin"5 thereb$ invo8e emotional bon .ith the consumers' 3he restoration o) the sample that a vertisin" remaine an important in)luence o) bran choice is there)ore a simple con)irmation o) the .i el$ accepte vie.' :mon" the various me ia o) a vertisin"5 television5 )or obvious reasons5 emanate as the most important one )or in)luencin" the toothpaste bran choice behaviour o) the respon ents' 3his is )urther con)irme in our stu $ .hich establishes a positive relationship bet.een a vertisin" an purchase behaviour .ith a vertisin" capable o) creatin" 29'696G variance in bu$in" ecision' 3elevision a vertisin" alone is able to create <'339G variance '-ther )actors that are )oun to be si"ni)icantl$ in)luencin" are 1reKuenc$ o) .atchin" television5 1reKuenc$ o) rea in" ne.spapers5 )reKuenc$ o) "oin" throu"h print a vertisement5 In)luence o) ne.spaper a vertisement5 D In)luence o) ma"aBine a vertisement' In a nutshell5 it can be conclu e that a vertisin" especiall$ television D print are the )actors that create variation in the bu$in" ecision process' 3his iscussion sho.s that espite me ia li8e television an print has

pro)oun in)luence on the purchase ecision o) consumers still bran lo$alt$ eJists )or a )reKuentl$ bou"ht pro uct li8e toothpaste .hich is Kuite unusual' 3his also sho.s the iminishin" pro uct i))erentiation an a clutter .hich is not "ivin" the esire results to the a vertisers an espite some bran s li8e ,ol"ate an Pepso ent have intro uce so man$ ne. variants into the mar8et it ver$ har )or them to shi)t the consumers )rom their eJistin" bran .hich mi"ht be sometimes a ver$ un.elcome si"n )or these bran s' 3he lo$alt$ eJistin" .ith consumers also sho.s that the$ are ver$ satis)ie .ith their present bran s an the use o) me ia )or in)ormation is onl$ to up ate them about the evelopment thatOs ta8in" place .ith respect to their present bran s' 3he stu $ lea s to the )act that a satis)ie customer ten s to be bran lo$al even i) itOs a 1*,/ li8e toothpaste ': vertisers tr$in" har to "et notice an encoura"in" trial o) a ne. pro ucts o not seem to be ver$ success)ul' @hich means it .oul not be so eas$ )or the mar8eters to initiate even trial o) the customers i) the$ are satis)ie espite the a s an other me ia "ettin" notice its unable to in)luence thus5 customer satis)action ma$ be )ocusse upon b$ the corporate in or er to sustain in the mar8et

RE=ERENCES 1. :a8er D'21<<14: *ana"in" bran eKuit$: ,apitalisin" on the value o) a bran name: the )ree press' (. :a8er5 D' :' 21<9=4: Strate"ic *ar8et *ana"ement5 Ne. Yor8: John @ile$ an Sons p-1=0':ca em$ o) *ar8etin" Science5 2(2245 162-16;' ). :ssael'A5 21<<24: ,onsumer behaviour an mar8etin" action5 7oston5 *:: P@S-+ent Publishin" ,o' %. 7al in"er :! D &ubinson J521<<64: 7ran !o$alt$: the lin8 bet.een attitu e an behaviour5 Journal o) a vertisin" research536264522-3='


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

+. 7a.a 8 D Shoema8er &@52 1<9;4: 3he coup-prone consumer5 Some )in in"s base on purchase behaviour across pro uct classes5 Journal o) mar8etin"5 (12=45<<-110' C. 7err$5 !'!' 21<<34: P&elationship mar8etin"R5 in 7err$5 !'!'5Shostac85 /'!' an Dupah5 /' 2# s45 #mer"in" Perspectives on Services *ar8etin"5 :*:5 ,hica"o5 I!5 pp' 2(-9' *. 7hara .a0 S/ etal 521<<34: Sustainable competitive a vanta"e in service in ustries: a conceptual mo el an research propositions' Journal o) *ar8etin" (;5 93- <<' D. 7loemer an &u$ter +'D' 21<<94: P-n the &elationship 7et.een Store Ima"e 5Store satis)action an Store !o$alt$'R #uropean Journal o) *ar8etin" 32 2(S645 =<<-(13' &. 7lac8.ell'S': etal'521<<<4: 3he :ntece ents o) customer lo$alt$5 :n empirical investi"ation o) the role o) personal an situational aspects on repurchase ecision5 Journal o) Service &esearch5 *a$ Volume 15 No' =5 3623;( 1$. ,ronin5 Joseph5 Jr'5 *ichael +' 7ra $5 an /' 3homas *' Ault' 220004: P:ssessin" the #))ects o) %ualit$5 Value5 an ,ustomer Satis)action on 7ehavioural Intention in Service #nvironments'R Journal o) &etailin" ;6 2245 1<3-219' 11. 1ournier 21<<94: ',onsumers an their 7ran s: Developin" &elationship 3heor$ in ,onsumer &esearch5' Journal o) ,onsumer &esearch5 2= 2*arch45 3=3-3;3' 1(. 1ullerton'/ 220104: P@hen oes commitment lea to lo$alt$R Journal o)



1+. 1C.



