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Presentacin del curso

Esquema temtico: secciones INF239 Sistemas Operativos

Horario 0781
1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Presentacin del curso INF239 SO (2011-2) 2 / 110

Viktor Khlebnikov
vkhlebn@pucp.edu.pe Ingeniera Informtica


4 5

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Presentacin del curso

INF239 SO (2011-2)

1 / 110

Esquema temtico: secciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Alma Mater: Moscow State University M.V.Lomonosov

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

3 / 110

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

4 / 110

Presentacin del curso

Presentacin del curso

Pabelln V, 2do piso, ocina 6


Coordinar previamente la cita por e-mail Conectarse por Skype: vkhlebn

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Presentacin del curso

INF239 SO (2011-2)

5 / 110

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Presentacin del curso

INF239 SO (2011-2)

6 / 110

Temas de la clase 1

Campus Virtual: Documentos del curso

Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Qu es un sistema operativo? Funciones de un sistema operativo Tipos de sistemas operativos

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

7 / 110

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

8 / 110

Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio

Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio

Esquema temtico: secciones

1 2

Esquema temtico: secciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Contenido del curso INF239 SO (2011-2) 9 / 110 Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio

4 5

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Contenido del curso

INF239 SO (2011-2)

10 / 110

Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 11 / 110

4 5

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

12 / 110

Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio

Contenido del curso

Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio


Objetivos del curso

Identicar en sistemas de cmputo las actividades propias de los SO Distinguir las partes estructurales de SO y efectos de su funcionamiento Conocer y aplicar los mecanismos de creacin de procesos e hilos Aplicar los mecanismos comunes para programacin concurrente Analizar la eciencia de administracin de memoria - estructuras de datos y algoritmos Seleccionar los sistemas de archivos adecuados en medios de almacenamiento
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Bibliografa INF239 SO (2011-2) 13 / 110 Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Bibliografa INF239 SO (2011-2) 14 / 110 Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio

4 5

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Andrew Tanenbaum, MOS 3/E

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

15 / 110

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

16 / 110

Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio


Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio


Andrew Tanenbaum, OSDI 3/E


[Tan08] Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Modern Operating Systems, Third Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008, ISBN 0136006339. QA 76.76.O63 T19M 2008 EN (Biblioteca de Ingeniera) [TW06] A. S. Tanenbaum, A. S. Woodhull. Operating Systems: Design and Implementation, 3/E, Prentice-Hall, 2006, ISBN 0131429388. QA 76.76.O63 T19 2006 EN (Biblioteca de Ingeniera)

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Bibliografa

INF239 SO (2011-2)

17 / 110

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Laboratorio

INF239 SO (2011-2)

18 / 110

Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio

Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio

Bibliografa (cont.)

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 20 / 110

[SGG09] Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne. Operating System Concepts, 8th Edition, Wiley, 2009, ISBN 9780470148725. QA 76.76.O63 S55 2009 (Biblioteca de Ingeniera) [Sta01] William Stallings. Operating System. Internals and Design Principles, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2001, ISBN 0130319996. QA 76.76.O63 S78 2001 (Biblioteca de Ingeniera)

4 5

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

19 / 110

Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio


Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio


Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Promedio de las notas del laboratorio

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

Para el clculo del promedio de las notas del laboratorio se consideran TODAS las cinco (5) notas de los laboratorios. Se organizan los 3 laboratorios preliminares en las primeras semanas de clases.

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

21 / 110

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

22 / 110

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Esquema temtico: secciones

1 2

Esquema temtico: secciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 23 / 110

4 5

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

24 / 110

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Lgica y su uso

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Lgica y su uso

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Lgica y su uso INF239 SO (2011-2) 25 / 110 Motivacin y forma de trabajo

4 5

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Lgica y su uso

INF239 SO (2011-2)

26 / 110

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Aprender lo desconocido

Conferencia Anual de Ejecutivos (CADE):

de una mesa de dilogo

Sobre las brechas entre el mercado laboral y la educacin. Las carencias o deciencias que se observan en muchos jvenes profesionales peruanos: Son personas acostumbradas a memorizar, buscar un truco, ms que razonar. Buscan el problema tipo conocido, que se parezca al problema nuevo. Si no recuerdan la respuesta, no intentan deducirla. No razonan lgicamente, no piensan. Ni bien se les hace una pregunta se ponen a operar, a buscar el algoritmo que d con la respuesta, como si el lapicero pensara. No leen. La lectura les resulta tortuosa. Se limitan a lo mnimo necesario. Rara vez entienden o usan una metfora literaria para explicar un fenmeno social.
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 27 / 110 V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 28 / 110

