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Rediscovering the Obvious

By Ricky Maramba Philippine Copyright 1998 Ricky Maramba Smashwords Edition Edited by Al C Abain!a" Co#er $esign by %an Christopher Cielos Smashwords Edition &icense 'otes (his ebook is licensed )or yo*r personal en+oyment only (his ebook may not be re,sold or gi#en away to other people -) yo* wo*ld like to share this book with another person" please p*rchase an additional copy )or each recipient -) yo*.re reading this book and did not p*rchase it" or it was not p*rchased )or yo*r *se only" then please ret*rn to Smashwords com and p*rchase yo*r own copy (hank yo* )or respecting the hard work o) this a*thor

TABLE OF CONTENTS / -'(R0$1C(-0' / /1 2ow to read the book 1 (2E 30RCE 1 /1 4hat is the )orce 5 1 /6 Classi)ications o) the )orce 1 /6 /1 By 3re7*ency 1 /6 /6 By Accessibility 1 /6 /8 By Si!e 6 M0%EME'( 03 (2E 30RCE 6 /1 Simple e9planation 6 /1 /1 (ypical Mo#ement 6 /1 /1 /1 1se:Mis*se o) the )orce 6 /1 /1 /6 So*rce o) the )orce 6 /1 /6 Alternati#e Mo#ement 6 /1 /6 /1 1se o) the )orce 6 /1 /6 /6 So*rce o) the )orce 6 /6 $etailed e9planation 6 /6 /1 Cycles 6 /6 /6 S*bdi#ision into )o*r phases 6 /6 /8 (he )o*r phases in a cycle 6 /6 /; -deal sit*ation 6 /6 /< (ypical sit*ation 6 /6 /< /1 4ithin phases

6 /6 /< /1 /1 Rela9ation:2armony Phase 6 /6 /< /1 /6 1nion Phase 6 /6 /< /1 /8 -dentity Phase 6 /6 /< /1 /; E9pression Phase 6 /6 /< /6 Con#ersion )rom phase to phase 6 /6 /< /6 /1 Masc*line to )eminine 6 /6 /< /6 /6 3eminine to masc*line 8 2APP-'ESS 8 /1 Permanent happiness 8 /6 (emporary happiness ; (2E 30RCE A'$ (2E 0R=A'->A(-0' < P1S2-'= 30R E?CE&&E'CE @ -( -S 1P (0 A01 B RE1'-0' 0. INTROD CTION -n this time and age" di))erent schools o) tho*ght ha#e been mentioning a )orce or energy that )*nctions within *s C an o)ten,*nseen energy which connects h*mans and creation as one An *nderstanding o) this )orce e9plains why certain things are done or chosen o#er others 2ow desires come abo*t 2ow happiness is achie#ed 4hy" )or e9ample" some people seem more approachable and pleasant 4hy people )all in lo#e 4hy we )eel a lack o) meaning in li)e when we seem to ha#e e#erything (his book will attempt to e9plain in simple terms how this energy mani)ests itsel) in o*r li#es and how we can *se it in order to achie#e o*r )*ll potential 2ow )or e9ample" to red*ce stress" how to attract )riends (his is a book that speaks on how li)e may be changed )or the better Ao* and - ha#e hopes" and by +*st practicing the simple e9ercises gi#en" yo* may easily reach that goal in the pri#acy o) yo*r own bedroom (his is written not only )or people with problems b*t also )or those who are happy and who want to p*sh the en#elope o) their capabilities and attempt to reach and do things they pre#io*sly tho*ght impossible (his book is the res*lt o) my 7*est )or the knowledge o) li)e - )o*nd o*t that li)e is not to be rationali!ed b*t )elt 4ithin the book are n*mero*s e9amples that - hope yo*" too" can relate with (his book is the res*lt o) my 7*est )or the knowledge o) li)e 4hat - share with yo* has been arri#ed at int*iti#ely" and is by no means complete or per)ect My ad#ent*res in li)e made me reali!e that li)e is not to be rationali!ed b*t )elt My e9periences led me to

percei#e li)e and the world in a totally di))erent way" and - noticed that this Dworld #iewE pro#ed *se)*l to a n*mber o) my )riends in their 7*est )or happiness and )*l)illment in li)e - decided" then" to write this book in order to share what may be tr*e Feep whate#er ideas yo* )ind *se)*l and +*st )ile the rest (hey may later pro#e to be tr*e and *se)*l )or yo* later And - hope" too" that the n*mero*s e9amples within the book are e#eryday realities yo* can relate with 3inally" in a gender,sensiti#e age" any a*thor is e9pected to be s*ch 2owe#er" in consideration o) the case o) )low in reading Gand writingH" the masc*line gender is *sed (his does not mean" tho*gh" that - am insensiti#e to the gender iss*e" and - hope yo* will *nderstand 0.0! Ho" to re#d the boo$ (he book talks abo*t li)e" abo*t the things in li)e that we e9perience and attrib*te to something else Since it relates to o*r e9perience" try to a#oid being too rational while reading -t is best to read at a leis*rely pace and with minimal distractions (ry not to worry or split hairs o#er iss*es or ideas which are act*ally 7*ite simple A n*mber o) people who ha#e read this considered it a )orm o) Dreality checkE where we are made to be aware o) the ob#io*s Ao* need not be an intellect*al or a scholar to read this book All yo* need here is an open mind A mind open to new ideas" new tho*ghts )or what is in the book is a new approach to li)e -t wo*ld be best to read the book se7*entially so that yo* will be able to grasp the de#elopment o) the theme properly (his book is not written to be *nderstood )*lly in +*st one reading Se#eral light readings wo*ld be best and it seems that di))erent insights are reali!ed e#ery )ew readings (his is a book abo*t li)e" abo*t how it is" and the di))erent e#ents we take )or granted (he only prere7*isite here is awareness" openness" and common sense (he )orce is )elt C not intellect*ali!ed" m*ch less rationali!ed $*e to the di))erence in approach to the s*b+ect" - wo*ld like yo* to )orget abo*t all the di))erent things that yo* may ha#e heard abo*t the idea o) the )orce:energy -n this book" - take a #ery di))erent approach All we need is an open and percepti#e mind (hro*gho*t the book" yo* will notice that there are areas where yo* will see DtypicalE and Dalternati#e:idealE sit*ations 4hen - say Dtypical sit*ationE" - do not intend to make a sweeping generali!ation o) people b*t - want to show possible problems which people ha#e (he Dalternati#e:ideal sit*ationE" by no means the correct one" b*t an alternati#e which" hope)*lly" is to be e9plored - hope that thro*gh the de)inition o) )orce C the energy that connects all o) li)e together and a simple description o) how it a))ects *s C this book will show *s how we can en+oy li)e more )*lly C by mo#ing the )orce better

!. THE FORCE !.0! %h#t is the &orce' E#er since Albert Einstein came *p with the e7*ation EImc6" energy has been looked at in a di))erent light -n addition to matter" energy has become a prime consideration in li)e -t is e9pressed in di))erent states or D)re7*enciesE J #ery m*ch like that in tele#ision and radio where there are di))erent channels and stations Aside )rom the energy in o*r daily li)e which we are #ery well aware o)" there are other )re7*encies which a))ect o*r li)e =i#en their s*btlety" tho*gh" they cannot be meas*red by c*rrent physical instr*ments (hey are" howe#er" recogni!ed and )elt by percepti#e people As long as we are ali#e" this energy emanates )rom o*r physical bodies Some people ha#e an ab*ndance o) this energy" making it easily noticeable Among them are those in positions o) power and go#ernmentK per)ormers like actors" actresses" singers" models 4hen they are in a crowd" they DgrabE yo*r attention (his is not necessarily beca*se they are good,looking" b*t beca*se they ha#e a certain presence (he energy they e9*de is +*st too strong to go *nnoticed (he idea o) energy permeating s*bstances and people is not )arJ)etched -t is not only possible b*t 7*ite easily sensed All it takes is )or *s to be a little more percepti#e 4hat role does this )orce play in o*r li#es5 4hy the big )*ss o#er it5 4hat is so great abo*t it5 -n order to be happy" o*r energy sho*ld be strong and harmonio*s A strong energy body is necessary )or proper sel) esteem and the dri#e in li)e A harmonio*s energy body is needed )or *s to be patient and at peace with o*rsel#es Energy may also be made to act at a distance 4e are like a radio transcei#er Radios need strong energy in order to transmit and recei#e strong signals 0*r energy body.s sending 7*ality is masc*line in aspect while the recei#ing 7*ality is )eminine 'otice that women are generally regarded as more percepti#e than men" while men are regarded as more will)*l than women 2a#ing a good control o) the masc*line aspect o) the )orce enables one to e9press himsel) well (ake the case o) a good per)ormer or actor A per)ormer whose stage presence is strong keeps his a*dience interested by establishing eye contact and )eeding them with the energy they e9pect An e9ceptional actor.s mo#ements are physically correct" and the proper emotions are con#eyed strongly beca*se the )orce comes )rom within 0n the other side o) the coin is the )eminine side o) the )orce (heir int*ition is o)ten mistaken as mere body lang*age" b*t *pon closer e9amination" there are things which are le)t *ne9plained Mothers" )or instance" know i) their children are sad Single women know i) their s*itors are serio*s or not A wi)e may sense i) her h*sband is in lo#e with another woman

Male or )emale" one sho*ld be able to *tili!e both 7*alities o) the )orce in order to be wellJbalanced Some people who *tili!e s*ch a balance to their ad#antage are the *nscr*p*lo*s sales representati#es and philanderers (hey seem to know i) a person is to be targeted or a#oided 1sing the )eminine side o) the )orce" they sense the #*lnerability o) the prey and know when and how to make their mo#e 3or some reason" they are so percepti#e that they know what lines to say And once the DpreyE is con#inced" they go )or the kill" close the deal with precision" and do it so well that they s*cceed witho*t m*ch e))ort (he DpreyE will know Dhe.s been hadE a )ew ho*rs a)ter the incident (hese two gro*ps o) people are masters o) the )eminine and masc*line aspects o) the )orce altho*gh they may act normally )or their gender Altho*gh these e9amples are act*ally considered a mis*se o) the )orce" these make yo* *nderstand the possibilities o) achie#ing balance 0n the one hand" i) yo* lack or are weak on the masc*line side yo* wo*ld be called a p*sho#er -)" on the other hand" i) yo* lack or are weak on the )eminine side" yo* wo*ld be percei#ed as insensiti#e (he )orce is *sed in e#eryday sit*ations and is in )act hea#ily *sed by s*ccess)*l and in)l*ential people 4hy are there some people we )eel we can )ool while there are others we +*st ha#e to respect5 Beca*se the )orce is weak in the )ormer and strong in the latter 4hy are there people who seem to sense the direction o) b*siness de#elopment5 Beca*se they can sense the )orce 4hy are some leaders more in)l*ential than others5 Beca*se they lead and moti#ate" and not necessarily rationali!e (he list is endless" and these are not bro*ght abo*t by l*ck or by one.s possession o) s*perh*man powers C it is a res*lt o) the proper *se o) the )orce that permeates all things 4e all *se the )orce in o*r own little way" tho*gh some *se it better than others 4e all ha#e the potential and )eel )or the )orce in o*r li)e Children" )or instance" who want to go o*t with their )riends at night ha#e to sense their parents. mood be)ore asking permission S*itors always try to )ind o*t what his cr*sh means when she seems aloo)" while the woman wants to know i) her s*itor is serio*s or not (he knowledge o) the *tili!ation o) this )orce is not only normal" it is bene)icial and ad#isable As we grow older the )orce slowly weakens 4e shall be less int*iti#e" less happy" less li#ely" more stressed" more con)*sed" and more irritable All these are d*e" wholly or partly" to a mis*se o) the energy within *s 4ith a proper knowledge o) the )orce" we sho*ld be able to alle#iate i) not re#erse this deterioration o) the )orce within *s Fnow the )orce and *se it properly !.0( C)#ssi&ic#tions o& the &orce 3rom the o*tside we seem to be like one coherent being with one kind o) )orce Aet there are act*ally di))erent kinds o) )orces A h*man being is like a company or a b*siness entity Altho*gh it acts as one on the o*tside" di))erent parts within itsel) enable it to )*nction as s*ch A company may ha#e an acco*nting department" prod*ction department" and marketing department -n the same #ein" a person has se#eral parts o) his

being which m*st work in harmony to come *p with one res*lt Each is di))erent )rom the other Each will ha#e to be well,honed to )*nction properly And +*st as there are di))erent ways to classi)y people in a company Gposition" gender" stat*sH" there are di))erent ways o) classi)ying the di))erent kinds o) )orce" and these are in terms o) )re7*ency" accessibility and si!e !.0(.0! B* Fre+uenc* (he )orce has di))erent )re7*encies or channels 4hen yo* listen to the radio" yo* switch bands or stations 4hen yo* watch (%" yo* switch channels 4hen yo* watch good per)ormers on (%" they all seem to ha#e a strong and harmonio*s energy le#el (he reality" tho*gh" is that they are #ery di))erent beca*se they ha#e di))erent )re7*encies (heir energy may be e9pressed in terms o) se9 appeal" rationality" or charisma Still some may be so good that they may ha#e combinations o) two or more - pointed o*t that )or the sake o) balance" one m*st ha#e both the masc*line and )eminine aspects Aet it is highly )a#orable that one is able to com)ortably e9press all the di))erent )re7*encies a#ailable 3or e9ample" in a )amily re*nion it wo*ld be nice to ha#e strong charismaK in the o))ice" rationalityK and with the girl yo* are co*rting" good se9 appeal A )ield o) psychology classi)ies the person as ha#ing an id" ego" and s*per ego 2ere we ha#e the polarity o) masc*line and )eminine Gor strength and harmonyH" and )re7*ency Ginstinct" rationality" and a))ectionH 4e may ha#e other )re7*encies" b*t these are the most common" and there)ore readily *nderstood -'S(-'C( controls o*r bodily needs 0*r emotions" desire )or se9" )eelings o) h*nger" and the will to li#e occ*r in this area -nstinct in itsel) is not bad -t only makes itsel) bad when its energies are in con)lict" and when the person in#ol#ed has little or no control o) this" s*ch as when one is angry" )r*strated or irritated 4hen this energy is in harmony" tho*gh" we see bea*ty in it (his is typi)ied by animals which )*nction in this le#el (hey don.t ha#e a le#el o) rationality" a))ection" and yet we see no con)lict Animals h*nt and eat when h*ngry (hey eat to li#e" not li#e to eat (hey generally do not h*nt d*e to sadism b*t the necessity o) s*r#i#al 2ere we see harmony" how nat*re corrects itsel) whene#er disharmony occ*rs -t is tr*e that problems arise d*e to man.s )ail*re to control or manage his instinct (he ne9t )re7*ency that separates man )rom animal is his RA(-0'A&ity C -t.s what makes him think" talk" and premeditate things (his is also where he e9ercises his )ree will C where he is )ree to do as he pleases or where he chooses to o#erride his instincts 4hen an animal is h*ngry" it will a*tomatically try to )ind )oodK when it is sleepy it will sleep Man" howe#er" has the option to keep on working witho*t eating" or endlessly watch (% at night -n and by itsel)" this is an e9pression o) tr*e )reedom 3reedom" howe#er" means ha#ing the responsibility to *se it properly (he inability to manage this

)re7*ency res*lts in disharmony" stress" con)*sion" worry" or mental ang*ish An ab*ndance o) this kind o) )orce makes a person intelligent A33EC(-0' connects *s to the *ltimate so*rce o) energy" and is a stepping stone towards *nconditional lo#e 4hen mastered" a))ection enables *s to )eel the *nity o) li)e and the pro)o*nd *nity with the So*rce 4e sho*ld not only know it" we sho*ld )eel it (here are" howe#er" some not so nice 7*alities o) a))ection which we are to g*ard against (oo m*ch sentimentality is one A mother who can.t let go o) her child when he is o) the marrying age" or when a wi)e can.t )orget her dead h*sband a)ter he has been gone )or 1/ years are two e9amples A person who is )*ll o) a))ection is charismatic As yo* see there are good and bad 7*alities in all o) the )re7*encies 4e ha#e to ha#e them all" b*t only their good sides 4e ha#e to master them all so that we will be able to properly relate with other people who do not )*nction well in some o) them As - said earlier" aside )rom these three" there may yet be other )re7*encies which e9ist Some may act*ally seem new b*t are act*ally combinations o) the three (here are other )re7*encies which may *n)old once we gain mastery and control o) the ones disc*ssed (hese )re7*encies are #ery pro)o*nd since they occ*r as o*r conscio*sness comes closer to the So*rce )rom which all kinds o) )orce originate 0nce this happens" we may be able to )eel an *ne9plainable yet pro)o*nd sense o) oneness" order" and +*stice !.0(.0( B* Accessibi)it* (he )orce may be classi)ied as to how easily it may be accessed 4e ha#e here the C0'SC-01S and the S1BC0'SC-01S Simply p*t" the conscio*s part is that which we are aware o)" and the s*bconscio*s part is the part we are not )*lly aware o) Git may be the part o) o*rsel#es that we denyH 2ere we see the possible con)lict o) the conscio*s and s*bconscio*s d*e to a di))erence in o*tlook res*lting in disharmony (he conscio*s" on the one hand" is attached to an ill*sion which it wants to belie#e in )or the simple reason that it is Dcon#enientE (he s*bconscio*s" on the other hand" is attached to the reality o) the e#ent which it does not )*lly acknowledge -deally" a split in o*r conscio*sness sho*ld not occ*r 0*r conscio*s and s*bconscio*s sho*ld be one B*t since man has )ree will and rationality" he has learned to neglect realities that occ*r in his li)e 2e may ha#e tra*mas and disappointments which he re)*ses to acknowledge beca*se these remind him o) pain)*l e9periences 2e may re)*se to )ace the tr*th that he is not act*ally as happy or s*ccess)*l as he may want to be 0ther people may p*t limits on themsel#es !.0(.0, B* Si-e A person may ha#e se#eral pools o) )orces within him as seen by the pre#io*s two classi)ications Man may also be part o) a pool o) )orce which is bigger than he is" and which he shares with others (hese big pockets o) energies are not to be taken lightly 'o

matter how indi#id*alistic a person is" he m*st be able to relate to the other large )orces aro*nd him 2is relationship with them will decide whether he will be controlled by them or i) he will control them -n the )ield o) economics" we know that aside )rom monitoring the money )lowing within a co*ntry" we sho*ld also monitor the money )lowing in and o*t o) the co*ntry 4e ha#e imports and e9ports Co*ntries are independent" yet they stri#e to properly coe9ist with each another (he same happens to people 4e sho*ld not only stri#e to )i9 the )orce within o*rsel#es" b*t know how to trans)er it )rom person to person Man sho*ld learn to associate &arge pockets o) energies are organi!ations" associations" and companies that a))ect o*r daily li#es 'otice that people within these organi!ations are bo*nd by at least one similar trait An ethnic gro*p or a nation ha#e certain ways o) #iewing things" a certain c*lt*re" and a certain set o) traditions (hey not only )ollow these traditions b*t consider it to be 7*ite normal and e9pect other co*ntries to think the same way they do -n the same manner" when yo* migrate to another co*ntry" yo* tend to assimilate the characteristics o) that co*ntry People within a corporation with strong sense o) c*lt*re tend to assimilate and con#ey that c*lt*re -) a corporation is #ery serio*s in their b*siness approach" so goes their employees Companies who tend to be #ery personable ha#e employees who con#ey warmth and may be #ery approachable A school is also one large pocket o) energy Each school has its own DstampE or identity Percepti#e people can" at times" tell which school a person came )rom simply on the basis o) a )ew min*tes o) con#ersation 0) co*rse" one highly in)l*ential pocket o) energy is the )amily 3amilies are so di#erse and we take this )or granted *ntil we get married $i))erences in opinion on raising a )amily a))ect *s So" too" does the di))erence in religion (hese large energy pockets sho*ld be sensed beca*se these in)l*ence *s witho*t o*r knowing 4hen we are constantly in these energy centers" we begin to think and act like them (his is specially so i) these energy pockets ha#e been with *s since o*r )ormati#e years in childhood 4hen all yo* see aro*nd yo* day in and day o*t is that large organi!ation" yo* can.t help b*t ass*me that what it does is the right way o) doing things 3or e9ample" when yo* pick a school )or yo*r child" more o)ten than not yo* pick the school yo* came )rom 4hy5 Beca*se it is where yo* grew *p in Ao* ha#e not e9perienced any other school or any other method o) learning -) yo* were con)ronted and asked which is the best school" wo*ldn.t yo* say that yo*r school is5 4hy wo*ldn.t yo*" when at the age o) si9" yo* entered grade schoolL (he only school yo*r parents talk abo*t is abo*t that school

3or this reason" a n*mber o) people appreciate tra#elling (hey meet other people (heir minds are opened (hey see more options and are no longer po*nded into belie#ing a certain system based on blind loyalty (hink o) yo*rsel) as working in one company and not ha#ing )riends working in other companies 2ow can yo* accept the possibility o) appreciating another company i) yo* don.t ha#e the #ag*est idea o) what other possibilities e9ist5 Press*re )rom the )orce is what peer press*re is abo*t Press*re )rom people who do not mean well and e#en )rom people who mean well &arger pools o) )orce may change yo* #ery s*btly and may be hard to resist (his is d*e to their si!e and approach 4hen a lot o) people say the same thing within a large gro*p" we may belie#e it is act*ally tr*e since we s*bconscio*sly belie#e that ma+ority r*les or the ma+ority is always right 4ith an approach o) lo#e and well,meaning" a gro*p may easily in)iltrate a person.s de)enses since some people tr*st too easily (. .O/E.ENT OF THE FORCE (.0! Si01)e E21)#n#tion (.0!.0! T*1ic#) .ove0ent (.0!.0!.0! se3.isuse o& the Force At birth we are b*ndles o) +oy 4e are hyperacti#e and )*ll o) li)e As time progresses o*r acti#ities seem to lessen and we attrib*te this to old age and physical diseases Act*ally" o*r less acti#e li)estyle d*ring o*r old age may not only be d*e to physical constraints b*t also to the )orce which is being depleted by li)e.s dramas and con)licts at a slow b*t constant pace -nitially" we *sed to do things a*tomatically 4e sleep when we are sleepy and we eat when we are h*ngry As li)e goes on" this )l*idity in li)e ceases and is replaced by programming 4e do not sleep on time 4e do not eat on time 4hen we do eat" we do not eat the proper )oods or the proper amo*nt 4e disr*pt o*r normal cycle 4hile animals at the )orest do things a*tomatically and maintain their health" we rational beings o#erride o*r nat*ral processes to o*r detriment (here is a simple se7*ence o) e#ents which ca*ses all this At birth" we become aware o) o*r s*rro*ndings (his world is new to *s and e9ploration is the key word 4e become aware o) o*r s*rro*ndings with o*r )i#e physical senses 4e still do not rationali!e o*r beha#ior E#erything we do is a*tomaticM we cry when *ncom)ortable or h*ngryK when we need to *rinateK or when o*r s*rro*ndings are too cold or too hot 4e ha#e no worries or problems A4ARE'ESS is the key word in this stage

