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REPUBLIC OF THEPHILIPPINES, Petitioner, G.R. No. 166676 Present: QUISUMBING, J., Chairperson, CARPIO MORA !S, "INGA, #! ASCO, $R., and BRION, JJ. Pro%u&'ated: Septe%(er )*, *++,

- versus -


x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x

QUISUMBING, J.: "his is a petition -or revie. under Ru&e /0 o- the Ru&es o- Court raisin' pure&1 2uestions o- &a. and see3in' a reversa& o- the 4e5ision 1! dated $anuar1 )*, *++0 o- the Re'iona& "ria& Court 6R"C7, Bran5h 88 o- Sini&oan, a'una, .hi5h 'ranted the Petition -or Corre5tion o- !ntries in Birth Certi-i5ate -i&ed (1 $enni-er B. Ca'andahan and ordered the -o&&o.in' 5han'es o- entries in Ca'andahan9s (irth 5erti-i5ate: 6)7 the na%e :$enni-er Ca'andahan; 5han'ed to :$e-- Ca'andahan; and 6*7 'ender -ro% :-e%a&e; to :%a&e.; "he -a5ts are as -o&&o.s. On 4e5e%(er )), *++8, respondent $enni-er Ca'andahan -i&ed a Petition -or Corre5tion o- !ntries in Birth Certi-i5ate "! (e-ore the R"C, Bran5h 88 o- Sini&oan, a'una.

In her petition, she a&&e'ed that she .as (orn on $anuar1 )8, )<,) and .as re'istered as a -e%a&e in the Certi-i5ate o- ive Birth (ut .hi&e 'ro.in' up, she deve&oped se5ondar1 %a&e 5hara5teristi5s and .as dia'nosed to have Con'enita& Adrena& =1perp&asia 6CA=7 .hi5h is a 5ondition .here persons thus a--&i5ted possess (oth %a&e and -e%a&e 5hara5teristi5s. She -urther a&&e'ed that she .as dia'nosed to have 5&itora& h1perthrop1 in her ear&1 1ears and at a'e si>, under.ent an u&trasound .here it .as dis5overed that she has s%a&& ovaries. At a'e thirteen, tests revea&ed that her ovarian stru5tures had %ini%i?ed, she has stopped 'ro.in' and she has no (reast or %enstrua& deve&op%ent. She then a&&e'ed that -or a&& interests and appearan5es as .e&& as in %ind and e%otion, she has (e5o%e a %a&e person. "hus, she pra1ed that her (irth 5erti-i5ate (e 5orre5ted su5h that her 'ender (e 5han'ed -ro% -e%a&e to %a&e and her -irst na%e (e 5han'ed -ro% $enni-er to $e--. "he petition .as pu(&ished in a ne.spaper o- 'enera& 5ir5u&ation -or three 687 5onse5utive .ee3s and .as posted in 5onspi5uous p&a5es (1 the sheri-- o- the 5ourt. "he So&i5itor Genera& entered his appearan5e and authori?ed the Assistant Provin5ia& Prose5utor to appear in his (eha&-. "o prove her 5&ai%, respondent testi-ied and presented the testi%on1 o- 4r. Mi5hae& Sion?on o- the 4epart%ent o- Ps15hiatr1, Universit1 othe Phi&ippinesPhi&ippine Genera& =ospita&. 4r. Sion?on issued a %edi5a& 5erti-i5ate statin' that respondent9s 5ondition is 3no.n as CA=. =e e>p&ained that 'eneti5a&&1 respondent is -e%a&e (ut (e5ause her (od1 se5retes %a&e hor%ones, her -e%a&e or'ans did not deve&op nor%a&&1 and she has t.o se> or'ans @ -e%a&e and %a&e. =e testi-ied that this 5ondition is ver1 rare, that respondent9s uterus is not -u&&1 deve&oped (e5ause o- &a53 o- -e%a&e hor%ones, and that she has no %onth&1 period. =e -urther testi-ied that respondent9s 5ondition is per%anent and re5o%%ended the 5han'e o- 'ender (e5ause respondent has %ade up her %ind,

