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collaborativetools help compress Latest manufacturing with global virtual designs time-to-market

Patrick Waurzyniak Senior Editor

Using 3-D technology, Dassault'sDelmia V6 simulations help users improve manufacturing processes.

, : ;;:,, , ollaborative product developmentthrough product ' ',., the critical stagewhere manufacturersmust use vir-

New virtual designand time-to-marketand quality demands. developmenttools now allow fast and precisemodeling of product developmentprocesses, including the latest systems offering accuratevirtual commissioningof plant layouts and automation gear on the factory floor.

PLM softwaretools and serviceshavegainedtraction as manautomoufacturersin aerospace, tive, and other industrieshave realizedthe value of PLM, and its subsetdigital manufacturing managingfartools, in effectively flung global product design, and manufacturing development, efforts. As outsourcing and global f.actoryoperations have

June 2008 . www.sme.org/manufacturingengineering


becomemore common, manufacturWorldwide demand for PLM softers are embracingPLM technologies ware and services grew at a L3.5o/o as a way to speedproduct develop- g r o w t h r a t e t o r e a c h a n e s t i m a t e d ment processes. 524.3 billion in 2007, according to


market researcher CIMdata Inc. (Ann Arbor, MI), exceeding the company's earlier forecasts. Manufacturersare investingheavilyin PLM as management recognizes the value of PLM for companies o f a l l s i z e s ,n o t e s E d Miller, CIMdata president. "Executive-level recognitionof the significant business value of PLM is implementationof driving increased the approach,"Miller says."Many of these far-reachi ngsystemsexte nd beyondengineering design to a broad range of activities-from early-stage product strategydevel opment an d planning, to product engineering and m a n u f a c t u r i n g e n g i n e e r i n g ,a n d and through to product maintenance support." PLM investments will continue to climb, as CIMdata forecasts P L M i n c r e a s i n ga t a c o m p o u n d annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately9.8oA, expandingthe marketto nearly$40 billion bv 201.2.

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"One of the primary trends that we're seeing now, that's beena part of the Dassault vision for a long time, is the conceptof true virtual product development-the ability in the computer to be able to design,manufacture, test, and even serviceproducts virtuall beforeyou really start any physicaldesignor tooling construct i o n , " n o t e s B o b B r i n c h e c k ,P L M director,DassaultSystmes America (Woodland Hills, CA, and Paris). "Ten years ago, there was more best-in-class type of approach, where you could usea reallygood CAD tool, a different,good productdata management tool, and a different and good manufacturing simulationtool, and as long as you had a coupleof threads


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www.sme.org/manufacturingengineeringo June2008

thosetools,you could makeit between w o r k a n d s e ea l o t o f b e n e f i t s , " Brincheckadds. "But the whole bestphilosoph while it might give in-class you some useful initial benefits,it a lot of long-termissues." causes Virtual plant-floor commissioning lines and factory layouts of assembly can be a boon to manufacturers tryproduct development ing to compress In aerospace, cycles. automotive, and pro d u c ts ,th e oth e r trans por t at ion , l e c tro n i c , m e l d i n g of m ec hanic a l e an d so ft war e s y s t em s is becoming common, notes Brincheck."The sepphysicalCAD, PDM, aration between really causes some and manufacturing p r o b l e m s , "h e a d d s . " O n e o f t h e recentDelmia technologies is Delmia Automation'svirtual comrrissioning. For a long time, we'vehad robot simulation. I can program a robot and simulate how that robot doesits task a n d a c t u a l l y c r e a t ec o d e f o r t h e robot. But the robot oftentimeshas somesimpler automation that's more PLC-based or more actuator-based, and the robot has systems that start it, stop it, and provide it with the electricityor hydraulicsor whatever's driving it so it can run. "Problemsaround commissioning have typically been that you'll get a robot in place,and the robot will run through the routine that it needsto run through.But the automation, tooling, or the machines that I'm usingto feed the robot parts-the conveyor line, or other components of automawork as a systion-don't necessarily lines are tem. So when large assembly manufacturers often commissioned, spendmany weeksjust getting all the stuff to work." To help solvethat puzzle, Dassault Rockwell Automateamedup with tion (Milwaukee)in December2007 digito jointly developan integrated tal factory and plant-operations soluRockwell tion. Under the agreement, R S L o g i x5 0 0 0 c o n t r o l Software's

