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this February 2006

No. 454

: issue

-.. Roadside entity re-
p,orted in Indiana, p. 15.

Part two of Rex Heflin

photos and analysis, p. 3.

Lt. Walter Haut of

Roswell fame dies, p. 10.

? UFO Press, Friedman


reviews Exetnpt frotn Dis-

closure; Connelly reviews
Filer's Files, p. 11.

Russian UFO cases, p.


Mysterious animal
deaths in Colorado, p. 19.

Calendar, p. 19.
The above image of what appears to be an entity reaching out to touch an
UFO Marketplace, p. individual in a Mexican city was reportedly taken by a cell phone camera. There
23. have been several instances in recent months of what appear to be entities
photographed by still or video cameras-some by individuals deemed reliable.
Columns For other cases, see page 15 of this issue of the Journal; page 16 of the Janu-
Director's Message 2 ary, 2006, Journal; and page 3 of the June, 2004, Journal. In addition, we are
Filer's Files 14 aware of another seemingly good video of an entity in a case which has not been
Ted Phillips 17 released to the public.
Stan Friedman 20 Could the Mexican case be a hoax? Sure, but it does seem to fit what is
~ c ~ e o dNight
' s Sky 24 becoming a pattern of entity photos. The circumstances surrounding the Mexi-
can photo are described in an article beginning on page 9.
MUFON MUFON Membership Contests
The MUFON Business Board of
jobs for state leaders is membership
growth. This contest is aimed at pro-
UFO Journal Directors has announced two new U.S.
membership contests for the first half
viding some additional incentive for
implementing that growth.
- (USPS 002-970) of 2006. The second contest is for all
-. (ISSN 0270-6822). Membership growth is required in MUFON members other than the state
order to assure leaders. This contest gives individual
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success of help MUFON grow. and at the same
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Fax: 303-932-9279 continued UFO etary value. The contests end in May,
research. inves- and the winners will be recognized at
tigation. and the 2006 MUFON International UFO
International Director, public aware- Syn~posiumin Denver, CO. on July 14-
1 John F. Schuessler, M.S. ness.
- .
Tel: 303-932-7709
schuessler@rnho.net - tests are shown MUFON Best Evidence
on the MUFON website at Contest a Success
www.mufon.com. They are also de- Several months as0 MUFON issued
scribed in the pull-out section of this a call for papers on the subject of UFO
Editor: month's Joirrrwl. and were in a letter
Dwight Connelly, M.S. Technological Evidence. The desire
to all state directors and assistant state was to stimulate the documentation of
14026 Ridgelawn Road directors. new research that would expose the
Martinsville, IL 62442 One contest is for the MUFON state technological nature of the evidence.
Tel: (217)382-4502 leaders (i.e. state directors. assistant The definition of evidence was based
mufonufojournal@hotmail:com state directors. and state section direc- on McConuic-k:s Handbook of the Lcrw
tors). One of the important assigned
( C o n t i n u e d on p a g e 22)
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Columnists: ~ncluded
George Filer, M.B.A. The contents of the MUFON UFO Journalare determmed by the ed~tor,and do not necessar~lyreflect the
poslt~onof the Mutual UFO Network Op~n~ons expressed are solely those of the ~ n d ~ v ~ dauthors
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. . Heflin's :1965 photos validated