Service &esearch5 Volume (5 No' =5 *a$ 20035 333-3==' '/otlieb5 Jerr$ 7'5 Dhruv /re.al5 an Stephen @' 7ro.n'2 1<<=4: P,onsumer Satis)action an Perceive %ualit$: ,omplementar$ or Diver"ent ,onstructsVR Journal o) :pplie Ps$cholo"$ ;< 264: 9;(-99(' Aes8ett5 James !'5 3homas -' Jones5 /ar$@' !oveman5 #arl@' Sasser5an !eonar :' Schlesin"er'21<<=4: PPuttin" the Service-Pro)it ,hain to @or8'R Aarvar 7usiness &evie. ;2 224: 16=1;=' Jacob$ 'J D,hestnut 5&@ 21<;94: 7ran lo$alt$ *easurement an *ana"ement5 Ne. Yor85 @ile$' '/'Johnson etal5 220014: P3he #volution an 1uture o) National ,ustomer Satis)action In eJ *o els'R Journal o) #conomic Ps$cholo"$ 225 21;-2=(' Jin'7 an +oh':21<<<4: PDi))erence 7et.een South +orean *ale an 1emale consumers in the clothin" bran lo$alt$ )ormation process: *o el 3estin"R publishe in ,lothin" an 3eJtiles &esearch Journal 1;234 11; -12;' +eller5 +'!' an :a8er5 D':' 21<<24: P3he e))ects o) seKuential intro uction o) bran eJtensionsR5 Journal o) *ar8etin" &esearch5 Vol' 2< 1ebruar$5 3(-(0'

1&. !ane V5 Jacobson &' 21<<(4: PStoc8 mar8et reactions to bran eJtension announcements: the e))ects o) bran attitu e an )amiliarit$R J *ar8M(<2Januar$4:63 -;;'




Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

The present study aims to find out the effect of 0+6 on 'athematics Attitude of GIII standard students of 0uducherry. Experimental method and 0re-Test 0ost test two group >uasi experimental design is used in the present study. The sample consists of <87 GIII class students and <B; GIII class students in *ontrol group and Experimental 4roup respectively. 'athematics Attitude $cale designed by the investigator used in the present study to assess the attitude towards 'athematics of GIII standard students. 3ne group of students .0+6 / is taught using 0+6 programme for one term.four months/. The other groups of students .*onventional/ are taught using conventional tal and chal method for the same unit for the same period of time as in other group. *ollected data is analyzed using suitable statistical techni!ues. ,esults reveal that teaching through problem +ased 6earning Instructional 'ethod has a significant positive effect on the 'athematics Attitude of GIII standard students. There is a significant increase in the post test scores of experimental group after teaching through 0+6. $tudents in the Experimental group has more favourable attitude towards 'athematics compared to control group students.

1.1 Introdu2tion' Pro)icienc$ in #n"lish communication s8ills5 Science an *athematics is consi ere as the in eJ o) )uture success not onl$ in In ia but all over the .orl ' So e ucationalists all over the .orl are con uctin" research to stu $ the )actors a))ectin" *athematics :chievement' -nl$ o) the important )actors i enti)ie b$ them is evelopin" positive attitu e' Positive :ttitu e to.ar s *athematics pla$s a crucial role in the learnin" o) *athematics' Positive attitu e to.ar s *athematics has not onl$ impacte on stu entsO inclination on )uture stu ies an mathematics relate )iel but also a))ecte stu entsO per)ormance in *athematics eJaminations' In the present e ucation s$stem5 stu ents are not "iven responsibilit$ )or their o.n learnin"' :s *athematics learnin" is o)ten consi ere as abstract5 borin" an not interestin"5 stu ents are not motivate an evelops a ne"ative attitu e to.ar s *athematics' I) the positive attitu e to.ar s *athematics is evelope in stu ents5 the$ .ill be more .illin" to ta8e on eeper mathematical challen"es'

Stu ents ?n erstan the problem

Problem 7ase !earnin" is an innovative instructional *etho that en"a"es stu ents to learnPresente to"ether in a "roup5 riven b$ real &eal li)e Problem li)e problems5 thereb$ learnin" the un erl$in" concepts o) the problem' It is a stu ent centere *etho .here stu ents ta8e responsibilit$ o) their o.n learnin"'

@hat is "ivenV @hat is to be )oun V

1.( Pro5le4 0a,ed Learnin- Model'

Stu ents i enti)$ learnin" issues

Stu $ the un erl$in" concepts Page108 Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013 i))erent solution


:ppl$ D )in

7est solution is i enti)ie

Peer reviewed International Journal


-rhan :8enoflu an &uhan gB8ar eh 3an ofan 220064 stu ie the e))ects o) Problem-base active learnin" in science e ucation on stu entOs aca emic learnin"5 attitu e an concept )ormation' 3he research stu $ .as con ucte on (05 ;th "ra e stu ents in 200=-200( school $ear5 in a public school in Istanbul' 3he$ )oun that the implementation o) problem-base active learnin" mo el ha positivel$ a))ecte their attitu es to.ar s the science course' Aussain5 &a0a *aBnah &a0aM *amat5 @an Aasmah @anM Salleh5 NoraniM Saat5 &ohai a *oh M Aarlan 5 3on$ 2200;4 has )oun that Stu ent an tutor eJperiences .ere positive an P7! .as seen to .or8 eJtremel$ .ell5 espite the t$pical problems that stu ents can eJperience .or8in" in "roups' 3here .as evi ence that stu ents .ere evelopin" use)ul 8no.le "e an li)elon" learnin" s8ills5 but there .ere Grou3 #Jperimental /roup ,ontrol /roup Mea,urin- in,tru4ent' *athematics :ttitu e Scale esi"ne b$ the investi"ator use in the present stu $ to assess the attitu e to.ar s *athematics o) 0o:, 9= 92

concerns about .here this occurre in the P7! curriculum' Met6odolo-:' :s the present stu $ aims to )in the e))ect o) problem base learnin" on *athematics :ttitu e o) VIII class stu ents5 eJperimental "roup is use in the present stu $' Pre-3est Post test t.o "roup %uasi eJperimental esi"n is use in the present stu $' Re,ear26 Parti2i3ant,' 3he sample consists o) 16( VIII class stu ents an 192 VIII class stu ents in ,ontrol "roup an #Jperimental /roup respectivel$'

Girl, <9 93

otal 192 16(

VIII stan ar stu ents' It is )our point scales ran"in" )rom stron"l$ a"ree to stron"l$ isa"ree' Items are esi"ne to measure: Sel)-con)i ence5 1ear o) learnin" *athematics5 ?se)ulness an applicabilit$