programmingand configuration software would be integrated with Dassault's Delmia Automation PLM software. "'!7hat the Delmia Automation solution does is that we've partneredwith some major automation supplierslike Rockwell and we can actually simulatehow their produ c t w o rk s -q rs' s abl e to devel op code for that product from the simulation," Brinchecknotes. "'S7e put that simulation in the context of the robots and the control panels-down to the solenoids, actuators, and whatever else is on that assemblylineand then I can literally virtually commission that product. BeforeI set it up at the plant, I can run that assembly line virtually. I can debug all of thosesystems, and make surethat my manufacturingline will work, so that when I come in to install it, it's actually going to run correctly." Focusingon 3-D technology, Dassaultlast year also added more core3-D capabilities with the acquisition of Seemage Inc., a developer of no f t 3 - D p r o d u c t - d o c u m e n t a t i os ware. Along with its earlier 3Dlive s o ftw a re te c h nol ogy,D assaul trepackage brandedSeemage's as 3DVia Composer, which complements the 3D focus of Dassault's latest V6 PLM 2.0 applicationssuite that includes CATIA, Enovia, and Smarteam. Brinchecksaysthat with the 3DVia Composertechnologyuserscan use 3-D designand engineering data content, along with the structuredbill-ofmaterialsinformation for quickly and easilygenerating2-D and 3-D publications,includingshop-floorinstrucfor technitions and inspectionsheets cal publications.Brinchecknotesthat Dassault's different approachoffers a very 3-D-focused environmentcapable of eliminatingany confusionthat can result from the relianceon textbased commonlanguages and terms. we've had "One of the challenges over the last number of yearsis that


In Siemens PLM Software's NX CAM, 3-D model annotating with industry standard product manufacturing information enables evaluation of machining methods.

w e do the 3-D desi gn, w e sharethat i nformati ons::' Delmia,we do a lot of the 3-D simulation, but publish:: that i nformati on has al w ays been a.gap, to a cerr.i, extent.Or we've done that, but it's not in the biggerct.: text," Brinchecksays."It's not done as effectively' as could be.And with the 3DVia Composer product,thar hi'' ,eratesa lot of the 3-D information from engineering from manufacturing engineering it to be d:' and enables tributed to the shop floor, to our viewersor to other pt,ple, much more efficientlyand effectively. "The valueof working with Delmiaand the ease of u* of a tool like 3Dlive is that you can do a simulationr': how to change out a machine in rhe tool or a die in a press most efficientwa" he adds. "'Sith3Dlive, the user on the floor can replaythat simulationfrom a PC, laptop.or a terminal, and play that simulationover and over,anJ useit as a real-lifeexampleof how they can do their job. That's something our customers DassaultAviation ani Toyota have done when using the Delmia simulationsin training context. Someof the feedbackwe got early on

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with the Falcon 7X a couple years ago was that when the workers started to put it together,they got a v e r y i n t e r e s t i n gc a s e o f d j v u , because they had beenworking with this vision in a virtual environmenr for so long that putring actual physic a l p a r t s t o g e t h e rw a s s t r a n g e l y fa mi l i a r . T he f ir s t t im e th e y e v e r touchedphysicalproduct,they knew exactly what to do with it, because they had worked with it virtually so manytimesbefore." Developingtighter links between product development designers, engineering,and manufacturingengineers on the factory floor also has been a pLM ke y fo cal point f or S i e me n s Software (Plano, TX) since Siemens A G a c q u i r e dU G S P L M S o f t w a r e early last year.With its Archimedes product development effort underway to forge srrongerties betweendigital

nizing that in the future the manufacturing processes are going to evolve. We seemore build-to-ordernow than we everhave before,and in the future t h a t ' s g o i n g t o e v e ne v o l v em o r e because of consumers' requirements for person alizationin their products. "All the automakers are really startingto engage in an open innovation activitS where they are sponsoring contestsor they're going to their suppliers, and askingthem to take on a broader role in the people develop.,Overment process," Carrellistates. a l l th e v e h i c l emodel , on a gl obal basis,is moving much more to a collaborativemodel, where automakers are open to ideasand innovation that are more closelyalignedwith the specific marketplaces that they're serving, and that's really important when you try to crearea global vehicle.The a u to m o ti v e w orl d' s move tow ard

