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Durability of recycled aggregates concrete: a safe way to sustainable development

Salomon M. Levya, b and Paulo Helene

a , b, c, d, ,

Centro Universitrio Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), So Paulo, Brazil Brazilian Con!rete Institute (IB"#CON), So Paulo, Brazil ! Pol$te!hni! S!hool, Universit$ o% So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil d "eha ilitar Net&or' C()E* +V,-, .adrid, S/ain "e!eived 01 .ar!h 23345 a!!e/ted 03 -e ruar$ 2336, #vaila le online 7 #/ril 2336,

-ine and !oarse re!$!led a88re8ates re!overed %ro9 de9olished 9asonr$ and !on!rete stru!tures &ere utilized in the 9anu%a!ture o% ne& !on!rete 9i:tures, )hree /ro/erties o% these ne& !on!retes &ere anal$zed; &ater a sor/tion, total /ores volu9e, and !ar onation, )he recycled concrete %a9ilies &ere !reated $ re/la!in8 /arts o% the natural a88re8ates %or9in8 %a9ilies o% !on!rete &ith 3<, 23<, =3<, and 033< o% a88re8ates %ro9 re!$!led sour!es, )he usual !o9/arison et&een 9i:tures $ !o9/arison et&een ehaviors o% !on!rete %a9ilies, )his resear!h sho&s that the 9i: desi8n no9o8ra9 (.*N) is a ne& and use%ul tool that allo&s the resear!hers to !o9/are /ro/erties and ehaviors o% di%%erent !on!retes, )he results sho& that the %a9il$ !on!rete &ith the hi8hest /ore volu9e and &ith the sa9e !o9/ressive stren8th o% 23, 43, and 63 .Pa (2733, 64=3, and =133 /si) did not al&a$s !orres/ond to the !on!rete %a9il$ &ith the hi8hest de8ree o% !ar onation, )his e:/eri9ent also sho&ed that so9e !o9/ositional !hara!teristi!s o% !on!rete !ould have 9ore in%luen!e on the dura ilit$ that the traditional /h$si!al as/e!ts, Aut or !eywords: # sor/tion5 Car onation5 Corrosion5 *ura ilit$5 >aste 9ana8e9ent

Properties of concretes produced wit waste concrete aggregate

l"er #e"ir $op%u

and Selim engel

Civil En8ineerin8 *e/art9ent, Os9an8azi Universit$, 2?613, Es'i ehir, )ur'e$ "e!eived 02 *e!e9 er 23325 a!!e/ted 7 *e!e9 er 2334, #vaila le online 0@ Januar$ 2336,

#n environ9entall$ %riendl$ a//roa!h to the dis/osal o% &aste 9aterials, a di%%i!ult issue to !o/e &ith in toda$As &orld, &ould onl$ e /ossi le throu8h a use%ul re!$!lin8 /ro!ess, -or this

reason, &e su88est that !learin8 the de ris %ro9 destro$ed uildin8s in su!h a &a$ as to o tain &aste !on!rete a88re8ates (>C#) to e reused in !on!rete /rodu!tion !ould &ell e a /artial solution to environ9ental /ollution, -or this stud$, the /h$si!al and 9e!hani!al /ro/erties alon8 &ith their %reezeBtha& dura ilit$ o% !on!rete /rodu!ed &ith >C#s &ere investi8ated and test results /resented, >hile e:/eri9entin8 &ith %resh and hardened !on!rete, 9i:tures !ontainin8 recycled concrete a88re8ates in a9ounts o% 43<, =3<, @3<, and 033< &ere /re/ared, #%ter&ard, these 9i:tures under&ent %reezeBtha& !$!les, #s a result, &e %ound out that C0?C Dualit$ !on!rete !ould e /rodu!ed usin8 less then 43< C06CDualit$ >C#, .oreover, it &as o served that the unit &ei8ht, &or'a ilit$, and dura ilit$ o% the !on!retes /rodu!ed throu8h >C# de!reased in inverse /ro/ortion to their enduran!e %or %reezeBtha& !$!le, Aut or !eywords: >aste !on!rete5 >or'a ilit$5 Stren8th5 *ura ilit$

Assessment of recycling process induced damage sensitivity of recycled concrete aggregates

S. &agata"ia, A. 'o"ce
a , b, ,

, $. Sae"ic and M. Hisadad

"esear!h Institute %or Industrial )e!hnolo8$, #i!hi Institute o% )e!hnolo8$, #i!hi, 6@3C3472, Ja/an Civil En8ineerin8 "esear!h Institute, )e!hnolo8$ Center, )aisei Cor/oration, (o'oha9a, 26=C 33=0, Ja/an ! *e/art9ent o% Civil En8ineerin8 and #r!hite!ture, Nii8ata Universit$, Nii8ata, 7=3C2010, Ja/an d Con!rete *ivision, Pu li! >or's "esear!h Institute, )su'u a, 43=C3136, Ja/an "e!eived 0 .a$ 23345 a!!e/ted 03 Nove9 er 2334, #vaila le online 01 *e!e9 er 2334,

)his /a/er evaluates the !o9/le: nature o% recycled concrete a88re8ates that are sus!e/ti le to da9a8e due to re!$!lin8, )he stud$ &as !arried out $ 9i!rostru!tural assess9ent te!hniDues e$ond the standard testin8 9ethods nor9all$ s/e!i%ied %or a88re8ates, )he la orator$ /rodu!ed recycled concrete a88re8ates &ere investi8ated usin8 %luores!ent 9i!ros!o/$ and i9a8e anal$sis, Contrar$ to !o99on o/inion, 9i!rostru!tural studies sho&ed that adhered 9ortar (#.) is not al&a$s the /ri9ar$ /ara9eter deter9inin8 the Dualit$ o% the re!$!led !oarse a88re8ate, Sandstone !oarse a88re8ate ori8inall$ had de%e!ts in the %or9 o% voids and !ra!'s, -urther /ro!essin8 o% the re!$!led !oarse a88re8ate !han8ed the 9i!rostru!tural /ro%ile o% the 9aterial and enhan!ed their /ro/erties, )he unusual results o% the /er%or9an!e tests !arried out on the re!$!led a88re8ate !on!retes !ould e e:/lained &ith the %indin8s o% 9i!ros!o/i! level investi8ations, Aut or !eywords: "e!$!led !oarse a88re8ate5 "e!$!lin8 /ro!ess5 *a9a8e sensitivit$5 .i!ro!ra!'in85 .e!hani!al /ro/erties

(se of building rubbles as recycled aggregates

How)*i + en

, $song ,en and !uan)Hung + en

*e/art9ent o% Civil En8ineerin8, National Chun8CEsin8 Universit$, 2=3, FuoCFuan8 "oad, )ai!hun8 6322@, )ai&an, "OC "e!eived 7 .a$ 23325 a!!e/ted 0= Jul$ 2332, 5 #vaila le online 04 #u8ust 2332,

)he a//li!ation o% uildin8 ru le !olle!ted %ro9 da9a8ed and de9olished stru!tures is an i9/ortant issue in ever$ !ountr$, #%ter !rushin8 and s!reenin8, this 9aterial !ould serve as re!$!led a88re8ate in !on!rete, # series o% e:/eri9ents usin8 re!$!led a88re8ate o% various !o9/ositions %ro9 uildin8 ru le &as !ondu!ted, )he test results sho& that the uildin8 ru le !ould e trans%or9ed into use%ul re!$!led a88re8ate throu8h /ro/er /ro!essin8, Usin8 un&ashed re!$!led a88re8ate in !on!rete &ill a%%e!t its stren8th, )he e%%e!t &ill e 9ore o vious at lo&er &aterG!e9ent ratios, >hen the re!$!led a88re8ate &as &ashed, these ne8ative e%%e!ts &ere 8reatl$ i9/roved, )his is es/e!iall$ true %or the %le:ural stren8th o% the recycled concrete. )he re!$!led !oarse a88re8ate is the &ea'est /hase at a lo& &aterG!e9ent ratio, )his e%%e!t &ill do9inate the stren8th o% recycled concrete. )his 9e!hanis9 does not o!!ur in re!$!led 9ortar, )he Duantit$ o% re!$!led %ine a88re8ate &ill 8overn the 9ortar stren8th, Aut or !eywords: Buildin8 ru les5 "e!$!led a88re8ates5 .e!hani!al /ro/erties

Porosity of recycled concrete wit substitution of recycled concrete aggregate An e-perimental study
*os. M. /. '0me1)Sober0n

4 Sur H=34 Cd, Serdn, Pue la, CP @==23, .e:i!o "e!eived 1 June 23305 a!!e/ted = .ar!h 2332 #vaila le online 2 .a$ 2332,

In this /a/er, &e /resent the e:/eri9ental anal$sis o% sa9/les o% recycled concrete ("C) &ith re/la!e9ent o% natural a88re8ate (N#) $ re!$!led a88re8ate ori8inatin8 %ro9 !on!rete ("C#), )he results o% the tests o% 9e!hani!al /ro/erties o% "C &ere used %or !o9/arison &ith tests o% 9er!ur$ intrusion /orosi9etr$ (.IP), in &hi!h the distri ution o% the theoreti!al /ore radius, !riti!al /ore ratio, the sur%a!e area o% the !on!rete, threshold ratio and avera8e /ore radius &ere

studied at a8es o% @, 21 and 73 da$s, )he results sho&ed so9e variation in the /ro/erties o% the "C &ith res/e!t to ordinar$ !on!rete, Porosit$ in!reases !onsidera l$ &hen N# is re/la!ed $ "C#, #dditionall$, a redu!tion in the 9e!hani!al /ro/erties o% the "C is seen !o9/ared &ith ordinar$ !on!rete &hen /orosit$ in!reases, Aut or !eywords: Co9/ressive stren8th5 Porosit$5 2ecycled concrete3 2ecycled concrete a88re8ate5 (oun8As 9odulus

Performance of concrete made wit commercially produced coarse recycled concrete aggregate
!. !. Sagoe)+rentsil , $. #rown and A. H. $aylor CSI"O Buildin8, Constru!tion and En8ineerin8, P,O, Bo: =?, Ei8hett, Vi!toria 4073, #ustralia "e!eived 43 .ar!h 07775 a!!e/ted 4 Nove9 er 2333 #vaila le online 1 June 2330,

Per%or9an!e tests have een !arried out %or %resh and hardened /ro/erties o% !on!rete 9ade &ith !o99er!iall$ /rodu!ed !oarse recycled concrete a88re8ate and natural %ine sand, )est results indi!ate that the di%%eren!e et&een the !hara!teristi!s o% %resh and hardened re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete and natural a88re8ate !on!rete is /erha/s relativel$ narro&er than re/orted %or la orator$C!rushed re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete 9i:tures, -or !on!rete &ithout last %urna!e sla8 havin8 si9ilar volu9etri! 9i:ture /ro/ortions and &or'a ilit$, there &as no di%%eren!e at the =< si8ni%i!an!e level in !on!rete !o9/ressive and tensile stren8ths o% recycled concrete and !ontrol nor9al !on!rete 9ade %ro9 natural asalt a88re8ate and %ine sand, >ater a sor/tion rates and !ar onation o% recycled concrete and re%eren!e !on!rete &ere !o9/ara le %or 9ost a//li!ations, Eo&ever, the a rasion loss o% re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete 9ade &ith ordinar$ /ortland !e9ent in!reased $ a out 02< !o9/ared to nor9al !on!rete, &hile the !orres/ondin8 dr$in8 shrin'a8e &as a out 2=< hi8her at 0 $ear, )he ratio o% s/littin8 tensile stren8th to !o9/ressive stren8th &as %ound to e in 8ood a8ree9ent &ith esta lished values derived %or eDuivalent 8rade !on!retes 9ade &ith nor9alC&ei8ht natural a88re8ates, OneC$ear test results indi!ate that in!re9ental i9/rove9ents in dura ilit$ !hara!teristi!s !an %urther e a!hieved &ith the use o% last %urna!e sla8 !e9ent, Enhan!ed %resh and hardened !on!rete /ro/erties o% the investi8ated recycled concrete a88re8ate as !o9/ared to a88re8ate derived %ro9 la orator$C !rushed !on!rete arise /ri9aril$ %ro9 i9/roved a88re8ate 8radin8 and Dualit$ a!hieva le in /lant !rushin8 o/erations, Aut or !eywords: #88re8ate5 Blast %urna!e sla85 Co9/ressive stren8th5 *r$in8 shrin'a8e5 *ura ilit$5 Per%or9an!e5 2ecycled concrete

2ecycled concrete aggregate and fly as produce concrete wit out portland cement
$orben +. Hansen Buildin8 .aterials Ia orator$ Buildin8 001 )e!hni!al Universit$ o% *en9ar' 2133, I$n8 $, *en9ar' "e!eived 0 #u8ust 0717, Co99uni!ated $ J,., Idorn #vaila le online 02 -e ruar$ 2334,

It has een sho&n that !on!rete !an e /rodu!ed entirel$ %ro9 &aste /rodu!ts su!h as recycled concrete a88re8ates and %l$ ash, )he recycled concrete 8ains stren8th ver$ slo&l$ /ro a l$ due to /ozzolani! rea!tion et&een %l$ ash and !al!iu9 h$dro:ide %ro9 the !e9ent /aste in the old !on!rete, It is su88ested that the /ro!ess 9a$ e used to u/8rade the Dualit$ o% de9olished and !rushed !on!rete %or %ill or road ase /ur/oses,

2ecycled concrete and silica fume ma"e calcium silicate bric"s

$orben +. Hansena and Henri" &aruda

Buildin8 .aterials Ia orator$ )e!hni!al Universit$ o% *en9ar' Buildin8 001, *FC2133, I$n8 $, *en9ar' "e!eived 0 *e!e9 er 0712, Co99uni!ated $ J,., Idorn #vaila le online 02 -e ruar$ 2334,

