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Nama / kelompok Judul paper #ear! fai$ure : Kelompok 4 (Modul L) : Iron deficiency: an ominous sign in a!ien!s "i!# sys!o$ic c#ronic

Instruksi : 1. isilah kolom-kolom di ba ah ini !. beri "aris ba ah den"an tinta merah atau stabilo pada ba"ian a er #an" telah anda telaah %& TELAAH KELEN'KA(AN )*RMAT PAPER Item telaah Judul (Title) $bstrak dan/atau %in"kasan (Abstract and or Summary) &endahuluan (Introduction, background) 'ahan dan (ara (Method) )asil (Result) *iskusi (Discussion) +,apan terima kasih/ pen"har"aan (acknowledgement) *a-tar &ustaka (Reference) : $da / tidak (sebutkan halamann#a) A+ai$a,$e- age %./0 A+ai$a,$e- age %./0 A+ai$a,$e- age %./0 A+ai$a,$e- age %./1 A+ai$a,$e- age %./2 A+ai$a,$e- age %./3 No! A+ai$a,$e A+ai$a,$e- age %..4

Kesimpulan : forma! $eng5a 6!ida5 $eng5a 0& TELAAH 7ALI8ITAS (ENELITIAN .u/uan penelitian : 'e#ond er#thropoiesis0 iron is in1ol1ed in numerous biolo"i,al pro,esses ,ru,ial -or maintenan,e o- homeostasis. &atients ith ,hroni, heart -ailure (()2) are prone to de1elop iron de-i,ien,# (I*)0 and iron supplementation impro1es their -un,tional status and 3ualit# o- li-e. 4e sou"ht to e5amine the relationship bet een I* and sur1i1al in patients ith s#stoli, ()2. .emuan (sebutkan berikut halamann#a) (ros ec!i+e *,ser+a!iona$ S!udies 1 .he re,ruitment phase o- the stud# as ,ondu,ted amon" patients ith s#stoli, ()2 attendin" outpatient ,lini,s or admitted ele,ti1el# in t o tertiar# re-erral ,ardiolo"# ,entres (4ro,la and 8abr9e0 &oland). &a"e 1:;<. =4> patients. &a"e 1:;!. .he ,riteria -or stud# in,lusion ere: (i) a do,umented histor# o- ()2 o- ?> months@ (ii) le-t 1entri,ular e/e,tion -ra,tion (LAB2) C4=D as assessed b# e,ho,ardio"raph# (per-ormed at the time o- s,reenin" usin" 7impsonEs planimetri, method to determine LAB2)@

Metode penelitian Item telaah *isain/ran,an"an (design) 6 .in"katan dalam hierarchy of evidence 7ampel (sample)

+kuran sampel (sample si e) Kriteria inklusi (eligibility criteria!

