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Marriage and Kinship

Marriage is one of the primary social institutions. It is established by the human society to control and regulate the sex life of man. Marriage is the very foundation of the civil society. It has been regarded by all the religions as the basis of civilized society.

Definition of marriage:
According to Westermarck marriage is the more or less durable connection between male and female lasting beyond the mere act of propagation till after the birth of offspring Marriage can be defined as a publicly recognized and culturally sanctioned union between a male and female.

Chara teristi s of marriage:

It is universal. It is found among all the members in the society. !elationship between man and woman." It is relationship between both the sexes. #he bond is enduring $ the marriage is a long lasting relationship between a male and a female. %eeks social approval $ the marriage becomes legal only when accepted by the society. Associated with ceremonies $ a marriage is set to be complete only when the laws related to it are met with.It may be associated with both civil and religious matters &reates mutual obligations $ #hrough this both man and the woman support each other in their lives. 'evelops over a period of time.

!orms of marriage: #here are three forms of marriage they are( "# $o%&g&n& '# $o%&andr& (# Monogam& )f which monogamy is the most popular institution. $o%&g&n&: It is form of marriage where a man marries more than one woman. It is prevailed among the *ebrews+ Assyrians+ ,abylonians -tc. .olygyny is in practice among the -skimo tribes. It is also permitted in the muslim community.

T&pes of $o%&g&n&: #here are two divisions of .olygyny. #hey are the sororal and the non"sororal polygyny. Sorora% po%&g&n&: In this marriage the wives are related as sisters. When several sisters are potentially the spouses of the same man the practice is called /sororate . sisters. $o%&andr&: It is the from of marriage where a woman marries more than one man. #here are two types+ they are( !raterna% po%&andr&: When several brothers share the same wife+ the practice is called as fraternal polyandry. Non-fraterna% po%&andr&( in this type of marriage the husbands need not have any relationship prior to the marriage. #he wife goes and spends time all so long she is with on one of them the others have no claim over her. Monogam&: As the name itself suggests it the marriage of a man with a woman. It is found among the primitives as well as the civilized people. R)%es of marriage: #here are certain rules that regulate our marriage they are( 0. -ndogamy 1. -xogamy Endogam&( It is a rule of marriage in which the life partner is to be selected from the same group. It prohibits marrying outside the group. E*ogam&: It is another rule of marriage wherein the life partners are selected putside the group. #hus it prohibits marrying within the group. H&pergam& And H&pogam&: H&pergam&+An)%oma, : Non-sorora% po%&g&n&: In this type of marriage the wives need not be necessarily be related as

In this type of marriage a man could marry from within his caste group+ or from those below him+ but a woman could marry only in her caste group or a caste above hers. #hese are called *ypergamous marriages. H&pogam& +$rati%oma, : In this type marriage of a woman from a lower caste was not permitted. -a&s of a .)iring/ mates: "# A .)iring mate 0& negotiation: It is an arranged marriage either the boy2s parents or the girls2 parents2 put forward the proposals and start the negotiations. '# A .)iring mate 0& ser1i e: It is actually mate selection by negotiation in which ,ride"service takes the place of or supplements the bride"price by the bride"service. (# A .)iring mate 0& $ro0ation: #his involves the concent of the girl2s parents before the consent of the girl herself. 2# A .)iring mate 0& apt)re: #his may be physical capture or ceremonial capture. In physical capture the boy carries away the girl by force and marries her. In ceremonial capture the boy surprises the girl by marking her forehead with a symbol that tantamount to marriage. 3# A .)iring mate 0& intr)sion: In this type of mate selection a girl forces a boy to accept her as his spouse. 4# A .)iring mate 0& tria%: #his highlight how a young man has to prove his 3ualities of courage and bravery for choosing a mate of his choice. 5# A .)iring mate 0& e%opement: #his is more or less approved means by which determined individuals can disobey their elders and choose their own mates. 6# A .)iring mate 0& e* hange: In this the bride"price is substituted by exchange of woman+ who are either sisters or relatives of the groom. 7ride-8ea%th +or, 7ride-pri e: 4ifts from the husband2s kinor to the bride2skins are called the ,ride"wealth or the bride price. Le1irate and sororate: #he practice of being mate+ actual+ potential to one2s husbands brothers is called 5evirate and whn several sisters are actually+ potentially the spouses of the same man the practice can be termed as %ororate .