>hen old !on!rete is !rushed to !oarse a88re8ate %or /rodu!tion o% ne& !on!rete, a//ro:i9atel$ 23 &ei8ht /er!ent o% !rusher %ines are 8enerated, It has een sho&n that !al!iu9 h$dro:ide %ro9 h$drated !e9ent o% su!h %ines rea!ts in the auto!lave &ith sili!eous /arti!les in the %ines to 8ive !al!iu9 sili!ate /rodu!ts, Su!h /rodu!ts are si9ilar in nature to sandCli9e ri!'s, >hen sili!a are 8reatl$ i9/roved, It has %urther een sho&n that !rusher %ines %ro9 recycled concrete do not Duali%$ as h$drauli! !e9ents even &hen 8round to !e9ent %ineness,

+rus ed aggregate production from centrali1ed combined and individual waste sources in Hong !ong
/ivian 4.,. $ama, 5, and +.M. $amb,

S!hool o% En8ineerin8, Jri%%ith Universit$, P.B =3 Jold Coast 9ail Centre, Kld, 7@2?, #ustralia *e/art9ent o% Buildin8 and Constru!tion, Cit$ Universit$ o% Eon8 Fon8, 14 )at Chee #venue, Fo&loon, Eon8 Fon8 "e!eived 0= *e!e9 er 23365 revised 4 Nove9 er 233=5 a!!e/ted 03 *e!e9 er 233=, #vaila le online 0@ -e ruar$ 233?,

O&in8 to the !o9/rehensive uildin8 redevelo/9ent /ro8ra99es in Eon8 Fon8, there is a hu8e volu9e o% !on!rete &aste 8enerated that &ill soon e:haust all the availa le land%ill areas, #s su!h, re!$!led a88re8ate is advo!ated, Eo&ever, the use o% re!$!led a88re8ate has een !on%ined to lo&erC8rade a//li!ations until no&, su!h as the lo&er la$ers o% a /ave9ent stru!tures, e,8,, !a//in8 and su C ase, )he 9ain reason is the varia le ehaviour o% re!$!led a88re8ates !olle!ted %ro9 di%%erent sour!es to e !rushed in a !entralized re!$!lin8 /lant, )his /a/er a//lies so9e international standards to !lassi%$ re!$!led a88re8ates, #88re8ates &ere !olle!ted %ro9 t&elve sour!es, in!ludin8 03 %ro9 de9olition sites (Sa9/les 0B03), one %ro9 )uen .un #rea 41 !entralized re!$!lin8 /lant (Sa9/le 00) and one %ro9 ordinar$ vir8in a88re8ate (Sa9/le 02), -ro9 test results, Sa9/le ?, a'in to Sa9/le 02 (vir8in a88re8ate), &as %ound to e suita le %or all t$/es o% !onstru!tion a//li!ations, &hile Sa9/les 2 and 7 &ere !o9/letel$ unsuita le as recycled concrete a88re8ates %or an$ a//li!ation 8rade, Sa9/le 00 ()uen .un #rea 41 !entralized re!$!lin8 /lant) &as %ound onl$ suita le %or nonCstru!tural a//li!ations, su!h as ase !ourse and %ill, It is !on!luded that the di%%erent sour!es o% re!$!led a88re8ate should /re%era l$ e se/aratel$ !rushed and !lassi%ied rather than /ro!essed in a !o9 ined %or9 !entrall$ &hi!h &ill lo&er its overall Dualit$ and li9it its a//li!ation, !eywords: "e!$!led a88re8ate5 Con!rete5 Classi%i!ation s$ste9s5 Constru!tion

S ear strengt of recycled concrete beams

#el.n 'on16le1)7onteboa
a , a,

and 7ernando Mart8ne1)Abella5, a,

S!hool o% Civil En8ineerin8, *e/art9ent o% Constru!tion En8ineerin8 o% the Universit$ o% # CoruLa, E,),S,I, Ca9inos, Canales, Puertos, Ca9/us ElviLa sGn, 0=3@0 Ia CoruLa, S/ain "e!eived @ Januar$ 233=5 revised 04 Nove9 er 233=5 a!!e/ted 03 *e!e9 er 233=, #vaila le online 23 -e ruar$ 233?,

)his /a/er re/orts on the shear ehaviour o% !on!rete 9ade &ith recycled concrete a88re8ates, )ests have een /er%or9ed on re!$!led a88re8ates and on t&o !on!rete 9i:es (!onventional !on!rete and recycled concrete &ith =3< o% re!$!led !oarse a88re8ates), -or ever$ !on!rete, %our rein%or!ed ea9s &ith di%%erent a9ount o% transverse rein%or!e9ent &ere

9ade and &ere tested to %ailure, )he results sho&ed that &hereas the de%le!tions and the ulti9ate loads &ere little a%%e!ted $ the di%%erent t$/es o% !on!retes, in recycled concrete ea9s, !ra!'in8 &as /re9ature, E:/eri9ental results &ere !o9/ared usin8 theoreti!al 9odels .odi%ied Co9/ression -ield )heor$ and !urrent !odes, Both /redi!ted the shear ehaviour o% the ne& recycled concrete &ell, !eywords: "e!$!led a88re8ates5 2ecycled concrete 5 .e!hani!al /ro/erties5 Stru!tural ehaviour5 Shear ehaviour

+ompressive failure in concrete of recycled aggregate by acoustic emission

$a"es i 4atanabea,
a ,

, Saya"a &is ibataa, + i"anori Has imotoa and Masayasu 9 tsub

Universit$ o% )o'ushi9a, *e/art9ent o% Civil and Environ9ental En8ineerin8, 2B0 .ina9iC JosanMi9a, )o'ushi9a @@3B1=3?, Ja/an Jraduate S!hool o% S!ien!e and )e!hnolo8$, Fu9a9oto Universit$, 2C47C0 Furo'a9i, Fu9a9oto 1?3B1===, Ja/an "e!eived 0 Nove9 er 233=5 revised 03 Januar$ 233?5 a!!e/ted 43 #/ril 233?, #vaila le online 2= Jul$ 233?,

-or re!$!lin8 !on!rete, the use o% re!$!led a88re8ate has een e:tensivel$ studied in Ja/an, It is &idel$ re!o8nized that !o9/ressive stren8th in !on!rete o% re!$!led a88re8ate is lo&er than nor9al !on!rete &ith the sa9e &aterCtoC!e9ent ratio, e!ause %ra!ture /ro!ess in !on!rete o% re!$!led a88re8ate is not identi!al to nor9al !on!rete, In order to !lari%$ !hara!teristi!s o% %ra!ture /ro!ess in a88re8ateCrecycled concrete, a!ousti! e9ission (#E) te!hniDue is a//lied to dete!t 9i!roC!ra!'in8 in !on!rete under !o9/ression, # 9ethod to i9/rove the stren8th o% !on!rete o% re!$!led a88re8ate &as investi8ated, )he test &as /er%or9ed under oth 9onotonous and !$!li! loadin8s, -ro9 #E /ara9eters, it is %ound that !ra!'in8 ehaviors in !on!rete o% re!$!led a88re8ate %airl$ di%%er %ro9 that o% nor9al !on!rete, Still it is !on%ir9ed that the stren8th !ould e re!overed $ vi rator$ !o9/a!tion, !eywords: "e!$!led a88re8ate5 #!ousti! e9ission5 #E /ara9eter5 Vi ration

+ emical:mineralogical c aracterisation of coarse recycled concrete aggregate

M.+. Limbac iyaa,

, ;. Marrocc inob and A. !oulourisa

-a!ult$ o% En8ineerin8, Fin8ston Universit$, Penrh$n "oad, Fin8ston u/on )ha9es, F)0 2EE, UF *e/art9ent o% Earth S!ien!es, Universit$ o% -errara, Via Sara8at 0, 66 033, -errara, Ital$ #!!e/ted 00 Januar$ 233?, #vaila le online 27 .ar!h 233?,

)he !onstru!tion industr$ is no& /uttin8 8reater e9/hasis than ever e%ore on in!reasin8 re!$!lin8 and /ro9otin8 9ore sustaina le &aste 9ana8e9ent /ra!ti!es, In 'ee/in8 &ith this a//roa!h, 9an$ se!tors o% the industr$ have a!tivel$ sou8ht to en!oura8e the use o% recycled concrete a88re8ate ("C#) as an alternative to /ri9ar$ a88re8ates in !on!rete /rodu!tion, )he results o% a la orator$ e:/eri9ental /ro8ra99e ai9ed at esta lishin8 !he9i!al and 9ineralo8i!al !hara!teristi!s o% !oarse "C# and its li'el$ in%luen!e on !on!rete /er%or9an!e are re/orted in this /a/er, Co99er!iall$ /rodu!ed !oarse "C# and natural a88re8ates (0?B6 99 size %ra!tion) &ere tested, "esults o% +Cra$ %luores!en!e (+"-) anal$ses sho&ed that ori8inal sour!e o% "C# had a ne8li8i le e%%e!t on the 9aMor ele9ents and a !o9/ara le !he9i!al !o9/osition et&een re!$!led and natural a88re8ates, +Cra$ di%%ra!tion (+"*) anal$ses results indi!ated the /resen!e o% !al!ite, /ortlandite and 9inor /ea's o% 9us!oviteGillite in re!$!led a88re8ates, althou8h the$ &ere dire!tl$ /ro/ortioned to their ori8inal !o9/osition, )he in%luen!e o% 43<, =3<, and 033< !oarse "C# on the !he9i!al !o9/osition o% eDual desi8n stren8th !on!rete has een esta lished, and its suita ilit$ %or use in a !on!rete a//li!ation has een assessed, In this &or', !oarse "C# &as used as a dire!t re/la!e9ent %or natural 8ravel in !on!rete /rodu!tion, )est results indi!ated that u/ to 43< !oarse "C# had no e%%e!t on the 9ain three o:ides (SiO2, #l2O4 and CaO) o% !on!rete, ut therea%ter there &as a 9ar8inal de!rease in SiO2 and in!rease in #l2O4 and CaO !ontents &ith in!rease in "C# !ontent in the 9i:, re%le!tin8 the ori8inal !onstituentNs !o9/osition,

;ffects of contaminants on t e properties of concrete paving bloc"s prepared wit recycled concrete aggregates
+ i)Sun Poon
a , a,

and Di-on + ana

*e/art9ent o% Civil and Stru!tural En8ineerin8, Environ9ental En8ineerin8 Unit, )he Eon8 Fon8 Pol$te!hni! Universit$, Eun8 Eo9, Fo&loon, Eon8 Fon8 "e!eived 26 Nove9 er 23365 revised 06 June 233=5 a!!e/ted 43 June 233=, #vaila le online 07 #u8ust 233=,

)he use o% re!$!led a88re8ates %or /re/arin8 !on!rete /rodu!ts has een su!!ess%ull$ i9/le9ented and 8ainin8 &ider a!!e/tan!e, Eo&ever, the allo&a le level o% !onta9inatin8 9aterials (e,8,, !rushed !la$ ri!'s, !rushed !era9i! tiles, &aste 8lass !ullet, &ood !hi/s, et!,) in the recycled concrete a88re8ate, in the so9e o% the !urrent s/e!i%i!ations, is lo& (O0<) due

to strin8ent Dualit$ !ontrol standards that are usuall$ ta'en %ro9 s/e!i%i!ations %or ra& 8ranular vir8in 9aterials, )his /a/er /resents a re!ent stud$ on the /ro/erties o% !on!rete /avin8 lo!'s /re/ared &ith recycled concrete a88re8ates that are !onta9inated $ 9aterials (tiles, !la$ ri!'s, 8lass, &ood) !o99onl$ %ound in the !onstru!tion and de9olition &aste, )he densit$, !o9/ressive stren8th, tensile s/littin8 stren8th, &ater a sor/tion value, a rasion resistan!e, s'id resistan!e and so9e dura ilit$ /ara9eters &ere 9easured %or la orator$ /re/ared sa9/les, )he results sho& that it is %easi le to allo& a hi8her level o% !onta9ination in the recycled concrete a88re8ates %or 9a'in8 the !on!rete /rodu!ts, "e!o99endations are 9ade on ho& the s/e!i%i!ations !ould e revised to %a!ilitate a &ider a//li!ation o% re!$!led a88re8ates that is !onta9inated $ %orei8n 9aterials, !eywords: 2ecycled concrete a88re8ate5 Crushed ri!'5 Crushed tile5 Crushed &aste 8lass5 >ood !hi/s5 Con!rete /rodu!ts

&ew approac in measuring water absorption of recycled aggregates

/ivian 4.,. $ama,
a ,

, <.7. 'aob, +.M. $amc and +.H. + anc

Jri%%ith S!hool o% En8ineerin8, Jold Coast Ca9/us, Jri%%ith Universit$, P.B=3 Jold Coast .ail Centre, Kld 7@2?, #ustralia -a!ult$ o% S!ien!e, +iNan Jiaoton8 Universit$, +iNan @03367, P" China ! *e/art9ent o% Buildin8 and Constru!tion, Cit$ Universit$ o% Eon8 Fon8, )at Chee #venue, Fo&loon, Eon8 Fon8 "e!eived 0? .ar!h 233?5 revised 2= Jul$ 233?5 a!!e/ted 27 #u8ust 233?, #vaila le online 03 O!to er 233?,

>ith the in!rease in the use o% re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete, the de9and on re!$!led a88re8ate ("#) is es!alatin8, #s su!h, the ehaviour and !hara!teristi!s o% "# need to e !learl$ understood, In /ra!ti!e, the testin8 /ro!edures o% a88re8ates in Eon8 Fon8 %ollo& those laid do&n in British Standard Institution (BSI) (BS; 102), &hi!h /rovide a 8ood %oundation %or assessin8 /ro/erties o% natural a88re8ates, #s "# 9a$ have !e9ent /aste atta!hed that 9a$ deta!h %ro9 the 9ass durin8 sa9/le /re/aration &hen re/etitive soa'in8 in &ater and dr$in8 are e9/lo$ed, )hus, the traditional testin8 a//roa!h %or &ater a sor/tion !annot 8ive a!!urate results %or "#, ased u/on &hi!h, errors in !on!rete 9i: desi8ns 9a$ result, )his /a/er /ro/oses an innovative 9ethod %or testin8 the &ater a sor/tion o% "# na9ed realCti9e assess9ent o% &ater a sor/tion, )he detailed testin8 /ro!edure o% the ne& 9ethod is illustrated &ith e:a9/les, !eywords: "e!$!led a88re8ate5 >ater a sor/tion5 Ce9ent /aste5 2ecycled concrete

