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Simulators - Nuclear Power - IAEA

Nuclear Power (NENP) (http://www.iaea.org/nuclearenergy/nuclearpower/index.html)

IAEA Collection of PC-Based Simulators for Education

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has established a programme in nuclear reactor simulation computer programs to assist Member States in educating their nuclear professionals. The objectiv e of the programme is to prov ide insight and understanding in the operational characteristics, reactiv ity control sy stems, safety sy stems, and response to transients and accident situations for a v ariety of common nuclear power plants. To achiev e this, the IAEA arranges for the dev elopment and distribution of simulation software, and corresponding training materials, sponsors training courses and workshops, and distributes computer programs and documentation.

Currently the IAEA has Nuclear Power Plant simulation software av ailable for distribution that simulate the behav iour of the following reactor ty pes: 4 Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Plant Simulators Conv entional two-loop PWR Korean-ty pe PWR Russian-ty pe PWR Adv anced Passiv e PWR 2 Boiling Water Reactor (BWRs) Plant Simulators Adv anced BWR Adv anced Passiv e BWR 2 Pressurized Heav y Water Reactor (PHWR) Plant Simulators Conv entional PHWR Adv anced PHWR These desktop simulator codes prov ide insight and understanding of the designs as well as a clear understanding of the operational characteristics of the v arious reactor ty pes. The simulators operate on personal computers and are prov ided for a broad audience of technical and non-technical personnel as an introductory educational tool. The preferred audience, howev er, are faculty members interested in dev eloping nuclear engineering courses with the support of these v ery effectiv e hands-on educational tools. The application of the simulator programs is limited to prov iding general response characteristics of selected ty pes of power reactor sy stems and they are not intended to be used for plant-specific purposes such as design, safety ev aluation, licensing or operator training. These simulators, including the associated documentation, are distributed at no cost to interested parties in IAEA Member States. Furthermore, the IAEA sponsors training courses and workshops on a regular basis, and would also be willing to support additional training ev ents on this topic at the request of Member States. To request the simulators please fill out this simulator request form (http://www.iaea.org/nuclearenergy/nuclearpower/Downloadable/Simulators/request-for-simulators.pdf) . The completed form should be sent to the competent official authority (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Atomic Energy Authority , or to the applicant's Member State Permanent Mission to the IAEA in V ienna, Austria) for transmission to Ms Marina Gam, the International Atomic Energy Agency , P.O. Box 1 00, V ienna International Centre, A-1 400 V ienna, Austria. Feedback on the use of these simulators would be appreciated and should be sent to Mr. Chad Painter (mailto:C.Painter@iaea.org)




Simulators - Nuclear Power - IAEA

Workshops on PC-Based Simulator for Education

Since 1 997 , eighteen workshops hav e been held, in Egy pt, Saudi Arabia, the Republic of Korea, Italy , Spain, the USA and in V ienna. The most recent workshop was held Nov ember 4-1 5, 201 3 and was sponsored by TECNATOM. Planning for a 201 4 course is underway . Download the simulator request form (http://www.iaea.org/nuclearenergy/nuclearpower/Downloadable/Simulators/request-for-simulators.pdf)

Please contact NENP Technology Development Section - Contact Point (mailto:ne-nptds@iaea.org) if y ou hav e any questions

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