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Full isolation of M-state minerals form Dead Sea Salt

In this document I will try to describe a method of extracting the M-state minerals from Dead sea salt.. this method is far superior to the normal NaOH extraction. the usual way of dong this is taking a solution of NaOH and add it to a solution of D !Dead sea salt" this would precipitate out all kind of minerals # Magnesium hydroxide$ calcium hydroxide # and of coerce some of the M-state$ normally you would swing the ph from %&.'( to % and back a few times this would ensure the full breakup of cluster in the Magnesium and calcium$ so it can free the Monoatomic$ this method is not )ery a use full method because you will be left with a lot of other minerals and it takes allot of chemicals$ and we want only the M-state and not the other minerals. in the method that is described it will isolate only the mono-atomic elements$ the things you need... odium bicarbonate Dead sea salt Hydrogen peroxide +&, # NaH*O+ # # real dead sea salt # # H-O- #

tep !%" is to create your working solution make a saturated solution !.gr/%&&ml" of NaH*O+ this water should be at room temperature or some what colder!%. c". 0fter all is dissol)ed you ha)e made your first alkalist !working solution".
The nice ting of this alkalist is that it breaks up the clusters on its own and it will be water soluble Hydrocarbonats the Mono-atomics will react with the air and will begin to precipitate out, this is far superior to normal Sodium carbonate or hydroxide

tep !-" add this alkalist to some of your dead sea salt.. this will dissol)e the salt$ after all is dissol)ed filter this solution. 1he precipitate will begin to form on top of the solution$ it will form some transparent to white crystals. 1his will take about - weeks to precipitate all the M-state minerals if you close the container nothing will happen for a long time, but when u open the container it will slowly begin to precipitate the Mono-atomics, with this there will precipitate out some magnesium and some calcium in a carbonate form, this will take up to weeks to let e!ery thing precipitate out" #now the first thing you can do is dissol!e the resulting precipitate and precipitate it again with $aH%&', but this will take fore!er because e!ery precipitation will take longer, so to clean this up we will go for a different rout"(

tep !+" 1he resulting precipitate can be washed and dryed$ to clean it from all water soluble materials after this is powdered in to a fine powder you can take a long neck round bottom flask and add the powder to it. tep !(" Now its the time for our second alkalist !working solution"$ to prepare this alkalist not allot has to be done$ the only thing that needs to be done is to cool the H-O- in the deep free2er this will form ice water and a more concentrated concentration of H-O-. tep !3" Now add this concentrated solution of H-O- to the powder in the round bottom flask. 1his will not do allot at first but after some time and the H-O- will warm up some the reaction will begin to form. 1he solution will begin to get hot and should be cooled with some sort of water bath$ after most of the of the reaction hes subsided it will cool again$ let this solution sit for some days !+"$ tep !4" after some days !+" allot of the powder hes dissol)ed and the stuff that is still undissol)ed can be filtered off $ do this with bleached filter paper 5the white ones6 after filtration you will be left with a clear solution of H-O- and this will contain all of the M-state$ tep !'" this could be precipitated with a alkali of choice !NaOH$ Na*O+"$ or the H-O- could be slowly distilled of and you would be left with a precipitate that is water soluble$ this is pure M-state element$ isolated from Dead ea alt$ 7ith 8o)e...

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