By Ann Druffel
[Editor's Note: This is the second
of a two-part series describing the
sometimes frustrating and exhaust-
ing analysis of one of ufology's top
photo cases.]
At a Los Angeles NICAP Subcom-
mittee (LANS) meeting that evening at
the home of Idabel Epperson, 30 sci-
entists and UFO investigators gathered
to discuss the ongoing research on the
Heflin photos. Dr. James McDonald.
Dr. William Hartrnann, and Heflin were
the guests of honor.
Among the attendees was Dr. Rob-
en Nathan, a scientist who had consid-
erable interest in the UFO phenom-
enon, and who had attended LANS
meetings from time to time.
He had analyzed all four Heflin pho-
tos for LANS at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL). using what was, at
the time, state-of-the-art computer en-
hancement equipment. His interest was
purely unofficial, and had nothing to do
with his JPL association.
He had concluded that the black
band around the UFO was particulate
matter-possibly atmospheric pollutants
picked up by the craft as it flew through Photo one.
smog-ridden Orange County.
He also speculated that the black Also, while studying the photos at seemed to him to be conflicting cloud
smoke ring left in the sky after the JPL, Dr. Nathan had brought out a data, Dr. Nathan countered that he saw
object's departure was most likely the wedge-shaped portion of light against no reason to doubt that the four photos
remains of the same black band which the solid black of the UFO's underside
in Photo #2, which was not visible or- i
had been photographed around the ob- About the author
ject in the first three photos, since the dinarily in the photo. Ann Druffel has been involved
smoke-ring in Photo #4-which Nathan This corresponded with Heflin's de- with ufology since 1957, and was one
referred to as a vortex ring-appeared scription of "the revolving light-ray" of NICAP's first investigators, later
to be also be composed of particulate seen around the UFO's underside. working with CUFOS and MUFON.
matter. Heflin had speculated that possibly the She has written numerous articles
He also reconfirmed his earlier dis- greenish-whitelight was reflected from on UFOs, and has been a speaker at
covery that the object, although in sharp a slow-moving "propeller" or other ro- several symposiums.
focus, had an unexplained "fuzziness" tating blade on the bottom of the craft. Druffel is the co-author of Tujunga
around it which was not due to camera Other scientists present at this No- Canyon Contacts, and is the author
motion or motion of the object itself. vember, 1967, meeting speculated that of How to Defend YourselfAgainst
Nathan had suggested, as pure perhaps the particulate black band had Alien Abductions (1998), as well as
speculation, that this effect might indi- been held around the craft by some type the extensively-researched Fire-
cate a layer of ionized air around the of electrostatic effect and was possibly storm: Dr. James E. McDonald's
craft. Researchers had hypothesized associated with the craft's propulsion Fight for UFO Science (2003).
for years that the propulsion systems system. She holds the B.A. in sociology
of UFOs ionized the layer of air sur- Addressing McDonald's growing from Immaculate Heart College.
rounding them while they were in flight. doubts about Photo #4, based on what
February 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
had been taken within two minutes, as
Heflin had testified.
Some of the scientists present at this
meeting weie not generally part of the
LANS investigative team.
LANS investigators knew how to
interview witnesses with objectivity and
professional courtesy. But these other
scientists who had gathered to interro-
gate Heflin were not acquainted with
proper interviewing techniques, and
asked him illogical and repetitive ques-
Some openly expressed doubts
about the photos, and asked Heflin per-
sonal questions which seemed to have
no bearing on the case. In spite of his
sturdy character and remarkable good
nature, the constant hammering af-
fected him to the extent that he went
out in the Epperson back yard for
awhile for a little quiet time.
After he recovered his usual good
humor and patience, he returned to the
meeting, where the scientists were
waiting with more questions. Photo Two.
McDonald brought up the fact that
Marine Corps personnel had told him edented importance of the Heflin case man who was dimly lit by a purplish
that morning that the winds had been to the UFO field and to interested sci- glow emanating from the back seat.
blowing from the NNW, and asked entists at large. Never before had so Heflin's visitor, "Edmonds," asked
Heflin why he had testified that the much technical and scientific expertise- if he planned to recover the photos he'd
smoke-ring left by the object was mov- and skepticism-been directed toward lent the "NORAD" men. He also asked
ing slowly in a northeasterly direction. a set of UFO photos. various personal questions, such as
Heflin answered that the smoke-ring The meeting took a more dramatic what UFO groups Heflin was affiated
was blowing in a northeasterly direc- turn when McDonald asked Heflin to with. Heflin told him he'd joined only
tion, that the winds in the El Toro loca- describe the recent visit of a "U.S. Air NICAP.
tion had been checked by LANS early Force man" to his home. Hefin had The "Air Force" man continued to
on in their investigation, and El Toro confided the event to LANS, but it had chat rather idly, and while they con-
officials had told them that surface not been mentioned in any media cov- versed Heflin heard crackles and pops
winds at the time of sighting were blow- erage and was unknown to many in the coming from the hi-fi in his living room,
ing from the SW at 4 knots. room. which he'd been listening to when
This had been confirmed beyond On the evening of Oct. 11, 1967, a "Edmonds" knocked on his door.
doubt both by LANS and McDonald. man in a U.S. Air Force uniform came He had never before heard interfer-
The apparent attempt by El Toro Ma- to Heflin's door, identifying himself as ence like this on his hi-fi, and inwardly
rine personnel to throw McDonald and "Capt. C. H. Edmonds." His ID card wondered if it was somehow linked to
Hartmann off track was never ex- was salmon and green and had no the purplish glow in the back seat of
plained; the Marine Air Station, for photo, similar to ID the "NORAD men the vehicle parked at the curb. Later,
some unknown reason, had given had used two years earlier. he wondered if he had been secretly
McDonald and Hartmann inaccurate Talking with him on the porch, Heflin photographed or recorded.
data. noted that the man stood to one side After the "Air Force man" left,
This and other aspects which while speaking with him. About 30 feet Heflin called LANS investigator John
McDonald first regarded as discrepan- away, directly in Heflin's line-of-sight, Gray and told him what had happened.
cies were later answered to his satis- was a '65 or '66 Chevy, parked at the As the LANS meeting continued to-
faction during his unprecedented re- curb. The auto was dark blue, with ward midnight, McDonald dropped a
search into the Heflin case. dark-on-dark lettering on the door final bombshell, voicing open objection
This meeting, and the years of re- which Heflin was unable to read. to Photo #4 on the basis that he had
' search which went into studying He saw movement in the back of the received information from reliable
Heflin's set of photos, show the unprec- vehicle, which he took to be a second weather sources that there could not
4 MUFON UFO Journal
possibly have been any substantial The following day McDonald, own offbeat sense of humor which he
clouds at the time of the sighting, such Heflin, Hartmann, and two visiting typically used when irritated, rather
as those visible in Photo #4. BBC documentarians, Philip Daly and than displaying open anger. LANS and
McDonald emphasized that he'd a Dr. Black, who hoped to interview other friendly colleagues had also rec-
cross-checked all possible cloud ob- Heflin on-camera,journeyed to the site ognized this,,but the two BBC docu-
servation sources concerning Los An- where Heflin had taken Photo #4. mentarians hadn't a clue.
geles area meso-meteorology and the McDonald measured the telephone Dr. Black suggested that they go
role of mean inversion depth and dry poles shown in the photo at about 30' ahead and film an interview. Heflin
supra-inversion air. high. Heflin pointed out where the allowed them to film a very brief seg-
The scientific terms didn't impress object had emitted the bluish-black ment, in which he stated that he under-
Heflin. "The meteorologists are going smoke-ring east of Myford Road, and stood why various investigators were
to have to find some clouds to go in McDonald estimated that the smoke- interested in the photos, and that ev-
these photos!" he told McDonald. He ring had been photographed at about eryone had the right to draw their own
wasn't claiming there were clouds be- 400 feet altitude. conclusions.
yond the smoke-ring, because he sim- Since Heflin had, just the evening He explained how the automatic
ply hadn't noticed. before, stated that the ring had been at light meter on his camera had allowed
But he had photographed the smoke- about 150 feet altitude when photo- the sky to appear flat and featureless in
ring only about a minute after taking graphed, the rise in altitude in 4-knot the first three photos taken inside his
his three photos of the UFO, and if the winds seemed reasonable. van, but showed the light cloud cover
photo contained clouds, then there had The position of the smoke-ring con- in Photo #4 which was taken outside
to be clouds! firmed the wind data gathered by both the van in full light.
Various LANS members showed himself and LANS-that the wind had Black pressed him for a fuller inter-
McDonald that in their copies of Photo been blowing from the SW. view, but Heflin flatly refused, stating
#4 the clouds were not as dark as in Dr. Hartmann and Dr. Black set that an American producer, John
McDonald's copy, demonstrating that about making test shots using small MacDonald, had already done a cred-
different generations, processed from models on strings, attempting to dupli- ible job for ITV. Why didn't they sim-
the originals, had been made at differ- cate Heflin's Photos #1, #2, and #3. ply borrow his film? Bewildered,
ent degrees of exposure. ' They were trying to demonstrate that Black stopped talking to him.
They also demonstrated in their cop- Heflin had hoaxed the photos, even Why did Heflin act in this enigmatic
ies of the photos that clouds were vis- though Dr. Robert Nathan, using 1965 way? For two and one-half years this
ible in Photos #1, #2, and #3. JPL state-of-the-art computer enhance- honest, affable man had been hounded
McDonald still needed definitive an- ment equipment,had demonstrated that and harassed because he'd photo-
swers, some of which were simply un- there were absolutely no strings or other graphed a UFO at close quarters and
available to him, since the three origi- supporting mechanisms visible in presented to science a fine set of UFO
nal Polaroids had been stolen by the Heflin's photos. photos showing features on the disc and
"NORAD men." This didn't matter to Hartmann, for other inexplicable effects.
Traveling back late that night to he later wrote up the Heflin case in the Not being a man who showed anger
Santa Ana in John Gray's car, Condon Report,judging the photos "in- easily, his instinctive defense was dead-
McDonald tried to mend his strained conclusive." pan humor. This was the way he
relationship with Heflin, pointing out Quietly watching Hartrnann and Dr. handled most situations that irritated
the numerous aspects of the case which Black photographing the models on him.
were positive. stings, Heflin did not visibly show an- It was not his fault that the photos
He also told Heflin he planned to re- noyance. contained more data than scientists
check the wind data, since the Marine However, when Dr. Black began to could absorb. The enigmatic smoke-
air station had given him and LANS ask him questions, beginning with the ring was not his fault. Neither was the
conflicting information. inquiry, "Are you religious?' Heflin fact that the automatic light meter on
He explained that, as a scientist, he replied that he was a Christian Scien- his Polaroid camera made the overcast
needed to maintain strict objectivity in tist, adding that his religion "didn't sky appear virtually featureless in the
the investigation, for it was only by let him recognize laws of the state." first three photos and as a clouded sky
carefully weighing the pros and cons This statement puzzled Black, but in the fourth.
that the true facts would emerge. he didn't follow i t up. He then asked Philip Daly and Dr. Black later dis-
He also assured Heflin that another Heflin if he was married. Heflin re- cussed with McDonald whether or not
startling multi-witness Orange County plied straight-faced, "More than once, Heflin was serious about his religion
sighting, investigated by LANS, had but I don't want you to refer to it on and his "wives." Both Daly and Black
occurred around the same time and date camera lest my five wives find out thought Heflin was completely serious.
as Heflin's sightingI0 and that other where I am." Dr. Black, however, thought that
possible confirmatory sightings were McDonald wrote all this down," re- Heflin had not had five wives, but rather
being studied. alizing that Heflin was employing his five relationships which were, in Rex's
February 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
eyes, marriages in some odd legal
sense, possibly connected to his reli-
gion. Daly, in turn, felt Heflin was seri-
ous about his religion and his "wives"!
Unbeknownst to the two English-
men, McDonald had phoned Epperson
the day before to get her reaction on
the "wives-religion" question.
"She had already talked to John Gray
on all this, and John had guffawed at
the five-wife bit," wrote McDonald in
his "Heflin" file. They had recently
learned from Heflin that he was a Chris-
tian Scientist, but still a bachelor.
Epperson told him they all felt rather
sure Heflin was pulling the leg of the
BBC because he was inwardly seeth-
ing at being called out there to witness Heflin's photos have never been satis- remarkable scientist, which ended only
the "hoax" tests. McDonald pointed factorily replicated. with his tragic death in June, 1971.
out that no set-up had been intended. For the next three years, McDonald Epperson, Gray, Evers, and the other
Epperson stressed again how coop- pursued the question of the "smoke- LANS members remained convinced
erative Heflin had been with LANS ring," attempting to prove that it had of Heflin's integrity.
over the past two and one-half years. been photographed by Heflin at a time His first three photos of the metallic
She reminded him that Dr. Nathan and place other than on Aug. 3, 1965, craft survived as an example of an ap-
had essentially replicated Hartmann's in connection with Heflin's Photos #I, parently genuine unidentified flying
experiments long before and had found #2, #3. object, and in this McDonald shared our
no evidence of any string or other sup- He seems to have been led on a trail views wholeheartedly.
porting mechanism in any of the pho- of false information, possibly in part McDonald's doubts about Photo #4,
tos-and that he'd told Hartmann about perpetrated by intelligence agents con- however, affected other lay research-
this earlier! nected with the U.S. government. ers. In the mid-1970s, William
Yet Hartmann thought it necessary, This part of his research endeavors Spaulding,who headed an organization
for some reason, to omit this from the is covered in my book, Firestorm! DI: called Ground Saucer Watch, obtained
Condon report, choosing instead to term James E. McDonaldS Fight for UFO copies of Heflin's photos and had them
Heflin's three photos "Inconclusive"! Science, in Chapter Twelve, "The Pho- computer-enhanced.
Back in Tucson, McDonald tackled tos That Almost Proved It."12 Where he obtained his copies is un-
the puzzle of the ID presented by the McDonald was led to the idea of an certain: they may have been third,
mysterious "Air Force man" who'd vis- unproved "atomic bomb simulator" fourth, or even fifth generation. GSW's
ited Hefin and learned from the FBI supposedly usedat military bases on analysis, conducted by GSW Photo-
and the OSI that no official investigat- celebratory occasions, which appar- graphic Consultant Fred Adrian, was
ing agency had ID cards without pho- ently produced a "vortex ring" similar published in a mid-seventies issue of
tos, and that none were salmon-colored. to Heflin's Photo #4. GSW News Bulletin.
This proved that the "Air Force man" There was never any adequate docu- Heflin's photos, in GSW's words,
and the earlier "NORAD men" who mentation found, however-no pictures "represent both crude and grand!ose
stole Heflin's three photos were irnpos- of this device, nor any other physical hoaxs [sic] or photographic anomalies
tors-but from where has never been es- proof that it actually existed.12 and should not be considered evidence
tablished. The eerie purplish glow In spite of LANS' attempts to con- of UFO existance [~ic]."'~
which may have affected Heflin's hi-fi vince McDonald that Photo #4 was, Spaulding's widely-disseminated
also remains a mystery. rather, a picture of the "black ring" assessment of the Heflin photos was
In spite of his concern about the #4 around Photos #1, #2, and #3 which based on what he termed "a string"
"smoke ring" photo, McDonald con- had been apparently blown off by the which extended from the top of the
tinued to think that Heflin's photos #1, unidentified craft before its departure, UFO to the top of the photo.
#2, and #3 were most probably genu- McDonald never conceded. Idabel Epperson and David Branch
ine. He knew it was impossible to de- LANS and other researchers around of LANS and researcher David Schroth
clare a UFO photo as abso1.utely au- the nation, as well as in foreign coun- of St. Louis, MO, among others,
thentic unless one had the actual UFO tries, respected McDonald's scientific strongly challenged Spaulding's find-
nearby to compare it to. expertise, and their personal regard for ings.
Hoax pictures can be replicated. him kept the controversy from destroy- They pointed out that several photo
Authentic UFO pictures cannot, and ing their amicable cooperation with this experts, including Dr. Robert Nathan,
6 MUFON UFO Journal February 2006
had looked for evidence of a string, but sociation, as well as the U. S. govern- capital letters across the top, written
found no evidence of a string or any ment, did not recognize it (and still do apparently by the same person, using a
supporting mechanism associated with not recognize it) as a verified medical white or ivory-colored grease pencil.
the object. condition, and ordinary health insurance The letters had been pressed lightly into
All these experts had worked with plans, including Medicare, do not cover the pictures, so that they showed
confirmed first-generation copies, costs of the treatments which are cur- slightly on the photo side.
which had been made directly from the rently available. Also, each of the three originals had
originals before they disappeared. Heflin maintained his good humor the number "13" written on the back
Spaulding admitted to Epperson in and positive thinking, however, and with soft black pencil; these markings
a Sept. 29,1977, letter that possibly the kept contact with LANS members, who did not disturb the photo side. One of
linear structure seen on the photographs were by this time either independent the "1 3" marks was so carelessly writ-
was a scratch and not a string, and also UFO researchers or MUFON mem- ten that it could be taken for a capital
admitted that copies of Heflin's pho- bers, NICAP having been essentially "B."
tographs which GSW analyzed were destroyed as an effective research or- Heflin had no memory of putting
from an undetermined source. ganization by covert action of secret these marks on the backs of the pho-
He never publicly withdrew his FBI and CIA operatives hidden within tos; they had apparently been put there
"hoax" assessment of the Heflin pho- its staff.I4 by the person(s) who had possession
tos, however, causing a split in the UFO One day in 1993 the phone rang in of the photos from Sept. 22, 1965, to
research field. Heflin's Northern California home. A that day in 1993.
Many otherwise objective research- woman's voice asked, "Have you Most intriguing of all, perhaps, was
ers tended toward the hoax explanation, checked your mailbox lately?"e call the fact that the photos were in good
while the original investigators and oth- was abruptly terminated. He went to condition, considering their age. Photo
ers continued to regard them as among the mailbox and found it empty. #4, which Heflin himself had retained,
the best UFO photos ever taken. About one-half hour later, the same had developed light brown stains, par-
The Heflin photos were reprinted in unidentified woman called again with ticularly around the smoke ring.
many books and journals in the UFO the same question. Before he could ask He considered this effect both a re-
field, but the fact that the original any questions, the caller hung up again. sult of its age and also of the fact that
Polaroids had disappeared thwarted Heflin again went out to his mailbox several researchers and photogramme-
attempts to re-study them in greater and found a plain 9 X 12-inch manila trists had borrowed it to copy and study,
depth as photogrammetric technology envelope in it. It had no postage or other subjecting the Polaroid smoke-ring im-
advanced. marks which would indicate how it had age to bright lights.
Heflin continued to work for the Or- been delivered. The three returned originals also
ange County Traffic department for 15 Opening it, he found that it contained showed similar light brown stains, par-
more years, but 30 years of working the long-lost originals of Photos #1, K?, ticularly along the lower portions, but
outdoors on the streets and freeways and #3 ! Heflin examined them care- the object (UFO) in these returned pho-
of Southern California caused a seri- fully, back and front, and concluded tos was not as deeply stained as was
ous health condition, finally diagnosed they were, in fact, the original Polaroids the smoke-ring in Photo #4.
as the accumulation of tetra ethylene which had been stolen by the "NORAD Heflin was in a quandary. He sus-
lead in his bone marrow-a condition men" in 1965. pected he would not live much longer,
that has no cure, and no standard medi- Their size, texture, and general ap- and wondered what to do with these
cal treatment. pearance matched Photo #4 of the originals of his UFO photos. ,He, like
Suffering from fatigue, difficulty in "smoke-ring." He had numbered the many other UFO researchers of his ac-
breathing, and other symptoms associ- photos sequentially after he first took quaintance, knew that these photos
ated with this medical condition, Heflin, them, marking them "1" through "4" were perhaps the finest photographic
who was now married, moved to a with blue ink in the lower left hand cor- evidence of the existence of UFOs.
small town in Northern California ner. His health was uncertain and failing,
where the air was relatively pure, and The three photos which had been and he had no funds available for ex-
where an experimental treatment for the mysteriously returned had markings pensive experimental treatments for the
condition was available at a local hos- "1" through "3" in the identical place detrimental effects of the lead in his
pital on an outpatient basis. as the "4" on the original of the smoke- bone marrow.
His doctors informed him that lead- ring photo #4 which he'd retained for To add to his financial troubles, his
poisoning in bone marrow was becom- 28 years. The "4" was the only mark- pension and other funds resulting from
ing more evident among the population, ing on the back of this photo. his long-term employment in Orange
mostly in men who spent decades There were other markings, how- County had been temporarily cut off
working in the open on freeways and ever, on the backs of the three originals because that large California county had
major highways, such as policemen and which had been so mysteriously re- gone bankrupt.
highway engineers. turned. Learning about the return of Heflin's
However, the American Medical As- Each had "ORIGINAL" printed in photos from Dr. Robert M. Wood, I
February 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
contacted Heflin with the suggestion dentified craft, and denser in the im- which were previously unavailable;
that the originals be analyzed with state- mediate area just behind the craft. (5) there is evidence that, for 28
of-the-art computer enchancement This "trail" became apparent upon years, three of the original four photos
equipment. digital contrast enhancement of the third were in the hands of unknown persons
Such technology had recently be- photograph, a standard process in who took good care of them, while pos-
come available in the Los Angeles area which the image is first scanned and sibly accessing data from them.
when Dr. Eric Kelson, a science pro- subsequently displayed to emphasize Why they were returned to Heflin
fessor at a top California university, had detail. under totally inexplicable circum-
entered the UFO field a couple of years In the unenhanced, original Photo #3, stances remains an unsolved mystery.
before. In addition to his professorial the intensity values for the trail and But friend Rex, as I wrote to you in
work, he was expert in computer en- background sky were close enough to a letter shortly before you died, a letter
hancement techniques. each other that the corresponding which was read to you in the hospital 1
Happy that scientific interest in his shades of gray are difficult to distin- by your friend Lany Tarrant, the UFO
photos had been regenerated, Heflin guish, thus not detected in prior stud- field's study of your incomparable pho-
also expressed his concern that the pho- ies in the 1960s and 1970s. tos continues, and will continue in years
tos be preserved for the future, so that The trail was readily visible, how- to come.
other scientific analyses could be made ever, when a computer program reas- Studies into more technical aspects
on them as new technology became signed the output intensity range so that are being conducted presently.
available. the darkest sky pixel became black and There is more evidence emerging
Heflin trusted me as a veteran UFO the brightest sky pixel became white.15 that the unexplained "blur" around the
researcher, familiar with his case from The material in the Photo #3 smoke- object you had the privilege of photo-
the beginning, and entrusted the four trail seems similar to the particulate graphing that noon on Aug. 3, 1965,
originals into my care. matter in the black band surrounding might possibly be evidence of ioniza-
A three-person team was formed to the object, as well as the particulate tion, long speculated by researchers and
re-analyze the Heflin photos, since we matter in the smoke-ring. scientists to be involved in UFO pro-
were now able to work from the origi- This constitutes rather fm evidence pulsion.
nals. The team consisted of Dr. Robert that the black ring around the object was Other studies are obtaining infor-
M. Wood, Dr. Eric Kelson, and myself. beginning to separate before the object mation that ionization around UFOs
We set about re-studying the case, emitted the smoke-ring. might possibly be related to so-called
particularly the unanswered questions Computer enhancement also con- "angel hair," i.e., unexplained strands
which had been raised: firmed that the UFO in Heflin's photo of whitish material which quickly sub-
l.the so-called "string" which is a large object, approximately 20 feet limates, an effect seen many times by
Spaulding and GSW claimed to have in diameter and more than 100feet from witnesses viewing UFOs in the sky,
found; 2. the problem of the "flat sky" the camera, as first estimated by Heflin possibly involving a process termed
in the first three photos; and 3. the enig- and corroborated in later studies. electropolymerization.
matic "smoke-ring." Kelson also independently detected As you requested when you gave
The question of Spaulding/GSW's an unusual "blurring" effect around the your four original photos to me to pre-
"string" and "hoax" theory was quickly craft, particularly in Photo #1, which serve in perpetuity for the use of the
laid to rest. It was demonstrated beyond he stated was not due to motion, cam- UFO field, other scientists and re-
doubt that there was no string or other era focus, or to the gaussian effect. searchers are lining up, awaiting their
supportingmechanism visible in any of This correlates with Dr. Nathan's turn to re-analyze them.
Heflin's photos. finding 30 years ago of an unexplained Dr. Kelson continues his studies,
Contrast-studies of the sky back- "fuzziness" in the craft image. having given an update on the 2000 re-
grounds in all four photos revealed Our re-analysis of the Heflin UFO analysis at the 2004 NUFOC conven-
similar overcast/cloudy conditions in all photos in 2000 has led to the following tion, now held yearly at the beautiful
of them, the major point which had pre- conclusions: Renaissance Hotel in Hollywood, CA.I6
vented McDonald from accepting the (1) the photos are totally consistent Thank you, Rex, for your good-hu-
fourth photo as part of a set. with his written and verbal testimony mored, objective attitude during our 40
Our analysis also revealed the so- regarding the sighting; years of investigation. I'm glad you
called "wedge of light" on the dark bot- (2) the photos depict a solid, uni- received my last letter, catching you up
tom of the craft in Photo #2, in exactly dentified craft which is moving through on the latest of what was happening in c