4hen the child reaches the age o) three or )o*r" he is sent to a pre,school that makes a di))erence and properly caters to a child.s *rge to be aware and e9plore All the )ancy colors and so*nds gi#en to a child are not )or c*teness. sake (he di))erent stim*li are gi#en to e9pand his awareness so that he will learn to relate to the world properly and not li#e in his own world At this age children sho*ld be allowed to e9plore 4here#er o*r awareness is" that is where we direct o*r energy -) yo* obser#e e9tro#erts" their energy seems to be all o#er the place (hey can in)l*ence people not beca*se o) their lo*dness b*t beca*se they are so aware o) their s*rro*ndings -ntro#erts on the other hand *s*ally ha#e their energy close to their physical bodies (he ne9t stage is that o) A((E'(-0' A)ter a while a child learns to p*t his awareness steadily on a certain ob+ect or idea An in7*isiti#e mind p*shes him 2e attempts to learn more abo*t the ob+ect 2e begins to de#elop )a#oritesM school s*b+ects" relati#es" )riends" and toys At this time it is okay to ha#e )a#orites 4hen attention is gi#en" the energy trans)er is stronger towards the ob+ect or idea in#ol#ed (his is why co*rtship is *s*ally accompanied by a lot o) attention A strong trans)er o) energy to the )emale will con#ince her more o) the s*itor.s intention than i) less attention is gi#en (his is also what a*dience contact is abo*t A p*blic speaker looks at the a*dience beca*se energy radiates strongly )rom the eyes (his is the reason why negotiations are done with strong eye contact Right a)ter attention is A((AC2ME'( (his stage may occ*r #ery 7*ickly in adolescent years or 7*ite slowly in yo*nger children A )a#orite s*ddenly becomes a need that m*st be )*l)illed As attachments de#elop in li)e" more and more decisions ha#e to be made Prioriti!ation will ha#e to take place E#en with this in mind" there are times when we ne#er really reach a )irm decision -n attachment" energy begins to lose its dynamic 7*ality -nstead o) )reely going )rom ob+ect to ob+ect" one gets st*ck at a central theme (he sel) is capti#ated and soon it can not readily let go (he body and mind.s correct a*tomatic responses are o#erridden (he problem with attachments is that sometimes they can not be )*l)illed Sometimes this is d*e to monetary constraints 3or e9ample" a child has been taking so)tdrinks e#eryday d*ring mealtime &ater" the parents )ig*re that the amo*nt o) so)tdrinks that the child is taking may be bad )or his health (hey then decide to stop the child )rom drinking so)tdrinks th*s )r*strating him An older child may not ha#e eno*gh money to p*rchase something that he may become attached toK a certain hobby like photography may be o*t o) his leag*e in the early part o) his li)e -t may also happen that i) he has the money" he may not ha#e the time 3or e9ample" he may not ha#e the time )or other things" he being too b*sy with st*dying or doing ho*sehold chores -) he has both time and money" he may sometimes be attached to two things and yet he will be )orced to pick only one A )emale may )all in lo#e with two

s*itors while societal press*re dictates that she may ha#e only one At the same time" her parents may insist that she delay romance *ntil she )inishes her st*dies 4e *s*ally belie#e that the so*rce o) o*r happiness is the ob+ect we are attached to 4e belie#e that certain be#erages make *s happyK that certain desserts makes *s happyK or a certain person.s company makes *s happy Act*ally" the ob+ect does not make *s happy 4e are all born happy Children are happy )or as long as they are )ree to e9plore the world 4atch them as they play aro*nd the room 4e start becoming *nhappy when we begin to be attached and that attachment is not )*l)illed (he point" tho*gh" is not to )*l)ill all attachments b*t to en+oy li)e with a minim*m attachments 4atch children am*se themsel#es with di))erent toys and e9periences 4atch too" how they become sad when these are not gi#en to them (his stage then is a dangero*s one )or this is when *nhappiness begins to set in d*e to an *n)*l)illed desire (his inner con)lict o) an *n)*l)illed desire )orces *s into the ne9t stage ,$-S2ARM0'A -n terms o) )orce" disharmony occ*rs when at least two )orces within a h*man being are in con)lict" and these )orces D)ight it o*tE lea#ing the person in periods o) irritation" stress" con)*sion" and the like A person )*nctions like a corporation &ook at one and yo* see one entity 4hen yo* want to commend a prod*ct o) the company yo* do not +*st commend the owner or the marketing sta))" b*t the entire company (ake a close look at itM yo* see people trying to work harmonio*sly )or one common goal 4hat the p*blic does not see is that behind any ad#ertisement on tele#ision is a company trying to reconcile its di))erences among its di))erent employees and directors in order to reach one goal A person may not reali!e the disharmony in his body (his is beca*se disharmony has crept into him #ery slowly to the e9tent that he no longer knows the meaning o) tran7*illity Besides" not all disharmonies are on the conscio*s le#el (here are days when yo* are irritable or worried )or no apparent reason (his is beca*se yo*r conscio*s does not want to entertain or acknowledge the problem at hand 3or e9ample" yo*r sho*lders or the m*scle between yo*r eyebrows may be tense )or no reason Ao* cannot sleep peace)*lly 4hen yo* try to think why" yo* cannot )ind any reason Man does not )ind this beha#ior dangero*s beca*se sometimes he e#en considers it a stat*s symbol 2e ass*mes that the more DstressedE he is" the more responsible he becomes (he battle within *s occ*rs hea#ily d*ring the disharmony stage -) this can not be resol#ed the energies will )ight each other *ntil they wear themsel#es o*t &ack o) energy will then pre#ail and $EP&E(-0' occ*rs and this is *s*ally called b*rno*t (his is when a problem no longer ca*ses pain beca*se we do not ha#e s*))icient energy to ca*se disharmony within o*rsel#es 2ope)*lly when the energy drops we get to learn )rom o*r mistakes and consider it as one o) those bad e9periences $epletion is the last stage o) the cycle -deally" we stop o*r

attachment a)ter )eeling the pain we went thro*gh $*ring the start o) the ne9t cycle" we reac7*ire awareness and we can start )rom scratch 2ope)*lly we do not get as attached again (here are those" howe#er" who repeat the same cycle o#er and o#er 3or a more detailed e9planation" - shall show how the cycle works with each o) the three )re7*encies o) the )orce (his is #ery easily seen on the -'S(-'C(-%E le#el 4hen we were children" we were gi#en an awareness o) ice cream 4e became aware o) the #ario*s )la#ors o) ice cream and that it was #ery re)reshing to take on a hot s*mmer day As time went by" we had )a#orite )la#ors like chocolate As we grew older" o*r parents )ig*red that the ca*se o) o*r diminishing appetite )or dinner was o*r eating ice cream between meals $*e to this" we were allowed to eat ice cream only on weekends -) yo* had been attached at this period" imagine the )r*stration and irritation yo* wo*ld )eel $i))erent iss*es crop *p in yo*r systemM yo* want to sneak a teaspoon)*l at night" yo* know yo* sho*ld not" yet yo* cra#e )or it Attachments on the instincti#e le#el are *s*ally called cra#ings -) they in#ol#e li7*or or cigarettes" they are e#en called #ices (hey are 7*ite easy to notice" b*t people *s*ally s*cc*mb to them beca*se they )eel DgoodE Aside )rom that" they can be easily bo*ght $isharmony on this le#el will mani)est as )r*stration" irritation" or e#en anger (he ne9t le#el is RA(-0'A&ity -n this le#el the cycle is not as ob#io*s beca*se many people consider it a way o) li)e" especially o) s*ccess)*l people (his is the cycle where mental stress may s*r)ace -n#esting in the stock market" )or instance" can be stress)*l Ao* start playing with the more stable stocks b*t a)ter awhile yo* may want to try the more De9citingE ones like oil (hese stocks can do*ble yo*r money in a week Awareness occ*rs when yo* ha#e seen it happen in the pre#io*s years (his time yo* wo*ld want to gi#e it a try" so yo* look )or a pattern and yo* read the papers thoro*ghly (his is the attention stage (hen the stock starts its *pward mo#ement Be)ore yo* or yo*r broker can notice" it has already gone *p a sharp 8/ percent on the )irst day (he decision as to whether yo* are going to b*y or not will ha#e to be made Ao* do so the ne9t day Money" yo*r attachment" is now in#ested A)ter a )ew days o) non,mo#ement" yo* read in the papers that the oil well has been pl*gged 'o oil has been )o*ndL Ao* watch (% an9io*sly that day to see )or yo*rsel) the mo#ement B*ying and selling prices are back at the original price" which is" say 8/ percent lower than yo*r b*ying price Ao*r choices are to sell C it may get worseK hold C yo* )eel like a )ool selling with a 8/ percent lossK or b*y some more beca*se the price is lowerL (hree iss*es are )ighting within yo*r rational mind" and yo* still worry abo*t yo*r diminished assets and cash )low $isharmony here is mani)ested as worry" con)*sion" or mental stress Ao* soon ha#e tro*ble sleeping" s*))er *lcers" or ha#e no *rge to eat $epletion here is seen as mental b*rno*t 0nce yo* are b*rnt o*t" yo*r rational mind Gwhich yo* were once #ery pro*d o)H now wants to be le)t alone &astly the A33EC(-0' le#el also has its part in the cycle Awareness o) the one that yo* lo#e starts" and sometimes 7*ickly t*rns into attention Since a n*mber o) people belie#e

that lo#e is meas*red by persistence" what happens is that lo#e may immediately +*mp into the attachment stage (hat is why we ha#e *nconditional lo#e or lo#e with no attachments -n this way" yo* lo#e and yo* set her )ree -) she comes back" )ine -) not" she may not be the one )or yo* $isharmony in lo#e happens )or di))erent reasons Sometimes lo#e is not reciprocated Sometimes it is manip*lati#e -n this case" the person in#ol#ed )eels the emotional ang*ish since his need )or a))ection is not re7*ited by the other side 4hen a person s*))ers emotional ang*ish" a depletion Gwhich )ollows as emotional depressionH" occ*rs and the person may not want to be in lo#e in the near )*t*re 1s*ally the cycle does not occ*r in only one le#el" b*t in a combination o) two or three le#els in #arying degrees 4ith e#ery iss*e in li)e *ndergoing a cycle" we see how they can a))ect *s 4hat we go thro*gh in li)e is one big cycle composed o) n*mero*s small cycles 4hen we are born" o*r awareness is de#eloped as we e9plore o*r li)e with o*r senses As we grow older we begin to ac7*ire tastes" likes and dislikes as attention sets in Attachment )ollows not too long a)ter as we )ollow society with its Nnorms. 4e become romantic" )all in lo#e" ind*lge in #ices $isharmony )ollows since we )ind o*t that we can not ha#e all o*r attachments beca*se o) time and:or )inancial constraints As we grow tired with li)e and all its con)licts in the disharmony stage" we approach the depletion stage Soon" with diminished energy" we are content staying at home in an atmosphere o) peace and tran7*ility (ake a look" too" at why sometimes ad*lts and children do not get along (hey #iew li)e )rom di))erent stages Adolescents" on the one hand" are in the attention and attachment stage" and percei#e li)e as one big e9perience to be cherished or e#en con7*ered (hey party" )all in lo#e" and get into all sorts o) acti#ities Ad*lts" on the other hand ha#e already e9perienced these and wo*ld want to impart to their children the #al*e o) not being too attached" not to )all in lo#e too 7*ickly" and not to )all into materialism Children cannot *nderstand their parent.s lack o) acti#ity in li)e" and parents are wary o) their children getting into all the e9periences they can lay their hands on Ad*lts wo*ld want to e9plain the ha!ards b*t cannot seem to ably impart them" so sometimes" they play sa)e and +*st disallow s*ch acti#ities Children at this point start to rebel Aside )rom the problems seen abo#e" notice that we end *p in a state o) depletion 4hen we are depleted" we are in a #ery high state o) #*lnerability 4hether we hide it well or not" this #*lnerability is easily e9ploited Aside )rom the ob#io*s #*lnerability to sickness d*e to stress" we are also #ery #*lnerable to people whose energy le#el is m*ch higher than o*rs (hey may be weaker" b*t when they con)ront *s in large n*mbers" this #*lnerability is heightened 4e e9perience #*lnerability d*e to peer press*re C press*re to con)orm to tradition and inability to be independent (his press*re may come )rom )riends" ad#ertisements" bosses" spo*ses" and e#en children 3or those who claim that they are not easily in)l*enced" the possibility is that they may grow insensiti#e and callo*s to people and e#ents d*e to a de)ense mechanism de#eloped to protect the #*lnerable inner sel) 4e see people with s*periority comple9es" which in some cases are

attempts to mask an in)eriority comple9 4e see possessi#e spo*ses mask their insec*rities in a relationship 4e e#en see the control )reaks" who demand that things be done their way in order )or them to pro#e to themsel#es that they still wield power Sho*ld these people ha#e an ample s*pply o) energy" these de)ects may not s*r)ace (.0!.0!.0( Source o& the Force 0nce a person )eels depleted o) energy" he will s*bconscio*sly attempt to )ind ways o) replenishment E#en the intelligent people will attempt to get energy thro*gh #ario*s means witho*t conscio*sly doing so 'ormally since all people are connected to the )orce the energy so*rce sho*ld be #irt*ally limitless Since man conscio*sly does not percei#e this )orce" he *s*ally denies it and hence" loses his connection with it Man later )inds se#eral other ways o) connecting with the )orce thro*gh a means he can relate to 0ne is thro*gh spirit*ality" a #en*e thro*gh which we can link *p with the original so*rce o) energy (he problem with this so*rce is that since man has learned to bathe himsel) with other kinds o) energies" he does not know how to relate to this kind anymore 2e pre)ers other kinds o) energies like passion" l*st" sentimentality" and anger Another way is thro*gh nat*re Energy is ab*ndant since plants and animals do not *ndergo attachment" disharmony" and depletion (hey ha#e no attachments and hence are more harmonio*s Genergy,wiseH than man (heir mo#ements are instincti#e" they do not premeditate their actions" and they do not get worried or con)*sed 4hen animals are con)ronted with a problem" they either r*n away )rom it or con)ront it head on -) they enco*nter a predator" they r*n away )rom it or )ight with it -) they win" )ine" i) they lose" they are dead" no more problem" end o) story Man" on the other hand" )inds himsel) in sit*ations where he will not be able to r*n away )rom his problem or con)ront his problem head on 4hen he wishes to earn more money beca*se a baby is d*e" he ponders on whether he will work o#ertime" )ind a new +ob" or c*t down on his e9penses &i)e nowadays is no longer simple Since nat*re has an ab*ndant" harmonio*s s*pply o) energy" man )inds himsel) comm*ning with it in his solitary moments 'at*re" too" is s*ch that it is 7*ite rare )or someone to dislike it 0ne does not ha#e to be a boy sco*t in order to appreciate the energy which can be deri#ed )rom nat*re A stroll in the park or e#en in a garden may be s*))icient 3or the more a))l*ent ones" a ro*nd o) gol) wo*ld be more than eno*gh 3or people who are not spirit*al or who do not ha#e time to comm*ne with nat*re" there is another alternati#e" one that is *s*ally taken by people who stay in the city )or long periods o) time People in the cities ha#e a habit o) getting energy )rom each other Energy )ollows the saying Dlike attracts likeE" and beca*se o) this similar energies connect with one another People with similar interests o)ten gro*p with each other 3riends ha#e something in common So do b*siness gro*ps (his is" in many instances" done *nconscio*sly and sometimes people )eel that they DclickE and later )ind o*t that they ha#e something in common 4hen yo* think o) someone else" a link is established 4hen a boy appreciates a girl he links with her and an energy e9change occ*rs between the two

Beca*se o) this possible energy trans)er" people reg*larly gi#e energy by appreciating or noticing each other (he trans)er is easily done and readily a#ailable (he problem with this is that *s*ally these people already ha#e their own set o) problems 4hen stressed people mingle with stressed people" what they )eel as clean energy is act*ally disharmonio*s energy being trans)erred )rom one to another Soon people begin to de#elop a DtasteE )or this disharmonio*s energy (hey say D- lo#e press*reE" D- thri#e on stressE (his is beca*se )or a long time" they ha#e not e9perienced clean energy" and the more they mingle with this diseased energy" the harder it will be to get to a clean so*rce o) energy (he reason )or this hardnessM since like attracts like" stressed people will now ha#e a hard time to get calm" soothing energy (o top it o))" b*sinesses ha#e been able to notice this and take ad#antage o) people thri#ing in con)lict -nstead o) harmony and change Gtwists and t*rns in the plotH" storylines now ha#e high degrees o) con)lict People are so hyperacti#e that commercials and M(%s are beginning to match the short attention span o) the #iewing p*blic by its 7*ick pacing 4e cannot really blame the ad#ertisers or the b*sinessmen (his is what the p*blic wants &i)e.s pace is beginning to be #ery )ast (his is )ine i) e#erything is in harmony Ad*lts now )ind o*t that stress Gan energy con)lict within the sel)H in the o))ice is commonplace 4e )ind that children are in)l*enced more and more by the place they li#e in 3rom innocent bystanders bro*ght into this world" they are )orced to +oin o*r con)*sing world A drop in the energy o) ad*lts is o)ten mani)ested as mental or emotional b*rno*t B*t not so )or children with a high energy le#el A drop in their energy is *s*ally seen in the lowering o) sel),esteem (his may be more dangero*s beca*se to get eno*gh energy )or himsel) he wo*ld normally seek attention" and this may mean s*cc*mbing to peer press*re Energy trans)ers are *s*ally done 7*ite s*bconscio*sly 0ne *s*ally asks )or energy by seeking appreciation (here are two ways o) ac7*iring energyM the masc*line or the acti#e way and the )eminine or the passi#e way (he most ob#io*s is the passi#e way C the person practically asks )or it by hinting that he needs it -n the masc*line way" the person acts like he does not need it beca*se he is strong" that he is someone to look *p to (his way he is gi#en energy not beca*se he claims to need it" b*t beca*se he is admired or appreciated 1pon closer look" each is )*rther di#ided and represented by one o) the elementsM a b c d Masc*line , Masc*line ,, 3ire Masc*line , 3eminine ,, Air 3eminine , Masc*line ,, Earth 3eminine , 3eminine ,, 4ater

(he water way is the most ob#io*s" yet *nrecogni!ed 3or e9ample" a pretty woman always had a boy)riend since she was a teenager -) in her early twenties she happens to ha#e none" she will )eel the loss o) appreciation" hence the loss o) a primary energy so*rce (o get energy" she starts asking hersel)" Dwhy don.t - ha#e a s*itor now5 Am already *gly5E -) she tells yo* this" yo* reass*re her that she is still good looking" and by doing so yo* gi#e her energy Ao* wonder" Dwhy did she think she is *gly5E -) the woman concerned was not really pretty" she probably wo*ld not ask a 7*estion like that (hen yo* wo*ld wonder again" Dmaybe she likes meE" *ntil yo* )ind o*t )rom her best )riend that it is not the case All she needed was appreciation C or energy (he earth way" another less ob#io*s way o) getting attention" is to act as i) yo* do not care )or it A s*itor will co*rt a woman who will neither con)irm nor deny her lo#e )or him (his ca*ses the man to be more persistent in his demonstrations o) lo#e" and beca*se o) this a stronger energy so*rce is created - asked some people why they do this" and they said it is to test the g*y.s sincerity 4hen asked i) the test act*ally worked" they co*ld not be s*re 0ther people do it di))erently -n the )ire way" their egos are s*ch that they wo*ld not want to be tho*ght o) as weak" and their way o) getting energy is preceded by an attack (hey b*lly yo* (hey make yo* a)raid o) them (his way they earn yo*r respect" appreciation" and" o) co*rse" trans)er o) energy Sometimes they act*ally siphon the energy o*t o) yo* (his is why when yo* are beside arrogant people yo* may )eel weak (his s*periority comple9 GarroganceH has act*ally been preceded by an in)eriority comple9 Ginsec*rityH (his is the )ire way o) getting energy (he air method is a little more con)*sing (hey are con)rontati#e b*t will not want to be labeled as s*ch A boss may approach yo* smilingly" and tell yo* that sorry he had made a mistake in negotiating )or yo*r salary package" that yo* seem to ha#e gotten the better end o) the deal 2e )ollows this *p by telling yo* that" hey" he.ll get his money.s worth Statements like these will lea#e yo* *ns*re o) what he meant -s he mad5 And was that good or bad )or yo*5 More ways o) ac7*iring energy are o) co*rse possible and they may be *sed singly or in combination with one another $i))erent people ac7*ire di))erent tastes )or )ood (he same applies )or energy Some people wo*ld like to be gi#en instinct energy (hey thri#e on passion se9" and the like Some o) them thri#e on e#en disharmonio*s energies C they en+oy irritation" or may e#en s*bconscio*sly en+oy it when their lo#ed one gets mad at them Some thri#e on the rational energy (hey gra#itate towards people who lo#e to think 0thers like a))ectionate or sentimental people and )eel close to them -) yo* will notice" there are some people who like to shop when there are )ew people S*rprisingly" there are others who lo#e to shop when there is a crowd (his co*ld be possible beca*se they draw energy o)) the crowd

-n e9treme cases" people may kill )or the attention Some assassinations are done not )or money b*t )or the thrill o) it A n*mber o) mothers ha#e been known to e#en kill their children to get sympathy )rom doctors and n*rses at the hospital (here was one case when a certain woman.s children all died be)ore reaching the age o) )i#e (he neighbors tho*ght that these deaths were d*e to a certain gene which the children had inherited $octors began to ha#e their s*spicions when her adopted child also died (here are easy ways o) getting energy and the easiest is )rom people =etting energy )rom this so*rce tho*gh" presents some problems 3irst" the 7*ality o) energy may be deteriorating Gincreasing in disharmonyH and we contin*e to get each other.s second class energy Second" the other party.s enegy may become too depleted (hird" the second party may gi#e it in ret*rn )or something Salespersons gi#e attention in order to close a sale Some s*itors may co*rt in e9change )or a one night stand -) the other party is not )*lly aware o) what she is getting into" she may be in tro*ble Aside )rom this" the energy recipient will ha#e to be care)*l o) another ha!ard As yo* get energy )rom a so*rce" there is a #ery strong tendency to become like it 4hen a co*ple become h*sband and wi)e" they start becoming #ery similar to each other Some seem to e#en begin to look and beha#e like one another (his is beca*se they begin to share a lot o) energy 4hen yo* share with someone.s energy" yo* also share his bad traits -) yo* are constantly in association with a rowdy crowd" yo* will most likely be like them (his is why some people seemingly insist on relating only with people o) similar social standing Another problem is that i) yo* are the weaker one and yo* get energy )rom the same person" yo* will be dominated beca*se yo* are too dependent on him 4itho*t being told to do a certain thing" yo* )eel like yo* ha#e to do something which yo* normally wo*ld not Pre#io*sly - showed how yo*r a*tomatic responses to *se the )orce are e9plained by a series o) stages 4hen it comes to getting energy" the same se7*ence also applies A4ARE'ESS is the initial stage where people are depleted o) energy d*e to a mis*se o) the )orce (he )irst stage will make the person aware o) a possible energy so*rce A((E'(-0' is then triggered beca*se the person will soon try to reprod*ce the )eeling by constantly trying to redo the e9perience which bro*ght happiness $*e to constant repetition this attention may go on to the ne9t stage A person becomes A((AC2E$ when he becomes too rigid to e9plore other so*rces o) )orce 2e becomes tied down to this s*pply o) energy since he notices that the more his attention is on this so*rce" the more )orce he seems to get 4hat he does not reali!e is that the more attached he gets to this so*rce" the less capable he is o) getting it other so*rces $-S2ARM0'A occ*rs when the so*rce s*ddenly disappears or i) it becomes inaccessible d*e to time or monetary constraints Con)licting signals arise" a part o) the conscio*sness says to try harder to get to the same so*rce which yo* ha#e been *sed to Another part o) yo*rsel) may say try )inding another so*rce

$EP&E(-0' will o) co*rse occ*r when prolonged disharmony contin*es An e9ample o) this is co*rtship A yo*ng woman in her teens slowly becomes aware o) romance She notices that as more s*itors co*rt her" the happier she seems to be She may then set her attention on a certain s*itor Sometimes" s*pport GenergyH )rom )riends become replaced by the pre)erred s*itor $isharmony occ*rs when the s*itor stops his daily sched*le o) calls and #isits (he woman becomes con)*sed She wonders abo*t what co*rse o) action to take She considers waiting" or entertaining another s*itor or playing hard,to,get E#en i) this e9perience take only a week" the woman may )eel se#erely depressed GdepletedH (.0!.0( A)tern#tive .ove0ent (.0!.0(.0! se o& the Force Awareness 0) o*r s*rro*ndings and o*rsel#es Attention Awareness is prioriti!ed to certain ob+ects or ideas" we begin to ha#e likes and dislikes Attachments 4e ha#e tro*ble disconnecting o*r attention )rom these ob+ects or ideas $isharmony Con)licting attachments D)ightE each other within o*r conscio*sness $epletion Con)licts within the conscio*sness diminish the energy needed by the person 'otice how typical the se7*ences o) e#ents are in o*r daily li#es 'otice too that the tro*ble begins when the attachment stage is entered 4hen yo* )eel that yo* are already in this stage" proceed with ca*tion - am not saying that yo* sho*ld not en+oy li)e Remember that attachments are not the so*rce o) happiness (hey seem to be the so*rce o) happiness beca*se once yo* are attached" yo* )eel that e9periences that de#iate )rom these attachments bring pain Change is what brings happiness" change is )l*idity $o things at the right place at the right time" be in harmony with all &i)e sho*ld be en+oyed" b*t it sho*ld be done with a minim*m o) attachment Ao* may )eel that li)e may not be sa#ored i) we are not attached (hat is not so Ao* may en+oy li)e in the awareness or the attention stage -n )act yo* may notice that a n*mber o) happy people are #ery *nattached with money" their instincts" ideas GrationalityH" and a))ection 0bser#e how teenagers or children e9plore the world 4atch them )lit )rom e9perience to e9perience A tra*ma is nothing more than an attachment to a bad e9perience -) yo* are not attached to it" there is no tra*ma -) yo* drink moderately b*t are not attached to drinking" yo* are considered +*st a social drinker

