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July 2005

No. 447

In $4.00

issue Mutual UFO Network

Minnesota man reports >f * ^'^
close encounter, p. 11. '
Dr. Oppenheimer and
UFOs: Part two, p. 7.

Brazilian military be-

gins work with Brazilian
ufologists, p. 10.

MUFON Forum, p. 13.

UFO Press, Sacred En-

counters: Spiritual Awak-
enings During Close En-
counters, reviewed by Dr.
Leo Sprinkle, p. 14.

MUFON sponsoring
"best technological evi-
dence" contest, p. 17.

Calendar, p. 22.

UFO Marketplace, p.

Director's Message 2
Filer's Files 15
Ted Phillips 18
A strand of hair, apparendy from the blonde entity above (artist's
Stan Friedman 20 conception), has provided tantalizing results after DNA testing. The
McLeod's Night Sky 24 article begins on page 3. (Thanks to Peter Khoury, Bill Chalker, and APEG for
providing this sketch.)
Director's Message
July 2005 Number 447 By John F. Schuessler

MUFON MUFON Case Management ports from paper to electronic files

System (CMS) debuts which will interface with the CMS.
UFO Journal After much hard work and prepara-
tion, the new MUFON Case Manage-
The new CMS Member's User Guide
has been sent to all state directors and
(USPS 002-970) ment System is ready tor use. assistant state directors and is available
(ISSN 0270-6822) We applaud and extend our thanks for download.
to the v o l u n -
Mutual UFO Network teers who made Animal reactions to UFOs
t h i s possible A new MUFON special publication
Post Office Box 369
Tomas Karls- entitled Animal Reactions to UFOs: A
Morrison, CO 80465-0369 son, Bob Preliminary Ini-estigatinn from the Animals'
Tel: 303-932-7709 Rawlinson, Perspt-ctire w i l l be a v a i l a b l e from
Fax: 303-932-9279 and Jan Har- MUFON in late July. The author is
zan are the ar- Joan Woodward of Fairfax, VA.
chitects and im- Joan is a field i n v e s t i g a t o r for
International Director plementers of MUFON and for the Fund"for UFO
the new CMS. Research (FUFOR).
John F. Schuessler, M.S. We are very She worked with Richard Hall to
Tel: 303-932-7709 pleased w i t h Jolm
Schuessler develop an index of James E.
schuessler@mho.net their outstanding product. It can be McDonald's correspondence con-
used to integrate sightings from all tained in the Donald E. Keyhoe Ar-
sources, so we view that as a way of chives, and then worked on data com-
Editor: unifying the work that is being done in pilation for Richard Hall's Alien Inra-
this field. sioti or Human fantasy?
Dwight Connelly, M.S.
We also thank Don Weatherby and At FUFOR's request, she undertook
14026 Ridgelawn Road Wendy Ban for all the work they did an investigation of the July, 2002,
Martinsville, IL 62442 on WIJFOD, the predecessor to the sightings over Southern Maryland where
Tel: (217) 382-4502 CMS, and to James Carrion for the unknowns were pursued by F-16s from
mufonufojournal@hotmail.com work he is doing on the Pandora Project, Andrews Air Force Base, a report now
which converts past MUFON UFO re- (Continued on page 22)

Advertising Director: Change of address and subscription/extra copies inquiries should be

John F. Schuessler, M.S. sent to MUFON, P.O. Box 369, Morrison, CO 80465-0369.
Copyright 2005 by the Mutual UFO Network. All Rights Reserved
No part ol this document may be reproduced m any form without the written permission of the Copyright
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Columnists: included.
George Filer, M.B.A. The contents of the MUFON UFO Journal ate determined by the editor, and do not necessarily reflect the
official position of the Mutual UFO Network Opinions expressed are solely those of the individual authors and
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Gan science find the key?

DNA evidence and the future of ufology

By Bill Chalker knee-jerk rejection of even the possi-
In the July, 2001, issue of the bility that there might be something to About the Author
MUFON UFO Journal I described in UFOs. Bill Chalker is a chemist and an
some detail the strange case of Peter Over the years I have been fortunate International UFO Reporter (7UR) con-
Khoury of Sydney, Australia, and his to work with other scientists on the tributing editor. He has written ex-
1992 experience with what appears to UFO problem in a sort of invisible col- tensively on the UFO phenomenon
be two female lege, like the one the late Dr. J. Allen in his native Australia and elsewhere,
entities-one Hynek helped develop-an informal net- including a well-received book, The
with blue eyes work of scientists who view the UFO O% Files: The Australian UFO Story
and wispy, phenomenon as worthy of serious at- Puffy and Snellgrove, 1996).
blonde hair, tention.
and the other Many of my colleagues in this invis-
one with dark ible college prefer to contribute anony- ries and an opportunity to do some real
skin and an mously because "the UFO problem" is science in an area heretofore dominated
Asian appear- seen as a "forbidden science." by wild claims and theories.
ance. The bizarre events that centered on Could a DNA-mediated forensic ap-
As a result Khoury provided an extraordinary op- proach help determine the reality of the
of this en- portunity to assess the reality of abduc- abduction experience? If these bizarre
counter, he dis- WIChalker tion experiences. It was time that foren- episodes occur at a physical level, at least
covered two sic science confronted the alien abduc- as we understand it, then a DNA analy-
strands of blonde hair wrapped around tion controversy. sis of the hair sample-the "alien hair"-
his penis, and immediately linked this By early 1998 my circle of colleagues would provide us with a unique oppor-
hairto the blonde entity. had expanded to include some scientists tunity to apply some real science to this
Khoury, who had experienced other from the biochemical field. They were controversial area.
encounters with entities, realized the cautiously interested in UFOs, but in- This would be a rigorous test of the
importance of this evidence and placed sisted that their involvement would need credibility of Peter's extraordinary claim.
the strands of hair in a plastic sachet to be conducted strictly on an anony- I pointed this out to Khoury, who told
bag with a seal. mous basis. me that he was eager to have the evi-
It was not until 1996 that I heard The biochemists were established in dence tested, and looked forward to
from him about the hair sample. their field, with well-regarded, hearing the results.
By 19981 was able to begin an inves- peer-reviewed publications and re- He said this even knowing that, since
tigation into the sample when biologi- search. Because I had an existing and this was a sexual encounter, he would
cal colleagues agreed to undertake the reasonable public profile, and strong and have some explaining to do .to his wife
world's first PCR (Polymerase Chain Re- established connections with key re- if the hair turned out to be of prosaic
action) DNA profiling of ufological searchers worldwide, our group, which human origin.
material implicated in an alien encoun- called itself the Anomaly Physical Evi- The focused DNA profiling tech-
ter. dence Group (APEG), decided that I nique we used in the Khoury case goes
My forthcoming book, Hair of the would be its public face. to the very heart of one of the key
Alien: DNA and other Forensic Evidence for DNA analysis begins claims behind the theorized abduction
Alien Abductions, to be published by And so it was that in 1998,"as my new program: alien/human hybridization.
Paraview Pocket Books this month (July, biochemical associates were lamenting It provides an opportunity for test-
2005) uses the Khoury case as a potent the general absence of credible UFO ing the credibility of the claim that aliens
touchstone, and examines evidence in evidence pertinent to their field (specifi- are creating hybrids composed of both
cases from diverse locations, including cally biological samples), I pointed to a alien and human genetic material.
the United States, South America, Af- credible sample, noting that in the If such claims are true, there should
rica, China, and my home country of Khoury case a hair sample had been be some compatibility in. the DNA of
Australia. recovered. alleged alien specimens, but some
The UFO subject and, more particu- Not surprisingly, my scientific asso- anomalies not readily reconciled with
larly, the alien abduction controversy are ciates were immediately interested. known human DNA variability should
at a crossroads. Where we go from here Our discussions then focused on the also be in evidence. Indeed, our origi-
will be critical for the credibility and fact that techniques like polymerase nal analysis confirmed that the alien hair
future of UFO research. chain reaction (PCR) amplification and came from someone who was biologi-
As a scientist myself, I have often la- sequencing of mitochondrial DNA on cally close to normal human genetics,
mented the rarity of high-quality science the hair sample might provide a strong but of a highly unusual racial type.
in UFO study. Too often there is a test for the credibility of abduction sto- Together, two distinct phases of
DNA analyses undertaken on the hair provocative. And the CCR5 mutation
sample recovered from Khoury's bizarre occurred only about 5,000 years ago,
experience provide a striking array of further adding to die intrigue.
generic findings. Still, I must note that the limited
They appear to evince advanced nuclear DNA results were insufficient
DNA techniques and anomalies of die to achieve a completely clear result on
sort we are only now discovering—or diis matter.
starting to make sense of-in mainstream The DNA forensic work has given
biotechnology. us an extraordinary level of certainty
WhiJe the phase-one results initially that the July, 1992, encounter actually
discussed in the 2001 Journal article were occurred. Ail the evidence argues that
not in themselves proof of die hair's the experience and the anomalous hair
alien nature, they were certainly puzzling are not consistent with a hoax, a delu-
and provocative. sion, or other fantasy.
How is it that rare Asian Mongoloid - The hair sample PCR DNA study
DNA was found in a blonde hair sample was conducted - by. Ph.D. biochemists,
which-if related to the blonde woman .well-established in their field, with
Khoury encountered—would have been well-regarded peer-reviewed publica-
expected to have most likely yielded a tions and research in mainstream bio-
Caucasian DNA profile? chemistry. Their study was conducted
The original DNA work was done on in .a professional private biochemistry
the shaft of the hair. More fascinating Peter Khoury laboratory.
anomalies were found in-the root of the Other DNA studies conducted by the
hair when the soft-root hair-tissue mi- this strange anomaly. There was no evi- same team on other evidence, such as
tochondria! DNA was extracted. dence of a somewhat rare DNA phe- samples from encounter cases on the
Additional analysis nomenon called heteroplasmy (where midnorth coast of New South Wales
The very strange evidence in the new two different mitochondrial DNAs and Queensland, an alleged alien claw
phase-two results on the blonde alien rarely appear within the same sample, from California, and the dress worn by
hair revealed an extraordinary anomaly. usually a result of coexistence of mu- Betty Hill during her 1961 abduction in
Depending on whether we analyzed die tant mitochondrial and "wild-type" New Hampshire, have not uncovered
hard hair shaft or die soft root, its mi- DNA molecules within a cell or tissue). evidence as interesting as that found in
tochondria! DNA appeared to be of two Heteroplasmy, which is more readily the Khoury_study.
different kinds. found in human hair than other parts [The additional testing on Betty Hill's
From the lower hair shaft we again of the body, refers to single-base tran- dress will be discussed in -the August
obtained die same rare Chinese mito- sitions in the mitochondrial DNA. For issue of the Journal^
chondria! DNA substitution. But from example, G to A, or C to T. They are Independent scientists associated
soft-root tissue, we obtained a novel not big changes. Environmental expo- with tiiejresearch on some of diis other
Basque/Gaelic type mitochondrial sure and aging can be factors. evidence were confident and impressed
DNA, which had a rare substitution for A research article in Nature Biotech- with the quality of the biochemists'
diat racial grouping along widi several nology in 2000 that described work in those studies, as well as die
other characteristic substitutions. cutting-edge hybrid cloning techniques original Khoury research.
This in itself was a stunning result. to treat hair loss provided a clue. We Physical evidence the key
The testing methodology meant diat may have encountered evidence of an Without this physical evidence, it
prosaic explanations, such as contami- extraordinary alien analogue of these would be tempting to attribute Khoury's
nation or laboratory error, were ruled techniques in Khoury's encounter. 1992 encounter to the doctor-pre
out. Perhaps even more controversially, scribed medication Peter was taking for
In any normal human DNA, we we also have findings of nuclear DNA a head injury.
should obtain consistent DNA, irre- suggestive of possible viral resistance. However, the hair evidence, which
spective of where the sample comes The hair sample seems to show two ultimately yielded unusual DNA results,
from-be it hair, blood, or other tissue. deleted genes diat control production supporting rather than conflicting with
But incredibly, here within the one of the CCR5 protein. the reality of the encounter, cannot be
piece of hair we were getting two types This protein makes it possible for the ascribed to hallucination. During his
of strikingly different DNA, depending HIV virus to enter cells; its absence can extended period of medication Peter
on where the mitochondrial DNA test- thus confer immunity to HIV-AIDS, had this strange experience only once.
ing occurred. and may also provide resistance to other Another similar encounter with ap-
The rare Chinese-type DNA in the viruses such as smallpox. parendy the same strange women, some
hair shaft was confirmed, and a rare pos- The implications are startling because nine months earlier, only recendy clari-
sible Basque/Gaelic type DNA was less than 1% of the population has the fied, occurred without the benefit of
found in the root section. deleted CCR5 form, which makes the medication, injury, or stress as possible
The biochemists could not explain already unusual hair sample even more factors. In this case no physical evidence,

