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Exam folder r

Paper 3 Fart

Key word transformations

In this part of the Use of English paper you are tested on both
grammar and vocabulary. There are ten questions and an example at the beginning. You can get up to two marks for each question.

l{ead the Fart 3 exanr instructions betrow and then look at the example (S).


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
Here is an example (o).

r r r

This is the most exciting holiday l've ever had. < First sentence

Read the first sentence carefully. Think about how the key word given is commonly used. Complete the gap with a possible answer. You can use the question paper for rough answers.

o Count


< key word

this never changes


l've never had a ......"........

The second sentence must mean the same as the first when

the number of words you have used in the gap. You must use not less than two and not more than five, including the



comnlete. The gap can be filled by the words'more exciting holiday than this', so

word in bold. Note that a contracted form such as'don't' counts as two words.

vou write:

o Read the completed

sentence to check same as the first.




tlto,n thls

it means the


l've never had a ..??19 :.f.:.iy.fg lpli.lly-..!lg.f t mark + t mark




Ask yourself whether the words in the gap fit the sentence

Transfer your answer (just the words in'the gap) to the answer

Write only the missing words on the separate answer sheet

Think abcut what is impetrtant in this exam task.lVi-rat advice would you give ansther sturient about *nsrvering Part 3 in the


reac.i the aElvice glven

in tlle bullet points.

Complete these transforrnations, using exactly the nuinber of u,ords in braekets (this includes the worci giveil). There is an example at the beginr:ing (0).
Have you got a brooch that is cheaper than this one? less (4) rave you got ..*.,?.?..?...3.fi9Y.':-?'1.1.9-9'Jn . .. ........... than this one?

A club has just opened in Leeds,'said Maria to Sally.






club in Leeds.

I returned the dress to the shop because it was badly made.



Because the dress was badly made, |

to the shop.
Some shops try really hard to help you.



Some shops really



to help you.

Fifty years ago, cars were slower than they are nowadays.
as (s)

Fifty years ago, nowadays.

that one.

they are

Every concert I had attended had been better than

the (+) It ........... ..


I had ever been to!

People wear casual clothes where I work. uP (4)


where lwork.

It's a lot easier to learn a language by visiting the country where it's spoken. much (4) You can learn a language you visit the country where it's spoken. Peter H@eg writes the best novels in Danish today.

far (+)
Peter Hpeg is by today.



of Danish novels

The stall didn't sell much jewellery because of its high prices.

highly b)
The jewellery on the stall was so




much was sold.


You can get away

with wearing jeans nearly everywhere nowadays.

wear (4)

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