A lot" i) not all o) the good b*sinessmen are also *nattached as )ar as their b*siness #ent*res are concerned -) one o) their c*rrent b*sinesses begin to lose money" they promptly close it and start a new one =ood stock market players )ollow this #ery well too -) a stock in their port)olio is going to drop" they c*t their loss be)ore it becomes too great B*sinessmen are ta*ght not to )all in lo#e too m*ch with their b*sinesses -magine what wo*ld happen i) the parents o) a 8/,year old person re)*ses to let him or her go and get marriedL All this done Nin the name o) lo#e. People mo*rn )or the dead beca*se it means the loss o) a lo#ed one 0thers see it merely as a transition to a better state 4ho do yo* think is happier5 1nattachment is not apathy -t is not lack o) lo#e 'or is it an obsession 4hen we ha#e to let go" we sho*ld let go Attachment is not only con)ined to material things" it can occ*r in any o) the kinds o) )orces (hey say that i) we all ha#e *nconditional lo#e the world wo*ld be a better place to li#e in $on.t yo* think that is *nattachment5 4hat keeps *s )rom disco#ering this5 4e can gi#e it a try C in small steps Sel)ishness" one o) the problems o) mankind" is also an attachment C an attachment to the sel) -) yo* see a person in the spirit*al path" yo* see him trying to make himsel) *nattached 2e *nattaches himsel) )rom materiality" then his instincts At this stage" he tries to li#e a #ery simple li)e (hen he tries to discipline his tho*ghts 2e does not entertain worries" con)*sion" or the *seless bickering o) the mind &ater" he begins to be *nattached in his a))ection Se#eral o) these people li#e with a small n*mber o) people B*t the most di))ic*lt to deal with is the attachment to the sel) (he idea that we are all one (he idea that we are not to be eternally better than anyone" b*t instead to help them in their access o) the )orce so that they" too" may be like *s or e#en better Again" *nattachment means en+oying li)e witho*t attachments 4e can party on weekends" b*t work when it is time to work 4e can en+oy material things" b*t we sho*ld not be its sla#e 4e sho*ld control o*r emotions instead o) letting o*r emotions control *s 4e sho*ld learn to en+oy li)e and its di))erent )orms o) e9pressions witho*t being attached to them A good e9ample is dieting 4e are told to watch o*r diet and not to be attached to )ood 0therwise we will go cra!y r*nning aro*nd with a )rothing mo*th B*t when o*r ideal weight is reached" o) co*rse we can en+oy o*r )ood (he )act is i) yo* are *nattached yo* will be able to en+oy li)e more $on.t yo* en+oy being with a )riend who seems to ha#e no dislikes5 0ne willing to gi#e almost anything a try5 &ook at yo*ng children C they are )*ll o) energy (hey r*n aro*nd e9periencing li)e witho*t being attached to anything Sometimes yo* may e#en )ail to gi#e them new e9periences (hen the problem starts 4e con#ince them" )or e9ample" that this certain toy is #ery niceK that it sho*ld be with them all the timeK that they sho*ld play with it all the time beca*se mommy ga#e it (his is the start o) attachment (ry taking it away )rom him and watch his reaction -n many instances" this is the onset o) breeding a spoiled child -) the child did not lack in di))erent things to do" he probably wo*ld not ha#e been

so attached to the toy Allow yo*r child then to e9perience new things -t need not be e9pensi#eM take him o*t )or a walk in the park" or e9perience nat*re in a camp 1n)ort*nately" a lot o) *s are not only in the attachment stage b*t also in the disharmonio*s and depletion stages 4e are not only attached" we ha#e also ac7*ired a taste )or disharmonio*s energy beca*se we ha#e grown acc*stomed to it (ry ha#ing yo*r own 7*iet times 0r take a #acation and en+oy nat*re )or a change $o not try to entertain disharmonio*s moods s*ch as )r*stration" worry" con)*sion (hese may be considered normal b*t will degrade yo*r 7*ality o) personal energy easily Aside )rom depletion d*e to disharmony" there is sel),in)licted depletion as a res*lt o) g*ilt" pessimism" and lack o) sel),esteem 4hen yo* ha#e done yo*r best b*t somehow did not manage to ha#e a good ending" do not )eel bad =o on with yo*r li)e (he *se and mis*se o) the )orce is like the *se and mis*se o) money -t may seem normal to o#erspend C p*rchasing things we do not need or are not *se)*l B*t this so,called DnormalityE is not healthy )or *s 2ow do good in#estors make money5 2ow do they conser#e their wealth5 By placing their money in assets that grow (hey do not place their money in acti#ities that s7*ander their wealth (hey ha#e )oresight (hey do not thri#e in normalcy b*t in e9cellence So sho*ld we (.0!.0(.0( Source o& the Force &ike in the *sage o) the )orce" the DenemyE o) the DSo*rce o) the )orceE is attachment 4e are open to all creation 4e share the )orce Since we can not readily see the )orce aro*nd *s" we ass*me that we are alone" separate )rom others S*bconscio*sly we p*t *p barriers and disconnect o*rsel#es as a separate entity when in reality all o) *s are one 4ith constant attention )rom other people" we get *sed to the idea that we can only get energy readily )rom attention An attachment to one or se#eral so*rces may hinder a proper energy relationship with other so*rces 3*rthermore with the contin*ing deterioration o) the condition o) the )orce within other people" it is now easier to get disharmonio*s energy than strong harmonio*s energy 4e sho*ld not learn to get energy only )rom a )ew so*rces" )or in tr*th we are connected to all (he problem now is how to get strong and harmonio*s energy )rom other so*rces when there is a possibility o) mistakenly getting disharmonio*s energy (here is a simple and yet sa)e way to get strong" harmonio*s energy Ao* can get as m*ch as yo* want beca*se it is )ree and ab*ndant 'o )ancy )orm*la is needed to access this energy 4e all know o) the saying E&-FE A((RAC(S &-FEE A person with harmonio*s energy will attract another person with the same 7*ality o) energy" (his is D&-FE O1A&-(-ES A((RAC(E 3or e9ample" an irritable person will attract another" a worrier will attract

another worrier" and an emotionally ang*ished person will attract the same All yo* ha#e to do" then" is to maintain yo*r compos*re" yo*r happiness" and yo* will attract the same Another phrase is D&-FE 3REO1E'C-ES A((RAC(E A person with strong instinct energy will attract those with strong instinct energy A highly rational person will attract another highly rational person As long as we make proper *se o) o*r energy and stop disharmony )rom de#eloping" we are )ine 4e will be attracting energy o) similar 7*ality 4e sho*ld also" o) co*rse" entertain the idea that we are all connected so that we can properly share the energy 4e sho*ld not b*ild barriers between o*rsel#es and others Since Dlike attracts likeE and energy )lows )reely inside and o*tside o*r bodies" we can imagine that pools o) energy will de#elop o*tside o) *s 4e all ha#e and e#en create disharmonio*s and harmonio*s pools o) energy (hese create the di))erent pools o) energy s*ch as that which connects two people in lo#e" an organi!ation" a school or a )amily (hat is why they are so alike C they share a certain pool o) energy (his is also why there are big energy pools 4e are in a way creating them 4ith this in mind we o) co*rse wo*ld want to relate with a strong and harmonio*s pool beca*se not only does like attract like b*t yo* will also ac7*ire the traits o) the energy pool yo* are relating to &et *s now )oc*s o*rsel#es on the strongest and most harmonio*s pool o) energy C Dthe So*rceE (his name is *sed not only beca*se this is the ideal so*rce o) energy b*t also beca*se this is the energy )rom which all creation came (his energy is also the energy which willingly connects itsel) to all o) *s 2e knows the *ltimate laws o) the *ni#erse and he knows that we are all one -deally" we need to get o*r energy )rom the So*rce (he So*rce gi#es *s as m*ch clean energy as we want and" i) done properly" we get its )ringe bene)its 0nce )illed with energy )rom the So*rce we will be able to e9perience peace" tran7*ility" happiness" and rela9ation Since the So*rce connects *s all together" we will also e9perience a pro)o*nd sense o) knowing" not by rationali!ation b*t beca*se we are part o) e#erything else 4e are part o) the So*rce and the So*rce is connected to e#erything else (his e9perience is percei#ed by some people as DenlightenmentE 2ow do we connect5 -t is act*ally an easy processM +*st be one with it 2a#e yo* e#er tried taking a #acation Dto get away )rom it allE" sitting in the middle o) nat*re o#erlooking the trees and )ields5 Some o) yo* will )eel a pro)o*nd sense o) calmness and tran7*ility 0thers will ha#e an additional sense o) mo#ement as trees sway and animals roam the co*ntryside (hey ha#e become one with nat*re Parents )re7*ently )eel this oneness with children and close )riends $o the same thing with the So*rce 4hate#er or whoe#er yo* associate with" yo* will be similar to it in )re7*ency" 7*ality" or both -nstead o) connecting with energy pockets that may be irritable stressed and con)*sed" why not settle )or one which is tran7*il" peace)*l" and dynamic5 Connect to the So*rce

(he energy )rom the So*rce is #ery harmonio*s in nat*re and has a )re7*ency e#en higher than that o) a))ection Since like attracts like" and it is a lot more harmonio*s than *s" it takes 7*ite an e))ort to access this -)" e#eryday" we attempt to become more harmonio*s and less attached" we shall be able to access this energy in little steps 4hen we are able to do so" it is in a way where we merge with it and ac7*ire its attrib*tes (he easiest way to be able to access this energy is to accept and appreciate it (his idea is #ery simple -) yo*r conscio*sness is at a certain idea or thing" yo* will begin to ac7*ire the 7*alities o) the idea or thing A01 4-&& BEC0ME 42A( A01 APPREC-A(E (his principle is done by e#erybody e#eryday 3or e9ample" there are people we admire or simply appreciate -) we appreciate someone" we are act*ally trying to *ni)y o*r energy )ield with his -) yo* notice kids" they tend to mimic whoe#er they can identi)y with -) they always watch #iolent )ilms" they will soon be )lailing their arms in the ho*se -) yo*r teenage da*ghter lo#es reading romantic no#els" yo* might see her entertaining more and more s*itors (his is e7*ally tr*e )or many people who wo*ld want to associate themsel#es with good people C the energy r*bs o)) on them B*t be care)*l with what yo* appreciate -) yo* appreciate or glori)y a b*sinessman" yo*r material li)e may prosper b*t yo*r personal li)e may s*))er -) yo* appreciate a good person who has tossed materialism aside" yo* may soon be like that too -t is #ery hard to )ind someone who yo* wo*ld want to be like" someone who has all the right 7*alities (hey *s*ally come in two categoriesM the #ery s*ccess)*l in li)e" who bears all the stress and hardships that come with itK or the #ery happy" stress,)ree person with a not,so, s*ccess)*l li)e -deally" o) co*rse" we wo*ld want to ha#e o*r cake and eat it Aet we )ind #ery )ew people we can look *p to and )*lly Dd*plicateE 2owe#er" they are also among those who li#e a #ery s*bmissi#e" i) not di))ic*lt" li)e C one that.s )*ll o) s*))ering and pain 0nce we become )i9ated on their s*))ering and pain" we will ac7*ire that kind o) li)e Remember happy people hang o*t with happy people" problematic people hang o*t with problematic people So how do we manage to get energy )rom a p*re so*rce5 A so*rce which has happiness and at the same time proper materiality5 4e may do it by placing o*r awareness on the 7*alities o) the p*re energy so*rce &ike attracts like" and there)ore by being aware o) its 7*alities" we attract it to o*r li#es (he )irst 7*ality is that o) AB1'$A'CE since it s*stains e#erything Second" i) it created e#erything and is connected to e#erything it also F'04S E%ERA(2-'= And since it created e#erything" it is A&&,P04ER31& By placing o*r awareness" and later o*r attention on the three 7*alities" we call the energy to come to *s 4e no longer )eed on the second class energy aro*nd *s C we get as m*ch as we want straight )rom the So*rce 3rom this energy we may deri#e o*r DidentityE )rom the 7*ality o) Dab*ndanceE" Dint*itionE )rom the 7*ality o) Dall knowingnessE and DpowerE )rom the 7*ality o) Dall power)*lE

0) co*rse" this is no easy task 4e will always be tempted to )oc*s o*r attention on easier things like o*r )a#orite basketball player" b*sinessman" or e#en sibling 4e now see two opposing poles where we can get o*r energy 3irst" )rom the So*rce where all things came )romK and second )rom a person who was created )rom the So*rce 'at*rally" there are pros and cons )or each -) we get o*r energy )rom the So*rce" we ha#e a #ery big growth potential 4e can be #ery calm" int*iti#e" and sec*re And since the So*rce is in)inite" we are able to get as m*ch energy )rom it as we like And as we get p*rer" we will ha#e better and easier chances o) getting e#en more energy 2ow e#er" energy )rom the So*rce may be 7*ite hard to access 4 e are h*m an beings and it is #ery hard )or *s to place o*rsel#es initially into s*ch a high state o) happiness in order to access this )orm o) energy Sho*ld we be able to access this energy" we may not e#en know how to properly *se it 3or e9ample" i) w e are already happy and stressless in li)e" we ask o*rsel#es" D2ow do - *se this to make money5 Can - get a girl)riend with this new energy5E -t is #ery *nner#ing since we )eel we are the only ones happy with o*r new state and we cannot seem to share o*r happiness with others 0 n the other hand" i) we ha#e a s*itor who is #ery persistent in his co*rtship" we will most likely get a large amo*nt o) that energy )rom him Ask yo*rsel) C i) yo* are yearning )or companionship" what wo*ld yo* rather do" get the energy )rom the So*rce" or be co*rted by a s*itor and get the attention GenergyH )rom him5 (he )irst imp*lse o) co*rse is to be co*rtedL 4hy5 Beca*se *s*ally energy )rom other so*rces are easily accessible -) yo* are not made o) co*rtship material +*st go to a resta*rant and tip hea#ilyL Ao* will then get the attention yo* wantL 4hen yo* are co*rted" yo* are not only gi#en the energy" it is *s*ally sho#ed to yo* And the energy is easily *sable 3or e9ample" i) yo* are co*rted" yo* are in a good mood Ao* )eel #ery e9citable and acti#e B*t when yo* meditate and connect to the So*rce" yo* not only ha#e a di))ic*lt time accessing it" b*t when yo* )inally ha#e it yo* don.t know what to do with itL Ao* don.t know what to do with calmness" tran7*ility" etc $espite this" why do - ad#ise yo* to still connect to the So*rce5 =etting energy )rom a s*pply other than the So*rce is good in the sense that it sho*ld be done while trying to establish a proper link with the So*rce B*t *ltimately we sho*ld be getting o*r energy )rom the So*rce" and this is the ideal -n the meantime" tho*gh" that we cannot get energy )rom it" we try to do so )rom other so*rces -t is +*st like being a +obless person 4hile he is o*t o) a +ob" it may be okay )or him to recei#e money )rom )riends B*t he sho*ld always look at the long term sit*ation 2e sho*ld" while getting money )rom )riends" attempt to )ind a +ob -t o) co*rse is easier to get money than act*ally work )or it B*t in the long term it wo*ld be better i) he has a +ob -) a person is highly stressed and his gastric +*ices are rolling in his stomach" he may learn to be rela9ed so that he can arrest the problem at its root (he problem with this is" it takes 7*ite a while to rela9" especially i) that person has been tense )or the past ten years And while he is learning to be rela9ed his gastric +*ices are there eroding his stomach lining 4hile rela9ation attacks the problem at the root" we may not be able to immediately )i9 the problem at hand -t

may be better i) we take an antacid d*ring the period o) learning to rela9 -n terms o) money" getting energy )rom the So*rce is like being able to ac7*ire yo*r own money =etting money )rom second hand so*rces is begging )or money B*t why rely on others when yo* can get it yo*rsel)5 4hen yo* get money )rom others" there may be strings attached 4hen yo* get energy )rom the So*rce there are no strings attached Always remember that there are many places to get energy" to get a high" to get temporary happiness B*t it is best i) yo* connect yo*rsel) to the So*rce (.0( Det#i)ed E21)#n#tion (.0(.0! C*c)es &i)e is dynamic -t is )*ll o) cycles 4e ha#e short cycles s*ch as o*r breathing wherein one cycle is inhalation and the other e9halation 0n a bigger scale" we ha#e day and night B*siness" too" has its cycles -n the stock market alone" we notice that )l*ct*ations o) prices do not always )ollow predictable paths -n )orecasting the prices o) stocks" ma+or players *se either the method o) 3*ndamental Analysis and (echnical Analysis" or both -n 3*ndamental Analysis" the analyst takes into acco*nt the economic en#ironment at the timeM ='P" e9change rates" in)lation rates" and the like -n (echnical Analysis the analyst doesn.t need to st*dy the pre#io*s )actors All he has to st*dy is the graph o) the price mo#ement o) the stock and the n*mber o) shares traded in relation to time Based on these gi#ens" a )orecast is reached A branch o) (echnical Analysis is (ime Cycles" where the idea is that prices o) stocks mo#e *p and down in cycles S*rprisingly trades and trans)ers o) large amo*nts o) money ha#e been done *sing this method P*st like prices" o*r li)e is a series o) *ps and downs Prices are not always stable (hey )l*ct*ate 0*r li#es are not always static b*t dynamic (he )orce is ne#er really contained b*t )ollows a certain cycle or rhythm 3or e9ample" waking and sleeping is a cycle -magine i) there was no cycle in li)e -) a person comes *p to yo* and says that he doesn.t intend to sleep" he opts to be awake the whole time $oesn.t that so*nd silly5 E#en the military does not do that 'o matter how little a rest phase is" it m*st be taken E#en weightli)ters know this 4eight trainers allow the body to rest and reb*ild (his is why when yo* begin weight training yo* are ta*ght to train in a way that allows yo*r body to take its rest 0ther ad#anced trainers may train e#eryday b*t still )ollow a cycle (hey train their *pper and lower bodies alternatingly (his way each part still has its proper rest period Earlier - di#ided the DMo#ement o) the 3orceE into two sections" D1se o) the )orceE and DSo*rce o) the )orceE (he )ormer is the acti#e phase while the latter is the rest phase (he two phases are strongly intertwined Ao* can not ha#e one witho*t the other Remaining too long in the acti#e phase will lead to b*rno*t" while doing so in the rest phase leads to boredom 0ne m*st *se the mo#ement o) the )orce 'otice that in the )ilms

o) the east" the B*ddhists in the temple meditate )or their rest phase and st*dy k*ng )* )or their acti#e phase A separation )or both phases is +*st too *ncom)ortable Staying too long in the acti#e phase will let yo* *se too m*ch o) yo*r energy witho*t replenishment -t will also make yo* too prone to attachment" disharmony and depression (his phase will make yo*r li)e color)*l and li#ely" b*t may make yo* slowly enter into s*))ering and misery Always be aware o) yo*r cycle Make s*re that yo* do not go to e9tremes o) one side o) the cycle Being too acti#e will ca*se yo* to go to the e9treme o) the rest phase in order to make *p (ry to li#e a li)e o) repression and yo* may soon li#e a li)e o) ind*lgence 0n the acti#e side" watch o*t when yo* begin to go thro*gh the attachment and disharmony stages 4hen this happens it may mean that the end o) the D*sageE phase is near -n the rest phase" when yo* )eel that yo* ha#e reco#ered eno*gh energy and are already bored" yo* sho*ld start making good *se o) yo*r energy As in waking and sleeping" a person can only work so m*ch witho*t sleep" and a person can only sleep so m*ch $o not stay too long in the rest side o) the cycle 4hile we m*st maintain o*r relationship with the So*rce o) energy" staying there and not *sing it will alienate *s )rom people People who persist in staying connected to the So*rce )or long periods are #ery tran7*il and peace)*l" b*t may be percei#ed as being Demotionally )latE (hey do not seem to beha#e DnormallyE anymore (hey do not seem to be able to relate to society 0n the other hand" those staying too long in the *sage o) the )orce may know the ways o) the world b*t may ha#e an inner emptiness which they wo*ld want to )ill Each person has a di))erent length o) the cycle (hey +*st know how to rest and complete a cycle in one year" acting like a workaholic )or the peak season o) his b*siness and taking it easy d*ring lean seasons and #acation lea#es 0thers may want to make all the money they can be)ore )orty and then retire early th*s making the length o) their cycle almost as long as one li)etime 0thers start o)) belie#ing that li)e is really a dog,eat,dog world and e9pect to stay on the acti#e phase )ore#er -) yo* are #ery intense in one phase" chances are yo* will end *p on the e9treme end o) the other phase Ao* may end *p li#ing a #ery simple li)e )or a length o) time a)ter the b*rno*t Altho*gh yo* are in a certain side Gs*ch as the acti#e sideH" it does not mean that there are no small rest periods within it $*ring the daytime" )or e9ample" yo* may ha#e little breaks or e#en little naps d*ring waking moments And look at the stock market within a b*ll r*n" there are se#eral dips Present within a cycle" too" are other minor cycles P*st like in a set" there are s*persets that are composed o) smaller sets" and s*bsets that make *p a set -n a person.s li)e yo* ha#e a cycle o) acti#ity and rest Gwhich is one whole dayHM acti#ity d*ring the day and rest d*ring the night A larger #ersion is acti#ity d*ring one.s early years and rest d*ring the latter years 0n a m*ch smaller scale" yo* ha#e breathing where inhaling is the acti#e phase and e9haling is the rest phase

(.0(.0( Subdivision into Four 4h#ses - am now going to e9plain the mo#ement o) the )orce in a more detailed manner - will disc*ss the )o*r phases (he D*sesE has 6 phases GpartsH C -$E'(-(A" E?PRESS-0'" while the Dso*rcesE also has 6 phases C RE&A?A(-0'" 1'-0' Earlier - showed only how the )orce )*nctions internally within a man.s character 'ow will show how it )*nctions internally and e9ternally Ghow )orce a))ects other peopleH (he -$E'(-(A phase precedes the E?PRESS-0' phase 0ne cannot *se energy *nless there is a proper )o*ndation Be)ore a person starts comm*nicating properly in a new gro*p" be it with )riends or o))icemates" he m*st )irst )eel aro*nd and make his presence known -t is only when he is sec*re within the gro*p will he be more open and e9pressi#e (he identity phase is the part where man lays down his )o*ndation (his" like his ego" is his sense o) indi#id*ality and his sel),esteem -t is the demarcation line or s*btle air space that is considered his 4hen he +oins a new company" or when he is in his c*bicle" he makes s*re that he does not intr*de on other people.s air space 2e is care)*l not to be too noisy nor too demanding 0nce he )eels at home" he may begin to con#erse" crack +okes" or e#en )eel )ree to #isit his other o))ice mates in their c*bicles A man.s ho*se is his castle Anyone who comes into his ho*se may be told to lea#e since it is his property (he primary area o) this phase is the sel) and his immediate e9tensions like his home $ealings in this area are s*pposed to be done with a*thority (he primary )*nction o) this phase is to de)ine the bo*ndaries o) one.s sel) A)ter a person has achie#ed sec*rity with his identity he proceeds to E?PRESS himsel)" and he does so more openly C by making )riends" in#iting o))ice mates )or a meal" and e#en roaming in p*blic territories with con)idence 2e is no longer insec*re o) his indi#id*ality and sel),esteem 2e e9pands his sphere o) in)l*ence 2e begins to e9pand his )ree will and he *ses his energy to sociali!e" make )riends" and e9ercise his a*thority o#er his s*bordinates (he )orce here is e9tended C he cond*cts meetings" gi#es talks" and *ses his power o) in)l*ence (his is why we ha#e what we call eye contact C the trans)er o) )orce when we want to let the other person know abo*t o*r intentions Gwhether good or badH (he e9pression phase also deals with di#ersi)ication" choices" risks" the e9ercise o) )ree will Some workers are concerned primarily with their necessities and a)raid o) taking risks People who are strong in the e9pression phase are willing to take risks and are able to en+oy the di#ersities o) li)e (he primary area o) this phase is all o) the creations o) the sel)" people" or things that are s*pposed to be s*bmissi#e to the indi#id*al (hese incl*de e9tensions o) himsel) C children" s*bordinates" and b*sinesses -ndi#id*als within this phase are to be gi#en g*idance beca*se soon they may match the e#ol*tion o) the person in#ol#ed 0ne is like a child who is g*ided in his early years" b*t may later match the de#elopment o) the parents (he primary )*nction o) this phase is to e9press one.s sel) thro*gh di#ersi)ication

(he RE&A?A(-0' phase precedes the 1'-0' phase Be)ore a marriage we ha#e )riendship 4e wo*ld want to test things (he rela9ation phase is where harmony is present and con)licting )orces are told not to alienate themsel#es )rom each other -nstead they are told to be #ery )riendly with each other while maintaining their respecti#e identities -n )riendship" each one respects the other.s indi#id*ality Each one is )ree to do as he pleases -nternally this is when irritations" con)*sions and worries are told to lie low 3orgi#eness" *nderstanding" and patience are the keys (he area o) responsibility here is other creations o) the So*rce C those which he does not ha#e any direct in)l*ence onM b*siness associates" )ormer classmates" and )riends $ealings with these people are s*pposed to be )riendly beca*se they ha#e their own li#es to li#e" and there)ore their indi#id*ality m*st be respected (he primary )*nction o) this phase is to prepare the indi#id*al )or a link with an energy so*rce thro*gh harmony -n the 1'-0' phase" identity begins to diminish as it +oins with the other party 4e see this in co*ples who are in lo#e (hey not only begin to act alike b*t in some cases begin to look alike &ook at their eyes C they seem to tell a similar story 1nion may be with or witho*t romantic lo#e -t may be parental -t may come in the )orm o) peer press*re 0r it may come )rom the in)l*ence o) politicians and gro*p leaders -nternally this is where one.s )a*lts" which are pre#io*sly *nacknowledged" are now accepted -t is a *nion o) a )ragmented personality into one coherent being" a *nion with the So*rce (he area o) responsibility here is the )orce that created yo* C the So*rce 'ot the )ather or mother" b*t the act*al li)e )orce A )orce which yo* sho*ld *ltimately )ollow (he primary )*nction o) this phase is to get energy thro*gh the *ni)ication o) an energy s*pply (.0(.0, The &our 1h#ses in # c*c)e 4e now come to what may probably be the most di))ic*lt part o) this book - ad#ise yo* to read the ne9t part care)*lly and +*st get the general gist be)ore contin*ing -) yo* )ind this part easy" then yo* sho*ld ha#e no problem with the rest o) the book -) not" +*st contin*e with the rest and remember to pass by this section once in awhile (he important thing is to a#oid too m*ch rationali!ing Earlier we ha#e seen that the mo#ement o) the )orce oscillates between the Dso*rce o) the )orceE Gwhere the )orce rests and reco*ps its strengthH and the D*se o) the )orceE Gwhere the )orce is dissipatedH (he Acti#e part is di#ided in twoM E?PRESS-0' being the main acti#e phase and -$E'(-(A its prere7*isite (he Passi#e part is di#ided in twoM 1'-0' being the main passi#e phase" and RE&A?A(-0' its prere7*isite 4e ha#e also *nderstood that this oscillation is in act*ality a cycle that goes on )ore#er