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

o) *athematics5 #n0o$ment in learnin" *athematics5 *otivation in learnin" mathematics an #Jperience .ith *athematics 3eacher' Validit:' ,onstruct vali it$ o) *:S is establishe b$ correlation .ith *athematics :ttitu e Scale esi"ne b$ &'Vasu8i D Dr' V' &a0es.ari 220094 an :ttitu e to.ar s *athematics Scale esi"ne b$ Praveena' P 2200;4' 3he correlation coe))icients bet.een the t.o tests .ith *:S are )oun to be 0'92 an 0'96 respectivel$' Relia5ilit:' &eliabilit$ o) *:S is establishe b$ testretest metho an spilt hal) metho ' *:S is a ministere to 200 VIII stan ar stu ents at an interval o) 3 months uration' 3he correlation coe))icient bet.een the t.o tests is )oun to be 0'92' 3hus sample reliabilit$ is establishe ' :lso the o number items an even number items are score separatel$ an the correlation coe))icient bet.een the t.o hal) tests is )oun to be 0'96' 3he reliabilit$ o) )ull test is calculate usin" the Spearman-7ro.n prophec$ )ormula is )oun to be 0'<2' 3hus tool reliabilit$ is establishe b$ the investi"ator'

test scores5 "roups are matche an stan ar eviation'

)or *ean

Phase II: Stu ents are ivi e into t.o "roups5 one "roup as eJperimental "roup 2P7!4 an another "roup as control 2,onventional4 /roup' Phase III : -ne "roup o) stu ents 2P7! 4 is tau"ht usin" P7! pro"ramme )or one term2)our months4' 3he other "roups o) stu ents 2,onventional4 are tau"ht usin" conventional tal8 an chal8 metho )or the same unit )or the same perio o) time as in other "roup' Phase IV:3he post test is con ucte to the t.o "roups a)ter )our months' Anal:,i, o7 data' 3he )ollo.in" statistical techniKues are use to anal$sis the collecte ata' 3he$ are 1' Descriptive :nal$sis C *ean5 Stan ar Deviation an 7oJ plot 2' In)erential :nal$sis C QtO test' 1.D Re,ult,' 1.D.1 ENuatin- t6e -rou3,' 3he "roups are matche )or *ean an Stan ar eviation

1.C EL3eri4ent in P6a,e,' Phase I: Pre-test on *athematics :ttitu e is con ucte to the stu ents' 7ase on the preMat26in- 7or Mean' a5le 1 ,omparison o) *ean pre-test control "roup an #Jperimental "roup on *athematics :ttitu e /roup N *ean SD QtO value P


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

,ontrol /roup #Jp "roup

16( 192

93'2= 9('19

1='(6 1='<(



*atchin" )or Stan ar

eviation: a5le ( eviation o) control "roup an #Jperimental "roup on *athematics :ttitu e N SD QtO value P

,omparison o) pre-test stan ar Variable /roup

*athematics :ttitu e

,ontrol /roup #Jp "roup

16( 192

1='(6 1='<(



1rom 3able 1 D 25 it is evi ent that there is no si"ni)icant i))erence in *ean D Stan ar eviation o) pretest ,ontrol "roup an #Jperimental "roup scores on *athematics :ttitu e' 1'9'2 ,omparison o) Pre an post test mean scores in *athematics attitu e o) eJperimental "roup a5le#) ,omparison o) Pre an post test mean scores in *athematics attitu e o) eJperimental "roup
Sample /roup N *ean SD QtO value P

3otal Stu ents

Pretest Post test Pre test Post test Pre test

192 192 9= 9= <9 <9

9('19 102'23 9('1< 100'3( 9('16 103'9=

1='<( 13'(1 1('(( 12'(< 1='=< 1='11









Post test

-n comparin" the Pre an Post test mean scores o) eJperimental "roup in *athematics :ttitu e5 it is observe that the calculate t value is si"ni)icant 2P]0'0014' Si"ni)icant i))erence also eJists in the sub-samples o) bo$s an "irls' *eans scores in Post test is hi"her than the pre test' 3here is a si"ni)icant increase in the mean post test *athematics :ttitu e scores o) eJperimental "roup stu ents a)ter teachin" throu"h P7!'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

=i-ure 1 '0oL 3lot o7 3re te,t and 3o,t te,t Mat6e4ati2, Attitude ,2ore, o7 EL3eri4ental Grou3

1.D.) Co43ari,on o7 Pre and 3o,t te,t 4ean ,2ore, in Mat6e4ati2, attitude o7 2ontrol -rou3 MaL ' 1%% a5le % Sample 3otal Stu ents /roup Pretest Post test Pretest 7o$s Post test Pretest /irls Post test 93 69'02 13'93 92 93 96'=0 6<'<9 1('60 <'12 1'0; NS N 16( 16( 92 *ean 93'2= 9=';0 93'=( SD 1='(6 1=';9 1('19 1'23 NS QtO value 0'<0 P NS

1rom table =5 it is observe that the calculate t value is not si"ni)icant' *ean i))erences are also not si"ni)icant even .hen the "roups are compare )or bo$s an "irls' =i-ure ( 0oL 3lot o7 3re te,t and 3o,t te,t Mat6e4ati2, Attitude ,2ore, o7 EL3eri4ental Grou3


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


1.D.% Co43ari,on o7 Po,t te,t 4ean ,2ore, o7 eL3eri4ental -rou3 and 2ontrol -rou3 ,tudent, in Mat6e4ati2, Attitude MaL ' 1%% a5le + Variable 3otal stu ents 7o$s /roup ,ontrol /roup #Jp /roup ,ontrol /roup #Jp /roup /irls ,ontrol /roup #Jp /roup N 16( 192 92 9= 93 <9 *ean 9=';0 102'23 96'=0 100'3( 93'02 103'9= SD 1=';9 13'(1 1('60 12'(< 13'92 1='11 <'<9 ]0'001 6'3= ]0'001 QtO value 11'(= P ]0'001

