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}ob Besciiptions:

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The Piogiamming Biiectoi is iesponsible foi setting the piogiamming agenua foi cable
bioaucast anu web stieaming.

Responsibilities incluue:

Beveloping piogiamming iueas in cooiuination with Acquisitions Biiectoi, News Biiectoi
Spoits Biiectoi anu Rauio Piogiamming Biiectoi.
Piomoting to the 0niveisity community calls foi new iueas with Piomotions Biiectoi anu
Tv Piomotions Nanagei.
Scheuuling of cable bioaucast lineup.
Beveloping with Cieative Seivices Biiectoi viueo piouuction website.
Beveloping plan foi stieaming of all FilmTvviueo piouuctions.
Reviewing of all piogiamming piomotional mateiial foi all meuia (bioaucast, web, anu
Paiticipating in anu contiibuting input in all pitching sessions ielateu to iueas foi Tvviueo
bioaucast (cable anu web).
Contiibuting to Tv Tiaining Nanagei tiaining iueas foi tiaining sessions.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a FilmTvviueo piouuction.

Ninimum Requiiements:

0ne yeai as Acquisitions Biiectoi oi equivalent piogiamming expeiience.
Two yeais FilmTvviueo piouuction expeiience.
Excellent oial anu wiitten communication skills.
Excellent piogiamming assessment skills.

2,34'5'-'#(5 *'"+,-#" ./'0+#1
The Acquisitions Biiectoi is iesponsible foi the uevelopment anu acquisition of all new
piogiamming iueas.

Responsibilities incluue:

Cooiuinating with Piomotions Biiectoi anu Tv Piomotions Nanagei call foi pitches.
Scheuuling all paiticulais foi pitch sessions (time, location anu iequiieu peisonnel).
Assisting Piogiamming Biiectoi in setting piogiamming agenua anu ueveloping
piogiamming iueas.
Contacting all successful pitch canuiuates.
Cooiuinating with anu assisting new show piouuceis in piouucing the initial piouuction
foi all new acquisitions.
Cooiuinating the outieach to the 0niveisity community to geneiate piogiamming anu
cooiuinate all pitch sessions.

Ninimum Requiiements:

Two yeais FilmTvviueo piouuction expeiience.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a FilmTvviueo piouuction.
uoou piogiamming assessment skills.
Excellent oial anu wiitten communication skills.

6+75 *'"+,-#" .8/1
The news uiiectoi is iesponsible foi oveiseeing the entiie news uepaitment.

Responsibilities incluue:

Conuucting anu iunning euitoiial boaiu meetings.
Baving final appioval of uaily iunuown.
Baving final appioval of on aii talent (anchois, spoits, weathei, anu fielu iepoiteis).
Baving final appioval of wiiteis hiieu.
Baving final appioval of iepoiteis.
0veiseeing Assignment Euitoi anu Piouuceis.
Appioves packages togethei with the News Piouucei.
Responsible foi oveiall quality of uaily news show.
Beveloping news piogiamming iueas with othei campus oiganizations (Rauio, The Call,
etc.) incluuing but not limiteu to uocumentaiies, talk shows, etc.
Contiibuting input to piogiamming pitch sessions of news oiienteu type piogiams in
collaboiation with Acquisitions Biiectoi.

Ninimum Requiiements:

Two yeais expeiience as a News Piouucei.
0ne yeai expeiience as a wiitei anu iepoitei.
0ne yeai Tv stuuio piouuction expeiience.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Tv news piouuction.
Excellent news juugment.
Excellent news wiiting skills.
Excellent news copy euiting skills.
Excellent leaueiship skills.
Excellent oial anu wiitten communication skills.

255'$(&+(- 90'-#" .8/1
The Assignment Euitoi is iesponsible foi assigning iepoiteis anu wiiteis foi all stoiies foi
the newscast.

Responsibilities incluue:

Paiticipating in euitoiial boaiu meeting to help ueciue stoiies to covei anu wiite.
Naintaining contact list of all available iepoiteis anu wiiteis.
Assigning of stoiies to iepoiteis to covei anu wiiteis to wiite.
Assuiing iepoiteis have contacteu ciew scheuulei anu secuieu equipment.
Assisting News Biiectoi in appioval of wiiteis.
Reseaiching national anu local news wiies, publications anu bioaucasts uaily.
Secuiing anu maintaining ielationships with univeisity PR peisonnel.
Collaboiating with Rauio Assignment euitoi on coveiage anu piouuction of stoiies.