adAusted to her 5hosen ro&e as %a&e, and the 'ender 5han'e .ou&d (e advanta'eous to her. "he R"C 'ranted respondent9s petition in a 4e5ision dated $anuar1 )*, *++0 .hi5h reads:
"he Court is 5onvin5ed that petitioner has satis-a5tori&1 sho.n that he is entit&ed to the re&ie-s pra1ed B-orC. Petitioner has ade2uate&1 presented to the Court ver1 5&ear and 5onvin5in' proo-s -or the 'rantin' o- his petition. It .as %edi5a&&1 proven that petitioner9s (od1 produ5es %a&e hor%ones, and -irst his (od1 as .e&& as his a5tion and -ee&in's are that o- a %a&e. =e has 5hosen to (e %a&e. =e is a nor%a& person and .ants to (e a53no.&ed'ed and identi-ied as a %a&e. D=!R!EOR!, pre%ises 5onsidered, the Civi& Re'ister o- Pa3i&, a'una is here(1 ordered to %a3e the -o&&o.in' 5orre5tions in the (irth B5Certi-i5ate o$enni-er Ca'andahan upon pa1%ent o- the pres5ri(ed -ees: a7 B1 5han'in' the na%e -ro% $enni-er Ca'andahan to $!EE CAGAN4A=ANF and (7 B1 5han'in' the 'ender -ro% -e%a&e to MA !.

It is &i3e.ise ordered that petitioner9s s5hoo& re5ords, voter9s re'istr1, (aptis%a& 5erti-i5ate, and other pertinent re5ords are here(1 a%ended to 5on-or% .ith the -ore'oin' 5orre5ted data. SO OR4!R!4. #!

"hus, this petition (1 the O--i5e o- the So&i5itor Genera& 6OSG7 see3in' a reversa& o- the a(ove%entioned ru&in'. "he issues raised (1 petitioner are:
"=! "RIA COUR" CONSI4!RING "=A": !RR!4 I. "=! R!QUIR!M!N"S OE RU !S )+8 AN4 )+, OE "=! RU !S OE COUR" =A#! NO" B!!N COMP I!4 DI"=F AN4, II. IN GRAN"ING "=! P!"I"ION

CORR!C"ION OE !N"RG UN4!R RU ! )+, 4O!S NO" A OD C=ANG! OE :S!H; OR :G!N4!R; IN "=! BIR"= C!R"IEICA"!, D=I ! R!SPON4!N"9S M!4ICA CON4I"ION, i.e., CONG!NI"A A4R!NA =GP!RP ASIA 4O!S NO" MAI! =!R A :MA !.; $!

Si%p&1 stated, the issue is .hether the tria& 5ourt erred in orderin' the 5orre5tion o- entries in the (irth 5erti-i5ate o- respondent to 5han'e her se> or 'ender, -ro% -e%a&e to %a&e, on the 'round o- her %edi5a& 5ondition 3no.n as CA=, and her na%e -ro% :$enni-er; to :$e--,; under Ru&es )+8 and )+, o- the Ru&es o- Court. "he OSG 5ontends that the petition (e&o. is -ata&&1 de-e5tive -or non5o%p&ian5e .ith Ru&es )+8 and )+, o- the Ru&es o- Court (e5ause .hi&e the &o5a& 5ivi& re'istrar is an indispensa(&e part1 in a petition -or 5an5e&&ation or 5orre5tion o- entries under Se5tion 8, Ru&e )+, o- the Ru&es o- Court, respondent9s petition (e-ore the 5ourt a quo did not i%p&ead the &o5a& 5ivi& re'istrar. %! "he OSG -urther 5ontends respondent9s petition is -ata&&1 de-e5tive sin5e it -ai&ed to state that respondent is a bona fide resident o- the provin5e .here the petition .as -i&ed -or at &east three 687 1ears prior to the date o- su5h -i&in' as %andated under Se5tion *6(7, Ru&e )+8 o- the Ru&es o- Court. 6! "he OSG ar'ues that Ru&e )+, does not a&&o. 5han'e o- se> or 'ender in the (irth 5erti-i5ate and respondent9s 5&ai%ed %edi5a& 5ondition 3no.n as CA= does not %a3e her a %a&e. 7! On the other hand, respondent 5ounters that a&thou'h the Re'istrar o- Pa3i&, o5a& Civi&

a'una .as not -or%a&&1 na%ed a part1 in the Petition -or

Corre5tion o- Birth Certi-i5ate, nonethe&ess the o5a& Civi& Re'istrar .as -urnished a 5op1 o- the Petition, the Order to pu(&ish on 4e5e%(er )J, *++8 and a&& p&eadin's, orders or pro5esses in the 5ourse o- the pro5eedin's, &! respondent is a5tua&&1 a %a&e person and hen5e his (irth 5erti-i5ate has to (e 5orre5ted to re-&e5t his true se>K'ender, '! 5han'e o- se> or 'ender is a&&o.ed under Ru&e )+,, 1(! and

respondent su(stantia&&1 5o%p&ied .ith the re2uire%ents o- Ru&es )+8 and )+, othe Ru&es o- Court. 11! Ru&es )+8 and )+, o- the Ru&es o- Court provide:

R)*+ 1(# CHANGE OF NAME S!C"ION ). Venue. @ A person desirin' to 5han'e his na%e sha&& present the petition to the Re'iona& "ria& Court o- the provin5e in .hi5h he resides, Bor, in the Cit1 o- Mani&a, to the $uveni&e and 4o%esti5 Re&ations CourtC. S!C. *. Contents of petition. @ A petition -or 5han'e o- na%e sha&& (e si'ned and veri-ied (1 the person desirin' his na%e 5han'ed, or so%e other person on his (eha&-, and sha&& set -orth: 6a7 "hat the petitioner has (een a bona fide resident o- the provin5e .here the petition is -i&ed -or at &east three 687 1ears prior to the date osu5h -i&in'F 6(7 657 "he 5ause -or .hi5h the 5han'e o- the petitionerLs na%e is sou'htF "he na%e as3ed -or.

S!C. 8. Order for hearing. @ I- the petition -i&ed is su--i5ient in -or% and su(stan5e, the 5ourt, (1 an order re5itin' the purpose o- the petition, sha&& -i> a date and p&a5e -or the hearin' thereo-, and sha&& dire5t that a 5op1 o- the order (e pu(&ished (e-ore the hearin' at &east on5e a .ee3 -or three 687 su55essive .ee3s in so%e ne.spaper o- 'enera& 5ir5u&ation pu(&ished in the provin5e, as the 5ourt sha&& dee% (est. "he date set -or the hearin' sha&& not (e .ithin thirt1 68+7 da1s prior to an e&e5tion nor .ithin -our 6/7 %onths a-ter the &ast pu(&i5ation o- the noti5e. S!C. /. Hearing. @ An1 interested person %a1 appear at the hearin' and oppose the petition. "he So&i5itor Genera& or the proper provin5ia& or 5it1 -is5a& sha&& appear on (eha&- o- the Govern%ent o- the Repu(&i5. S!C. 0. Judgment. @ Upon satis-a5tor1 proo- in open 5ourt on the date -i>ed in the order that su5h order has (een pu(&ished as dire5ted and that the a&&e'ations o- the petition are true, the 5ourt sha&&, i- proper and reasona(&e 5ause appears -or 5han'in' the na%e o- the petitioner, adAud'e that su5h na%e (e 5han'ed in a55ordan5e .ith the pra1er o- the petition.