the same position where Dr. Nathan the air, leaving a trail; our study of your photos.
first detected it and which, shortly af- (3) William Spaulding's "hoax" con- Thank you for your willingness to
terwards, Dr. Wood had also detected clusion in the mid-seventies was de- give your photos to science, with no
in an independent study. rived from faulty data; thought of any benefit for yourself. In
By March, 1994, Dr. Kelson also (4) the #4 smoke-ring photo is linked the near future, Rex, your invaluable
found a trail of black particulate matter by computer-enhancement data to the and beautiful UFO photos will yield
in Photo #3, streaming behind the uni- other three, by cloud and "trail" data more and more data, and eventually we
MUFON UFO Journal February 2006
will learn all they can reveal about the
UFO mystery.
In the meantime, Happy Journey
Entity reportedly captured
'OFirestorm! Dr. James E. on cell phone camera
McDonald's Fight for UFO Science, By Santiago Yturria
Chapter 12, 'The Pictures That Almost them to review the video from his cel-
Proved It," pp. 302-03. 02006 Santiago Yturria lular phone and to try to determine what
"McDonald, James E., "Heflin A bizarre incident involving three that weird creature might be.
File." In James E. McDonald Personal boys and an alien entity was reportedly Espada refused to look at the video.
Collections, University of Arizona Li- recorded on a cell phone camera by one He was still shocked by the terrifying
brary at Tucson, AZ. (See Ref. 5) of the boys (photo on Journal cover). experience, and told them, "I don't
'*Any reader who has information On March 20,2005, at 2.AM, three want to see that video ever, and I don't
about the "atomic bomb simulator" is boys were playing with a soccer ball want to discuss it."
invited to contact 'the author. outside their homes in Fraccionarniento According to their testimonials,
I3Spaulding,William, "August Sum- Del Parque, a neighborhood in the city Espada was so frightened by the event
mer News Bulletin: Result of Computer of Merida, Yucatin. that he did not want to go out at night
Photo Analysis," (undated) p. 2. David Espada and another friend, for some time and did not want to go
I4See Firestorm! cited above, pp. who wants to remain anonymous, were anywhere near that part of the sidewalk.
449-483. playing with a ball while Jose Alonso The story and the video remained a
I5Letter from Dr. Kelson to author, Herrera was recording them with his secret. Some months later, Espada and
dated 8 June 1997. Also described in Sony K500i cellular phone just for fun. Herrera, feeling more confident, told
detail in "Reanalysis of the 1965Heflin The sidewalk was well illuminated by some close friends about their alien
Photos," Journal of Scient@c Explo- several street lights. encounter experience.
ration, Vol. 4, No. 4,2000 (See Ref. 1 Then Espada lost control of the ball, The reactions were always of laugh-
above). and it rolled to a nearby post. He went ter and skepticism, but when they
I6ForDVD of Dr. Kelson's talk, con- to pick up the ball while Jose Herrera showed the images still on the cellular
tact www.nufoc.org . kept recording, applying the 2x zoom phone those laughs turned into surprise
while following Espada. and shock.
When Espada tried to pick up the ball The alien encounter became famous
Implants remotely a strange creature suddenly appeared among the kids in the neighborhood and
from behind the light post and extended became known to other boys in school
activate devices a long arm,grabbing Espada's right as well. On Nov. 30, 2005, Mexican
Computer chip implants have been arm. TV UFO personality Jaime Maussan
developed that promise to activate com- The entity was bald, with yellowish was in Merida giving lectures when he
puters and open doors with the wave white skin, and was "alien shaped." The found out about the event from some
of a hand. contact lasted just a second as Espada local researchers.
Amal Graafstra, a 29-year-old reacted, jumping and shouting, "It Maussan asked to meet these boys
Vancouver-based entrepreneur, has tiny grabbed me!! It grabbed me! !" and to see the video. A meeting was
radio frequency identification (RFID) He then ran back to his friends and arranged, and once Maussan talked to
computer chips implanted under the pointed back to the post and screamed, them and reviewed the video, he asked
skin of his left hand, making these feats "It's there!! See it!? It grabbed me!!" Espada and Herrera to go public. After
possible. Herrera was still recording with his some indecisiveness, they agreed.
An RFID contains silicon chips and cell phone, and applied a 4x zoom to Maussan called me from Merida,
antenna to enable receiving and re- the camera in the diiection Espada was telling me about this case and inviting
sponding to radio-frequency queries signaling. me to join the investigation. The next
from an RFID transceiver. Surprisingly, the alien entity showed day I received a copy of the footage for
It can be attached t m r incorporated its head again out from behind the post analysis and evaluation, as well as in-
into-a product, animal, or person, and for three seconds, and then dissapeared. terviews with the witnesses and images
reportedly costs around $2. The three boys were in shock after con- from the location.
The chips get activated when they fronting the unknown creature, and ran During the interview, Espada re-
come within 3 inches of the "reader," away from the place screaming in ter- members when he felt the creature's
which scans the data on them. The ror. hand grab his arm-a shocking moment
"reader" device costs about $50. The next day they discussed the dra- he would never forget. He says, "I was
Graafstra said the chip can't be felt, matic experience, and decided to keep going to pick up the ball, and I felt a
and that it does not impede or hurt him it a secret due to the bizarre nature of very cold hand or claw that grabbed my
in any way the incident. However Herrera asked arm and pulled me. It was extremely
MUF'ON UFO Journal
cold like an ice hand that freezes you,
and immediately it pulled me. I reacted
in panic and jumped away screaming.
Lt. Walter Haut, Roswell PR
It was an ugly being, some kind of
weird creature with a long arm.Gives officer and museum founder, dies
me the creeps to remember it."
The video is clear within the limits By Dennis G. Balthaser
of a cell phone camera. Copyright O 2005
The images show a kind of unknown During my affiliation with the Inter-
entity or creature that suddenly appears national UFO Museum and Research
from behind a post. extending what Center here in Roswell from 1996 un-
seems to be a long arm of some kind. til 1998 as a full time volunteer and as
grabbing Espada's arm, and then re- the UFO Investigator. I had the oppor-
tracting its own arm almost immedi- tunity to meet many of the well-known
ately as Espada jumps and screams. researchers in this field of ufology.
The audio portion of the video is The same is true for witnesses of the
good. and reflects the dramatic moment 1947 Roswell Incident that I have met
of the contact. There is a second ap- over the years. There are some who
pearance of the entity when Herrera ap- stand out, at least to me. as being ex-
plied the 4x zoom and the creature tremely credible.
showed its head for three seconds and Walter Haut was one of those indi-
disappeared. viduals who I've always had the utmost
, According to measurements taken by respect for. and who I will greatly miss.
Maussan at the site, the entity's arm He passed away on Dec. 15,2005. at
may have measured around 1.20 meters the age of 83.
(about 44 inches), since the distance be- In 1947. then Lt.Walter Haut was a
tween the post and the sidewalk is 1.37 key figure in the Roswell Incident, due
meters. to being the person who wrote the now Walter Haut
Also important is the narrow street famous news release of July 8, 1947, in B-29's, and received numerous med-
post which was wide enough to hide which became the headlined "RAM als for his service.
the creature's body. This presents a Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Several times we talked about the
major problem in trying to establish Roswell Region." 509" bomb wing's involvement in the
where such an entity might have come The same day, a statement was re- dropping of the atomic bombs on Ja-
from. leased saying it was only a weather pan to end the Second World War.
Both Espada and Herrera are well balloon. "I guess they changed their Walter also shared his involvement
known boys in their neighborhood and mind," Haut told The Associated Press during the testing of an atomic bomb
school. They are honest and unlikely to in 1997. Haut said he was never told in the Pacific Ocean during Operation
invent such a story or perpetrate a hoax. exactly where the flying disc reported Crossroads in 1946.
When asked why they didn't report in his news release was found, nor did He was in an airplane that flew
the incident to the police, they an- he ever see a UFO. through the mushroom cloud the bomb
swered, "No way. The police would It was quite an honor for me to meet created when tested in the ocean, and
have thought we were drunk or on Walter in person when I began my af- he actually dropped instruments into it.
drugs!.! Besides, we were shocked and filiation with the UFO Museum. Walter would often mention Col.
kept the experience to ourselves for During that time, Walter, as the origi- "Butch" Blanchard with much admi-
some time." nal founder of the museum, was there ration and respect. Blanchard was in
The story was recently released on almost every day, and would enjoy charge of the 509" bomb wing and base
national television in Mexico by meeting the visitors who came by, al- commander here in Roswell in 1947
Maussan, including the whole investi- ways with a smile, a little kidding, and when Walter was the public relations i