Paving bloc"s made wit recycled concrete aggregate and crus ed clay bric"
+ i Sun Poon

and Di-on + an

*e/art9ent o% Civil and Stru!tural En8ineerin8, )he Eon8 Fon8 Pol$te!hni! Universit$, Eun8 Eo9, Fo&loon, Eon8 Fon8 "e!eived 26 June 23365 revised 7 *e!e9 er 23365 a!!e/ted 40 Januar$ 233=, #vaila le online 24 .ar!h 233=,

Cla$ ri!' 8enerated %ro9 !onstru!tion sites is usuall$ delivered to land%ills %or dis/osal, >ith the li9ited land%ill s/a!e in Eon8 Fon8, there is an i99ediate need to e:/lore the /ossi le use o% !rushed !la$ ri!' as a ne& !ivil en8ineerin8 9aterial, In Eon8 Fon8, 8overn9ent s/e!i%i!ations /ro9ote the use o% /avin8 lo!'s 9ade &ith @3B033< recycled concrete a88re8ate in order to %a!ilitate the re!$!lin8 o% !onstru!tion and de9olition (CP*) &aste, )his /a/er /resents a re!ent stud$ at the Eon8 Fon8 Pol$te!hni! Universit$ on the investi8ation o% lendin8 recycled concrete a88re8ate and !rushed !la$ ri!' as a88re8ates in the /rodu!tion o% /avin8 lo!'s, )he results indi!ated that the in!or/oration o% !rushed !la$ ri!' redu!ed the densit$, !o9/ressive stren8th and tensile stren8th o% the /avin8 lo!'s, *ue to the hi8h &ater a sor/tion o% !rushed !la$ ri!' /arti!les, the &ater a sor/tion o% the resultin8 /avin8 lo!'s &ere hi8her than that o% the /avin8 lo!'s that did not in!or/orate !rushed !la$ ri!', #lthou8h it &as %ound that !rushed !la$ ri!' i9/aired the Dualit$ o% the resultin8 /avin8 lo!'s to a !ertain e:tent, the /avin8 lo!'s usin8 =3< !rushed !la$ ri!' 9et the 9ini9u9 reDuire9ents s/e!i%ied $ #SGNQS 66== and E)>B o% Eon8 Fon8 (Jrade B) %or /edestrian areas, -urther9ore, it &as %easi le to /rodu!e /avin8 lo!'s /re/ared &ith 2=< !rushed !la$ ri!' that satis%ied the !o9/ressive stren8th reDuire9ent %or /avin8 lo!'s (Jrade B) /res!ri ed $ E)>B o% Eon8 Fon8 %or tra%%i!'ed area, !eywords: Constru!tion and de9olition &aste5 2ecycled concrete a88re8ates5 Crushed !la$ ri!'5 Pavin8 lo!'s

7easible use of recycled concrete aggregates and crus ed clay bric" as unbound road sub)base
+ i Sun Poon

and Di-on + an

*e/art9ent o% Civil and Stru!tural En8ineerin8, )he Eon8 Fon8 Pol$te!hni! Universit$, Eun8 Eo9, Fo&loon, Eon8 Fon8

"e!eived 26 June 23365 revised 7 *e!e9 er 23365 a!!e/ted 40 Januar$ 233=, #vaila le online 24 .ar!h 233=,

# stud$ &as re!entl$ !ondu!ted at the Eon8 Fon8 Pol$te!hni! Universit$ to investi8ate the /ossi ilit$ o% usin8 recycled concrete a88re8ates and !rushed !la$ ri!' as a88re8ates in un ound su ase 9aterials, )he results sho&ed that the use o% 033< recycled concrete a88re8ates in!reased the o/ti9u9 9oisture !ontent and de!reased the 9a:i9u9 dr$ densit$ o% the su ase 9aterials !o9/ared to those o% natural su ase 9aterials, .oreover, the re/la!e9ent o% recycled concrete a88re8ates $ !rushed !la$ ri!' %urther in!reased the o/ti9u9 9oisture !ontent and de!reased the 9a:i9u9 dr$ densit$, )his &as 9ainl$ attri uted to the lo&er /arti!le densit$ and hi8her &ater a sor/tion o% !rushed !la$ ri!' !o9/ared to those o% recycled concrete a88re8ates, )he CB" values (unsoa'ed and soa'ed) o% the su ase 9aterials /re/ared &ith 033< recycled concrete a88re8ates &ere lo&er than those o% natural su ase 9aterials, )he CB" values %urther de!reased as the re/la!e9ent level o% recycled concrete a88re8ates $ !rushed !la$ ri!' in!reased, Nevertheless, the soa'ed CB" values %or all re!$!led su ases &ere 8reater than 43<, &hi!h is a 9ini9u9 stren8th reDuire9ent in Eon8 Fon8, -urther9ore, the re!orded /er!enta8e s&ells %or all su ases &ere less than 3,04< &hi!h !an e !onsidered ne8li8i le, !eywords: Constru!tion and de9olition &aste5 2ecycled concrete a88re8ates5 Crushed !la$ ri!'5 Su ase

Application of recycled coarse aggregate by mi-ture to concrete construction

!iyos i ;guc ia, !o =i $eranis ib, , , A"ira &a"agomea, Hitos i !is imotoa, !imi i"o S ino1a"ia and Masafumi &ari"awac

)e!hni!al "esear!h Institute, .aeda Cor/oration, 0C47C0? #sahi!ho, Neri9aC'u, )o'$o 0@7C 1706, Ja/an *e/art9ent o% #r!hite!ture, -a!ult$ o% S!ien!e and )e!hnolo8$, .eiMo Universit$, 0C=30, Shio8a9a8uhi, )en/a'uC'u, Na8o$a 6?1C1=32, Ja/an ! Constru!tion *e/art9ent, Constru!tion En8ineerin8 Center, )o'$o Ele!tri! Po&er Co9/an$, 0C4 U!hisai&ai!ho, Chi$odaC'u, )o'$o 033C3300, Ja/an "e!eived 0 .a$ 233=5 revised 23 Nove9 er 233=5 revised = *e!e9 er 233=, #vaila le online 1 Se/te9 er 233?,

>ith re8ard to the te!hnolo8$ %or /rodu!in8 a88re8ate o% recycled concrete %ro9 !on!rete lo!'s, a 8reat deal o% resear!h and studies have een re/orted, and the standard s/e!i%i!ation

&as dra%ted $ the .inistr$ o% Constru!tion o% Ja/an in 077?, Eo&ever, it has hardl$ een a//lied to a!tual stru!tures e!ause o% the hi8h !ost %or /rodu!tion, )he authors have develo/ed a /rodu!tion 9ethod %or recycled concrete that is di%%erent %ro9 that o% the dra%t, )he re!$!led !oarse a88re8ate is /rodu!ed $ a si9/le asse9 led s$ste9 o% eDui/9ent, and is 9i:ed &ith ordinar$ !oarse a88re8ate to ensure the Dualit$ reDuired o% stru!tural !on!rete, In this resear!h, !hara!teristi!s o% stren8th, dura ilit$, %ireCresistant /ro/ert$, stru!tural /er%or9an!e, and &or'a ilit$ o% the recycled concrete are investi8ated, )he ne!essar$ data %or esta lishin8 a 9i: /ro/ortion desi8n and a Dualit$ !ontrol 9ethod are o tained, In addition, a /rodu!tion 9ethod %or the recycled concrete &hi!h has no use o% a at!hin8 /lant is /ro/osed, Eventuall$, the e!ono9i!s and environ9ental loads o% the develo/ed 9ethod are evaluated and its e%%e!tiveness is !on%ir9ed, !eywords: #88re8ate5 .i:ture /ro/ortionin85 2ecycled concrete 5 >aste 9ana8e9ent

)he use o% re!$!led a88re8ate in !on!rete in Eon8 Fon8

+ i)Sun Poon
a , a,

and Di-on + ana,

*e/art9ent o% Civil and Stru!tural En8ineerin8, )he Eon8 Fon8 Pol$te!hni! Universit$, Eun8 Eo9, Fo&loon, Eon8 Fon8 "e!eived 21 #/ril 233?5 revised 22 June 233?5 a!!e/ted 22 June 233?, #vaila le online 0 #u8ust 233?,

In 2336, over 23 9illion tonnes o% !onstru!tion and de9olition (CP*) &astes &ere 8enerated in Eon8 Fon8, Sin!e the lo!al land%ills &ill e saturated in a out 1 $ears, it is i9/ortant to %ind a via le &a$ to reuse these &aste 9aterials as to alleviate the de9and on /u li! %ill !a/a!it$, In order to ta!'le the /ro le9, the Eon8 Fon8 8overn9ent has set u/ a te9/orar$ re!$!lin8 %a!ilit$ in Eon8 Fon8 in 2332 %or /rodu!in8 di%%erent sizes o% re!$!led a88re8ate %or use in various !onstru!tion 9aterials, )his /a/er su99arizes the details o% the !onstru!tion o% the Eon8 Fon8 >etland Par' &hi!h !onsu9ed a//ro:i9atel$ 06,433 94 o% !on!rete /re/ared &ith re!$!led a88re8ate, Eo&ever, as o% toda$, the re!$!led a88re8ate ein8 reused is strin8entl$ restri!ted to recycled concrete a88re8ate ("C#), )he use o% other &astes su!h as ri!' and !era9i! tile a88re8ate is /rohi ited 9o9entaril$ even the !o9 ination o% ri!'s and !era9i! tiles !onstitutes a lar8e /ortion o% the CP* &astes, In order to %a!ilitate the &ider use o% the inert /ortion o% the CP* &astes, a /reli9inar$ stud$ &as !ondu!ted to investi8ate the /ossi ilit$ o% usin8 !rushed ri!' and tile a88re8ate derived %ro9 !onstru!tion and de9olition &aste strea9 as a re/la!e9ent o% %ine a88re8ate in !on!rete, )he e%%e!ts o% the use o% %ine !rushed ri!' and tile a88re8ate as a 23 &t,< re/la!e9ent o% natural sand on the %resh and 9e!hani!al /ro/erties are /resented,

!eywords: Crushed !la$ ri!'5 Crushed tile5 Constru!tion and de9olition &aste5 "e!$!led a88re8ate

;ffects of recycled concrete aggregates on properties of asp alt concrete

Sumeda Paranavit anaa and Abbas Mo a=eranib,
a ,

Vi!"oads, #ustralia S!hool o% Civil P Che9i!al En8ineerin8, ".I) Universit$, JPO Bo: 26@?V, .el ourne 4330, #ustralia "e!eived 23 Januar$ 23365 a!!e/ted 0 *e!e9 er 233=, #vaila le online 4 -e ruar$ 233?,

2ecycled concrete a88re8ates ("C#) are /rodu!ed $ !rushin8 de9olished !on!rete ele9ents, "C# di%%er %ro9 %resh a88re8ates due to the !e9ent /aste atta!hed to the sur%a!e o% the ori8inal natural a88re8ates a%ter the /ro!ess o% re!$!lin8, )his hi8hl$ /orous !e9ent /aste and other !onta9inations !ontri ute to the lo&er /arti!le densit$ and hi8her /orosit$, variation in the Dualit$ o% the "C# and the hi8her &ater a sor/tion, )his /a/er /resents so9e o% the results o% an investi8ation on the /ossi le a//li!ation o% "C# in as/halt !on!rete, It &as %ound that all the volu9etri! /ro/erties (e:!e/t the /er!enta8e o% air voids), resilient 9odulus and !ree/ values o% as/halt s/e!i9ens !ontainin8 "C# as !oarse a88re8ates &ere relativel$ lo&er !o9/ared &ith the values %ound %or si9ilar s/e!i9ens 9ade &ith onl$ %resh a88re8ates, So9e o% these 9easured /ro/erties &ere &ithin the a!!e/ta le re!o99ended li9its, %or the "C# sa9/le used in this stud$, !eywords: 2ecycled concrete a88re8ates5 "e!$!led 9aterials5 >aste 9ana8e9ent5 Constru!tion and de9olition &aste5 #s/halt 9i: desi8n5 Pave9ent 9aterials5 Crushed a88re8ates5 Volu9etri! and 9e!hani!al /ro/erties

$ e cause and influence of self)cementing properties of fine recycled concrete aggregates on t e properties of unbound sub)base
+ i)Sun Poon
a , a,

, <.+. >iaoa and Di-on + ana

*e/art9ent o% Civil and Stru!tural En8ineerin8, )he Eon8 Fon8 Pol$te!hni! Universit$, Eun8 Eo9, Fo&loon, Eon8 Fon8 "evised 1 *e!e9 er 233=, #vaila le online 23 -e ruar$ 233?,

)he use o% !oarse recycled concrete a88re8ates (C"C#) in !onMun!tion &ith %ine recycled concrete a88re8ates (-"C#) as su C ase 9aterials has een &idel$ studied, #lthou8h resear!h results indi!ate that it is %easi le to e9/lo$ oth C"C# and -"C# as 8ranular su C ase, the in%luen!e o% the unh$drated !e9ent in the adhered 9ortar o% the "C# on the /ro/erties o% the su C ase 9aterials has not een thorou8hl$ studied, Jenerall$, it is 'no&n that the stren8th o% the su C ase 9aterials /re/ared &ith "C# in!reases over ti9e, Eo&ever, this 9e!hanis9, 'no&n as the sel%C!e9entin8 /ro/erties, is not &ell understood and is elieved to e 8overned $ the /ro/erties o% the %ine /ortion o% the "C# (O= 99), )his /a/er /resents an investi8ation on the !ause o% the sel%C!e9entin8 /ro/erties $ 9easurin8 +Cra$ di%%ra!tion /atterns, /E values, !o9/ressive stren8th and /er9ea ilit$ o% various size %ra!tions o% the -"C# o tained %ro9 a !o99er!iall$ o/erated !onstru!tion and de9olition &aste re!$!lin8 /lant, )heir in%luen!e on the overall su C ase 9aterials &as deter9ined, )he results indi!ate that the size %ra!tions o% O3,0= and 3,4B3,? 99 (a!tive %ra!tions) &ere 9ost li'el$ to e the /rin!i/al !ause o% the sel%C !e9entin8 /ro/erties o% the -"C#, Eo&ever, the e%%e!ts on the /ro/erties o% the overall "C# su C ase 9aterials &ere 9ini9al i% the total Duantit$ o% the a!tive %ra!tions &as li9ited to a threshold $ &ei8ht o% the total %ine a88re8ate,