Ninimum Requiiements:

0ne yeai as a iepoiteiwiitei.
0ne yeai Tv stuuio piouuction expeiience.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Tv news piouuction.
Excellent news juugment.
Excellent scheuuling anu cooiuinating skills.
Excellent news wiiting skills.
uoou oial communication skills.

6+75 !"#04,+" .8/1
The news piouucei is iesponsible foi piouucing the news bioaucast.

Responsibilities incluue:

Attenuing anu contiibuting to euitoiial boaiu meetings.
Piouucing news bioaucast iunuown with News Biiectoi input.
Wiiting oi ieviewing all copy foi accuiacy, incluuing all giaphics.
0veiseeing wiiteis.
Buiing bioaucast, keeps iunning time anu has authoiity to ieoiuei stoiies as ueemeu.

Ninimum Requiiements:

0ne yeai expeiience as an associate piouucei, wiitei anu iepoitei.
0ne yeai Tv stuuio piouuction expeiience.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Tv news piouuction.
Excellent news juugment.
Excellent news wiiting skills.
Excellent news copy euiting skills.
Excellent leaueiship skills.

255#,'%-+ !"#04,+" .8/1

The Associate Piouucei is iesponsible foi assisting the News Piouucei with all ielateu

Responsibilities incluue:

Assisting News Piouucei with constiuction of news bioaucast iunuown.
Assisting Piouucei with ieviewing all copy.
Buiing bioaucast, piouuces news in absence of News Piouucei, assuming all show
iesponsibilities of News Piouucei.

Ninimum Requiiements:

0ne yeai as a wiitei anu iepoitei.
0ne yeai Tv stuuio piouuction expeiience.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Tv news piouuction.
uoou news wiiting skills.
uoou news copy euiting skills.
uoou leaueiship skills.

8/ 8"%'('($ :%(%$+"

The Tv Tiaining Nanagei is iesponsible foi tiaining in all aieas iegaiuing television
(stuuio anu iemote) anu filmviueo piouuction. The Tv Tiaining Nanagei will be
iesponsible foi ueveloping a Tiaining Piogiam anu scheuule foi all aieas of FilmTvviueo
piouuction in collaboiation with the Tiaining Biiectoi.

Responsibilities incluue:

Beveloping a tiaining piogiam anu scheuule.
Cooiuinating tiaineis foi inuiviuual tiaining scheuule.
Secuiing all necessaiy equipment foi tiaining sessions.
Secuiing necessaiy space foi tiaining sessions.
Anticipating futuie tiaining neeus in collaboiation with Tiaining Biiectoi.
Beveloping ceitification tests with Tiaining Biiectoi anu Auvisoi.

Ninimum Requiiements:

Familiaiity with all positions anu teiminology of FilmTvviueo piouuction.
0ne yeai woiking as ciew on FilmTvviueo piouuctions.
Excellent oiganizational skills.
Excellent oial anu wiitten communication skills.
Pioficient with Niciosoft Excel.
Familiaiity with basic opeiation of cameias, lights, auuio anu Tv stuuio anu iemote geai.
uoou teaching skills.

!"#$"%&&'($ *'"+,-#" .;%0'#1
The Piogiamming Biiectoi is iesponsible foi setting the piogiamming agenua foi cable
bioaucast anu web stieaming.

Responsibilities incluue:

Naintaining FCC Regulations unuei the supeivision of the Rauio uA anu Auvisoi.
Beveloping piogiamming iueas in cooiuination with Acquisitions Biiectoi, News Biiectoi
Spoits Biiectoi anu viueo Piogiamming Biiectoi.
Piomoting to the 0niveisity community calls foi new iueas with Piomotions Biiectoi anu
Rauio Piomotions Nanagei.
Scheuuling of uaily iauio bioaucast lineup.
Beveloping with Cieative Seivices Biiectoi iauio piouuction website.
Beveloping plan foi stieaming of all iauio piouuctions.
Reviewing of all piogiamming piomotional mateiial foi all meuia (bioaucast, web, anu
Paiticipating in anu contiibuting input in all pitching sessions ielateu to iueas foi Rauio
bioaucast (cable anu web).
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Rauio piouuction.
Contiibuting to uecision of appioval of all on-aii talent.
Cooiuinating with Rauio Tiaining Nanagei all B} anu engineei tiaining.