S!C. J. Service of judgment. @ $ud'%ents or orders rendered in 5onne5tion .ith this ru&e sha&& (e -urnished the 5ivi& re'istrar o- the %uni5ipa&it1 or 5it1 .here the 5ourt issuin' the sa%e is situated, .ho sha&& -orth.ith enter the sa%e in the 5ivi& re'ister. R)*+ 1(& CANCELLATION OR CORRECTION OF ENTRIES IN THE CIVIL REGISTR, S!C"ION ). Who may file petition. @ An1 person interested in an1 a5t, event, order or de5ree 5on5ernin' the 5ivi& status o- persons .hi5h has (een re5orded in the 5ivi& re'ister, %a1 -i&e a veri-ied petition -or the 5an5e&&ation or 5orre5tion o- an1 entr1 re&atin' thereto, .ith the Re'iona& "ria& Court o- the provin5e .here the 5orrespondin' 5ivi& re'istr1 is &o5ated. S!C. *. ntries subject to cancellation or correction . @ Upon 'ood and va&id 'rounds, the -o&&o.in' entries in the 5ivi& re'ister %a1 (e 5an5e&&ed or 5orre5ted: 6a7 (irthsF 6(7 %arria'esF 657 deathsF 6d7 &e'a& separationsF 6e7 Aud'%ents o- annu&%ents o- %arria'eF 6-7 Aud'%ents de5&arin' %arria'es void -ro% the (e'innin'F 6'7 &e'iti%ationsF 6h7 adoptionsF 6i7 a53no.&ed'%ents o- natura& 5hi&drenF 6A7 natura&i?ationF 637 e&e5tion, &oss or re5over1 o- 5iti?enshipF 6&7 5ivi& interdi5tionF 6%7 Audi5ia& deter%ination o- -i&iationF 6n7 vo&untar1 e%an5ipation oa %inorF and 6o7 5han'es o- na%e. S!C. 8. !arties. @ Dhen 5an5e&&ation or 5orre5tion o- an entr1 in the 5ivi& re'ister is sou'ht, the 5ivi& re'istrar and a&& persons .ho have or 5&ai% an1 interest .hi5h .ou&d (e a--e5ted there(1 sha&& (e %ade parties to the pro5eedin'. S!C. /. "otice and publication. @ Upon the -i&in' o- the petition, the 5ourt sha&&, (1 an order, -i> the ti%e and p&a5e -or the hearin' o- the sa%e, and 5ause reasona(&e noti5e thereo- to (e 'iven to the persons na%ed in the petition. "he 5ourt sha&& a&so 5ause the order to (e pu(&ished on5e a .ee3 -or three 687 5onse5utive .ee3s in a ne.spaper o- 'enera& 5ir5u&ation in the provin5e. S!C. 0. Opposition. @ "he 5ivi& re'istrar and an1 person havin' or 5&ai%in' an1 interest under the entr1 .hose 5an5e&&ation or 5orre5tion is sou'ht %a1, .ithin -i-teen 6)07 da1s -ro% noti5e o- the petition, or -ro% the &ast date opu(&i5ation o- su5h noti5e, -i&e his opposition thereto. S!C. J. #pediting proceedings. @ "he 5ourt in .hi5h the pro5eedin's is (rou'ht %a1 %a3e orders e>peditin' the pro5eedin's, and %a1 a&so 'rant pre&i%inar1 inAun5tion -or the preservation o- the ri'hts o- the parties pendin' su5h pro5eedin's. S!C. M. Order. @ A-ter hearin', the 5ourt %a1 either dis%iss the petition or issue an order 'rantin' the 5an5e&&ation or 5orre5tion pra1ed -or. In either 5ase, a 5erti-ied 5op1 o- the Aud'%ent sha&& (e served upon the 5ivi& re'istrar 5on5erned .ho sha&& annotate the sa%e in his re5ord.

"he OSG ar'ues that the petition (e&o. is -ata&&1 de-e5tive -or non5o%p&ian5e .ith Ru&es )+8 and )+, o- the Ru&es o- Court (e5ause respondent9s petition did not i%p&ead the &o5a& 5ivi& re'istrar. Se5tion 8, Ru&e )+, provides that the 5ivi& re'istrar and a&& persons .ho have or 5&ai% an1 interest .hi5h .ou&d (e a--e5ted there(1 sha&& (e %ade parties to the pro5eedin's. i3e.ise, the &o5a& 5ivi& re'istrar is re2uired to (e %ade a part1 in a pro5eedin' -or the 5orre5tion o- na%e in the 5ivi& re'istr1. =e is an indispensa(&e part1 .ithout .ho% no -ina& deter%ination o- the 5ase 5an (e had. 1"! Un&ess a&& possi(&e indispensa(&e parties .ere du&1 noti-ied o- the pro5eedin's, the sa%e sha&& (e 5onsidered as -a&&in' %u5h too short o- the re2uire%ents o- the ru&es. 1#! "he 5orrespondin' petition shou&d a&so i%p&ead as respondents the 5ivi& re'istrar and a&& other persons .ho %a1 have or %a1 5&ai% to have an1 interest that .ou&d (e a--e5ted there(1. 1$! Respondent, ho.ever, invo3es Se5tion J, 1%! Ru&e ) o- the Ru&es o- Court .hi5h states that 5ourts sha&& 5onstrue the Ru&es &i(era&&1 to pro%ote their o(Ae5tives o- se5urin' to the parties a Aust, speed1 and ine>pensive disposition o- the %atters (rou'ht (e-ore it. De a'ree that there is su(stantia& 5o%p&ian5e .ith Ru&e )+, .hen respondent -urnished a 5op1 o- the petition to the &o5a& 5ivi& re'istrar. "he deter%ination o- a person9s se> appearin' in his (irth 5erti-i5ate is a &e'a& issue and the 5ourt %ust &oo3 to the statutes. In this 5onne5tion, Arti5&e /)* othe Civi& Code provides:
AR". /)*. No entr1 in a 5ivi& re'ister sha&& (e 5han'ed or 5orre5ted .ithout a Audi5ia& order.