MUFON UFO Journal JULY 2005

netic origins, these issues have still not with a sexual element to them.
been fully resolved. I certainly would be more comfort-
Some success has occurred with the able if dozens of samples like that from
elaboration of the genetic nature of red Khoury's experience existed, and if thek
* " Z * - 2 -16,108-T
hak, but the rest of the story is more testing revealed some consistency of
difficult. results. But for now we have only this
ldt!62-G * - ? - * « r » ; 16129-A New Scientist reported in July, 2002, anomalous sample, which has provided
that "Hak color is usually determined us with a strange DNA profile.
by the cumulative effect of several Meanwhile, our findings will continue
genes, so there's no such thing as a single to be subjected to review and debate.
gene for blonde hair that could be While the Khoury case confirms the
16,129-A T * ~ . * ~ ~ £ - 16,162-G turned into a simple test, for example." utility of the DNA forensic approach,
*~ * « The field of genetics may offer UFO the real challenge ahead for researchers
~ *- I ' m 16 172 c
- - research important genetic signposts by is to determine if these anomalies are
providing possible genetic markers of both valid and significant.
16,108-T * " * * " ~ § significance to help unravel the reality To do this, abduction researchers
behind abduction claims. should cooperate in a testing program
The question of hybrids focused on DNA profiling. Testing of
Perhaps Khoury's two females are the a significant number of legitimate
Mitochondria! DNA sequence from hair "hybrids" thought by some to be the samples would allow us to validate or
sample. goal of an alien genetic project. But the invalidate the apparent anomalies so far
concept of hybrids in abduction ac- documented.
such as hak, was left behind. counts was until recently difficult to rec- Such a strategy could help us deter-
One cannot help noting remarkable oncile with our understanding of the mine whether the aliens are a biological
similarities between the strange limitations of interspecies breeding. reality, and if indeed any of them are
blonde-haired woman who coupled with Indeed, if we are dealing with a vastly visiting our planet and abducting hu-
Villas-Boas and Khoury's blonde inter- technologically superior species that mans.
loper, though differences are also ap- could be biologically different from us, The course I have argued for here is
parent. hybrids of aliens and humans would something of a potentially potent DNA
While Khoury didn't recall seeing seem both scientifically improbable and paradigm, one with a strange alien per-
pubic and underarm hak on the woman, logically implausible. spective. It has its roots firmly in sci-
DNA profiles that emerged from the On the other hand, if the aliens have ence.
shaft and root of the hair yielded the mastered space or interdimensional The crossroads I alluded to earlier
rare Asian Mongoloid DNA (usually travel, arguably they would have akeady were demonstrated in the recent Peter
associated with dark hair, but found in conquered the biochemical barriers that Jenning's ABC TV documentary
this blonde hair) and the rare Basque or normally bar interspecies breeding. "UFOs - Seeing is believing." While
Gaelic DNA (usually associated with But the pace of our own develop- rather predictable and somewhat
orange or dark hak color, but again re- ment in genetics and biochemistry in underwhelming in its treatment of the
vealed in the blonde hak). the past decade has extended the hori- subject, it had for me at least two en-
Hak color, in biochemical terms, is zon of this debate substantially. during moments.
determined by varying levels of types Indeed, transgenics, the transfer of The past and the future
of melanin-eumelanin and pheomel- foreign genetic material into other ge- One was firmly anchored in the past,
anins. The former dictates dark hak, and nomes, perhaps addresses the logical and the other in the future. The his-
the latter controls brown hak. interspecies barrier argument against torical signpost was the coverage of Dr.
Natural blonde hak has a murkier ori- human-alien hybrid claims. J. Allen Hynek, particularly the vintage
gin, some arguing it is dominated by Budd Hopkins and Carol Rainey 1960s footage of him undertaking a
eumelanin levels or at a genetic level via highlight transgenics, or rather an alien field investigation, complete with his
MC I R (melanocortin I receptor) gene variation on it, as the breakthrough- ubiquitous notebook, and the profiling
diversity. "the breakdown of the barrier between of his cautious transition as a scientific
Given that the Villas-Boas blonde species"-which may legitimize the no- skeptic and USAF Project Bluebook
was said to have freckled skin and tion that alien abduction may really be consultant into a firm advocate of a
blood-red pubic and underarm hak, it about genetic experimentation by alien UFO reality.
should be noted this is usually associ- beings. The futuristic signpost was quantum
ated with high levels of pheomelanin Thek book Sight Unseen (Atria, 2003) physicist Michio Kaku's statements
and low levels of eumelanin, linked at a [reviewed in September, 2004, Journal\ highlighting that there were cases wor-
genetic level by nonfunctioning alleles also focuses on strange accounts of thy of scientific investigation. "Let the
in the MCI R gene. human or human-like entities they la- investigation begin," Kaku argued. A
Though hak and skin color are be- bel as "transgenic beings" who seem to common thread was that both signposts
coming increasingly better documented have stunted emotional ranges and carry were anchored in science.
in terms of thek biochemical and ge- out unusual social activities, sometimes Allen Hynek's scientific contributions


to the UFO subject were encapsulated troversy, concentrating on the DNA ap- there is no one of Hynek's stature in
in his classic book The UFO Experience— proach where compelling biological evi- the field of UFO research today.
A. Scientific Inquiry (1972), which pro- dence is available. I said there were some interested re-
vided his telling case for the potential Part of this approach involves exam- searchers of note. Knowing he had en-
of the UFO controversy as a legitimate ining DNA for evidence of "non-Dar- dorsed Michio Kaku's new book Paral-
area for scientific study. Even in what winian patterns," which might reflect ex- lel Worlds, I mentioned Kaku's interest
turned out to be his twilight years traterrestrial or intelligent influence—a in the UFO subject. He seemed unaware
Hynek was steadfastly promoting a sci- sign of artificial evolution or interven- of this, or skeptical of my statement,
entific approach anchored in solid un- tion. so I suggested he inform himself by
explained cases. Clues in our "junk" DNA? watching the Peter Jennings' documen-
I was pleased to have the opportu- The Anomaly Physical Evidence tary which was airing on Australian tele-
nity to interview him about these aspects Group (APEG) has been examining this vision the following weekend.
during a stay at his Chicago home in intriguing area, focusing in part on un- I alerted Davies to Kaku's open en-
September, 1984. In a more personal usual mutations, polymorphisms, hu- dorsement and advocacy of serious in-
Antipodean focus, I was also able to get man "junk" DNA (or perhaps more ap- vestigation of UFOs, and said this was
him to run through his 1973 Australian propriately "regulatory" DNA), and not the first time that Michio Kaku,
visit notebooks. These confirmed his other aspects. Some intriguing areas are "one of the world's finest science writ-
continuing focus on using science as an being looked at. ers" (Davies own endorsement) and a
anchor point in the investigation of Professor Paul Davies of the world-renowned physicist, had made
UFOs. Macquarie University-based Australian positive comments about the subject.
Michio Kaku is simply restating the Centre for Astrobiology has speculated I indicated that Jennings' documen-
obvious. Any phenomenon that reveals that some sort of pattern along the tary would also show a positive presen-
a consistent core of seemingly anoma- mathematical type of code described in tation of part of the contribution his
lous events should be the subject of Carl Sagan's novel (and the film) Contact old friend Hynek had made to ufology.
scientific enquiry in the true spirit of might be encoded in our "junk DNA." Science can help us navigate the
open scientific study. While this sounds like science fiction, bumpy crossroads the UFO subject is
Kaku's own field of quantum phys- particularly if mathematical or symbolic now navigating through. Sagan, in one
ics perhaps offers an appropriate meta- codes are being sought, the idea is not of last books, argued that science could
phor for the UFO phenomenon. Both as wild as it sounds. be a candle in the dark "of a demon-
are laden with controversial attributes I briefly discussed this speculation haunted world"-Sagan's take on a world
and ultimately each may have more to with Davies during a Macquarie Uni- too enamoured with dubious beliefs.
do with each other than mere metaphor. versity post-graduate open day on cam- However, I firmly believe, and the
The paradoxical realities inherent in pus on April 12,2005. He indicated his preliminary results certainly support
both may go beyond hints and uncanny "junk DNA-ET evidence" speculations this, that science, particularly with a
echoes. were meant to be serious. DNA forensic focus, can certainly help
Maybe Michio Kaku might encour- Davies feels the idea is no less seri- light the way through this complex and
age a focusing on whether the UFO phe- ous than the idea of seeking out ET engnimatic subject.
nomenon represents.a macrocosmic "radio signals" (i.e. SETI which he Ultimately it will reveal more about
manifestation of hyperspatial realities agreed had not delivered any credible ourselves—and perhaps a lot about the
best elaborated in the burgeoning com- evidence so far). UFO reality that seems to be intruding
plexities of the cutting edges of quan- into our world.
So why not try something that is far
tum physics. [Bill Chalker and the Anomaly Physi-
easier to do-and is potentially well
Such complexities might be mirrored within our current technological reach- cal Evidence Group (APEG), a bio-
in the more bizarre aspects of the UFO search for coded clues within our own chemical variant .of "the invisible col-
controversy, particularly in UFO abduc- DNA. lege, "can be contacted at P.O. Box 42,
tion experiences. West Pennant Hills, NSW, AUSTRA-
I mentioned to him that this inter-
LIA, 2125 or at bill_c@bigpond.com.
A DNA approach sected with some work I had been fo-
You can also visit: http://
In my book "Hair of theAlien-DNA cusing on, and he expressed interest in theozfiles.blogspot.com and
and other Forensic Eiidence of Alien Ab- seeing my book. Whether this develops www.theozfiles.com. Photo of Chalker
duction, "I focus on a DNA forensic ap- beyond mere tokenism remains to be was from Starshots/Robb Sinaito.]
proach to alien abduction evidence. seen.
While prominence is given to the Peter I reflected on Davies' well known
Khoury "alien hair" case from Sydney, skepticism re UFOs in recent times, Silent Auction reminder
Australia, other cases arid experiences bringing up with him his friendship with A reminder that items are still being
from around the world are also exam- the late Dr. Hynek, originator of the solicited for'the Silent Auction to be held
ined. term "close encounters of the third at the MUFON Symposium in July (see
While the validity of this evidence kind." •- June issue).
will be debated, my primary focus is to Davies acknowledged that Hynek Contact Tom Deuley at
promote a forensic scientific approach was a nice guy and that he had once tpdeuley@aol.com to donate, help, or
to examining the alien abduction con- stayed at his Chicago home. He felt that get information.