(he acti#e component is when the )orce is *sed and splits itsel) into di))erent components (his splitting is d*e to its *rge to be acti#e" to do something 4hen its energy is e9ha*sted" it will re#ert to the passi#e phase Entrance into the passi#e component will allow the energy to increase in harmony and to once again be one (his oneness will strengthen once more the energy in order to propel it back to the acti#e component -n h*man or personal terms man will try to be acti#e in order to relie#e himsel) o) boredom 2e will e9press himsel) 2e will ha#e likes" dislikes" and hobbies 2e may e#en contin*e to do this *ntil he reaches a point o) madness" stress" con)*sion" and irritation 4hen he can no longer bear with this he lays low and rests by entering the passi#e component 2e will rest" )orget his problems" sleep 4hen he gets bored he rises again and enters the acti#e component (he ma+or phase o) the acti#e component is e9pression (his is when the )orce act*ally di#ersi)ies Be)ore the di#ersi)ication tho*gh" a b*ild *p o) the )orce into a stable )orm is done in the prere7*isite identity phase (he identity phase gi#es an identity or indi#id*ality into the )orce that was pre#io*sly one with the So*rce Be)ore yo* split the )orce" it has to be relati#ely separate )rom the So*rce 3or e9ample" be)ore yo* split white light into a rainbow" yo*r white light m*st be )oc*sed into a tight beam (he identity phase establishes this tightness -n the passi#e component we ha#e the main phase Gthe *nion phaseH where the act*al split )orces become one A prere7*isite o) rela9ation will ha#e to occ*r in order to p*t the )orces in harmony be)ore they are act*ally +oined as one" +*st as in a b*siness merger where the di))erent parties will ha#e to negotiate on the conditions o) the new company s*ch as new policies" who will be retained" terminated" and other details -n the -$E'(-(A phase the conscio*sness is born:reborn and a person considers himsel) as an entity separate )rom the So*rce At )irst" a person has no sense o) rationali!ation and only has awareness 2e then begins to be aware o) who he is and what his territorial limits are 2e knows that he has a physical body" and he has his own instinct" rational" and a))ection energy bodies 2e also becomes aware o) his air space and his immediate sphere o) in)l*ence 3or e9ample" when a child is born" he )irst becomes aware o) his crib and the di))erent so*nds" smells" and sights 2e becomes aware o) all his s*rro*ndings with his physical senses -n older people" this identity mani)ests as pride and sel) worth A strong and harmonio*s identity phase wo*ld mani)est itsel) thro*gh a person who is independent" has good initiati#e" and is sec*re 4eak identity phase wo*ld in t*rn be re)lected in one who is dependent" insec*re" and lacks sel),worth A disharmonio*s identity phase wo*ld be seen in people who show DstrengthE in identity in order to mask weakness" or those who show a s*periority comple9 to hide an in)eriority comple9 Soon the child.s sel),con)idence has b*ilt itsel) *p" shows its independence" and wo*ld want to play or e9press himsel) (his is beca*se the energy taken )rom the rest side o) the

cycle has not yet e9ha*sted itsel) -n the identity phase" energy normally doesn.t weaken" and this is beca*se there are still little or no energy con)licts 2ence we do not ha#e attachment and disharmony (he ne9t phase is that o) E?PRESS-0' A)ter the person is sec*re with his identity" he chooses to *se the )orce within At this point he is #ery restless" and has a #ery strong *rge to play or e9press himsel) (he original energy that came )rom the *nion phase has gone thro*gh the identity phase in the )orm o) awareness -n this phase the energy is transm*ted into di))erent kinds o) )orce similar to a prism.s e))ect on white light 4e there)ore see the trans)ormation o) a person into his di))erent )acets" talents" and personality 2is identity now is not d*e to his DseparationE )rom the So*rce" b*t to his act*al di))erence As the person approaches the end o) the phase we see attention" attachment" disharmony and possibly depletion Choices are now to be made (his is so beca*se the So*rce is already on the other side and the entity )ormed DboltedE and chose to ha#e its own identity -n his *rge to e9press himsel)" he has )orgotten his relationship with the So*rce 2is conscio*sness" which *sed to be in per)ect harmony" is now )ragmented into se#eral parts that may be at odds with each other (his is when disharmony sets in Soon" the person may not e#en be aware o) all the parts (his is what happens with the conscio*s and s*bconscio*s (he person that once acted in per)ect *nison will now o#ere9tend himsel) and be too )ragmented to )*nction properly (he conscio*s and s*bconscio*s o) the indi#id*al will begin to )ragment or e9hibit a higher split d*e to the ill*sions the person may impose on himsel) (hese incl*de ill*sions o) grande*r" denial o) act*al bad sit*ations s*ch as sickness 2is instinct" rational" and a))ectionate components may also be in con)lict 2e may not be able to reconcile a lo#e which" within his a))ection component" is allowed by his rational mind 4ith ad#ertisements and all the other )actors which ca*se his awareness to )orm into attention then attachment" the person.s programmed s*bconscio*s begins to increase in si!e as the conscio*s component lessens (his makes him more s*sceptible to )*rther pers*asion A person will begin to mo#e a*tomatically" not d*e to the correct answers o) the So*rce b*t to the programming that he pre#io*sly imbibed 2e also begins to separate himsel) )rom others" connecting his personal )orce only with his )amily and )riends -nitially we are all connected 4e are all one harmonio*sly p*lsating energy )orm B*t d*e to distr*st and bad e9periences with other people" we relate o*r personal )orce only to those we are close to 4e begin to be possessi#e o) those we are close to" and apathetic and *ncaring to those we are not -nternally" this is when the )ree will o) a person begins to e9press itsel) and be e9ploratory Children begin to ask many 7*estions Rationality comes into play People begin to ha#e se#eral wants which they begin to prioriti!e Bad e9periences at school or childhood may be denied and b*ried in the s*bconscio*s )*rthering the split between the conscio*s and s*bconscio*s (he h*man mind starts being #ery di#erse" and soon" #ery comple9 and b*rdensome

0*twardly" some may start being creati#e and e9press the )orce within them thro*gh media )orms like art" singing and dancing Children approach this stage when they start being e9ploratory (hey want to simply roam aro*nd &ater they may want to dismantle their toys or other things in the ho*se (eenagers want to try o*t new things and be risky 2omemakers e9press themsel#es with their cooking or ho*se decoration B*sinessmen" on the other hand e9press themsel#es with new prod*cts and ser#ices at the o))ice A strong and harmonio*s e9pression phase wo*ld show e9pressi#eness" creati#ity" play)*lness" and di#ersity A weak e9pressi#e phase wo*ld be a withdrawn character" repressed indi#id*al" and a person who does not en+oy li)e and its di))erent )acets A disharmonio*s e9pression phase wo*ld show in a person who has gotten himsel) into the midst o) e#erything which li)e has to o))er b*t is ha#ing tro*ble getting o*t d*e to his attachments Being e9ha*sted and close to the peak o) con)licting energies" the person who may now probably be in his thirties or )orties will start lying low By this time he rela9es" not always o*t o) choice b*t possibly o*t o) necessity A)ter getting too many problems and )inally resol#ing to )i9 these the person will enter the RE&A?A(-0' phase 2ere the *tili!ed )orce Gwhich propelled the identity and e9pressi#eness )orwardH will lie low in order )or the problems and iss*es to lessen Con)licting )orces will lessen and be reconciled so that a state o) harmony de#elops (he pre#io*sly compartmentali!ed" and possibly )ragmented conscio*sness o) the person will now lie low and )or the meantime stop )ighting with each other Sometimes this is done beca*se the person has learned to stop N)ighting. his inner t*rmoil and con)licts Sometimes this is beca*se o) the low energy le)t )rom the disharmony that one is )orced to lie low -nternally this stage is *s*ally seen in middle aged people (hey begin to reali!e the need )or rest (hey )ind o*t the meaning o) )orgi#eness" non,attachment" release" and patience (hey learn that li)e is not only e9perienced and li#ed by logic and strength b*t also by re)lection E9ternally this phase is also seen thro*gh a person.s relationship with others A person passing thro*gh this phase will reali!e that harmony is o) *tmost importance in his li#ing area 2e )inds o*t that in order to instill change" he does not only ha#e to acti#ely p*sh )or his ideas" he m*st also know how to listen and re)lect on the conditions o) his home and o))ice be)ore he brings abo*t change 2e begins to belie#e that one needs harmony and cooperation in order to get things done Sometimes" tho*gh" people in this stage become too passi#e (hey say yes to e#erybody in positions o) power in order to play it sa)e and not to dist*rb the peace A strong and harmonio*s rela9ation phase wo*ld show as someone who knows when to be passi#e" harmonio*s" and rela9ed witho*t sacri)icing his identity 2e sho*ld not allow

himsel) to be treated like a doormat and trampled *pon in the name o) harmony and passi#eness 2e is there)ore so)t b*t )irm A weak rela9ation phase wo*ld show as someone with se#eral iss*es constantly cl*ttering his conscio*sness 2e does not know how to properly let go" )orgi#e and )orget pre#io*s problems A disharmonio*s rela9ation phase co*ld show *p as someone who appears to be #ery ci#il and proper" b*t inside him are all the )r*stration and irritation towards the world As ad*lts go thro*gh the rela9ation phase" they s*bconscio*sly )ind o*t that energy,wise" harmony is not eno*gh (hey m*st +oin other people and associations with similar interests in order to enhance themsel#es (hey begin to )eel a need to )*nction as one with the en#ironment (he last stage is 1'-0' 2ere the di))erent aspects o) the person.s conscio*sness that has )ragmented hea#ily in the e9pression phase will attempt to re*nite -n the rela9ation phase the di))erent aspects stop )ighting b*t do not +oin -n the *nion phase" these aspects attempt to +oin with each other (he s*bconscio*s" which e9istence was pre#io*sly denied b*t later acknowledged in the rela9ation phase" now starts to +oin with the conscio*s -deally" it is also in this phase when an attempt to +oin the So*rce is to be made once the di))erent aspects o) the person.s personality are in relati#e *nion (his phase is seen internally" b*t when it occ*rs the e))ect may be #ery pro)o*nd $*ring this phase all the di))erent )orces within a person.s conscio*sness will attempt not only to relate together b*t also to re+oin A person who wo*ld ne#er want to see his bad side will now be con)ronted with it 2e will no longer be able to deny his weaknesses C he will con)ront them" accept them" and resol#e to change -t is only when the tr*th is con)ronted can proper and lasting change be done to one.s sel) 4e see people reading books on positi#e thinking trying to ha#e a prosperity conscio*sness with no tangible res*lts Sometimes it is d*e to deep,seated )ear o) ac7*iring too m*ch wealth since he may belie#e that Dthe lo#e o) money is the root o) all e#ilE (he ego in this phase is beaten *p As they say" D)irst yo* ha#e to lose it" then yo* )ind itE Man m*st let go and reconcile all the di))erent aspects within him 0nly then can he attempt to reconnect with the So*rce (his is seen more ob#io*sly in e9ternal sit*ations where a person )orms both harmonio*s relationships Glike those in the pre#io*s phaseH and alliances Gbased on either )riendship or b*sinessH with di))erent organi!ations -deally the primary *nion is with the So*rce" b*t too many people +oin themsel#es with other people" organi!ations" or societies who they )eel they can relate with (here are two basic principles o) *nionM Dlike )re7*encies and 7*alities attractE and Dopposite polaritiesE attract -n )re7*encies )or e9ample" a man who is strong in the instinct energy le#el will ha#e a tendency to ha#e )riends who are strong in that le#el A man who is #ery rational will associate with those who ha#e similar interests -n terms o) 7*ality" a man who is highly irritable will ha#e irritable )riends and ac7*aintances (he attraction o) opposite polarities happens when two people in the same kind o) )re7*ency ha#e opposite polarities 3or e9ample" a rational man who lo#es to talk will get along with a rational man who lo#es to listen (he initiator o) the )orce is the masc*line while

the recei#er o) the )orce is the )eminine &ike will always attract like e#en tho*gh it is done by conscio*sness alone (hinking o) someone or something is already done in the energy plane -) yo* still )eel that yo* attract people or sit*ations which are +*st not like yo*" check yo*r s*bconscio*s -t is also part o) yo* tho*gh yo* are not aware o) it Ao* are attracting people with the same traits yo* ha#e People in their old age t*rn to instit*tions to get their energy (hey )eel a need )or camaraderie -) in the pre#io*s stage they wanted to go and con7*er the world alone" they now )eel the need to be a))iliated with an organi!ation with similar goals -n this stage the statement Dyo* reap what yo* sowE is )ollowed Ao* de)initely are going to get what yo* send to other people Since the )orce is acti#ated not only by a physical action b*t also by an intention" things that yo* tho*ght yo* were e9empted )rom will come yo*r way &ittle irritations" en#io*sness" and the like will all start coming back Ao* will notice that more and more people yo* meet act like yo* Ao* will start being dependent on organi!ations )or ideas o) wholeness at this point A strong and harmonio*s *nion phase wo*ld show *p as a person who gets along not only with other people b*t with someone who properly *tili!es team e))ort A weak *nion phase wo*ld show *p as a person who is a)raid to +oin organi!ations )or )ear o) losing his identity A disharmonio*s *nion phase is seen in someone who con)*ses his identity with that o) an organi!ation" one who belie#es that it was his decision when in tr*th he was +*st led by the crowd mentality A)ter a cycle is completed the person ideally has renewed energy and is eager to start again 2e co*ld ha#e a Dsecond li)eE by doing things in the ne9t cycle the things he had been *nable to accomplish d*ring the )irst Ao* may say that people can ha#e all the phases within them at a time Aes they can" b*t *s*ally one phase is more accent*ated than the rest (he )orce is dynamic C it is always mo#ing and will ne#er be at rest B*sinessmen know this -n the comp*ter ind*stry" i) yo* take yo*r time )or one year" it may mean the obsolescence o) yo*r prod*cts Cons*mers ha#e spending cycles (here are )ashions" trends" and other things which b*sinessmen ha#e to )ace B*ying is not always done on a rational le#el -) day and night were considered as one cycle" then day wo*ld be the acti#e part and night wo*ld be the passi#e one Shortly a)ter waking wo*ld be the identity phase since yo* are still getting yo*r bearings witho*t yet making any conscio*s decisions (he e9pression phase wo*ld be when yo* are at school or in the o))ice con)ronting many iss*es and doing a lot o) rationali!ation (he rela9ation phase wo*ld be when yo* go home" lie low and try to )orget yo*r worries And sleep wo*ld be yo*r *nion phase C this is when the So*rce will attempt to link with yo*r conscio*s mind Each phase has its good and bad points" altho*gh in a person.s perception some phases seem to be more tro*blesome than the others (his is beca*se they are c*rrently in that phase -n capitalist co*ntries stress is a problem in the e9pression phase (his is beca*se capitalist co*ntries are associated with )reedom o) e9pression and th*s ha#e a large

n*mber o) people in their e9pression phase -n non,capitalist co*ntries where *nion is more predominant than e9pression" stress wo*ld not be m*ch o) a problem A person who is stressed will want rela9ation" while a person who is too rela9ed will want e9pression (his is the cycle 0ne sho*ld go with the )low C nothing in this world is permanent -) yo* are obser#ant" too" yo* will notice that a n*mber o) organi!ations are all telling *s to change o*r way o) li#ing" start lo#ing one another and be more harmonio*s A n*mber o) people are now getting into a li)e o) peace)*lness" not +*st r*nning a)ter the money (his shows *s that the large cycle is now probably entering the rela9ation stage 4e are now beginning to #al*e rela9ation and *nion instead o) e9pression and identity 0ne sho*ld impro#e the cycles e9isting within the sel) 2e sho*ld )irst be aware o) the cycle and master the phases where each is strong and harmonio*s Second" when the phase is ripe )or transition into the ne9t" the indi#id*al concerned sho*ld be able to do this witho*t m*ch hesitation 1n)ort*nately" there are many occ*rrences in li)e that wo*ld hamper both the de#elopment o) each phase and the mo#ement )rom phase to phase (here is a relationship o) these )o*r phases to the )i#e stages Gawareness" attention" attachment" disharmony" depletionH 4ithin each side" are the )i#e stages -n the acti#e side o) the )orce" the awareness stage occ*rs in the identity phase (he attention stage occ*rs in the e9pression phase 4hen the person becomes aware o) his en#ironment or himsel) he will want to prioriti!e things into areas o) his li)e which he may want to e9periment on Attachment is when he begins to be ripe in the e9pression phase 2e is nearing the borders o) the e9pression phase $isharmony and depletion is when he has o#erdone himsel) and needs to enter into the passi#e side o) the )orce 0n the passi#e side" a person becomes aware o) the di))erent options o) getting energy (his occ*rs in the rela9ation phase when he tries to )eel his way aro*nd (he attention stage is entered when he has )o*nd his so*rce and attempts to *ni)y with it 2e is now in the *nion stage P*st like in the acti#e side attachment" disharmony and depletion occ*r when he begins to o#erdo himsel)" when he does not properly accept the other so*rces which he can get &i)e is tr*ly dynamic 0ne is ne#er really at rest 4e oscillate )ore#er between the two e9tremes o) action and rest (o try to stop yo*rsel) )rom oscillation means an attachment to one state =o with the )low Conditions change &i)e goes on 4hoe#er knows how to dance with the )orce e9periences happiness (.0(.05 Ide#) Situ#tion Earlier we ha#e seen the cycle consisting o) )o*r phases 3or an ideal sit*ation to occ*r" a person will ha#e to pass thro*gh all )o*r phases with ease (his means that the cycle o) action and rest sho*ld be )ollowed as a dynamic interplay 0ne sho*ld also be able to ha#e strength and harmony in each phase As in day and night" one sho*ld ha#e 7*ality

time d*ring the day and proper sleep d*ring the night 4ith all these 7*alities intact" people sho*ld be able to li#e li)e )*lly (he 1'-0' phase m*st be intact i) the indi#id*al.s identity is to be properly respected (his is beca*se the working energy o) the indi#id*al is taken in this phase -) the indi#id*al gets second class energy" he will ha#e 7*alities that are like the ones he associates with Care" then" m*st be taken to relate properly with the So*rce (he other energies aro*nd m*st" howe#er" be respected and associated with )or an anchor into reality Remember the So*rce )irst" all other energies second Ao* are what yo* *nite withK yo* are what yo* respect -n the -$E'(-(A phase" one sho*ld ha#e proper sel),esteem Sel),con)idence is necessary in order to )*nction properly A person.s indi#id*ality m*st be strong eno*gh so that )ollowing people is not d*e to peer press*re b*t a res*lt o) a proper assessments Altho*gh he m*st be sel)con)ident" he m*st also be #ery realistic with himsel) and his c*rrent li)e sit*ation 2e m*st be able to accept his de)iciencies as well as the things he can not change -n the same way he m*st also know and )i9 the de)iciencies that he can change (he conscio*s and s*bconscio*s m*st be one and he m*st not be abnormally de)ensi#e with his li)e iss*es Some people are able to de#elop a s*periority comple9 in order to hide an inner in)eriority comple9 that e#en they may not be aware o) A person m*st know one.s realistic limitations and capabilities 4hen people get into positi#e thinking" they sometimes do not s*cceed as well as others 0ne reason )or this is that their s*bconscio*s still can not accept the possibility o) s*ccess 0ne m*st ha#e proper sel),esteem and be realistic with the sel) at all times 2e sho*ld not )eel that he always has to pro#e himsel) 2e sho*ld not be de)ensi#e 2e sho*ld be sec*re with his position in li)e 2a#ing a strong identity is not bad -t is not necessarily sel)ish Sel)ishness is when the identity has been heightened while yo*r sense o) *nion with the So*rce has been discarded A person with a highly de#eloped identity phase is sometimes considered st*bborn or b*ll,headed B*t this is act*ally beca*se he knows what is his 2e may be help)*l in negotiations and similar acti#ities E?PRESS-0' is a phase that brings o*t the di#ersity and color in an indi#id*al 4ith a good e9pression phase" an indi#id*al is )*n to be with 2e who always has something new to talk abo*t 2e may e#en be a party animal A person who is #ery good at this phase may e#en p*sh himsel) to the limit and get into all sorts o) acti#ities witho*t being attached Altho*gh it is possible" it is not e9actly typical People are *s*ally Dsane and cornyE or De9citing" b*t ha#e a bad in)l*enceE (he masters o) this phase may ha#e their cake and eat it" too 2e may be the party animal or socialite yet able to maintain the respect o) his )amily and relati#es P*st beware o) attachment" disharmony" and depletion which may )ollow sho*ld this phase t*rn bad (hose e9celling in this phase come in a wide #ariety" and good per)ormers" actors" actresses and singers are among them (hose in#ol#ed in the arts are also considered to be strong in this phase beca*se the energy )rom the So*rce or )rom other secondary so*rces like nat*re are )iltered thro*gh their system and mani)ested into paintings"

sc*lpt*re" and the like Con#ersationalists who are #ery #ersatile may also be considered good in this phase (he best people in this phase are not only able to transm*te and con#ert this energy well into di))erent art )orms or physical attrib*tes with strength b*t are also able to change )rom one attrib*te to another with *tmost ease 3or e9ample" a good actor will act with intensity and keep yo* ri#eted to yo*r seat A better actor will be able to play a role in which he will ha#e to emote n*mero*s emotions in one sitting" like playing the role o) a character with m*ltiple personalities And when the actor goes home to his )amily" he can easily cast away the personalities he *sed )or the show Artists with this )acility are the ones that can start their work no matter what mood they are in (hese artists also ha#e a #ariety o) acting styles Since like attracts like" one sho*ld always be care)*l abo*t his actions" tho*ghts" and )eelings =ood and bad things do not ha#e to be physically done in order )or them to come back As long as they are tho*ght o)" they are done by *s and may come back An e#en stricter way o) looking at it is to see that e#en i) the s*bconscio*s was the one that got irritated" that same irritation released by the s*bconscio*s attracts similar irritations (his is a #ery strict law" b*t one that can be c*red i) we are always aware o) o*r conscio*s and s*bconscio*s tho*ghts (hey sho*ld be disciplined in the sense that they do not poll*te the li#ing area with bad #ibes (hey sho*ld not be disciplined in the sense that they sho*ld be able to e9press themsel#es in whate#er harmonio*s manner they please as long as attachment is held to a minim*m 0ne can not say that a condition is )or a person beca*se he is one.s enemy and that yo* are e9empt )rom the same condition Since all are one" we gi#e o*rsel#es whate#er mental e9pectations and conditions we gi#e other people 3or e9ample" we are #ery strict with employees or s*bordinates (hat same strictness we ha#e shall mani)est in the sense that the s*periors we attract are those that are also strict towards *s People in t*ne with the )orce know that they sho*ld do good" not beca*se o) )aith or conscience b*t beca*se they can )eel and know that it is +*st reasonable to e9pect that any )orm o) energy they gi#e away will come back to them (hey do not need to st*dy manners" ethics" or any dogma in order to beha#e (hey beha#e not o*t o) )ear" b*t beca*se they )eel what they sho*ld do since they are highly in t*ne with the law and the )orce A person connected to the )orce need not be moti#ated or trained 2e does things beca*se he is one with the )orce that coincides with the *ni#erse in order that all things are worked o*t in harmony 'at*re does not )*nction a certain way d*e to the logic o) the animals or the plants" tho*gh they seem to beha#e in a way that is harmonio*s 0nly when nat*re.s balance is *pset does nat*re seems to misbeha#e Aside )rom the pre#io*s phases" RE&A?A(-0' or 2ARM0'A has to be placed in a proper perspecti#e within the cycle (his is what calms the DmadnessE which may occ*r in the pre#io*s cycle 4e learn patience" calmness" tran7*ility" and harmony Again" this phase sho*ld be strong in both the conscio*s and s*bconscio*s Rela9ation and harmony may be done on the conscio*s energy body while being neglected in the s*bconscio*s part 4hen one )orgi#es and )orgets it is done totally 'o repression sho*ld be le)t in the s*bconscio*s" otherwise it may res*r)ace at the most *n*s*al times Rela9ation m*st be balanced with the other phases" or else yo* may become a doormat )or many people

