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PART-A 1. Define Algorithm & Notion of algorithm. 2. What is analysis framework? 3. What are the algorithm design techniques? . !ow is an algorithm"s time efficiency measured? #. $ention any four classes of algorithm efficiency. %. Define &rder of 'rowth. (. )tate the following *erms. +i, *ime -om.le/ity +ii, ).ace -om.le/ity 0. What are the 1arious asym.totic Notations? 2. What are the im.ortant .ro3lem ty.es? 14. Define algorithmic )trategy +or, Algorithmic *echnique. 11. What are the 1arious algorithm strategies +or, algorithm *echniques? 12. What are the ways to s.ecify an algorithm? 13. Define 5est case *ime -om.le/ity . 1 . Define Worst case *ime -om.le/ity. 1#. Define A1erage case time com.le/ity. 1%. What are the 5asic 6fficiency -lasses. 1(. Define Asym.totic Notation. 10. !ow to calculate the '-D 1alue? PART-B: 1. +a, Descri3e the ste.s in analy7ing & coding an algorithm. +14, +3, 6/.lain some of the .ro3lem ty.es used in the design of algorithm. +%, 2. +a, Discuss the fundamentals of analysis framework . +14, +3, 6/.lain the 1arious asym.totic notations used in algorithm design. +%, 3. +a, 6/.lain the general framework for analy7ing the efficiency

of algorithm. +0, +3, 6/.lain the 1arious Asym.totic efficiencies of an algorithm. +0, . +a, 6/.lain the 3asic efficiency classes. +14, +3, 6/.lain 3riefly the conce.t of algorithmic strategies. +%, #. Descri3e 3riefly the notions of com.le/ity of an algorithm. +1%, %. +a, What is 8seudo9code?6/.lain with an e/am.le. +0, +3, :ind the com.le/ity -+n, of the algorithm for the worst case;3est case and a1erage case.+61aluate a1erage case com.le/ity for n<3;Where n is the num3er of in.uts, +0,

PART-A 1. What is algorithm 1isuali7ation? 2. What is algorithm animation? 3. What is the tool for analy7ing the time efficiency of a non 9 recursi1e algorithm? . What are the difference 3etween mathematical & 6m.irical analysis? #. What are the two a..lications of algorithm 1isuali7ation? %. What are the three ways 3y which an algorithm can 3e analy7ed? (. !ow the mathematical analysis can 3e .erformed? 0. 'i1e any four features of algorithmic 1isuali7ation. 2. What are the two a..roaches of algorithmic 1isuali7ation? 14. What are the two categories of algorithms? 11. What is the mathematical modeling? PART-B 1. Write an algorithm for a gi1en num3ers n to generate the nth num3er of the :i3onacci sequence. +1%, 2. 6/.lain .ros and cons of the em.irical analysis of algorithm. +1%, 3. +a, 6/.lain the necessary ste.s for analy7ing efficiency of recursi1e algorithms with an e/am.le. +14, +3, What is em.irical analysis of an algorithm? Discuss its

strength & Weakness. +%, . )how a tree structure for recursi1e calls made in the .ro3lem of *ower of !anoi. +1%, #. +a, Write short notes on algorithm 1isuali7ation & a..lications. +14, +3, Discuss the features of animation of an algorithm. +%, %. +a, Design a non9recursi1e algorithm for com.uting the .roduct of two n=n matrices and also find the time efficiency of algorithm. +14, +3, 'i1e the general .lan for em.irical analysis. +%,

PART-A 1. Write any four e/am.les for 5rute :orce A..roach. 2. :ind the num3er of com.arisons made 3y the sequential search in the worst & 5est case. 3. 'i1e the time efficiency & Draw3ack of merge sort Algorithm. . What is the difference 3etween D:) & 5:)? #. What is the 5rute :orce Algorithmic )trategy? %. )tate the time com.le/ity of following> +i, 5u33le sort +ii, )election sort +iii, )equential search +i1, 5rute force string matching (. What are the features of 5rute force )tring matching algorithm? 0. 'i1e any two strength & Weakness of 5rute force algorithm. 2. 6/.lain 5rute force string matching algorithm. 14. Define ?Di1ide & -onquer *echnique@. 11. )tate $aster"s *heorem. 12. Define $erge sort & e/.lain three ste.s of $erge sort. 13. Define Auick sort & e/.lain three ste.s of Auick sort. 1 . Define 5inary )earch. 1#. What are the a..lications of 3inary search? 1%. )tate ad1antages & Disad1antages of 3inary search. 1(. 6/.lain 5inary search tree.