gation, the witnesses, the footage, and explaining his involvement in the inci- officer for the base.
the analysis performed. Both Espada dent as the public relations officer that They had an exceptional relationship,
and Herrera continue to maintain their wrote the news release. according to Walter, hdhe-talked about
story and the legitimacy of the video. I'm sure very few researchers, and that relationship many times.
For thls research team, the case rep- particularly the general public, knew Walter was very active in many civic
resents a major challenge. We have much about Walter's interesting mili- organizations in Roswell after he got
been evaluating and analyzing all the tary career, other than his involvement out of the military, as he and his wife
elements and evidence in order to reach with the Roswell Incident. decided to stay in Roswell.
a conclusion, but the case remains un- During WWII, Walter flew some 35 -WWW.truthseekeratroswell.com
solved. missions over Japan as a bombardier truthskr@roswell.net
10 MUFON UFO Journal February 2006
A question of disclosure living in California. I had introduced on film from Wisconsin by Don Ber-
Exempt from Disclosure by Robert Bill to Jaime Shandera to help in writ- liner.
Collins and Richard Doty, 2005, 192 ing what was supposed to be a screen I was accidentally informed of this
pages, Peregrine Communications,865 play for a UFO movie that was to be by Don many months later and, after
Helke Rd., Vandalia, OH 45377 ISBN fictional, but incorporating our ideas. viewing a poor copy, asked about in-
0-9766426-0-3, $19.98 inc shipping. We shot a little footage before the cluding Bob in the investigation be-
Reviewed by Stanton Friedman money ran out. Bill and Jaime contin- cause of his extensive background in
This 2005 book is both fascinating ued to work together, and kept me in- classified Research and Development.
and frustrating. If everything in it were formed of various meetings with vari- I have described my findings about
true, it would be of great
- significance. ous insiders, especially in Albuquerque. the documents received by Tim in both
The authors I was called after Bill developed the my 2000 MUFON Paper "Roswell and
were certainly in a roll of film received by Jaime which the MJ- 12 Documents in the New Mil-
position to learn a incorporated the Eisenhower Briefing lennium" and in the new afterword to
lot about flying Document. It came from Albuquerque the second edition (2005) of my book
saucers and inside I with no return address in December, TOP SECRETMAJIC (see my website
1984. www.stantonfriedman.com ).
I still cannot be certain that Doty was Briefly I am convinced that almost
Robert M. involved with providing the roll of film. all the documents received by Tim are
Collins is a former I met with Bill in January, 1985, in fraudulent, though I am quite satisfied
Air Force intelli- California while my son was in the hos- with the Eisenhower Briefing Docu-
gence officer with pital, and we were in close touch after ment, the Truman Forrestal Memo, and
a 22-year background in aircraft avi- my trip to Washington, DC, in March the Cutler Twining memo.
onics systems, ground communica- of 1985. I don't know who faked Tim's docu-
tions, and engineering physics. There I learned, from archivist Ed ments or why. Seven are very clearly
Much of the time he was based at Reese at the National Archives, about emulations of real documents that have
Wright Patterson Air Force Base in a classification review being done of been published. These were retyped
Ohio, and later in New Mexico. Entry 267 of Record Group 341-USAF with a few changes, and the hand writ-
Richard C. Doty spent many years Headquarters files. ten material scanned or Xeroxed. The
with the USAF Office of Special In- Again I was called from DC after language is almost word for word that
vestigations, based mostly at Kirtland Bill and Jaime found the Cutler Twin- of the originals.
Air Force Base in Albuquerque, NM. ing Memo at the Archives in July after And there are factual mistakes in the
Tim Cooper, who is listed as a con- I had been informed that the declassifi- emulations, as well as in many other of
tributing author, is a civilian UFO en- cation review was complete. the documents. The situation isn't
thusiast, made many FOIA requests, Doty had passed on to Bill certain helped any by the fact that Tim failed a
learned a lot from his father, who had a quite accurate information about meet- polygraph examination concerning de-
high level security clearance, and was ings I had with people in Montreal and tails of how he got the documents.
in touch with many researchers. in England that only someone keeping These very questionable documents
They tell of flying saucers in gov- tabs on me could have known. seem to form the basis for many of the
ernment possession at various facilities, While I am suspicious of everybody, claims and conclusions presented in this
and efforts devoted to back engineer- Doty seemed to be dealing in truths as book. None of the specific criticisms
ing. I had a number of telephone con- well as disinformation with Linda are noted. None of my many MJ-12
versations with Collins years ago, es- Howe and Paul Bennewitz. papers or my book about MJ-12 are
pecially about activities at Wright Pat. I had had many phone conversations referenced.
, I had only a few conversations with and much correspondence with Tim The book could certainly have used
Doty, but was well aware of many of Cooper. In addition I was responsible more careful proofreading (lots of mis-
his dealings with Bill Moore while Bill for his meeting with Dr. Robert M. spelled words etc) and editing, and
was promoting The Roswell Incident Wood in California after getting Bob in- there is no index. The invasion of the
and we were continuing our Roswell volved in the MJ- 12 morass, especially Bay of Pigs, for example, was in April,
research in the 1980s while I was in concerning the Special Operating 1961, NOT April, 1964.
New Brunswivk, Canada, and he was Manual SOM 1.O1 originally received There are many unsubstantiated
February 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
claims. Typically (p. 16) it is claimed A collection of UFO reports book-many unfamiliar to me-contains
"UFO Related secret programs have Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of no listing for Peter Davenportia strange
consumed a significant part of UFO Sightings by Maj. George A. and unexplained omission.
America's Black Budget since the Filer, USAF (Ret) & David E. The Swords/Timmerman book is
Manhattan Project. For example, the Twichell, 2005, Infmity Publishing Co., made up of reports personally received
1997 government-disclosed intelli- Suite 100, West Conshohocken, PA by Timmerman, a veteran ufologist,
gence budget portion alone was $26 19428-27 13, www.buybookson while presenting a traveling Center for
billion, and, according to Tim Weiner's theweb.com, 877-BUY BOOK, 5x8 UFO Studies (CUFOS) UFO exhibit
1990 book Blank Check, in 1990 the soft cover, 206 pages, $13.95. in numerous cities.
total black budget was about $35 bil- Reviewed by Dwight Connelly Dennett, also a veteran researcher,
lion." gleaned his California cases from a va-
As the title suggests, this is a collec-
Weiner's book says nothing about riety of sources.
tion of reports from the popular Filer's
UFOs concerning a black budget or Files, which ap- In looking at all four books, it is ob-
anything else. The book pays lip ser- pears in the vious that the reports are strikingly simi-
vice to many rumors about Marilyn lar, despite the sources. Thus collec-
Monroe, James Jesus Angleton, Allen Journal and on tively they suggest that many people
Dulles. and Dan Burisch. whose sen- the internet. from throughout the world have seen
sational claims about being a PhD level Twichell, who what appear to be UFOs and entities.
biologist working inside for MJ- 12 withseems to be the None of these books pretend to
aliens have been demolished by Las compiler of these present well-researched, documented
Vegas journalist George Knapp. reports, explains cases, but rely on volume and similari-
Another sensational claim without the book as fol- ties to make the general case for UFOs.
any substantiation is (page 72) "Dr. lows: They leave it to "smoking gun" cases
Hynek of Blue Book fame was very "Although many of the reports in- such as Betty & Barney Hill, Travis
knowledgeable about the existence of cluded herein have been investigated, Walton, and Kelly Cahill to show that
MJ- 12 and extraterrestrial contact." most of them are 'raw' reports from the best cases can stand up well to re-
I won't say this was impossible, but average citizens who have witnessed search.
would surely like to see some basis. I something unexplainable in conven- Something else is also obvious in
remember how imtated Dr. Hynek was tional terms. The purpose of this book looking at these four books, and that is
at a MUFON Conference in 1979 when is not to offer the 'smoking gun evi- the fact that witness names are scarce.
I told him of the memo from USAF dence' of the UFO phenomenon, but In the Filer/Twichell book, for ex-
Gen. Carroll Bolender indicating that rather to illustrate the volume of re- ample, a rough count suggests that of
UFO reports which could effect na- ported sighting and the diversity of 3 17 cases, the witness is named in only
tional security were not part of the Blue
witnesses universally." 93, or 29%. Not impressive, but higher
Book system. , Thus the purpose is similar to a than what has appeared over the past
Of great interest are some suppos- couple of other books recently re- year in the Journal's Filer's Files: 26
edly TOP SECRET documents from viewed: UFO Sightings in the New Mil- witness names out of 146 cases, for a
the Defense IntelligenceAgency which lennium by Richard Hall (October, percentage of only 17.8.
describe a quite spectacular Energy 2005, Journal) and Grass Roots Interestingly,the Fier~wichellbook
Device, supposedly recovered from the UFOs-Case Reports from the includes 42 cases attributed to Brian
Roswell wreckage and tested on vari- Timmerman Files by Dr. Michael Vike, none with a witness name. The
ous Space Shuttle flights. Swords (November, 2005, Joumal). Journal's Filer's Files over the past year
They claim Dr. Edward Teller had To some extent, UFOs Over Cali- include 73 cases from Peter Davenport,
done some investigation on the Energy fomia by Preston Dennett (April, 2005, none with a witness name.
Device. Are the documents genuine? Joumaf) follows a similar structure of These statistics present a couple of
They look good, which is certainly not covering a great many reports, but few, problems.
a solid basis for acceptance. if any, in great detail. The first is obvious: if we don't have
There are drawings of facilities at However, there are some differences names, the cases are much less impres-
Wright Patterson Air Force Space sive. Combine this with the fact that
in these books. Hall's book relies
where saucer wreckage may have been few of the cases have been investigated,
heavily on reports provided by Peter and we end up with something closer
stored. Davenport's National UFO Reporting
Quite frankly much of the informa- to entertainment than to ufological re-
Center, which also make up perhaps
tion in the book belongs in my Gray half of the reports each month in the search.
Basket-not enough data to establish va- Journal 5 Filer Files. The second may be less obvious. If
lidity. However, this book by Filer and witness names are commonly not pro-
The reader will have to decide what Twichell includes no reports from the vided, it opens the door for anyone to
is true and what isn't. National UFO Reporting Center, and become a "source" of UFO reports.
S t a n Friedman fsphys@rogers.com the extensive listing of names in the With no ufological credentials, any
12 MUFON UFO Journal February 2006
individual can set up a website or simi- phenomenon. portant. Investigators should be alert for
lar "source," make up reports, inter- The individual who holds himself1 cases that suggest the need for detailed
sperse numerous fake reports with oc- herself up as an ongoing receiver and investigations, and contact the sources
casional real reports from other places, distributer of reports has an obligation of these cases.
and become a "name" in ufology. to cooperate with researchers. If the source refuses to cooperate,
Thus an individual who wants to The number of cases that deserve a this should be reported far and wide.
become a UFO "authority," give talks follow-up are small, but they are im- Let's see who is legitimate, and who is
at conventions, and appear on radio, on an ego trip.
TV, and the internet has only to make
up cases. Would anyone actually do it?
Is someone already doing it?
Russian UFO cases for 2005 include
If there are fake reports, do they do
any harm? crop circles, photos, & watermelons
Statistically, yes, such as the num- Moscow newspaper Komso- of Yevseyevka in the Primorye region
ber of reports in a given year, the areas molskaya Pravda has put together re- of Russia's Far East. Enormous lights
which have the most reports, and the ports of what the staff feels are the best moved across the sky in the evenings,
types of UFOs reported most often. UFO and UFO-related reports from disappearing from view and then re-
With fake reports in the mix, such sta- Russia and other post-Soviet countries turning again.
tistics become much less meaningful. for 2005. The balls demonstrated strange be-
The reason usually given for not re- . Crop Circles havior: they froze for some time, started
vealing the name of a witness is to pro- Last year 18 cases of crop circles moving again, changed their path of
tect the witness. However, in looking were reported in Russia's regions-this motion, sent out rays of light towards
over investigated MUFON reports is six more than in 2004, and almost one another, and each ball beamed
which I have received over the years, twice the number for 2003. bright lights towards the ground.
it strikes me that a large percentage of Mysterious signs were seen in all A local farmer conducted an experi-
witnesses will allow their names to be parts of the country-as far afield as the ment on Sept. 7. When the balls ap-
used. .Korni Republic and the Far East, and peared in the dark sky, Yuri Galayev
Even when the name is not to be as close to Moscow as the Voronezh took his flashlight and signaled to one
publicized, it does appear on the and Novgorod regions. of the balls, turning the flashlight on and
MUFON form, so that the person us- UFO caught on film off. The ball responded immediately
ing the information is reasonably cer- "This May I took visiting relatives with identical signals.
tain that the witness is real. out to see an ice drift on the Yenisei," The next morning when the
If someone needs to do further re- nurse Raisa Kireyeva from the town of Galayevs went to their watermelon field
search on the case, then that witness Igarka says. they noticed a weird pattern on one of
can be contacted to see if heishe will the watermelons.
"I was speaking and gesturing, and
agree to additional research by another They remembered that the pattern
my son was taking pictures. We nei-
investigator. had not been there the day before, and
A red flag should go up when a ther heard nor saw anyhng suspicious
came to the conclusion it was a note
website or other source of a report re- or unusual, so we were totally shocked from their night visitors.
fuses to assist a legitimate investigator to see some object hanging in the air The watermelon was taken to a well-
from a legitimate organization in con- over my head when we had the photo- known Primorye biologist and ufol-
tacting an alleged witness. graphs printed." ogist, Valery Dvuzhilny.
Peter Davenport is an example of a The woman took the picture and the "I studied the fruit, both the healthy
source who DOES work with MUFON negative to the Eternal Frost Museum. and the impacted tissue," Dvuzhilny
to provide contact information for fol- At first the experts were skeptical. said. "This could not be done by insects,
low-up investigations, but some of the But after an examination they had to bacteria, nor by some fungi-none of
other sources do not. admit the strange object in the picture these could produce such a syrnrnetri-
There is this common excuse by was neither a fake nor faulty film. cal pattern."
some sources: "In the past I have given "We checked all the negatives," the The patterned watermelon is not an
contact information to (fill in the blank) director of the Eternal Frost Museum isolated case in the region. In Septem-
and they have not followed up, so I in Igarka, Alexander Toshchev, said. ber, 2002, two watermelons with com-
don't give out witness information any "But even when we magnified the irn- plicated pictograms on them were
more." age many times, the 'saucer' remained found in the field of farmer Nikolai
This just doesn't fly. Naturally there very distinct." Schislyayev.
will be people who do not follow Watermelon patterns by.ET? "Well, let them draw," the farmer
through, but there are plenty who will- In september,bright lumkous or- said. "I don't care as long as they don't
and that is how we get the information ange-colored objects, round in shape, steal from the field."
we need to better understand the UFO became a familiar sight in the village -Moscow News
February 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
Director, MUFON Eastern Region