"Because they had been working in a virtual environment for so rong, prtting
actualphysical parts together was strangelyfamiliar."
m a n u f a c t u r i n gt o o l s a n d f a c t o r y automation,Siemens PLM has leveraged its expertise in manufacturing execution (MES) and factory sysrems automation along with the addition pLM of UGSPLM software. Siemens' suiteincludesthe Tecnomatixsuite of digital manufacturing tools acquired earlier when UGS bought the Israeli companyTecnomatix(see"Enter the Virtual'!lorld" in the October 2007 issueof ManufacturingEngineering). "One of the big trendsin the marketplacethat is nor so different than what has beenaround for yearsis, 'h o w d o c om panies get to ma rk e t faster,"' notes Bill Carrelli, Siemens PLM Software vice president.,,The caveat is the fact that not only do companies want to get to market faster,but companies are really recogglobal engineering really reflectsthe understanding that competitiveness in the future is going to be governedby c o m p a n i e sth a t can respondmore quickly to marketdemands. And thar really builds roward coming up with the flexibility to have their manufacturing processes meet the more personalized requirements that are coming out of the designand development organizations." Collaborativedevelopment tools are enabling PLM to developtighter bonds berweendesigners, engineering and the factory floor. "'We'vecreated an internal code name project within Siemens calledArchimedes, and it's a cross-organization project involving PLM, automation systems, and motion-controlpeoplewithin Siemens,', Carrelli says."The idea is to look at

It's irresistible.

common ways of linking the virtual designtools and the manufacturing tools, simulationtools, manufacturing and processes, and tying that all the


way to the actualphysicalresources in and context of the manufacturing the factory so that as designs are being processes that are availand resources conceivedt , h a t a t t h e s a m et i m e , ableto them today." they're designingwith the knowledge Digital manufacturingtools with factory-floorvirtual commissioning s p e e d st i m e - t o - m a r k e t ." T h i s i s ke and with the virtual absolutely commissioning of factories,the whole idea of mechatronics becomes evena biggerissue,"notes Carrelli. "'What virtual commissioning really meansis the ability to validatea manufacturing prior to actually facilit or process, making the investment. Automakers today will build up segments of their factory automati on;they' l l bui l d a completeline in a different facilit then test it, and once it works, they tear it all down, then set it up in their actual manufacturingproduction site. It's a hugelyexpensive, time-consuming process. Ihat we want to do is give manufacturers the ability to build that line in the productionsitewithout the expense of validatingit physically. "Vhat we're doing now is we're trying to simulatemuch more accurately the whole interactionof what's happeni ngon the shop fl oor-the properties mechanical of the factor as IN STOCK well electronics-the drives,the as the Newdesrgns motors, the controllers, and the softLargestclampingrange w are that runs the P LC s," C arre lli qpecial desrgns available says."When you think about doing an Brackets designedon request accurate simulation,you really needto Lubrication rollers the directlyto the be able to take into consideration mechanical, sofrthe electrical, and the Hydraulic& Manual brackets available itself and ware of factory sides the Bodypressurizedwith air to eliminate contamination those resources-that'swhat mechatronics is all about. You needto integratethe PLCswith the controllers, the sensors, and the motors.The electrical network is a very complex environment in its own right, and integrating it with the mechanical side is really what's requiredif you're going to get commissioning. " d r i v e nb y t e c h n o l o g y more accurate A nother key aspectto S i emen s' 1.800.445-7646 efforts is the control-levelintegration www.rohm-products.com of its NX CAM software with machine tool controls on the shop floor.