10. What is the recurrence relation for di1ide & conquer? 12. 6/.lain Decrease & -onquer. 24. What are the 1ariations of Decrease & -onquer? 21. What are the a..lications of decrease 3y constant? 22. Write any four ad1antages of insertion sort. 23. What are the two ty.es of searching algorithm? 2 . Define the :ollowing *erms> +i, *ree 6dge +ii, 5ack 6dge +iii, -ross 6dge

PART-B: 1. 6/.lain Auick sort algorithm with suita3le 6/am.le. +1%, 2. +a, Write an algorithm to sort a set of BN" num3ers using insertion sort. +0, +3, 6/.alin the difference 3etween de.th first search & 5readth first search. +0, 3. +a, Write a .seudo code for di1ide & conquer algorithm for merging two sorted arrays in to a single sorted one. 6/.lain with e/am.le. +12, +3, )et u. & sol1e a recurrence relation for the num3er of key com.arisons made 3y a3o1e .seudo code. + , . 'i1e a suita3le e/am.le & e/.lain the 5readth first search & De.th first search. +1%, #. :ind the num3er of com.arisons made 3y the sentinel 1ersion of sequential search algorithm for in; +i,Worst case +ii,A1erage case +1%, %. Design a recursi1e Decrease93y9one algorithm for sorting the n real num3ers in any array with an e/am.le & also determinem the num3er of key com.arisons & time efficiency of the algorithm. +1%, (. +a, 'i1e an algorithm for selection sort & analy7e your algorithm. +14,

+3, 'i1e )trength & Weakness of 5rute force algorithm. +%,

PART-A 1. What is .re9sorting?'i1e e/am.les. 2. !ow efficient is .rim"s algorithm? 3. Define conce.t of transform & conquer. . What are the three 1ariations of transform & conquer? #. )tate the following terms> +i, 5alanced *ree +ii, Cn3alanced *ree %. What is height of 3alanced tree? (. What is 3alance factor? 0. Define rotation & what are the four ty.es of rotations? 2. What are the draw3acks of ADE trees? 14. What is 293 trees? 11. Define !ea..& what are the two ty.es hea.? 12. What are the im.ortant .ro.erties of hea.? 13. Define com.lete 3inary tree. 1 . What is the height of the tree?+or,de.th of the tree? 1#. Define almost com.lete 3inary tree. 1%. !ow to construct a hea.? 1(. What are the features of hea. sort? 10. Define hea.sort. 12. )tate the .ro.erties of ADE trees. 24. What is dynamic .rogramming? 21. -om.are di1ide & conquer and Dynamic .rogramming. 22. !ow the .ro3lems can 3e sol1ed using dynamic .rogramming? 23. Define Warshall"s algorithm. 2 . Define :loyd"s algorithm. 2#. 'i1e any two .ro.erties of dynamic .rogramming a..roach. 2%. Define .rinci.le of o.timality. 2(. What is &5)*? 20. What is 'reedy method? 22. -om.are 'reedy algorithm & Dynamic .rogramming. 34. Define 8rim"s algorithm.

31. 32. 33. 3 . 3#.

Define Fruskal"s algorithm. Define DiGikstra"s shortest .ath algorithm. !ow to o3tain !uffman"s -ode? What are the a..lications of !uffman trees? What are the a..lications of s.anning trees? PART-B 1. +a, -onstruct a minimum s.anning tree using Fruskal"s algorithm with your own e/am.le. +14, +3, 8ro.erties of !ea. sort. +%, 2. +a, What do you mean 3y !uffman code? +14, +3, 6/.lain single E9Hotation & of the dou3le HE9Hotation with general form. +%, 3. Define ADE tree.6/.lain the construction sequence of ADE tree with sim.le e/am.le. +1%, . )ol1e the all .air shortest .ath .ro3lem for the diagra.h with the weighted matri/ gi1en 3elow>9 a3cd a 4 I 3 I +1%, 324II cI(41 d%II4 #. 6/.lain Warshall"s & :loyd"s Algorithm. +1%, %. Define ).anning tree.Discuss design ste.s in 8rim"s algorithm to construct minimum s.anning tree with an e/am.le. +1%, (. +a, 6/.lain Fruskal"s algorithm. +0, +3, 6/.lain DiGikstra algorithm +0,

1. 2. 3. . #. %. (. 0. 2. Define 5acktracking. What are the a..lications of 3acktracking? What are the algorithm design techniques? Define n9queens .ro3lem. Define !amiltonian -ircuit .ro3lem. Define sum of su3set .ro3lem. What is state s.ace tree? Define 5ranch & 5ound method. Define assignment .ro3lem. PART-A

14. What is .romising & non9.romising node? 11. Define Fna.sack"s .ro3lem. 12. Define *ra1elling salesman .ro3lem. 13. )tate .rinci.le of 3acktracking. 1 . -om.are 5acktracking & 5ranch and 5ound techniques with an e/am.le. 1#. What are the a..lications of 3ranch & 3ound?+or, What are the e/am.les of 3ranch & 3ound? 1%.Jn 5acktracking method;how the .ro3lem can 3e categori7ed? 1(.!ow should 3e determine the solution in 3acktracking algorithm? 10.&3tain all .ossi3le solutions to 9Aueen"s .ro3lem. 12.'enerate atleast 39solutions for #9Aueen"s .ro3lem. 24.Draw a .runed state s.ace tree for a gi1en sum of su3set .ro3lem> )<K3; ;#;%L and d<13

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