• MUFON UFO Journal JULY 2005

Part two

Oppenheimer and UFOs

By Donald R. Burleson, Ph.D. This is not to say that Oppenheimer
The key to the refusal of Oppen- ever really would have disclosed those
About the author
heimer's security clearance (as discussed things, which I doubt, but a conserva- Dr. Burleson is New Mexico State
in Part One last month), I would sug- tive-thinking MJ-12 member might have Director for MUFON, a MUFON
gest, is the fact that Gordon Gray was feared that he would. Research Specialist, and a Field In-
running the day-to-day operation at the It has always been standard proce- vestigator.
AEC clearance hearings. dure, of course, to admonish anyone He holds masters degrees in math
There had to leaving the privileged ranks of security and English, and the Ph.D. in En-
be more to the clearance holders not to talk about any- glish Literature. His Ph.D. disserta-
matter than thing they know. tion led to a book, HP. Lorecraft, A
Oppenheimer's Oppenheimer knew-and those offi- Critical Study.
long-renounced ciating over his situation knew-that his Burleson's UFO books include
prewar political becoming an outsider would in no way The Golden Age of UFOs and UFOs
leanings or his alter his responsibility to maintain si- and the Death of Marilyn Monroe.
running argu- lence about classified information he He has written articles for the In-
ment with Ed- had already learned. ternational UFO Reporter (CUFOS)
ward Teller But those in power would also have and the MUFON UFO journal.
about the desir- wanted to prevent his learning any more Burleson has done extensive re-
ability of build- than he already knew about so sensitive search on the famous Ramey letter,
ing the H-bomb. ,--. T, , a matter as UFO crashes and retrievals, utilizing sophisticated computer en-
STH ,. Don Durleson given that he was regarded in the end as hancement.
Those things
themselves fall flat, without some darker a distinct security risk, whether justly or At one time he held a Top Secret
reason in the background—some reason not. security clearance in U.S. Air Force
that had not been there in 1942, but was It is interesting, too, that when Intelligence as a Chinese language
there by 1954. Oppenheimer was finally denied his specialist. He is also fluent in Span-
Here we recall the SSS (Smith- clearance, and when, leaving govern- ish.
Sarbacher-Steinman) correspondence ment service forever to resume his po-
indicating Oppenheimer's early involve- sition as director of the Princeton In- words-"the most sensitive areas of re-
ment in UFO crash retrieval operations. stitute for Advanced Studies, AEC chief stricted data"—tends to take on new
And we must note that as a member Lewis Strauss followed him there and meaning.
of MJ-12, Gordon Gray, officiating over attempted (unsuccessfully) to block his One must assume that Strauss knew
the so-called Gray Board at the AEC reappointment. perfectly well that the subject of nuclear
hearings, would have known that This has all the flavor of a personal arms was not the "most sensitive,"
Oppenheimer knew things classified vendetta, quite possibly colored by though he may not have known the spe-
"higher than the H-bomb," things that whatever exchanges Strauss had with cifics that Gray must have known. In
he had not known in 1942 or even in Gray over Oppenheimer's clearance, but any event, Strauss, Gray's boss, would
1945. one wonders why Strauss considered in the end have been following up Gray's
Gray would have known that Oppenheimer so dangerous that he recommendations, however much or
Oppenheimer was continuing to learn should not be allowed to function even little Strauss himself knew of the UFO
government secrets of unprecedented in private life. phenomenon.
and unparalleled sensitivity. When Strauss summed up his deci- There are other indications that
And in all likelihood, given the grow- sion against Oppenheimer at the end of Oppenheimer's knowledge of highly
ing independence of spirit Oppen- the AEC hearings, he said, "A Govern- secret matters ran far beyond those usu-
heimer was exhibiting over the Teller ment official having access to the most ally cited.
controversy, which would look alto- sensitive areas of restricted data and to In his own initial response to the
gether different when seen in the light the innermost details of national war charges brought against him,
of what Gordon Gray knew, Gray might plans and weapons must measure up to Oppenheimer, referring to the postwar
well have found it prudent to recom- exemplary standards of reliability, self- years circa 1947 at the old Manhattan
mend taking Oppenheimer out of the discipline, and trustworthiness" Project facility in New Mexico, said,
loop before his newfound waywardness (Polenberg, 380). "Los Alamos also had wide interests in
took the form, possibly, of deciding that When we read these comments in the scientific matters only indirectly related
the public had a right to know about light of the Sarbacher correspondence to the weapons program" (Polenberg,
what had occurred at crash sites in New (which no one in 1954 knew would ever 25).
Mexico. come to light), Strauss' choice of Testifying in Oppenheimer's defense
at the AEC hearings, Dr.
Vannevar Bush, another
MJ-12 member, remarked
that at the time of the Los
Alamos program he had had
complete trust in
Oppenheimer, and "I have
certainly no reason to
change that opinion in the
meantime. I have had plenty
of reason to confirm it, for
I worked with him on many
occasions on very difficult
matters." (Polenberg, 203)
Given that Bush was
"MJ-2," and that he was Oppenheimer Stringfield
therefore up to his eyeballs
in UFO-related missions, one has to scarcely have agreed to endorse the admitted in a document he provides—
wonder what those "very difficult mat- book had he not felt that Steinman's but then that would hardly be surpris-
ters" were. sources were legitimate. ing for so secret a group.
It is worth noting that while two MJ- • Indeed, Stringfield implies in the in- Steinman says that Oppenheimer and
12 members were involved in the AEC troduction that he himself knew who the rest of the scientific team "arrived
hearings, one (Bush) supported many of these sources were, even on scene shortly after the IPU team got
Oppenheimer while one (Gray) did not. though the reader would not. there. They went into immediate ac-
The difference, perhaps, is that Soon after the Aztec crash, Steinman tion, first checking for any possible ra-
Oppenheimer and Bush were fellow writes, Gen. George C. Marshall (then dioactivity. The ground and the disc-
scientists; Gray was just a bureaucrat, secretary of state) assembled a military shaped machine were both gone over
though a very accomplished one, and recovery team and also contacted MJ- very carefully with Geiger counters."
could scarcely have had any profound 12 member Vannevar Bush, instructing (Steinman, 35)
understanding of Oppenheimer's him to organize a civilian scientific team He goes on to describe the scientific
mindset. as well. examination of the craft's interior, in-
Where scientists operate from a love In addition to mathematician Dr. cluding "control levels labeled in a hi-
of reason, politicians often operate from John von Neumann, Dr. Detlev Bronk eroglyphic type symbol form unknown
less felicitous impulses. (another MJ-12 member), Dr. Lloyd to any of the scientists in the team."
It is obvious that Bush did everything Berkner (another), Dr. Jerome Hunsaker He adds, "Oppenheimer, who knew
he could, although to no avail in the end, (another), Dr. Carl Heiland, Dr. Horace Sanskrit [this is firmly established as his-
to try to keep Oppenheimer cleared for Buele Van Valkenburgh, and others, Dr. torical fact, by the way], made a remark
Top Secret or higher, and this just might Bush appointed Dr. J. Robert that the symbols did resemble Sanskrit
have been because his sense of Oppenheimer to the team. to some degree" (Steinman, 38; he ac-
Oppenheimer's value for future crash- According to Steinman, Bush told tually uses the spelling "Sanscrit"), and
retrieval activities would have out- them all to assemble as quickly as pos- mentions that cryptanalyst William
weighed any sense of political doubt sible at Durango (Colorado) Airfield, Friedman would later be consulted, and
about Oppenheimer. which is about 35 miles northeast of that Dr. Bronk examined the alien bod-
On the other hand, it is natural to Aztec, NM, and thus about 24 miles ies on site.
suppose that with Gray, who also must from the impact site, telling them also Thus if Steinman's sources were au-
have known of Oppenheimer's involve- that the mission was "of the utmost se- thentic, as Stringfield seems to have felt
ment in UFO retrievals, it was the other crecy" (Steinman, 31). they were, we have a firm connection
way around. Gray, unlike Bush, was The military recovery team, Steinman of Oppenheimer with the UFO crash
willing to see Oppenheimer go. says, was from Camp Hale, CO, which retrieval at Aztec.
How, specifically, was Oppenheimer was located west of Denver. And while I have not seen similar
involved in crash retrieval operations? My researches on Camp Hale show documentation linking him with the re-
The most detailed information appears that the installation, which was deacti- trieval at Roswell, one would suppose
to be in Steinman's book UFO Crash at vated in 1966, was used for secret CIA that if the powers-that-be found it de-
A^tec. training operations from 1959 to 1965, sirable to call him in for Aztec, they may
As Leonard Stringfield points out, and was in a remote location well suited well also have done so for Roswell.
writing the introduction to that book, it to highly secret activities. Indeed, it may be that Oppenheimer
is unfortunate that Steinman has cho- In the unclassified literature on the and some of the others were pulled in
sen in many cases for one reason or place, no mention is ever made of the at Aztec precisely because they had ex-
another not to name his sources, though Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit that perience with the same sort of scenario
Stringfield, needless to say a highly re- Steinman says operated out of Camp dating from July 1947 in Roswell.
spected UFO investigator, would Hale-a unit whose existence the Army I should mention here that Stanton
MUFON UFO Journal JULY 2005
Friedman interviewed Dr. Sarbacher in development of the H-bomb as because In any.event, one has to wonder why
1983 (Sarbacher died in 1986), and when of what AEC Personnel Security Board the still-secret portions of the Oppen7
Friedman remarked to Sarbacher, "I'm Chairman Gordon Gray, as a member heimer AEC hearing transcripts have
very interested in the crash that hap- of MJ-12, must have known about never been released, even half a cen-
pened in 1947," and followed up by say- Oppenheimer's involvement in UFO tury after the fact. Theoretically, there
ing, "and being New Mexico in 1947 matters far more sensitive than nuclear should be little or nothing in those tran-
one has to presume that probably weaponry-an involvement that Gray scripts still deserving to be classified.
Oppenheimer and Groves and those must have thought it best to see discon- So why are portions of them still clas-
guys were involved," Sarbacher replied, tinued. sified? Could it be because there are
"Very likely." I believe that this hypothesis very references, in the testimony before the
(See www.presidentialufo.com/ tightly accounts for the known facts, and panel, to "that flying saucer business in
sarbacher-friedrnan.htm) should be seriously considered until it New Mexico" or something of the sort?
Another document that tends to link is either disproven or replaced by some I hardly need point out how impor-
Oppenheimer with an interest in UFOs hypothesis that accounts for everything tant even one such reference would be,
is the so-called "Oppenheimer-Einstein better. if disclosed to the public and to the
draft" of June 1947, a sort of essay in The simple fact is that the old logic community of UFO researchers.
which the authors explore the psychol- does not work. If Oppenheimer's po- I have submitted a Freedom of In-
ogy, sociology, and politics of possible litical views and the like were going to formation Act request for the release
interactions between humankind and be viewed as that detrimental, then he of the heretofore unseen portions of
alien cultures. would never have been cleared to head the transcripts, though I have little hope
(Robert and Ryan Wood list this up the Los Alamos project to build the that they will be released any time soon.
document on their website and give it a atomic bomb to start with—so the AEC If my hypothesis is true, those tran-
high authenticity rating.) panel's excuses for denying his clearance scripts could well contain references of
The document is designated for sig- make no sense. immense importance to the field of
nature by Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer Unless, that is, one realizes that the UFO studies.
and Professor Albert Einstein. panel was looking not just at So the point here is not just that
On the final page there is an adden- Oppenheimer's knowledge of atomic Oppenheimer was royally "shafted,"
dum typed in that reads: "Myself and weaponry in light of his doubtful po- though in my view he indeed was, or
Marshall have read this and I must ad- litical views, but at his knowledge of not just that he was involved in UFO
mit there is some logic. But I hardly things much more important—things investigation.
think the President will consider it for that he had no knowledge of during the The point here is that the real rea-
the obvious reasons. I understand Los Alamos years, but did have knowl- sons for the government's treatment of
Oppenheimer approached Marshall edge of by 1954. him may, if spelled out in the hidden
while they attended ceremony at [por- Certainly, the UFO crash-retrieval transcripts and if ever disclosed, bring
tion redacted]. As I understand it activities of the late 1940s fit that de- us that much closer to the end of the
Marshall rebuffed the idea of scription. grand UFO cover-up.
Oppenheimer discussing this with the
President. I talked to Gordon, and he
agreed. VB" Earth microbes might survive on Mars
\ Presumably "VB" is Vannevar Bush NASA reports that terrestrial mi- cyanobacterium—that thrives in dry
and "Gordon" is Gordon Gray. It is crobes that hitch a ride to Mars on deserts from Antarctica to Israel.
not clear whether President Truman spacecraft may be able to survive under The resilient bacterium, called
indeed ever received this draft from its special circumstances, according to a Chroococcidiopsis sp. 029, was chosen
authors, but it appears that Gray knew new laboratory study. as a "worst-case scenario" for contami-
of it in any case, so that we have yet The research suggests scientists nation of the planet.
another Oppenheimer-Gray-UFO con- should take extra care when analyzing The team found that dormant spores
nection. potential signs of life during future mis- of the bacterium had mostly died after
I have been at some pains here to sions to the Red Planet. five minutes of Martian UV exposure.
indicate both the likelihood that Most spacecraft that touch down on However, the bacteria were able to stay
Oppenheimer was involved in UFO in- Mars have not been thoroughly steril- alive if they were shielded by just 1 mil-
vestigations, and that the reasons gen- ized by heat or radioactivity, so they limeter of soil during the tests.
erally given for the ultimate denial of carry living microbes from Earth. Under such a protective coating, the
his security clearance are awash in flimsy But Mars's thin atmosphere allows bacteria could survive and potentially
logic, precisely because I feel that it is such intense ultraviolet radiation to grow if water and nutrient requirements
important to get at what could well be reach the planet's surface—triple that for growth were met. •
the real reasons. found on Earth—that any life inadvert- "We think there are places on Mars
My hypothesis is simple, but of far- ently carried on the spacecraft is thought where Earth life could make a living,"
reaching implications: Dr. Oppen- to be wiped out quickly. says John Rummel, NASA's planetary
heimer's clearance was denied not so But now an international team has protection officer in DC, who is charged
much because of his left-leaning politi- tested the endurance of a particularly with preventing microbes from contami-
cal views or his reservations about the hardy type of blue-green alga—or nating worlds beyond Earth.
Brazilian ufologists pause folloning a two-hour visit nith the military, \jeft to right, A. ]. Gevaerd, MUFON Representative for
Brazil; Fernando Rama/ho; a military representative; Roberto Beck; Marco Petit; Rafael Cury; and Claudeir Covo at main entrance of
the Integrated Center of Air Defense and Air Traffic Control (Centra Integrado de Defesa Aerea e Controle de Trafego Aereo,

