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Lesson Plan Work, Power, and Energy Overview The students will learn work, power, and energy

y concepts by performing in class activities. At the end of this lesson, students will understand work, power, and energy and have the ability to apply this concept. This lesson plan uses in class activities to emphasize work, power, and energy. The following class activities are included as attachments to choose the best options to illustrate work, power, and energy for a specific class. Attachment 1: Power Activity Attachment : !onservation of "nergy Activity Standard Process Standards !ollaboratively describe, test, e#plain and defend mathematical models of the motion of macroscopic ob$ects in terms of energy, momentum and their conservation laws as developed using %ewton&s three laws of motion. Literacy Standards The standard information is taken from the 'ndiana common core state standard for the literacy standard for science in grades ()1* and 11)1 +https:,,learningconnection.doe.in.gov,-tandards,Print.ibrary.asp#/. 9-10.RS. Translate 0uantitative information e#pressed in words in a te#t into visual form +e.g., a table or chart/ and translate information e#pressed visually or mathematically +e.g., in an e0uation/ into words. 9-10.WS.1 1rite arguments focused on discipline-specific content. 9-10.WS.! 1rite informative,e#planatory te#ts, including scientific procedures,e#periments. 9-10.WS. !onduct short as well as more sustained research pro$ects to answer a 0uestion +including a self)generated 0uestion/ or solve a problem2 narrow or broaden the in0uiry when appropriate2 synthesize multiple sources on the sub$ect, demonstrating understanding of the sub$ect under investigation. 9-10.WS.10 1rite routinely over e#tended time frames +time for reflection and revision/ and shorter time frames +a single sitting or a day or two/ for a range of discipline)specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. 11-1!.RS." 3ollow precisely a comple# multistep procedure when carrying out e#periments or taking measurements2 analyze the specific results based on e#planations in the te#t. 11-1!.RS.9 -ynthesize information from a range of sources +e.g., te#ts, e#periments, simulations/ into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible. Page 1

Lesson Plan Work, Power, and Energy 11-1!.WS.1 1rite arguments focused on discipline-specific content. 11-1!.WS.! 1rite informative,e#planatory te#ts, including scientific procedures,e#periments. 11-1!.WS.# Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. 11-1!.WS. !onduct short as well as more sustained research pro$ects to answer a 0uestion +including a self)generated 0uestion/ or solve a problem2 narrow or broaden the in0uiry when appropriate2 synthesize multiple sources on the sub$ect, demonstrating understanding of the sub$ect under investigation. 11-1!.WS.10 1rite routinely over e#tended time frames +time for reflection and revision/ and shorter time frames +a single sitting or a day or two/ for a range of discipline)specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. $ontent Standards The standard information is taken from the 'ndiana common core state standard for physics 1 and integrated chemistry physics standards +https:,,learningconnection.doe.in.gov,-tandards,Print.ibrary.asp#/. P.!.1 4escribe 0ualitatively and 0uantitatively the concepts of momentum, work, kinetic energy, potential energy and power. P.!.! 5uantitatively predict changes in momentum using the impulse) momentum theorem and in kinetic energy using the work)energy theorem. P.!." Analyze evidence that illustrates the .aw of !onservation of "nergy and the .aw of !onservation of 6omentum. Apply these laws to analyze elastic and completely inelastic collisions. %$P.1.# 4escribe the kinetic and potential energies of macroscopic ob$ects and use measurements to develop an understanding of these forms of energy. Engage&ent 7se the air track simulator +https:,,www.msu.edu,8brecht$o,physics,airTrack,airTrack.html/ and vary masses and velocity and as the students to predict the outcomes. Essential '(estions 1hat is the conservation of energy9 :ow does work, power, and energy relate9 7se the conservation of energy in the class activities and e#plain the use. O)*ectives


Lesson Plan Work, Power, and Energy This lesson plan contains multiple attachments that can be used to illustrate work, power, and energy. "ach attachment contains the ob$ectives for the specific class activity. Proced(res This lesson plan contains multiple attachments that can be used to illustrate work, power, and energy. "ach attachment contains the procedures for the specific class activity. $o-+eac,ing -odel ;oth teachers monitor student groups during the in class activities. Reso(rces.-aterials This lesson plan contains multiple attachments that can be used to illustrate work, power, and energy. "ach attachment contains the resources,materials for the specific class activity. /ssess&ent.Eval(ation The assessment and evaluation may be performed by the following: 'nformal assessment during class activity evaluating student 0uestioning and responses. :omework,classwork grade for activity worksheet completion. "#am and,or 0uiz 0uestions asking students to mathematically solve problems involving work, power, and energy. "#am and,or 0uiz 0uestions assessing students& conceptual understanding of work, power, and energy.