6amily is a primary group+ universally recognized to be the basis of all human endeavor and activities. Definitions: It is a more or less durable association of husband and wife with or without a child or of a man or woman alone+ with children " M.6.7immoff

!eat)res of the fami%&:

Uni1ersa%it&: 6amily is found all over the world and in all cultures and civilization thus it is universal. Emotiona% 0ase: 6amily is an institutionalized emotional behavious od man. Affection+ love towards each other+ trust and blood ties are the integrative bonds of the family. !ami%& as an ed) ationa% instit)tion: 6amily is an institution of informal education or what is called as enculturation . Limited si9e: #he family is specifically limited in size. #he nuclear familes in the modern societies are particularly in the industrialized and the urban societies and thus they are becoming more limited in its forms and functions. Sense of responsi0i%it& among the mem0ers: #he members of the family have certain responsibilities+ duties and obligations. #he smooth running of the family depends on how the members discharge their duties. So ia% reg)%ation: #he members of the family are guided by certain customary laws to discharge social regulations and obligations prevailing in the society. #hus society devises means and mechanisms to keep the solidarity of the family intact. N) %ear $osition: 6amily is the nuleus of the other social organizations. #he whole social structure is built on family units. It thus influences the whole life of society.

Des ent:
It refers to the social recognition the biological relationship that exists between the individuals.

:R)%e of des ent;:

!efers to a set of principles by which the individual traces his descent. T&pes of des ent: #here are three basic rules of descent. #hey are(

$atri%inea% des ent:

According to this the descent is traced to the father or the male line. #his criterion is strictly restricted to males. These are <no8n as Agnati or $atri%inea% <in

Matri%inea% des ent:

*ere the descent of the individual is traced through the mother or the female exclusively# The des endants are a%%ed )terine or matri%inea% <in

7i%atera% des ent:

#his is a rule where the descent is traced through both the lines+ the female line and also the male line for some purpose.

Uni%atera% des ent:

#he members of this descent trace their origin to single ancestor.

Lineage: A 5ineage is a unilineal descent group in which membership may rest either
patrilineal or on matrilineal descent. A lineage consists of descendants on only one line. #hus it is a smaller category of kinship grouping.

When the membership of the kin completely rest on the father side+ it is said to be patrilineage.

When the membership of the kin completely rest on the mother2s side it is said to be matrilineage.

T&po%og& of fami%&:
#ypology of the families means the systematis classification of the families into several types. 6amilies can classified on several types they are on the basis of( i# =n the 0asis of marriage# ii# =n the 0asis of reiterion of des ent# iii# =n the 0asis of residen e i1# =n the 0asis of a)thorit&# 1# =n the 0asis of omposition 1i# =n the 0asis of s) ession# =n the 0asis of marriage: #aking the different forms of marriage as the basis families can be classified into different types. #hey are( i. Monogamous 6amilies ii. .olygynous 6amilies


.olyandryous 6amiles.

=n the 0asis of riterion of des ent: #aking the 'escent as the basis families can be classified into( i. $atri%inea% !ami%ies $ the descent reaced through the father2s side. ii. Matri%inea% !ami%ies $ #he descent traced through the mother2s side. iii. 7i%atera% !ami%ies $ tracing of descent through both mother and father on each generation. iv. Am0i%inea% !ami%ies $ #racing of descent through mother in one and through the father in the other. =n the 0asis of residen e: i. ii. iii. iv. v. #here are different types of families based on the residence they are( .atrilocal 6amilies Matrilocal 6amilies ,ilocal Avuneulocal 7eolocal

=n the 0asis of A)thorit&> A distinct typology of the family can be built using authority as the criterion. #he different types of family under this category are( i. .arternal 6amilies ii. Maternal families. =n the 0asis of S) ession: #ypes of succession can also be used for constructing a typology of the families. It may be Matrilineal or .atrilineal. #hus the types of families are i. .atrilineal 6amilies ii. Matrilineal 6amilies =n the 0asis of omposition: i. ii. #he types of marriage under this basis are( 7uclear 6amily &omposite 6amily.

8inship is the connection or relationship between persons by blood or marriage.

#here are two types of kinship( 0. Consang)ineo)s re%ationship( #he relations based on blood"ties are called consanguine relations. #hey are the relationship shared by the ego with mother+ father and siblings. 1. Affina% re%ationship( #hese are relations that are not bond by blood. #his is a relationship that arises out of a socially or legally defined marital relationship. %uch as husband of the ego and the husbands family.