Brazilian military begins work

with Brazilian ufology group
By A. J. Gevaerd The campaign was launched by the dures conducted at Cindacta, and had
MUFON Representative, Brazil Brazilian Committee of UFO Research- the opportunity to visit air traffic con-
Editor, Brazilian UFO Magazine ers (CBU), composed of six UFO civil- trol rooms and understand how UFOs
ian researchers: Claudeir Covo, Marco could be detected by Air Force person-
Head of the Brazilian Committee
Petit, Rafael Cury, Reginaldo de nel.
of UFO Researchers (CBU) Athayde, Fernando Ramalho, and A. J. The second and most important
gevaerd@ufo.com.bt Gevaerd (Athayde was sick and replaced meeting took place just after this one at
Friday, May 20, was an historic day by new interim member veteran UFO the very reserved facilities of Brazilian
for ufology in Brazil and the world as researcher Roberto Affonso Beck dur- Air Defense Command, an even more
the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) for the ing our visit). sensitive installation that controls the
first time officially received a commit- Details of the campaign, both in Por- entire air defense network, including the
tee of top UFO researchers to openly tuguese and in English can be consulted surrounding areas of the Atlantic Ocean
discuss sightings and fully examine clas- at: www.ufo.com.br and and South America.
sified UFO documents in several mili- www.ufo.com.br/secrecy.php In this facility the UFO researchers
tary facilities in Brasilia, the capital. The approach of the Brazilian mili- were given a full briefing of the top as-
By doing this very important step, the tary to the CBU committee started last pects of aerial defense of the country.
Brazilian Air Force has placed Brazil in February, ten months after the campaign It was in this facility that its own com-
a very short list of countries whose mili- began, with a phone call from a Brazil- mander, Brigadier Atheneu Azambuja,
taries acknowledge ufology as a serious ian Air Force spokesman, Maj. Anto- admitted to the UFO researchers how
activity nio Lorenzo, and a formal invitation to concerned the Brazilian military is about
Brigadier Telles Ribeiro, chief of the visit the Air Force headquarters in the UFO phenomenon.
Brazilian Air Force Communication Brasilia. Azambuja also gave details of Air
Center, stated, "We want to have all in- Maj. Lorenzo fully recognized the Defense procedures, and openly admit-
formation on the subject which has been UFO researchers' efforts in this field ted that the country has systematically
withheld by us for some decades to be and provided a few details of the re- detected and registered UFOs in the
fully released to the public through the served files and procedures that the Bra- country-labeled as "H Traffic"-since
UFO community." zilian Air Force has about die UFO 1954.
The Brazilian Government, through phenomenon. That wasn't a surprise for the UFO
the Brazilian Air Force, has thus finally Two meeting between the civilian researchers, but how this registering
decided to come forward and recognize UFO researchers and the military took process took place was.
UFO research as a genuine activity. place on May 20, the first at the head- After this point of the visit, nothing
This is a direct result of intense pres- quarters of the Integrated Center of Air could be filmed, taped, videoed, or even
sure made by the campaign called Defense and Air Traffic Control, a very copied and transcripted.
"UFOs: Freedom of Information sensitive facility. After detailed explanations of Air
Now," a movement started by the Bra- During a two-hour visit the research- Defense activities, Brigadier Azambuja,
%ilian UFO Magazine in April, 2004. ers were given lectures of the proce- for the first time in history, gave full
10 MUFON UFO Journal JULY 2005
access to the civilian UFO researchers
to examine three different folders with
classified UFO information-cases from
1954, 1977, and 1986.
The first case was an airplane pur-
suit of a UFO in the ocean shores of
Parana State. The second file was much
more important. In the folder contain-

ing the 1977 documents that could be
examined by the UFO researchers were
dozens of cases of UFOs in the Ama-
zon—with an amazing amount of more
dian 100 pictures made during the so-
called Operation Saucer.
This was an official program of UFO
investigation by the military that took
place from September to December,
1977, and has been fully covered by spe-
cialized UFO press over the world.
The third case was the "The Official
Night of UFOs in Brazil," a very sig-
nificant group of events that happened
Minnesota man reports close
in May, 1986, when 21 objects of over
100 m in diameter jammed Brazilian air encounter and continuing phenomena
traffic control systems over mainly Rio something was very odd about die
Location: Akeley, MN
de Janeiro, Sao Jose dos Campos, and whole thing. For one, although the lights
Date: July 31, 2000
Sao Paulo. were extremely intense, there was no
Time of sighting: 12:02 AM
Several jets were sent to intercept the discernable reflection of the lights'
Witness: Jason Najarak
intruders—without any success. The beam on the road or on the trees-just a
Investigator: Dr. Stephen Hero
Brazilian Air Force representatives at pale blue cast, much like moonlight.
Witness narrative:
those meetings then fully admitted that Another diing diat I noticed was diat
The time was 12 midnight. The sky
ufology is serious business, and broadly die large vehicle covered die entire widdi
was overcast with low ceiling, and it was
recognized the activity of UFO research of die road. Lasdy, die object cruised
just after a rain. The road was freshly
by the civilian UFO community. down die road smoodily, and this was a
washed and clear of tire tracks. I had
They also guaranteed diat further terribly bad washboard gravel road.
just left my neighbor's house and was
steps are about to be taken to let the It was at this point I thought UFO!!!
driving my pet car, which only has park-
researchers examine the entire military But I also thought, "No, that's too good
ing lights.
UFO files in a more comprehensive way. to be true. It must be a truck of some
As I came to die end of their drive-
In addition, a committee of military sort."
way I noticed a blue cast on the road
and civilian UFO researchers was prom- I still could not see die vehicle be-
and on the trees opposite me across
ised to start operating very soon, coor- hind the lights. It was at this point diat I
Crystal Lake road. I then looked up die
dinated by the Brazilian Committee of decided to pull out on the road facing
road to my right and saw in the distance
UFO Researchers (CBU). diem and cruise slowly up to my drive-
what I took to be a large RV or SUV
This certainly means diat we will start way, which was next door some 500 feet
with a light rack.
a new era in ufology in Brazil and in up the road in the approaching direc-
The lights were of unusual color, and
South America. tion of the lights.
I assumed diis was a new vehicle widi
Very good things are about to hap- I drove slowly up to my own drive-
pen as the Brazilian Air Force com- some new kind of lights.
It is not unusual for hunters to be way and pulled in past die large trees,
mand, the Brazilian Ministry of De-
out spotting deer in this area, especially blocking me from their sight.
fense, and Brazilian President Luis
at this time of night. So I thought I I noticed too that when I was behind
Inacio Lula da Silva receive the letters
would sit at the end of my neighbor's die tree I could not even tell diere were
and formal requests for opening for
driveway and let diem come past—as any lights on die road, even diough diey
good these documents and starting the were now only some 300 feet distant and
diey were probably drinking and widi
military-civilian committee.
loaded guns. the lights were the most intense I have
I waited for over 10 minutes as the ever seen on a vehicle, except possibly
Case reports lights slowly came down die road, which landing lights on a major airliner
Investigators and State Dkectors. was a downhill slant. I assumed they So I stepped out from behind die tree
Please send a copy of your case re- were coasting as I couldn't hear die en- and saw diat die lights were still com-
ports directly to the MUFON UFO gine running. ing down die road slowly towards me.
Journal. It was at this time diat I began to feel It was now some 100 feet from me. I


looked directly at it as it came towards ways so fast that I could not
me. visibly follow its motion,
I still could not see beyond the lights, other than to see that it took
and there was no sound. However, at off to the right and instantly
this point I could see that there was no disappeared before my eyes.
undercarriage to the thing!! It had, in- Other than the sound I de-
stead, a blue circle of light which pro- scribed, it was totally silent,
jected on the road beneath it. and there was no force in the
I had said my whole life that if I ever air to tell me that it had left.
saw a UFO I would approach it directly. Nothing. Absolute silence,
Now here it was, and yet I stood there and the air was motionless.
for over 10 minutes before I decided to When it left, I marked the
move at all. It had stopped about 100 gravel where I stood to be
feet from me and waited. able to measure the distance
My thoughts were racing...This was between the UFO (as I now
my moment...! would never forgive knew that's what it was) and
myself if I ran, or backed away, or did myself where I last stood. There was a sunburn that developed
nothing. I thought, I'm a Christian; I then went back to my car and raced on my face, arms, and legs (I had on
surely God would stand with me. up the driveway where it had disap- shorts at the time). There was never any
I thought they are observing me, an peared. This is a dead end drive, and I redness or swelling, but there was the
alien creature from Earth, and what I stopped to ask the neighbor children burning sensation like a sunburn, and it
am going to do. They just sat there, and there if anyone had come in there, and lasted about three weeks.
amazingly no cars came along as they they said no one had. The other unusual thing that I no-
usually do this time of night. I then went back to my neighbors ticed was a dead skunk that I had run
(All our neighbors were at the Ca- where I had been originally and tried to down the day before this encounter. It
sino, and they usually come drifting wake them. The wife came to the door lay at the side of the road near my mail
home this time of night) and saw that I was very excited. I told box.
Call It melodrama or not, but it took her that I had seen a UFO, and she just The next morning after the sighting,
everything I had just to step out into looked at me quizzically and said come I walked out to the road and noticed
the middle of the road and face the over in the morning. that there was something unusual about
lights. I held my arms up and slowly I then went back to my house, got a the skunk. The smell was gone, and af-
turned around to show that I had no flashlight and a tape measure, and ter a minute, I noticed what was wrong.
weapons. walked back out to the road. I checked Where the skunk had lain was a wet
Then, arms up, I slowly walked to- for tracks in the gravel road, where it spot, and the hair follicles lay in perfect
wards the lights straight up the middle had been, had left, and had come from order, even outlining the white mark-
of the road. I had gotten to within 50 up the road. ings, but there was absolutely no flesh
feet or so, and now I could begin to see It was just after a rain, and the only or bone!!!
some of the structure behind the lights. tracks in the road were mine from the Subsequent events were:
I could see the ends protruding over the car, and my footprints in the gravel. 1. The sighting of a small red dot
edge of the road about three feet on ei- However, on the road, rocks up to the about the size of a dime moving about
ther side. size of my fist were slid sideways for up the kitchen in the dark. I chased it, and
I walked like someone in a wedding to four or more feet to either side.of it dove towards the floor and up to the
march, slow and very deliberate. I never the road. top of the outside door and went seem-
took,my eyes off those lights. There, at the spot in the road where ingly through it. This was four nights
The object then began to move back- it departed were only my tracks, and the later, and occurred at about 3 AM, Aug.
wards up the road in pace with my walk. same rocks slid outwards in every di- 4.
It did this until it became opposite my rection. 2. On Aug. 14 at 3 AM I awoke to
neighbor's driveway, and then it stopped. I then measured the mark in the road see a round disc with a swirling b l u e
I continued slowly walking, and had where I last stood facing the UFO up and pink center. There was a ring of
gotten within 25 feet of the object when to the place where the UFO had been. diamond-like lights around the rim of
it suddenly shot sideways through the It measured 22 feet. I went into my stu- the thing. It disappeared as I sat up. I
gap in the trees made by my neighbor's dio and stayed up all might creating a noticed an acid type burning sensation
driveway on the right. detailed drawing on scratchboard while on my arm, but went back to bed.
\ It was about 30 feet wide and over everything was fresh in my mind. The next morning I brought up the
10 feet to the top of the thing, and it I should like to add that I had looked subject with my neighbor, and he
just left, in an instant with a at my watch when I left my friend's pointed out that the acid burn on my
phhhhhhffffffttttt!!! Sound. That is the house that night because I normally do arm was a perfect triangle. It lasted for
only sound it ever made. not visit that late. It was two minutes to three months, burning with the same in-
I want to describe the incredible 12, and when the sighting was over I tensity. Now, over two years later, it still
method in which it departed. I was 20 also checked my watch, and it was 12:38. can be clearly seen.
or so feet from it, and it departed side- 1 did this to consciously record the time. 3. On Aug. 21 my neighbor saw the
12 MUFON UFO Journal JULY 2005
trees behind their house bending down
to the ground, although there was no
wind. I had heard a drumming noise
above the house, and heard noises on
the roof, but saw nothing.
The next morning diere was a round
spot behind my house about 500 feet
from my neighbor's back yard. It was a Scientists and UFOs volved was saved, the rest being non-
depression in the new growth of young We thank Paul Von Ward for his in- benevolently doomed, and that after this
trees that was 30 feet in diameter, and terest in ourJBIS article reprinted in the event human warfare, famine and dis-
the trees were twisted into a spiral. MUFON Journals of January and Feb- ease continued to occur.
4. On Sept 4 my neighbor and I were ruary, and also the editor, Dwight It should be clear, however, that in a
driving home when he noticed some- Connelly, for having reprinted it ("Four journal paper of limited length, directed
thing pacing us to my right. I didn't see experts explain why scientists should towards why scientists should study
anything at first, but then he pointed up study the UFO phenomenon" by Dr. UFOs, the scope of our argumentation
above the trees and I saw six golden James Deardorff, Dr. Bernard Haisch, had to be severely curtailed, and so we
discs turn their flat surfaces to us re- Dr. Bruce Maccabee, and Dr. H.E. dared not raise the topic of religions nor
flecting the sun. They moved in an un- Puthoff). even that of the abduction phenom-
dulating motion up and down as they Von Ward took issue with two state- enon.
paced along with us for over ten miles. ments. One was that ET behavior is -Jim Deardorff
They moved as If they were tied to- consistent with... "the fact that not in
gether. Then they flipped to the hori- the past 56 years, nor in past millennia, Kentucky call to action
zontal and sped up into the clouds. The have we been colonized, conquered or
time was about 6 PM-sunset. exterminated, nor has society been I noticed that in the April issue of
5. On Nov. 6 in the night about 11 traumetized by any ETs." the Journal that MUFON's Missions and
PM my neighbor and I were walking a He pointed out that beings more ad- Goals were listed. Having not read them
path in the woods some 600 feet dis- vanced than humans have intervened in myself in quite awhile, I decided to
tant behind my house when we saw a human society far into the distant past. brush up on them.
red ball of light circle my house about In speaking for myself and Bruce After reading them, however, I de-
15 feet off the ground. We both saw it Maccabee, we tend to agree with him cided that in my state a call to action is
dearly. It went behind my house and was on this, and so our words did not ex- sorely needed.
not seen again. There was nothing at the clude such intervention. Of the three goals, investigate UFO
house. Instead, our intent was to mention sightings, promote research, and edu-
6. On Dec. 15 or so, I was away, vis- the obvious fact that any such interven- cate the public, I realized that Kentucky
iting relatives, when my neighbors saw tion never reached a stage where the MUFON only gets about one third of
bright lights come on inside my house. human race itself was colonized or ex- the equation right.
One neighbor converged on the house terminated. Our state has always had more focus
from one side, and the other neighbor The other statement was "it appears on educating the public; we are not com-
drove in from the other side to catch all too evident that ETs have not inter- pleting the rest of the equation very well.
the vandals. vened in world affairs in any benevo- People of Kentucky, this your call to
It had just snowed recently, and my lent manner that would have forestalled action.
driveway had no tracks in the snow. human warfare, famine and disease." We need more investigators. As of
When they pulled up to the house the To this, Von Ward objected with two right now, we have only one—yours truly.
lights suddenly went out. There were no examples, one being that reports of We have a need for researchers. Edu-
tracks in the snow, and no one inside. I credible witnesses conflict with this. cators, please step forward. We need
had my main fuse box shut off at the However, our statement here referred your help as well. Help us get the word
pole, so there was no electricity. to world affairs and not to individuals. out to the public.
7. Lastly, on Dec. 26 at about mid- We agree with him that many indi- Also to those of you who may be on
night, my neighbors called to say they viduals have been cured of various in- the fence about membership, why not
(several in the group) saw a huge red firmities through alien intervention, as join us? I know that there are some of
glowing ball of light slowly go across we made explicit reference to the book you out there who are interested in help-
the tree tops and glide over my house, by Dennett & Dennett on this. ing with investigations and taking the
then shoot up into the sky at a 45-de- His second example was to the strong ( MUFON field investigator test.
gree angle. I was in the house, but no- warning supplied to Noah about the I am asking all of the wonderful and
ticed nothing unusual. flood to come and how to build the ark. talented people of Kentucky to not be
So that's it. I believe that's everything. Von Ward's implication is that this warn- afraid to share your unique abilities and
I have the dates because after the first ing came from an ET, not "God." talents with this organization. Let's
experience I kept a book on anything We admit not having thought of the work together to help our local
unusual that happened. I moved out to Flood in this context, and only point out MUFON chapter be a success.
Washington that January, just to get back here that supposedly only a tiny frac- -April Tipton, Field Investigator,
on an even keel, as it were. tion of the population of the region in- MUFON of Kentucky
•T<1 . * . g I"-" y~x »-v fv r" <""? f~! •• ••• ,>

