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English Banana.

Test Your Grammar Skills
Really Useful List of 100 Irregular Plural Nouns in English (gap-fill)
Youve got one tomato and Ive got two tomatos. Right? Wrong! Ive got two tomatoes! Although we usually add an -s to a noun to make it plural (one egg, two eggs, etc.), some nouns in English have irregular plural endings. Fill in the missing words below:

Singular: abyss alumnus analysis aquarium arch atlas axe baby bacterium batch beach brush bus calf chateau cherry child church circus city cod copy crisis curriculum deer dictionary domino dwarf echo elf emphasis family fax fish flush fly foot fungus half hero hippopotamus hoax

Plural: abysses alumni 1. _______ aquaria arches 2. _______ axes babies 3. _______ batches 4. _______ brushes 5. _______ calves 6. _______ cherries 7. _______ churches 8. _______ cities cod 9. _______ 10. ______ curricula deer 11. ______ dominoes dwarves echoes elves emphases families 12. ______ 13. ______ flushes flies feet 14. ______ halves heroes 15. ______ hoaxes

Singular: hoof index iris kiss knife lady leaf life loaf man mango memorandum mess moose motto mouse nanny neurosis nucleus oasis octopus party pass penny person plateau poppy potato quiz reflex runner-up scarf scratch series sheaf sheep shelf son-in-law species splash spy stitch

Plural: hooves 16. ______ irises kisses 17. ______ ladies 18. ______ lives loaves men mangoes memoranda messes moose 19. ______ mice nannies neuroses nuclei 20. ______ octopi 21. ______ passes pennies people plateaux poppies 22. ______ quizzes reflexes 23. ______ scarves scratches series sheaves 24. ______ 25. ______ sons-in-law species 26. ______ spies 27. ______

Singular: story syllabus tax thesis thief tomato tooth tornado try volcano waltz wash watch wharf wife woman

Plural: stories syllabi taxes theses thieves 28. ______ teeth tornadoes tries volcanoes waltzes washes 29. ______ wharves 30. ______ women

Write some more examples below: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

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