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Newham Key Statistics

This profile is a summary of the most recent data found at the time of writing (January 2011). A more detailed factsheet is also available. Information sources are provided partly so that the reader can check whether updates are available.

In 2010, Newhams population was estimated to be 270,000 - projected to rise to 375,500 by 2031.1 In England and Wales Newham has: the youngest age structure 2 the highest proportion of children under the age of one 2 the second lowest proportion over the age of 65 2 the highest number of families with dependent children 2 the largest average household size 3 the highest birth rate 1

Around 30% of Newhams population are children and young people aged under 20. The under 15 population is predicted to increase substantially over the next ten years with an average annual increase of 3%.3 Newham has the second most diverse population in the UK.2 Greater London Authority (GLA) 2008 population projections for main ethnic groups:1 70% non-white of these: 15.8% black African 11.8% Indian 10.8% Pakistani 10.7% Bangladeshi

In 2007 Newham had the highest proportion of births in London to overseas born women (74.8%).4 The Newham School Census in January 2009 showed that only 10% children on the school roll were of White British origin, with Asian (43%) and Black (26%) together making up more than two thirds of the school population. 3
Newham Joint Strategic Needs Assessment November 2010 London Poverty Profile 2009 3 Newham Children & Young Peoples Needs Assessment 2009/10 4 GLA - Focus on London 2009
1 2

Newhams 2008 School Census showed 144 languages recorded as home languages of pupils. Whilst English was the most common first language spoken, this was the case for only 35% of pupils in Newham. Bengali (15%), Urdu (9%), Gujurati (5%) and Panjabi (4%) were the most common foreign languages listed as the first language for Newham pupils.3 In 2009 Newham had the highest number of residents attending a British citizenship ceremony in London (3590) and the highest number of new registrations for National Insurance Numbers from EU accession states in the country (over 22,000). 1 Newham probably has the highest population of refugees and asylum seekers in London. 1 Newham has one of the highest population turnover rates in London with large numbers of people moving into the borough for very short periods every year. Evidence suggests that people who leave are more highly skilled and generally better off than those who arrive.5

In 2008/9 Newham had a very low employment rate at just 56.2% - the lowest of any London borough, and significantly below the average rate for London of 62.7%.The employment rates for women and ethnic minorities were particularly low.5 In 2009/10 the unemployment rate for ethnic minority residents (14.5%), was more than double that of the white population (6.7%).6 In 2008/9 more than one-third of the working age population was economically inactive, and for women the figure was almost half. 5 Compared to London and the rest of the country in 2009/10, Newham had far fewer workers in management/professional occupations and far more in manual, poorly paid jobs.6 Newham has the second lowest job density in London (number of jobs divided by working age residents), less than half that of Greater London. It also has a different jobs profile the largest employer being the public sector with nearly two in five jobs in public administration, education and health.1 Newham has a relatively small business base almost the lowest in London. In 2008 there were only 19.1 enterprises per 1,000 residents compared with 44.2 across London.5 In November 2010 the proportion of Newhams working age population in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance (6.3%) was far higher than London (3.9%) or Great Britain (3.5%).6 In 2009 more than half of households nationally or London-wide had all working age adults in employment, compared to just over a third in Newham. The proportion of workless households in the borough, at 27.1%, was significantly higher than the London (19.1%) or UK (18.7%) averages. 7

Newham Economic Development Strategy 2010 Newham profile compiled 16/12/10 from www.nomisweb.co.uk 7 London Data Store at http://data.london.gov.uk/
5 6


Compared to the London average, Newhams pupils attain slightly lower levels in all Key Stage Standard Attainment Tests (SATs).8 However the proportion of schools in the borough in which at least half the children achieve their target level at Key Stage 3 has increased very significantly from 33.3% in 2002/03 to 86.7% in 2006/7.9 Newham has followed the national trend of improving GCSE attainment, rising from 45.5% 16 year olds achieving 5+ grades A*-C in 2002/03 to 63.7% in 2008/9.9 Newhams pupils do well at GCSE level despite the boroughs high proportion of children in households receiving key out-of-work benefits (40% compared to 28% on average in London).2 Almost two thirds of 16 year olds continue into full-time education a high rate. However the 2008 estimate for 16-18 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) was 7.7%, above the London average of 5.8% and the 7th highest rate of any London borough.5 In 2009, 19.1% of people in Newham aged 16-64 had no qualifications. Only 24.2% were qualified to NVQ level 4 or above. This compares to London averages of 11.8% with no qualification and 39.7% at NVQ level 4 and above.6

In May 2010, 21.3% Newham residents of working age were claiming key out-of-work benefits compared with an average of 14.4% across London and 14.7% nationally.6 In the first quarter of 2010, 51.47% Newham pensioners claimed Pension Credit compared to 28.13% across London.6 In 2008, 19.7% of Newham residents claimed key benefits.10

Newham has one of the highest rates of child poverty in London and is one of the top ten most deprived boroughs both in London and nationally. In 2007 55.7% of Newhams children were living in poverty.1 In 2006, 69% children in Newham lived in low income households. 28% were in households where adults worked; 41% were in workless households.8 Among residents that do work, incomes are low on average 12,500 less per annum than London as a whole.4 In 2010 the average gross weekly pay for full-time workers in Newham was 506.80, compared with 606.80 for London as a whole.6
www.endchildpoverty.org.uk/london/child-poverty-inlondon-the-facts/newham-38/ FTI Newham profile on education 10 London Health Observatory (http://www.lho.org.uk/)
8 9