9ptimi1ation on proportion for recycled aggregate in concrete using two)stage mi-ing approac
/ivian 4.,. $ama,
a ,

, +.M. $amb and ,. 4angc

Jri%%ith S!hool o% En8ineerin8, Jold Coast Ca9/us, Jri%%ith Universit$ P.B=3 Jold Coast .ail Centre, Kld 7@2?, #ustralia *e/art9ent o% Buildin8 and Constru!tion, Cit$ Universit$ o% Eon8 Fon8, 14 )at Chee #venue, Fo&loon, Eon8 Fon8 ! *e/art9ent o% Co9/uter S!ien!e, )sin8hua Universit$, China "e!eived 2@ Se/te9 er 233=5 revised 2@ -e ruar$ 233?5 a!!e/ted 40 .a$ 233?, #vaila le online 2= Se/te9 er 233?,

2ecycled aggregate ("#) is &ell a!'no&led8ed havin8 a /oorer Dualit$ due to its hi8her /orosit$ resulted %ro9 !e9ent 9ortar re9ains atta!hin8 to its sur%a!e that ha9/ers the re!$!lin8 rate o% !on!rete &aste, .an$ /revious resear!hes re!orded redu!tion in stren8th %or !on!rete 9ade &ith "#, #s a result, the use o% "# is 9ainl$ !on%ined to lo&C8rade a//li!ations, )a9 et al, R)a9 >(V, Jao +-, )a9 C., .i!roCstru!tural anal$sis o% recycled aggregate !on!rete /rodu!ed %ro9 t&oCsta8e 9i:in8 a//roa!h, Ce9 Con!r "es 233=54=(?);007=B234S /ro/osed a t&oCsta8e 9i:in8 a//roa!h ()S.#) %or i9/rovin8 the stren8th o% recycled aggregate !on!rete ("#C), $ testin8 9i:es &ith u/ to 43< "# re/la!e9ent, )his /a/er e:tends )a9 et al,Ns &or' (233=) $ e:/lorin8 "# su stitutions ran8in8 %ro9 3< to 033< and !o9/ares their /er%or9an!e &ith the traditional 9i:in8 /ro!edure, Based u/on the e:/eri9ental &or's, i9/rove9ents on stren8th and ri8idit$ o% "#C usin8 )S.# &ere !o9/ared &ith those o%

traditional 9i:in8 /ro!edure ased on di%%erent /er!enta8es o% "# re/la!e9ents, )he results &ere then o/ti9ized usin8 8eneral re8ression neural net&or's (J"NN) and "# re/la!e9ents o% 2=B63< and =3B@3< &ere %ound to e o/ti9al &hen )S.# &as ado/ted, It !on%ir9s the !onservative re!o99endation o% 23< "# su stitution $ 9an$ /revious resear!hers and /u li! users,

2emoval of cement mortar remains from recycled aggregate using pre)soa"ing approac es
/ivian 4.,. $ama,
a ,

, +.M. $amb and !.&. Lea

Jri%%ith S!hool o% En8ineerin8, Jri%%ith Universit$, P.B =3 Jold Coast .ail Centre, Kueensland 7@2?, #ustralia *e/art9ent o% Buildin8 P Constru!tion, Cit$ Universit$ o% Eon8 Fon8, 14 )at Chee #venue, Fo&loon, Eon8 Fon8, China "e!eived 20 Nove9 er 233=5 revised 2? .a$ 233?5 a!!e/ted 40 .a$ 233?, #vaila le online @ #u8ust 233?,

>ith a risin8 tide o% ado/tion o% recycled aggregate ("#) %or !onstru!tion, investi8ation on &a$s to i9/rove the Dualit$ o% "# has een over&hel9in8, )he ado/tion o% "# rin8s ene%its in!ludin8 savin8s in the li9ited land%ill s/a!es and the use o% natural resour!es, Eo&ever, the /oorer Dualit$ o% "# o%ten li9its its utilization to lo& 8rade a//li!ations su!h as su C8rade a!tivities, %illin8 9aterials and lo& 8rade !on!rete, )he 9aMor reason that a%%e!ts the Dualit$ o% "# is the lar8e a9ount o% !e9ent 9ortar re9ains on the sur%a!e o% the a88re8ate, resultin8 in hi8her /orosit$, &ater a sor/tion rates and thus a &ea'er inter%a!ial zone et&een ne& !e9ent 9ortar and a88re8ates, &hi!h &ea'ens the stren8th and 9e!hani!al /er%or9an!e o% !on!rete 9ade %ro9 "#, )his /a/er atte9/ts to stud$ three /reCsoa'in8 treat9ent a//roa!hes5 na9el$ "e.ortarECl, "e.ortarE2SO6 and "e.ortarE4PO6 in redu!in8 the 9ortar atta!hed to "#, )he results sho& that the ehaviour o% "# has i9/roved &ith redu!tion in &ater a sor/tion, &ithout si9ultaneous e:!eedin8 the li9its o% !hloride and sul/hate !o9/ositions a%ter the treat9ent, )his &or' has also !o9/ared the !o9/ressive stren8th, %le:ural stren8th and 9odulus o% elasti!it$ o% !on!rete 9ade %ro9 the a//roa!hes, &hi!h sho&s 9ar'ed i9/rove9ents in Dualit$ &hen !o9/ared &ith those usin8 traditional a//roa!hes, !eywords: PreCsoa'in8 treat9ent5 2ecycled aggregate3 2ecycled aggregate !on!rete5 Constru!tion

(se of aggregates from recycled construction and demolition waste in concrete

A"as 2aoa, , !umar &. * ab, and Sud ir Misraa,
a ,

*e/art9ent o% CE, II) Fan/ur, Fan/ur 23130?, India *e/art9ent o% CE, II) *elhi, Ne& *elhi 00330?, India

"e!eived 2 #u8ust 233=5 revised 24 #/ril 233?5 a!!e/ted 26 .a$ 233?, #vaila le online @ Jul$ 233?,

Constru!tion and *e9olition (CP*) &aste !onstitutes a 9aMor /ortion o% total solid &aste /rodu!tion in the &orld, and 9ost o% it is used in land %ills, "esear!h $ !on!rete en8ineers has !learl$ su88ested the /ossi ilit$ o% a//ro/riatel$ treatin8 and reusin8 su!h &aste as a88re8ate in ne& !on!rete, es/e!iall$ in lo&er level a//li!ations, )his /a/er dis!usses di%%erent as/e!ts o% the /ro le9 e8innin8 &ith a rie% revie& o% the international s!enario in ter9s o% CP* &aste 8enerated, recycled aggregates ("#) /rodu!ed %ro9 CP* &aste and their utilization in !on!rete and 8overn9ental initiatives to&ards re!$!lin8 o% CP* &aste, #lon8 &ith a rie% overvie& o% the en8ineerin8 /ro/erties o% recycled aggregates, the /a/er also 8ives a su99ar$ o% the e%%e!t o% use o% recycled aggregate on the /ro/erties o% %resh and hardened !on!rete, )he /a/er !on!ludes $ identi%$in8 so9e o% the 9aMor arriers in 9ore &ides/read use o% "# in recycled aggregate !on!rete ("#C), in!ludin8 la!' o% a&areness, la!' o% 8overn9ent su//ort, nonCe:isten!e o% s/e!i%i!ationsG!odes %or reusin8 these a88re8ates in ne& !on!rete, !eywords: Constru!tion and de9olition &aste5 >aste 9ana8e9ent5 "e!$!lin85 2ecycled aggregates3 2ecycled aggregate !on!rete5 *ura ilit$

A model for assessing t e economic viability of construction and demolition waste recycling?t e case of @reland
<avier Durana, Helena Leni ana,
a ,

and #ernadette 9A2eganb

*e/art9ent o% E!ono9i!s, Fe99$ Business S!hool, Universit$ o% Ii9eri!', Ii9eri!', Ireland Centre %or Environ9ental "esear!h, -oundation Buildin8, Universit$ o% Ii9eri!', Ii9eri!', Ireland "e!eived 43 #u8ust 23365 a!!e/ted 6 #u8ust 233=, #vaila le online 22 Se/te9 er 233=,


Constru!tion and de9olition &aste (CP*>) re!$!lin8 %or9s the /ri9e %o!us o% this /a/er, *ra&in8 on eviden!e %ro9 data !olle!ted $ the authors in Ireland, the /a/er develo/s a 9odel to assess the e!ono9i! via ilit$ o% !reatin8 9ar'ets %or re!$!led CP*>, Currentl$, 9ost o% the &aste 8enerated in !onstru!tion and de9olition sites is !o9/osed o% 9aterials su!h as !on!rete, ri!'s and lo!'s &hi!h are dis/osed o% in land%ill sites due to the a sen!e o% 9ar'ets %or their re!$!led %or9s, )he 9odel develo/ed in this /a/er is ased on the /otential de!isions %a!in8 the &aste /rodu!er and the a88re8ate user, On!e the 9odel is develo/ed and the underl$in8 assu9/tions outlined and anal$sed, the /a/er then /ro!eeds to assess the i9/a!t o% the i9/osition o% environ9ental ta:es and the use o% su sidies on the e!ono9i!s o% CP*> re!$!lin8, )he /a/er /ro/oses the esta lish9ent o% three /otential Irish re!$!lin8 !entres lo!ated in *u lin, Ii9eri!' and a 9o ile !entre, Con!lusions are /resented &hi!h su88est that e!ono9i! via ilit$ is li'el$ to o!!ur &hen the !ost o% land%illin8 e:!eeds the !ost o% rin8in8 the &aste to the re!$!lin8 !entre and the !ost o% usin8 /ri9ar$ a88re8ates e:!eeds the !ost o% usin8 recycled aggregates. )he /a/er also !learl$ de9onstrates that re!$!lin8 !entres ene%it %ro9 e!ono9ies o% s!ale i9/l$in8 that an in!rease in the s!ale o% a !entre, in turn results in a de!rease in re!$!lin8 !osts, )he overridin8 !on!lusion o% the /a/er is that 9ar'et ased instru9ents are li'el$ to e the est o/tion %or /oli!$ 9a'ers, >hile the 9odel /resented is TtestedN on real data derived %ro9 surve$s &ith Irish lo!al authorities (res/onsi le %or &aste 9ana8e9ent in the "e/u li! o% Ireland ("OI)) and a88re8ate /rodu!ers, the underl$in8 9ethodolo8$ o% the 9odel develo/ed is !lear and has a &ider international a//li!a ilit$ and relevan!e to the stud$ o% CP*>, !eywords: Constru!tion and de9olition &aste re!$!lin85 E!ono9i! via ilit$5 .odel5 .ar'et ased instru9ents

(tili1ation of municipal solid waste bottom as and recycled aggregate in concrete

#. *uriBa, b, L. HanCiBa,
a ,

, 2. @liDa, c and &. Samecd

-a!ult$ o% Civil En8ineerin8, Universit$ o% .ari or, S9etanova 0@, 2333 .ari or, Slovenia ProMe't d,d, Nova Jori!a, FidriUeva 7a, =333 Nova Jori!a, Slovenia ! J, Ste%an Institute, Ja9ova 47, 0333 IMu lMana, Slovenia d -a!ult$ o% .e!hani!al En8ineerin8, Universit$ o% .ari or, S9etanova 0@, 2333 .ari or, Slovenia #!!e/ted 21 O!to er 233=, #vaila le online 40 Januar$ 233?,

In the !o9 ustion /ro!ess o% 9uni!i/al solid &aste (.S>), otto9 ash (B#) re/resents the 9aMor /ortion o% the solid residue, Sin!e B# is !o9/osed o% o:ides, es/e!iall$ SiO 2 and CaO, the %easi ilit$ o% its a//li!ation in !on!rete as a su stitute %or !e9ent &as tested, It &as %ound that at the a8e o% 21 da$s, the %le:ural and !o9/ressive stren8ths o% the inder linearl$ de!rease at the rate o% 3,34 and 3,32 .Pa /er &t< o% B# in the inder, res/e!tivel$, #!!ordin8 to the

results it 9a$ e re!o99ended to re/la!e u/ to 0= &t< o% !e9ent $ B# and to use su!h inder &here a lo& stren8th o% !on!rete ele9ents is reDuired, -urther9ore, the a88re8ate used %or lo& stren8th !on!rete need not e o% a ver$ 8ood Dualit$, )here%ore, 8ravel a88re8ate &as /artiall$ re/la!ed $ recycled aggregate ("#), Consisten!$ 9easured $ slu9/ &as si8ni%i!antl$ redu!ed (V=3<) &hen B# orGand "# &ere introdu!ed into the 9i:ture, Eo&ever, !on!rete densit$ and !o9/ressive stren8th &ere not a%%e!ted and &ere 2433 '8G94 and 63 .Pa, res/e!tivel$,

Properties of concrete incorporating fine recycled aggregate

*. M. ! atib Centre %or In%rastru!ture .ana8e9ent, .E"I, She%%ield Ealla9 Universit$, Eo&ard Street, She%%ield S0 0>B, UF "e!eived 7 Jul$ 23345 a!!e/ted 7 June 2336, #vaila le online 31 *e!e9 er 2336,