Clarity o) tho*ght here is bro*ght abo*t not by strength o) thinking b*t by identi)ying the con)licting iss*es in one.s li)e and coming *p with a reconciliation People strong in this phase know #ery well how to go with the )low since their perception o) the )orce is so keen (hey may not be good at initiating things Glike the ones good in the e9pression phaseH b*t certainly know how to mo#e with the )low once it is there (heir int*ition is *s*ally also #ery high (he 1'-0' phase m*st always be intactK this is beca*se many o*r problems are ca*sed by the degeneration o) this phase 0*r tendency is to establish *nion with people instead o) ha#ing a proper relationship with the So*rce -n relating properly with the So*rce" one begins to )*nction in a way that is similar to the So*rce 0ne may initially gain wisdom in the )orm o) insights and may later get the So*rce.s raw energy )or proper b*ilding o) one.s identity &ater one may mo#e into the e9pression phase then into the rela9ation:harmony phase 0ne with a good *nion phase knows many things" not d*e to rationality or physical obser#ation" b*t by the idea that one sho*ld be in *nion with the ob+ect 0nce yo* are one with it" yo* will know things abo*t it witho*t ha#ing to rationali!e abo*t the ob+ect (he ob+ect and the s*b+ect become oneL (his is 7*ite )re7*ent with people who are in lo#e 4ith persons who tr*ly lo#e the world" they sho*ld not ha#e any problem gaining knowledge abo*t other things (hey may rest their awareness o) their )amily" relati#e" b*siness" or o) li)e itsel) -nternally they may be able to reconcile the di))erent iss*es and tra*mas within their li#es and +oin their conscio*s and s*bconscio*s (hey are highly aware o) their s*bconscio*s beca*se it is now within arm.s reach 4ith these indi#id*als" their int*ition begins to be so high that they know things at so conscio*s a le#el that insights and int*ition are no big deal )or them 3lashes o) int*ition are no longer )lashes since the conscio*s and s*bconscio*s are now tr*ly one A)ter that they e#en become one with the So*rce making them access more knowledge and energy 3inally" since e#erything is a creation o) the So*rce conscio*s" s*bconscio*s" the So*rce and all o) creation are as one 3or indi#id*als strong in the *nion phase deciding what is right and wrong is not the res*lt o) painstaking debates on ethics -t is not e#en taken )rom what elders ha#e said (heir sense o) +*stice stems )rom the sense o) the laws o) nat*re they )eel within themsel#es (hey do not o))er assistance beca*se they )eel pity )or the person Assistance is gi#en since the person +*st senses that the bene)iciary is part o) the So*rce and there)ore also part o) him (r*e oneness with the So*rce occ*rs at this le#el And wisdom and knowledge comes )rom the So*rce (he So*rce has its laws and the person is aware o) them All o) the abo#e phases m*st be strong and harmonio*s in order )or the sit*ation to be ideal 3*rthermore" a proper mo#ement thro*gh them m*st to be done in order )or a proper mo#ement thro*gh the cycle 4hen sho*ld we mo#e on to the ne9t phase5 Remember that the two main phases are e9pression and *nion (here will be an oscillation between these two ma+or phases" with the prere7*isite phases there to help in the con#ersion -n the *nion phase" the ma9im*m

point is when there is already a loss o) identity s*ch that a person may start rebelling )or no apparent reason (his is d*e to the *rge to e9press one.s sel) -) he is allowed to +*mp into the e9pression phase" he may not be ready 2is identity will ha#e to be de#eloped )irst or else he will keep complaining abo*t li)e 4ith a good identity phase and good sel),esteem" a teenager" )or instance" can properly )*nction in the world -n the e9pression phase" the ma9im*m point is when there is m*ch con)*sion and irritation (he point o) madness is reached when yo*r mind seems to snap -) a +*mp into the *nion phase is made" the indi#id*al may lose his sense o) identity too 7*ickly and not learn )rom his e9periences (his is beca*se the rela9ation phase is also a phase where yo* learn )rom yo*r mistakes by looking back on them -t is also a phase o) release and )orgi#ing A +*mp into the *nion phase may mean an indi#id*al t*rning his back on reality or e#en s*icide 1nion is entered into in order to anchor the indi#id*al to the So*rce 4hen we are )*ll o) energy" we attempt to reb*ild o*r identity (he ne9t cycle starts and" hope)*lly" li)e will be a bit more en+oyable 1s*ally" tho*gh" as one gains an identity" it is in a way a separation )rom the So*rce Beca*se o) this not all pre#io*s memory is trans)erred to the identity phase in the ne9t cycle (his is similar to a day cycle where yo* notice that yo* ha#e )orgotten the problems o) the pre#io*s day A better analogy is dreaming 4e all dream 4hen we wake *p" sometimes we still remember o*r dream B*t when )*lly awake" we don.t seem to remember o*r dream e#en i) we are s*re that we had dreamt that night Retain the relationship with the So*rce at all times" remember the law o) the )orce" remember yo*r origin Fnow the law beca*se yo* ha#e a relationship with it" not beca*se yo* were told to do so 4ith the *ni)ication o) all the )o*r phases within a person" we )ind a person who is balanced with the male and )emale energy -dentity and e9pression phases are predominantly male while rela9ation and *nion phases are predominantly )emale (he indi#id*al e9hibits a strong will while being #ery recepti#e 2e knows how to e))ect change b*t knows when to go with the )low i) needed B*sinesses now are beginning to reali!e that a good manager is one who has both 7*alities in him 2e can be a team player G*nionH and yet" when alone" can easily handle sit*ations GidentityH altho*gh his en#ironment is not cond*ci#e to his de#elopment 2e knows realistically the c*rrent sit*ation G)eminineH in his personal and b*siness li)e and is able to e9press himsel) and )i9 the sit*ation GmaleH with the least amo*nt o) e))ort An indi#id*al will be in control o) himsel) and his en#ironment beca*se he is aware o) his inner con)licts" and de)ense mechanisms 2e will insist that his conscio*s and s*bconscio*s is one 2e will there)ore be a realist since he will ha#e no ill*sions abo*t his capabilities 2e will ha#e no mood swings 2e becomes a master o) his emotions and not #ice #ersa (his does not mean that he will be boring" )or the mastery o) the emotions will also re#eal his ability to create at will di))erent attit*des and emotions that are appropriate )or any occasion

4ith the proper *tili!ation o) these )orces additional 7*alities may be enhanced or e#en de#eloped -nt*ition G)emale 7*alityH may be greatly enhanced to a #ery high e9tent Charisma Gmale 7*alityH will enable him to get along with +*st abo*t anybody )rom di))erent social strata and e#en with di))erent ideologies 2e will command respect not d*e to )ear b*t d*e to his amiability and )riendliness 4hen yo* are in his presence yo* will not only )eel com)ortable b*t e#en energi!ed since he has an e9cess o) good clean energy (he )orce in these e9amples" i) p*shed to the limit" may be recei#ed Gint*itionH or sent GcharismaH o#er long distances 'othing is impossible (.0(.06 T*1ic#) Situ#tion (.0(.06.0! %ithin 4h#ses (.0(.06.0!.0! Re)#2#tion3H#r0on* 4h#se 4hen seen )rom the e9ternal point o) #iew this phase is when man begins to lie low on his rationality or acti#ity and coasts along in li)e A)ter man.s e9pression phase has reached its peak" he begins to mellow and treas*re harmony and tran7*ility o#er e9citement 2e learns to get along with people" not to be too hard on himsel)" not to be too ambitio*s A man m*st learn to rela9" be at peace 1s*ally" howe#er" the )irst thing a man learns to rela9 is his physical body 2e still gets irritated" con)*sed" and emotionally ang*ished Resting the physical body is a good start -t is something that we can act*ally monitor (he peace)*lness o) the other energy bodies are harder to monitor beca*se we can only see their mani)estations 4e cannot meas*re them as readily as the physical body 3or e9ample we can meas*re stress and tension thro*gh mani)estations s*ch as insomnia and the inability to eat Be)ore these take place" howe#er we are already in a period o) stress -t may then be too late (his is the start o) the )eminine part o) the )orce -nternally this phase handles areas o) recepti#ity" int*ition" and awareness o) the s*bconscio*s -n this stage" man begins to be aware o) the splintered condition o) his conscio*sness which has occ*rred in the pre#io*s phase -nstead o) being attached to only one part o) the sel) C the part which he wo*ld want to belie#e C begins to reali!e the real sel) incl*ding all the tra*mas and denials kept inside (here are se#eral splits seen in li)e which are to be reconciled 3irst the character has compartmentali!ed into instinct" rational" and a))ection A n*mber o) teenagers )ind di))ic*lty in knowing whether they are to )ollow their heart or mind in a relationship Most o) *s ha#e sti)) characteristics that make *s )*nctional only in certain sit*ations 4e can only relate with people like *s 4e cannot relate with other people -t is like p*tting an artist in the same table as bankers" or p*tting a comp*ter nerd with a b*nch o) socialites 4e sho*ld )low" get along with e#erybody and ha#e a good time witho*t being a hypocrite En+oy li)eL -n martial arts and )ighting" the one who +*st e9changes blows

witho*t taking into consideration the style o) the opponent may be in )or a beating -t is the same in b*siness" and it is the +*sti)ication )or market s*r#eys 4hile we ha#e to be percepti#e with other people" we sho*ld also be percepti#e abo*t o*rsel#es Aside )rom the split in the classi)ication o) )re7*ency" we ha#e a split in the classi)ication o) accessibility As seen pre#io*sly" o*r conscio*sness has split into two parts" the conscio*s and the s*bconscio*s (he conscio*s is what we are aware o) and the s*bconscio*s is what we deny 4ith the large n*mber o) e9periences man goes thro*gh" he chooses to ignore or deny a n*mber o) them 2e has been programmed to think that some o) the e9periences sho*ld not be entertained beca*se they ha#e bro*ght tra*mas 4hate#er the ca*se" the split between the conscio*s and s*bconscio*s widens 2e may deny them" b*t soon they may ha*nt him in dreams or when they s*r)ace once in a while in the conscio*s mind People nowadays ha#e a problem with lo#e Sometimes the heart says yes" at times the mind says no Sometimes it.s the other way aro*nd (he di))erent )orces within *s are at con)lict 'o one wants pain)*l memories Some people" tho*gh" recall an e#ent and la*gh at it since it is a thing o) the past 0thers" tho*gh" ha#e a hard time letting go o) the memory not necessarily beca*se o) the pain it brings b*t beca*se they are too attached it 4e sho*ld acknowledge the pain)*l sit*ations that occ*rred At the same time" we sho*ld be able to tell o*rsel#es that it has no more power o#er *s 0ther people ha#e a di))erent approach C they decei#e themsel#es and say that the pain)*l sit*ation ne#er occ*rred Since a part o) *s belie#es that it occ*rred and another part says that it does not" disharmony sets in and o*r conscio*sness splits 0*r conscio*s part con#eniently )orgets the tra*ma" and the s*bconscio*s part +*st sits there constantly knocking at the door o) the conscio*s aspect 4e sho*ld be h*mble" acknowledge the tra*ma" accept reality" and re)*se to li#e in a )antasy world where we belie#e we are abo#e all -) o*r teachers picked on *s when we were yo*ng" we sho*ld acknowledge the occ*rrence -) we belie#e that it ne#er happened" we may de#elop resentment towards a*thority )ig*res later in li)e -) o*r s*bconscio*s does a Ngood. +ob" we may e#en be resent)*l witho*t knowing it 2ere we can see that we m*st learn to be *nattached 30R=-%E'ESS is the key 0nce we )orgi#e" we can accept the pain)*l sit*ation that had pre#io*sly occ*rred (he ne9t reason )or the split is d*e to the person li#ing in a state o) ill*sion Since people are generally li#ing in a state o) weak energy le#el" they seek appreciation )rom others in order to reco#er their energy (hey wo*ld want to belie#e they are s*ccess)*l" good, looking" and rich Some wo*ld e#en want to belie#e that they are happy and that their personal li)e is okay when their li)e is act*ally a mess Beca*se o) this" their conscio*s sel) belie#es in the ill*sion" b*t *nderneath all this is a #ery *nhappy and insec*re inner sel) A n*mber o) highly stressed indi#id*als act*ally do not belie#e they are stressed (hese people will say that it is their choice since they still ha#e a lot o) work to do Ao* will see some o) them easily get startled at the smallest noise or dist*rbance at the o))ice (he probable reason why a n*mber o) optimistic people aren.t that s*ccess)*l is that they +*st aren.t realistic C they are prone to becoming dreamers 21M-&-(A is the key word

A n*mber o) pessimistic people ha#e a di))erent problem C they limit themsel#es 2ere the s*bconscio*s wo*ld want to e9press itsel)" b*t the conscio*sness o) the indi#id*al wo*ld not allow it (he reality is that they can accomplish more than what they act*ally belie#e they do (his mode o) thinking may be d*e to a bad incident early in li)e A near drowning incident co*ld make a child #ery insec*re in the water -t is also possible that their )amily or )riends were ne#er s*pporti#e o) some o) their interests 3or e9ample" a son wants to be a painter when he grows *p" b*t the parents want him to be a doctor -nner con)licts d*ring or a)ter schooling may occ*r Another is a*thority )ig*res co*ld ha#e made them )eel #ery g*ilty o) certain iss*es A n*mber o) parents e9pect to be taken care o) when they grow old -n some c*lt*res" parents emphasi!e loyalty and lo#e by demanding their children.s in#ol#ement in their b*siness 3r*stration will occ*r when the conscio*s wants to de#elop its indi#id*ality by going o*t to the world At the same time the s*bconscio*s is in con)lict with it by g*ilt &astly" society may *nknowingly limit an indi#id*al 4e ha#e heard that the mind.s act*al potential is #astly larger than what is c*rrently being *sed Since older people rely more and more on their logic to decide on day to day acti#ities" we o)ten begin to lose o*r ability to int*it All o) these splits are d*e to a con)lict (he di))erences with other con)licts are that the h*man is aware only o) the conscio*s side and #ag*ely" i) at all" aware o) the s*bconscio*s Sometimes yo* see people who seem to be contradictory yet yo* cannot seem to p*t yo*r )inger on it (hey seem to be e9tro#erts yet somehow yo* sense that they are hiding something Ao* also ha#e this inner )eeling that they themsel#es are not aware o) their inner )eelings (his is *s*ally d*e to a high conscio*s and s*bconscio*s split Ao* conscio*sly )eel that yo* do not ha#e a problem" b*t yo*r eyebrows are tense Ao* )eel worried" b*t do not know why (his is beca*se e#en tho*gh the conscio*s is not worried" the s*bconscio*s is working o#ertime addressing the di))erent iss*es that are being denied -n the pre#io*s e9amples" - +*st e9plained how the s*bconscio*s can be programmed by pleasant and *npleasant e9periences in li)e Aside )rom the programmed s*bconscio*s we ha#e other Din)ormationE which may make its way to the conscio*s Some o) these are signals that originate )rom the So*rce" others originate )rom people whom yo* may percei#e thro*gh yo*r int*ition At times the s*bconscio*s comm*nicates with the conscio*s Sometimes they come o*t as *rges 0ther times the s*bconscio*s gi#es a hint as to its messages since the conscio*s side chooses to ignore it Some come o*t as )lashes o) int*ition -deas that come o*t o) the s*bconscio*s may or may not be correct An *rge to b*y a prod*ct may be d*e to an act*al need or to ad#ertising A st*dent taking a certain +ob d*e to a h*nch may take it based on good int*ition or parental press*re

Associations are also *sed by the s*bconscio*s in gi#ing hints (he reason hints are *sed by the s*bconscio*s is that the conscio*s *s*ally re)*ses to belie#e that in)ormation thro*gh *se o) the )orce is possible (he s*bconscio*s there)ore does not gi#e the in)ormation as is" b*t masks it so that the conscio*s may accept or deny the gi#en in)ormation 3or e9ample i) the s*bconscio*s wants to gi#e a hint abo*t a backbiting )riend" it may make yo* dream o) snakes Conscio*sly we remember it b*t not know its meaning -t is remembered since it is +*st a hint" b*t the conscio*s can act*ally deny its importance and its meaning 1pon close e9amination" howe#er" we may associate snakes with enemies By this we conscio*sly know that an enemy may e9ist 2ow does the s*bconscio*s know so m*ch5 (he )orce connects *s all 'o man is an island 4e are all like radio transcei#ers with all o*r s*bconscio*s aspects relating with each other witho*t the conscio*s reali!ing it (his is why we are abnormally attracted or repelled by certain people (he re#erse may also happen C we co*ld make a conscio*s e))ort to reach the s*bconscio*s in order to remo#e its bad programming (hat is why we ha#e a))irmations C we want o*r programmed s*bconscio*s to con)orm to the conscio*s 3or e9ample" on the o*tside" we show the world we are happy -nside *s we are insec*re and lonely 4e conscio*sly a))irm that we are okay" we are happy 4e gi#e o*rsel#es a Npep talk. so that o*r pessimistic or tra*mati!ed s*bconscio*s can change Man m*st learn to connect to the So*rce 2e m*st not be controlled by his programmed s*bconscio*s beca*se it may be wrong Programming has occ*rred since childbirth 0*r nat*ral processes and )*nctions )rom the *ltimate so*rce ha#e been partially o#erridden People or instit*tions ha#e willingly or *nwillingly done this programming with either good or bad moti#es As we grow older and become aware o) o*r programming" we may be able to acknowledge and )i9 some o) them 0thers are le)t ignored with the )alse notion that they may not ca*se any harm As we grow older" we *se o*r )ree will and logical processes to s*ch an e9tent that sometimes wrong decisions will again o#erride o*r correct" inherent good nat*re -) we can control o*r logic and programmed s*bconscio*s and listen to the So*rce within" we shall be in harmony and li#e happily (he other is the part that is o*r link to the So*rce C this may also be considered the s*bconscio*s" b*t this is not the programmed s*bconscio*s (his is the part o) the )orce that +oins *s to all other things (his is the storeho*se o) knowledge and wisdom" not beca*se o) its ability to be logical b*t beca*se o) its capacity to be #astly aware 4e gain )lashes o) insights" ideas A n*mber o) in#entors and scientists are like this -) yo* look at the works o) Einstein" yo* will be boggled at how he co*ld think o) the theory that (ime may slow down as yo* approach the speed o) light Maybe he +*st connected to the So*rce5 (he last split is in the classi)ication o) si!e 4hile we sho*ld get along with the other gro*ps o) )orces like instit*tions" companies" or gro*ps" we tend to distance o*rsel#es 4hile we sho*ld a#oid crowd mentality" we sho*ld still know how to get along with other people -) yo* are weak" yo* may be a #ictim o) bad in)l*ence -) yo* are strong" yo* will know when to resist their in)l*ence B*t i) yo* are really strong" yo* will get

along with people andl know how to in)l*ence them to change )or the better Care" tho*gh" m*st be taken that yo* know when they are ready eno*gh to do so 1n)ort*nately a lot o) people will ha#e to be b*rned be)ore they change )or the better 0nly then will he tr*ly appreciate change -t may be that" or it may be that yo* were wrong in the )irst place (his phase is abo*t rela9ation" harmony" and e#en awareness Awareness o) yo*rsel) in relationship with others and awareness o) the di))erent harmonio*s and con)licting iss*es within yo* (he enemy o) this phase is sel)ishness C the attachment to the idea o) sel) Sometimes man will not sense his connection with the So*rce or e#en his relationship with his )ellow man 2e belie#es that power and money makes the world go ro*nd (he more sel)ish he gets" the more his link to the So*rce deteriorates and the more he gets into tro*ble 4e may see them rich and beha#e as i) li)e is )ine B*t deep inside yo* may sense an emptiness that can not be e9plained 4ho is he )ooling5 (he less energy he gets )rom the So*rce" the weaker he gets (he weaker he gets" the more respect and attention he needs )rom yo* -) yo* do not gi#e it to him" watch him get into a )it o) depression Sometimes yo* )ind people trying to b*y )riends with their money and power 0ther people are not sel)ish" b*t ha#e s*ch a strong tendency to p*sh their weight aro*nd And they say do it in the name o) lo#e (hat is beca*se they )eel that they know what.s good )or yo* Creations o) the So*rce are to be treated with respect At a certain age" they are to be considered independent -) the do,gooder claims that the person o) age is not independent eno*gh" it co*ld ha#e been his )a*lt that the person was not ta*ght early eno*gh A n*mber o) people are simply not allowed to make mistakes and to learn )rom them -s it beca*se the parent pities the child5 0r is it beca*se the parents )eel that it will not speak well o) their parenting5 0nce" while at a client.s ho*se" - asked a #ery )rank 7*estion Gwas newly marriedH (his client is a #ery nice woman and" - )ig*red" a #ery nice mother asked her" D4hen parents want a child to e9cel" is it beca*se o) the child.s )*t*re" or the parent.s pride5E She said that it was )or the parents. pride (his answer o) co*rse need not necessarily be a general one B*t it de)initely re#ealed another reason why sometimes leaders" parents" or employers want their )ollowers to e9cel -) a person is not allowed to make mistakes )or himsel)" he may grow *p to ha#ing a weak identity phase and later" an e#en a weaker e9pression phase $*e to a belie) in the scarcity o) the )orce or money some people ha#e a s*bconscio*s tendency to keep themsel#es in power -nstead o) cooperating in harmony" he belie#es he sho*ld be the one in control 2 ad they learned to relate to the So*rce" they wo*ld not be control )reaks -nstead o) m an considering the whole world as his )amily he has learned to car#e o*t a small niche w here he and his )amily and:or close )riends can e9change energies among themsel#es Sho*ld he )eel that this gro*p o) )riends will disappear" he will )ind ways to

keep them by his side Call in the name o) lo#e and need Right now some people belie#e that the more they need a person" the more they are in lo#e 4 e cannot blame man As he grow s *p" he enco*nters tra*mas and again" making him distr*st)*l o) his )ellow man 'ow he chooses his )riends" sticks with his )amily -n a proper relationship with the So*rce" he shall ne#er be alone 4ith a proper identity phase" he shall ne#er be h*rt and can bo*nce back easily A sec*re identity will enable him to be)riend anyone" neither is he insec*re abo*t losing his identity sho*ld he lo#e and tr*st too m*ch (his phase also teaches harmony and re)lection Man sho*ld be aware o) w hat his conscio*s and s*bconscio*s are doing 2 e is responsible )or his physical actions and what his energy bodies do (hat is beca*se like attracts like Since like attracts like then his disharmonio*s energies will attract similar energies -rritable people then tend to attract each other" worried and con)*sed people gro*p together Sentimental people meet each other Sometimes people get away )rom a bad relationship only to repeat the pattern -t is all in the energy Remember like 7*alities attract like 7*alities" and *nlike poles attract $isharmonio*s people attract disharmonio*s peopleK lo#ing people attract lo#ing people As )or the poles" leaders will attract )ollowers while energy gi#ers attract energy recei#ers $o not )eel that yo* are at an ad#antage i) yo* are an energy recei#er +*st beca*se yo* will attract an energy gi#er (he energy gi#ers may take ad#antage and manip*late yo* since they ha#e what yo* need (his is tr*e not only in terms o) the conscio*s b*t also the s*bconscio*s Sometimes seemingly lo#able people attract irritable people (his may be beca*se somewhere in their s*bconscio*s they are deeply irritable o#er a pre#io*s e9perience that they cannot )orget (hat is why it is #ery important to know one.s sel) )*lly Sometimes a disharmony within one.s sel) is not a res*lt o) sel)ishness -t may be the res*lt o) an *n)*l)illed e9pectation &et.s say" yo*r )riend was not able to pay a simple loan E#en i) the amo*nt o) money is minimal" people *s*ally get annoyed with this occ*rrence 4hile a part o) them has seen the reality o) the person" the other part still wants to hang on to the ill*sion o) what he wants to belie#e in the person A lot o) h*rts between )riends are d*e to *n)*l)illed e9pectations one has o) the other People m*st learn to accept reality Sometimes people are better than e9pected" and sometimes worse 4e m*st also learn to accept the reality o) o*r own sit*ation (.0(.06.0!.0( nion 4h#se (his phase is responsible )or getting energy thro*gh the process o) *nion -deally we sho*ld not b*ild walls and separate o*rsel#es )rom others 4e are all one 2owe#er d*e to man.s di))erent tra*matic e9periences we tend to get energy )rom a selected n*mber o) so*rces only 4e get attached to these so*rces *ntil we )orget how to access energy )rom other so*rces 1n)ort*nately these are not always bene)icial to *s Sometimes i) the c*rrent so*rce senses that we are dependent on him" he may begin to ask *nreasonably )or something in ret*rn