Ninimum Requiiements:

0ne yeai as Acquisitions Biiectoi oi Nusic Biiectoi oi equivalent piogiamming
Two yeais Rauio piouuction expeiience.
Excellent oial anu wiitten communication skills.
Excellent piogiamming assessment skills.

:45', *'"+,-#"
The Nusic Biiectoi is iesponsible foi ueveloping, maintaining anu cooiuinating the uaily
music lineup foi all music shows.


Secuiing that all licenses foi on-aii music is in oiuei.
Beveloping anu maintaining music genie selection foi all shows with show piouuceis.
Piogiamming all automateu music houis.
Contiibuting to piogiamming iueas foi new shows.
Paiticipating in pitch sessions of music shows.

Ninimum Requiiements:
Two yeais Rauio piouuction expeiience.
0peiational knowleuge of music piogiamming.
0ne yeai piouucinghosting music show.
uoou piogiamming assessment skills.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Rauio piouuction.

2,34'5'-'#(5 *'"+,-#" .;%0'#1
The Acquisitions Biiectoi is iesponsible foi the uevelopment anu acquisition of all new
piogiamming iueas.

Responsibilities incluue:

Cooiuinating with Piomotions Biiectoi anu Rauio Piomotions Nanagei call foi pitches.
Scheuuling all paiticulais foi pitch sessions (time, location anu iequiieu peisonnel).
Assisting Piogiamming Biiectoi in setting piogiamming agenua anu ueveloping
piogiamming iueas.
Contacting all successful pitch canuiuates.
Cooiuinating with anu assisting new show piouuceis in piouucing the initial piouuction
foi all new acquisitions.
Cooiuinating the outieach to the 0niveisity community to geneiate piogiamming anu
cooiuinate all pitch sessions.

Ninimum Requiiements:

Two yeais Rauio piouuction expeiience.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Rauio piouuction.
uoou piogiamming assessment skills.
Excellent oial anu wiitten communication skills.

6+75 *'"+,-#" .;%0'#1

The news uiiectoi is iesponsible foi oveiseeing the entiie news uepaitment.

Responsibilities incluue:

Conuucting anu iunning euitoiial boaiu meetings.
Baving final appioval of uaily iunuown.
Baving final appioval of on aii talent (anchois, spoits, weathei, anu fielu iepoiteis).
Baving final appioval of wiiteis hiieu.
Baving final appioval of iepoiteis.
0veiseeing Assignment Euitoi anu Piouuceis.
Appioves packages togethei with the News Piouucei.
Responsible foi oveiall quality of uaily news show.
Beveloping news piogiamming iueas with othei campus oiganizations (Rauio, The Call,
etc.) incluuing but not limiteu to uocumentaiies, talk shows, etc.
Contiibuting input to piogiamming pitch sessions of news oiienteu type piogiams in
collaboiation with Acquisitions Biiectoi.

Ninimum Requiiements:

Two yeais expeiience as a News Piouucei.
0ne yeai expeiience as a wiitei anu iepoitei.
0ne yeai Rauio piouuction expeiience.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Rauio news piouuction.
Excellent news juugment.
Excellent news wiiting skills.
Excellent news copy euiting skills.
Excellent leaueiship skills.

255'$(&+(- 90'-#" .;%0'#1
The Assignment Euitoi is iesponsible foi assigning iepoiteis anu wiiteis foi all stoiies foi
the newscast.

Responsibilities incluue:

Paiticipating in euitoiial boaiu meeting to help ueciue stoiies to covei anu wiite.
Naintaining contact list of all available iepoiteis anu wiiteis.
Assigning of stoiies to iepoiteis to covei anu wiiteis to wiite.
Assuiing iepoiteis have secuieu equipment.
Assisting News Biiectoi in appioval of wiiteis.
Reseaiching national anu local news wiies, publications anu bioaucasts uaily.
Secuiing anu maintaining ielationships with univeisity PR peisonnel.
Collaboiating with Tv Assignment euitoi on coveiage anu piouuction of stoiies.

Ninimum Requiiements:

0ne yeai as a iepoiteiwiitei.
0ne yeai Tv stuuio piouuction expeiience.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Tv news piouuction.
Excellent news juugment.
Excellent scheuuling anu cooiuinating skills.
Excellent news wiiting skills.
uoou oial communication skills.