"o'ether .ith Arti5&e 8MJ 16! o- the Civi& Code, this provision .as a%ended (1 Repu(&i5 A5t No. <+/, 17! in so -ar as clerical or typographical errors are invo&ved. "he 5orre5tion or 5han'e o- su5h %atters 5an no. (e %ade throu'h ad%inistrative pro5eedin's and .ithout the need -or a Audi5ia& order. In e--e5t, Rep. A5t No. <+/, re%oved -ro% the a%(it o- Ru&e )+, o- the Ru&es o- Court the

5orre5tion o- su5h errors. Ru&e )+, no. app&ies on&1 to su(stantia& 5han'es and 5orre5tions in entries in the 5ivi& re'ister. 1&! Under Rep. A5t No. <+/,, a 5orre5tion in the 5ivi& re'istr1 invo&vin' the 5han'e o- se> is not a %ere 5&eri5a& or t1po'raphi5a& error. It is a su(stantia& 5han'e -or .hi5h the app&i5a(&e pro5edure is Ru&e )+, o- the Ru&es o- Court. 1'! "he entries envisa'ed in Arti5&e /)* o- the Civi& Code and 5orre5ta(&e under Ru&e )+, o- the Ru&es o- Court are those provided in Arti5&es /+M and /+, o- the Civi& Code:
AR". /+M. A5ts, events and Audi5ia& de5rees 5on5ernin' the 5ivi& status o- persons sha&& (e re5orded in the 5ivi& re'ister. AR". /+,. "he -o&&o.in' sha&& (e entered in the 5ivi& re'ister: 6)7 BirthsF 6*7 %arria'esF 687 deathsF 6/7 &e'a& separationsF 607 annu&%ents o%arria'eF 6J7 Aud'%ents de5&arin' %arria'es void -ro% the (e'innin'F 6M7 &e'iti%ationsF 6,7 adoptionsF 6<7 a53no.&ed'%ents o- natura& 5hi&drenF 6)+7 natura&i?ationF 6))7 &oss, or 6)*7 re5over1 o- 5iti?enshipF 6)87 5ivi& interdi5tionF 6)/7 Audi5ia& deter%ination o- -i&iationF 6)07 vo&untar1 e%an5ipation o- a %inorF and 6)J7 5han'es o- na%e.

"he a5ts, events or -a5tua& errors 5onte%p&ated under Arti5&e /+M o- the Civi& Code in5&ude even those that o55ur a-ter (irth. "(! Respondent undisputed&1 has CA=. "his 5ondition 5auses the ear&1 or :inappropriate; appearan5e o- %a&e 5hara5teristi5s. A person, &i3e respondent, .ith this 5ondition produ5es too %u5h andro'en, a %a&e hor%one. A ne.(orn .ho has HH 5hro%oso%es 5oup&ed .ith CA= usua&&1 has a 6)7 s.o&&en 5&itoris .ith the urethra& openin' at the (ase, an a%(i'uous 'enita&ia o-ten appearin' %ore %a&e than -e%a&eF 6*7 nor%a& interna& stru5tures o- the -e%a&e reprodu5tive tra5t su5h as the ovaries, uterus and -a&&opian tu(esF as the 5hi&d 'ro.s o&der, so%e -eatures start

