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Satan's Infernal Revenue Service

Isaiah 56:11; Prov.22:16; Hosea 4:6; I Tim.6:5,10 by Patricia Backora I received a short e!s"etter i the e#mai" !hich ta$%ht that !e m$st ot "ove mo ey more tha &od. Tr$e, so 'ar. It !e t i to a short"ist o' thi %s !e sho$"d (t "ove more tha &od. )hat st$ck o$t "ike a sore th$mb !as the !riter(s assertio that !e sho$"d ever say: We can't give money to God because we must feed our kids! )hat shame'$" re"i%io$s chica ery* It does (t take a hi%h I.+. to 'i%$re o$t the ,ossib"e motivatio behi d that stateme t. -$ch a tactic a,,ea"s to ,eo,"e(s se se o' %$i"t a d "ets them k o! that i' they 'eed their kids be'ore they ,ay the ,reacher, they do (t rea""y "ove the .ord very m$ch. This artic"e be%s a /$estio , too: )he !e %ive mo ey to 0&od0, does the .ord o' Hosts $, i the Heave "ies reach do! His ha d to take it beca$se He is so ,oor He is abo$t to %o ba kr$,t1 2oes it ot, rather, e d $, i some 345(- ba k acco$ t to '$ d the ,ro6ects 7or ,"eas$reab"e thi %s8 !hich are dear to him1 Is (t it 6$st as "e%itimate to %ive to the .ord by %ivi % a"ms to the ,oor as He "eads1 There is m$ch more teachi % i the 5e! Testame t abo$t %ivi % to the ,oor tha to the ,reacher, tho$%h both 'orms o' %ivi % are -cri,t$ra" a d sometimes ecessary. )hat co stit$tes %ivi % to the .ord1 3a y take that to mea the act o' %iv % o "y to ,ro'essio a""y trai ed ,$",it mi isters. Peo,"e are i sidio$s"y ta$%ht that the %ivi % !e do to o$r o! "oved o es a d 'rie ds is a i cide ta" e9,e se a d does ot co$ t to!ard %ivi % to the .ord. B$t i' a yo e s$,,oses o$r o! :hristia 'ami"ies a d 'rie ds do (t co$ t as bei % i the .ord, that is '"a!ed theo"o%y. 5o!here i the 5e! Testame t do yo$ 'i d the Body o' :hrist divided i to c"er%y a d "aity, tho$%h each member has di''ere t %i'ts a d ca""i %s 7;om.12:<#=8. )he !e 'eed o$r chi"dre , !e mi ister a"so to the .ord, 'or !he ever !e do somethi % ki d 'or the .>4-T o' His brethre , !e do it a"so 'or Him 73att.25:<1#468.. .et the chi"dre ?I;-T be 'i""ed, ot a'ter some ,ro'essio a" ,reacher(s ,et ,ro6ects have bee 'i a ced. It is ot meet 7'itti %8 to take the chi"dre (s bread a d %ive it $ to the b$i"di % '$ d, a e! stee,"e, etc. 7,ri ci,"e based o 3ark @:2@8. Aes$s ta$%ht the Pharisees that it is !ro % to take mo ey !hich o$%ht to have %o e to!ard 'eedi % e"der"y ,are ts a d dedicate it to the Tem,"e 73ark @:10#1<8. Preachers today "ike the Ae!ish Tem,"e to the brick a d mortar shee, shed !here :hristia s co %re%ate o -$ day. B$t 6$st !hat I- the Tem,"e o' the 5e!

:ove a t1 &odBs tr$e Tem,"e is b$i"t o' "ivi % sto es 7I Peter 2:58. It is com,rised o' the !ho"e Body o' :hrist(s be"ievers, ot 6$st the so#ca""ed c"er%y 7>,h.2:1=#228. Aes$s says i 3atthe! 10:42 that eve i' yo$ %ive a c$, o' co"d !ater to o e o' His "itt"e o es !ho be"ieve i Him, yo$ i o !ise "ose yo$r re!ard* Ho! shame'$", that the idea is co veyed today i :hriste dom that o "y mo ey co$ ts as %ivi %, a d eve the s$ch %ivi % is o "y ack o!"ed%ed by &od !he it %oes direct"y i to the treas$ry o' the i stit$tio a" ch$rch. :o$ t"ess o"d "adies i 4merica have di ed o cat 'ood i order to ,rovide "$9$ries 'or TC ,reachers. 4 d "ike a s ake charmer, ma y smooth#ta"ki % ,reachers mesmeriDe their "iste ers i to com,"yi % !ith them. The most bea$ti'$" re"i%io$s "ies are to"d to ,ry mo ey o$t o' &od(s ,oor ,eo,"e. 4"ms !ere take $, i the 5e! Testame t mai "y to 'eed the PEE;, ot co str$ct e! b$i"di %s. I' a y ma ,rovide ot ?E; HI- E)5 HEF->, he is co$ ted as !orse tha a i 'ide" !ho has de ied the 'aith 7I Tim.5:=8. )he ,eo,"e 'ee" 'orced to %ive to ,ro'essio a" mi isters ?I;-T to the ,oi t o' e%"ecti % their o! h$ %ry 'ami"ies, they are bei % 'orced to be 0!orse tha a i 'ide"0. )hoever 2>.IB>;4T>.G i sti""s %$i"t i :hristia s !ho 'eed their 'ami"ies 'irst, so as to re#cha e" that mo ey $ to themse"ves, a"so 'a""s i to that cate%ory. The .ord s,oke this !ord to me o 'orced re"i%io$s %ivi %: 3y heart is %rieved by the mass e9od$s 'rom the ch$rch o' ,eo,"e !ho tr$"y "ove 3e a d ca take o more ,ress$re to %ive $ ti" it h$rts. 3a y are so b"i ded by their tears o' 'r$stratio that they ot o "y desert the i stit$tio a" ch$rch b$t kee, their dista ce 'rom a ythi % !hich eve remote"y resemb"es tr$e commitme t to :hrist. I their be!i"dered mi ds they ca ot discer the di''ere ce. )hy1 These 'ormer 'o""o!ers o' 3i e !ere brai !ashed a d hood!i ked i to casti % their bread $,o the !aters so they co$"d !ait ma y, ma y days 'or their shi,"oad o' 'r$it to come i 'or seed so! . )e"", I ca ot ,$t 3y sea" o' a,,rova" $,o error, eve !he that error is obeyed o$t o' i% ora ce. 3y ,eo,"e are destroyed thro$%h "ack o' k o!"ed%e o' the tr$th. He !ho %ives to %reedy do%s !ho ca ever have e o$%h sha"" si k i to the des,air o' dee,er dark ess a d ,overty 7Prov.22:168. -o ma y o' 3y ,eo,"e 'o$ d that their shi, sa k "o % be'ore it reached the ha,,y shore o' '$"'i"me t o' their desires. B$t dece,tio is "ike a i to9icati % dr$%. Go$ s!ear that yo$ have had yo$r very "ast 'i9 a d !i"" take o more, b$t so ma y "ack the co$ra%e to break 'ree o' error. It is a bi di % s,irit o'