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www.sme.org/manufacturingengineering. June2008

As part of the Archimedesdevelopment, the efforts include a focus on calls Hi-Fi Machining, what Siemens with tighter links betweenCAM and Carrelli says the physicalcontrollers. the companywill introducethe first suchproductslater this year. "This idea of CAM and CNC machiningintegrationis wherewe're really integratingmore closelythe virtual CAM modelswith the actual machine codes that are driving the machinetools Carrelli explains."'Vlhat themselves,"

A second Siemens will development producti on i s fi rst s h o w s o o n the Designer, release Automation called as an integrawhich Carrelli describes TeamTecnomatix tion betweenthe prodcenterand AutomationDesigner ucts,which will createa betterenvironment for virtual commissioning. "With Archimedes, not only are we focusing on greater integration of the design environmentwith the manufacturing environment all the way to the shop floor, but we're alsofocused very heav-

Highly realistic simulations in Dassault's new V6 PLM applications offer life-like views for manufacturing engneers and designers. we're doing there is we're creatinga much higher level of integration betweenthe code that's being usedin designing the toolpath and the actual themselves, so machinecharacteristics there'sa lot lesscorrectionthat has to on the be done by the manufacturer shop floor. The modelsthat are developed take into accountthe capabilities of th e p re c i s e a n d char ac t er is t ic s The machine. softwareis going to be the machining usedto actuallygenerate operation.Integrationof the CAM and that's going to the CNC is something be deliveredas part of our standard product offerings by the end of the year, and we think that'll go a long way toward greateroptimizationof the on the shop floor, and even equipment greaterquality in the productsthat are beingmanufactured." ily on managingthat data and closing the loop. As the real-timemanufacturing is occurring, we're able to monitor the factory data and compare)on a real-time basis, that data to the asdata in the virtual model," designed correcCarrelliadds,"and do real-time that to seeissues tions, optimizations, may be occurringthat haveto be fixed on the shop floor that can be readjustedin the product. But the whole ideaof closing the asthe loop between is key world and the as-built designed to maintainingthe highestqualiry and alsomakingsurethat we arelookingat the way we can optimizehow products " arebeingmanufactured. PLM Softwarealso has Siemens added a new elementcalled synchronous.technology that will be included sometime this summerin Siemens'NX

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CAD/CAM systems and its Solid Edgemodelingsofrware. The new Siemens model technology has the potential to Introduced in April at rhe Hannover Fair in Hannover, impact NX CAM userson the factory floor, notes Chuck German the new patent-pending synchronous technology Grindstaff,Siemens PLM execurive vice president, prodenables digital product developers to usefeature-based, his- ucts. "It'll make it all work fasterand better. There is no tory-free modelingtechnology while editing3-D models used break in the connectionbetweengeometryand CAM, so throughoutthe design-to-manufacturing process chain.The you're not waiting for NX CAM to catch up,,, Grindstaff synchronous technology is said to combinethe bestof con- notes."NX CAM in the first release will be fully compatistraint-driventechniques with direct modeling,offering users ble, so that means you can usesynchronous technology to substantially fastermodel-editing capabilities. model in-process workpieces,to manipulatethe model, "Synchronous technology breaksthrough the architecrural and use it to definetooling in a more convenientfashion. barrierinherentin a history-based modelingsystem,"says Ken And that alsoapplies to CAE applications."l versprille,PLM research director,collaborative product Development Associates LLC (CPDA, Stamford,CT). ,,Its ability to recognize current geometryconditionsand localize dependencies in real time allows synchronous technologyro Formore informationon the softwarein this article, cirsolvefor model changes without the typical replayof the full clethe appropriate numbers on the readerservice card. construction history from the point of edit. Depending on the Company Circle model complexiryand how far back in the history that edit Dassault Systmes SA 410 occurs,userswill seesignificanr performance gains.A 100X Semens PLMSoftware 411 speed improvement could be a conservative estimate.',



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