Kriteria eksklusi

Metode penentuan sampel (sampling frame) Metode pen"umpulan data

(iii) ,lini,al stabilit# and un,han"ed medi,ations -or ?1 month pre,edin" the stud#. B5,lusion ,riteria in,luded: (i) a,ute ,oronar# s#ndrome0 ,oronar# re1as,ulari9ation or an# ma/or sur"er# ithin the < months pre,edin" the stud#@ (ii) unplanned hospitali9ation due to )2 deterioration or an# other ,ardio1as,ular reason ithin 1 month pre- ,edin" the stud#@ (iii) an# a,ute/,hroni, illness that mi"ht in-luen,e iron metabolism (in,ludin" kno n mali"nan,#0 in-e,tion0 se1ere renal disease re3uirin" dial#sis0 and haematolo"i,al diseases)@ (i1) an# anaemia or/and I* treatment either at the time o- the stud# or in the past 1! months. &a"e 1:;<. &urposi1e 7amplin" In all patients0 1enous blood samples ere taken in the mornin" -ollo - in" an o1erni"ht -ast and a-ter a supine rest oat least 1= min. )aema- tini,s ere assessed -rom -resh 1enous blood ith B*.$. $-ter ,entri-u"ation0 serum as ,olle,ted and -ro9en at !;F:( until bein" anal#sed (other laborator# measures). &a"e 1:;<. .he -ollo in" haematini,s ere measured usin" an automati, s#stem $*AI$ 1!F (7iemens0 )ealth,are *ia"nosti,s0 *eer-ield0 IL0 +7$): haemo"lobin ,on,entration ("/dL)0 haemato,rit (D)0 red blood ,ells (%'(0 ./L)0 mean ,orpus,ular 1olume (M(A0 -L)0 mean ,orpus,u- lar haemo"lobin (M()0 p")0 and mean ,orpus,ular haemo"lobin ,on- ,entration (M()(0 "/L). $naemia as de-ined as haemo"lobin le1el 01! "/dL in omen and 01< "/dL in men.!G .he -ollo in" blood biomarkers re-le,tin" iron metabolism ere assessed dire,tl#: serum ,on,entrations o- iron (m"/L)0 -erritin (m"/L)0 and total iron-bindin" ,apa,it# (.I'(0 m"/L). .rans-errin saturation (.sat) as ,al,ulated as a ratio serum iron (m"/L) and .I'( (m"/L)0 mul- tiplied b# 1FF and e5pressed in per ,ent. 7erum -erritin as measured usin" immunoassa# based on ele,tro,hemilumines,en,e on the Ble,s#s !F1F 7#stem (%o,he *ia"nosti,s Hmb)0 Mannheim0

(ara pen"ukuran (measurement and or assessment)

Instrumen #an" diper"unakan (instrument)

Metode randomisasi (randomi ation) Metode analisis / pen"olahan data (analysis method)

Herman#). 7erum iron and .I'( ere assessed usin" a substrate method ith 2eren 7 (.hermo 2isher 7,ienti-i,0 4altham0 M$0 +7$). Iron de-i,ien,# as de-ined prospe,ti1el# as serum -erritin 01FF m"/L0 or serum -erritin ?1FF m"/L and C<FF m"/L ith .sat 0!FD. &lasma ,on,entration o- N-terminal prot#pe ' natriureti, peptide (N.-pro'N&0 p"/mL) as measured usin" immunoassa# based on ele,tro,hemilumines,en,e on the Ble,s#s 1F1F/!F1F 7#stem (%o,he *ia"nosti,s Hmb)). %enal -un,tion as assessed usin" the estimated "lomerular -iltration rate (eH2%0 mL/min/1.;< m!)0 ,al,ulated -rom the Modi-i,ation o- *iet in %enal *isease e3uation.<F 7erum ,on,entration o- sodium (Na0 mmol/L) and hi"h-sensiti1it# (-rea,ti1e protein (hs-(-rea,ti1e protein0 m"/L) ere assessed usin" standard methods. &a"e 1:;<. $utomati, s#stem $*AI$ 1!F (7iemens0 )ealth,are *ia"nosti,s0 *eer-ield0 IL0 +7$)@ Ble,s#s !F1F 7#stem (%o,he *ia"nosti,s Hmb)0 Mannheim0 Herman#)@ 2eren 7 (.hermo 2isher 7,ienti-i,0 4altham0 M$0 +7$)@ Ble,s#s 1F1F/!F1F 7#stem (%o,he *ia"nosti,s Hmb)). (ontinuous 1ariables ith a normal distribution Ia"e0 LAB20 eH2%0 bod# mass inde5 ('MI)0 serum Na0 haemo"lobin0 haemato,rit0 %'(0 M(A0 M()0 and M()(J ere e5pressed as means (5) ith standard de1iations. .he inter-"roup di--eren,es ere tested usin" 7tudentEs t-test. .he remainin" ,ontinuous 1ariables had a ske ed distribution (plasma N.-pro'N& and serum hs-(-rea,ti1e protein)0 and ere e5pressed as medians ith lo er and upper 3uartiles. .he inter-"roup di--eren,es ere tested usin" the Mann K 4hitne# +-test. 2or -urther anal#ses0 these 1ariables ere lo" trans-ormed in order to normali9e their distri- bution. .he ,ate"ori,al 1ariables ere e5pressed as numbers ith per,enta"es. .he inter-"roup di--eren,es ere tested usin" the 5! test. (lini,al determinants o- I* in patients ith ()2 ere established and multi1ariable models). In these