Newham has many of the poorest wards in London (more than any other borough) and none of the richest. In 2007-9 the top 25% of all employees earned around 15 an hour in Newham and Barking & Dagenham, lower than anywhere else in London. The bottom 25% in Newham and Brent earned around 7.50 an hour, the lowest recorded in any London borough. In 2007-9 Newham had the highest rate of mortgage repossession in London and four times the national average. 2

Newham is the 3rd most deprived borough in London and deprivation has worsened overall since 2004. In 2007 Newham ranked 3rd in the country for income deprivation affecting children and 2nd in the country for income deprivation affecting older people.5 All Super Output Areas (SOAs) in Newham ranked within the 40% most deprived in England. 64% of Newhams SOAs are in the top 10% most deprived nationally. 1 86% residents live in areas classified as being amongst the fifth most deprived areas in England.11

Newham has a lower proportion of owner occupied housing than the national average with only 32% owner occupied in 2009. 1 The Newham Household Survey 2009 showed 38,800 households in unsuitable housing the most common factor being overcrowding, with 17.5% households overcrowded. 1 In 2009, 15% private houses in Newham were designated unfit, compared to 6% in London and 50% of social housing stock in Newham was below Decent Homes Standard. 1 During 2009-10, Newham had over 36,000 households on the Housing Register (applying for a place in social housing) and around 3,500 households in temporary accommodation. During 2007-08 the households accepted as homeless included 59% with dependent children and 14% classed as vulnerable.1

In October 2010 Newham had the 4th highest crime rate in London (offences per 1000 population).12 Between the years ending November 2009 and 2010, crimes in Newham increased in 10 of the 15 recorded categories (compared with 4 London-wide). In this period gun crime increased by 52% compared to an 8% decrease across London.12

11 12

Health Profile 2010 www.met.police.uk/crimefigures/index.php

In September 2010 Newham recorded the 3rd highest number of knife crime offences in London. 12 Newhams Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership Performance Report 2010/11 identified that from April August 2010 compared with April August 2009 serious knife crime increased by 13.1%, gun crime by 130% and serious youth violence by 9.9%. Newhams Borough Command Unit Strategic Assessment in February 2010 reported that the level of violence against the person was 9.9 offences per 1000 population, the worst in a peer group of 15 similar areas nationally. Nearly one third of most serious violence crimes involved an offender aged 10-19 (54% with robbery offences) and nearly one in four a youth victim. 1 In 2008-9 the number of first time entrants to Newhams Youth Justice System was the second highest rate in London with a 25.8% increase from 2006/7 but 2009-10 saw a 26.5% fall from 08-09. The Youth Offending Team (YOT) caseload by ethnic group (Dec 09 March 10) showed that black young people were the highest proportion of young offenders. 1

In general the health of people in Newham is poor and life expectancy is lower than the England average. 11 Over the last ten years, death rates from all causes combined have improved, but life expectancy remains lower than in London. 11 Circulatory diseases are the main causes of death in Newham. Newham has the third highest premature mortality rate from circulatory diseases in London, and this is more than double the national average. 1 Levels of new cases of tuberculosis and people diagnosed with diabetes are among the highest in England. 11 Newham has had the highest birth rate in the country for several years.1 The national Active People Survey (April 2009 2010) showed Newham as the 12th least active local authority population in England and the least active in London. In 2008-9 14% reception class children (3rd highest in England) and 24.6% year 6 children (2nd highest in England) were classified as obese. 1 Newham has high rates of HIV infection, with numbers increasing by 10% from 2007-09. 65% of people infected are black African. It is estimated that 27% people living with HIV in Newham are undiagnosed. Late diagnosis increased from 34% in 2007 to 38% in 2008. 1 The prevalence of serious mental illness in Newhams population remained at 0.9% in 2007/8 and 2008/9.The admission ratio for affective disorder (disorders of mood) and schizophrenia is consistently and significantly higher than London and England averages. 1


An Aston-Mansfield survey 13 completed by 51 groups in 2009 showed that in 2008/9 these voluntary sector organisations. were supported by 3913 volunteers employed 930 paid staff provided services to 164,896 local people brought in 18,298,646 income from outside Newham


Sources for information included in this profile and referenced in the footnotes are available online at the following web addresses: 1. Newham Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2010 http://tinyurl.com/NewhamJSNA 2. London Poverty Profile 2009 http://www.londonspovertyprofile.org.uk/ 3. Newham Children & Young Peoples Needs Assessment 2009/10 http://tinyurl.com/NCYPNeeds 4. GLA - Focus on London 2009 http://www.london.gov.uk/focusonlondon/ 5. Newham Economic Development Strategy 2010 http://tinyurl.com/NewhamEDS 6. Newham Labour Market Profile from Nomis www.nomisweb.co.uk 7. London Data Store http://data.london.gov.uk/ 8. End Child Poverty Campaign http://tinyurl.com/ECPCNewham 9. FTI Newham Profile on Education www.fti.communities.gov.uk 10. London Health Observatory http://www.lho.org.uk/ 11. Health Profile 2010 http://tinyurl.com/HealthProfile2010 12. Metropolitan Police Crime Statistics http://tinyurl.com/MPSCrimeNewham 13. Aston-Mansfield Third Sector Survey 2009 http://www.aston-mansfield.org.uk/pdf_docs/third-sector-survey-results.pdf

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