@hen the Post test mean scores o) eJperimental "roup an control "roup stu ents in *athematics :ttitu e are compare 5 it is in)erre that the calculate t value is si"ni)icant 2P]0'0014' Stu ents in the #Jperimental "roup have more )avourable attitu e to.ar s *athematics compare to control "roup stu ents'

=i-ure ) 0oL 3lot, o7 3o,t te,t ,2ore, o7 eL3eri4ental -rou3 and 2ontrol -rou3 ,tudent, in Mat6e4ati2, Attitude


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal


1.D.+ Con2lu,ion' 3eachin" throu"h Problem 7ase !earnin" Instructional *etho has a si"ni)icant positive e))ect on the *athematics :ttitu e o) VIII stan ar stu ents' 3here is a si"ni)icant increase in the post test scores o) eJperimental "roup a)ter teachin" throu"h P7!' Stu ents in the #Jperimental "roup has more )avourable attitu e to.ar s *athematics compare to control "roup stu ents' 1in in"s o) research reveal that P7! can be use to ma8e *athematics more interestin" an *eanin")ul' Stu ents )eel motivate an evelops positive attitu e to.ar s *athematics' :s P7! uses real li)e problems5 it ma8es *athematics !earnin" more permanent' 3eachin" throu"h P7! metho olo"$ has evelope in epen ent learnin"M better un erstan in" .hich has ultimatel$ results in better *athematics attitu e'






Re7eren2e' 2' ,hin5 ,' D ,hia5 !' /' 2200=4: PProblem-7ase !earnin": ?sin" Stu entsN %uestions to Drive +no.le "e


,onstructionR5 Science # ucation5 992(45 ;0;-;2;' !ambros5 :' 220024:Problem-7ase !earnin" in +-9 ,lassrooms: : 3eacherOs /ui e to Implementation' ,ali)ornia5 ,orvin Pres5 Inc' Aala $na5 3'5 Shau"hness$5 J'5 Shau"hness$5 *' 21<934: P: causal anal$sis o) attitu e to.ar *athematicsR5 Fournal for ,esearch in 'athematics Education5 1= 2145 1<-2<' Aannula5 *ar88u S'220024: P:ttitu e to.ar s *athematics: #motions5 #Jpectations an ValuesR5 # ucational Stu ies in *athematics v=< n15 2(-=6 Aussain5 &a0a *aBnah &a0a et al 2200;4: PProblem-7ase !earnin" in :sian ?niversitiesR5 Stu ies in Ai"her # ucation' : v32 n6 p;61-;;2 Dec 200; I)amu$i.a5 S' :'M :8insola5 *' +' 220094: PImprovin" Senior Secon ar$ School Stu entsN :ttitu e to.ar s *athematics throu"h Sel) an ,ooperative-Instructional Strate"iesR5 International Journal o) *athematical # ucation in Science an 3echnolo"$ v3< n(5 (6<-(9( -rhan :8enoflu an &uhan gB8ar eh 3an ofan '220064: P3he e))ects o)


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

Problem-base active learnin" in science e ucation on stu entOs aca emic learnin"5 attitu e an concept !earnin"R5 #urasia Journal o) *athematics5 science an 3echnolo"$ # ucation'200;'32145;1-91' <' Praveena2200;4: P:ttitu e to.ar s *athematics an *athematics :chieveemnt o) hi"h school stu ents o) Pu ucherr$R5 ?npublishe *#D issertation' Pon icherr$: Pon icherr$ ?niversit$' 10' &u))ell5 *o$raM *ason5 JohnM :llen5 7arbara 21<<94: PStu $in" :ttitu e 3o

*athematicsR5 # ucational Stu ies in *athematics5 v3( n15 1-19 11' Saha5 S' 2200;4: P: stu $ o) /en er :ttitu e to *athematics5 ,o"nitive st$le an :chievement in mathematicsR5 Experiments in Education 3(5 6' 1(. 3apia D *arsh 2200=4: P:n Instrument to *easure *athematics :ttitu esR5 A2ade4i2 EL26an-e Quarterl: Volu4e DA I,,ue (A ()#)%


DR. G. VIJA!ALA9SHMI I Page115 Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT A0S RAC 5igh food inflation is worrisome for people and policy ma ers ali e, and rightly so, as it inflicts a heavy Hhidden taxD on the poor, who spend almost 8C : of their expenditure on food. The economic survey ;C<;-<I has conformed the poor progress on long term and agricultural growth, even though crop production is now more resilient to extreme weather shoc s. %ood grain production in India has shown remar able improvements in recent years. $till the country facing food insecurity, tac le this problem is the need of hour. 9e: Word,' A-ri2ultureA 7ood -rain,A Mini4u4 ,u33ort 3ri2eA Annual -rowt6 rateA Introdu2tion -ver the last 20 $ears5 In ia has been "ro.in" consistentl$ at an avera"e rate o) 6; G per annum an in the post "lobal )inancial melt o.n5 "ro.th .as bein" .itnesse in emer"in" mar8et economies li8e ,hina an In ia' 3he "ro.th ha not )urther contracte in in ustrialiBe economies an economic po.er .as stea il$ shi)te )rom in ustrialiBe to emer"in" mar8ets' 3he countr$Os "ro.th is lar"el$ riven b$ omestic eman ' :s In ia enters the s.eet mar8 in its emo"raphic eJperience5 its risin" pro uctivit$ an rapi l$ increasin" mar8ets .ill be a ma0or "lobal "ro.th en"ine' 3he econom$ still has to properl$ tac8le the "reat challen"es .hich the .orl has also )acin" C )oo securit$5 environmental e"ra ation an economic evelopment' :lthou"h the ,entral 7an8 o) the countr$ oin" .ell in tamin" in)lation in the countr$ throu"h intelli"ent monetar$ polic$ measures an as per eJperts these ma$ be able to control in)lation in the me ium an lon"er terms' "5;e2t and 4et6odolo-: 3his article tries to loo8 at the 8e$ issues relate to population pressure an )oo availabilit$ to all' 3he purpose o) this article is to revie. the )oo in)lation an other relate aspects an su""est some measures' Secon ar$ ata has been collecte an use in this article5 publishe b$ various institutions' A-ri2ulture -rowt6 and 2ro3 3rodu2tion Ai"h )oo in)lation is .orrisome )or people an polic$ ma8ers ali8e5 an ri"htl$ so5 as it in)licts a heav$ Qhi en taJO on the poor5 .ho spen almost 60 G o) their eJpen iture on )oo ' 3he economic surve$ 2012-13 has con)orme the poor pro"ress on lon" term an a"ricultural "ro.th5 even thou"h crop pro uction is no. more resilient to eJtreme .eather shoc8s' 1oo "rain pro uction in In ia has sho.n remar8able improvements in recent $ears' 3he )ollo.in" table sho.s that )arm pro uction risin" stea il$ but not )ast enou"h as pro uctivit$ remains lo.'