anal#ses0 e in,luded the -ollo in" parameters as potential pro"nosti,ators: ,entre0 a"e0 se50 'MI0 ()2 usin" uni1ariate and multiple lo"isti, re"ression models0 in,ludin" both ,ontinuous and di,hotomi9ed determinin" 1ariables. In these anal#ses0 e in,luded the -ollo in" parameters: ,entre0 a"e0 se50 'MI0 ()2 serum hs-(-rea,ti1e protein (lo")0 renal -un,tion assessed usin" aetiolo"#0 NL)$ ,lass0 LAB20 plasma N.-pro'N& (lo")0 serum Na0 aetiolo"#0 Ne Lork )eart $sso,iation (NL)$) ,lass0 LAB20 plasma N.-pro'N& (lo")0 serum Na0 serum hs-(-rea,ti1e protein (lo")0 renal -un,tion assessed usin" eH2%0 the presen,e o- diabetes mellitus0 therap# ith an"iotensin-,on1ertin" en9#me ($(B) inhibitors and/or eH2%0 the presen,e o- diabetes mellitus0 the presen,e o- anaemia0 and the presen,e o- I*. .he assumptions o- the proportional ha9ard ere tested -or all the ,o1ariates. In order to illustrate the e--e,t o- the presen,e o- I* on <-#ear an"iotensin re,eptor blo,kers ($%'s)0 aldosterone anta"onist0 e1ent--ree sur1i1al rates0 Kaplan K Meier ,ur1es -or ,umulati1e sur1i1al I*0 but bein" rather a ,onse3uen,e oI* than its ,ause0 anaemia as not in,luded in these models intentionall#. .he asso,iations bet een anal#sed 1ariables and sur1i1al ere established usin" (o5 proportional ha9ards anal#ses (both uni1ariate b-blo,ker0 loop diureti,0 statin0 antiplatelet dru"0 and anti,oa"ulant ere ,onstru,ted -or patients ith ()2 1ar#in" the iron status (as dru". It has been ,ommonl# established that anaemia is related to des,ribed abo1e). *i--eren,es in e1ent--ree sur1i1al rates ere tested usin" the (o5 K Mantel lo"rank test. $ll statisti,al anal#ses ere per-ormed b# usin" 7tatisti,a ;.1 and 7tatAie =.F. $ll tests ere t o-sided. $ 1alue o- & 0 F.F= as ,onsidered statisti,all# si"ni-i,ant. &a"e 1:;<-1:;4 Kesesuaian antara disain dan tu/uan penelitian : sesuai / tidak sesuai Kesesuaian ,ara pen"ukuran dan instrument #an" diper"unakan : sesuai/tidak sesuai Kesimpulan : 1alid / tidak 1alid ()$NL$ 'B%*$7$%K$N KB*+$ K%I.B%I$ *I $.$7)

1& TELAAH IMPORTANCE (ENELITIAN Komentar men"enai kesesuaian nilai %%/M%/&% den"an disain #an" diper"unakan Nilai %%N $rtin#a : (on-iden,e inter1al : $rtin#a : M% N $rtin#a : (on-iden,e inter1al : $rtin#a : M% "abun"an N $rtin#a : (on-iden,e inter1al : $rtin#a : &OF.FF1 : I- this resear,h as repeated 1FFF time0 less than 1 o- them

Jika anda mempun#ai pasien den"an kasus #an" sama0 ba"aimana importance penelitian ini untuk kasus anda P &entin" / tidak pentin" $lasan : 'e,ause thereEs no %% or (I 1alue in this /ournal. 7o0 this /ournal is useless -or the "eneral reader.

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