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Attachment 1: Power Activity

A simple way to measure the power output of a person is to measure the time it takes the person to walk,run up a flight of stairs +or bleachers/. 'n this e#periment you will measure your power in climbing a flight of stairs and compare it to the power of your classmates.
1. 6easure the height from the ground to the top of the stairs +or other desired position/. . =ecord your name and weight +in pounds/. 'f you don&t want to share your weight with your classmates, $ust make up a number to give them. <. 6easure the time it takes to run +or walk/ to the desired height. >. -hare your values with your classmates and record their values in the data table. After everyone has run (or walked) up the stairs, perform the following calculations to find the power. ?. !onvert weights from pounds to %ewtons by dividing the weight in pounds by . to get the mass in kilograms. Then multiply the mass +in kilograms/ by (.@ m,s,s to obtain the weight in %ewtons. A. 3ind the amount of work +in Boules/ each person has done by multiplying their weight +in %ewtons/ by the height ascended +in meters/. C. 3ind the power +in 1atts/ using the formula: Power (W) = Work (J) / time (sec).

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Attachment 1: Power Activity @. 3ind the e0uivalent horsepower by dividing the power +in 1atts/ by C>A, because 1 horsepower e0uals C>A 1atts. (. =ecord all values in the data table. DDDD /lternative Proced(res DDDD 3ind the power output in doing work on an ob$ect +a brick, book bag, etc.../. 1eigh the ob$ect and carry it up the stairs or pull it up using a rope. !alculate the power e#actly as described above. 'n the data table, write E your name carrying or lifting itemF under the E%ameF column. Gou may also calculate power e#pended when pulling an ob$ect across the floor by measuring the time, the applied force, and the distance pulled. 5uestions: 1. The work done in traveling up the flight of stairs +or lifting an ob$ect/ depends only on H . Power depends on H <. :ow would the work done in lifting a load up three flights of stairs compare to the work done in lifting the same load up one flight of stairs9 >. 1hat happens to the power output if the same amount of work is done in one)half the time9 ?. 1hat happens to the power output if the same amount of work is done in twice the time9 A. :ow much work +energy/ is needed to keep a 1** 1 light bulb lit each second9 C. :ow much work +energy/ is needed to keep a 1** 1 light bulb lit each minute9 Page ?

Attachment 1: Power Activity

@. :ow much work +energy/ is needed to keep a 1** 1 light bulb lit each hour9 (. The same amount of work +energy/ needed to keep the 1** 1 light bulb lit for one hour could be used to lift a *** kg -7I to what height9

POWER DATA TABLE Lifting Objects

Weig,t 0l)s1 -ass 0kg1 Weig,t 021 3eig,t Work 0&eters1 04o(les1 +i&e 0sec1 Power 0Watts1 Power 0,51

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Attachment 1: Power Activity

POWER DATA TABLE Pulling Objects

O)*ect P(lling 6orce 021 7istance P(lled 0&eters1 Work 04o(les1 +i&e 0sec1 Power 0Watts1 Power 0,51

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Attachment 1: Power Activity

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Attachment : !onservation of "nergy Activity LoggerPro Video Analysis Conser ation of !ec"anical Energy
Gou will use Verniers LoggerPro video analysis software +http:,,www.vernier.com,soft,lp.html/ to e#amine energy conservation in a bouncing mini)basketball. 4ata for the ball&s position and velocity will be collected and analyzed as before, but new calculations will be made in order to obtain the ball&s kinetic, potential, and total energies as it rises and falls after bouncing several times. Procedure !ote "hese written procedures are #ased on a $indows operating system. Apple%&ac users may encounter slight differences. 1. Jo to the web site http:,,$abryan.iweb.bsu.edu,IideoAnalysis,inde#.htm. . =ight click the E!onservation of "nergy ' +bouncing ball/F EIideo 4ownloadF link to download the video Eballdropbounce>KF and save it in E6y 4ocumentsF or on the desktop. <. 7se LoggerPro to mark the location of the ball in all C@ frames after release as it rises and falls through four bounces. >. 't is best to turn off the EToggle TrailsF until the entire movie is marked. ?. 'n this case, it is advantageous to locate the origin at the lowest 5lace &arked in the movie and let EupF be the positive y)direction. A. 7se the meter stick to scale the movie. C. Lnce the movie is marked, scale set, and origin moved to the lowest place marked, copy and paste the marked movie in the bo# to the right. @. 6ake a graph of EPosition vs TimeF for the vertical motion. .abel the graph appropriately. :ighlight and determine the e0uation of each of the four EsectionsF of this graph. (. Gou may need to change the font size of the e0uation bo#es for better display. 1*. !opy and insert into this document a full)page version of the completed graph.

'()*"+,!* W,at is t,e &at,e&atical s,a5e o8 eac, section9 W,at does t,is s,a5e tell (s a)o(t t,e &otion o8 t,e )all9 7escri)e c,anges in t,e si:es o8 eac, consec(tive section. W,at is indicated )y t,e ;5eak< in eac, gra5, section9

Attachment : !onservation of "nergy Activity

W,at was t,e acceleration o8 t,e )all= =a8ter release9 >>>>>>> =a8ter t,e 8irst )o(nce9 >>>>>>> =a8ter t,e second )o(nce9 >>>>>>> =a8ter t,e t,ird )o(nce9 >>>>>>> 11. %ow make a EIelocity vs TimeF graph of the vertical motion. .abel the graph appropriately. :ighlight and determine the e0uation of each EsectionF of this graph. 1 . !opy and insert into this document a full)page version of the completed graph.