a5le 1# Annual 3rodu2tionA 2o43ound avera-e -rowt6 rate R :ield o7 7ood -rain, in India >($$D#($11?


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

1oo "rains ,ompoun e avera"e "ro.th rate in pro uction in pro uction in G million tons 1ruits Ve"etables 2011 C 12 2(<'32 1;2 3(0 2010 C 11 2=='9 1;0 332 200< C 10 219'1 16; 313 2009 C 0< 233'9 163 306 Source : 3he #conomic 3imes 5 26 1ebruar$52013' Year

Yiel s o) )oo "rains 8"Shectare 250(< 15<30 15;<9 15<0<

a5le (' Per 2a3ita availa5ilit: o7 7ood -rain, in 3er da: -ra4, in India >1&D1#($11? Year Per a$ "rams Per capita availabilit$ o) )oo "rains in per a$ "rams' 1<91 1<<1 2001 =(( (10 =16 2011 =63

In ia pro uce recor 2(3'32 millions tons o) )oo "rains in 2011-12 at a time .hen ina eKuate attention to a"riculture across man$ parts o) the .orl le to )oo shorta"es an steep hi8es in )oo prices' 7ut the lon" term picture remains epressin"' Declinin" per capita availabilit$ o) )oo "rains has become a ma0or concern' 3he slu""ish "ro.th o) a"riculture5 .hich provi es livelihoo )or one out o) ever$ t.o In ians5 also remains a cause )or .orr$' *ore over the countr$ )aces the sti)) challen"es o) )ee in" its "ro.in" population' 3he a"ricultural sector has been "ro.in" mainl$ in terms o) risin" commo it$ prices' 3he irector o) National

,entre )or a"ricultural5 #conomics an Polic$ &esearch commente on this situation as 5 P' It is price riven an it ma$ lose its trac8 i) the prices o) a"riculture pro uce )all' 3he a"riculture price in eJ is comparativel$ hi"her than .holesale price in eJ 5 in icatin" steep rise in )oo in)lation an prices o) a"ricultural pro uce' Despite an eJpecte recor )oo "rain pro uction in the current $ear5 )oo in)lation has not mo erate at the pace eJpecte ' So5 the )oo in)lation shoul not be ta8en li"htl$' 3he )ollo.in" tables ma$ loo8 at the reason .h$ )oo in)lation .ill remain stic8$'

a5le )' Gro,, area >4illion 6e2tare,? under 7ood -rain, in India >!ear ($$+#1$? 1arm area eclinin" but $iel s not risin" to ma8e up )or the rops' Year 200(-06 2006-0; 200;-09 /ross area un er )oo "rains in 121'6 123'; 12='1 million hectares 2009-0< 122'9 200<-10 121'3

a5le %' Co43ound -rowt6 rate, o7 areaA 3rodu2tion and :ield, o7 7ood -rain, in India >!ear 1&%&#1&C+ R !ear 1&C*#CD to ($$D#$&?


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

,ompoun "ro.th rates o) area5 pro uction an $iel s' /ro.th 1<=<-(0 to 1<6=-6( rates :rea Pro uction Yiel &ice 1'21 3'(0 2'2( @heat 2'6< 3'<9 1'2; ,ereals 0'<0 2'2( 1'23 Pulses 1';2 1'=1 -0'19 Su"arcane 3'29 ='26 0'<( ,otton 2'=; ='(( 2'0= -il see s 2'(3 3'12 0'00

:rea 0'(0 1'20 - 1'=1 0'01 1'6< 0'=2 1'==

1<6;-69 to 2009-0< Pro uction 2'=6 3'6< 0'6; 0';( 2'6= 3'06 3'16

Yiel 1'<< 2'=6 1'<< 0';2 0'<= 2'63 1'6<

a5le +' State# wi,e Mini4u4 a-ri2ultural wa-e rate/NREGA wa-e Pressure )rom N&#/: has pushe up )arm .a"es an other inputs costs also risin" in &s' :ssam :n hra 7ihar /u0arat *P ?P @7 Aar$ana +erala *inimum 9; 12( 10< 100 110 100 <6 16; 200 a"ricultural .a"e rate N&#/: 130 121 120 12= 122 120 130 1;< 1(0 .a"e &etail prices o) 8e$ )ertiliBers in rupees tone Importe D:P Potash ?rea 200< - 10 <3(0 ==(( =930 2010 - 11 10;(0 (0(( (310 a5le C' In2rea,e in 4ini4u4 ,u33ort 3ri2e o7 w6eat and 3add: >in ru3ee, 3er Nuintal? >!ear ($$%# ($11? Stea il$ increasin" minimum support price set a )loor on prices 2 minimum support price in rupees per Kuintal Year 200=-0( 200(-06 2006-0; 200;-09 2009-0< 200<-10 2010-11 Pa $ (60 (;0 (90 6=( 9(0 <(0 1000 @heat 6=0 6(0 ;(0 1000 1090 1100 1120 3he above in)ormation has i enti)ie lo. $iel s5 lo. pro uctivit$5 soil e"ra ation5 climate chan"e an lac8 o) mar8et lin8a"es as the main )actors a))ectin" )armer income' 3here are .i e $iel "aps amon" various crops across the countr$5 especiall$ in eastern In ia ' It is clearl$ i enti)ies )oo in)lation as top o) the min concern )or the polic$ planners also in the countr$' Pinnin" the cause o) )oo in)lation to .i enin" eman -suppl$ "ap an ine))iciencies in the post harvest istribution an mar8etin" s$stems clearl$ in icate that there is a nee to Pimprove the suppl$ response o) a"riculture to eJpan in" omestic eman ' In ia can tac8le the t.in challen"es o) risin" )oo in)lation an )allin" )arm incomes b$ increasin" public an private investment in rural in)rastructure an )arm-to-mar8et