)he /ro/erties o% !on!rete !ontainin8 %ine recycled aggregate are investi8ated, 2ecycled aggregate !onsisted o% !rushed !on!rete (CC) or !rushed ri!' (CB) &ith /arti!les less than = 99 in dia9eter, )he %ree &aterG!e9ent ratio &as 'e/t !onstant %or all 9i:es, )he %ine a88re8ate in !on!rete &as re/la!ed &ith 3<, 2=<, =3< and 033< CC or CB, Jenerall$, there is stren8th redu!tion o% 0=B43< %or !on!rete !ontainin8 CC, Eo&ever, !on!rete in!or/oratin8 u/ to =3< CB e:hi its si9ilar lon8Cter9 stren8th to that o% the !ontrol, Even at 033< re/la!e9ent o% %ine a88re8ate &ith CB, the redu!tion in stren8th is onl$ 03<, Be$ond 21 da$s o% !urin8, the rate o% stren8th develo/9ent in !on!rete !ontainin8 either CC or CB is hi8her than that o% the !ontrol indi!atin8 %urther !e9entin8 a!tion in the /resen!e o% %ine recycled aggregate. .ore shrin'a8e and e:/ansion o!!ur in !on!rete !ontainin8 CC or CB, Aut or !eywords: E:/ansion5 -ine recycled aggregate 5 .e!hani!al /ro/erties5 Nondestru!tive testin85 Shrin'a8e

2ecycling of construction debris as aggregate in t e Mid) Atlantic 2egion, (SA

'ilpin 2. 2obinson, *r.
a , ,a

, 4. David Men1ieb and Helen Hyunc

U,S, Jeolo8i!al Surve$, 7=6 National Center, "eston, V# 23072, US# U,S, Jeolo8i!al Surve$, 770 National Center, "eston, V# 23072, US# ! =? .ont8o9er$ Blvd,, San -ran!is!o, C# 76040, US# "e!eived 2@ -e ruar$ 2336, #vaila le online 21 .a$ 2336,

"e!lai9ed as/halt /ave9ent ("#P) and /ortland !e9ent !on!rete ("PCC) are a undant and availa le su stitutes %or natural a88re8ate in 9an$ areas, )his /a/er /resents an overvie& o% %a!tors that a%%e!t recycled aggregate !ost, availa ilit$, and en8ineerin8 /er%or9an!e, and the results o% a surve$ o% usiness /ra!ti!es in the .idC#tlanti! re8ion, -or "#P, /ro!essin8 !osts are less than those %or vir8in natural a88re8ate, Use o% e%%i!ient as/halt /ave9ent stri//in8 te!hnolo8$, onCsite re!la9ation, and lin'ed t&oC&a$ trans/ort o% as/halt de ris and /ro!essed as/halt /avin8 9i: et&een as/halt 9i: /lants and /avin8 sites has led to e:tensive re!$!lin8 o% as/halt /ave9ent in the .idC#tlanti! re8ion o% the US, .ost o% the sites that re!$!le as/halt /ave9ent ("#P) are lo!ated in or near ur an areas !lose to i9/ortant trans/ortation !orridors, "PCC is a via le a88re8ate sour!e in ur an settin8s &here unit !osts %or /ro!essed a88re8ate %ro9 "PCC and natural a88re8ate are !o9/ara le, *is/osal %ees !har8ed at "PCC re!$!lin8 sites hel/ de%ra$ /ro!essin8 !osts and the si8ni%i!antl$ lo&er ti//in8 %ees at re!$!lin8 sites versus land%ill dis/osal sites en!oura8e re!$!lin8 o% !onstru!tion de ris as a88re8ate, Constru!tion !ontra!tors and !onstru!tion de ris re!$!lin8 !enters, 9an$ o% &hi!h have the a ilit$ to !rush and /ro!ess !on!rete de ris at the Mo site, /rodu!e 9ost "PCC, Produ!tion o% "PCC a88re8ate %ro9 !onstru!tion de ris that is /ro!essed on site usin8 /orta le eDui/9ent 9oved to the !onstru!tion site eli9inates trans/ortation !osts %or a88re8ate and /rovides an e!ono9i! in!entive %or "PCC use, Pro!essin8 !osts, Dualit$ and /er%or9an!e issues, and la!' o% lar8e Duantities &here needed li9it "PCC use, .ost "PCC su//liers in the .idC#tlanti! area are lo!ated in !ounties &ith /o/ulation densities 8reater than 633 /eo/leG'9 2 (034? /eo/leG9ile2) and that have hi8h unitCvalue !osts and li9ited lo!al availa ilit$ o% natural a88re8ate, Aut or !eywords: #88re8ate5 "e!lai9ed as/halt /ave9ent ("#P)5 "e!lai9ed /ortland !e9ent !on!rete ("PCC)5 "oad !onstru!tion

Properties of concrete made wit recycled aggregate from partially ydrated old concrete
Amnon !at1

National Buildin8 "esear!h Institute, *e/art9ent o% Civil En8ineerin8, )e!hnion, Israel Institute o% )e!hnolo8$, Eai%a 42333, Israel "e!eived 01 Se/te9 er 23305 a!!e/ted 24 O!to er 2332, 5 #vaila le online 07 Nove9 er 2332,

Con!rete havin8 a 21Cda$ !o9/ressive stren8th o% 21 .Pa &as !rushed at a8es 0, 4 and 21 da$s to serve as a sour!e o% a88re8ate %or ne& !on!retes, si9ulatin8 the situation /revailin8 in /re!ast !on!rete /lants, )he /ro/erties o% the recycled aggregate and o% the ne& !on!rete 9ade %ro9 it, &ith nearl$ 033< o% a88re8ate re/la!e9ent, &ere tested,

Si8ni%i!ant di%%eren!es &ere o served et&een the /ro/erties o% the recycled aggregates o% various /arti!le size 8rou/s, &hile the !rushin8 a8e had al9ost no e%%e!t, )he /ro/erties o% the !on!rete 9ade &ith recycled aggregates &ere in%erior to those o% !on!rete 9ade &ith vir8in a88re8ates, E%%e!ts o% !rushin8 a8e &ere 9oderate; !on!rete 9ade &ith a88re8ates !rushed at a8e 4 da$s e:hi ited etter /ro/erties than those 9ade &ith a88re8ates o% the other !rushin8 a8es, &hen a stron8 !e9ent 9atri: &as used, #n o//osite trend &as seen &hen a &ea'er !e9ent 9atri: &as used, So9e latent !e9entin8 !a/a!it$ &as seen in the recycled aggregates !rushed at an earl$ a8e, Aut or !eywords: 2ecycled aggregates 5 >aste 9ana8e9ent5 E$dration5 .e!hani!al /ro/erties5 -resh !on!rete

(se of rubble from building demolition in mortars

/. +orinaldesi , M. 'iuggiolini and '. Moriconi

*e/art9ent o% .aterials and Environ9ent En8ineerin8 and Ph$si!s, #n!ona Universit$, #n!ona, Ital$ #!!e/ted 04 June 2332, #vaila le online 2 O!to er 2332,

Be!ause o% in!reasin8 &aste /rodu!tion and /u li! !on!erns a out the environ9ent, it is desira le to re!$!le 9aterials %ro9 uildin8 de9olition, I% suita l$ sele!ted, 8round, !leaned and sieved in a//ro/riate industrial !rushin8 /lants, these 9aterials !an e /ro%ita l$ used in !on!rete, Nevertheless, the /resen!e o% 9asonr$ instead o% !on!rete ru le is /arti!ularl$ detri9ental to the 9e!hani!al /er%or9an!e and dura ilit$ o% recycled)aggregate !on!rete and the sa9e ne8ative e%%e!t is dete!ta le &hen natural sand is re/la!ed $ %ine recycled aggregate %ra!tion, #n alternative use o% oth 9asonr$ ru le and %ine re!$!led 9aterial %ra!tion !ould e in 9ortars, )hese !ould !ontain either re!$!led instead o% natural sand or /o&der o tained $ ri!'s !rushin8 as /artial !e9ent su stitution, In /arti!ular, attention is %o!used on the 9odi%i!ation that ta'es /la!e &hen either /ol$/ro/$lene or stainless steel %i ers are added to these 9ortars, Pol$/ro/$lene %i ers are added in order to redu!e shrin'a8e o% 9ortars, stainless steel %i ers %or i9/rovin8 their %le:ural stren8th, )he !o9 ined use o% /ol$/ro/$lene %i ers and %ine re!$!led 9aterial %ro9 uildin8 de9olition !ould allo& the /re/aration o% 9ortars sho&in8 8ood /er%or9an!e, in /arti!ular &hen !ou/led &ith ri!'s, -urther9ore, the !o9 ined use o% stainless steel %i ers and 9ortars !ontainin8 ri!' /o&der see9s to e an e%%e!tive &a$ to 8uarantee a hi8h %le:ural stren8th,

(se of recycled aggregates in molded concrete bric"s and bloc"s

+. S. Poon

, S. +. !ou and L. Lam

*e/art9ent o% Civil and Stru!tural En8ineerin8, )he Eon8 Fon8 Pol$te!hni! Universit$, Eon8

Fon8, P" China "e!eived = Januar$ 23325 revised 2= .ar!h 23325 a!!e/ted 0@ #/ril 2332, #vaila le online 02 June 2332,

)his stud$ ai9ed to develo/ a te!hniDue %or /rodu!in8 !on!rete ri!'s and /avin8 lo!'s usin8 recycled aggregates o tained %ro9 !onstru!tion and de9olition &aste, Ia orator$ trials &ere !ondu!ted to investi8ate the /ossi ilit$ o% usin8 recycled aggregates %ro9 di%%erent sour!es in Eon8 Fon8, as the re/la!e9ent o% oth !oarse and %ine natural a88re8ates in 9olded ri!'s and lo!'s, # series o% tests &ere !arried out to deter9ine the /ro/erties o% the ri!'s and lo!'s /re/ared &ith and &ithout recycled aggregates. )he test results sho&ed that the re/la!e9ent o% !oarse and %ine natural a88re8ates $ recycled aggregates at the levels o% 2= and =3< had little e%%e!t on the !o9/ressive stren8th o% the ri!' and lo!' s/e!i9ens, ut hi8her levels o% re/la!e9ent redu!ed the !o9/ressive stren8th, Eo&ever, the transverse stren8th o% the s/e!i9ens in!reased as the /er!enta8e o% re/la!e9ent in!reased, Usin8 recycled aggregates as the re/la!e9ent o% natural a88re8ates at the level o% u/ to 033<, !on!rete /avin8 lo!'s &ith a 21Cda$ !o9/ressive stren8th o% not less than 67 .Pa !an e /rodu!ed &ithout the in!or/oration o% %l$ ash, &hile /avin8 lo!'s %or %oot&a$ uses &ith a lo&er !o9/ressive stren8th o% 43 .Pa and 9asonr$ ri!'s !an e /rodu!ed &ith the in!or/oration o% %l$ ash, Aut or !eywords: Con!rete ri!'s and lo!'s5 2ecycled aggregates 5 Constru!tion and de9olition &aste5 Co9/ressive stren8th

2ecycling rubble into aggregates: a model for local governments

Soofia $a ira ;lias)91"an

*e/art9ent o% #r!hite!ture, .iddle East )e!hni!al Universit$, #n'ara, )ur'e$ "e!eived 2= O!to er 23335 revised 0? Januar$ 23305 a!!e/ted 4 #/ril 2330 #vaila le online 6 Se/te9 er 2330,

Old uildin8s are ein8 de9olished to 9a'e &a$ %or ne&er and taller ones al9ost ever$&here5 )ur'e$ is no e:!e/tion, Ne& zonin8 $eCla&s and le8iti9ization o% sDuatter settle9ents has led to the de9olition o% 9an$ old and so9eti9es histori!all$ si8ni%i!ant uildin8s, )o assess the situation in )ur'e$, itAs !a/ital !it$ #n'ara &as !hosen as the stud$ area and data /ertainin8 to ru le dis/osal &as !olle!ted %ro9 one o% itAs ei8ht 9uni!i/alities, )his data &as then anal$sed &ith the hel/ o% statisti!al tools to esti9ate the a9ount o% ru le du9/ed annuall$ &ithin the Murisdi!tion o% and &ith the /rior /er9ission o% the authorit$ !on!erned, )his stud$ revealed that

in the a sen!e o% a /ro/er !ontrol 9e!hanis9 9ost o% the ru le, &hi!h !o9/osed the ul' o% the de9olition &aste, &as ein8 du9/ed, and not al&a$s in assi8ned land%ills, Based on these %indin8s, the author /ro/oses a 9odel %or the ene%it o% lo!al 8overn9entsG!ivi! authorities, &hereu/on &anton du9/in8 o% ru le 9a$ e !ontrolled, -urther, in vie& o% the ru le dis/osal /ro le9s in ur an !enters it &as also !onsidered essential to %or9ulate a 9ethod, &hi!h &ould ena le re!$!lin8 o% ru le near du9/in8 8rounds, &ith the /ur/ose o% /rodu!in8 a88re8ate %or nonCstru!tural !on!rete !o9/onents reDuisite in ur an develo/9ent &or', Aut or !eywords: "e!$!lin85 *e9olition5 2ecycled aggregate 5 CP* &aste5 Io!al 8overn9ents5 )ur'e$

Multicriteria decision ma"ing applied to waste recycling in #ra1il

+arlos 7. SimEes 'omesa, , , !6tia 2.A. &unesb, Lucia Helena <avierc, 2osangela +ardosoc and 2ogerio /alleb

-a!uldades IB.EC, "io de Janeiro, Brazil Produ!tion En8ineerin8 *e/art9ent, -ederal Universit$ o% "io de Janeiro (COPPE), P,O, Bo: ?1=3@, CEP 2076=C7@3, "io de Janeiro, Brazil ! Pro8ra9a de PWsC8raduaXo e9 En8enharia de ProduXo , Universidade -ederal da ParaY a, C,P, =36=, =13=0C7@3, Joo Pessoa, PB, Brazil "e!eived 2 -e ruar$ 233=5 a!!e/ted 04 Jul$ 233?, #vaila le online 43 Nove9 er 233?,