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Lgica y su uso

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Lgica y su uso

Conferencia Anual de Ejecutivos (CADE):

de una mesa de dilogo

Conferencia Anual de Ejecutivos (CADE):

de una mesa de dilogo

Poca formacin emocional para buscar la verdad. Se manejan bajo paradigmas de una cultura del chisme. No dudan, no son escpticos frente a argumentos o consignas que podran ser discutible. No acostumbran vericar la informacin que les da el profesor o que leen en el diario o revista. No saben redactar un ensayo, una memoria, un documento explicativo, una presentacin. Tienen mucho miedo al fracaso, por lo que no se arriesgan a ensayar planteamientos audaces para resolver los problemas nuevos. Son profesor-dependientes. Sin el profesor no saben qu hacer. Adems, tienen inculcada la mentalidad del empleado que hace lo que el jefe le indica.
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Objetivos de curso INF239 SO (2011-2) 29 / 110

Entre las fortalezas estn las conocidas: son ingeniosos, avispados, hospitalarios y cordiales. Sin embargo, eso no alcanza para preferirlos frente a sus pares del primer mundo.

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Objetivos de curso

INF239 SO (2011-2)

30 / 110

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 31 / 110

4 5

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

32 / 110

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Objetivos de curso

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Objetivos de curso

Unix Philosophy

Software como un medio de almacenamiento de conocimientos

This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface. Doug McIlroy, the inventor of Unix pipes and one of the founders of the Unix tradition. Unix is neither a brand nor a particular product: it is a set of ideas - implemented dierently by the people behind Linux, the BSD and Solaris, but all with the same basic structures expressing the same basic values and ideas, and all useful for running the same utilities and applications on the same hardware. Paul Murphy (a pseudonym) ZDNet blog, August 13th, 2007 http://blogs.zdnet.com/Murphy/?p=937

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Objetivos de curso

INF239 SO (2011-2)

33 / 110

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Objetivos de curso

INF239 SO (2011-2)

34 / 110

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Computer system rules

You make the rules.

... It has the same basic rules. Like gravity. These rules are not dierent than those of a computer system. Some of them can be bent. Others... can be broken. Understand? Morpheus The Matrix
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 35 / 110 V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 36 / 110

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Objetivos de curso

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Tareas acadmicas

Association for Computing Machinery Code of Ethics

GENERAL MORAL IMPERATIVES Contribute to society and human well-being. Be honest and trustworthy. Be fair and take action not to discriminate. Honor property rights including copyrights and patent. Give proper credit for intellectual property. Respect the privacy of others. Honor condentiality.

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Tareas acadmicas INF239 SO (2011-2) 38 / 110 Motivacin y forma de trabajo

4 5

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Tareas acadmicas

INF239 SO (2011-2)

37 / 110

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Tareas acadmicas:
Control de lectura y Ejercicios

Sobre 0,8 puntos: 0, 8 10 = 8 puntos de TA

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

Cada clase, a partir de la 2da semana, de 15:10 a 15:20, se realiza el control del lectura sobre el material previamente publicado en el Campus Virtual. De las 12 notas se consideran las 10 mejores.

Sobre 1,2 puntos: 1, 2 10 = 12 puntos de TA

Cada clase, a partir de la 2da semana, de 17:45 a 18:00, se resuelven los ejercicios relacionados con el material presentado en clases. Tambin, de las 12 notas se consideran las 10 mejores.

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

Nota importante:
Estas notas se consideran solamente en el caso de asistencia a la sesin completa de clase.
INF239 SO (2011-2) 39 / 110 V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 40 / 110

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Tareas acadmicas

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Tareas acadmicas

Sobre el material de lectura:

Una carta del Rector

Sobre el material de lectura: (cont.)

Una carta del Rector

Marcial Antonio Rubio Correa Rector 26 de mayo de 2011 Estimadas decanas, estimados decanos: Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a ustedes para pedirles informacin sobre (...) temas de inters para la enseanza en toda la Universidad y que, de diversas maneras, han sido abordados por nuestro trabajo conjunto en los dos aos pasados.