Sacred Encounters: Spiritual Awaken- the dangerous "whirlpool" of psycho- counters, the reading of Sacred Encoun-
ings During Close Encounters, 2004, by pathology on the other hand. ters can be an opportunity for enlight-
Janet Elizabeth Colli, Ph.D. Xlibris Cor- She describes with clarity and com- enment.
poration, 367 pages, 16 photographs, passion her interactions with Hayley and The reader can learn from the phi-
notes, index. ISBN: 1-4134-3675-7 PB; Joy. Both women were able to appre- losophy, the psychology, and the trans-
1-4134-3676-5 HB. hend and release their fears, and also formation of individuals and society
Reviewed by Dr. Leo Sprinkle move into higher realms of intellectual through these interactions with aliens/
The author, Dr. Janet Colli, and her understanding, emotional acceptance, demons/angels/ETs, who are interven-
partner, Dr. Thomas Beck, transformed and spiritual awareness. ing in our human history.
themselves from Students of Philoso- In addition to these detailed investi- Dr. Colli provides this opportunity
phy to Doctors gations, Dr. Colli provides her readers with her scholarship, her expertise, and
of Philosophy with references to many authors and her inner light of spiritual development.
(with PhD's in many studies, not only of other UFO
clinical and investigations, but also of psychologi-
transpersonal cal studies of memory and stress. Illinois women report
She refers to the DSM-FV (Diagnos-
tic and Statistical Manual of Mental close sighting of object
As transper-
sonal psycholo- Disorders), as well as the meditative By Phil Bloomer
gists, Drs. Colli practices of Asian spiritual masters. Champaign, IL, News-Gazette
and Beck study The author is able to use her training A curious news item from a January
consciousness. in philosophy as a "shield" to defend 1967 edition of the Villa Grove News has
Their transfor- against the caustic complaints of crit- popped up in the newsroom concern-
mation continues ics; she is able to use her training in psy- ing a UFO sighting near Camargo.
to be helpful to chology as a "sword" to seek and find It was approximately 7:45 PM on
them as they assist UFOErs (UFO the truth of close encounters. Jan. 7, 1967. Mrs. Dwight McCumber
experiences) to negotiate their own Eventually, Dr. Colli, as well as and her friend Cathy (Shearer) Bundy
spiritual transformations. Hayley, lay down the sword and shield were on the way home from the movies
Dr. Colli gives her readers not only a as Joy surrenders to Unity Conscious- .in Villa Grove. Mrs. McCumber's
scholarly presentation, but also a lively ness: in essence, the easing and ending 18-year-old daughter also was in the car.
account of her interactions with two of duality/polarity as Joy experiences They were a quarter-mile from the
unusual women, Hayley and Joy. Oneness with All. Shearer house, east of Camargo, when
Dr. Colli assisted Hayley in dealing In 1901, a Canadian psychiatrist, they noticed a strange light above the
with PTSD (posttraumatic stress disor- Maurice Buck, M.D, wrote of his inves- back door. The light was hovering, with
der). She recounts Joy's process of tigations of persons who experienced no discernible shape, just lights.
merging meditation and mental health Cosmic Consciousness. They stopped the car, and what had
interventions in her spiritual awakening. More recently, an American psychia- been a bright light moved closer and
Like many experiences, both Hayley trist, David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., changed to a fuzzy light, then two flash-
and Joy felt much anxiety and many has calibrated levels of consciousness ing red lights. It stopped across the road
doubts about their encounters. in his 1995 book, Power vs. Force. Dr. from them and changed to a white light,
For many UFO experiences and in- Hawkins has shown that consciousness still hovering at about the height of a
vestigators, the emotional trauma can can be measured. telephone pole.
vacillate between suppression and Dr. Colli assists her readers not only Mrs. McCumber turned off the ra-
awareness, between acceptance and ac- to explore Higher Consciousness, but dio and rolled down the window.
knowledgment of these experiences. she also responds well to the perennial Daughter Jeanette got out and yelled up,
Fear of insanity, or loss of personal question about the motives of "aliens": 'Take me to your leader?" It then moved
identity, can lead to denial and/or ad- "good" or "evil"? She states, "Ulti- off to the west.
dictive behaviors to ease the uncertainty. mately, the answer lies in fostering our Mrs. McCumber said she was more
As a competent and caring clinician, own expansion of consciousness" (p. awestruck than scared—until her daugh-
Dr. Colli is able to sail her ship of psy- 289). ter did that. "Then I was scared. I
chotherapeutic alliance between ScyLla Whether the reader is concerned thought they might take her away." They
and Charybdis: the dangerous "rock" of about Earth and Humanity, or con- didn't. The McCumbers have lived nor-
denying debunkers on the one hand and cerned about ET (extraterrestrial) en- mal lives, and she just turned 80.
14 MUFON UFO Journal JULY 2005
Director, MUFON Eastern Region