>aste 9ana8e9ent, li'e other environ9ental issues, tends to e a suita le to/i! %or /ro le9 solvin8 usin8 9ulti!riteria de!isionC9a'in8 te!hniDues &hen un!ertaint$ is involved, )his /a/er /resents t&o !ases &here the de!ision 9a'ers had di%%erent /re%eren!es, In the %irst !ase, so!ial a8ents reDuired an evaluation o% di%%erent dis/osal alternatives %or /lasti! &aste, In the se!ond !ase, e:istin8 construction and demolition waste re!$!lin8 %a!ilities reDuired a /er%or9an!e evaluation, E:istin8 anal$ses, ased on nu9eri!al in%eren!es %or the alternatives, have not /rovided !on!lusive results, )he authorsN a//roa!h used s/e!i%i! !ase studies and the in!lusion o% 9ulti/le de!ision 9a'ers in the evaluation, >ith hel/ o% )EO", a 9ulti!riteria de!ision su//ort s$ste9 under develo/9ent at COPPEGU-"J and C#SN#V, a !onsistent hierar!h$ o% the /ossi le alternatives &as a!hieved, )his /a/er des!ri es the 9ethodolo8$ used to in/ut data and de!isionC9a'ersN /re%eren!es in the de!ision su//ort s$ste9, !eywords: Environ9ental studies5 .ulti!riteria5 Produ!t li%e !$!le5 *e!ision su//ort s$ste9

;valuation of investments in recycling centres for construction and demolition wastes in #ra1ilian municipalities
!.2.A. &unesa,
a ,

, +.7. Ma lerb, 2. /allea and +. &evesa

*e/art9ent o% Produ!tion En8ineerin8, -ederal Universit$ o% "io de Janeiro, C,P, ?1=3@, CEP 2076=C7@3, "io de Janeiro, "J, Brazil *e/art9ent o% Civil En8ineerin8, -ederal Universit$ o% "io de Janeiro, C,P, ?1=3?, CEP 2076=C7@3, "io de Janeiro, "J, Brazil #!!e/ted 22 Se/te9 er 233?, #vaila le online 2@ Nove9 er 233?,

)here are ver$ %e& !onstru!tion and de9olition (CP*) &aste re!$!lin8 !entres in Brazil, )o en!oura8e the uildin8 and o/eration o% ne& units, data &ere !olle!ted and anal$sed relatin8 to CP* &aste 9ana8e9ent and re!$!lin8 in Brazil, Based on the results o% this anal$sis, a !on!e/tual 9odel is /resented %or !ondu!tin8 via ilit$ studies o% %uture CP* &aste re!$!lin8 !entres, #//l$in8 this 9odel to veri%$ the via ilit$ o% /rivate re!$!lin8 !entres, the results sho& that under !urrent 9ar'et !onditions in Brazil, CP* &aste re!$!lin8 !entres are not %inan!iall$ %easi le ased solel$ on revenue %ro9 the sale o% /ro!essed /rodu!ts, Nevertheless, under the sa9e 9ar'et !onditions, the re!$!lin8 !entres !ould e e!ono9i!all$ via le %or /u li! authorities de/endin8 on the /arti!ular !ir!u9stan!es o% ea!h 9uni!i/alit$, )he %easi ilit$, ho&ever, de/ends on !ontinuit$ and the /rodu!tion volu9e rea!hed, )he !on!e/tual 9odel, the results o% its a//li!ations and the dis!ussions a out the e:/erien!es o% e:istin8 !entres !an stron8l$ su//ort /u li! authorities and /rivate initiatives in their de!isionC9a'in8 a out invest9ents in Brazil and in other develo/in8 !ountries,

$ e contribution of environmental management systems to t e management of construction and demolition waste: $ e case of t e Autonomous +ommunity of Madrid FSpainG
'racia 2odr8gue1
a , a,

, 7rancisco *avier Alegrea and 'erm6n Mart8ne1a

#rea o% En8ineerin8 ProMe!ts, *e/art9ent o% Civil En8ineerin8, Universit$ o% Jranada, #vda, Severo O!hoa sGn, 013@0 Jranada, S/ain "e!eived ? -e ruar$ 233?5 revised 0= June 233?5 a!!e/ted 21 June 233?, #vaila le online 0

Se/te9 er 233?,

)he !onstru!tion industr$ has oth /ositive and ne8ative re/er!ussions on the environ9ent, One o% the 9ain ne8ative i9/a!ts is the 8eneration o% &aste, Various t$/es o% instru9ents e:ist to 9ana8e construction and demolition wastes (CP*>), )hese in!lude voluntar$ a8ree9ents et&een e!ono9i! a8ents, /lannin8, and te!hnolo8i!al develo/9ent a//lied to s/e!i%i! /roMe!ts, )he /resent state o% CP*> 9ana8e9ent is di%%erent in ea!h !ountr$ andGor re8ion, and is deter9ined $ the 9ana8e9ent instru9ents used and the de8ree to &hi!h their !ontent has een develo/ed, #s else&here, the rise o% the !onstru!tion se!tor in the Co99unit$ o% .adrid in re!ent $ears has rou8ht a out a nota le in!rease in the 8eneration o% CP*>, In order to deal &ith this situation, the #utono9ous Jovern9ent has initiated several 9ana8e9ent instru9ents, in!ludin8 the Plan %or Inte8rated .ana8e9ent o% CP*> in the Co99unit$ o% .adrid (2332B 2300), #t the sa9e ti9e, so9e !onstru!tion !o9/anies have i9/le9ented an environ9ental 9ana8e9ent s$ste9 (E.S) in a!!ordan!e &ith ISO Standard 06330, &ith a vie& to !ontrollin8 the 9ain environ9ental as/e!ts asso!iated &ith their a!tivities, su!h as the 8eneration o% &aste, )hese !o9/anies have esta lished /ra!ti!al 9easures %or the a//ro/riate 9ana8e9ent o% &aste 8enerated in their &or' !entres and sites, &hether /er9anent or te9/orar$, )his /a/er /resents results o% an anal$sis and evaluation o% the a//li!ation o% ISO Standard 06330 to !onstru!tion sites in the #utono9ous Co99unit$ o% .adrid, &ith s/e!i%i! re8ard to /ra!ti!es o% !ontrol and 9ana8e9ent o% &astes 8enerated on site, and to the %ul%il9ent o% le8islation on &aste 9ana8e9ent, )he stud$ ai9s to dete!t the de%i!ien!ies o% E.S and !urrent &aste 9ana8e9ent instru9ents, and to deter9ine the 9easures &hi!h 9a$ e ne!essar$ %or i9/rove9ent at all territorial levels (autono9ous, national and su/ranational), In addition, so9e re!o99endations are 9ade %or /ro9otin8 9ana8e9ent o% CP*> ased on reuse and re!$!lin8 in !onstru!tion !o9/anies, !eywords: Environ9ental 9ana8e9ent5 ISO 063305 +onstruction and demolition waste 9ana8e9ent5 Constru!tion se!tor

2ecycling of construction and demolition waste via a mec anical sorting processH5
4en)Ling Huangb, Dung)Hung Linb, &i)#in + ang
a , ,a

and !uen)Song Linc

*e/art9ent o% Environ9ental En8ineerin8, National Chen8CFun8 Universit$, 0 Universit$ "oad, @3030, )ainan, )ai&an, "OC *e/art9ent o% Civil En8ineerin8, National Universit$ o% #//lied S!ien!e and )e!hnolo8$, Faohsiun8, )ai&an, "OC ! *e/art9ent o% Che9i!al En8ineerin8, (uanCQe Universit$, ChunCIi, )ai&an, "OC "e!eived 2 Nove9 er 23335 a!!e/ted 02 .ar!h 2332, #vaila le online 0@ .a$ 2332,

)his /a/er assesses a !onstru!tion and de9onstration (CP*) &aste re!$!lin8 /ro8ra9 in relation to te!hni!al, institutional, and e!ono9i! !onsiderations, )he %o!us is /ri9aril$ /la!ed on a %easi ilit$ stud$ %or a ne& 9e!hani!al sortin8 /ro!ess that &as installed &ith several unit o/erations, in!ludin8 ar s!reenin8, tro99el s!reenin8, air !lassi%ier, dis' s!reenin8, and %inal 9anual sortin8, Ia anal$ses, !onsistin8 o% sieve anal$sis, I# a rasion test, %ria ilit$ test, or8ani! !ontent test, and %ineness test, &ith res/e!t to three t$/es o% /rodu!t strea9s (#, B, and C) &ere !ondu!ted in a!!ordan!e &ith sele!ted /h$si!al and !he9i!al /ro/erties, -indin8s !learl$ indi!ate that the reuse o% %ine /arti!le 8enerated in /rodu!t strea9 # as !onstru!tion 9aterials in road ed is hi8hl$ re!o99ended i% the i9/urities !an e re9oved e%orehand, )he /rodu!t strea9 B !ould e suita le %or reusin8 as the !overin8 9aterials in dail$ o/eration o% sanitar$ land%ills, (et it !ould also e used as a!'%ill 9aterials in the !onstru!tion /roMe!ts i% the i9/urities !an e re9oved in advan!e, Onl$ does the I# a rasion test su//ort the reuse o% /rodu!t strea9 C as !oarse a88re8ate or /ave9ent su ase %or those ne& stru!tures, On!e the se!ondar$ 9aterials 9ar'et is sta le and the institution settin8s are su%%i!ient, it is &orth&hile addressin8 that the asso!iated !ostC ene%it anal$sis does !on%ir9 the e!ono9i! /otential %or su!h a 9ana8e9ent /ra!ti!e, Aut or !eywords: +onstruction and demolition waste 5 Sortin85 "esour!e re!over$5 Cost ene%it anal$sis5 .ass alan!e5 Se/aration5 Solid &aste 9ana8e9ent

2ecycling of Demolis ed Masonry 2ubble as +oarse Aggregate in +oncrete: 2eview

$ 7ouad M. ! alaf, (Ie!turer, S!hool o% the Built Environ9ent, Na/ier Univ,, Edin ur8h EE03 =*), S!otland, UF, EC9ail; %,'hala%Zna/ier,a!,u') and Alan S. De/enny, (*esi8n En8ineer, J.P Consultants, 024 Elderslie St,, Jlas8o& J4 @#", S!otland, UF, EC9ail; alan,devenn$ZM 9,!o,u') Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol, 0?, No, 6, Jul$G#u8ust 2336, //, 440C463 , (doi 03,03?0G(#SCE)3177C0=?0(2336)0?;6(440)) Pur!hase this #rti!leG#!!ess %ull te:t Per9issions %or "euse Pur!hase Su s!ri/tion Vie& Issue )a le o% Contents Document type: Abstract: Journal Pa/er )he re!$!lin8 o% de9olished 9asonr$ ru le as !oarse a88re8ate in ne& !on!rete re/resents an interestin8 /ossi ilit$ at a ti9e &hen the !ost o% du9/in8 su!h 9aterial is on the in!rease, >ith the nu9 er o% readil$ a!!essi le dis/osal sites around 9aMor !ities in the &orld de!reasin8 in re!ent $ears and dis/osal volu9e and 9a:i9u9 sizes o% &aste ein8 restri!ted, the !ost o% du9/in8 !onstru!tion and de9olition de ris has in!reased

su stantiall$ over re!ent $ears, )his !ost in!rease has een %urther %ueled in the United Fin8do9 and other !ountries $ the introdu!tion o% a land%ill ta: $ 8overn9ents and lo!al authorities %or the du9/in8 o% su!h &aste, *ue to the 8ro&in8 !on!erns over the environ9ental i9/a!t o% a88re8ate e:tra!tion and the !ontinued rise in a88re8ate de9and, it is !lear that the uildin8 and !onstru!tion industr$ is read$ to a!!e/t re!$!led and se!ondar$ a88re8ates, )his /a/er /rovides a revie& o% /revious &or' !overin8 the use o% de9olished &aste, es/e!iall$ !rushed ri!', as the !oarse a88re8ate in ne& !on!rete,

Admixtures on Performance and Economics of Recycled Aggregate Concrete

Document Name: Author(s): Publication: Volume: Pages: ey!ords: Date: Abstract:

SP199-50 V. Corinaldesi and G. Moriconi Special Publication 199 869-884 building rubble c!e"ical ad"i#ture concrete costs en$i-ron"ental ad$antages "ineral ad"i#ture rec%cled aggregate con-crete &une 1' (001

natural a88re8ates &ith re!$!led a88re8ates %ro9 a !rushin8 /lant in &hi!h ru le %ro9 uildin8 de9olition &as 8round, Various !on!rete &as /re/ared $ usin8 sili!a %u9e or %l$ ash as a /artial %ine a88re8ate re/la!e9ent and $ usin8 an a!r$li! /ol$9er ased su/er/lasti!izer to a!hieve the /re%i:ed &or'a ilit$, )hree t$/es o% re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete &ere 9anu%a!tured &ith the sa9e &aterG!e9ent (3,63) and the sa9e %resh &or'a ilit$ (%luid !onsisten!$), # re%eren!e !on!rete &as also /re/ared $ usin8 natural a88re8ates &ith the sa9e /arti!le size distri ution as the re!$!led a88re8ate, and havin8 a &aterG!e9ent o% 3,=? and a si9ilar %luid !onsisten!$, )he results o tained sho& that e!ause o% 9ineral addition and >GC redu!tion, re!$!led a88re8ates !an e used instead o% natural a88re8ates sin!e !on!retes &ith si9ilar !o9/ressive stren8th !an e o tained, )he use o% the re!$!led a88re8ates &ith %l$ ash re/la!e9ents also has si8ni%i!ant !ost and environ9ental advanta8es over ordinar$ !on!rete,
Concrete speci"ens )ere "anu*actured b% co"pletel% replacing

A""lication of Recycled Concrete for #tructural Concrete$ Ex"erimental #tudy on the %uality of Recycled Aggregate and Recycled Aggregate Concrete

Document Name: SP1+9-61, -. .os!o' M. /i0uc!i' M. 1ari0a)a' ,. 2!s!i"a' ,. /o%a"a and 3 . Author(s): Miura Publication: Special Publication

Volume: Pages: ey!ords: Date:

1+9 10+4-1100 absorption aggregates "ortars 5"aterials6 &une 1' 1998

Abstract: # stud$ on a//li!ation o% re!$!led !on!rete %or stru!tural !on!rete &as !arried out under the !on!e/t o% li%e !$!le assess9ent (IC#) %or environ9ental 9ana8e9ent o% !onstru!tion utilizin8 re!$!led /rodu!ts, Su!h /rodu!ts are o%ten dis!arded, &hen e:istin8 ele!tri! /o&er /lants are re uilt or u/8raded in order to 9eet in!reasin8 /o&er de9ands, In /ursuin8 the reuse o% these re!$!led 9aterials, the asi! /oli!$ &as !o9/osed o% three ite9s; (0) the assuran!e o% Dualit$5 (2)the redu!tion o% environ9ental i9/a!t5 and, (4)!onstru!tion !ost, )he stud$ is divided into t&o 9ain /arts; %easi ilit$ stud$ on the reuse o% re!$!led !on!rete and, e:/eri9ental stud$ on the Dualit$ o% re!$!led a88re8ate and re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete, )his Dualit$ o Pa/er a/er /resents the result o% the e:/eri9ental stud$ on the re!$!led a88re8ate and re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete, Based on the investi8ation and the anal$sis o% results, valua le data &ere o tained re8ardin8 !on!e/t and /ra!ti!e as to the reuse o% !onstru!tion de ris ased on IC#,

Concrete &aste in a 'lobal Pers"ecti(e

Document Name: Author(s): Publication: Volume: Pages: ey!ords: Date: Abstract:

SP(19-04 3. C. 7ansen and 8. /. 9aurit:en Special Publication (19 45-46 asp!alt bases bric0s concrete construction and de"olition )aste de"olition rec%cling road construction sub-bases Marc! 1' (004

3!e reduction and utili:ation o* )aste and b%-products is one o* "an% c!allenges *acing "an0ind in t!e "odern )orld. 3!is paper consists o* an o$er$ie) o* t!e !andling o* t!e )orld;s concrete )aste and is concerned )it! unbound applications o* blended construction and de"olition 5C<.6 rubble *or pa$e"ent bases and sub-bases in road construction. 3!e proble"s o* rec%cling "i#ed )astes are considered and global perspecti$es are presented on t!e use o* C<. rubble. 3!e paper proposes t!at studies s!ould be carried out in order to researc! t!e tec!nical properties o* blended C<. rubble' )!ic! t!e aut!ors belie$e )ould be econo"icall% and en$iron"entall% =usti*iable in pro"oting t!e )idest possible range o* rec%cled products *or road construction.

Effecti(eness of #u"er"lastici)ers *ncor"orating #hrin+age$Reducing Admixture in Recycled$Aggregate Concrete

Document Name: SP(49-45 Author(s): V. Corinaldesi and G. Moriconi

Publication: Volume: Pages: ey!ords: Date: Abstract:

Special Publication (49 544-544 rec%cled-aggregate concrete rec%cled concrete s!rin0age-reducing ad"i#tures 2ctober 1' (006

>ec%cled-aggregate concrete is 0no)n *or its !ig!er tendenc% to s!rin0 )it! respect to concrete prepared )it! ordinar% aggregate' at least )!en bot! coarse and *ine rec%cled aggregate are used. ?n t!is )or0' an atte"pt )as "ade to "anu*acture rec%cled-aggregate concrete t!at is less sensiti$e to s!rin0age. Se$en di**erent concrete "i#tures )ere prepared )it! t!e sa"e )ater-to-ce"ent ratio o* 0.45 b% $arious 0inds o* coarse aggregate@ ordinar% natural gra$el' rec%cled-concrete aggregate *ro" a suitable treat"ent o* precast-concrete scraps' or a rec%cled-rubble aggregate *ro" a crus!ing plant in )!ic! rubble *ro" building de"olition is treated. .i**erent 0inds o* )ater-reducing ad"i#tures )ere also tested@ t!e *irst one )as based on pol%carbo#%late pol%"er' t!e ot!er t)o )ere also based on pol%carbo#%late pol%"er incorporating a s!rin0age reducing group. 3!e latter t)o are c!aracteri:ed b% a di**erent *or"ulation to assure eit!er a set-accelerating or a retarding e**ect. 3!e pure superplastici:ing ad"i#ture )as added at a dosage o* 0.8A' b% "ass o* ce"ent' )!ile t!e "ulti*unction ad"i#tures )ere added at a dosage o* 1.6A and (.0A' b% "ass o* ce"ent' *or t!e accelerating and t!e retarding t%pes' respecti$el%. Co"pressi$e strengt! tests )ere carried out at di**erent curing ti"es' and *ree-dr%ing s!rin0age )as "easured up to +0 da%s o* age. 3!e results )ere positi$e' particularl% in ter"s o* $er% lo) s!rin0age o* rec%cled-aggregate concrete containing t!e s!rin0age reducing ad"i#ture.

#trengths of Recycled Aggregate Concrete ,ade -sing .ield$ Demolished Concrete as Aggregate
Document Name: Author(s): Publication: Volume: *ssue: Pages: ey!ords: Date: 94-M(1 Mosta*a 3a$a0oli and Par$i: Sorous!ian Materials &ournal 94 ( 1+8-181 aggregates co"pressi$e strengt! de"olition *le#ural strengt! rec%cling splitting tensile strengt!. Marc! 1' 1996

Abstract: E:/eri9ental &or' &as /er%or9ed to deter9ine the !o9/ressive, s/littin8 tensile, and %le:ural stren8ths o% re!$!led !oarse a88re8ate !on!rete and to !o9/are the9 &ith those o% !on!rete 9ade usin8 natural !rushed stone, )he /ro/erties o% the a88re8ate &ere also !o9/ared, )he %ine a88re8ate %or re!$!led and !onventional !on!rete &as 033 /er!ent natural sand, )&o sour!es o% re!$!led a88re8ate (!rushed !on!rete /ave9ents %ro9 U,S, 24 and 0C@= /roMe!ts in .i!hi8an) and one sour!e o% natural a88re8ate (!rushed li9estone) &ere used, )&o 9a:i9u9 sizes o% a88re8ates, t&o levels o% &aterC!e9ent ratio, and t&o levels o% dr$ 9i:in8 ti9e o% !oarse a88re8ate &ere sele!ted to /er%or9 the e:/eri9ents ased on a %ull %a!torial desi8n, )est results indi!ate that the stren8th !hara!teristi!s o% re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete are in%luen!ed $ 'e$ %a!tors, su!h as the stren8th o% the oriCinal !on!rete, the ratio o% !oarse to %ine a88re8ate in the ori8inal !on!rete, the ratio o% to/ size o% a88re8ate in the ori8inal !on!rete to that o% the re!$C

!led a88re8ate, and the Ios #n8eles a rasion loss and &ater a sor/tion o% re!$!led a88re8ate, )hese %a!tors also in%luen!e the e%%e!t o% &aterC!e9ent ratio, a88re8ate to/ size, and dr$ 9i:in8 on the stren8th !hara!teristi!s o% re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete, It is also sho&n that the !onventional relaCtionshi/s et&een s/littin8 tensile, %le:ural, and !o9/ressive stren8ths 9a$ have to e 9odi%ied %or re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete, )he %inal !on!lusion is that throu8h /ro/er 9easures hi8hCDualit$ !on!rete 9aterials !an e /rodu!ed usin8 re!$!led !on!rete a88re8ate, -or this /ur/ose, it is needed to deter9ine the /ro/erties o% the ori8inal !on!rete, ased on &hi!h realisti! Dualities !an e tar8eted %or re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete, -se of Recycled Concrete as Aggregates for the Construction of .ish Reefs

Document Name: Author(s): Publication: Volume: Pages: ey!ords: Date: Abstract:

SP(0(-14 3. -en' /. 7. C!en' and -. B. 9iu Special Publication (0( 19+-(06 eart!Cua0e *is! ree* rec%cled aggregate rec%cled concrete ,ugust 1' (001

,s a result o* t!e C!i-C!i eart!Cua0e' )!ic! occurred in "iddle

)ai&an on Se/te9 er 20, 0777, nu9erous uildin8s and rid8es &ere seriousl$ da9a8ed, Eo& to reuse a hu8e a9ount o% uildin8 de ris !olle!ted %ro9 the da9a8ed stru!tures e!a9e an i9/ortant issue, #%ter ein8 !rushed and s!reened, this de ris !ould e served as re!$!led a88re8ate in !on!rete, Su!h re!$!led !on!rete is re!o99ended to e used %or su Cstru!tures or other a//li!ations, )here%ore, the /rodu!tion o% %ish ree%s e!a9e one o% the /ossi ilities, In the stud$, treat9ent and 9easure9ent o% the asi! /ro/erties o% the re!$!led a88re8ates &ere %irstl$ studied, )hen 9anu%a!ture %ish ree% &ith the re!$!led !on!rete &ere underta'en, )est results sho& that the /ro/erties o% re!$!led a88re8ate !an 9eet the reDuire9ents o% natural a88re8ate, )he %ish ree%s /rodu!ed $ usin8 the re!$!led !on!rete &ere satis%a!tor$ and !on%or9ed to the de9ands o% the -isheries #d9inistration in )ai&an, &aste Concrete as Aggregate for Ne! Concrete
Document Name: Author(s): Publication: Volume: *ssue: Pages: ey!ords: Date: &9+4-4+ S. Drondistou--annas &ournal Proceedings +4 8 4+4-4+6 aggregates coarse aggregates co"posite "aterials co"pressi$e strengt! concretes consistenc% tests crus!ed concrete de"olition gra$el "ec!anical properties "odulus o* elasticit% "ortar bond strengt! )aste disposal )aste treat"ent )astes. ,ugust 1' 19++


)he 9e!hani!al /ro/erties o% !onventional !on!rete and o% !on!rete !ontainin8 /ie!es o% !on!rete %ro9 de9olition &aste in the /la!e o% !onventional !oarse a88re8ate &ere evaluated and !o9/ared, )he results su88est that re!$!led !on!rete est 9at!hes the 9e!hani!al ehavior o% !onventional !on!rete &hen the %or9er !ontains re!$!led a88re8ates enri!hed in 8ravel at the e:/ense o% 9ortar, )he &aterC!e9ent ratio does not a//ear to si8ni%i!antl$ a%%e!t the relative 9erits o% the re!$!led /rodu!t and its !ontrol, )he stren8th o% the a88re8ateC9atri: 9ortar ond is redu!ed to a out == to 11 /er!ent o% the stren8th o% the !ontrol &hen !onventional !oarse a88re8ates are re/la!ed &ith /ie!es o% old !on!rete, -urther9ore, re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete is eDuall$ &or'a le as the !ontrol, and has a !o9/ressive stren8th o% at least @? /er!ent and a 9odulus o% elasti!it$ %ro9 ?3 to 033 /er!ent o% the !ontrol, It is su88ested that re!$!led !on!rete is a /ossi le su stitute %or a88re8ate in areas &here !on!rete dis/osal is a /ro le9 or in areas &here natural a88re8ates are not a!!essi le, #nh dan8 !huan i la9 9ot de tai ve [tai su dun8 !a! vat lieu tu /ha do !a! !on8 trinh :a$ dun8 !u !ho san :uat e ton8[, do va$ anh nho e9 do&nload 8iu/ anh 9ot so ai ao, e9 8iu/ anh nhe; 0, E9 vao tran8 &&&,s!ien!edire!t,!o9, sau do sear!h tu [re!$!led !on!rete[ va do&nload !ho anh /a/er theo so thu tu; 0, 6, ?, @, 1, 7,03,00, 0=,0@, 01, 07,20, 22 va 24 2, Vao tran8 #SCE htt/;GG&&&,/u s,as!e,or8G>>>sr!h,!8i sear!h tu [re!$!led !on!rete[ do&nload !ho anh !a! ai; C C C "e!$!lin8 o% *e9olished .asonr$ "u le as Coarse #88re8ate in Con!rete; "evie&

)reat9ents %or the I9/rove9ent o% "e!$!led #88re8ate #//li!ation o% Constru!tion and Buildin8 *e ris as Base and Su Pave9ent ase .aterials in "i8id

Ca9 on e9 nhieu )he use o% re!$!led a88re8ate in !on!rete in Eon8 Fon8 Use o% a88re8ates %ro9 re!$!led !onstru!tion and de9olition &aste in !on!rete # 9odel %or assessin8 the e!ono9i! via ilit$ o% !onstru!tion and de9olition &aste re!$!lin8\ the !ase o% Ireland Pro/erties o% !on!rete in!or/oratin8 %ine recycled aggregate "e!$!lin8 o% !onstru!tion de ris as a88re8ate in the .idC#tlanti! "e8ion, US# Use o% ru le %ro9 uildin8 de9olition in 9ortars le into

Use o% re!$!led a88re8ates in 9olded !on!rete ri!'s and lo!'s "e!$!lin8 ru a88re8ates; a 9odel %or lo!al 8overn9ents