dece,tio !hich ho"ds 3y ,eo,"e i %rievo$s bo da%e. 3$"tit$des o' disa,,oi ted Pros,erity devotees are to"d to !ait 'or the e9t !ave to come i , the the e9t a d the e9t. Perha,s e9t mo th, maybe e9t year, -cri,t$re#t!isters say, I !i"" ,o$r o$t b"essi %s 'rom heave too $mero$s to co$ t, i' o "y those ,oor so$"s !i"" kee, o tithi % o$t o' their ,overty a d cheer'$""y do !itho$t the thi %s they a d their chi"dre eed dai"y. Those !ho ca ot be ,ers$aded to co ti $e %ivi % to sata (s i 'er a" reve $e a%e ts !itho$t visib"e re!ard are bo$ d to their masters thro$%h other mea s. Threats iss$e 'rom the ,$",it that I !i"" ,$ ish those !ho re'$se to s$rre der to their teachers a te th o' their ear ed i come or other mo etary assets. 3ari ated i error, sai ts are brai !ashed i to associati % 3e, their "ovi % Heave "y ?ather, !ith Pharaoh, !ho !o$"d ot re"e t o the dai"y /$ota o' bricks his over!orked s"aves m$st de"iver. E "y eter ity !i"" te"" the heartbreak, emotio a" tra$ma a d 'ami"y 'e$ds !hich are direct"y attrib$tab"e to bei % ta$%ht a '"a!ed, demo ic co ce,t o' my at$re a d 3y re"atio shi, to 3y be"oved Bride, the :h$rch. -$ch cra'ty ,edd"ers o' "ies !ho o,,ress my ,eo,"e skate o a very thi "i e !hich borders o b"as,hemy a%ai st the Ho"y -,irit beca$se their s"a dero$s sermo s o %ivi % im,$% my character a d rob 3e o' re,$tatio as a &od o' ,er'ect "ove. &$i"t#ridde sai ts 'ear to a,,roach 3y Prese ce a ymore, beca$se they are ta$%ht that yo$ m$st ever a,,ear be'ore &od em,ty. Get those same $ scr$,$"o$s ,ros,erity teachers !ho teach yo$ to come be'ore 3e !ith both ha ds '$"" sometimes teach that yo$ ca o "y receive 'rom 3e i' yo$ ho"d o$t em,ty ha ds to receive* )hy the i co siste cy1 To de y 3y a""# s$''icie cy i ,rese ti % yo$ %$i"t"ess be'ore &od the ?ather is to b"as,heme a%ai st the ,recio$s o''eri % o' 3y B"ood $,o the heave "y 4"tar a d to ca"" it a i ade/$ate o''eri % o yo$r beha"'. A$st as sharks ca sme"" b"ood a mi"e a!ay, so those %reedy i 'er a" reve $e a%e ts ca sme"" mo ey 'rom a'ar. -o they ho"d i 'er a" reve $e services %eared to!ard b$tteri % $, the co %re%a ts a d %etti % them to o,e !ide their ,$rse stri %s, m$ch more tha their hearts, s$,,osed"y to Aes$s. These s"eaDy s akes are ot 3y re,rese tatives a ymore tha A$das !as my re,rese tative a'ter he betrayed 3e. 4 d i 3y si%ht, they are every bit as bad beca$se they have so"d o$t 3y re,$tatio i the si%ht o' me 'or a ba% o' 'i"thy "$cre. Those !ho k o! the rea" tr$th b$t hide it be eath a b$she" basket i order to ,ro'iteer 'rom the chi"d"ike i oce ce o' babes i :hrist, s$ch sha"" s$''er the %reater dam atio i the 2ay o' A$d%me t, saith the .ord $ to His

Be"oved Bride the :h$rch. -o do ot cater to their "$sts, a d do ot bo! do! be'ore them as Baa" "ords. ?or most ass$red"y I have ot se t these i 'er a" reve $e a%e ts to b"eed yo$ dry. -ata has.

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