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Introduction Organisational structure provides the framework of organisations and its pattern of management, helping in creating a framework of order

and command through which activities of organisations are planned, organised, directed and controlled. It helps in defining tasks and responsibilities, work roles and relationships, and channels of communication for organisations (Mullins, 2010, pp. !2" 1#. Organisational structure impacts both the organisations efficienc$, and effectiveness. %fficienc$ is defined as the &accomplishment of a 'ob with a minimum e(penditure of time and effort, and effectiveness means &accomplishing a purpose) producing the intended result (*ictionar$.com, n.d#. +hen we talk of efficienc$, it is all about e(ecuting tasks and roles in the fastest or least e(pensive wa$, while effectiveness means we did the right task, and achieved organisational goals. Relationship ,here are three basic t$pes of organisational structures, namel$) (-tanford, 200.#. /unctional structure0 groups each portion of the organisation according to its purpose. *ivisional structure0 used b$ large organisations, to cover different products or market areas. Matri( structures0 ,his is a h$brid of the first two. It tends to utili1e the advantages of both, and avoid their disadvantages (Meredith 2 Mantel 2003, p.134#.

,hese structures have their advantages and disadvantages which have negative and positive effects on organisational effectiveness. 5roper care should be taken, and attention paid to the comple(it$ of organisational interdependencies. ,he development of an organisational structure should be based on emplo$ee6s needs, because a poor structure choice would lead to diminished capacit$ to innovate and poor relationships with the interest groups (7edeian, 1384#. Organisational structure helps in organisational effectiveness because, it helps in proper arrangement and assignment of tasks and 'obs to the appropriate emplo$ee, gives an emplo$ee the clarit$ and autonom$ of his9her 'ob, stops duplication of efforts, facilitates communication and proper flow of information between people in regards to 'ob activities which aids timel$ decisions, and aids proper response to market9environmental changes (:atif, 7aloch, ;han, 2012#. Organi1ational effectiveness is used to measure an organisation6s mission success, through its core strategies. <c=uiring insight into the relationship between structure and processes is a core re=uirement of understanding organi1ational effectiveness, and to get the most effective structure for $our organisation, there are si( ke$ elements that need to be addressed while designing its structure0 (7rookins, n.d.#. +ork specialisation0 >ives emplo$ees a rela(ed working atmosphere, as it assigns them to tasks and 'obs based on their skill, educational background and prior e(perience. *epartmentali1ation0 ?ere, 'obs are grouped together in order to form departments. ,hese departments are created according to customer needs, geographic locations, etc. @hain of command0 ,he can be defined as an unbroken line of authorit$ which has a top to down flow, clarif$ing who reports to whom in an organisation.

-pan of control0 *etermines the number of emplo$ees a manager can effectivel$ and efficientl$ direct within the organisation. @entralisation and *ecentralisation0 @entralisation is the degree where decision making is made b$ individuals at the higher level of management, while decentralisation is the degree to which decision making power is e(tended to lower levels of management in the organisation. /ormalisation0 Is the e(tent to which appropriate behaviour is described in writing.

,he above elements affects the wa$ emplo$ees interact to each other as the$ tr$ to accomplish their organisational goals and ob'ectives. Conclusion Ao matter its si1e, organisations need a structure that suits its needs if it intends to remain relevant in its industr$. Organisations should also review its structuring as it grows and evolves, for structure not onl$ affects productivit$ and economic efficienc$, it also affects morale and 'ob satisfaction of its members (Mullins, 2010, pp. 1" .4#. References: 7edeian, >. (1384#. BContemporary Challenges in the study of organisations.6 Cournal of Management, 12(2#, pp. 18 "201. 7rookins, M. (n.d.# Elements of Organisational Structure DOnlineE. <vailable from0 http099www.ehow.com9listF4G1G1G Felements"organi1ational"structure.html (<ccessed0 G0th Canuar$ 201!#. *ictionar$.com (n.d.#. Effectiveness DOnlineE. <vailable from0 http099dictionar$.reference.com9browse9effectivenessHsIt (<ccessed0 1st /ebruar$ 201!# *ictionar$.com (n.d#. Efficiency DOnlineE. <vailable from0 http099dictionar$.reference.com9browse9efficienc$HsIt (<ccessed0 1st /ebruar$ 201!# :atif, ;.I, 7aloch, J.7, 2 ;han, M.A. (2012#, Structure, Corporate Strategy, and the Overall Effectiveness of the Organisation6, Abasyn Journal of Sciences (2# DOnlineE. <vailable from0 http0994!.1..18!.1!09wp"content9uploads9201G9029K I2"1.pdf (<ccessed0 1st /ebruar$ 201!# Meredith, C.L. 2 Mantel, Cr., -.C. (2003# Project ed. ?oboken, Aew Cerse$0 Cohn +ile$ 2 -ons. Mullins, :.C. (2010#. 5rentice ?all. anagement! A anagerial Approach. .th

anagement " Organisational #ehaviour. 3th ed. ?arlow, %ngland0 5earson9/,

-tanford, A. (200.# $uide to organisation design! Creating high%performing and adaptable enterprises, Mniversit$ of :iverpool Online :ibrar$ DOnlineE. pp.!4N.3. <vailable from0http099site.ebrar$.com.e1pro($.liv.ac.uk9lib9liverpool9doc*etail.actionHdocI*I102G 1.4 (<ccess ed0 G0th Canuar$ 201!#

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