1.- Material de lectura en ingls dentro del pregrado. Hace dos aos se estableci que los alumnos de Estudios Generales, para pasar a facultad, deban tener un nivel de estudios del idioma ingls que les permitiera leerlo. Esos alumnos ya llegaron a sus estudios de facultad este semestre. La pregunta que tengo para hacerles es si en sus respectivas facultades se est cumpliendo con dar bibliografa en ingls. Si no fuera as, es preciso que hagamos una campaa entre nuestros profesores para poner este proyecto en ejecucin. ...

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Tareas acadmicas

INF239 SO (2011-2)

41 / 110

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

42 / 110

Motivacin y forma de trabajo

Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP

Frmula de la Nota Final

Esquema temtico: secciones

1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 44 / 110

Nota Final:

NF = (3 Ex 1 + 3 Ex 2 + 2 Pa + 2 Pb + 2 TA)/12 donde Pa es el promedio de las 3 mejores notas de 4 prcticas, Pb es el promedio de todas las 5 notas de los laboratorios.
4 5

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

43 / 110

Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP

Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP

Acreditacin de la carrera

Esquema temtico: secciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 46 / 110 Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

4 5

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

45 / 110

Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP

Acreditacin de la carrera

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

reas de TI

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

47 / 110

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

48 / 110

Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP

Acreditacin de la carrera

Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP

Acreditacin de la carrera


Ingeniera de software
Desarrollo y mantenimiento de sistemas de software para garantizar su seguridad y eciencia

Ingeniera de computadoras
Diseo y construccin de computadoras y sus sistemas Ms hardware que software

Ciencia de computacin
Diseo e implementacin de software Concepcin de nuevas formas de uso de computadoras Desarrollo de formas efectivas de solucin de problemas computacionales

Sistemas de informacin
Enfoque a la integracin de las soluciones de tecnologa de informacin con los procesos empresariales

Tecnologa de informacin
Cumplir con las necesidades tecnolgicas de empresas y organizaciones Con nfasis ms en la tecnologa que la informacin

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

49 / 110

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

50 / 110

Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP

Acreditacin de la carrera

Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP

Acreditacin de la carrera

Ingeniera Informtica de la PUCP:


Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB)

Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

51 / 110

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

52 / 110



Esquema temtico: secciones

1 2

Esquema temtico: secciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 53 / 110 WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM?

4 5

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

54 / 110


MOS/3E by Andrew S. Tanenbaum Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION

Quin, cundo y cmo percibe un sistema operativo?

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

55 / 110

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

56 / 110



What is an Operating System?

Operation Modes

Most computers have two modes of operation: kernel mode (supervisor mode) user mode The OS runs in kernel mode. In this mode it has complete access to all the hardware and execute any instruction the machine is capable of executing. The rest of the software runs in user mode, in which only a subset of the machine instructions is available. In particular, those instructions that aect control of the machine or do I/O (Input/Output) are forbidden to user.
Figura: 1-1. Where the operating system ts in.
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The Operating System as an Extended Machine


The Operating System as an Extended Machine

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
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4 5

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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60 / 110


The Operating System as an Extended Machine


The Operating System as a Resource Manager

The Operating System as an Extended Machine

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
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4 5

Figura: 1-2. Operating systems turn ugly hardware into beautiful abstractions.

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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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61 / 110


The Operating System as a Resource Manager

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

The Operating System as a Resource Manager

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

The job of the OS is to provide for an orderly and controlled allocation of the processors, memories, and I/O devices among the various programs competing for them. This view of the OS holds that its primary task is to keep track of which programs are using which resource, to grant resource requests, to account for usage, and to mediate conicting requests from dierent programs and users. Resource management includes multiplexing (sharing) resources in two dierent ways: in time and in space.

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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Esquema temtico: secciones

1 2

Esquema temtico: secciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 65 / 110 HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS

4 5

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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66 / 110


The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
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The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes


The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes

1939: John Vincent Atanaso, Cliord E. Berry - ABC computer 1941: Konrad Zuse - Z3 1943: Colossus Mark 1 1944: Harvard Mark I 1945: ENIAC 1950: MESM

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

Programming languages were unknown. Operating systems were unheard of.

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 70 / 110 The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 69 / 110 The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS Systems

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
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4 5

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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72 / 110

The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS Systems

The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS Systems

The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems

A Typical Input Job

Figura: 1-3. An early batch system. (a) Programmers bring cards to 1401. (b) 1401 reads batch of jobs onto tape. (c) Operator carries input tape to 7094. (d) 7094 does computing. (e) Operator carries output tape to 1401. (f) 1401 prints output. Figura: 1-4. Structure of a typical FMS (the FORTRAN Monitor System) job.
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The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming


The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 75 / 110

4 5

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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76 / 110


The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming


The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming


IBM System/360 OS/360 Multiprogramming

Figura: 1-5. A multiprogramming system with three jobs in memory.