Note: These reports are presented in or-

der to keep readers informed of some of the
vast number of sightings being reported.
However, these cases have not been officially
investigated, unless noted.
Ancient Chinese pyramids
The History Channel recently aired
an hour-long documentary on the pyra-
mids of China, featuring exclusive
video footage of
the pyramids of
Xian taken by
Hartwig Haus-
At the turn of
the century, two Chinese pyramids.
Australian trad-
ers discovered one. To the north, in the valley of Qin California triangle
. over one hundred Lin, lies what has become known as Santa Barbara - The witness ob-
pyramids, and the Great White Pyramid. It is im- served a large triangle with lights hov-
when they asked mense, approximately 300 meters ering over the freeway on Nov. 26,
the custodian of a (1000 feet) in height! The Great Pyra- 2005, at 6:30 PM.
local monastery about them, they were mid of Egypt is only 48 1. There was one light that was spin-
told that, according to 5,000-year-old The Chinese government has built a ning around the ship, and three white
records housed in the monastery, the launch pad for their space program near lights in the shape of a triangle with one
pyramids were said to be much older. the Great White Pyramid, and restrict at each point.
The traders were told that the pyra- travel to the area. There was one red light right in the
mids belonged to an age when the "old An ancient city carved out of rock, middle of the craft. The ship was not
emperors" reigned in China, and that atop a sheer cliff, has been found with very high, in the sky. It was about as
the emperors always stressed the fact straight grooves cut into the cliff face. high as a plane that is about to start land-
that they did not originate on Earth. The walls are cut perfectly straight, ing. There weren't other lights around,
Rather they were the descendants of like a laser was used. Ancient stone such as street lights or stars.
the "sons of heaven, who roared down discs similar to DVDs have been found
to this planet on their fiery metallic nearby. They have also found well-pre- Pennsylvania craft drops fireballs
dragons." The traders were told that the served bodies that resemble a race of Pittsburgh - The witness reports,
pyramids had been built by visitors ancient Celts or Hungarians. "On Dec. 11, 2005, at 9:30 PM, we
from outer space. The Chinese pyramids are very simi- saw an object flying in the clouds while
Hausdorf, a German researcher, vis- lar to Mexican pyramids, and perhaps in the backyard, and we followed it to
ited the "forbidden zones" surrounding they were built by the same "Sons of the front yard. As we watched the craft
the city of Xlan in Central Chma, Shensi Heaven." Most are flat topped, and it stopped, then it began to fly again.
Province, where he found six of the leg- some have small temples on top. "It was bright orange, or it had a
endary pyramids. Hausdorf is the author of The White bright orange glow to it, and as it got
Some of these pyramids are now in Pyramid and Satellites of the Gods. He further away, it began to speed up.
quite poor condition, largely due to be- claims a Chinese Roswell-type UFO "It emitted some kind of fireballs,
ing plundered by local farmers, al- crash occurred 12,000 years ago and dropping them one at a time about three
though the government does not allow that there are graves containing skel- times in a row. The balls were bright
excavations. etons of strange looking humanoid be- orange also like the object, resembling
The Chinese pyramids vary between ings just over four feet tall with large fire. We watched the craft until it dis-
25 and 100 meters in height except for heads. appeared out of sight, and it moved in
14 MUFON UFO Journal February 2006
a circular motion as it flew."
Thanks to Peter Davenport, director,
National UFO Reporting Center.