C6allen-e, and outloo8 Since evelopment o) a"riculture is the 8e$ to the evelopment o) the In ian econom$'


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

lin8a"es' 3he impact o) risin" minimum support price on )oo subsi $ bill can be miti"ate b$ better mana"ement o) public o.ne )oo "rain stoc8s' 9e: 7o2u, area, 7or develo34ent and 4ea,ure, a-ri2ultural

7uil in" on the )our-pron"e strate"$ o) a"ricultural pro uction5 re uction in .asta"e o) pro uce5 cre it support to )armers an a thrust to the )oo processin" sector5 In ia nee to remove bottlenec8s in the pro uction an istribution o) )oo pro ucts that are rivin" in)lation' Some o) the 8e$ )ocus areas inclu es : 3he "reen revolution envisa"e in the eastern re"ion o) the nation nee to be "iven a )urther )illip' Steps have alrea $ ta8en b$ the "overnment in the latest bu "et' In a ition more an more lan nee to be brou"ht un er cultivation5 promote peri-urban a"riculture an revive "ro.th in pro uction' @ith a vie. to improve the use o) mo ern )arm mechaniBation an micro C irri"ation5 the custom uties nee to be re uce' Stress the nee to increase the access to )arm cre it5 In ia reKuires to raise the tar"et o) cre it )lo. to )armers' In a ition5 the eJistin" interest subvention scheme o) provi in" short term crop loans to )armers nee to be retaine )urther )or those )armers .ho repa$ their crop loans on time' Post harvest .asta"e is a 8e$ ine))icienc$ that nee to be correcte ' 3o boost investment in post harvest in)rastructure5 capital investment in creation o) mo ern stora"e capacit$ shoul have been ma e eli"ible )or the viable "ap )un in" schemes o) the "overnment' In a ition5 col chains an post harvest stora"e .oul be consi ere as a sub-sector o) in)rastructure an len in" )or such pro0ects bein" consi ere as the priorit$ sector'

@ith a vie. to retain the momentum o) private investment in buil in" the )oo processin" capacit$ o) the nation5 me"a )oo par8s are reKuire .hich can lin8 )armers irectl$ .ith processors' It .ill re uce .asta"e an lea to better price iscover$5 an their b$ si"ni)icantl$ increase their incomes' @ith a vie. to increase the in i"enous )ertiliBer pro uction5 capital investment is to be consi ere as the in)rastructure sub sector' 3his .oul raise investment in )ertiliBer pro uction' 1armers income nee a boost' !o. crop $iel s an )arm lo. pro uctivit$ have trappe a"ricultural "ro.th an a))ecte per capita )oo availabilit$' 1armers nee more rou"ht resistant see 5 an balance use o) .ater5 )ertiliBers5 an mechaniBation' :"riculture research an evelopment nee s a boost' 1oo reserves shoul be establishe as a means to support stable revenues )or a"riculture pro ucers an ensure a))or able )oo )or the poor' I) mana"e in transparent an participator$ .a$s5 an .ith re"ional coor ination5 )oo reserves can be an e))ective .a$ to boost sellers mar8et po.er an counteract speculation b$ tra ers5 thereb$ limitin" price volatilit$' 1armers or"aniBation nee s support' -ne measure reason o) the ma0orit$ o) Aun"r$ are amon" those .ho epen on small scale )armin" is that the$ are in su))icientl$ or"aniBe ' 7$ )ormin" cooperatives5 the$ can move up the value chain into the processin"5 pac8a"in" an mar8etin" o) their pro uce' 3he$ can improve their bar"ainin" position5 both )or input purchases an )or the sale o) their crops'

A-ri2ulture# 8e: to endin- 6un-er &e"ar less o) the reasons5 the simple )act is that the a"riculture sector is not .or8in"


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

e))ectivel$ enou"h in man$ parts o) the countr$5 nor as a s$stem' :n 5 .e all are su))erin" because o) it' 7ut5 it oesnOt nee to be this .a$' 1iJin" a"riculture C an in turn5 banishin" hun"er an malnutrition C is clearl$ possible' It is a matter o) )ocus5 prioritiBation5 political .ill an collective action' Need 7o2u, in t6e 4ediu4# lon- ter4 4ea,ure, 3he latest annual bu "et o) the countr$ has )ocuse to some eJtent on the short term imperatives o) increasin" a"ricultural pro uction5 increase access to )arm cre it an buil in" post harvest stora"e an processin" in)rastructure5 an a""ressive perspective o) tr$in" to ouble a"ricultural nee s to be envisione ' Some o) the 8e$ enablers )or this 0ump start inclu es : Investment in research an evelopment an )arm technolo"$ innovation' Development o) a stron" a"rometeorolo"ical net.or8' Sustainable soil an .ater mana"ement solutions' Development o) hi"h-$iel in" varieties o) inputs' Con2lu,ion @e nee to e)en the human ri"ht to )oo ' People are hun"r$ not because not because too little )oo is bein" pro uce 5 but their ri"hts are violate .ith impunit$' @hat .e reKuire is collective )ocus an si"ni)icant investment in a"riculture to a ress the root causes o) hun"er an malnutrition' Investin"

more - an more .isel$ C in mar8et base )arm solutions .ill help ensure that the countr$ can pro uce nutritious )oo s in a .a$ that is sustainable an economicall$ a vanta"eous )or )armers an consumers' Investin" in a"riculture is not a Kuic8 or eas$ )iJ5 especiall$ urin" "lobal recession' It is time )or a )resh loo8 C time to harness the po.er o) a"riculture to rive )oo securit$5 environmental sustainabilit$5 an economic opportunit$' RE=ERENCES'