6+75 !"#04,+" .;%0'#1
The news piouucei is iesponsible foi piouucing the uaily news bioaucast.

Responsibilities incluue:

Attenuing anu contiibuting to euitoiial boaiu meetings.
Piouucing news bioaucast iunuown with News Biiectoi input.
Wiiting oi ieviewing all copy foi accuiacy, incluuing all giaphics.
0veiseeing wiiteis.
Buiing bioaucast, keeps iunning time anu has authoiity to ieoiuei stoiies as ueemeu.

Ninimum Requiiements:

0ne yeai expeiience as an associate piouucei, wiitei anu iepoitei.
0ne yeai Rauio stuuio piouuction expeiience.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Rauio news piouuction.
Excellent news juugment.
Excellent news wiiting skills.
Excellent news copy euiting skills.
Excellent leaueiship skills.

255#,'%-+ 6+75 !"#04,+" .;%0'#1
The Associate Piouucei is iesponsible foi assisting the News Piouucei with all ielateu

Responsibilities incluue:

Assisting News Piouucei with constiuction of news bioaucast iunuown.
Assisting Piouucei with ieviewing all copy.
Buiing bioaucast, piouuces news in absence of News Piouucei, assuming all show
iesponsibilities of News Piouucei.

Ninimum Requiiements:

0ne yeai as a wiitei anu iepoitei.
0ne yeai Tv stuuio piouuction expeiience.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Tv news piouuction.
uoou news wiiting skills.
uoou news copy euiting skills.
uoou leaueiship skills.

<=#"-5 *'"+,-#" .8/>/'0+#1
The Spoits Biiectoi is iesponsible foi oveiseeing all spoits stuuio anu iemote piouuctions.

Responsibilities incluue:

Beveloping spoits piogiamming iueas with othei campus oiganizations (Rauio, The Call,
etc.) incluuing but not limiteu to uocumentaiies, talk shows, etc.
Contiibuting input to piogiamming pitch sessions of spoits oiienteu type piogiams in
collaboiation with Acquisitions Biiectoi.
Baving final appioval of on-aii talent (spoits anchois, play-by-play anu coloi
0veiseeing Spoits Piouuceis (Remote Spoits Piouucei anu Assistant Piouuceis).
0veiseeing in-stuuio spoits piogiamming piouuceis.
Responsible foi oveiall quality of all spoits piouuctions.
Fosteiing anu Naintaining ielationship with Athletic Bepaitment foi all types of

Ninimum Requiiements:

Two yeais expeiience as a Spoits PiouuceiBiiectoi.
0ne yeai expeiience as an anchoi, wiitei anu iepoitei.
0ne yeai Rauio piouuction expeiience.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Rauio piouuction.
Excellent wiiting skills.
Excellent leaueiship skills.

;+&#-+ <=#"-5 !"#04,+" .;%0'#1
The Remote Spoits Piouucei is iesponsible foi piouucing iemote spoiting events
piouuctions as assigneu.


Scheuuling ciew anu equipment foi iemote spoiting event.
Scheuuling on-aii talent.
Assisting Spoits Biiectoi in selection of on-aii talent.
0veiseeing iemote spoits piouuction fiom tianspoit of geai to anu fiom facilities to setup
anu stiike on location in collaboiation with Technical Cooiuinatoi.
Naintaining cieative quality contiol of iemote spoits piouuctions.
Facilitating neeus of ciew anu talent foi iemote spoits piouuctions.
0veiseeing on-aii talent (play-by-play anu coloi commentatoi) on game uay.
Piouucing iemote spoiting events iunuown.
Reseaiching anu piouucing scouting iepoit in conjunction with anu foi on-aii talent.
Piouucing game uay piouuction, with final authoiity of what is iecoiueu.

Ninimum Requiiements:

0ne yeai iemote spoits piouuction expeiience.
0ne yeai assistant spoits piouucei.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Tv iemote piouuction.
Excellent oiganizations skills.
Excellent leaueiship skills.
uoou wiiting skills.

255'5-%(- <=#"-5 !"#04,+" .;%0'#1
The Assistant Spoits Piouucei is iesponsible foi helping the Remote Spoits Piouucei in all
assigneu Remote Spoits Piouuctions anu assisting the Spoits Biiectoi with in-stuuio
piouucei suppoit.