'()*"+,!* W,at is t,e )all doing w,en t,e velocity gra5, ,as t,e large ;ga5s< in it9 W,at ,a55ens to t,e si:e o8 eac, consec(tive ga59 $o&5are t,e slo5es o8 eac, gra5, section. W,at is t,e )all doing w,en t,e velocity o8 t,e )all is 5ositive9 W,at is t,e )all doing w,en t,e velocity o8 t,e )all is negative9 W,at is indicated )y t,ese gra5, sections crossing t,e ?-a?is9 W,at was t,e acceleration o8 t,e )all= =w,ile 8alling a8ter release9 =on its way (5 a8ter t,e 8irst )o(nce9 =on its way down a8ter t,e 8irst )o(nce9 =on its way (5 a8ter t,e second )o(nce9 =on its way down a8ter t,e second )o(nce9

>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>

1<. Gou will now make graphs of E"nergy vs Time,F but you must first calculate the ball&s kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy in order to determine its total energy. 1>. -elect E4ataF and E%ew !alculated !olumnF from the top toolbar. %ame this column EJravitational Potential "nergyF +P" for short/ and give it units of EBoules.F 1?. 'ts e0uation will be mgh, where m M the mass of the ball M *.<*? kg, h is the vertical distance, and g M (.@ m,s,s. Gou will enter 0."0@A9.BA0varia)le C1 as the e0uation. 1A. To enter the kinetic energy, again select E4ataF and E%ew !alculated !olumnF from the top toolbar. %ame this column ENinetic "nergyF +N" for short/ and give it units of EBoules.F 1C. 'ts e0uation will be 1, mv , where m M the mass of the ball M *.<*? kg, and v is the vertical velocity. Gou will enter 0.@A0."0@A0varia)le C Delocity1A0varia)le C Delocity1 as the e0uation.


Attachment : !onservation of "nergy Activity

1@. To enter the total energy, again select E4ataF and E%ew !alculated !olumnF from the top toolbar. %ame this column ETotal "nergyF +" for short/ and give it units of EBoules.F 1(. 'ts e0uation will be N" O P", where N" is the kinetic energy and P" is the gravitational potential energy. Gou will enter Eravitational Potential Energy F Ginetic Energy as the e0uation. *. Gou are now ready to plot all three energies on the same graph. 1. -elect E'nsertF and EJraphF from the main toolbar. A new graph appears. . 4ouble click the graph to see options for this graph. !hange the title to E"nergy vs Time.F <. -elect the EA#es LptionsF tab and select ETotal "nergy,F EJravitational Potential "nergy,F and ENinetic "nergyF from the options. 6ake sure no other values are selected. >. !hange the vertical a#is label to E"nergy +B/F. -ince you have more than one plot on this graph, be sure to include a legend for the energies by selecting E.egendF from the Egraph LptionsF window. ?. Paste a full)page copy of this completed graph in this document. =esize as necessary.

'uestions: W,at ,a55ens to t,e )allHs kinetic energy as it rises and 8alls a8ter a )o(nce9 W,at ,a55ens to t,e )allHs 5otential energy as it rises and 8alls a8ter a )o(nce9 W,at ,a55ens to its total &ec,anical energy as it rises and 8alls a8ter a )o(nce9 +,e 5otential energy 5lot ,as t,e sa&e s,a5e as w,ic, ot,er 5lot9 -ake a state&ent co&5aring t,e 5otential energy and kinetic energy gra5,s. W,at is re5resented )y t,e a)r(5t ;ga5s< in t,e total energy 5lot9 6ind t,e a55ro?i&ate 5ercentage o8 total energy t,at was conserved d(ring eac, o8 t,e )o(nces 0divide t,e a55ro?i&ate total energy after a )o(nce )y t,e a55ro?i&ate total energy #efore t,e )o(nce1.

7oes t,ere a55ear to )e a 8airly constant 5ercentage o8 energy conserved in eac, )o(nce9


Attachment : !onservation of "nergy Activity

$onservation o8 Energy Io(ncing Iall PreLa) Predictions A ball with a mass of appro#imately <** grams is held appro#imately meters above the floor. 6ake a statement describing its kinetic energy, potential energy, and total energy at this location. Assume up is the positive direction, and the floor is the zero position.

't is released and falls to the floor. 4escribe changes, if any, to its kinetic energy, potential energy, and total energy while it is falling.

6ake sketches of kinetic energy vs time, potential energy vs time, and total energy vs time while it is falling. kinetic energy vs time potential energy vs time total energy vs time

6ake a statement describing its kinetic energy, potential energy, and total energy immediately before hitting the floor on its first bounce.

't then hits the floor, bounces back up, rises to some height, and then falls back to the floor for its second bounce. 4escribe changes, if any, to its kinetic energy, potential energy, and total energy for the time period between the first and second bounces.

6ake sketches of kinetic energy vs time, potential energy vs time, and total energy vs time for the time between the first and second bounces. kinetic energy vs time potential energy vs time total energy vs time


Attachment : !onservation of "nergy Activity


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