D=arbage in,garbage o*tE is a phrase *sed by comp*ter programmers (his simply means that entering )a*lty data into the comp*ter gi#es yo* )a*lty res*lts Sad to say this is 7*ite pre#alent in the *nion phase -nstead o) achie#ing *nion with the So*rce" it is all too easy to achie#e *nion with second class energy that is +*st waiting to be taken Sometimes a mediocre *nion phase is easily in)l*enced by other people C a #ery s*btle kind beca*se it does not directly go against the )ree will o) the person since the other party initially establishes *nion be)ore in)l*encing (he person" there)ore" will belie#e that all the while it had been his choice Sometimes it is his choice along with his desires" wants" and pre)erences (he 7*estion is how did he get those pre)erences Sometimes this is d*e to the systematic manip*lation o) man.s desires and tastes &et me show yo* how changes may be made towards a person.s tastes by )irst establishing *nion A reason )or this *nion is d*e to PR0?-M-(A A)ter birth children are )re7*ently inside the ho*se (he 7*ality o) the energy in the ho*se will ha#e a lasting e))ect on the child as he is growing *p -) the parents )ight or bicker constantly" the child will imbibe this energy e#en tho*gh he is still not conscio*s o) his en#ironment E#en i) he is in another room" the disharmonio*s energy o) )ather and mother may be eno*gh to make him grow disoriented 'owadays a n*mber o) mothers are concerned abo*t their mental and emotional condition d*ring pregnancy (his is beca*se the baby is )*lly within the mother.s physical body and #ery dependent on the 7*ality o) the mother.s energies d*ring this period Children will grow *p s*bconscio*sly remembering their childhood yearsM the )ights" the lo#e" the tension" and all the other emotional states o) the people aro*nd him $*ring these delicate periods" children are easily programmed by di))erent people and associations thro*gh g*ilt and )ear (hey grow *p witho*t e9actly knowing how they ha#e been pre#io*sly programmed (he child will )re7*ently be gi#en attention by the parents $*e to this the child may end *p lessening his relationship with the So*rce and in t*rn strengthen his relationship with his parents -) this lasts too long" the child may be too dependent on his parents as he grows old Some parents en+oy it when their children are dependent on them C they )ig*re it is a sign o) lo#e And they )eel that there is ne#er a problem o) too m*ch lo#e As the child grows *p" the parent may say that the child is still too dependent" there)ore why make him independent5 4e now ha#e a chicken and egg problem -) we do not let go o) the child" he will ne#er learn to be dependent" and i) we let go he will )ail in li)e Another reason )or *nion is d*e to the %0&1ME o) energy Pro9imity is d*e to nearness to the energy gi#er while #ol*me is d*e either to the amo*nt o) energy being transmitted or the n*mber o) energy transmitters 4hen yo* hear o) people saying the same thing o#er and o#er" yo* begin to accept it as the tr*th 'o one else is saying otherwise And in yo*r DworldE that idea is the law Remember" when yo* were yo*ng and e#eryone yo* talked to said there was a Santa Cla*s5 E#en the ones yo* tr*sted C yo*r parents and yo*r other siblings C said that Santa Cla*s e9isted Beca*se o) this" Santa became #ery real to yo*

-) ma+ority o) yo*r relati#es went to the same school yo* go to" yo* de#elop a deep sense o) loyalty )or that school Ao* de#elop" too" the sense o) com)ort and belonging As yo* grow *p" get married and ha#e kids" yo* tend to bring them to the same school 4hy5 Beca*se yo* ha#e imbibed the energy o) yo*r s*rro*ndings and" by sheer weight o) the #ol*me o) the energy" yo* can.t help b*t also be loyal Ao* also end *p seeing things )rom one perspecti#e C the opinion o) yo*r school Ao* don.t know how the other side per)orms *ntil yo* are o*t o) yo*r system and in a ne*tral area Ad#ertisements do the same thing By their sheer n*mber" ad#ertisements lead *s to s*bconscio*sly belie#e that e#eryone is b*ying the prod*ct" e9cept yo* - once #isited a ho*se where they ser#ed me a certain be#erage &ater - )o*nd o*t that the )amily" which certainly wasn.t that well o))" wo*ld not e#en take that be#erage )or themsel#es (hey co*ld ha#e easily +*st ser#ed other s*bstit*tes b*t instead ser#ed the one which is ad#ertised on (% most o)ten (his is what press*re is abo*t" be it )rom )riends" parents or o))icemates A person who wishes )or the trans)ormation o) someone )irst e9erts press*re -) the other person resists" common D)riendsE are DaskedE to apply press*re on him A)raid o) losing his second class so*rces o) energy" the other s*cc*mbs 4e don.t complain abo*t this press*re beca*se we )eel that we are )ollowing the masses 4e )eel that i) we are wrong" so are they And i) we DpayE )or o*r mistake" it is okay since we are in good company -n a bigger perspecti#e" take note o) the di))erent co*ntries and their approaches to li)e -nitially yo* )eel it as tradition (his so,called tradition" howe#er" can bring pro)o*nd di))erences in li)e $i))erences that we may agree to beca*se we consider it normal -n some areas strong discrimination between se9es or the races e9ist -) yo* li#ed in any o) these areas as the D*n)ort*nateE se9 or race" yo* ha#e press*re to ad+*st to what the p*blic dictates People s*pposedly like yo* con)orm to the sit*ation beca*se they )eel it is the DlawE Aside )rom ad#ertisement" #ol*me can be *sed by gro*ps o) people in terms o) praise and recognition A person will appreciate this since the attention is accompanied by an o*tpo*ring o) energy Appreciation is o)ten *sed as a method o) moti#ating people )or both good and not so good p*rposes &abeling is another e9ample People sometimes do not see ideas or prod*cts as they are (hey are always associating things with other things People and organi!ations will ha#e good labels )or actions which are ad#antageo*s to them while attaching bad labels )or actions which are disad#antageo*s to them An idea may be a lie to others b*t not )or them An action may be" )or others" a rebellion" b*t a sign o) independence )or them =aining additional )acilities )rom the )orce is e#il )or others" b*t a gi)t o) =od )or them People" there)ore do not look at the essenceCthey look at the labels Another )orm o) )orce in *nion is thro*gh -'(E'S-(A -n contrast to #ol*me which is done thro*gh the n*mber o) people participating" intensity is done thro*gh the strength o)

a seemingly small gro*p o) people or by one person (his is done in co*rtship" negotiations" and e#en salesmanship -ntensity is *s*ally done with proper timing so that the target may be ca*ght o)) g*ard (he target may be gi#en attention when he needs them most (his techni7*e is done in co*rtship (hese ways o) in)l*ence are not e9actly done against the will b*t by con#incing the s*bconscio*s that the person.s intentions are good 0r by con#incing the s*bconscio*s that the person will withhold his s*pply o) second class energy )rom the target (he reason why this method o) in)l*ence is 7*ite hard to catch is beca*se the target may act*ally and conscio*sly agree Aet the strongest way o) in)l*encing is probably by )orcing a *nion in the name o) &0%E 3or e9ample" a co*ple with good intentions get married beca*se they lo#e each other B*t a co*ple with bad intentions get married not beca*se o) lo#e b*t beca*se o) money" )or instance An e9ample o) ha#ing a good conscio*s and a bad s*bconscio*s is when someone marries another beca*se he honestly belie#es that he lo#es the person B*t when the career )ails or when the money is gone" one lea#es the other )or the reason that he or she has )allen o*t o) lo#e (he )act is that one )ell in lo#e with money and not the person Ao* can see in this e9ample the non,reconciliation o) conscio*s and s*bconscio*s (he abo#e case is 7*ite dangero*s Sometimes" a person gets married thinking that with sec*rity and hope" he will not ha#e to work )or the rest o) his li)e At times" a person gets married to show the world that he got a good catch 4hat a trophyL 4ho are they kidding5 2ow will this relationship last5 3or the person who got married )or reasons o) sec*rity" what will happen when the spo*se starts doing things which yo* can not li#e with5 2ow will yo* separate with him i) yo* )eel that yo* do not know how to earn a li#ing5 (hen yo* will )ore#er try to tell e#erybody C incl*ding yo*rsel) C that yo* still lo#e him and want him to change Sometimes" tho*gh" people do not change easily -n )act" sometimes they will not change at all to yo*r e9pectationsL (he sad thing is that some things cannot act*ally be changed in o*r li)etime 3or the h*sband who got married to show o)) his wi)e" he shall now be dependent on second hand energy )rom his peers 2is rep*tation is always closely g*arded and he may manage to )ool e#eryone b*t himsel) 2e knows #ery well that the marriage was all )or show 4hen in)l*ence is done in the name o) lo#e" the target is at a #ery di))ic*lt position beca*se lo#e is basically a *nion (his is where the identity Ddissol#esE so that it )orms a re#ised #ersion o) the identity d*ring the ne9t phase (his is why two people in lo#e )ight (hey seem to be insec*re with their identity" and there is a higher degree o) dependence on one another And the one who is *sed to this type o) in)l*ence will most likely be the one to call the shots beca*se he knows how to )*nction in s*ch a sit*ation 4hen this is done in the )o*ndational years o) a child" the target becomes #ery s*sceptible" and this is

beca*se we ha#e pro9imity" #ol*me" intensity and lo#e all rolled into one (he child is de)enseless and e#erything is done in the name o) lo#e %al*es and belie)s are inc*lcated hea#ily" )orti)ied with the addition o) g*ilt -) the child grows *p ne#er knowing how to connect to the So*rce" he will be a p*ppet on a string" )ore#er looking to seeing the energy gi#er 0) co*rse" this is a worst case scenario" b*t it happens Act*ally" in)l*ence is 7*ite ob#io*s -t is 7*ite easily seen (he reason why it gets away with itsel) is beca*se we make o*rsel#es #*lnerable to it 4e do this beca*se we ha#e certain E?PEC(A(-0'S o#er someone or an organi!ation (his e9pectation can be di#ided into twoM Ntr*st. and Np*tting people on pedestals. (R1S( is also a *nion" not necessarily o*t o) lo#e b*t beca*se yo* are relati#ely closer to people yo* *nite with 4hen yo* tr*st" yo* ha#e already placed a bias within yo*r mind as to what the person really is (hat a person concerned )its yo*r criteria o) an ideal man is an attachment to an ideal 4hen yo* tr*st yo* are biased" and when yo* do not tr*st yo* are also biased $o not ass*me that a person is tr*stworthy or not *ntil he has pro#en himsel) one way or the other $o not ass*me anything o) a person )or that matter Problems with close )riends are *s*ally #ery hard to )orgi#e (his is *s*ally beca*se the )riend has acted in a way which the other can not comprehend beca*se the o))ender did not li#e *p to the e9pectations o) the one o))ended -) the o))ended party accepts the o))ender )or what he is" )orgi#eness will come simply and there wo*ld be no problem 3or e9ample" i) a )riend does not repay a loan" yo* may )orgi#e him" b*t yo* may think twice i) he asks )or a loan again A lot o) in)l*ence thro*gh tr*st comes hand in hand with &ABE&-'= (his is when a party in)l*ences another by *sing the power o) Ngood. or Nbad words. to moti#ate 3or e9ample" a leader will consider himsel) independent and reso*rce)*l when he does things o*t o) the ordinary 4hen his )ollower does the same thing and respect)*lly 7*estions the leader the action is now called Nrebellion. B*t nobody wants to called a rebel 4hether the action is reasonable or not" this is a term *sed by people in power to keep others *nder their control (hey come *p with a word which will signi)y that the other person is no longer part o) the gro*p 0ther words which may be *sed similarly are D*nloyalE and DdisobedientE E#eryone wants to be considered loyal" e#en to the point o) being dependent and s*bmissi#e to society -) one is connected properly to the So*rce" he will no longer be dependent on these second hand energies 2e will see things clearly" and notice the in)l*ence being done in the name o) lo#e &i)e now becomes a bribery" not o) money b*t o) energy A bribery which is now sometimes considered moti#ation Ganother con#enient term )or the systemH Machia#elli said that it is better to be )eared than to be lo#ed 'owadays manip*lation seems to be a step ahead And those who practice it seem to li#e with the idea that Dit is better to be )eared and lo#edE &o#e is gi#en in order establish *nion with the )ollower" to con)*se his identity" and )ear is instilled in order to repress whate#er is le)t o) it Similar to (R1S( is the practice o) P1((-'= PE0P&E 0' PE$ES(A&S" or thinking too highly o) people 4e attach o*rsel#es to what we c*rrently belie#e a person to be

4hen we ha#e e9pectations o) people and these are broken" we go thro*gh a period o) great stress (his is beca*se o) two con)licting )orces A part o) *s wants to be in *nion with them beca*se we cling to their *ntarnished image Another part wants to repel them beca*se o) the bad e#ent that had +*st transpired 3or instance" an in+*stice is done to yo*r )riend Ao* complain all day" e#en all year long" abo*t the incident 4hy5 Beca*se yo* can not let go -nstead o) deciding on a co*rse o) action C which is to decide what image he now has o) his )riend C he complains all year long As i) complaining will alle#iate the problemL &i)e goes on $ecide on the action to take and get on with yo*r li)e Sometimes" people share a lot o) second hand energy )rom a leader,)ollower relationship &eaders get energy )rom )ollowers thro*gh adoration res*lting )rom lo#e" or )ear )rom their )ollowers 3ollowers get energy )rom leaders when the leaders attempt to moti#ate or pers*ade them to do certain things 4hen a )ollower en+oys his stat*s o) being a )ollower too m*ch" he will remain a )ollower and ne#er e9ceed the leader (his sometimes happens to )a#orite children who en+oy the energy that their parents gi#ea little too m*ch (hey contin*ally get second hand energy and ne#er learn to be independent Parents o) these children en+oy this and take it as a sign o) lo#e A high,energy dependence on the part o) the )ollower on the leader may now occ*r (he leader is in a #ery good position to impose his a*thority (his is especially tr*e i) a ma+ority" i) not all" o) the energy o) the child is taken )rom the parent 3or e9ample" a co*ntry imports oil )rom only one co*ntry Ao* can imagine the hold o) the e9porting co*ntry Sometimes b*sinesses will get se#eral s*ppliers +*st so that the s*pplier will not )eel he has a monopoly o) the b*siness -n case the s*pplier gets nasty" the b*yer can easily )ind ready alternati#es -n co*rtship" i) the woman gets *sed to the attention being gi#en" watch her s7*irm when the attention she )eels she sho*ld be getting is absent (his does not necessarily mean that she lo#es the g*y" it may +*st mean that she needs the attention (he g*y is hoping that his energy in#estment will pay o))" while the woman is hoping that she does not )all )or the g*y too soon Sometimes people like being miserable" they are gi#en sympathy and attention by others $o not get *sed to this 4hen yo*r )riends get sick o) yo* they may +*st drop yo* =etting *sed to energy being gi#en to yo* on a sil#er platter witho*t learning to get it )rom the So*rce is 7*ite similar to asking )or money when yo* can act*ally learn to earn a li#ing Sometimes man will say" N- can do anything - want" and since - can choose what - want" ha#e )ree will. B*t notice how his wants and desires ha#e been de#eloped 2e has been in)l*enced by his en#ironment Sometimes" men will deny this and say that they are abo#e this kind o) in)l*ence Soon a large n*mber o) people will mo#e like p*ppets on a string (hey are controlled in the home" in the o))ice" by the go#ernment" by their )aith And )or what" so that some o) these gro*ps may get money" i) not energy thro*gh o*r appreciation and respect )or them Man will then become like plants where money and energy will be har#ested )rom *s on a reg*lar basis

4hen someone gets sick o) *nion d*e to any o) the abo#e reasons" he may go thro*gh the )ollowing stages 3irst the person" *pon reali!ing his condition" will )eel irritated or e#en angry at the sit*ation (his is beca*se many people" s*bconscio*sly or conscio*sly" )eel that when one is angry or irritated" one is strong (hey may physically lash back" they may be #erbally ab*si#e or" i) they are #ery ci#il" control themsel#es physically (he problem with this ci#ility is that the disharmonio*s )orces within the person irritated are still present 4hen this happens" other people will )eel ill at ease with the person A person who has tr*sted the world so m*ch and is now mad at the world has energy like this 2e may be good looking" b*t )or some reason" yo* are repelled by him (his )eeling will be con)irmed only when he starts talking and disc*sses how bad li)e is to him - can not o#eremphasi!e that tho*ghts are things 4hether mani)ested as gest*res or not they ha#e an e))ect on how people percei#e *s (his de)ense mechanism o) irritation will *s*ally happen i) the person act*ally )eels the in)l*ence o) the person trying to establish a *nion (ry thinking o) old )riends who ha#e betrayed yo* -) they meant anything to yo*" yo* *s*ally will become irritated -) they didn.t mean m*ch" yo* *s*ally say" Dwho caresE Stronger people will not really get that irritated b*t will *s*ally not mind the person establishing a *nion 2owe#er they will not be )riendly either (his is like a woman who is #ery composed with hersel) and is co*rted by a person she is s*re she will not )all in lo#e with 1s*ally" she will not be irritated C she may +*st a#oid him 4ith other women who are #ery sec*re with their identity" they will not e#en a#oid their s*itors b*t may e#en contin*e their )riendship with them (his is beca*se they are so s*re that they will not )all (his strength o) personality may be a#ailable to a person i) he knows how to resist *nions with second class energy and those who ha#e a #ery strong sense o) identity As earlier stated Dlike attracts likeE" meaning people with a similar approach to li)e shall get along with each other People )ond o) *sing their instinct get along with each other (hose )ond o) rationali!ing will talk with each other A))ectionate people will bond with each other 1nlike poles attract (he poles are masc*line and )eminine" the masc*line being the initiator and the )eminine being the one to )ollow thro*gh A person who lo#es to initiate rational con#ersations will get along with a person who lo#es to listen A person who lo#es to co*rt will get along with a person who lo#es to be co*rted 1nion then is when the )orces )low properly between two persons or entities" whether these are b*siness organi!ations or associations -n its simplest analogy a person is like an atom -n chemistry" bonding is done when an atom is *nbalanced" when the polarity is not !ero (his is when the #alence is either negati#e or positi#e 4hen an atom is *nbalanced it shall seek another atom which is also *nbalanced b*t with an opposing polarity 3or e9ample" sodi*m has a #alence o) positi#e one" while chlorine has a #alence o) negati#e one (ogether they )orm sodi*m chloride which is table salt As salt" the new con)ig*ration is considered to be stable &ike an atom" a person is *s*ally *nbalanced and will seek his complement $*e to societal press*re" this complement is rationali!ed 2ence" a n*mber o) relationships do

not work o*t as well A n*mber o) other relationships seemingly work d*e to ci#ility" b*t *nderneath yo* )eel *ncom)ortable A hidden tension e9ists between the two parties Sometimes relationships are not rationali!ed and instead are done by )eel (he problem here is that d*e to pre#io*s programming o) lo#e stories in books and tele#ision people do not also )ind their act*al complement Man m*st learn to tr*st the messages )rom the So*rce while e9ercising his rationality 2e m*st also learn to lessen" i) not eliminate" the pre#io*s programming which is increasingly a))ecting his li)e Sometimes a )re7*ency o) the man is compatible with the woman B*t on another )re7*ency they are incompatible 3or e9ample" on the instinct area they may be compatible and both may be strong in that respect (he man may ha#e the masc*line aspect while the )emale may ha#e the )eminine aspect B*t what happens i) both o) them ha#e a #ery strong masc*line rational )re7*ency5 -n that )re7*ency they will be highly incompatible (his is why relationships need compromises Sometimes people are annoyed with each other at )irst sight (his is beca*se their s*bconscio*ses may be incompatible (reat yo*r s*bconscio*s like something which can be seen (he s*bconscio*s o) other people are likely to take notice o) it 3inding a complement is indeed #ery hard Feeping it is another problem 0scillation is #ery constant within man Man changes #ery slowly b*t 7*ite steadily 3or e9ample" as some males grow older they may begin to mellow 2is masc*line o*tlook on li)e will become more and more )eminine as time goes by 2is )emale partner hope)*lly will match his change by becoming more and more masc*line as she grows by becoming more independent -)" in another case" the )emale becomes more independent while the male does not become more )eminine we )ind tro*ble Rationally we may hear the h*sband complaining that the wi)e is no longer as s*bmissi#e as be)ore" she talks back and speaks her mind (he wi)e will say that she )eels nothing wrong with that and that there is nothing wrong with independence A s*bconscio*s threat to the man.s masc*linity may ca*se )re7*ent )ights -n short" when yo* )inally learn to get along with the other in a relationship" yo* may reali!e that yo*r partner has changed 2a#e yo* tried shooting a mo#ing target5 Co*rtship C this e#ent *s*ally takes place d*ring high school or college Aside )rom the ob#io*s press*res one gets )rom peers to )ind a partner" press*res )rom the s*itor are e#er present in this ad#ent*re (he s*itor o) co*rse is the initial energy gi#er S*bconscio*sly the persistence o) the s*itor is to make the target acc*stomed to recei#ing attention (hat is o) co*rse the )orce 4hen attention is stopped" the )orce is o) co*rse diminished and the target may e9perience something that is similar to withdrawal symptoms (he target may want the )orce back" b*t this does not mean that she lo#es the s*itor -t +*st means that she wants the )orce $o not get *sed to getting the )orce 4hen the day comes that yo* are not as desirable" what then5 Ao* might end *p answering someone yo* wo*ld ha#e ne#er dreamed o) P*st beca*se yo* were depressed Ghad little energyH yo* ended *p answering the only one who was willing to gi#e yo* attention

&o#e d*e to need is conditional lo#e 'o matter how typical or normal it may seem it still has a conditionM to )*l)ill a need" whate#er it may be 1nconditional lo#e need not be reciprocated A need )or reciprocation is a need C a need )or energy" and )or attention or sel),ass*rance o) a so*rce o) energy &o#e is then a proper trans)er o) energy with another person thro*gh *nion 4hen two people are in lo#e a trans)er o) energy occ*rs to balance o)) each other.s polarities (here are di))erent kinds o) lo#e 0ne way o) classi)ying it is by )re7*ency 4hen lo#e occ*rs on the instincti#e le#el" it may be called se9*ality 4hen it occ*rs in the rational le#el" it is proper comm*nication o) ideas 4hen it occ*rs in the a))ection le#el" it is known as a))ection or sentimentality 1n)ort*nately man only e9pects lo#e to occ*r in any o) the three le#els As an approach to the So*rce is made" other le#els o) e9perience are opened *p and )elt &o#e is sometimes percei#ed to be beyond normal h*man emotions (his is why #ery caring people are sometimes tho*ght o) as apathetic (hey are not necessarily *nlo#ing" it is +*st that they lo#e on a di))erent plane -t may also be that they are *nattached" that they gi#e *nconditional lo#e" a lo#e with no conditions and e#en no attachment A lo#e which knows no bo*ndaries A lo#e that allows yo* to do what yo* want to with yo*rsel)" b*t will always accept yo* back when yo* are in need o) help A lo#e that is seemingly cold b*t emphasi!es the tr*e meaning o) )ree will A lot o) people will say that it is #ery hard to e#en think o) lo#e witho*t attachment 2a#e yo* e#er wondered why sometimes p*blic ser#ants en+oy their work so m*ch5 And why some o) them go thro*gh li)e witho*t e#er getting married5 4hen yo* are tr*ly a ser#ant o) the p*blic" yo* choose lo#e )or h*manity o#er romantic lo#e 4e see a minimal i) at all any attachment )rom this person to *s 3or e9ample" teaching is generally regarded as a calling 2ere in the Philippines" people generally teach not )or the money" b*t the )*l)illment (eachers )eel )*l)illed when they are able to impart something they know to the st*dents $o these teachers cry when yo* grad*ate )rom school5 $o they grow attached to yo* and say Dstay )or another year5E As yo* can see" they are *nattached" b*t yet they are +*st as caring and as h*man as yo* and 4hen two people )ight within a relationship" it does not mean that one is right and the other is wrong Sometimes the )ight is act*ally d*e to pre)erences People may *ndergo 7*arrels o#er mo#ies to watch" )*rnit*re to b*y )or the ho*se" or what +obs to take etc Sometimes e#en #ery tri#ial things bring abo*t 7*arrelsM whether to s7*ee!e the toothpaste t*be in the center or the middle Another is whether to sleep with the lights on or o)) %ictory )or a co*ple who maintains a relationship is not the length o) the relationship" b*t whether they ha#e made the right decision to enter into it or not -n the end" it is the happiness o) the two that really matter 0pen *p yo*rsel) and tr*ly disco#er whether yo* wo*ld want to keep it or not -s it )or lo#e" sec*rity" rep*tation" or what5

