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How can I get rewarded from the stuff I publish online?

Tipjoy.com is: Abigail & Ivan Kirigin

You may be asking yourself: how can I make money from the stuff I publish online?
You’re probably thinking the answer is ADVERTISEMENTS,

Today, the solution is most commonly advertisements...

...but ads can be ugly, obtrusive, and annoy your readers!
If you are lucky enough to have a few really die hard fans, maybe they click on an ad or two simply because they know that benefits you. Or, maybe they actually slog through those
annoying multi-step processes to leave you money through PayPal or Amazon.
But most of your readers simply donʼt bother. And thatʼs reasonable; weʼre all busy people.
leave a tip for stuff you love
earn money for making stuff people love!

Thatʼs why we made tipjoy - because we wanted to give the bloggers and essayists we loved money as thanks for providing us great content, but we needed it to make it really fast and easy -
as simple as just one single click.
Suspendisse potenti. Sed nisi massa, condimentum convallis,
sollicitudin a, mollis eu, risus. Cras rutrum nonummy metus. Nam
egestas ante quis nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean
posuere, mauris eu auctor malesuada, massa lectus fermentum nulla,
sed pretium sapien eros vitae elit. Vivamus mi. Proin a lorem. Maecenas
lacus pede, fermentum eu, nonummy ac, lacinia et, orci. Morbi
scelerisque, mi sed dignissim condimentum, arcu neque dapibus nisl, in
lobortis dui orci ac massa. In hendrerit imperdiet libero. Aenean blandit
justo a elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Donec at enim. Suspendisse condimentum nunc a est. Donec pulvinar
nunc et ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

By Ivan on January 17, 2008 10:10 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

Here we are on Ivanʼs blog. A close up view of the end of a post.

I like this post; Iʼll leave a tip.
Suspendisse potenti. Sed nisi massa, condimentum convallis,
sollicitudin a, mollis eu, risus. Cras rutrum nonummy metus. Nam
egestas ante quis nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean
posuere, mauris eu auctor malesuada, massa lectus fermentum nulla,
sed pretium sapien eros vitae elit. Vivamus mi. Proin a lorem. Maecenas
lacus pede, fermentum eu, nonummy ac, lacinia et, orci. Morbi
scelerisque, mi sed dignissim condimentum, arcu neque dapibus nisl, in
lobortis dui orci ac massa. In hendrerit imperdiet libero. Aenean blandit
justo a elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Donec at enim. Suspendisse condimentum nunc a est. Donec pulvinar
nunc et ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

By Ivan on January 17, 2008 10:10 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

give more

when I click the ʻtip this” button, 10 cents is transferred from my tipjoy account to Ivanʼs. I can also easily give more...
And, we have cool tools for tracking how much youʼre earning. This is Ivanʼs tipjoy earnings page where he tracks how tipjoy buttons on his blog are doing. He can see how much heʼs
earned per day, when he added a button to his site, totals for today, the past 7 days, etc... and earnings graphs for each piece of content on his blog. The star indicates the content thatʼs
earned him the most money.
Donate your earnings to the charity of your choice, or use them to purchase an amazon gift card.

Tipjoy is easy to use: itʼs easy to start earning money with Tipjoy, itʼs easy to give people tips with Tipjoy.
Visit www.tipjoy.com - tip something by filling in the big yellow box, or...
... start earning money by clicking the “looking to earn $ with tipjoy” button.
And this is only the beginning...

We're really excited about our core offering available today. Web apps, widget builders, blogs, and online publishers should all use Tipjoy.

I'm also really excited about where we're headed. I'll give a brief overview, but don't hesitate to ask me more details.

One. we'll soon provide a platform API so that sites can get a cut of content they host. If you have a large number of writers, or user generated content, The Tipjoy Platform will let the content
creators make money AND let you take a cut. The incentives are perfectly aligned.

Two. Tipjoy itself is really just the first user of what we're calling MILLIPAID - a secure, fast, and scalable micropayments platform. On the roadmap is offering this as a white-label service so
you can incorporate micropayments into existing sites.

Three. Another point on our roadmap is to include gated and hosted content. Let's say you're a newspaper and you want to offer free access to your entire decades-old archive for free,
allowing your readers to voluntary support you via tipjoy. Millipaid will also let you easily host and sell a 2GB scan of your front page that you couldn't afford to give out freely. So for example,
the executive summary of a report on the latest trends in virally-spreading facebook apps is available for free, but the full content download with detailed data costs, say,
2 dollars.

Whatever distribution model you want -- or more importantly -- whatever way users want to give you money, we'll support it.
Start earning money now.

Please email us if you have any questions or suggestions. Weʼd love to work with you to get your site earning money with Tipjoy.

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