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Reform & Debt

NGOs & Intl Targets & agencies enclaves

Mapping aid War & & disease Biopolitics

$100 Question on Reform & Debt

Something in common that is found in:
Conditional cash transfers SAPs Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers

Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500

Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500

Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500

Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500

Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

$100 Answer on Aid & Debt

$200 Question on Reform & Debt

The health agenda based on ideas that:
The private sector should be a major provider of health services. The government role should be restricted to policy formulation and technical assistance. Individuals and charities should share the responsibility for health care

What is conditionality or what puts conditions on aid?

$200 Question on Reform & Debt

$300 Question on Reform & Debt

The WTO rule-set governing intellectual property rules

What is the health care reform agenda ?


$300 Question on Reform & Debt

What is/are TRIPS?

$400 Question on Reform & Debt

The name for the sort of payments made directly for health services by patients and frequently advocated by World Bank and IMF officials

$400 Question on Reform & Debt

$500 Question on Reform & Debt

Because of debt, SAPs, and the argument it was better to do something at least, PHC was increasingly replaced by this

What are user-fees?

$500 Answer from Reform & Debt

What is Selective Primary Health Care?

$100 Question from NGOs and Intl Agencies

This was developed by a set of progressive NGOs to address problems such internal brain drain caused by GH interventions


$100 Answer from NGOs and Intl Agencies

What is the NGO Code of Conduct?

$200 Question from NGOs and Intl Agencies

A name used for disease specific, space specific, top down biomedical interventions

$200 Answer from NGOs and Intl Agencies

$300 Question from NGOs and Intl Agencies

What are vertical interventions?

An alternative to verticalization that is not as comprehensive (or wellresourced) as full horizontalization?

$300 Answer from NGOs and Intl Agencies

$400 Question from NGOs and Intl Agencies

What is diagonalization?

The Obama administrations policy program that takes steps towards diagonalization


$400 Answer from NGOs and Intl Agencies

What is the Global Health Initiative or GHI?

$500 Question from NGOs and Intl Agencies

This was made at a WTO meeting after Seattle 1999 and effects the way the multi-lateral trade agency deals with IP rules in cases of national health emergencies

$500 Answer from NGOs and Intl Agencies

What is the Doha Declaration?

$100 Question from Targets and enclaves

Which of the following is NOT based in South Lake Union:

$100 Answer from Targets and enclaves

What is the WHO?

$200 Question from Targets and enclaves

One of the main economic analytical tools used in the name of accountability that ends up turning population targets into spatial targets for intervention.


$200 Answer from Targets and enclaves

$300 Question from Targets and enclaves

A name used by Vinh Kim Nyguen to describe clinical enclaves that provide fleeting moments of therapeutic citizenship

What is cost-effectiveness analysis?

$300 Answer from Targets and enclaves

$400 Question from Targets and enclaves

Jeffrey Sachs vision of a geographical diagnostic leads him to a view of global health intervention sites as these

What are Republics of Therapy?

$400 Answer from Targets and enclaves

$500 Question from Targets and enclaves

Something shared by new anti-cancer drugs such as Gleevec, Global Fund applications, and war-fighting

What are pathological places?


$500 Answer from Targets and enclaves

What are targets?

$100 Question from Mapping aid and disease

A metaphor from mining used to describe the way global south countries are asked to provide disease surveillance to help other more privileged populations do risk management.

$100 Answer from Mapping aid and disease

What are the canaries in global diesease surveillance?

$200 Question from Mapping aid and disease

The % spent by drug companies on actual R and D for new drugs

$200 Answer from Mapping aid and disease

What is 12%

$300 Question from Mapping aid and disease

The maker of the maps showing incidences of cholera and water pumps in London


$300 Answer from Mapping aid and disease

$400 Question from Mapping aid and disease

The French theorist who taught that populations were constructed as such by the governmentality effects of tools such as maps

Who was John Snow?

$400 Answer from Mapping aid and disease

Who was Michel Foucault?

$500 Question from Mapping aid and disease

Its supposed to be predictive, personalized, participatory, preventative. (and profitable)

$500 Answer from Mapping aid and disease

What is P4 medicine?

$100 Question from War and Biopolitics

This country has made over 70 foreign military interventions since World War II.


$100 Answer from War and Biopolitics

$200 Question from War and Biopolitics

Paul Farmers term to describe the illness inducing power of social, political and economic structures of inequality

What is the US?

$200 Answer from War and Biopolitics

$300 Question from War and Biopolitics

Foucaults term for the enlistment of individuals in a population into processes of selfmanagement that serve the goals of population management.

What is structural violence?

$300 Answer from War and Biopolitics

What is governmentality?

$400 Question from Health

The histories of this fruit company in this Caribbean country are evidence of the sorts of economic interests that lead the US to interfere in the leadership of foreign countries


$400 Answer from War and Biopolitics

What is the United Fruit Company in Guatemala?

$500 Question from War and Biopolitics

The term used for the migration of human resources and skilled personnel outside of the country (usually for better opportunities) or within the country to private or NGO organizations

$500 Answer from War and Biopolitics

What is brain-drain? The Greek word for the personal habits of ethical reflection recommended by Arthur Kleinman in the textbook

Final Jeopardy Answer

What is paideia?

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