Sometimes people initiate a *nion" conscio*sly or s*bconscio*sly" in order to gain controlK in order to gain money or power Sometimes *nion is initiated in order to get energy" not to gi#e Sometimes" tho*gh" they get energy 7*ite directly beca*se the person they get it )rom is +*st too willing to gi#e (he idealistic person )eels that beca*se he is gi#ing" he is helping People sometimes mis*se energy as other people mis*se money (hey mis*se it on emotions s*ch as irritation" hatred (hey grow dependent on the gi#er and ne#er learn to get it )rom the So*rce itsel) Another gi#er who is not e9actly s*ch a DphilantrophistE ends *p gi#ing beca*se he simply has too m*ch o) it (hese are the children 2ere in the Philippines we en+oy children a lot 4hen my wi)e and - decided to postpone ha#ing children" people had so many comments to gi#e Children in the )amily" they said" keep a marriage together" children make the parents happy" so )orth and so on Sometimes - begin to belie#e that children do not owe *s as m*ch as we owe them i) e#erything we heard abo*t them is tr*e 4hy" then" is it that when they rebel we say that they ha#e no D*tang na loobEGDdebt o) gratit*deEH5 Sho*ldn.t we owe them instead5 Children ha#e a lot o) energy simply beca*se when yo*ng" they do not ha#e as m*ch problems as *s (hey do not e9perience m*ch societal press*re yet" no problems abo*t earning money 4hen - attended two non, li)e ins*rance seminars - got shocked when the speakers told the a*dience what they belie#ed to be so*rces o) income d*ring o*r old ageM b*siness" assets" money" and somewhere along the line" children And - tho*ght that was e9aggerated B*t here in a serio*s seminar" Nchildren. were spoken o) as part o) a retirement plan 'ot only do some o) *s get energy )rom them" we also get money 4e do not call it money" tho*gh 4e call it sec*rity -n relationships" sometimes dependence can not be helped - )ind it *n)air" howe#er" when people who ha#e the say in a relationship will sometimes hint that the other side has more to gain" and that the other is the prime bene)iciary (he alternati#e is o) co*rse *nion with the So*rce 1nlike other energy gi#ers" the So*rce is *nlimited in its energy and DwelcomesE anyone who wo*ld want to get 3*rthermore he will not demand anything )rom yo*" he will not also be possessi#e or attached to yo* Ao* can come and go as yo* please 0) co*rse since the r*le o) like attracts like applies" we m*st be looking )orward to be like the So*rce (his is a hard task i) one is to consider that e#en the s*bconscio*s sho*ld look )orward to being like it 3or e9ample" it is already hard to be ci#il towards yo*r enemy in a p*blic gathering Ao* are told not to entertain nasty tho*ghts abo*t yo*r enemy 2ow does that strike yo* 0) co*rse yo* may say Ddon.t lo#e him" b*t - don.t hate him eitherE Really now5 (ry rela9ing and watch yo*r mind complain 4atch yo*r mind rationali!e why he is bad and yo* are good (he So*rce is )rom where we came )rom and is connected to all mankind -) yo* were to connect properly to it yo* sho*ld be able to see yo*rsel) connecting properly to all mankind regardless o) yo*r good or bad relationship with others -n terms o) relationships" connecting to the So*rce will pro#ide yo* with a #ery di))erent o*tlook in li)e A strong connection to the So*rce will make yo*r polarity close to !ero Gha#ing both masc*line and )eminine C the tr*e meaning o) androgenityH Ao*r disposition towards li)e shall be gentle yet )irm (his will ca*se yo* not to need partners too m*ch since yo* will )eel too sec*re with yo*rsel)

As yo*r identity becomes sec*re yo* sho*ld be able to go to the e9pression phase" change yo*r polarity at will" get along with people at will -t may e#en become second nat*re to yo*L (his will be easy since yo* ha#e both masc*line and )eminine aspects at yo*r command (hose with boy)riends and girl)riends may start becoming closer to yo* than their own girl)riends and boy)riends" to the ama!ement o) e#erybody else (his is beca*se while e#erybody has a relati#ely rigid energy pattern" yo* ha#e a #ery )l*id and )lowing pattern d*e to yo*r completeness Altho*gh not always *sed with the best o) intentions a n*mber o) men and women learned to do this with more good looking members o) the opposite se9 And they weren.t e#en connecting with the So*rce (his is not hypocrisy" which is when yo* are doing something which yo* are not Ao* are complete and com)ortable with all personalities -) yo* manage to do this" and i) yo* are percepti#e o) the )orce" yo* may also )ind o*t one astonishing thingM that yo* en+oy yo*r relationships with these )riends and ac7*aintances e#en more than the relationships o) people that are considered committed 0nce yo* are connected to the So*rce another pro)o*nd thing happensM yo* seem to know right and wrong witho*t anybody ha#ing to tell yo* Ao* do not rationali!e" or )eel g*ilty" yo* do things not beca*se o) )ear E#erything +*st seems to be inherent Ao* )eel like sharing beca*se yo* act*ally )eel a oneness between yo* and the other person And this is not beca*se the person is yo*r )riend" b*t beca*se yo* sense that e#ery single person yo* meet is in some way DrelatedE to yo* 4ith mankind.s #ery weak relationship with the So*rce" this sense o) connectedness is hea#ily diminished Man then resorts to other ways o) getting at the law -nstead o) direct knowing" others attempt to )ig*re o*t the *ltimate law by rationali!ation $i))erent gro*ps come *p and say they know the law that has been handed down )rom so and so Since words are sometimes inade7*ate to describe the law" we commit errors as we try to interpret it Since some consider the *ltimate law to be #ery pro)o*nd" its interpretation then becomes too simplistic (hose who belie#e they know better sometimes strip o)) essential components o) the law and *nknowingly add on other things 4ith some people" belie#ing that they are right is eno*gh to make them go aro*nd condemning other people )or their belie)s Some o) these people a))iliated themsel#es with what they belie#e is the law beca*se they ha#e been born with that law E#er since they were growing *p" that is the only law they know (h*s they ha#e become loyal as a res*lt o) in)l*ence by pro9imity" #ol*me" intensity" and lo#e And yet they claim that they ha#e the answer (he )*nny thing is a large n*mber o) these people say essentially the same thing" arg*ing with what co*ld be considered the e9tensions o) the essence o) the *ltimate law Some ha#e lost the essence o) it all" to li#e in harmony $o not get lost in the )rills C remember the essence o) the *ltimate law and e#erything will )all into place 4ith e#eryone s*bconscio*sly itching to )ind the *ltimate law some gro*ps ha#e attempted to bridge the gap and claim that they hold the key" that they know the answer -) they do not claim it" they imply it" neither a))irming nor denying the )act

that they can be mistaken in the Ntr*th. which they hold (his gi#es a tremendo*s temptation toward power tripping which" i) co*pled with the message o) lo#e" can be #ery de#astating 4hat then do we do5 4hat then is the tr*th5 Ass*ming that likes attract like" we can attract the tr*th into o*r li#es by +*st asking )or it (his tr*th C the knowledge o) the workings o) the )orce C sho*ld be accepted" by being one with it" )eeling it" and )*lly knowing the essence o) its workings 4e ha#e to tell o*rsel#es that we wo*ld want to know the tr*th abo#e all" e#en i) it will go against all o*r preconcei#ed notions o) it (hese may ha#e been programmed by society in its e))ort to make *p )or what they percei#e as a lack o) knowing the real meaning o) right and wrong Sit in silence" )eel the )orce" be one with all its creations 0ne day" wake *p knowing the simplicity o) it all (.0(.06.0!.0, Identit* 4h#se A)ter a *nion is accomplished" an indi#id*al will want to DseparateE himsel) once more to be able to do as he pleases (his phase concerns a b*ild *p o) an identity )or DindependenceE A man sho*ld ha#e proper sel),esteem and sel),worth As man goes thro*gh li)e" the indi#id*ality he keeps is constantly at a str*ggle Earlier it has been shown how in)l*ence can con)*se the identity by )irst establishing *nion with the identity and then changing it -n this part" we shall show how things are done against its will 4hen things are done against an indi#id*al.s )ree will" these e#ents will degrade his identity phase 3re7*ent b*llying d*ring school days can lower a child.s sel),esteem so m*ch as to ha#e an e))ect on him in his later years $*e to the possibility o) a conscio*s and s*bconscio*s split" a person may act*ally show a con)ident o*ter personality A person wo*ld want to belie#e that he is so 2e wo*ld e#en want to belie#e that he is more than okay" that he is abo#e the rest (his split in conscio*sness becomes more and more intense *ntil it reaches a point where he act*ally manages to be *naware o) his tr*e inner being A))irmations are there)ore important in order to con#ince the *nhealthy s*bconscio*s that there is still hope Altho*gh the conscio*s is aware o) it" the s*bconscio*s m*st also be reminded 3or e9ample" there was a time that - was se#erely depressed - went thro*gh all my processes o) rela9ation" calmness" and connections to the So*rce and nothing seemed to work (hen - decided to #iew my s*bconscio*s - )o*nd o*t that - was se#erely depressed since - )elt - was )re7*ently mis*nderstood - )o*nd o*t that d*e to this" - did not p*t a #al*e on li)e anymore - reali!ed that aside )rom a *nion with the So*rce" sho*ld also decide to make my identity e9ist here on earth - then was able to make the addition theories on the identity phase and the split o) the s*bconscio*s Remember" )or the identity phase to strengthen yo* m*st )irst want to e9ist" to li#e So simple and yet so hard )or one in depressionL Sometimes people will control yo* in order to get yo*r energy 4hen this happens they will scare yo* in order to lead yo* into s*bser#ience 4hen yo* are s*bser#ient" yo* will gi#e them appreciation +*st as s*bmissi#e people gi#e protection money to their

DprotectorsE Sometimes they will not scare yo* b*t instead make yo* insec*re abo*t yo*r capabilities in s*ch a way that yo* begin to )alter -) yo* do not gi#e them yo*r energy" they will take it by )orce Sometimes people who control others do so beca*se they are so a)raid o) losing control (his person will do it )or long periods 2e thinks he has )oresight" b*t what he has is a wrong notion o) control Since like attracts like" yo* will *s*ally notice that he is also controlled possibly e#en more so by a s*perior C i) not by a person" then by the ideas o) good and bad" or by society 2e may control by *sing money" tr*st" energy" or by making yo* insec*re in e#erything )rom yo*r +ob to yo*r inheritance Aet another way is one which is not *s*ally done conscio*sly People control others so that they co*ld mold them into something they always wanted to be -deally i) yo* are Done with the )orceE at yo*r old age" yo* can appreciate li)e and nat*re by +*st sitting in the porch" watching nat*re go by and e9perience li)e Ao* )eel as i) yo* are one with nat*re Ao* can )eel the mo#ement o) the )orce as it mo#es in )ront o) yo* +*st like the way a )armer or an animal lo#er watches nat*re *n)old beca*se the animal.s e9pression or mo#ement is in a way his own mo#ement as well (he s*b+ect and the ob+ect then become one Many people" tho*gh" can not do this -n the *rban +*ngle yo* look o*t o) the ho*se and yo* see more chaos Ao* sense stressed people come home )rom the o))ice Ao* do not e#en get to see nat*re in its glory Sometimes yo* may not e#en get to see a tree 2ow then can yo* be one with the So*rce.s creation5 (he most yo* can be one with is yo*r home and its occ*pants B*t a home is not )l*id Something is missing &i)e" yo* s*bconscio*sly say to yo*rsel)" m*st be present (his is when an *rge to ha#e children sometimes occ*rs" when yo* )eel that yo* ha#e to be able to mold someone to yo*r own pre)erences 4e )eel their happiness 4e )eel their sorrow And soon we may want them to do things that we )ailed to do" and:or can not do 4ith a child.s tr*st in the parent" the link is there 2is physical link thro*gh the na#el may ha#e been se#ered d*ring childbirth" b*t an energy link e9ists among both parents" grandparents" and possibly" his other siblings as well And so we ha#e a possibility o) an in)ringement o) will 4hen this happens energy is transmitted )rom the person in power to the child (he condition o) the child.s will can be anything )rom an independent boy to a p*ppet on a string A parent who is weak in his e9pression phase" who can not en+oy li)e" can now manage to ha#e lines o) )orce e9tending )rom his center to that o) the child.s both to e9perience its emotions and also s*bconscio*sly in)l*ence its beha#ior A newborn child.s link to the mother is so strong that - ha#e heard it said that some parents will know by int*ition i) the child she sees in the ne9t room is hers or not - ha#e e#en heard o) a da*ghter who disliked her neighbors )or no apparent reason *ntil she later )o*nd o*t that it was d*e to Ds*bconscio*s in)l*enceE by the mother 4hy do we hear o) spo*ses disliking their in,laws5 Beca*se when they are married they threaten the energy link o) their spo*ses and their respecti#e parents (he parents may s*bconscio*sly )eel that they ha#e no more control and there)ore may want to control the da*ghter,in,law -) they cannot" the parents may physically show displeas*re o) the new

in,law -) yo* want to know how m*ch in)l*ence parents act*ally ha#e Genergy wiseH show the parent o) yo*r girl)riend how m*ch o) an obedient son,in,law yo* wo*ld make -t +*st might work (he name o) the game with people who are insec*re abo*t their energy is control" and that is what the identity phase is all abo*t (he control o) a child will ha#e to reach only a certain age -) a parent manages to )ind an e9c*se )or control beyond that" it may not necessarily mean that the child is )a*lty -t may also mean that the parents may ha#e not ta*ght the child to be independent in the )irst place beca*se they s*bconscio*sly wanted him to be dependent on them People )ool themsel#es by making themsel#es )eel that they are okay" that they are on top o) the world (his method o) thinking will +*st split the conscio*s and s*bconscio*s more 0ne m*st con)ront his own reality and belie#e that there is always hope 0ne m*st )ind a meaning in li)e" a reason )or li#ing Aside )rom depression and low sel),esteem" there is another breed o) people who ha#e a low sense o) identity (hey ha#e lowered their sense o) identity beca*se they ha#e mistaken identity )or pride" sel)ishness" or both Ao* can do anything to these people and they will still gi#e yo* a smile (hey allow themsel#es to be doormats (his DharmonyE is good )or the rela9ation:harmony phase when dealing with other people -t is not good tho*gh" when p*shed to the limit and it diminishes yo*r identity -t is tr*e that yo* sho*ld not get angry or irritated when someone pro#okes yo* since anger and irritation +*st spills disharmonio*s energy into the air -) there is water and air poll*tion" there is also poll*tion in terms o) energy Ao* can howe#er gi#e +*stice witho*t re#enge" anger" or irritation P*st be )irm and serio*s with the other person 4atch a parent treat a child -) the parent is in a good mood and not yet irritable and the child misbeha#es" the parent need not seek #engeance" he may not scream or be angry (he parent +*st states in a )irm #oice that he wants the child to beha#e properly $oes not the child beha#e5 3irmness is all that is needed Ao* are not ab*sed" yo* do not spill bad energies into the atmosphere" and yo*r identity is intact 3or the other person" yo* ha#e ta*ght him to )ollow the law and sa#ed himsel) )*rther reperc*ssions )rom his mis*se o) power (o get along with people is one thing" to be a doormat is another Ao* m*st )irst )i9 yo*rsel) be)ore yo* )i9 others (his does not mean that i) yo* ha#e many personal problems yo* sho*ld not go and help other people 4hat this statement means is that yo* sho*ld not spread yo*rsel) thin by sharing yo*r energy with the world when the energy yo* sho*ld *se to b*ild *p yo*r own identity is not eno*gh -t is like a not,so rich person who keeps gi#ing money to people in need and soon )inds o*t that he has no more money )or himsel) -) he had )i9ed himsel) )irst" p*t *p a b*siness and employed the other people he wanted to help" he wo*ld ha#e helped himsel) and many more people A person strong in the *nion phase has a strong connection to the )orce B*t a person strong in the identity phase can make the energy o) the So*rce come down )rom the So*rce An e9ample o) someone strong in the *nion phase b*t weak in the identity phase is the person who" when meditating on the *nion phase" seems to be so )ar away" so

distant and can not be dist*rbed (his is beca*se the attention is on something so )ar away" he does not take care anymore to come back here to his li#ing area" the physical body Sometimes with the com)ort o) the person residing with the So*rce" he s*bconscio*sly decides to stay )rom the Dphysical worldE (hey are percei#ed as 7*iet" distant" aloo)" making no impact in the world 0nce the energy is bro*ght down to the physical body" the person is said to ha#e a high energy le#el 2e will be noticeable e#en in a crowd" and all o) a s*dden yo* will )eel that yo* can not make a )ool o*t o) him &ook at leaders C their presence *pon entering a room is easily )elt (his is beca*se they place their awareness on themsel#es and the people they lead (hey know how to conser#e and delegate the energy they ha#e 0ne way o) seeing i) yo* ha#e a strong identity phase is by looking at yo*rsel) in the mirror &ook at yo*r eyes (he )orce trans)ers #ery strongly thro*gh the eyes and a person with a strong identity *s*ally has a stronger ga!e (his is why in tra))ic" dri#ers will stare at each other witho*t talking (hey are telling the other that they are stronger (hey will try to hold the ga!e as long as possible" s*bconscio*sly belie#ing that the one who can not hold the ga!e loses (he ga!e" when done properly is *sed in deli#ery o) speeches and is known as a*dience contact (his is *sed to keep the a*dience interested" making them )eel they ha#e to listen -t also enli#ens them beca*se o) the trans)er o) the )orce )rom the speaker to the a*dience A salesman or s*itor will also ga!e in order to con#ince yo* As stated earlier" )orce )ollows tho*ght 4here#er yo*r awareness is" that is where the )orce goes Be)ore yo* gi#e someone attention )or a trans)er o) the )orce make s*re that yo* ha#e eno*gh o) the )orce le)t )or yo*rsel) Being aware o) the sel) does this P*st being aware o) yo*r rhythmic breathing and body mo#ements while walking may ease yo*r stress Being aware o) the So*rce only and not yo*r physical body is like s*bconscio*sly saying that yo* wo*ld want to lea#e the physical body and stay with the So*rce 4hen this happens yo*r )orce in the physical body shri#els *p and decreases -n order to be respected" strengthen the identity" and strengthen the )orce residing in the physical body =ro*nd yo*rsel)" p*t yo*r awareness in yo*rsel) and not only at the So*rce Be aware o) yo*rsel)" yo*r physical body" yo*r energy bodies" instinct" rational" and a))ection Also" be aware o) yo*r immediate s*rro*ndings" all the things yo*r )i#e physical senses can e9perience 4hen the )orce within the physical body is mo#ed to another in order to moti#ate Gspecially i) the other is a s*bordinateH this is called a*thority 'o one is allowed to control a person.s will Each person has the right to control the )orce within himsel) (here are cases" tho*gh" when the person to be moti#ated is the child or the employee o) the )irst person 4hen this happens the a*thority is gi#en a little leeway in order to ed*cate the other person" ne#er to )*lly control (he ne#er,ending problem with the leader and the )ollower" howe#er is where to draw the line on control -n a society where not all leaders ha#e good intentions" we can imagine what may happen B*t e#en in a society where some o) the leaders mean well" con)*sion can still arise (his is beca*se ideally" the leaders are the ones who know more than the

)ollowers so that the )ormer will be properly g*ided in li)e 4hat happens in certain cases is that the leader belie#es that he knows more than the )ollower" yet he g*ides wrongly At the same time it is also possible that )ollowers who ha#e already mat*red are kept )rom becoming leaders and still contin*e )ollowing 4hy can not the leaders in this case step down5 (his is beca*se power is *s*ally synonymo*s with in respect &o#e or )ear" respect" power" and s*ccess allows the leader to get energy )rom the )ollowers 4hy don.t the )ollowers mo#e *p5 Beca*se they are a)raid o) change" they are contented where they are" and sometimes they are ta*ght to be passi#e beca*se passi#ity means harmony 0pen comm*nication is th*s called rebellion" disrespect 4hen the )ollowers get sick o) this repression instead o) open comm*nications" what do yo* e9pect them to do5 (hen the leaders again ha#e something to say against the )ollowers Sometimes people belie#e that the answer is non,con)rontation or passi#ity A con)rontation is bad when it is accompanied by irritation" anger or other things that will create disharmonio*s energies (his is bad )or the irritated beca*se their bad energies attract bad energy B*t i) de)ense o) one.s rights is done with no irritation" hate" #engeance" this is okay 4hy do yo* think these people are stepped on5 Beca*se the o))ender )eels or knows that they will not con)ront him -) yo* allow someone to make yo* a doormat yo* are at the losing end beca*se yo*r energies will weaken )rom a loss o) identity 4ith a )*rther lowering o) yo*r energy yo* will be easily in)l*enced and made to con)orm to the energies o) the aggressor 1ltimately yo*r energies may be as disharmonio*s as his (he worst part is that yo*r energies are not only disharmonio*s they are also weak 1n)ort*nately" some people p*t too m*ch emphasis on being a good )ollower" on being loyal (hey do not stri#e to become leaders (hey ne#er e9ercise their independence (hey wo*ld rather con)orm than be branded as contro#ersial or a rebel -n some cases this is e9actly what the leader wants and in this sit*ation may start to mis*se his power -n e9treme cases" this passi#ity will make them seem masochistic (hey will end*re s*))ering and h*miliation in the name o) harmony and lo#e" belie#ing that +*st rewards will come later in li)e C or in the a)terli)e (his teaches h*miliation" b*t when bro*ght to the e9treme" it brings abo*t dissol*tion o) the )ree will And with a low amo*nt o) )ree will" we are nothing b*t p*ppets o) the leaders -s it too late5 'o E#en with o*r distr*st o) people" nothing is too late (ake a #acation Establish *nion with nat*re Start with the plants" and then with the animals - g*ess yo* ha#e no tra*mas with them A)ter this" establish *nion with new ac7*aintances" then c*rrent )riends Strengthen yo*r energy (ake o)) the h*rts 3orgi#e (hen i) yo* )eel yo* are ready" establish *nion with the ones who ha#e h*rt yo* be)ore At the end" *nion is reached b*t yo*r identity is sec*re As a leader yo* are in this world to moti#ate" to help the )ollowers e#ol#e so that soon they can be like yo* As a )ollower yo* are here to learn )rom the leader so that when yo* are good eno*gh yo* shall be like him and *se yo*r a*thority to right the things which are wrong Ao* are to de#elop the ones yo* ha#e o#ertaken" not to keep them where they are (here are cases when some parents consider any 7*estioning o) children as an act o)

rebellion As the children grow *p" they begin to reali!e this D*nreasonablenessE B*t as they grow *p" they too may become parents And as parents" they may ha#e the strong tendency to show their kids that they are the DlawE and they r*le witho*t 7*estion Allow )ree con#ersation (his is possible B*t ask )or respect A)ter the world war Papan was so m*ch in r*ins Aet an American went there a)ter his new brand o) management was not )*lly appreciated in his co*ntry (he new management practice was s*ch that *pper management and the rank and )ile may con#erse with each other with m*ch closeness -nstead o) ideas going )rom management to rank and )ile" ideas now stem )rom all points o) the corporation Egos were dropped And Papan today is m*ch a res*lt o) a new management proced*re (elling the tr*th is another large area o) debate Aside )rom lying )or personal gain" there are other reasons why this is done A*thorities will sometimes lie i) they )eel that doing so is )or a good ca*se Be)ore they consider lying" tho*gh" they will attempt to )ind a loophole in the laws they themsel#es made 3ollowers will lie i) they )eel that the law is *nreasonable 3or e9ample" a child asks permission to go to a party -) the parents )eel that the crowd isn.t right )or their child" the parents might say" DSorry b*t yo*r )ather and - ha#e to go somewhere" +*st stay home pleaseE -n this way" they wo*ld not ha#e lied since they may ha#e decided there and then to go somewhere B*t o) co*rse" i) the child did not ask to go o*t" they wo*ld not ha#e gone o*t (hen again" the child may promise to stay home" b*t may lea#e when the parents lea#e (he problem now with society is that sometimes people ass*me they ha#e the right to moti#ate beca*se they know better (his happens with people on the rise to power or people who were pre#io*sly in power An e9ample o) the latter are parents 4ith a child in his thirties" do they still ha#e the right to e9ercise a*thority5 -) a child seems to be )ailing in li)e when he is s*pposed to be independent sho*ld a parent inter#ene or not5 A problem is that some people who do not )*lly know what they are talking abo*t talk too m*ch At the same time" some people who know more act*ally listen to these people &earn to keep things in its proper perspecti#e (hings are not always what they seem $o not assert when yo* may act*ally be wrong -t is a big disser#ice to those who know and who take yo*r word )or it 3or those with a weak identity" belie#e in yo*rsel) Ao* +*st may be right Ao* may +*st be )ollowing someone )or his pers*asi#eness and not his wisdom Many people belie#e that they know what.s best )or other people Sometimes they are wrong 0ther times a n*mber o) people belie#e that they ha#e to be led when they in )act sho*ld be independent (he best way to get o*t o) this predicament is to learn independence early &earn to ha#e proper sel),esteem 2a#e a healthy identity -) yo* belie#e in what yo* are doing" do it A*thority will at times p*t g*ilt and disrespect into the pict*re when they )eel they are DlosingE their hold on yo* Be independent witho*t rebellion Be )irm -) the )orce within yo* is strong" people will know better than to in)l*ence yo* People who ha#e been able to in)l*ence yo* be)ore ha#e a di))erent story (hey may persist *ntil they die $o not waste time e9plaining yo*rsel) =o on with yo*r li)e (hese people who try to in)l*ence yo* will act*ally belie#e that they are s*cceeding e#en i) they aren.t &et