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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming


The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming

Spooling (Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line) Timesharing M.I.T. CTSS (Compatible Time Sharing System) MULTICS (MULTiplexed Information and Computing Service) DEC PDP-1 in 1961 (4K of 18-bit words) UNIX System V (AT&T) and BSD (University of California at Berkeley) POSIX MINIX Linux
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Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 80 / 110

4 5


The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers


The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Microcomputers Gary Kildall: CP/M (Control Program for Microcomputers) Tim Paterson: DOS (Disk Operating System) Doug Engelbart: GUI Graphical User Interface Steve Jobs: Apple Macintosh MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows XP, Vista FreeBSD X Windows System (X11) Gnome and KDE

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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82 / 110



Esquema temtico: secciones

1 2

Esquema temtico: secciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 83 / 110

4 5

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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84 / 110




Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Processors INF239 SO (2011-2) 86 / 110 COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW


4 5

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Processors

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85 / 110


Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers


COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

Figura: 1-6. Some of the components of a simple personal computer.

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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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General registers Special registers

Program counter Stack pointer PSW (Program Status Word) Figura: 1-7. (a) A three-stage pipeline. (b) A superscalar CPU

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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Processors

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V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Memory

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90 / 110



Multithreaded and Multicore Chips

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
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4 5

Figura: 1-8. (a) A quad-core chip with a shared L2 cache. (b) A quad-core chip with separate L2 caches.

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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers


COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

Figura: 1-9. A typical memory hierarchy. The numbers are very rough approximations.

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Disks

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V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Disks

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94 / 110



Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 95 / 110

4 5

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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96 / 110




I/O Devices


Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin I/O Devices INF239 SO (2011-2) 98 / 110 COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW

4 5

Figura: 1-10. Structure of a disk drive.

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin I/O Devices

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97 / 110


Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

I/O Devices

Device driver

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

I/O port space: the collection of all the device registers Busy waiting Interrupt, Interrrupt vector DMA

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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I/O Devices



I/O Devices

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Buses INF239 SO (2011-2) 102 / 110 COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW

4 5

Figura: 1-11. (a) The steps in starting an I/O device and getting an interrupt. (b) Interrupt processing involves taking the interrupt, running the interrupt handler, and returning to the user program.

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin Buses

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101 / 110


Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers


COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems Figura: 1-12. The structure of a large Pentium system.
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Esquema temtico: secciones

1 2

Esquema temtico: secciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
V. Khlebnikov (PUCP) Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin INF239 SO (2011-2) 105 / 110 THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO

4 5

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

V. Khlebnikov (PUCP)

Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

INF239 SO (2011-2)

106 / 110


A Variety of Operating Systems

Esquema temtico: subsecciones

1 2

Presentacin del curso Contenido terico del curso y su laboratorio Contenido del curso Bibliografa Laboratorio Motivacin y forma de trabajo Lgica y su uso Objetivos de curso Tareas acadmicas Ingeniera Informtica en la PUCP Acreditacin de la carrera WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? The Operating System as an Extended Machine The Operating System as a Resource Manager HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The First Generation (1945-55) Vacuum Tubes The Second Generation (1955-65) Transistors and Batch Systems
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Clase 1: Introduccin y motivacin

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107 / 110


A Variety of Operating Systems


A Variety of Operating Systems

Esquema temtico: subsecciones (cont.)

The Third Generation (1965-80) ICs and Multiprogramming The Fourth Generation (1980-Present) Personal Computers

A Variety of Operating Systems

Mainframe Operating Systems: OS/390 Server Operating Systems: Solaris, FreeBSD, Linux, Windows Server 200x

COMPUTER HARDWARE REVIEW Processors Memory Disks I/O Devices Buses

Personal Computer Operating Systems: Linux, FreeBSD, Windows Vista, Mac OS X Handheld Computer Operating Systems: Symbian OS, Palm OS Embedded Operating Systems: QNX, VxWorks Sensor Node Operating Systems: TinyOS

THE OPERATING SYSTEM ZOO A Variety of Operating Systems

Real-Time Operating Systems: e-Cos Smart Card Operating Systems

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