to appear %a&e, su5h as deepenin' o- the voi5e, -a5ia& hair, and -ai&ure to %enstruate at pu(ert1. A(out ) in )+,+++ to ),,+++ 5hi&dren are (orn .ith CA=. CA= is one o- %an1 5onditions "1! that invo&ve interse> anato%1. 4urin' the t.entieth 5entur1, %edi5ine adopted the ter% :interse>ua&it1; to app&1 to hu%an (ein's .ho 5annot (e 5&assi-ied as either %a&e or -e%a&e. ""! "he ter% is no. o.idespread use. A55ordin' to Di3ipedia, interse>ua&it1 :is the state o- a &ivin' thin' o- a 'ono5horisti5spe5ies .hose se> 5hro%oso%es, 'enita&ia, andKor se5ondar1 se> 5hara5teristi5s are deter%ined to (e neither e>5&usive&1 %a&e nor -e%a&e. An or'anis% .ith interse> %a1 have (io&o'i5a& 5hara5teristi5s o- (oth %a&e and -e%a&e se>es.; Interse> individua&s are treated in di--erent .a1s (1 di--erent 5u&tures. In %ost so5ieties, interse> individua&s have (een e>pe5ted to 5on-or% to either a %a&e or -e%a&e 'ender ro&e. "#! Sin5e the rise o- %odern %edi5a& s5ien5e in Destern so5ieties, so%e interse> peop&e .ith a%(i'uous e>terna& 'enita&ia have had their 'enita&ia sur'i5a&&1 %odi-ied to rese%(&e either %a&e or -e%a&e 'enita&s. "$! More 5o%%on&1, an interse> individua& is 5onsidered as su--erin' -ro% a :disorder; .hi5h is a&%ost a&.a1s re5o%%ended to (e treated, .hether (1 sur'er1 andKor (1 ta3in' &i-eti%e %edi5ation in order to %o&d the individua& as neat&1 as possi(&e into the 5ate'or1 o- either %a&e or -e%a&e. In de5idin' this 5ase, .e 5onsider the 5o%passionate 5a&&s -or re5o'nition othe various de'rees o- interse> as variations .hi5h shou&d not (e su(Ae5t to outri'ht denia&. :It has (een su''ested that there is so%e %idd&e 'round (et.een the se>es, a Nno-%an9s &and9 -or those individua&s .ho are neither tru&1 N%a&e9 nor tru&1 N-e%a&e9.; "%! "he 5urrent state o- Phi&ippine statutes apparent&1 5o%pe&s that a person (e 5&assi-ied either as a %a&e or as a -e%a&e, (ut this Court is not 5ontro&&ed (1 %ere appearan5es .hen nature itse&- -unda%enta&&1 ne'ates su5h ri'id 5&assi-i5ation.

In the instant 5ase, i- .e deter%ine respondent to (e a -e%a&e, then there is no (asis -or a 5han'e in the (irth 5erti-i5ate entr1 -or 'ender. But i- .e deter%ine, (ased on %edi5a& testi%on1 and s5ienti-i5 deve&op%ent sho.in' the respondent to (e other than -e%a&e, then a 5han'e in the su(Ae5t9s (irth 5erti-i5ate entr1 is in order. Bio&o'i5a&&1, nature endo.ed respondent .ith a %i>ed 6neither 5onsistent&1 and 5ate'ori5a&&1 -e%a&e nor 5onsistent&1 and 5ate'ori5a&&1 %a&e7 5o%position. Respondent has -e%a&e 6HH7 5hro%oso%es. =o.ever, respondent9s (od1 s1ste% natura&&1 produ5es hi'h &eve&s o- %a&e hor%ones 6andro'en7. As a resu&t, respondent has a%(i'uous 'enita&ia and the phenot1pi5 -eatures o- a %a&e. U&ti%ate&1, .e are o- the vie. that .here the person is (io&o'i5a&&1 or natura&&1 interse> the deter%inin' -a5tor in his 'ender 5&assi-i5ation .ou&d (e .hat the individua&, &i3e respondent, havin' rea5hed the a'e o- %aAorit1, .ith 'ood reason thin3s o- hisKher se>. Respondent here thin3s o- hi%se&- as a %a&e and 5onsiderin' that his (od1 produ5es hi'h &eve&s o- %a&e hor%ones 6andro'en7 there is preponderant (io&o'i5a& support -or 5onsiderin' hi% as (ein' %a&e. Se>ua& deve&op%ent in 5ases o- interse> persons %a3es the 'ender 5&assi-i5ation at (irth in5on5&usive. It is at %aturit1 that the 'ender o- su5h persons, &i3e respondent, is -i>ed. Respondent here has si%p&1 &et nature ta3e its 5ourse and has not ta3en unnatura& steps to arrest or inter-ere .ith .hat he .as (orn .ith. And a55ordin'&1, he has a&read1 ordered his &i-e to that o- a %a&e. Respondent 5ou&d have under'one treat%ent and ta3en steps, &i3e ta3in' &i-e&on' %edi5ation, "6! to -or5e his (od1 into the 5ate'ori5a& %o&d o- a -e%a&e (ut he did not. =e 5hose not to do so. Nature has instead ta3en its due 5ourse in respondent9s deve&op%ent to revea& %ore -u&&1 his %a&e 5hara5teristi5s.