Florida Oval
Crawfordville -The witness while
driving home reports seeing a long ob-
ject full of light between the trees on
Dec. 13, 2005, at 8 PM: "When we
cleared the trees for a moment my
brother-in-law and I saw a long-shaped
object that was full of a yellow light.
"It was big and brighter than an air-
plane fully lit up. We then passed be- Drawing of glowing entity in Indiana. titylobject was stand-
hind more trees, and when we cleared ing on the west shoul-
the trees it was gone. area about 11 PM, and with the wit- der, about ten feet from the pavement
"Having a witness with me is what ness' help checked the area and photo- in June, 2005.
made me want to report the incident." graphed the imprinting. "In the second encounter, just south
Thanks. to Peter Davenport, "The imprint is about 1.5 to 2 meters of Tapp Road, the entitylobject was
www.UFOcenter.com. in diameter and has an oval elliptic standing in the median of the four-lane
shape. Extensions. turning outside. highway. In both instances. ~onathon
UFO landing in Israel were found in surrounding the central looked into his rear view mirror to see
Hannan Sabat, Israel Center for spiral shape. the entitylobject still standing there, still
UFO Research (ICFUFOR), writes, "The imprinting was shallow, about glowing.
"Here is the report concerning a UFO 1-2 centimeters in depth. The imprint- "That fact would seem to eliminate
landing, which occurred between Sun- ing was brighter than the soil around it, the possibility of reflected light from his
day and Monday on Nov. 27-28,2005. and some stones were pulled out. headlights. On his return through the
The event occurred in one of the agri- "Next to the main imprinting, a deep area, the entity was gone."
cultural settlements, between the city ditch was seen. It was about 10 cm deep Anyone having witnessed this object
of Rarnla and the Lod International Air- and 1to 1.5 meters in length. The ditch or entity along Highway 37 between
port (central Israel). wasn't seen there before. Bloomington and Bedford, IN, is asked
"At 1:30 AM the witness' daughter "New soot marks were found on a to contact AAARC, Lynn Taylor.
heard noises coming from the yard. She telephone pole near the ditch. One of
turned the lights in the yard on, but she the pole's devices was covered with Puerto Rice disc rises from sea
didn't see anythmg unusual. Dogs were "V"-shape marks. DORADO - Eduardo Cerdeiros
heard barking about 2:30 AM. After 7 "The second device (colored metal- Gonzalez and Sonia Felix Maldonado
AM the witness' wife discovered el- gray) was c ~ v e r e dwith SOme soot. were driving along the Caribbean Sea
liptic signs of imprinting in the yard in Some of the grass near the imprinting on the north shore of Puerto Rico on
hard-pressed coarse sand and small was covered with a gray dusty mate- Nov. 11,2001, at 11:11 PM. The radio
stones. rial and thin sand. A plastic rope was sound turn& to static, and the car lights
'The woman called her husband, and found stuck to itself." dimmed. The engine sputtered and
he called the police. The police sent a stopped.
team of scouts, and then the police Indiana Glowing Entity They looked toward the sea and saw
called Abi Greif (chairman of Oolitic - Lynn Taylor writes: a black disc come out of the water with
ICFLIFOR). "Jonathon, my son-in-law, works the pulsating red and orange lights. It
"At first, the dogs didn't want to ap- night shift in Bedford, twenty miles flashed its lights, heading north and
proach the imprinting, and avoided en- fouth of Bloomington, IN. straight up and out of sight in about 15
tering the area. The police scouts "Twice this summer at different lo- seconds.
checked the house and its surroundings, cations on Highway 37S, he observed A member of the Puerto Rico high-
but didn't find any clues. They indicated a self-luminescent humanoid shape on - way patrol police, Jaime D., also
in their report that it is a case of a UFO the side of the roadway around 8:45- viewed the incident and reported to his
that came from above and probably left 9:00 PM. headquarters.
in the same direction. "In both instances he described the
"They couldn't decide what this ob- entity as having a slender torso area and Texas Flying mangle
ject was. Any signs of an object brought a 'big round head.' The entity or object TEXARKANA - The witness re-
there by someone, or signs of a dune was not animate, and did not react to . I
ports, "Last night on N ~ 7, ~2005,
buggy or any other vehicles, were .re- Jonathon's vehicle. dropped off my girlfriend by the store
jected by the police. I arrived at the "The figure glowed with a brilliant and pulled into my parents' back drive-
February 2006 MUFON UFO Journal 15
way and was sitting there for an hour Illinois spinning flat objects make out what it was. They described
before I noticed a real bright light. I Chicago -I was on the porch smok- it as a large black box." Thanks to Pe-
watched the glow for a couple of min- ing around 9 PM on Dec. 11,2005, and ter Davenport, www.UFOcenter.com.
utes and went back to listening to the saw a bright flat-shaped object flying
radio and drinking my beer. southeast. It was moving in a spinning UFO on road in Argentina
"About 25 minutes later, the glow motion, and looked like one side of it A bus traveling from Cordoba to San
went totally black, and at the same time was the color of fire. Luis was forced to stop Dec. 29,2005,
my neighbor's security lights went out. "I immediately called my daughter, at 9:45 PM due to the presence of a
The lights stayed off for about two min- so that she could see that I was not see- flying saucer on the road.
utes, then popped back on as the glow- ing things! She couldn't believe what A passenger said that the bus
ing object also popped on at the same she saw either! It continued to move stopped as it faced an enormous light,
time. higher into the sky, and I saw another and that other passengers got out of the
"It then began to move sideways one coming from another direction, and vehicle to witness the event.
very slowly until it was out of my view it looked like it went right up to the other "I will never forget the cone-shaped
behind some trees. I got out of my car one, and both of them just kept on go- light in the middle of the road," the pas-
to watch, and it changed direction and ing. senger told the El Liberal newspaper.
glided damn near over my house. "They both moved in a spinning mo- "Suddenly, the object was enveloped
"It had a triangular shape with tion, looked flat, and had the color of in a bluish-white light and started to
rounded edges and huge windows at fire on one side. Very weird!" Thanks spin like a top and rise straight up, Gght-
the top half of the craft. There was a ing the landscape like daytime.
to Peter Davenport.
red light under the craft, but it was not "As it ascended, it issued colored
flashing like a normal aircraft. It was lights in-intense phosphorescent shades.
the size of a hospital. I have been in the New Jersey boomerang and balls It suddenly disappeared to become a
military and grew up near an Air Force Parsippany - The witness reports glowing dot. I immediately began per-
base, and this wasn't anything that I seeing a boomerang-shaped craft on ceiving an odor of heated metal that
have seen before." Dec. 7,2005, at 10 PM. The hovering blended with a very particular smell re-
lights veered left and then sped right. sembling sulfur."
Bleeding nose in Florida The object had two lights in front and A woman also claimed having seen
JACKSONVILLE - The witness a red light in back that seemed sus- a UFO last Friday along the same route
reports, "I was standing in a parking pended from the craft. from the microbus belonging to the
lot with six friends. The objects allcame It hovered at an estimated 2,000 feet, Andesmar Co'mpany.
together and moved in a formation like veered left at a slow speed, then right, Thanks for the translation (c) 2006.
2-3-4-3-2 on June 5,1968. They moved and mildly accelerated. There were no Scott Corrales, (IHU)
from the east to west until they were towers or buildings nearby. Thanks to
directly above us. Peter Davenport. Argentina Cattle Mutilation
"Then, they started moving in a fig- VERTIZ -Inexplicata reports four
ure eight or dog fighting motions. They, New York large black object Argentine Frisian cows were found
then came back together into the same Long Island City -The witness re- dead and mutilated on Dec. 13,2005,
formation,moved west to east, and then ports, "I was watching a construction at the Los Hermanos ranch in La
flew in all directions. My friends de- site across the street from my window Pampa.
cided to leave. on the 22nd floor of 1 Court Square on The leaseholder, Gustavo Steib,
"As I watched, I noticed a light mov- Dec. 13,2005, at 11:13 AM. stated, "From one day to the next, cows
ing west that became brighter until I "Alarge dull black object that at first, that were about to give birth were found
saw a large black and white bullseye I mistook as something the crane was dead, missing their genitalia, the nipples
target. lifting was flying in the background. I of their udders, and a patch of hide,
"The next moment a blue-white sau- asked my co-worker what the hell it whose circular incision was perfect.
cer flew over at 20 to 100 feet altitude, was. It started to move slowly. "The incisions were precise, clean,
and I was standing there with a bleed- "We also noticed the construction and almost cauterized-it's like cutting
ing nose and an hour difference in time, workers on the building next door point- and sealing at the same time to avoid
for it now was 10:45 PM. One friend ing and watching the same object. Sev- hemorrhages. The flesh rots at a high
came to me and told me he had been eral other coworkers also came by as rate of twelve hours, whereas it nor-
there looking for me earlier and couldn't the object moved across Manhattan mally takes two or three days, and the
find me.. from east to west around 59th Street. carcass is unmolested by canion ani-
"I explained to him that I had not '"It then traveled south, then reap- mals."
gone anywhere, and then he noticed my peared in front of us again on the north Thanks to CIUFOS-LAPAMPA
bleeding nose. I have no memory of the side of the building. Translation (c) 2005. S. Corrales, IHU.
lost time or the object after seeing the "We called co-workers in our office Special thanks to Raul Oscar Chaves,
bullseye." Thanks to Jack Kentucky. in NYC. They saw it, too, and couldn't Ciufos-LaPampa
MUFON UFO Journal February 2006
I DhYsical Traces
By Ted Phillips