#here are three degrees of kinship. #hey are( $rimar& <in( #he egos direct relation is called primary relation kin. #hese relations are the egos parents+ siblings and husband which are an affinal primary kin relation. Se ondar& <in( #he egos relation through primary kin i.e.+ the primaries primary kin. #hese relations are the egos grandparents+ aunts and uncles. Tertiar& <in( #he egos relation through the primaries secondary kin. #hese relations are grandchildren+ niece and nephew.

#here are five types of kinship usages9 they are( "# A1oidan e: #he usage of avoidance is universally practiced in terms of relationship between daughter"in $ law and parents $ in $ law. #aylor said that in early stages of society when a son in law went to visit his wife there was restriction on the relations with the mother in law+ who represented the matriarchal family in which they found themselves as complete strangers and in subservient positions. #hus it is applicable only to matrilocal residence. 6razer explains avoidance through the brother sister relation. 5ike the &eylonese tribe :edda . When it came to the #robriand tribes there was a limited social relation between brothers and sisters. %hould a #robriand brother happen to see his sister being wooed by a man or she making love to him+ all the three will have to commit suicide. #he purpose of this kind of avoidance is to prevent sexual intimacy as would amount to incest. Avoidance observed between members of the same sex must have been a later development. %igmund 6reud2s psycho analytical is based on sexual attraction and the need to prevent sexual intimacy among various kinds of relatives. According to his explanation a boy or a girl when young has an infantile sexual passion for the parent of the opposite sex. #herefore the child has to be taught to over come and repress this feeling .#his is done through family customs. According to 5owie the daughter "in" law represents a different set of social + cultural + and moral values her language + dress and notion about eti3uette may be different from her husband2s family. *er husband is bound to be influenced by her but the rest of the family must be saved. *ence avoidance between her and her parents $ in $law. 5ikewise the son"in $ law must be prevented from making cultural in roads into his wife2s family. '# Ao<ing re%ations: #his is the opposite of avoidance relationship where there is extreme degree of familiarity. #his relationship may indicate e3uality and mutual reciprocity or even potential sexual relationship eg( between a man and his wife2s younger sister or between a women and her husband2s younger brother. A ;oking relationship with ones maternal uncle2s wife may be indicative of the practice of inheriting the maternal uncle2s property including his wife <matrilineal *opi and #robriand islanders.= A ;oking relationship when not mutual assumes the role of social control.

#eknonymy ( All over rural India and among some tribal groups like the 8hasi and other primitive societies of the world + a person is referred to as the father or mother of his > her child i.e. #eknonymously . #his is a relic of the former supremacy of women+ according to #aylor+ not accepting the son $in $ law as one of them. *e was recognized through a secondary relationship due to the fact that ha helped to bring to life the children (# A1)n )%ate ( #he maternal uncle en;oys the affections of his nephews and nieces as a matter of convention and has special obligations towards them that exceeds that of their father + has a prior right over their loyalties + transmits his property to his nephew who works for him rather than for his own father . *e is first among all male relatives and the kinship is designated as avenculate and his authority is avuncupotestality . #he nieces and nephews brought up in the maternal uncles family+ this condition is refered to as avunculocal residence. 2# Amitate: #his is a special role similar to avuculate but relating to one2s father2s sister. #his can be is easily explicable in a patrilineal society and also in the matrilineal culture $ complex of the #robriand islanders .#his relationship may be the social mechanism for preventing certain kinship bonds from falling into neglect. 3# Co)1ade : #his practice is common the primitive tribes like the 8hasi and the #oda and also from outside India . *ere the husband leads the life of an invalid along with his wife whenever she gives birth to a child. *e refrains from active life+ goes on sick diet and observes certain taboos. *e can not cross a stream or wash clothes until the spirits connected with child birth are propitiated. Malinowski believed &ouvade to be a cementing bond of married life and a social mechanism designed to secure paternal affection. %ome writers attributed this to the husband2s desire to lighten the wife2s discomforts through identification. When a group of clans get merged together for some reason or another the emergent group is called .hratry . If all the clans of a tribe are constituted into two phratries then the emergent type of social structure is called dual organization. -ach .hratry is called a Moiety i.e. /one and half2.

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