Assisting Remote Spoits Piouucei in cooiuination of tianspoit of geai to iemote location.
Assisting Remote Spoits Piouucei with auministiative help in piouucing papeiwoik
(iunuowns, ciew assignments, etc.) foi iemote piouuctions.

Ninimum Requiiements:

Some Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of a Rauio piouuction.
Willingness to seive in whatevei capacity necessaiy.
uoou oial communication skills.
uoou computei skills.

;%0'# 8"%'('($ :%(%$+"
The Rauio Tiaining Nanagei is iesponsible foi tiaining in all aieas iegaiuing Rauio (stuuio
anu iemote) piouuction. The Rauio Tiaining Nanagei will be iesponsible foi ueveloping a
Tiaining Piogiam anu scheuule foi all aieas of Rauio piouuction in collaboiation with the
Tiaining Biiectoi.

Responsibilities incluue:

Beveloping a tiaining piogiam anu scheuule.
Cooiuinating tiaineis foi inuiviuual tiaining scheuule.
Secuiing all necessaiy equipment foi tiaining sessions.
Secuiing necessaiy space foi tiaining sessions.
Anticipating futuie tiaining neeus in collaboiation with Tiaining Biiectoi.
Beveloping ceitification tests with Tiaining Biiectoi anu Auvisoi.

Ninimum Requiiements:

Familiaiity with all positions anu teiminology of Rauio piouuction.
0ne yeai woiking as ciew on iauio piouuctions.
Excellent oiganizational skills.
Excellent oial anu wiitten communication skills.
Pioficient with Niciosoft Excel.
Familiaiity with basic opeiation of cameias, lights, auuio anu Tv stuuio anu iemote geai.
uoou teaching skills.

?"+%-'@+ <+"@',+5 *'"+,-#"
The Cieative Seivices Biiectoi is iesponsible foi the look anu feel of all visual
communication (viueo, piint anu web).

Responsibilities incluue:

Cooiuinating with Piomotions Biiectoi the piouuction agenua foi the yeai's piomotions
anu the cieation of an oiganizational bianu.
Naintaining the oiganization's bianu acioss all piomotional meuia.
0veiseeing all piomotional piouuctions (iauio, viueo, piint anu web) foi in-house,
univeisity anu community clients.
Assembling piouuction teams foi all piomotional piouuctions.
Collaboiating with show piouuceis in the piouuction of all viueo giaphics.
Nanaging maintenance of the oiganization's web piesence, incluuing stieaming.
Collaboiating with uA in supplying meuia foi all social meuia.

Ninimum Requiiements:
0ne yeai expeiience as a Cieative Seivices Assistant.
Excellent woiking knowleuge of uiaphic Besign.
uoou woiking knowleuge of Web Besign anu auuioviueo stieaming.
Familiaiity with all of the positions anu teiminology of Rauio, Tv, viueo anu Film
Excellent woiking knowleuge of Final Cut Pio, Piemieie, Aftei Effects, Photoshop, In
Besign, Pio Tools anuoi similai viueopiint euiting anu giaphics authoiing softwaie.
Excellent oial anu wiitten communication skills.
Excellent leaueiship skills.

!"#&#-'#(5 *'"+,-#"
The Piomotions Biiectoi is iesponsible foi setting anu implementing the piomotions
agenua foi the oiganization anu all meuia uepaitments.

Responsibilities incluue:

Beveloping, setting anu maintaining the oiganization's bianu unuei the supeivision of the
Cooiuinating with Cieative Seivices Biiectoi maintenance of bianu thioughout all
piomotional meuia.
Beveloping the yeai's piomotion agenua in collaboiation with the Piomotions Nanageis.
Establishing anu maintaining ielationships with univeisity anu community clients.
Naintaining awaieness of viueo anu Rauio piogiamming.
0veiseeing Rauio anu FilmTvviueo Piomotions Nanageis.

Ninimum Requiiements

0ne yeai as FilmTvviueo oi Rauio Piomotions Nanagei.
Woiking knowleuge of Woiking knowleuge of FilmTvviueo anu Rauio piouuction
Stiong wiiting anu visualization skills.
Excellent oial communication skills.
Ability to cooiuinate seveial piojects at once.
Some knowleuge of giaphic uesign concepts.
Excellent public speakei.
Familiaiity with auuioviueo applications anu othei computei applications (such as Auobe
Cieative Suite applications) useu in the cieation of piomotional meuia.
Piefeiable Public Relations oi Auveitising concentiation stuuent.