The Cato landing

The Marlett Sturgell farm, consist-
ing of 500 acres. is located in eastern
Barry County, MO. in the Mark Twain
National Forest. The farm is in a re-
mote area 1.6miles from the small town
of Cato.
Dense forest surrounds the farm,
with the exception of fields extending
from the Sturgell
house south to
Flat Creek.
which borders
the fields on the
east. west. and
The farm is at
the end of a long,
narrow gravel Uew of object (white, recreared), as seer1 from rlle house.
road, and the
nearest house is a lower elevation than the house. The show you. Well ...there was a cow and
a mile away. Ted Phillips terrain falls 10 feet in elevation to a her calf standing there on this side (east)
Witnesses point 285 feet south of the Sturgell and- the - coyote
- . was on the west side,
Marlett Sturgell, 71; Dora Sturgell, home. and that thing was between them.
wife, 69; Norman Sturgell, son of There is a clearing northwest of the "It looked just like a big piece of
Marlett & Dora, 24; Jean (Norman's field and this is the area over which the white paper or plastic or something, and
fiancee), 23; Raymond Morgan, son- object later ascended. The field in one side seemed like it came down that
in-law, 37; Francis Sturgell Morgan, which the landing took place is sepa- way, kind of like a hump. It was there I
daughter of Marlett & Dora, 36; Bruce rated from a second field to the east by would say, about two hours or longer.
Morgan, son of Raymond & Francis, a fence and a few scattered trees. The "My daughter [Francis] had come to
1 V.
C; field in which the site is found has a the window there while we were look-
gradual slope to the creek. ing at the coyote, and the coyote and
The sighting As Dora looked out the window, she the cow and her calf just stood there,
The morning of Oct. 8, 1978, fea- saw a shape, pure white in color, rest- and finally the coyote ran that way [SE]
tured a combination of clear sky to high ing on the ground between a cow and and that calf chased it off. The old cow
scattered clouds, light winds, and a calf and the coyote. just stood there. So...we didn't think any
temperature of 49 degrees. Morning She mentioned the object to Francis more about it."
twilight began at 6:45 AM, with sun- and Marlett. The white object was 185 Phillips: What color was it when it
rise at 7:16. Azimuth 50 degrees. feet away, and they decided it must be was on the ground?
Sixteen minutes before sunrise the a piece of paper or metal which had Dora: "It was snow white. Of course
fields between the house and Flat Creek blown into the field during the night. it was in the morning; the Sun did come
were illuminated by the morning twi- up before it took off."
light, presenting a clear and bright view. Taped description
of initial observation Marlett: "It was an aluminum
It was at this time that Dora Sturgell color."
took her 3-year-old grandson to a south Dora: "I was looking through this
Phillips: Did the shape look differ-
window to try to show him a coyote big window there (south side of house) ent when it was in the air?
which was often seen in the early mom- and I looked down there and was gonna Marlett: "Well, we couldn't see it
ing . show my grandson a coyote-he wanted
down there very good [a berm on the S
The field is surrounded by heavy to see a coyote. I said, it's here every side of a narrow gravel road blocked
timber to the south and west, and is at morning, just wait a minute and I'll their view of the lower section of the
February 2006 MUFON UFO Journal 17
object.] I took it to be about this big now four or five feet above the ground, if any. It was a real pretty morning, just
around [4 feet] and about this high [3 ascending. Dora was watching from the a few clouds, warm."
feet] in the air. It wasn't that big down front porch, and observed the object Phillips: Any wind gusts?
there; it kind of sloped to the side and ascending vertically. Francis: "No."
stood up like this. One side looked During the ascent Dora was joined Bruce: "No, real calm, I remember
higher than the other. in seconds by Francis, with Raymond that there wasn't any wind." [The site
"When it raised up, when it got in and Bruce 60 feet southeast of the is located in a low elevation field sur-
the air, it was taller. [After clearing the house, and Marlett and Norman at the rounded by trees, the light winds de-
berm the entire object could be seen.] barn. Raymond and Bruce ran to the scribed by the weather station would
When a person is all excited, he doesn't front of the house quickly and watched have been diminished on the surface).
look for all them things." the ascent from there. Phillips: How did it take off?
Marlett: "Well, that old tarp down Phillips: Who saw it leave the Francis: "It went straight up maybe
there [ t a p used to cover and protect ground first? 6 to 8 feet fast, then it slowed."
the site until I arrived] kind of reminds Francis: "I think-I don't know for Phillips: Smooth motion?
you of something like that, only white, sure-I think I saw it the lowest. I saw it Francis: "Yes, real smooth.
humped up over something, like a piece when it was about fence high, about as Phillips: Did it seem to turn at any
of paper rolled up and laying there." high as that fence is [a fence located on point?
Dora:'"Why that cow and calf and the south side of the-gravel road be- Francis: "Yes, it turned right, and
that coyote didn't take off running is tween the. site and the house]. I think then a bigger turn to the left. It was ro-
something." they saw it when it was a little bit higher. tating also. Sometimes you could see
Marlett: Well, that thing was there Dad was out by the tractor. I don't think the shiny, and sometimes you couldn't.
from seven, and it was still there when we called out; it seemed like we all just I thought it was turning in the sky. It
I went to get the tractor. I left the house went there out front." turned darker; it looked like the other
at nine. As I walked to the tractor I Phillips: Were you at the window part was darker. I could see a black
thought I had better take a look at it. by yourself when you saw it coming stripe that was wider than the pin stripe
"By the time I got down there I up? on an automobile, and it ran the length
looked up and it was off the ground. If Francis: "Yes, I went on out. When of the object."
a cow had been laying down there with I did, I saw dad running that way. Phillips: Any sound?
something over it ...that's what it would Bruce: "I think I was just coming Bruce: "None, really quiet.
have looked like. Raymond went right out of the house 'cause everyone was Phillips: Now, you see it taking off
straight down there [to the site after the running out there. from the window, and you run outside.
ascent]." Phillips: Did you see it leaving the Where was it when you got outside?
Phillips: Could you see any lights ground? Francis: "Still over the field.'' [In-
on the outside of the landed object? Bruce: "No, it was up in the air." dicating a very slow rate of ascent].
Openings? Any surface features? Phillips: Francis, was your mom in Phillips: When you got outside, was
Francis: "No." the house with you? your father there yet?
Phillips: Could you see anything at Francis: "I think she was outside." Francis: "No, he was running to-
all hanging from it? Sticking out from Phillips: When you first saw it corn- ward us. When the thing was at the tree
it? ing off the ground, did it look different tops it was silver. In the air it seemed
Francis: "No, I didn't see anything, than it did on the ground? to turn silver, then dark, then silver
none of us did." Francis: "Yes, it was just sort of again. It seemed to turn every two sec-
As the morning progressed all of the slanting up, like an oval, like ..." onds or so."
members of the family continued to Bruce: "It looked like it was silver Phillips: How large was the object?
look out the window periodically, and as it got up in the air, it seemed to Francis: "Four or five feet wide,
from the front porch until 9:00, two change from white to silver as it got up three feet high. It just got a little rounder
hours after the initial sighting. in the air...real silver, really bright ...." as it went up. It looked flatter on the
Following breakfast, Norman had Francis: "It looked to me like it was ground, then it got a little bit bigger. It
gone to a barn located 125 feet south- a round thing. It looked white at fence looked like it was tilted."
east of the house to do the morning high, then it got silver as it went up. It I will continue with this very signifi-
chores. At 9:00 Marlett left the house looked oval and a little larger after it cant case next month, including de-
and walked to the barn to join his son. got up; it just gradually got bigger as it scriptions by the witnesses of a second
Norman called to Raymond and got higher." object and my investigationof the land-
asked him to drive the tractor from the [As the object ascended it moved ing site.
house to the barn. Raymond and Bruce from a distance of 285 feet from the
started walking toward the barn. witnesses to about 180 feet as it passed MUFON reports
The ascent to the west of the house.] Field Investigators: Please send a
At this point Francis again looked out Phillips: Was there any wind? copy of your sighting reports directly
the south window and saw the object Francis: "I don't think so, not much to the Journal.
MUFON UFO Journal February 2006
Mysterious animal deaths, mutilations
continue to plague Colorado ranches Feb. 26-March 4-Annual Interna-
tional UFO Congress Convention &
By R. Scott Rappold Leslie Varnicle, state director of the Film Festival, Flamingo Resort,
The Gazette, Colorado Springs Mutual UFO Network, has also looked Laughlin, NV, featuring Jaime
Cattle rancher Clyde Chess never into the deaths. She said a teenager Maussan, Bill Ryan, Geoff Stray,
learned who-or what-killed his heifer spotted a strange aircraft in the Calhan Haktan Akdogan, Helen Littrell, Jean
11 years ago, removing its lips, tongue, area Oct. 21. She thinks it's no coinci- Bilodeaux, Mark Kimmel, Barbara
ears, heart, and reproductive organs dence. Lamb, Christian Frehner, Michael
with laserlike precision. "You had the animal deaths and, in Cremo, Dr. William Tiller, Wendelle
But he has a theory. "I suspect, and the same time and area, an observation Stevens, Michael Horn, Robert Cook,
I know it sounds far-fetched, it was of this V-shaped craft," Varnicle said. Colin Andrews, Philip Mantle, Scott
government testing," said Chess, who "In the back of my mind, I think there Ramsey, Paul Davids, Don Ledger,
has a ranch in Rush. "They're the only is a connection." Ryan Wood, Maurizio Baiata, Greg
ones that have that kind of technology." Eastern El Paso County is fertile Bishop, Jorge Martin, George Knapp,
This is eastern El Paso County, ground for such theories. In the 1970s Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, Peter
where stories of mysterious black air- and '80s the area was among many Robbins, and A. J. Gevaaerd. 303-65 1-
craft, unexplained lights in the sky, and parts of the West to see a string of cattle 7 136, ufocongress@msn.com,
bizarre cattle mutilations aren't consid- mutilations. '
ered too farfetched. Typically, soft tissue such as the lips, April 8,2006-0hio MUFON and
Many remember the string of cattle rectum and sexual organs were re- The Cleveland Ufology Project (CUP),
mutilations that occurred in the 1970s, moved, with little blood or signs of a Oberlin College Science Center, West
and happen to this day. struggle evident. Lecture Hall, N174 119 Woodland St.,
"Is this a mystery? It's a huge mys- There was an FBI investigation, and Oberlin, OH, featuring Richard Dolan,
tery," said Linda Moulton Howe of Al- in 1979 a summit attended by scien- "UFOs, National Security, and You:
buquerque, NM, author of An Alien tists, law enforcement officials from What's Going On and Why It Matters,"
Harvest, a book about the cattle muti- several states, UFO investigators, and 4-6 PM with book signing to follow.
lation phenomenon. "What it all means a U.S. senator. Contact Richard Lee, 330-928- 1355,
1 don't know. But do I think humans The wave died out around the rnid- rlee@neo.rr.comor CUP website http:/
did that? Absolutely not." 1980s. In New Mexico, National Guard /www.clevelandufo.com/home.html
The facts are sparse: On Oct. 11, six helicopters patrolled pastures. April 14,15, and 1 6 1 8 t h Annual
horses and a burro-all healthy-were But mysterious livestock deaths Ozark UFO Conference, Inn of the
found dead in a field near Calhan. The never stopped here. According to the Ozarks, Eureka Springs, AR, featuring
veterinarian who examined them, Dr. El Paso County Sheriff's Office, there Timothy Good, Linda Moulton Howe,
John Heikkila, ruled out a winter storm, have been 26 unusual or unexplained Wendelle Stevens, Nancy Talbott, Joe
disease, toxic plants, and lightning. livestock deaths since 1989. No arrests Lewells, Paul Von Ward, Dr. Rudy
Officials remain puzzled by the have been made. Schild, Norman Oliver, and additional
quarter-inch puncture holes in the ani- Some cases have been truly bizarre. speakers, plus Sunday morning mini-
mals' hides, originally thought to be In January, 1996,Truckton area rancher sessions. weblfl23 @ webtv.net
gunshot wounds, but no evidence of James Richard White found one of his ozarkufo.com
bullets was found. cows dead, with an entire eye socket May 19-20-McMenamins UFO
Toxicology tests for common poi- surgically removed. There was no sign Festival, McMinnville, OR, 503-223-
sons came up negative, and expensive of a struggle, and no tracks. 0109, www.ufofest.com..
testing for "unusual possibilities" was According to a Sheriff's Office re- June 16-18-SGRA conference,
not done, because of cost, Heikkila port, White told a deputy he had seen Howard Johnson Motel, Milford, CT,
wrote in his Nov. 20 autopsy report. black helicopters in the area before, featuring Jeff Belanger, John Zafis,
He concluded that an unusual toxin, hovering a couple hundred feet above Stacey Jones, Stephen Wagner, Nick
delivered through a dart or pellet, the ground, not maXing a sound. Roesler, Diane Bajorinas, Jon
caused the deaths. And on the night his cow was killed, Nowinski, Todd Bates, Dr. Jimmy
The horses' owner, Bonny Blasin- his television flickered. Lowerey, and Mark Mihalko.
game, also thinks they were poisoned. In 1994, Sirnla rancher Ted Hasen- wwwsgra-media.org.
She doesn't know who would do it, but balg found one of his bulls mutilated, July 14-16,2006-The 37" Annual
others have an idea. "I've talked to the third to die strangely since the MUFON International UFO Sympo-
several of my friends who think that it's 1970s. sium, Marriott Denver Tech Center
aliens," Blasingame said. She said she "I've got to think it's UFOs. That's Hotel, Denver, CO. "Unconventional
didn't laugh. the only thing logical," Hasenbalg said. Flying Objects: The Best Evidence."
February 2006 MUFON UFO journal
.. ,
By Stanton T. Friedman