1' Dr' Duvvuri Subbarao5220114: P3he

,hallen"e o) 1oo In)lationR5 2(th :nnual ,on)erence o) the In ian Societ$ o) :"ricultural *ar8etin" at A$ eraba on November 225 20115 ...'rbi'or"'inSscriptsS7S_Speeche sVie.'aspJVI 5 retrieve on 23';'2013

2. Somana"ou

a I Patil5 ,hi anan Patil5 /anesha"ou a I Patil an Vi0a$chan ra &e $220124: PImpact o) 1oo In)lation on In ian #conom$R5 6tt3'//www.r;a,.in7o/3a3er,/i43a2 t#o7#7ood#in7lation#on#indian# Re,ear26 Journal o7 A-ri2ultural Re,ear26 2ISSN -0<;6-162(45 6tt3'//www.r;a,.in7o/3a3er,/i43a2 t#o7#7ood#in7lation#on#indian# e2ono4:retrieved on (1.*.($1)

3' 3he #conomic 3imes5 26 1ebruar$5 2013' =' 3he #conomic surve$5 200<-10'



Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal




TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT A0S RAC ,.#.2arayan is nown for his real-life characters and situations. 5is one of the most loved novel @The English TeacherA is a circular 1ourney from the fictional world to the real existence and then again finally reaching to the world where all boundaries dissolve. 2arayan creates #rishna, #rishna meets $ushila, $ushila dies, and now longing for unification, #rishna HcreatesD $ushila and they unite for Hforever.D The novel has been portrayed in the paper as the hide and see s of deep rooted memories and long cherished desires. In the end of the novel it seems as if 2arayan and #rishna unites, ma ing the circle complete. 9e: Word,' Su52on,2iou,A auto5io-ra36i2alA i44uta5leA 5lea8 ######################################### Immutable memories an subconscious esires have al.a$s pla$e a ma0or role in the creation o) an$ artistic .or8' People can ebate on its irect or in irect5 spontaneous or eliberate5 conscious an subconscious5 active an inactive presence but no one can rule out their in)luence in the .ritin"s' Some times the .riterOs creation an hisSher li)e are so close to each other that the$ become almost inseparable' &'+' Nara$anOs trilo"$ QS.ami an 1rien sO5 Q3he 7achelor o) :rtsO an Q3he #n"lish 3eacherO represent the same' 7ein" semi-autobio"raphical in nature5 the$ peep throu"h Nara$anOs )rame o) re)erence an re)lect his hi en esires'QS.ami an 1rien sO is his chil hoo 5 Q3he 7achelor o) :rtsO is his $oun" li)e an O3he #n"lish 3eacherO is li)e a)ter marria"e' I believe that the thir amon"st them i'e' Q3he #n"lish 3eacherO5 trul$ represents the creative .ritin" .hich combines real .ith )ictionM 8no.n .ith un8no.nM past .ith )utureM pre ictable .ith unpre ictable'3he ob0ective o) m$ paper is to presentQ3he #n"lish 3eacherO as an amal"amation o) immutable memories an subconscious esires' It is the 0ourne$ o) Nara$an5 )rom his real .orl to the .orl he reams o)' 3he ma0or part o) the novel sho.s real li)e rama ippe in Nara$anOs peculiar humanistic an humoristic st$le but the last t.o chapters o) this ei"ht chapter novel intro uce us to the Nara$an .ho ma8es $ou Q issolveO in his )ictional .orl ' 1or those .ho are not acKuainte .ith &'+'Nara$an5 the .riter5 he is the most popular5 a mire an a ore .riters o) :n"lo-In ian literature' Ais simple narrative techniKue blen .ith natural element o) humour ma8es him stan apart )rom his contemporaries' Ae has his o.n st$le' Ais iction5 escription5 ilemma5 o"ma5 epth an etails o) the sub0ect an character5 all are i))erent an eepl$ roote in In ian soil' Nara$an creates his o.n ima"inar$ .orl o) Q*al"u iO5 "ives birth to some 2eJtra4or inar$ characters5 8ic8s o)) the series o) events5 blen s it .ith humour5 invites $ou5 involves $ou in their li)e5 evo8es emotions .ithin $ou5 ma8es $ou part o) their .orl an $ou start eJperiencin" pain an pleasure o) his ima"inar$ .orl '


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

:n b$ the time $ou )inish the boo8 all characters become part o) $our o.n .orl ' :n he oes it all .ith "reat smoothness an master cra)tsmanship' Ae steals $our min an intellect' No other .riter o) his time has epicte the intricacies o) the In ian societ$ so .ell'

&'+'Nara$an e icates Q3he #n"lish 3eacherO to his .i)e &a0am' 3his is not onl$ autobio"raphical but also a))ects an epicts its intensit$ o) )eelin"' 3he stor$ is a series o) eJperiences in +rishnaLs li)e5 the hero o) the novel 3he novel be"ins in a ,olle"e hostel in *al"u i5 .here +rishna has been livin" )or $ears5 )irst as a stu ent an then as a lecturer' 3hou"h5 he is earnin" "oo mone$ b$ teachin"5 +rishna is not satis)ie .ith the borin" routine li)e o) a teacher5 .hose 0ob is to parrot the same ol poems an literature to his unintereste stu ents' Ae .oul rather .rite his o.n poems an Kuench his intellectual thirst' Ao.ever5 a sin"le letter )rom +rishnaOs )ather chan"es the course o) the novel' :s his .i)e an au"hter are sent to *al"u i to live .ith him5 the care)ree bachelor a$s o) +rishna en 5 an he "ets bus$ in the mun ane tas8s o) omesticit$5almost "ivin" up his reams5 an $et bein" more content than ever' 7ut5 estin$ oes 8no. ho. to surprise a man5 an Nara$an oes 8no. ho. to eJecute a clever t.ist in the stor$' So5 the stor$ ta8es a stran"e turn .ith the sic8ness o) +rishnaOs .i)e5 an all the concentration is )ocuse on convalescence o) patient5 )or"ettin" about the reams o) .ritin"5 bu$in" house5 en0o$in" marital bliss etc' 3he escription o) +rishnaNs marrie li)e the )irst )e. $ears o) happiness5 the eJcruciatin" a"on$ urin" the .ee8s o) SusilaNs illness5 the Nlast 0ourne$N to the cremation "roun - is one o) the most movin" an )la.less pieces o) .ritin" in mo ern #n"lish )iction' Not a .or is .aste an not a .or rin"s )alse' 3he