In the a(sen5e o- a &a. on the %atter, the Court .i&& not di5tate on respondent 5on5ernin' a %atter so innate&1 private as one9s se>ua&it1 and &i-est1&e pre-eren5es, %u5h &ess on .hether or not to under'o %edi5a& treat%ent to reverse the %a&e tenden51 due to CA=. "he Court .i&& not 5onsider respondent as havin' erred in not 5hoosin' to under'o treat%ent in order to (e5o%e or re%ain as a -e%a&e. Neither .i&& the Court -or5e respondent to under'o treat%ent and to ta3e %edi5ation in order to -it the %o&d o- a -e%a&e, as so5iet1 5o%%on&1 5urrent&1 3no.s this 'ender o- the hu%an spe5ies. Respondent is the one .ho has to &ive .ith his interse> anato%1. "o hi% (e&on's the hu%an ri'ht to the pursuit ohappiness and o- hea&th. "hus, to hi% shou&d (e&on' the pri%ordia& 5hoi5e o- .hat 5ourses o- a5tion to ta3e a&on' the path o- his se>ua& deve&op%ent and %aturation. In the a(sen5e o- eviden5e that respondent is an :in5o%petent; "7! and in the a(sen5e o- eviden5e to sho. that 5&assi-1in' respondent as a %a&e .i&& har% other %e%(ers o- so5iet1 .ho are e2ua&&1 entit&ed to prote5tion under the &a., the Court a--ir%s as va&id and Austi-ied the respondent9s position and his persona& Aud'%ent o- (ein' a %a&e. In so ru&in' .e do no %ore than 'ive respe5t to 6)7 the diversit1 o- natureF and 6*7 ho. an individua& dea&s .ith .hat nature has handed out. In other .ords, .e respe5t respondent9s 5on'enita& 5ondition and his %ature de5ision to (e a %a&e. i-e is a&read1 di--i5u&t -or the ordinar1 person. De 5annot (ut respe5t ho. respondent dea&s .ith hisunordinar1 state and thus he&p %a3e his &i-e easier, 5onsiderin' the uni2ue 5ir5u%stan5es in this 5ase. As -or respondent9s 5han'e o- na%e under Ru&e )+8, this Court has he&d that a 5han'e o- na%e is not a %atter o- ri'ht (ut o- Audi5ia& dis5retion, to (e e>er5ised in the &i'ht o- the reasons addu5ed and the 5onse2uen5es that .i&& -o&&o.. "&! "he tria& 5ourt9s 'rant o- respondent9s 5han'e o- na%e -ro% $enni-er to $e-- i%p&ies a 5han'e o- a -e%inine na%e to a %as5u&ine na%e. Considerin' the 5onse2uen5e that respondent9s 5han'e o- na%e %ere&1 re5o'ni?es his pre-erred 'ender, .e -ind

%erit in respondent9s 5han'e o- na%e. Su5h a 5han'e .i&& 5on-or% .ith the 5han'e o- the entr1 in his (irth 5erti-i5ate -ro% -e%a&e to %a&e. -HEREFORE, the Repu(&i59s petition is DENIED. "he 4e5ision dated $anuar1 )*, *++0 o- the Re'iona& "ria& Court, Bran5h 88 o- Sini&oan, a'una, is AFFIRMED. No pronoun5e%ent as to 5osts. SO ORDERED.



DANTE O. TINGA Asso5iate $usti5e

PRESBITERO J. VELASCO, JR. Asso5iate $usti5e


Asso5iate $usti5e

I attest that the 5on5&usions in the a(ove 4e5ision had (een rea5hed in 5onsu&tation (e-ore the 5ase .as assi'ned to the .riter o- the opinion o- the Court9s 4ivision.

LEONARDO A. QUISUMBING Asso5iate $usti5e Chairperson

Pursuant to Se5tion )8, Arti5&e #III o- the Constitution, and the 4ivision Chairperson9s Attestation, I 5erti-1 that the 5on5&usions in the a(ove 4e5ision had (een rea5hed in 5onsu&tation (e-ore the 5ase .as assi'ned to the .riter o- the opinion o- the Court9s 4ivision.

RE,NATO S. PUNO Chie- $usti5e

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