Note: These reports are presented in or- case the area was confined to the lights. Maine cigar-shaped object
der to keep readers informed of some of the The witness says, "I discovered the CUMBERLAND - "I was at a party
vast number of sightings being reported. craft due east in my field of view, and at 1 AM on May 9, 2005, with four of
However, these cases have not been officially the craft was traveling north. I estimate my friends from college," says the wit-
investigated. the craft was 3A to 1 mile from my posi- ness. 'There were tons of stars because
tion. I estimate altitude at 200-350 feet, there were no clouds, and we were hav-
Alabama triangles traveling at 70-110 knots, and banking- ing a barbecue and relaxing.
MONTGOMERY - A security of- more like floating—towards the left. "I kept noticing this particular star
ficer on patrol near the downtown area 'The craft leveled off, traveling to- that seemed to stand out from the rest
at 2:45 AM on May 25, 2005, noticed wards the NE, that looked like it was moving. I turned
two strange objects flying above him. and became un- around to point it out to my friends, and
They had strobe lights that emanated detectable as it it moved much closer to us in just five
along the entire length of all three sides became level, in seconds. Its speed was incredible.
of each object, as well as three large perfect stealth. "After it got to us at such mind-blow-
pulsing lights under the bottom of each "Unlike satel- ing speeds, it slowed to about 10 miles
object. lites, which float an hour, hovering right above the trees
He states, "I noticed a low humming in an arc across that were about 20 feet away from us.
noise coming from the triangles that the sky, this craft These trees are about 50 feet tall, so we
were flying at about 10,000 feet altitude. floated in a had an amazing view of this cigar-
The objects moved slowly at first, al- straight line close shaped ship.
most seeming to hover, and after about George Filer the earth. The "It had five intensely bright lights on
20 seconds they exited to the west in a size of the craft the bottom that were all white, except
burst of speed that I can only describe was as big as a 747, or at least 3/4 of a the one in the middle which was a less
as almost instantaneous. football field." Thanks to Russ Hamerly. bright yellow color. When the object
'The objects then stopped again and completely stopped above the trees the
were only visible as two pulsing lights Kentucky stationary disc middle yellow light became more intense
at that point. The objects again moved INDEPENDENCE - While driving than the white ones and flickered on and
to the west and disappeared completely. to work near 1-75 on May 1, 2005, at off twice.
"The objects maintained exact dis- 6:20 AM the witness noticed a metallic "It was a solid object, because the
tance from each other during this entire object hovering in the sky about half a lights on the bottom reflected off its
time, and the altitude of the objects did mile away. It was somewhat disc-shaped silver metallic surface. It covered up
not seem to change during this sight- with a tall dome or arch on top. most of the stars and was at least 65
ing. The event lasted about 30 seconds." It was silent and totally still. The wit- feet long and about 25 feet wide. It lit •
Thanks to Peter Davenport, director, ness explains, "I drove towards it to see up the trees as it hovered.
www.UFOcenter.com. if it was a helicopter; it wasn't. It was 'The white lights on the bottom of
totally silent, no lights of any kind, and the craft were intense. The center yel-
Washington black triangle I was close enough to confirm that it low light turned light blue, and the craft
KIRKLAND - On May 13, 2005, at was nothing familiar. sped off at an amazing speed.
12:19 AM a black triangle with nine or- "It flew smoothly like glass. I watched "We were actually kind of spooked,
ange to yellowish lights on two sides of it from a parking lot and tried to get and off in the distance we saw two other
the triangle was seen by the witness. pictures on my cell phone, but the reso- ships on the left and right sides of the
There was a center tight at the front lution was too poor. It got smaller, so I cigar-shaped craft. They rose up from
tip of the craft, with four lights follow- drove after it and pulled into another the thick woods, and then all five sped
ing each leading edge for a total of nine parking lot about 1/4 mile away and away in formation." Thanks to Peter
lights. No lights were observed on the watched it until it got real small. Davenport.
stern or rear of the triangle. "It was heading to the southeast, and
The color of the lights was a very must have been going pretty fast. It had Florida glowing orbs
light salmon/orange yellow. The lights at least two bent poles or "arms" com- ORANGE COUNTY - Roberta
glowed with barely detectible movement ing off the sides, like the probes on a Puhalski writes, "On April 22, 2005,
similar to air heating phenomena which space shuttle." Thanks to Peter Daven- about 11 PM, the Georgia UFO Group
you see on heated roadways, but in this port. Hotline received a cell phone call from
just north of Orlando where three Or- making up the triangular pattern were
ange County fishermen had just ob- not equal in distance.
served at 20 yards a glowing orb type "Referencing the wingspan of die jet,
of UFO. two of the lights on the craft were about
"The orb performed incredible ma- 50 to 75 feet apart, and the third light
neuvers at a fantastic speed. They were was 100 to 150 feet from die odier two
so shocked; they phoned 411 and asked lights. Additionally, the two lights closer
for the operator to get them in touch together were at the front, and die other
with any UFO investigator that could furdier away light was at the rear facing
be found." Rockford, IL, photo die pursuing jet.
They reached Tom Sheets of "This made die craft appear to be
GUFOG in Fayetteville, GA, who to Dirk at the ufoDigest.com. Email moving in reverse. The color of die tri-
turned the case over to Roberta publisher@ufodigest.com and angular craft lights was an unusual milky
Puhalski, the founder of the Central Skywatch International, www.skywatch- white color, nothing like die very bright
Florida UFO Group in Lakeland. international.org/ red, green, and white lights observed on
Roberta Puhalski met with the three die jet."
witnesses at the event site two days later New York shiny domes Thanks to Peter Davenport.
and conducted a complete investigation. BROOKVILLE - On May 27,2005,
She determined that the witnesses, while at 2 PM, on a sunny day, five silver ex- Alabama pilots see UFO
night fishing and shining a flashlight, had tremely shiny dome-shaped objects were MONTGOMERY - An aircrew en-
observed what was initially thought to seen flying across a clear blue sky. route from Houston to Columbia, SC,
be an alligator's eye reflecting their flash- The first three were flying in a trian- on May 19, 2005, at 10 PM, flying at
light beam about 20 yards away in some gular formation, with two others follow- 35,000 feet in a jet airliner, saw another
bushes. ing behind, perfectly aligned. They all "aircraft."
Suddenly the light rose up from the flew at the same speed, and were headed The captain noticed die unknown
bushes into full sight at an alarmingly east. aircraft at his 10 o'clock position high,
fast speed and was observed to be a "It took about 3-5 seconds for the but when he looked at his TCAS, there
dimly glowing orangish-red orb about objects to leave," says the witness. "My was no aircraft in the vicinity. The cap-
the si2e of a basketball. wife was with me and saw everything I tain says, "I then looked back at the
The orb continued to rise at this very am describing." Thanks to Peter Dav- craft, noticing it was passing us like we
fast rate until it reached an altitude of enport. were sitting still while we were at Mach
about 150 feet, then it hovered, moved .78.1 also noticed it was at least 40,000
to the side about 100 feet, and came Oklahoma triangle chased feet higher than us.
back down, tracing something like a tri- NOBLE - This report was sent by a "I pointed the target out to the first
angle in it's flight path. competent, educated scientist of sound officer, and she saw it as well. It may
The object moved so fast it was dif- mind and character, who never reported have been a satellite, but it seemed to
ficult for the eye to follow. There ap- anything like this before: change directions as it got directly off
peared to be an object of unknown size "At 11:30 PM on May 27,2005, while our nose and dien disappeared.
and shape behind or attached to the orb, taking my nightly walk, I observed a tri- 'The object seemed to have strobes.
but it was difficult to see exactly what it angular craft traversing the sky from We both know it was not a shooting star,
was (due to the rapid speed and brief north to south at about 20,000 feet on so it was eidier satellite or unexplained."
period of flight). a clear night. Thanks to Peter Davenport.
This object flew off and vanished af- The craft's speed was about 500
ter returning closer to the ground. knots, and several miles behind was a Mexican object photographed
Puhalski found these witnesses credible, fighter jet moving very rapidly, 600 to GUADALAJARA - UFO Casebook
forthright, and cooperative. Thanks to 700 knots. Both craft were flying toward received a sighting report from Oscar
Roberta Puhalski, founder of the Cen- my position. I could begin to hear the Franco on June 2, 2005.
tral Florida UFO Group. engines of the jet at that time. He reports, "On Sept. 11, 2004, my
"It appeared the triangular craft was family and I were visiting Ajijc, Jalisco,
Illinois object shows portholes toying with the fighter, and when the Guadalajara, and at exactiy 4:58 PM one
ROCKFORD - On the morning of fighter got close, the craft would speed of the family members yelled that there
May 15,2005, witness Nancy was pho- up. As the two got nearly directly over was something unusual above Chapala
tographing what looked like the North- my location, the triangular craft made a Lake.
ern Lights, only "white," at 3 AM. She sharp right hand turn toward the west, "We began to watch the object that
believes the object clearly shows port- but die jet was unable to make the sharp looked similar to the planet Saturn and
holes running along its length. turn and made a much wider loop. had a hazy area around the craft, like an
There is a blue cast to the object, and "After a few seconds, the triangle ac- energy field. The object dipped down,
a blurred trail to the left of the object celerated dramatically and left the jet be- and skimmed across the waters of the
that indicates the object was moving hind. One thing diat was odd about the lake, and I took five photographs of it
from left to right at some speed. Thanks triangular craft was that the three lights before it disappeared." Thanks to Os-

16 MUFON UFO Journal JULY 2005

MUFON sponsoring contest
to find best technological
Guadalajara, Mexico, photo.
evidence for UFOs
Purpose: MUFON is seeking papers Office Box 369, Morrison, CO 80465-
car Franco and UFO Casebook.
on the subject of UFO Technological 0369. All submittals should be clearly
Evidence. The papers must be in a nar- marked to "MUFON Best Evidence
Illinois black sphere seen rative format and backed with appro- Contest." You need not be a MUFON
EDWARDSVILLE - Dave Marler, priate references, photos, charts, and member to participate in the contest.
State Director of Illinois MUFON, re- examples. MUFON Use of Submittals:
ports that at about 1:20 PM on May 19, The purpose of the contest is to push MUFON reserves the right to publish
2005, he observed what appeared to be for a paradigm shift from entertaining all submittals in the MUFON UFO Jour-
a black sphere sildently fly from the SW stories about UFOs to the presentation nal, on the MUFON Website at
to the NE, below the 25,000-feet clouds. of papers documenting evidence in a www.mufon.com, in books, or in spe-
It appeared to maintain level flight style that can meet the criteria of proof cial newsletters or reports. Papers will
and constant speed during the 8-10-sec- based on evidence. be retained on file by MUFON.
ond sighting before disappearing behind Content: The papers must present Authors of works that fit the theme
a tree line. There was no noise and no evidence based on actual UFO inci- of upcoming MUFON UFO Sympo-
vapor trail. dents, people, places, and events. We siums or conferences may be invited to
are not seeking opinions, theories, sto- present a longer version of their work
Texas rectangle seen by couple ries or ad hominum arguments. at those events.
EMORY- A man who is well known The papers must be between 1,500 MUFON is not obligated to publish
to the UFO community, together with and 3,000 words, not including support- any paper, and reserves the right to re-
his wife, witnessed a bizarre, three- ing information. They must be accom- ject papers that do not meet the intent
tiered, lighted object hovering in the panied by a short (approximtely 150- or spirit of this contest.
night sky on May 13, 2005. 200 words) biographical sketch of the Judges: The papers will be reviewed
He states, "My wife and I were driv- submitter. by a panel of judges selected by the
ing south on FM779 and saw lights on Evidence Defined: All papers must MUFON Business Board of Directors,
what looked like a cell phone radio tower address the hypothesis that "UFOs are and contest winners will be selected
at 9:15 PM, and I remarked to my wife real, they are technological, and they are based on the content that is judged to
that I wasn't aware they were building not ours." be the "best evidence." Judges' deci-
another tower. McCormick's Handbook of the i^aw of sions are final.
"She said that it looked like it was Evidence may be used as a guide to assist Prizes: First Place: $250 plus free
lighted different from the one near us. submitters in understanding the descrip- admission to all sessions of the 2006
It looked like the top of the tower had tion of physical evidence, firsthand MUFON International UFO Sympo-
three horizontal rows of white lights on knowledge, expert testimony, compe- sium.
it. tency of witnesses, demonstrative evi- Second Place: $150 plus free admis-
"There were two red flashing lights dence, official written statements and sion to all sessions of the 2006
just below the white lights, and a white records, best evidence, and authentica- MUFON International UFO Sympo-
strobe light above the horizontal rows tion. Future contests may address other sium.
of white lights. hypotheses. Third Place: $100 plus free admis-
"It appeared to be taller than the Format: Page size must be 8'/2 x sion to all sessions of the 2006
tower near us so I remarked that possi- 11. Papers shall consist of title, brief MUFON International UFO Sympo-
bly there were different lighting require- abstract, introduction describing the sium.
ments for taller towers. We were look- technological evidence, body of paper All other submitters meeting the re-
ing across a pasture at the lights a quar- describing details that make this the best quirements defined for this contest will
ter mile away. evidence, and a conclusion. All papers receive a CD copy of a vintage
"We were not alarmed, and thought must be written in English. MUFON UFO Symposium Proceed-
no more about it until the next day when Media Used: Each paper must be ings book.
we drove down the same road and there submitted on CD in Microsoft Word or Only one prize will be awarded to an
was no tower there or anything of any equivalent along with a printed copy of individual submitter.
height anywhere near that area. We have the paper. Supporting information may Schedule: All submittals must be
no explanation for a disappearing cell be on the CD or in hard copy. received by MUFON Headquarters by
phone radio tower.". Submittal: Papers and backup ma- Oct. 1, 2005. Prizes will be awarded in
Thanks to Peter Davenport. terials shall be mailed to MUFON, Post January, 2006.
Physical Traces
By Ted Phillips