secon hal) o) the novel5 ho.ever5 ta8es us to un)amiliar re"ions' +rishnaNs numbe miser$ an his .ish to be both a mother an a )ather to !eela are un erstan able enou"h5 but the eJperiments in ps$chic communication .ith Susila .ith the help o) a me ium intro uce a .himsical or )antastic element into a stor$ .hich5 up to that point5 ha been transparentl$ true to li)e' Pro)' +'&'S'I$en"er is correct .hen he sa$s that the theme o) the novel is obviousl$ the N eathN o) Susila in the )irst hal)5 an her NresurrectionN in the secon hal)' QPara ise !ostO bein" )ollo.e b$ PPara ise &e"aine O' +rishna loses Susila in the )lesh5 but on the last pa"e o) the novel she comes bac8 to him5 to be .ith him )orever' NSusila`Susila`N I crie ' NYou here`N NYes5 INm here5 have al.a$s been here'N Is +rishna reamin"V Is it an$thin" more than the ph$sical pro0ection o) +rishnaNs ps$chic ecstas$V IsnNt this a resurrection "reater than li)eV N3he boun aries o) our personalities su enl$ issolve N +rishna conclu es his autobio"raphical narrative' NIt .as a moment o) rare5 immutable 0o$ - a moment )or .hich one )eels "rate)ul to li)e an eathN' :ccor in" to Pro7e,,or P S Sundara45 3he #n"lish 3eacher is a novel .ith a i))erence5 not onl$ in the t$pe o) love bet.een +rishna an Susila that is epicte 5 but also in the authorNs bol eJcursion into the realms o) the ea ' 3here are so man$ similarities in &'+'Nara$an5 the author5 an +rishna5 his character' Nara$an .as a teacherM +rishna is also an #n"lish teacher' Nara$an never li8e his teachin" 0ob5 so is the )eelin" o) +rishna' Nara$an marrie &a0am a)ter lon" stru""leM +rishna "ot opportunit$ to live .ith his .i)e Sushila onl$ .hen their chil .as ol enou"h to han le alone' Nara$an love his .i)e ver$ much so i +rishna' 3heir au"hter .as li)e to them' 7oth love their


Jamshedpur Research Review September November 2013


Peer reviewed International Journal

)amil$ above all' Nara$an lost his .i)e 0ust a)ter )ive $ears o) marria"e so is the case .ith +rishna' 7oth ie o) t$phoi ' Nara$anOs .orl shattere a)ter his .i)eOs eath 1our $ear ol au"hter .as alone to loo8 a)ter' Nara$an un er.ent tremen ous a"on$ an never thou"ht o) marr$in" a"ain' +rishna also never thou"ht o) remarria"e'

@hen Nara$ana .rites about +rishnaOs the Qblea8O rear$ an unhapp$ a$s a)ter his .i)eOs eath5 su enl$5 his personal "rie) comes out It is the subconscious esire o) Nara$anaOs heart .hich lon"s to be to"ether .ith his .i)e a"ain' Ae .ants to "et unite an be inseparable' In realit$5 as .e all 8no.5 it not possible' 7ut he is privile"e to have creative libert$ as an author b$ .hich he reunites mortal +rishna .ith his immortal .i)e Sushila' :n he oes this so ma"icall$ that the rea er is compelle to accept the QcommunicationO bet.een sa +rishna an ea Sushila' 3his emotional clin" is 0""9S R RE=ERENCES 1' Nara$an5 &' +21<<<4: 3he #n"lish 3eacher5 :mal"u i -mnibus' !on on: Vinta"e5 &an om Aouse' 1<<<' 2' Nara$an5 &' +21<=(4: 3he #n"lish 3eacher5 #$re an Spottis.oo e5 #n"lan '1<=(

presente so convincin"l$ that .e accept it an continue to thin8 an .ish a better li)e to +rishna an his belove .i)e Sushila' +rishna .ho has been s8etche in the )rame o) Nara$an an is so epicte that espite bein" lo"icall$ incorrect5 the rea er is riven to thin8 0ust the .a$ he oes5 to believe .hat +rishna sees an senses in his li)e an be satis)ie .hen +rishna reunites .ith his .i)e' Q3he #n"lish 3eacherO besi es bein" a re)lection o) the immutable memories o) Nara$an himsel) an his o.n subconscious esire5 &'+'Nara$an oes ma8e sure that he is not alone' :s the rea er "oes throu"h the stor$5 Nara$an ma8es surethat +rishnaOs li)e remains an immutable memor$ in the min o) his rea ers an his inseparable blen .ith Sushila5 becomes the )ul)ille esire o) the rea ersO subconscious min '

=' +' &' SrinivasaI$en"ar21<9;4: &' +' Nara$an: In ian @ritin" in #n"lish5 Sterlin" Publishers Pvt lt ' 6th e ' Ne. Delhi'

(' Ian *ac8ean2($$1?' 6' S'

N' &a hi8a Januar: ($$1 !a8shmi220014:

3' Patten5 7rian'21<<64: :n Inci ent )rom :rma a5 1lamin"o5 !on on: III


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