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An Amaz|ng New 1ext to Lxpand and Ln|arge our Lng||sh & LLA Curr|cu|um !
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"The experiences provided in these 37 lessons parallel the readings and tasks recommended by the
Common Core State Standards. The main difference is that our lessons put student curiosity and
engagement first." Harvey Smokey Daniels and Nancy Steineke (Authors of Texts and Lessons for
Teaching Literaturefrom the Heinemann Website http://www.heinemann.com/products/E04435.aspx

A nands-on, 1 Day, rofess|ona| Deve|opment Cpportun|ty
for 1eachers of Lng||sh and LLA |n Grades 6 - 12
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Lach teacher part|c|pant w||| rece|ve:
A copy of the new Dan|e|s and Ste|neke text
(See more information about the text on page 2 below.)
1|me to read and d|scuss the scaffo|d|ng and "step-by-step"
structures mode|ed |n the text
1|me to try out severa| |essons and d|scuss them "|n-depth" w|th
1wo hours to p|an for your own curr|cu|um (now coo| |s that?)

When: Ir|day, May 2, 2014, keg|strat|on & 8reakfast 8:00 A.M., Content beg|ns at 9:00 A.M.
Where: NCMC, koom SS0 |n the Schoo| Commun|ty kesource 8u||d|ng (Gymnas|um 8u||d|ng, 2
Cost: 599 per person (1h|s one day event ends by 2:30 .M. to a||ow for trave| t|me.)
589 for kCW 1op-of-the-M|tt 1C's
Iac|||tators: 1oby kahn-Loftus, D|rector, kCW 1op-of-the-M|tt
Dan o||eys, 8oyne C|ty M|dd|e Schoo|, Co-D|rector, kCW 1op-of-the-M|tt Sate|||te
1h|s profess|ona| event |s sponsored by: !/" G+2()'$0+( ,+- !"'./0(1 '() *0$"-'.4H ' (+(I?-+,0$ ,+2()") $+
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You may pay with PayPal at the link above. If you prefer, mail in a check made out to the Foundation.

To request a school purchase order, please contact Toby. Questions? Contact Toby.

Mail to: Toby Kahn-Loftus, c/o: Foundation for Teaching and Literacy
3741 Big Marsh Road, East Jordan, MI 49727
Questions: Call or email Toby, Cell: 231-330-5804, tobykahnloftus@gmail.com

Registrations must arrive or be posted by Friday. April 11, 2014 so we can order the texts in time.

4 MDE Clock-hours will be available upon approval; $10 per person
Texts and Lessons for Teaching Literaturewith 65 fresh mentor texts from Dave Eggers, Nikki
Giovanni, Pat Conroy, Jesus Colon, Tim O'Brien, Judith Ortiz Cofer, and many more

Harvey Smokey Daniels and Nancy Steineke share their
powerful strategies for engaging students in challenging, meaningful
reading of fiction and poetry using some of their favorite short, fresh
textsor, as they put it, full-strength adult literature that gives us
English majors a run for our interpretive money but is still intriguing
enough to keep teen readers digging and thinking. Use the 37
innovative, step-by-step, common-core-correlated lessons with the
reproducible texts provided, with selections from your literature
textbook, or with your own best-loved texts to teach close reading skills
and deep comprehension strategies. Give students opportunities to
read and synthesize across texts with the 8 thematic text set lessons
provided, or use the model unit outlines for using the lessons with The
Giver, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Great Gatsby as springboards for
planning your own novel studies.

Table of Contents
Chapter One: Welcome
Chapter Two: How to Use This Book
Chapter Three: Sharing Literature Aloud
Chapter Four: Smart-Reader Strategies
Chapter Five: Lively Discussions
Chapter Six: Closer Readings
Chapter Seven: Up and Thinking
Chapter Eight: Literary Arguments
Chapter Nine: Coping with Complex and Classic Texts
Chapter Ten: Text Set Lessons
Chapter Eleven: Keeping Kids at the Center of Whole-Class Novels
Chapter Twelve: Extending the Texts and Lessons
Appendix: How the Lessons Correlate with the Common Core Standards

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