Vehicle effects, Part 2 AM when he saw a reddish-orange old niece also saw the object approach-
There are a number of reports in cone-shaped object 25 feet off the left ing. The object gouged a large dent in
which an unidentified flying object ac- side of the road. the car and scratched off paint. No frag-
tually collided with a vehicle, leaving The object was 12 feet wide at the ments were found at the site.
behind considerable physical traces. base, which was slightly off the ground. A classic case of vehicle impact oc-
In 1954, near March Field, CA, three The object tapered to a point 25 feet curred on Aug. 27,1979, near Stephen,
witnesses driving a late model car ob- high, where there was a ball. MN, involving a police car.
served a shiny circular object on the Several small beings were on the road, Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson was driv-
ground. They stopped the car and ap- and Morris claimed he hit one of them. ing his patrol car near the North Da-
proached the object. He fled the area, and when he stopped kota border when at 1:40 AM he ob-
They saw a down the road, found three dents in the served a bright white light through his
"being" who front bumper and right headlight ring. side window.
raised his arm On July 13, 1967, in Maumee, OH, He contacted dispatch and proceeded
and projected Robert Richardson and Jerry Quay were to move closer. He estimated the dis-
what appeared to driving around a bend in the road when tance to the light at about 1.5 miles.
be a fireball at the they saw a large brilliant blue-white light Suddenly the light moved toward him,
vehicle. The fire- completely blocking the road. reaching the patrol car in one or two
ball passed by the Richardson, the driver, braked and seconds.
men and struck swerved to avoid hitting the light. Both The light was so intense that Johnson
their vehicle. men closed their eyes as they felt the was blinded. He heard glass breaking
The witnesses impact of a collision. and lost consciousness. When he re-
fled, the object L They reported the incident to the gained consciousness, he found the car
ascended, and Ted Phillips Ohio State Police, who went back to the stalled, and saw that it had skidded
when they re- site to investigate. The hood of the car across the highway with the front wheels
turned to the car they found the paint and the bumper had been damaged. off the pavement.
burnt and a large dent. On July 17,1967, in Miller ton, NY, a He was able to call dispatch 39 min-
On March 9,1966, Donnela Banning 13 cm object approached an automo- utes after the first observation of the
was driving toward Baytown, TX, with bile from the opposite direction. The car light source. Another deputy arrived in
her mother, Mrs. Doyle Havard, and experienced EM effects, and the wind- minutes and called for an ambulance.
Debbie Carrico. At 7:45 PM Debbie shield was shattered. The doctor found Johnson in a mild
yelled, "Look." On Nov. 27, 1998, in Mt. Clemens, state of shock. His eyes were irritated
Ms. Banning reports: "As I looked MI, a young woman was driving home as if he had suffered "mild welder's
there it was. It looked like it was com- when a sphere the si2e of a basketball burns." Johnson couldn't stand expo-
ing through the windshield. It hit with a was seen flying just above the road sur- sure to any bright lights.
thump and an explosion." face from the opposite direction. The Police found that the car had trav-
The object was dark and the size of sphere was spinning and emitting sprays eled 950 feet after the first impact, as
a bowling ball. The explosion was loud of light. indicated by the location of glass from
enough to bring people out of their The object impacted the car roof on the headlight. The inside headlight on
houses some distance from the car. the passenger side over the front door, the left side was heavily damaged, while
Harris County Sheriff's Department then flew on, leaving a two-foot long the headlight 2 inches to the left was
area of a creamy-gray colored residue. not.
accident investigator Roland Kingsley
said that whatever hit the car did $50 to On Dec. 29, 2002, in Benson, NC, There was a flat-bottomed circular
$100 damage to the roof of the vehicle. Linda Moore was driving her new dent on the left side of the hood. The
The roof was dented and the paint Toyota when an object hit the passen- dent was 12.5 mm in diameter, and close
was knocked off the metal, although the ger side of her car. to the windshield.
metal was not cut. Kinsley searched the Mrs. Moore's cousin, Vicki Wright, The windshield directly in front of
area, but could find no fragments. It was in the front passenger seat, and Mrs. the driver was heavily damaged from top
should be noted that the car was on an Moores two nieces were in the back seat. to bottom.
overpass, and no one was standing along Vicki said she saw a black object travel- The roof antenna was bent at a 60-
the highway. ing at high speed which approached the degree angle at a point 6 inches above
In Kent, OH, on March 28, 1967, car from above a tall pine tree. its spring-loaded base. The trunk an-
David Morris was driving home at 2:20 The object impacted the vehicle just tenna was bent at a 90-degree angle at a
in front of the side mirror. The 14-year- point 6 inches below the top. Both an-
18 MUFON UFO Journal JULY 2005
tennas had spring-loaded bases.
The electric dash clock was 14 min-
utes slow, as was Johnson's mechanical
wristwatch. The deputy had set both
clocks before starting his shift.
A report released by Sheriff Dennis
Brekke after a lengthy investigation
found the following:
Intense light: "First, it occurred in the
shape of a beam, then became over- MUFON International Director John
whelmingly bright. The beam-like shape Schuessler, left, and MUFON Business
of the light suggests an unnatural Board Member Clifford Clift, right, recently
source." briefed Senator Wayne A Hard on
Glass breakage: 'There are definite
MUFON's activities in Colorado and na-
signs of impact. The direction of the
impacting media is evident from the lo- tiomtide.
cation of breakage and imprint in the
hood. The relative angle of attack on uniform kind—that is, not from a series
the car is near horizontal." of particle impacts. The kinds of phe-
Engine stoppage: "The stoppage was nomena capable of performing this Mark faster
not due to mechanical failure, as evi- bending includes electrical, fluid (air)." MUFON Nevada State Director
denced by the fact that the car func- Discussion: "The best fit describes a
tioned normally following the incident. highly charged electrical 'thing' with
The engine stoppage points heavily to enough mass and momentum to create •Mark Easter's
temporary disruption of the electrical the effects.
system." "The question arises whether natu- Roswell documentary
Driver unconscious for a period up ral phenomena such as lightning (ball
to 40 minutes: "It is not clear whether or otherwise) could likely cause all these wins at WorldFest
the bump on the head could have caused happenings. Two factors discount this. Film director/producer Mark Easter
this or if other 'phenomena' might be "One, the sustained horizontal beam- and easterfilms.com have walked away
the source. like appearance of the light (unlike light- with one of the top three awards at this
"In order to function, the body's ner- ning) and the need for mass to accom- year's 38th Annual WorldFest-Houston
vous system relies on electro-chemical plish the events. International Independent Film and
signals. Could there have been disrup- "The disruption of the electrical sys- Video Festival.
tion of this by electrical means?" tems points heavily to something elec- The 52-minute easterfilms.com pro-
Malfunction of the automobile clock trical in nature, and certainly enough duction of "ROSWELL: The Naked
and wristwatch: "This was of a tempo- force must be generated to bend the Truth Revealed!" had already, garnered
rary nature, much as the engine failure. antennas. Super strong electrical fields positive reviews from both believers and
Disruption of the electrical clock could can produce these effects. skeptics of the ET phenomenon.
very well coincide with the failure of the "My advisor on electrostatic forces Now the documentary has won a
engine electrical system. indicates that an electrical field capable "Special Gold Jury Award" at
The failure of the mechanical wrist- of producing the forces involved would WorldFest-Houston, and has entered
watch would, of necessity, be of a dif- be of an intensity to cause arcing to the Easter into a WorldFest-Houston
ferent form; but again, the temporary car. The round ball on the one antenna alumni club of some of the world's
nature suggests a 'malfunction' that dis- is 'cleaned' as if this may have happened. greatest filmmakers, including such A-
sipates." "The source of these effects is, of list directors as Steven Spielberg, Spike
Bent antennas: "Considerable effort course, speculative. We live in an age that Lee, George Lucas, and .Oliver Stone.
was made to solve the problem of the tells us there likely are civilizations more To find out more about "ROSWELL:
bent antennas. The metal hardness tells advanced than us. We, as a civilization, The Naked Truth Revealed!" and the
us that they were not exposed to a gen- are accomplishing extensive space travel. WorldFest-Houston "Special Gold Jury
eral high temperature that caused bend- We know how to utilize intense electri- Award," go to www.easterfilms.com.
ing. cal fields for accelerating particles or You can find WorldFest-Houston on
"Normally, an antenna subjected to producing forces. Of course, there is the web at www.worldfest.org
a uniform force would bend at the base. much we don't understand." To contact Mark Easter and
However, on a car traveling 60-65 MPH These are but a few of the UFO-re- easterfilms.com, call 775-358-9205 or
the antennas are flexed toward the rear. lated vehicle events resulting in measur- email Mark at:
A force from above, superimposed on able physical evidence. thenakedtruth@easterfilms.com
the flexed antennas, could bend the I would greatly appreciate any addi- Easter is MUFON Nevada State
parts in the manner exhibited. tional reports of this nature, as well as Director...
"As no impact marks are evident, the additional information on any of the MUFON Nevada is at
force must have been of a relatively cases related here. www.nevadaMUFON.org.
By Stantpn T. Friedman