.ulti!riteria de!ision 9a'in8 a//lied to &aste re!$!lin8 in Brazil Evaluation o% invest9ents in re!$!lin8 !entres %or !onstru!tion and de9olition &astes in Brazilian 9uni!i/alities "e!$!lin8 o% !onstru!tion and de9olition &aste via a 9e!hani!al sortin8 /ro!ess #//li!ation o% "e!$!led Con!rete %or Stru!tural Con!reteC E:/eri9ental Stud$ on the Kualit$ o% "e!$!led #88re8ate and "e!$!led #88re8ate Con!rete O/ti9ization on /ro/ortion %or re!$!led a88re8ate in !on!rete usin8 t&oCsta8e 9i:in8 a//roa!h Construction and Building Materials, Volume 21, Issue 10, October 2007, ages 1!2"#1!$! Vivian >,(, )a9, C,., )a9 and (, >an8 #ssessin8 "elationshi/s #9on8 Pro/erties o% *e9olished Con!rete, "e!$!led #88re8ate and "e!$!led #88re8ate Con!rete usin8 "e8ression #nal$sis Journal of %a&ardous Materials, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, 'vailable online 2( Jul) 2007, Vivian >,(, )a9, F, >an8 and C,., )a9 #//li!ation o% re!$!led !oarse a88re8ate $ 9i:ture to !on!rete !onstru!tion Construction and Building Materials, Volume 21, Issue 7, Jul) 2007, ages 1*+2#1**1 Fi$oshi E8u!hi, FohMi )eranishi, #'ira Na'a8o9e, Eitoshi Fishi9oto, Fi9ihi'o Shinoza'i and .asa%u9i Nari'a&a -ailure 9e!hanis9 o% re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete Construction and Building Materials, In Press, Corrected Proof, 'vailable online 2$ Ma) 2007, ., Casu!!io, .,C, )orriMos, J, Jia!!io and ", Qer ino .e!hani!al ehaviour o% !on!rete 9ade &ith %ine re!$!led !on!rete a88re8ates Cement and Concrete Com,osites, Volume 2!, Issue *, Ma) 2007, ages $!7#+01 I, Evan8elista and J, de Brito In%luen!e o% a9ount o% re!$!led !oarse a88re8ates and /rodu!tion /ro!ess on /ro/erties o% re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete Cement and Concrete -esearc., Volume $7, Issue *, Ma) 2007, ages 7$*#7+2 ., Et:e erria, E, VzDuez, #, .arY and ., Barra

O/ti9ization on /ro/ortion %or re!$!led a88re8ate in !on!rete usin8 t&oCsta8e 9i:in8 a//roa!h Construction and Building Materials, Volume 21, Issue 10, October 2007, ages 1!2"#1!$! Vivian >,(, )a9, C,., )a9 and (, >an8 #ssessin8 relationshi/s a9on8 /ro/erties o% de9olished !on!rete, re!$!led a88re8ate and re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete usin8 re8ression anal$sis Journal of %a&ardous Materials, In Press, Corrected Proof, 'vailable online 2( Jul) 2007 Vivian >,(, )a9, F, >an8 and C,., )a9 #//li!ation o% re!$!led !oarse a88re8ate $ 9i:ture to !on!rete !onstru!tion Construction and Building Materials, Volume 21, Issue 7, Jul) 2007, ages 1*+2#1**1

Fi$oshi E8u!hi, FohMi )eranishi, #'ira Na'a8o9e, Eitoshi Fishi9oto, Fi9ihi'o Shinoza'i and .asa%u9i Nari'a&a -ailure 9e!hanis9 o% re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete Construction and Building Materials, In Press, Corrected Proof, 'vailable online 2$ Ma) 2007 ., Casu!!io, .,C, )orriMos, J, Jia!!io and ", Qer ino .e!hani!al ehaviour o% !on!rete 9ade &ith %ine re!$!led !on!rete a88re8ates Cement and Concrete Com,osites, Volume 2!, Issue *, Ma) 2007, ages $!7#+01 I, Evan8elista and J, de Brito In%luen!e o% a9ount o% re!$!led !oarse a88re8ates and /rodu!tion /ro!ess on /ro/erties o% re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete Cement and Concrete -esearc., Volume $7, Issue *, Ma) 2007, ages 7$*#7+2 )he use o% re!$!led a88re8ate in !on!rete in Eon8 Fon8 -esources, Conservation and -ec)cling, Volume *0, Issue $, Ma) 2007, ages 2!$#$0* ChiCSun Poon and *i:on Chan Crushed a88re8ate /rodu!tion %ro9 !entralized !o9 ined and individual &aste sour!es in Eon8 Fon8 Construction and Building Materials, Volume 21, Issue +, ',ril 2007, ages "7!#""( Use o% a88re8ates %ro9 re!$!led !onstru!tion and de9olition &aste in !on!rete -esources, Conservation and -ec)cling, Volume *0, Issue 1, Marc. 2007, ages 71#"1 #'ash "ao, Fu9ar N, Jha and Sudhir .isra "e9oval o% !e9ent 9ortar re9ains %ro9 re!$!led a88re8ate usin8 /reCsoa'in8 a//roa!hes -esources, Conservation and -ec)cling, Volume *0, Issue 1, Marc. 2007, ages "2#101 Vivian >,(, )a9, C,., )a9 and F,N, Ie )he use o% !oarse and %ine !rushed ri!'s as a88re8ate in !on!rete Construction and Building Materials, In Press, Corrected Proof, 'vailable online 7 /ebruar) 2007 -arid *e ie and Said Fenai .e!hani!al /ro/erties o% !on!rete &ith re!$!led !oarse a88re8ate Building and Environment, Volume +2, Issue 1, Januar) 2007, ages +07#+1* Fhaldoun "ahal E%%e!ts o% !onta9inants on the /ro/erties o% !on!rete /avin8 lo!'s /re/ared &ith re!$!led !on!rete a88re8ates Construction and Building Materials, Volume 21, Issue 1, Januar) 2007, ages 1(+#17* ChiCSun Poon and *i:on Chan Che9i!alB9ineralo8i!al !hara!terisation o% !oarse re!$!led !on!rete a88re8ate 0aste Management, Volume 27, Issue 2, 2007, ages 201#20" .,C, Ii9 a!hi$a, E, .arro!!hino and #, Foulouris Pavin8 lo!'s 9ade &ith re!$!led !on!rete a88re8ate and !rushed !la$ ri!' Construction and Building Materials, Volume 20, Issue ", October 200(, ages *(!#*77 Chi Sun Poon and *i:on Chan

-easi le use o% re!$!led !on!rete a88re8ates and !rushed !la$ ri!' as un ound road su C ase Construction and Building Materials, Volume 20, Issue ", October 200(, ages *7"#*"* Chi Sun Poon and *i:on Chan Utilization o% 9uni!i/al solid &aste otto9 ash and re!$!led a88re8ate in !on!rete 0aste Management, Volume 2(, Issue 12, 200(, ages 1+$(#1++2 B, JuriU, I, Ean]iU, ", Ili^ and N, Sa9e! .i!rostru!tural anal$sis o% re!$!led a88re8ate !on!rete /rodu!ed %ro9 t&oCsta8e 9i:in8 a//roa!h Cement and Concrete -esearc., Volume $*, Issue (, June 200*, ages 11!*#120$ Vivian >,(, )a9, +,-, Jao and C,., )a9 Pro/erties o% !on!rete in!or/oratin8 %ine re!$!led a88re8ate Cement and Concrete -esearc., Volume $*, Issue +, ',ril 200*, ages 7($#7(! J, ., Fhati Cement and Concrete Com,osites, Volume 27, Issue 2, /ebruar) 200*, ages $1*#$1" Ni', *, Oi'ono9ou "e!$!lin8 o% !onstru!tion de ris as a88re8ate in the .idC#tlanti! "e8ion, US# -esources, Conservation and -ec)cling, Volume +2, Issue $, October 200+, ages 27*#2!+ Jil/in ", "o inson, >, *avid .enzie and Eelen E$un Pro/erties o% !on!retes /rodu!ed &ith &aste !on!rete a88re8ate Cement and Concrete -esearc., Volume $+, Issue ", 'ugust 200+, ages 1$07#1$12 l'er Be'ir )o/Xu and Seli9 en8el #n assess9ent o% o/ti9al 9i:ture %or !on!rete 9ade &ith re!$!led !on!rete a88re8ates Cement and Concrete -esearc., Volume $+, Issue ", 'ugust 200+, ages 1$7$#1$"0 (on8CEuan8 Iin, (a&C(auan )$an, )aCPen8 Chan8 and Chin8C(un Chan8 Use o% uildin8 ru les as re!$!led a88re8ates Cement and Concrete -esearc., Volume $$, Issue 1, Januar) 200$, ages 12*#1$2 Eo&CJi Chen, )son8 (en and FuanCEun8 Chen Use o% ru le %ro9 uildin8 de9olition in 9ortars 0aste Management, Volume 22, Issue ", 1ecember 2002, ages "!$#"!! V, Corinaldesi, ., Jiu88iolini and J, .ori!oni Use o% re!$!led a88re8ates in 9olded !on!rete ri!'s and lo!'s Construction and Building Materials, Volume 1(, Issue *, Jul) 2002, ages 2"1#2"! C, S, Poon, S, C, Fou and I, Ia9 "e!$!lin8 ru le into a88re8ates; a 9odel %or lo!al 8overn9ents %abitat International, Volume 2*, Issue +, 1ecember 2001, ages +!$#*02 Soo%ia )ahira EliasCOz'an

Per%or9an!e o% !on!rete 9ade &ith !o99er!iall$ /rodu!ed !oarse re!$!led !on!rete a88re8ate Cement and Concrete -esearc., Volume $1, Issue *, Ma) 2001, ages 707#712 F, F, Sa8oeCCrentsil, ), Bro&n and #, E, )a$lor )he in%luen!e o% 2ecycled Aggregate on the Earl$ Co9/ressive Stren8th and *r$in8 Shrin'a8e o% +oncrete A.2.M. 2id1uan5, A.#.M. Dia I, , 2. HamirI, and !.#. !amarul1amanI, 0 -a!ult$ o% Civil En8ineerin8, .ara Universit$ o% )e!hnolo8$ 63333 Shah #la9, Selan8or, .ala$sia 2 S!hool o% Civil En8ineerin8, S!ien!e Universit$ o% .ala$sia Pera' Bran!h Ca9/us, 40@=3 )ronoh, Pera', .ala$sia #vaila le online 2 #u8ust 233@,

"e!$!lin8 &aste concrete as sour!e %or the /rodu!tion o% ne& concrete !an hel/ !ontrol environ9ental /ollution and the /ro le9 o% de/leted natural aggregates. )he e%%e!ts o% usin8 !rushed &aste concrete as !oarse aggregates u/on stren8th and dr$in8 shrin'a8e o% concrete &ere investi8ated, >aste concrete !u es &hi!h has een tested %or !o9/ressive stren8th as a !o9/lian!e o% !onstru!tion s/e!i%i!ation &ere !rushed and utilize as !oarse recycled aggregates in ne& concrete. It is i9/ortant to 9ention that in order to si9ulate the real li%e !ondition &aste concrete &ith ver$ 9ini9al in%or9ation a out its ori8inalit$ is used in its natural 9oisture !ondition, )he recycled aggregates &ere tested %or 8radin8, s/e!i%i! 8ravit$, ul' densit$, i9/a!t !rushin8 and &ater a sor/tion and the results !o9/ared &ith those %or natural aggregate concrete. +oncrete 9i:es o% desi8n stren8th o% 23NG992, 2=NG992, and 43NG992, &ere /re/ared usin8 this recycled aggregates as !oarse aggregates and tested, -ro9 the stren8th /oint o% vie& the recycled aggregate concrete !o9/ared &ell &ith natural aggregate concrete. )here%ore !ould !onsider %or various /otential a//li!ations, >ith res/e!t to dr$in8 shrin'a8e the recycled aggregate concrete &ere %ound to have !o9/ara le shrin'a8e &ith the !orres/ondin8 natural aggregate concrete. Buildin8 "esear!h Esta lish9ent, -ec)cled 'ggregates, B"E *i8est 644, 0771 Eansen ),C, (ed,), -ec)cling of 1emolis.ed Concrete and Masonr), "IIE. "e/ort ?, 0771 Eansen ),C, and Narud E,, 2trengt. of -ec)cled Concrete Made from Crus.ed Concrete Coarse 'ggregate, #CI =, Januar$ 0714, // @7C14 Eon8 Fon8 S#" Jovern9ent, Buildin8s *e/art9ent, 3se of -ec)cled 'ggregates in Concrete, Pra!ti!e Notes %or #uthorised Person and "e8istered Stru!tural En8ineer No, 2@=, 2334 Eon8 Fon8 Eousin8 #uthorit$, articular 2,ecification for 1esigned Mi4 Concrete 5it. -ec)cled Coarse 'ggregates, 2334 orel #,, Jallias J,I,, Bau!hard .,, .ana -, and "ousseau E,, ractical 6uidelines for t.e 3se of -ec)cled 'ggregate in Concrete in /rance and 2,ain, Pro!, o% 4rd Int, "IIE. S$9/osiu9, 0776, // @0C10

Resilient Response of Recycled Concrete Road Aggregates

J. Transp. Engrg. Volume 127, Issue 5, pp. 450-453 (September !"tober 2001# $. %ataatma&'a
Member, ASCE

(. ). Tan
1 &

Sr. Lect., School of Engineering, Griffith Univ., PMB 50 Gold Co !t MC, "L# $%&', A(!tr li . Gr d. School of Engineering, Griffith Univ., PMB 50 Gold Co !t MC, "L# $%&', A(!tr li .

T*+s paper presents t*e results o, a re"ent +n-est+gat+on on t*e per,orman"e o, ,our re"."le& "on"rete aggregates (/0$s#. T*e mater+als, obta+ne& b. "rus*+ng "on"rete 1+t* "ompress+-e strengt* rang+ng ,rom 15 23a to 75 23a, 1ere re"onst+tute& to sat+s,. t*e gra&+ng re4u+rements ,or a subbase mater+al. Tr+a5+al spe"+mens 1ere teste& un&er repeate& loa&+ng one &a. a,ter "ompa"t+on. It appears t*at t*e or+g+nal "on"rete "ompress+-e strengt*, t*e amount o, so,ter mater+al +n t*e /0$, an& t*e ,la6+ness +n&e5 o, t*e /0$ "an s+gn+,+"antl. a,,e"t t*e res+l+ent mo&ulus. 7egra&at+on +s mostl. relate& to t*e "rus*+ng o, so,ter an& ,la6. mater+als 1+t*+n t*e aggregate matr+5. In t*+s regar&, t*e Ten 3er"ent 8+nes test +s su+table as an e-aluat+on test as +t &oes not +mpose an e5"ess+-e ,or"e on t*e /0$. T*e o-erall results +n&+"ate& t*at /0$ ma. be ut+l+9e& as a subbase or base "ourse mater+al +, +t "an be pro&u"e& to "ons+stentl. meet pro&u"t 4ual+t. stan&ar&s.

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