Exopolitics Philip Corso's book The Day after is on the order of a million light years
Roswell and watched Peter Jennings' away, this sounds ridiculous. Intraga-
Exopolitics (extraterrestrial plus lactic (within the galaxy) seems far
~ e b24,2005,
. ABC-TV documentary
politics) is a word that has received a
and was impressed. He obviously more reasonable.
lot of attention over the past few years, Hellyer provided no real evidence to
hadn't read any of the criticism of ei-
but especially after Sept. 25,2005. ther (see www.stantonfriedman.com),. support his positions. They were his
A former Canadian politician named
He said he spoke with a.retired opinions. Two other primary pursuers
Paul Hellyer was one of several speak- of exopolitics have also avoided deal-
US@ General who told him it is all
ers at an Exopolitics Conference at the ing with evidence as a basis for their
true and more.
University of Toronto, in Toronto.
He wouldn't release the name of this own conclusions.
The Conference was organized by informant. One is Dr. Michael Salla of Austra-
Mike Bird and VictorViggiani. The and there is lia, now living in Hawaii. He has par-
speakers included Steve Bassett, Rich-
no way to ticipated in several conferences. and
ard Dolan, Viggiani, ~ e l l ~ eandr . my- seems to believe every whistleblower
k n o w
self. It was held on Sunday. Sept. 25. whether and contactee story ever told.
from 9:30 AM until 3:30 PM. Admis- what was His excuse for accepting the tales
sion ran about $40 (CAD). meant was without evidence to support them, and
Except for Hellyer. we all appeared
that all the in the face of evidence that they are ba-
on Errol Bruce Knapp's weekly UFO- details in loney. is that since the government cov-
related radio program "Strange Days Corso's book ers up things about UFOs, they would,
Indeed" the night before to help pro- were correct of course. also make it impossible to
mote the program. venfy claims of the whistleblowers and,
(very very
Hellyer, who was now 82, had Stan Friedmon dou bti'ul) or therefore, the claims must be true.
served as Canadian minister of defense that indeed a
back in 1963-67. He had switched po- A fan of Lazar
saucer had been recovered at Ros-well So he is a big fan of Robert Lazar,
litical parties and then tried starting his
and the US government has been try- all of Dr. Steve Greer's sources, Col.
own party. He looked good and read ing to extract high technology from the
his talk, but without any visual aids. Corso, Sgt. Clifford Stone, "Dr."
wreckage. Michael Wolf Kruvant, etc.
I gave a Power Point program,
Because of Hellyer's high level He admitted he still had copies of
stressing facts and data about UFOs, background, roughly the equivalent of
various government lies, the Cosmic his college degrees when I pointed out
a secretary of defense, but for a coun- that I still have mine, even though I am
Watergate, etc.
try with a much lower expenditure per many years older than Lazar, and that
We speakers also were present at a
press conference after the formal con-
capita on Defense matters than the nothing Lazar has said checks out.....no
USA, he has received a lot of media diplomas etc; but he must be telling the
ference. A book store was selling books
attention, including being on the Fox truth Salla claims.
in the lobby, including selling 57 cop- and MNBC TV networks.
ies of the newly-published 2nd edition The archives of the internet group
There had been some major press "UFO Updates" have lengthy discus-
of my book TOP SECRET/MAJIC. coverage before the conference which
Obviously some people had a seri- sions between people like myself, Dr.
focused on Hellyer because essentially David Rudiak, Dr. Kevin Randle, and
ous interest in UFOs. There were about no background was provided concern-
400 people present for the conference, Dr. Salla.
ing the other speakers. For reasons unknown, Salla believes
somewhat of a disappointment to the
At the post-conference press gath- that the creation of 4 atoms of Element
sponsors. ering there were no representatives of 115, by operating a huge accelerator for
No insider information major newspapers or TV. Press focus almost a month, validates Lazar's
Hellyer provided no insider informa- was often on his comments that Presi- scheme for creating gravity waves with
tion about UFOs from his days as min- dent Bush has approved establishing a a reactor using element 115. It would
ister of defense or serving in any other space military capability which might only take 10 followed by 24 zeros times
political capacity. He stated he had get us into an "intergalactic" war. as much element 115, which, unfortu-
none, and admitted that he did not have Frankly, I object to the term interga- nately, has a half life of less than 1 sec-
a need-to-know for everything. lactic, which means between galaxies. ond.
He stressed that he had read Col. Considering that the next galaxy over Another major practitioner on the
MUFON UFO Journal February 2006
exopolitics scene is Steve Bassett, who we are not alone. Clearly it is a very ciety run well over 40 billion dollars
even ran quite unsuccessfully for the long way from people believing that per year. Some of that funding has al-
US Congress on an exopolitical ticket. there is other life somewhere in the most certainly been used to investigate
He has spoken at a number of confer- universe (sort of like the SET1 cultists the "reports of UFOs which could af-
ences and hosted two of his own in claim) to accepting that they are run- fect national security and are not part
Gaithersburg, MD. ning the show. of the Blue Book system," as noted by
He has made an effort to raise funds I think much bigger factors in accep- Gen. Carroll Bolender in 1968.
for the movement, but has not been very tance of the notion of ET life are the Salla and associates in January an-
successful so far, as a number of speak- movies. books. TV programs. and lec- nounced an "Extraterrestrial Civiliza-
ers at his last conference still haven't tures like mine than directions from tions & World Peace Conference" June
been paid. ETs. 9- 11,2006, in Kona, Hawaii.
Research by proclamation Quite obviously it wouldn't take too Conference planned
The third vocal supporter is Dr. many displays in public with oodles of The announcement says, "The con-
Alfred Webre of Vancouver, British witnesses (World Soccer Champion- ference will focus on compelling evi-
Columbia, who was supposedly look- ship, the Olympics, etc) to convince us- dence to assist the peoples of Earth in
ing into extraterrestrial life for Presi- if that was the ET objective. establishing world peace, environrnen-
dent Jimmy Carter until his program I, for one, have no idea how to ex- tal protection, and spiritual
was cancelled. trapolate from North American polls to, upliftment . . ..Extensive evidence sup-
He is the author of Exopolitics: Poli- for example, the views of 2.5 billion ports testimony from a number of
tics, Government and Law in the Uni- people in China, India, and Indonesia. whistleblowers and contactees that
verse. To say the least, this is an ambi- Not only do the exopoliticians pro- some of these extraterrestrial civiliza-
tious effort. The book is a splendid ex- vide no evidence to support their con- tions specifically approached world
ample of research by proclamation. clusions, but they also totally ignore governments to ask for an end to
For example, he claims "Universe national security considerations. nuclear weapons development ...and
civilizations function within our own in- I think, based on all the military ex- that they have acted to mitigate the most
terstellar Universe, as well as within penditures, that the nations of Earth are severe aspects of military conflict."
other dimensions in the universe at all very concerned about violations of I think he believes this, but can find
large. Advanced civilizations exist in their airspace and land and sea borders. no reason for me to.
other dimensions parallel to our own." All are concerned about the possi- More information is available at
I have no idea what this is supposed bility that their "enemies" may invade, http://www.exopoliticsinstitute.org/
to mean. Of course, no evidence is pro- or at least develop new and improved conference.htm
vided. methods of attacking them. All are, I Certainly Kona is a lovely place to
Another proclamation is "Extrater- am sure, concerned about the possible visit in June. Paul Hellyer will be one
restrial civilizations visit Earth and an development of improved, jam proof of a number of speakers. Based on past
interplanetary federation governs Earth techniques for detecting enemy attacks performance I expect the quality of evi-
itself." and for their enemies detecting their at- dence to be minimal and almost entirely
Really? Considering the mess the tacks. unsubstantiated.
Earth is in with a trillion dollars per year If anything has been learned that Stan Friedman fsphys @rogers.com
being used for the military, and more could be used for the development of
than 30,000 children dying every day improved offensive and military sys-
of preventable disease and starvation, tems, none would want to share their Silent auction
that sure isn't much of a recomrnenda- information.
tion for the ETs. No evidence fundraiser planned
He also proclaims "Universe soci- Webre talks about the coming de- This year's MUFON Symposium
ety operates according to rules of law. mocratization of the planet. Again no will again have a "Silent Auction" as
Its intentions toward Earth are benign." evidence is presented. Does he really a fundraiser for MUFON's general
No indication at all is given as to why believe that the USA, with a popula- fund, according to Tom Deuley, who
Webre believes this. Perhaps he has tion of roughly 300 million people, headed the effort last year.
forgotten that the road to Hell is paved would accept a one-person. one-vote "Last year was very successful,"
with benign intentions. arrangement? China has 1.3 billion he explains, "and we are loolung for
Webre claims that since 45% of people. India has 1 billion. ideas and donations to make this year
people responding to public opinion Webre wants a 10-year period of even more successful. The unique
polls in North America believe that publicly-supported ET related research. items bring in the highest bids.
there is ET life, that means the rest of He accepts that there is a substantial "Please let me know your
the planet is ready to become part of cover-up of UFO data. Is he really not thoughts, and join the fun in Denver
the Universe. aware that this has already been pub- this July. Call me at (915)-276 1314
He gives the universals credit for licly funded? after 5:00 PM MST or send an E-
people now knowing by intuition that Black budgets in this democratic so- I mail anytime. tDdeulev@aol.com."
February 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
Director's Message
(Continued from page 2) Presentations will include papers on MUFON Foreign Representative for
of Evidence. The contest is finished, Hispanic UFOs Worldwide, Large Tri- Argentina.
and we are pleased with the results. angular UFOs, New Landing Trace
The first place winner of the contest Evidence, Angel Hair in UFO Cases, New Field Investigators
was Ronald S. Regehr of Moab, UT. Police Off~cerUFO Reports, Evidence Kathleen Marden, Director of
The title of his paper was "The Lranian for 77 UFO Crashes, Physical Influ- Field Investigator Training, has an-
UFO Encounter." ences of UFOs on Water, New Evi- nounced that Brian Gaugler of Port
In the paper he provides multiple dence in the 1976Iranian UFO Encoun- Jefferson Station, NY; Jean Fisher of
credible eyewitness reports, expert tes- ter, and A Wrap-up of 2005 UFO Cases Jackson, TN; and Michael Price of
timony by high ranking military offi- Showing the Current Nature of the Ellenboro, NC, have passed the
cials, expert testimony of a DSP satel- UFO Mystery. MUFON Field Investigator's Exam
lite expert, official government records, Attend this symposium and you will and are now MUFON Field Investiga-
and authenticated records. His evi- have all the ammunition you need to tors.
dence shows that the UFO was ob- show that UFOs are real, and that there Student Stephen King of Broken
served by a classified spy satellite. is solid evidence proving it. .Registra- Arrow, OK, passed the Field
Second place went to Carl Feindt tion information will be available next Investigator's Exam, and is now a Stu-
of Claymont, DE. His research was month. dent Field Investigator. MUFON Field
on "The Physical Influences of a UFO Investigators are at the forefront of all
on Water." New Lifetime Members field investigations and are assigned
Through the use of eyewitness testi- It is a pleasure to recognize six new cases by their State Directors.
mony, expert testimony, demonstrative MUFON Lifetime Members as fol- All Field Investigator Trainees are
evidence, and official written state- lows: urged to self-study the MUFON Field
ments, he was able to show that UFOs Patricia King of Albia, IA, a Jour- Investigator's Manual and take the
in and above water have a distinct ef- nal subscriber and relatively new mem- exam. State Directors, Assistant State
fect on the water. This effect appears ber of MUFON; Directors, State Section Directors, and
to be related to the power and propul- Dennis Briefer of Berlin, MA, a State Chief Investigators are good
sion system of the craft.. ,
Journal subscriber and veteran mem- sources of help and training.
James B. Boldman of Belews ber of MUFON; The manual is available from
Creek, NC, was selected as the third Michael Harrell of Greenville, SC, MUFON Headquarters for $25 plus
place winner. His paper was titled: a long-term Journal subscriber trained $3.50 p&h in the U.S. Total price for
"Angel Hair-Evidence of Technology." in Naval nuclear power reactor opera- delivery outside the U.S. is $32.50. It
Based on many eyewitness reports, tions; may also be purchased via the Internet
authenticated evidence, and expert Richard Moss of Long Prairie, MN, at www.mufon.com using PayPal.
laboratory analyst testimony, he charted State Director for Minnesota;
old and new angel hair cases, showed Kenneth Storch of Aurora, CO, po- Estate planning
how they peaked in the years of major lice officer and TV documentary star; Planned giving can be beneficial both
UFO flaps, and speculated on how they Herbert Prouty of Denton, TX, to MUFON and to your own tax and
may be tied to the UFO propulsion sys- MUFON Director of Legal Affairs. estate situation.
tems. We are extremely grateful for this Please contact MUFON headquar-
All three winners have been invited vote of confidence and outstandinglevel ters for details.
to provide the results of their research of support for MUFON.
at the 2006 MUFON International
UFO Symposium in Denver, CO, in Position Announcements UFO Newsclipping
July. It is a pleasure to announce that Senice
Charles L. "Chuck" Pine of Tuttle, Monthly collection of news sto-
MUFON 2006 International OK, has returned to the position of State ries and features about UFOs and
UFO Symposium Director for Oklahoma. During the related phenomena from the
The 2006 symposium will be held period he was absent due to business world's press, including transla-
July 14-16,2006, at the Marriott Tech travel, the position was first filled by tions.
Center Hotel in Denver, CO. This is Susan Hill and later by Louis Inks. For a sample copy and addi-
the same fabulous location where the Gregory Von Schleh, of Seattle, tional information, contact
2005 symposium was held. WA, has accepted the position of Re- UFONS, 2 Caney Valley Drive,
The theme of the event is "Uncon- search Specialist-Business. Plumerville, AR 72127-8725, or
ventional Flying Objects: The Best Evi- Claudio Del Rosario of Buenos ufons@webtv.net
dence." Aires, Argentina, has agreed to be a
MUFON UFO Journal February 2006
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February 2006 MUFON UFO Journal 23

March 2006
Moon Phases:
First quarter: March 6
Full Moon: March 14 (penumbral lu-
nar eclipse)
Last quarter: March 22
New Moon: March 29 (total solar
Bright Planets (Evening Sky):
Jupiter: In Libra. For northern
hemisphere observers, Jupiter will rise
at the end of evening twilight in the east,
ascend to about 40 degrees high near
1:30 AM, then descend to about 25 de-
grees high in the southwest at the be-
ginning of morning twilight.
Saturn: In Cancer. For northern
hemisphere observers. Saturn will
stand nearly 70 degrees high in the east
at the end of evening twilight. and will
set by about 3.30 AM in the west-north- March 5, loolung west after sunset. Orion accompanies the conjuncting
west Mars and the Moon are in conjunction planets
Mercury: Moving from Pisces into and share the sky with the bright stars (The Moon has been altered in ap-
Aquarius. For northern hemisphere Sirius, Rigel, Aldebaran and Betel- pearance from its actual phase for the
observers, Mercury will fade as it de- geuse. The well known constellation purpose of clarity in printing.)
scends into the bright western twilight
sky, and will become lost in the glare March 17 and lasting two weeks. The Moon. March 10: Saturn 4 degrees
of the Sun in the first week of the month. phenomenon is visible only from very south of the Moon. March 11: Mars 7
Mercury will reimerge for a brief dark locations. degrees north of Aldebaran. March 17:
time in the last few days of the month Zodiacal light is the result of sun- Spica 0.3 degrees south of the Moon.
just before sunrise in the east-southeast. light bouncing off dust grains in our March 21: Antares 0.3 degrees north
For southern hemisphere observers, solar system. These grains lie mostly of the Moon. March 27: Mercury 2 de-
Mercury will emerge in the morning shy in the ;lane of the s o h - system. ~ o o k grees north of the Moon.
in the east late in the month as it rises
and brightens in the twilight sky. sky somewhat s i m i k to the light from
Venus: Moving from Sagittariusinto a city or town just over the horizon.
Capricornus. For northern hemisphere Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: March
observers, Venus will be very difficult 14-15. Visible from most of the Ameri-
to observe this month, due to it's prox- cas, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
imity to the Sun, and will remain so until Total Solar Eclipse: March 29. Vis-
early May. ible from extreme eastern South
Mars: In Taurus. For northern hemi- America, northern Africa, Europe, the
sphere observers Mars will rise about Middle East and western Asia.
2.5 hours before the Sun in the east- Planetary Conjunctions
southeast and will be very low in the Planetary conjunctions, especially
southeast at the beginning of morning when the brighter planets and1 or stars
twilight. are involved, can be a source of
Other Celestial Phenomena: sightings reports as observers unfamil-
Spring Equinox: March 20 iar with the night sky notice the group-
Zodiacal Light: Zodiacal light will ing of bright lights in the sky.
be visible in northern latitudes in the Conjunctions and Occultation's:
west after evening twilight, beginning March 6'Mars 3 degrees south of the
24 MUFON UFO Journal February 2006

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