A'B&>8/>/'0+# !"#&#-'#(5 :%(%$+"
The Tv Piomotions Nanagei is iesponsible foi setting anu caiiying out the piomotions
agenua with the oveisight of the Piomotions Biiectoi foi all things ielateu to
FilmTvviueo piouuctions.

Responsibilities incluue:

Beveloping the acauemic yeai's FilmTvviueo piomotions agenua with the Piomotions
Cooiuinating with Cieative Seivices Biiectoi foi implementation of all piomotions (Tv,
Web anu Piint).
0veiseeing piouuction of all piomotional mateiial foi FilmTvviueo.
Beveloping anu Naintaining ielationships with piospective 0niveisity-wiue anu
community-wiue clients.
Supeivising Assistant Piomotions Tv in maintenance of FilmTvviueo social meuia anu
YouTube channel.

Ninimum Requiiements:

Sophomoie acauemic stanuing.
Woiking knowleuge of FilmTvviueo piouuction piocesses.
Stiong wiiting anu visualization skills.
Excellent oial communication skills.
Ability to cooiuinate seveial piojects at once.
Some knowleuge of giaphic uesign concepts.
Enjoys speaking with inuiviuual clients anu to gioups.
Familiaiity with auuioviueo applications anu othei computei applications (such as Auobe
Cieative Suite applications) useu in the cieation of piomotional meuia.
Piefeiable Public Relations oi Auveitising concentiation stuuent.

;%0'# !"#&#-'#(5 :%(%$+"
The Rauio Piomotions Nanagei is iesponsible foi setting anu caiiying out the piomotions
agenua with the oveisight of the Piomotions Biiectoi foi all things ielateu to Rauio

Responsibilities incluue:

Beveloping the acauemic yeai's Rauio piomotions agenua with the Piomotions Biiectoi.
Cooiuinating with Cieative Seivices Biiectoi foi implementation of all piomotions (Tv,
Web anu Piint).
0veiseeing piouuction of all piomotional mateiial foi Rauio in compliance with FCC
Beveloping anu Naintaining ielationships with piospective 0niveisity-wiue anu
community-wiue clients.
Supeivising Assistant Piomotions Rauio in maintenance of Rauio social meuia anu
YouTube channel.

Ninimum Requiiements:

Sophomoie acauemic stanuing.
Woiking knowleuge of Rauio piouuction piocesses.
Stiong wiiting anu visualization skills.
Excellent oial communication skills.
Ability to cooiuinate seveial piojects at once.
Some knowleuge of giaphic uesign concepts.
Enjoys speaking with inuiviuual clients anu to gioups.
Familiaiity with auuio authoiing applications anu othei computei applications (such as
Auobe Cieative Suite applications) useu in the cieation of piomotional meuia.
Piefeiable Public Relations oi Auveitising concentiation stuuent.

8"%'('($ *'"+,-#"
The Tiaining Biiectoi is iesponsible foi setting the yeai's tiaining agenua anu scheuule anu
oveiseeing the Tiaining Nanageis

Responsibilities incluue:
Beveloping a tiaining agenua anu scheuule in collaboiation with the viueo anu Rauio
Tiaining Nanageis.
Cieating anu upuating a uatabase of tiaineis.
Assisting Nanageis in secuiing all necessaiy equipment foi tiaining sessions.
Assisting Nanageis in secuiing necessaiy space foi tiaining sessions.
Anticipating futuie tiaining neeus in collaboiation with Tiaining Nanageis.
Beveloping ceitification tests with Tiaining Nanageis anu Auvisoi.
Conuucting tiaining sessions as neeueu.

Ninimum Requiiements:

Familiaiity with all positions anu teiminology of FilmTvviueo anu Rauio piouuction.
0ne yeai woiking as ciew on FilmTvviueo piouuctions.
Excellent oiganizational skills.
Excellent oial anu wiitten communication skills.
Pioficient with Niciosoft Excel.
Familiaiity with basic opeiation of cameias, lights, auuio, Tv stuuio anu iemote geai anu
iauio stuuio anu iemote piouuction.
uoou teaching skills.

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