UFO Whistleblowers? more checking and found he had a po- Navy without any college background.
Frankly I am sick and tired of being lice record, only attended the prestigious Not likely a briefing officer.
asked about various supposed UFO Cheshire Academy for a couple of He also falsely accused Budd
whistleblowers who are spreading their months, and had only a private pilot's Hopkins, Bruce Maccabee, and me of
supposedly insider wisdom about what license for single engine aircraft-though working for the CIA. Yes, I once worked
the US government supposedly knows the DC-8 has 4 big engines. for the US Government I delivered mail
about UFOs. He couldn't find his Air Line Pilots in Linden, NJ, in 1952 during Christ-
The history of ufology has had many Association mas vacation for two weeks while a
that turned out to be as phony as a three- membership sophomore at Rutgers University.
dollar bill. card, probably He also published in his book Behold
Back in the 1960s there was "Dr." because the a Pale Horse the "Protocols of the
Frank Stranges who talked about a United Repre- Learned Elders of Zion," a virulently
stranger in the Pentagon named sentative with anti-semitic tract, without noting that it
Segnarts (note that this is Stranges ALPA never had been shown to be fraudulent many
spelled backwards!). heard of him, times.
Frank tried many cons over the years, even though More recently I keep getting asked
even staging a big conference in Ana- United is a about Dr. Steve Greer's Disclosure
heim at which astronaut Gary Powers union airline. Project. Hundreds of whistleblowers
and William Shatner were supposedly He also have come forth to support Steve. There
going to make appearances. He con- claimed to was a large press conference highlight-
vinced NBC in Hollywood to treat these Linda Howe ing their testimony at the Washington
claims seriously because they thought that he would Press Club.
his group NICUFO was really NICAP. Stan Friedman provide his People ask me why I am not a major
I spoke with the station, noting that DD-214 (Mili- supporter of Steve's efforts to get the
I had checked and found none of the tary discharge paper) after he replaced government to come clean, since I of-
stars were coming, and noted that I had it. It had been in a box of papers mat ten talk about the Cosmic Watergate. I
also spoken with his parole officer. fell off a truck when he was moving. have met Steve and am suspicious of
He served time for smuggling a And my dog ate my homework. Of his agenda.
planeload'of marijuana. The station course he never found it. He is charismatic and quite success-
apologized to the public. Frank's PhD Also he stated he had never gone to ful at raising funds. He was promoting
was supposedly from a theological semi- college at a time when one needed at a weekend with him for a limited group
nary. He was a space age evangelist. least two years in an air cadet program of supporters to whom he would tell
Another famous con man from back or a college degree to become a USAF everything. It would only cost $600, and
then (and still sometimes turning up) pilot. they would have to sign a non-disclo-
was Mel Noel, who then became Guy Frank Kaufmann claimed he was part sure agreement. A little strange for
Kirkwood, but who was really Noel of a supersecret government insider somebody pushing disclosure.
Bryce Cornwall. group of nine when he was directly in- Also I found he was not using the
He had supposedly graduated from volved with recovering the Roswell government's own documents, "Blue
the elite Cheshire Academy in Connecti- crashed saucer in 1947. Kevin Randle Book Special Report 14," the Condon
cut, went into the Air Force, and be- and others who had supported his tales Report, or The Congressional hearings
came a jet pilot whose job it was to pho- have now acknowledged he was mak- of 1968 to make his case.
tograph UFOs. ing it all up. Nor was he using the blacked out
He showed pictures of him standing Milton William Cooper, a really nasty NSA UFO and CIA UFO documents
in front of a military jet! Later he sup- rightwinger (inspiration of Oklahoma and the whited out NSA UFO docu-
posedly flew DC-8s for United Airlines, City Bomber Timothy McVeigh) made ments to make an official case for the
etc etc. He had been exposed by Bobby all sort of claims about being a briefing coverup-nor the Bolender memo stress-
Ann Slate Gironda and Fritz Kron in officer for the Commander in Chief of ing that reports which could effect na-
FATE Magazine many years ago as hav- the Pacific Fleet, reading classified docu- tional security were not part of the Blue
ing admitted on a TV program that he ments about MJ-12, etc, but couldn't Book system.
had never been an AF Pilot. even pick out his CINCPAC guy from a Much worse, from my viewpoint, was
A Life Magazine reporter checked with list I gave him. his claim that the government has back
the Air Force. Under none of his names He had been a hydraulics mechanic engineered free energy devices from
had he been an AF pilot. I did some in the USAF, and then an E-6 in the crashed saucers and is withholding them
20 MUFON UFO Journal JULY 2005
from the world when they could help there was no way it could be done. No
solve all of the world's problems. He way a PhD can be granted without an
did have some investments he was rec- advisor's name being provided, without
ommending. No evidence has been pro- a copy being on file.
vided. Why mix the two cover-ups even Validation of being in the military,
if both are real? receiving college degrees, or earning
I also discovered their lack of verifi- PhDs should be easy, even if one isn't
cation when one of his people ap- provided with classified documents to
proached me about using "Dr." Michael establish the truth of whistleblower tes-
Wolf Kruvant (1941-2000) as one of timony about UFOs.
his whistleblowers. Philip J. Corse's book The Day After
I asked if they had checked his cre- Rftra?//(with William Birnes) contained
dentials-a total of six advanced degrees, a great deal of unsubstantiated
including PhDs in theoretical physics whistleblower testimony about an alien
from both MIT and California Institute body seen at Ft. Riley, and about how
of Technology, a medical degree from Corso had single-handedly, as head of
McGill University (before the physics the Army Foreign Technology Division
degrees), a law degree from (there were only two people in it, and
Georgetown, etc. for only 90 days in 1962; was he the se-
In addition, he had been a USAF nior officer) introduced a host of new
colonel, a jet pilot in Vietnam, and an technology into industry.
advisor to President Clinton on classi- He had indeed been a Lt. Colonel,
fied matters. He could verify that Bob and had a long military career, but no
Lazar was telling the truth about Area If U.S. Neil's says so, it must be true. background in science or engineering.
51, etc. Corso also stretched his background,
I was informed that they had checked claiming in a sworn statement for attor-
with the New York Academy of Science no sign of such an organization. ney Peter Gersten, who was filing a suit
and the American Association for the I have a piece about Lazar on my to get the government to reveal his to-
Advancement of Science, which both website, www.stantonfriedman.com, tal file, that he had been a member of
revealed that he had listed all these de- which I need to update because of new the National Security Council, a very
grees on his applications. I said how claims that the production of four at- prestigious body indeed.
about first-hand checking of the claims. oms of Element 115 (half life less than Dr. Salla insisted that Corso had only
They had done none. a second) in a huge accelerator operat- said on the book cover that he was as-
I checked and found not only no veri- ing for more than three weeks verifies sociated with the NSC. I have a copy of
fication of any, but that neither the his false claims. the statement and his membership
NYAS nor the AAAS had checked ei- Some have even falsely claimed that claim, and a letter from the Eisenhower
ther. Pay your money and here is your recent publications about magnetic levi- Library saying he was not an NSC mem-
card. I think they must have thought the tation of various items, such as frogs, ber and had never attended an NSC
NYAS was the National Academy of established that Lazar's science fiction meeting.
Sciences, which is a self electing group about gravity wave amplification provid- The point of all this is to be very wary
with very prestigious members. ing anti-gravity that propels saucers have of all whistleblowers. Trust but verify;
I did check and found he had none been verified. and if their background doesn't check
of the degrees. He had flunked out of Unfortunately the new interest area out, abandon the claims. Dr. Salla, please
Upsala College, had spent time in a of Exopolitics seems to have grabbed take note.
mental hospital, and lived in a tiny apart- on to all these phony whistleblowers. Stan Friedman fsphys@rogers.com
ment in Hartford until his death in 2000. Dr. Michael Salla (I did verify his
I spoke with his brother, sister, and degrees from Australian universities) has
three old friends. He lived in a fantasy claimed that because governments have UFO Newsclipping
world. He claimed to be emeritus head lied and have covered up UFO infor-
of the New England Institute of Ad- mation and have intimidated witnesses Service
vanced Research, which, he claimed in (such as the Roswell sheriff) that some- Monthly collection of news
one of many conversations we had, sup- how we must believe all the stories and features about UFOs
posedly had 75 employees. whistleblower claims because one can't and related phenomena from the
He wouldn't give either the tides or expect verification or validation of their world's press, including transla-
names or thesis advisors for his PhD claims. tions.
degrees. None of the several Connecti- There is no logic here. Yes, there has For a sample copy and addi-
cut State agencies I contacted could find been intimidation and cover-up. But tional information, contact
any record of the institute. what is the purpose of the government UFONS, 2 Caney Valley Drive,
He had told Dunn and Bradstreet supposedly wiping out all the academic Plumerville, AR 72127-8725, or
about the institute. They did a field in- records of these whistleblowers? ufons@webtv.net
vestigation at my request. There was The legal counsel at MIT told me
Director's Message
(Continued from page 2) animal behavior endeavors, working The manual is available from
published in the International UFO Re- with both wild and domesticated ani- MUFON Headquarters for $25 plus
porter and on the FUFOR web site. mals, made her the perfect person to get $3.50 p&h in the U.S. Total price for
At that point she became involved in involved in this area of research. Her delivery outside of the U.S. is $32.50.
Francis Ridge's special evidence sec- report is excellent. It may also be purchased via the Internet
tion of the NICAP web site With the belief that this report should at www.mufon.com using PayPal.
(www.nicap.org), a depository of UFO get broad distribution to investigators
evidence and research, taking over the everywhere, we proceeded with its im-
animal reactions section, which resulted mediate publication.. Earth-like extra-solar
in this new publication.
When Joan was unable to participate Contribution to MUFON planet discovered
in the presentations at the 2005 Archives Astronomers have announced the
MUFON International UFO Sympo- Ronald D. Story, author of The discovery of the smallest planet so far
sium in Denver, CO, this year, we in- Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial found outside of our solar system.
vited her to contribute a paper on this Encounters, Sightings: UFOs and the Limits About seven-and-a-half times as
valuable area of research. to Science and other fine books, has con- massive as Earth, and about twice as
Her extensive experience in various tributed 90 paperback UFO books to wide, this new extrasolar planet may be
the MUFON Archives. We thank Ron the first rocky world ever found orbit-
for this generous contribution. ing a star similar to our own.
"This is the smallest extrasolar planet
July 22-24-36th annual MUFON Position Announcements yet detected, and the first of a new class
UFO Symposium, Marriott Tech Cen- Kim Shaffer, State Director for of rocky terrestrial planets," said team
ter Hotel, Denver, CO, featuring Phyllis Eastern Tennessee, has appointed member Paul Butler of the Carnegie
Budinger, Richard Dolan, Elaine Kevin Green of Blountville, TN, to the Institution of Washington. "It's like
Douglass, Stanton Friedman, Paola position of Assistant State Director. Earth's bigger cousin."
Harris, Alan C. Holt, Esen Sekerkarar, Judy Varns and George Parks have Currently around 150 extrasolar plan-
Dr. Roger Leir, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, traded leadership positions in Arizona. ets are known, and the number contin-
Scott Ramsey, Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, Dr. Judy was the State Director; she is now ues to grow. But most of these far-off
Claude Swanson, and Trade Austin-Pe- Assistant State Director. George was worlds are large gas giants like Jupiter.
ters (MC). www.mufon.com, 303-932- the Assistant State Director; he is now Only recently have astronomers started
7709,. the State Director. We are very pleased detecting smaller massed objects.
Aug. 19-21-Little Green Men Festi- with this smooth transition of state lead- "We keep pushing the limits of what
val, 50th anniversary celebration, Kelly, ership. we can detect, and we're getting closer
KY. Details to be announced. It is a pleasure to announce that and closer to finding Earths," said team
Sept. 2-4-42nd National UFO Con- Eddie Middleton of Memphis, TN, member Steven Vogt from the Univer-
ference, "UFOs Past, Present, and Fu- has accepted the position of Consult- sity of California, Santa Cruz.
ture," Hollywood Renaissance Hotel, ant — Radio Broadcasting. I was a guest The new planet orbits Gliese 876, an
Hollywood, CA. 858-523-1068. on his excellent radio program on May M dwarf star 15 light years away in the
Oct. 14-16-European UFO Con- 27 and enjoyed his hospitality and sup- constellation Aquarius. The "super-
gress, Chalons-en-Champagne, France, port for MUFON. Earth" is not alone: there are two other
featuring Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, planets—both Jupiter-sized—in the same
Michel Bougard, Gildas Bourdais, New Field Investigators system.
Marie-Therese de Brosses, Budd Kathleen Marden, Director of This third world was detected by a
Hopkins, Didier Gomez, Jean-Gabriel Field Investigator Training, has an- tiny extra wobble that it caused in the
Gresle, Jiri Kult, Yves Lignon, Bertrand nounced that Samuel Falvo, of Utica, central star.
Meheust, Joel Mesnard, Claude Poher, NY; James Scanlon, of Olean, NY; From this wobble, the researchers
Jean-Luc Rivera, Edoardo Russo, Jean- Tracey Smith, of Great Bend, KS; and measured a minimum mass for the new
Pierre Troadec. www.les-repas- Victor Rodriguez, of Springfield, VA; planet of 5.9 Earth masses. The planet
alain.blanchard34@wanadoo or have passed the MUFON Field makes a full orbit in a speedy 1.94 days.
frufologiques.com. Investigator's Exam and are now Orbiting close to its star, scientists
Oct. 29-Mysteries of Space & Sky MUFON Field Investigators. speculate that the planet's temperature
II (a "sequel" to last year's conference), All Field Investigator Trainees are is a toasty 400 to 750 degrees Fahren-
Annapolis, Md. Confirmed speakers urged to self-study the MUFON Field heit (200 to 400 degrees Celsius).
include Rob & Sue Swiatek, Anna Investigator's Manual and take the exam. 'The planet's mass could easily hold
Jamerson, Robert Galganski (Roswell State Directors, Assistant State Direc- onto an atmosphere," said Gregory
debris analysis), and Dr. S. Peter Resta. tors, and State Chief Investigators are Laughlin from UC Santa Cruz.
sprlOO@aol.com, 410-992-6693 x 220. good sources of help and training. © 2005 Space.com. All rights reserved.

22 MUFON UFO Journal JULY 2005

The 42nd National UFO Conference
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Join us this year as we present 10 world class speakers lecturing on their latest research. They will present strong
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By Gavin A. J. McLeod

August Sky degrees high at the beginning of morn- Aug. 14: Antares 0.4 degrees south
Moon Phases ing twilight. of die Moon.
New Moon: Aug. 5 Saturn (magnitude 0.2 to 0.3): In Aug. 25: Mars 6.0 degrees south of
First Quarter: Aug. 13 Cancer. For nordiern hemisphere ob- the Moon.
Full Moon: Aug. 19 servers, Saturn will stand about 10 de- Aug. 31: Saturn 5 degrees soudi of
Last Quarter: Aug. 26 grees high in the east-northeast as morn- die Moon.
ing twilight begins.
Bright Planets (Evening Sky) For less favored southern hemisphere MUFON needs your help
Venus (magnitude -3.8): Moving observers, Saturn will rise in die east-
northeast as morning twilight begins. Please send MUFON copies of your
from Leo into Virgo. For northern
best presentations and related materi-
hemisphere observers, Venus will be-
come more difficult to observe as it will PerseidsMeteor Showers: We are collecting these for the pur-
set less than 1.5 hours after the Sun, and Date: Aug 10-15 (peaking on Aug pose of creating and sharing presenta-
will be observable only very low in the 13) tions that can be used in the near future
west during evening twilight. Rate: 66/hour by all MUFON organizations when
For more favored southern hemi- August is a great time of the year to
sphere observers, Venus will set nearly asked to present the UFO subject to die
look at the sky after midnight. It is usu- public.
3 hours after the Sun and will stand ally still warm after the heat of the day, Please send your best presentation,
nearly 20 degrees high in the west-north- and skies can be surprisingly clear. It's or a complete description of it, to
west at the end of evening twilight. just as well then that the year's best MUFONHQ@cox.net. Please send a
Jupiter (magnitude -1.8): In Virgo. meteor shower, called the Perseids, al- letter of permission allowing free use
For northern hemisphere observers, Ju- ways occurs during this month. of die material along widi your presen-
piter will be visible very low in the west- The Perseid Meteor shower occurs tation materials
southwest during evening twilight, and when the Earth passes tiiough the orbit (Note: this e-mail address is only for
will set about 2 hours after the Sun in of comet Swift-Tutde, a comet discov- submittal of presentation materials.
the west. ered back in 1862 which returns to the Odier e-mail to diis address will not be
For more favored southern hemi- inner solar system every 128 years-its answered).
sphere observers, Jupiter will stand last visit was in 1992.
about 35 degrees high in the west-north- In recent years, however, their num-
west at the end of evening twilight, and bers have begun to increase, leading to
will set about 4 hours after the Sun in a spectacular shower in 1994. Rates
the west. might exceed 100/hour, but in 1994
Bright Planets (Morning Sky) some observers counted several hun-
Mercury (magnitude 4.0 to 0.4): dred to a thousand or more during its
Moving from Cancer into Leo. For one-hour peak.
northern and southern hemisphere ob- There is a wide variety of meteors,
servers, Mercury will brighten as it die fainter ones being white or yellow,
slowly emerges in morning twilight in and the brighter ones green, orange, or
the east-northeast during the second red. About 1 /3 leave trails. Occasional
half of the month. fireballs will be seen, often ending in
By month's end Mercury will become bursts.
lost in the glare of die Sun for southern This is a very good photographic
hemisphere observers. shower. The best time to view is after
Mars (magnitude -0.5 to -0.8): Mov- midnight in the early hours of the morn-
ing from Pisces through Cetus into Ar- ing of the 12th. Look to the northeast
ies. For northern hemisphere observers, about 66 degrees above die horizon.
Mars will rise near 10 PM in the east- The moon will not be a factor between
northeast, and will stand about 50 de- midnight and dawn.
grees high in the southeast at the begin- Conjunctions and Occultations
ning of morning twilight. Aug. 8: Venus 1.2 degrees south of
For southern hemisphere observers, the Moon.
Mars will rise before midnight in the Aug. 10: Jupiter 1.3 degrees north of
east-northeast, and will stand about 50 the Moon.

24 MUFON UFO Journal JULY 2005

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