them be &et them split their conscio*sness by denying that they no longer ha#e control o#er yo* -) the So*rce can grant yo* )ree will" why not them5 Ao* ha#e yo*r right to an identity And anyone impinging on that right will ha#e his )orce ret*rn to him as it attempts to )orce its way into yo*r )orce lea#ing him con)*sed $on.t impose a low sel),esteem on yo*rsel) Be realistic Be an optimist (here is always hope )or a better li)e $o not )eel g*ilty once yo* ha#e said sorry (hese sel),made depressions are like s*icide on yo*r energy bodies (.0(.06.0!.05 E21ression 4h#se As the identity is )*lly sec*re" man wo*ld want to e9press himsel)" be creati#e and )*lly e9ercise his )ree will (he problem is as he contin*es to play" he sometimes )orgets the *ltimate law and con)*ses himsel) 4ith the large n*mber o) crimes seen in media" a n*mber o) gro*ps are clamoring )or tran7*ility" peace o) mind and sometimes e#en passi#eness 0n the other hand" ad#ertisements and other gro*ps are p*shing sales" the good li)e" materiality and s*ccess 4ith so many )orces str*ggling )or o*r acceptance" we become con)*sed and sometimes" e#en repressed -n all phases there is good and bad (he e9pression phase is )ine *ntil man becomes con)*sed beca*se he becomes attached to the options be)ore him All this con)*sion starts when man tries to help his )ellow man by stating that materialism is not good Materiality is not necessarily bad -t becomes bad only when man re)*ses to let go Be)ore we tho*ght that the saying was" DMoney is the root o) all e#ilE &ater this was corrected to read Dthe lo#e o) money is the root o) all e#ilE 'ow we reali!e that attachments can be the root o) e#il witho*t the need )or money to come into the pict*re Attachment is like the *nion phase attempting to +oin with something other than the So*rce Attachment and disharmony creep in #ery slowly 4ith man.s problems growing by the generation" man.s conscio*sness is no longer on the So*rce 2is conscio*sness is on rationali!ation $*e to this" he begins to lose his capability to )eel" to int*it 2is conscio*sness also begins to )ragment beca*se when the going gets ro*gh he begins to li#e in his own little world o) ill*sion 4hen e9pectations o) himsel) are not met or when he enco*nters bad e9periences" he does not )ind anything wrong with this E#erybody seems to ha#e the same problem anyway -) he is stressed he may e#en be pro*d since it seems to be a sign o) s*ccess As long as he is not diagnosed as someone needing psychological help" it is okay Attachments may go way o*t o) proportions (hey may not e#en be #ices - heard that a n*mber o) people who die o) heart attacks are told be)orehand that they sho*ld take it easy on their diet 4hat do they say5 DB*t $oc" - +*st lo#e eating porkLE $o they need to go to a doctor or a psychologist5 4ith progress in medicine" people sometimes )eel they do not need to control their conscio*sness (here seems to be a pill )or e#erything - e#en read in a paper that some doctors )eel they ha#e to prescribe a pill to their patients beca*se i) they do not" their patients )eel they are not good doctors People nowadays do not p*t eno*gh energy into controlling their tho*ghts (hen they go to the doctor when all hell breaks loose -t is like )ailing to t*ne *p yo*r car reg*larly and then being st*ck on

the road with a ma+or problem Many problems can be sol#ed by control o) the conscio*snessM dieting" insomnia" stress" diseases ca*sed by drinking" dr*gs and smoking and others Sometimes people do the opposite (hey are a)raid o) being attached and beca*se o) this they are e#en a)raid o) wanting" desiring -t is okay to desire things" as long as yo* do not get attached 4hen yo* want something" yo* ha#e a better chance o) getting it" as long as yo* are not in a state o) )r*stration or sel)ishness (his is beca*se wanting something will attract yo* to the ob+ect yo* want 4anting an e9perience or an item will create a polarity with the )orce in yo* which will attract the ob+ect yo* want or appreciate -) yo* do not want money" or i) yo* belie#e e#en s*bconscio*sly that it is only a so*rce o) s*))ering" chances are that yo* will ha#e a hard time getting it Care sho*ld be taken to desire things which shall in)ringe on the will o) others s*ch as wanting to close a speci)ic sale" wanting a certain person to be yo*r spo*se (hey too" ha#e wants" and they may not want what yo* are hoping )or 4hen this happens" disharmony occ*rs within the person who has in)ringed another.s will $o not mis*se the )orce and in)ringe on the will o) others -t is so easy )or the *ltimate law to )ind a match )or yo* and ne9t time yo* will not win Staying too long in the e9pression phase when yo* ha#e to go to the rela9ation phase is done by indi#id*als who ha#e an o#erwhelming *rge to be s*ccess)*l 4ith a )*rther drop in energy d*e to disharmony o) the energies within him he looks )or other so*rces o) energy which readily cater to his needs 2appiness in this phase is when the energy is e9pressed properly 3or e9ample" in the arts" painters paint" artists draw" per)ormers sing or act -t is an e9pression o) the )orce in them -t is not so easy to teach these things" beca*se they are approached not by reason b*t by )eel 2appiness is also change" e9amining things" mo#ement" +*st like children e9ploring e#ery nook and cranny in the ho*se $*e to man.s tendency to isolate himsel) )or sec*rity reasons this energy is not readily e9pressed as it sho*ld be Children are sheltered within the ho*se beca*se o) this -t is a harsh world we li#e in" they say And beca*se o) this" sometimes people stay within their residences" schools" or o))ices where it is sa)e 4hat happens is the )orce is pent *p -t )eels as tho*gh yo* are locked inside yo*r ho*se beca*se yo*r parents misdiagnosed yo* as being sick Ao* )eel like a wild horse wanting to be released )rom the )arm -) the child is s*bmissi#e" he may become repressed -) he is released" he may paint the town red (hen the parents will say" D- told yo* soE -t is a di))ic*lt choice (he )orce has to circ*late" e9press itsel) (here m*st be mo#ement 0lder people who are in their rela9ation phase will ass*me that other people are hyperacti#e (he yo*nger people who are in their e9pression phase will say that other people are too d*ll -) the child is ta*ght properly the cycle and the mo#ement o) the )orce" he may )are better in this hostile world B*t in this world )ew people are aware o) the cycle More people are con)*sed o) the e9pression phase 4hat they know )or s*re is that this phase is a #ery

dangero*s one which can make or break yo* Act*ally all phases ha#e their dangers -n this phase" how e#er" the bad res*lts are #ery #isible C ind*lgence o) adolescents in #ices" misad#ent*res etc (he dangers in the *nion phase are #ery real b*t not readily seen $*e to )inancial constraints some people now take +obs they don.t really like Se#eral o) these people ha#e no time )or recreation or hobbies" or e#en )or )riends 4ith a steady dislocation )rom the So*rce d*e to disharmonio*s energies within" man.s capacity to )eel begins to diminish Rationality is now the emphasis o) *pbringing &*ckily nowadays there are new terms beginning to emerge Aside )rom the well known - O Gintelligence 7*otientH" there is now the emotional 7*otient - e#en saw a test which claims to test the perception o) a person in terms o) sit*ations People are stri#ing to be more intelligent More emphasis is being gi#en to rationality" intelligence" and memory than the other D)eelingE )acilities o) man Man there)ore stri#es )or it 4hen working" tho*gh" he )inds o*t that a lot o) emphasis is also placed on leadership" )riendliness" and some other social skills (his brings abo*t some con)*sion As he climbs the ladder" he )inds o*t that other )ac*lties like perception" int*ition and charisma are sometimes *sed (hose that he co*ld ha#e neglected beca*se he tho*ght were o) no *se Proper e9pression is needed by a child As ad*lts we are happy with peace and tran7*ility and that is beca*se we ha#e passed thro*gh o*r identity and e9pression phases Perhaps we e#en had bad e9periences with them 4e are now basking in the rela9ation phase" the phase o) peace Children on the other hand are +*st starting (hey ha#e to play" e9press themsel#es" and e9perience li)e Care m*st be done in deciding what is allowable or not A man who is not allowed to e9press himsel) may become *nhappy d*e to repression Sometimes actions are labeled as good or bad" witho*t taking into acco*nt the mat*rity o) the person in#ol#ed 4hen this happens" repression occ*rs since something which an indi#id*al is seeking to e9plore is hampered by )eelings o) g*ilt A split will now occ*r within the conscio*sness C beca*se a part o) yo* wants to e9plore while a part o) yo* will )orce yo* not to Sometimes people do not do things (hey do not take risks and they do not e9plore (hey belie#e that since they ha#e the money they can +*st go o*t shopping e#eryday (hey )orget that a proper *sage o) energy is necessary )or happiness (hey sit in their lo*nging chair belie#ing that tran7*ility is all there is to happiness (hey belie#e that they are conser#ing their energy -) energy is not *sed" it will )ind ways o) mis*sing itsel) -nstead o) *sing their energy )or creati#e p*rposes" these people will *se their energy )or destr*cti#e p*rposes they may not be aware o) (hey will begin to mis*se their rational energy by thinking too intensely o) problems when these sho*ld not be entertained (hey will en+oy mental con#ersations with themsel#es to the point where they become con)*sed and worried (hey may also be #ery irritable Sometimes instead o) keeping to themsel#es" they end *p with a tendency to dominate 4hen - see mothers dominating their children at home" - want to tell them to +*st get a normal +ob at the o))ice so that they co*ld make good *se o) their s*per#isory skills At least in the o))ice" people can

+*st lea#e i) they cannot get along with them At home the children are their capti#e a*dience As they say the more yo* gi#e" the more yo* recei#e Ao* can only store energy *p to a pointK otherwise it will be prone to mis*se (here are act*ally some items that get better with *se" and energy is one 0ne is the rational mind (he more yo* *se and practice it" and the sharper it gets (he same thing happens with energy 4ith all these e9periences and programming thro*gh a weak *nion phase or a weak identity phase" we begin to ac7*ire de)a*lt #al*es )or o*r personalities (hey are not as )l*id as be)ore 4e become predictable and react in certain ways 4e can only associate with a certain kind o) people 4e are only good at certain sit*ations A man born within a rich )amily may no longer know how to relate with people o) other social classes e#en i) he wants to 2e restricts his )low o) his )orce -n b*siness" s*r#i#al depends on the ability to adapt to the market 4ith a weaker or disharmonio*s phase yo* begin to be narrow, minded" and will re)*se to )*nction in other social en#ironments that yo* )eel are hostile to yo* As man goes on with his de#elopment" he will ha#e di))erent ways o) deciding 0ne is thro*gh rationali!ation" the way schools teach *s how Another is to get answers by letting yo*r logical process lie low and do things by )eel (here are pros and cons to this method 4hen the logic lies low yo* ha#e se#eral ways o) getting in)ormation 0ne is by letting the programmed s*bconscio*s take o#er An e9ample is when a girl is co*rted by a man 4hile others rationali!e the intentions o) the s*itor" others will )eel their way aro*nd i) the s*itor is sincere or not Another is to connect to the So*rce and )ind the answer Altho*gh the last two may yield good answers they are #ery hard to achie#e 3irst" it is #ery di))ic*lt to make the rational mind lie lowK and second beca*se ass*ming the rational mind has lied low" the programmed s*bconscio*s is now gi#ing its biased opinions (he programmed s*bconscio*s is an attachment to a set o) instr*ctions either de#eloped by the person )or himsel) or" knowingly or *nknowingly" by others A t*g o) war and con)*sion occ*rs with this sit*ation" all beca*se the conscio*sness o) a person is now DsplitE A co*rtship is a good e9ample o) how the di))erent di#ergent )orces will prompt a person to decide 4hen a s*itor is making his intentions known to the person" the target is" in many instances" the last to know (his is beca*se the person being gi#en *nd*e attention is beginning to e9perience conscio*s and:or s*bconscio*s con)*sion as to whether she is being treated as more than a )riend She may immediately deny any interest in the man beca*se her s*bconscio*s programming may state that she sho*ld not +*mp to concl*sions" that she +*st may be egoistic 2er )riends" on the other hand who are *nbiased" may sense it way ahead o) time (he moment the man con)ronts her with his intentions" she may act di))erently She may e#en act in a completely illogical manner 2er new reactions are not based on logic" or answers )rom the So*rce -nstead it may come )rom a s*bconscio*s programming ac7*ired )rom reading too many romantic no#els" or books on how a woman sho*ld act

-deally we sho*ld rely on the So*rce )or answers and decisions (he loss o) connection to the So*rce" howe#er" makes it #ery hard to accomplish 2ow then do we go thro*gh li)e5 A n*mber o) people do things by )eel (he problem" tho*gh" is that this D)eelE may act*ally be nothing b*t programming or in)l*ence )rom peers An attempt to 7*iet the rational mind and rely on answers )rom the So*rce are initially accompanied by )ail*res -) yo* commit a #ery costly error at work how can yo* e9plain to yo*r boss that yo* did it by )eel5 (ry to accomplish small things" )irst by )eel (ake small steps at a time (.0(.06.0( Conversion &ro0 4h#se to 4h#se Problems do not only occ*r within a phase Sometimes people ha#e a problem with con#ersion )rom one phase to another Con#ersions )rom the same side o) the )orce Gpassi#e or acti#eH occ*r witho*t m*ch problem beca*se at least the gender is the same Besides one is a nat*ral prere7*isite o) the other 4hen we talk o) the dramatic shi)t in gender we may ha#e a problem (his is when the indi#id*al shi)ts )rom the E9pression Phase into the Rela9ation Phase or )rom the 1nion Phase into the -dentity Phase (he problem is compo*nded mainly beca*se a shi)t o) gender is abr*pt" secondly beca*se the shi)t comes )rom a Primary Phase (he indi#id*al is clima9ing )rom the masc*line or the )eminine side and e#en i) he is in a disharmonio*s sit*ation he may )eel that he may want to contin*e with it (.0(.06.0(.0! .#scu)ine to Fe0inine Sometimes an indi#id*al o#erstays in the masc*line side o) the )orce A mani)estation o) this may be the e9treme di#ersity o) the indi#id*al 2e may be #ery comple9 and yet not )l*id Since he #al*es his masc*line side" his )eminine side may diminish 2e may be considered callo*s" insensiti#e" and highly indi#id*alistic -n this case the indi#id*al can be #ery rational 2e relies on discipline" logic" and e#en machismo to contin*e with his li)e A man in this sit*ation will not only neglect re)lection b*t may e#en consider it *seless 2e may belie#e that insistence and in)l*ence are the only ways o) achie#ing what he wants 2e will ass*me that e#erything has a logical answer" that nothing is done by )eel 2e belie#es in independence and that maybe this is a dog,eat,dog world 0ne o) the reasons man in this state may re)*se to change is beca*se he )eels #*lnerable when in a rela9ed or )eminine state -t may be #ery *ncom)ortable )or him beca*se he is hyperacti#e to the e9tent that he considers rela9ation Dwasted timeE Con#incing this man to rela9 and do things by )eel may pro#e to be a #ery hard task -n this case he will *s*ally change a)ter he gets b*rned se#eral times and reali!e that harmony and recepti#ity will ha#e to be *sed in *nison (he masc*line side o) the )orce is also related to ego Relating to his )eminine side means that he will ha#e to let go o) his idea o) being separated thro*gh an identity and belie#e

that we are all one (his may be #ery hard )or him specially i) his ego has gotten him into s*ccess &etting go o) the ego and learning to be recepti#e and being in harmony with others sho*ld be done slowly -) the letting go is done too abr*ptly" his tr*st may be shaken and he may insist on being highly indi#id*alistic once more (.0(.06.0(.0( Fe0inine to .#scu)ine 4hen an indi#id*al insists on staying on the )eminine side o) the )orce" he will pre)er *nion with other people than indi#id*ality 2e may become o#erly sensiti#e to others so that he is easily swayed by the crowd 2e wo*ld not want the additional responsibility o) acting on his own (his case may e#en be more di))ic*lt than the pre#io*s one (his is beca*se the indi#id*al is so com)ortable with his sense o) camaraderie and *nion with a gro*p o) people 2e belie#es that there is always strength in n*mbers and that he sho*ld always +oin a pop*larity contest 2e may be easily swayed by the p*blic b*t may not belie#e so 2e will say that they are right and that he is +*st a loyal or obedient )ollower Beca*se o) this loyalty and abnormal belie) in the ma+ority" leaders will sometimes try to perpet*ate their position (hey will consider independence a sign o) rebellion And they will keep the indi#id*al )rom de#eloping an identity by instilling g*ilt" )ear" or both 4hen the indi#id*al strays and makes a mistake" they will say D- told yo* soE (hey will always *se the word lo#e and concern so that the indi#id*al stays bo*nd to them 4hen they )eel that the indi#id*al.s energy link wants to be independent )or a change they will say that he does not lo#e them" that he is not concerned (he indi#id*al" o) co*rse" does not want these labels 2e there)ore stays bo*nd (he organi!ation says it lo#es him - g*ess it does" b*t that will probably be o*t o) need (hey will get h*rt and cry so that they can pro#e to the indi#id*al that it is serio*s Aes it is serio*s" it h*rts" and it doesn.t know how to let go (his cycle will go on )or a long time *ntil the indi#id*al can not stand it and decides to go on his own A)ter that" he will be considered a Nprodigal son. by the organi!ation 3eelings o) irritation may be e9pressed by the indi#id*al 'ot necessarily o) hate" b*t probably d*e to an insistent energy link which the organi!ation insists on maintaining P*st like a persistent s*itor dogging his #ictim A s*itor" +*st like the organi!ation" will want yo*r presence Ao*" howe#er" may not want it (his is not beca*se yo* hate him" or beca*se he doesn.t match yo*r e9pectations Maybe it is beca*se yo* +*st want yo*r indi#id*ality and breathing space (here are times that the more insistent a s*itor is" the more the #ictim will resist 'ot beca*se she is playing hard to get" b*t beca*se the #ictim wo*ld want to li#e her li)e -) the two started as )riends" they may ha#e tro*ble e#en keeping their )riendship (his is beca*se the s*itor may only want her i) he is able to )*se with her identity Sometimes the #ictim will e#en begin to dislike the s*itor beca*se her identity is being threatened (he s*itor will complain abo*t their )riendship" and claim that it has gone down the drain (he #ictim

can.t help b*t distance hersel)" s*bconscio*sly )eeling that the ardent s*itor is in#ading her Nairspace. e#en )rom a)ar Energy knows no distance And attention )rom a s*itor who seeks *nion is eno*gh to keep the #ictim irritated )or a long time (he indi#id*al m*st there)ore learn to properly de#elop his identity" to e9press himsel) $o not blame the indi#id*al i) he does not come back )or a long time 2e may be sensing the link" and wo*ld not want to be harassed with ideas o) a *nion 2e may want to li#e his own li)e -n the *nion phase" whoe#er has a stronger identity phase shall most likely assimilate the other into him 0ne reason why it is so di))ic*lt to bolt )rom this sit*ation is beca*se *s*ally the indi#id*als concerned are people yo* tr*st or look *p to -n short" beca*se o) the energy links )ormed with them" these same links will hamper yo*r independence -t is really so )*nny how some people can tell yo* to bind with them when they can not do the same thing themsel#es 4e see a lot o) parents insisting on keeping close ties with their children when they themsel#es can not relate with their other relati#es (hey will gi#e yo* a lot o) reasons why theirs is an e9ception &isten to their reasons" +*dge ob+ecti#ely (hey say Ddo not create enemiesE B*t they seem to ha#e a lot (hey may e#en enco*rage yo* to Dha#e a lot o) contactsE" beca*se yo* may *se them later )or yo*r own p*rposes E#erything then" needs a )orm o) compensation -) not money" it is energy" or acceptance in society" and that this is )or yo*r own good An indi#id*al sho*ld learn to de#elop his own identity 2e sho*ld belie#e that once in a while he sho*ld ha#e the right to his own time" decisions Early )ail*res in deciding will o) co*rse happen 2e sho*ld take little risks at a time *ntil he raises *p his risk,taking to a com)ortable le#el A tra*ma with too great a risk early in the +o*rney may res*lt to his going back and disregarding his indi#id*ality ,. HA44INESS E#eryone tries to )ind o*t what tr*e happiness is 2ere" -.ll disc*ss )irst what tr*e happiness may be" and second what temporary happiness is 3or happiness to e9ist" there m*st be a strong mo#ement o) the )orce -n electricity" work is accomplished only when a )low o) electrons occ*r in a circ*it Similarly in b*siness" an economy is *s*ally healthy when there is a large mo#ement o) money (his mo#ement o) money pro#ides the co*ntry with a proper monetary base as well as eno*gh di#ersi)ication in prod*cts to keep its people happy ,.0! 4er0#nent h#11iness 3or permanent happiness to occ*r" this strong mo#ement m*st be the res*lt o) )l*idity Energy m*st not be st*ck *p with attachments People sho*ld not be too engrossed with one )acet o) li)e b*t m*st e9perience and appreciate its totality 4e m*st not be attached

to certain patterns o) *sing and getting energy Conditions in li)e always change 4e may appreciate e#erything b*t we m*st not get attached &i)e is dynamic" e#er changing -n b*siness" managers m*st be able to cope with an e#er,changing en#ironment Stagnancy in a b*siness may mean its obsolescence 2appiness is the proper mo#ement )rom the acti#e G*ses o) the )orceH to the passi#e Gso*rce o) the )orceH side o) the )orce E#erything has an oscillation between two e9tremes 4hen we ha#e no energy we )ind a so*rce" and when we ha#e energy" we *se it -t is like saying" when yo* are h*ngry yo* eat" and when yo* are sleepy yo* sleep 2appiness is change -t is the ability to ha#e yo*r reso*rces GenergyH and a)ter ac7*iring them" properly *sing them 2appiness is going thro*gh the two opposites witho*t hitting the e9treme points o) disharmony and depletion Make the attachment phase the warning phase Mo#ement thro*gh the awareness and attention phases o) both sides is eno*gh to lead a #ery happy as well as com)ortable li)e o) change and e9citement 2appiness is e9periencing how to make *se o) the )orce in di))erent ways -t is also in e9periencing the di))erent harmonio*s so*rces o) the )orce 2appiness is going thro*gh the two opposites by means o) the prere7*isite phases (hese phases will assist yo* in mat*ring into the primary phases 2appiness in each phase can be e9plained as )ollowsM -n the -$E'(-(A phase" we ha#e clarity o) tho*ght and the rest o) the conscio*sness -n the E?PRESS-0' phase" it is proper creati#ity and e9pression (here is no repression d*e to g*ilt 4e do what we want to within bo*nds o) the *ltimate law -n the RE&A?A(-0' phase" we ha#e peace o) mind" acceptance o) what is tr*e 4e get along with society witho*t hypocrisy -n the 1'-0' phase" knowledge thro*gh a proper relationship with the So*rce Ao* are one with it and this knowledge is achie#ed not thro*gh rationali!ation 2appiness can also be achie#ed with a proper mo#ement o) the )orce not only internally b*t e9ternally (his is shown as )ollowsM -n the -$E'(-(A phase" we ha#e proper sel),esteem -n the E?PRESS-0' phase" we ha#e sel),)*l)illment )rom hobbies" and proper g*idance o) others -n the RE&A?A(-0' phase" it makes *s get along with others -n the 1'-0' phase" it is o*r ability to )*nction properly within a gro*p

,.0( Te01or#r* h#11iness Sometimes happiness occ*rs temporarily (his happiness is taken also )rom a mo#ement o) the )orce (his mo#ement howe#er is not d*e to )l*idity b*t d*e to a rigid pattern Man has learned to get a strong energy mo#ement that gi#es him temporary happiness beca*se o) this rigidity -t reaches the point when the pattern )or the energy mo#ement becomes *nmanageable =etting st*ck in this pattern o) energy mo#ement is act*ally nothing b*t attachment Since li)e is dynamic" Dr*les o) the gameE may change and all o) a s*dden yo*r pattern o) energy trans)er may render itsel) obsolete As earlier said" the attachment may not be a#ailable anymore d*e to monetary or time constraints 0n the s*pply side" the s*pplier o) energy may s*ddenly be *na#ailable (hese patterns are )re7*ently learned thro*gh di))erent ways 0ne way is thro*gh discipline" another thro*gh programming by other people or organi!ations -n discipline yo* choose to be a best )riend o) an old )riend Ao* both go thro*gh thick and thin Ao* both e9perience +oys and sorrows 'othing seems to come in between yo* (hen she gets married 4orse" what i) the co*ple decides to li#e in a di))erent co*ntry5 People change" and o) co*rse yo*r )riend may say that her relationship to yo* is second to her h*sband Ao* will o) co*rse be cr*shed -t is not yo*r )riend.s )a*lt that she got married Ao* sho*ld ha#e anticipated that in the )irst place -n programming" these are not done by yo*rsel) b*t by others (his is *s*ally done by a*thority )ig*res or e#en by ad#ertisements 4e do get a DhighE when we are commended by a*thority )ig*res (his steady method o) appreciating yo* get when yo* do something DgoodE and not minding yo* when yo* do something DbadE is eno*gh )or a program to occ*r -n this instance yo* are attached or dependent to their appreciation or energy -n the selling and co*rtship games" there are no hard and )ast r*les (here is no one style in order to DsellE yo*rsel) to the client Ao* may discipline yo*rsel) to be persistent" b*t e#en this is not the best method -n martial arts" the way yo* )ight will ha#e to be dependent on the opponent -n sports" there is no best way to win a to*rnament (hat is what coaches are there )orM to be able to react to the changing conditions GopponentsH 4hen dri#ing in a co*ntry where tra))ic is a problem" alle#iation may be taken by knowing the proper ro*tes to take Ao* may e#en take into acco*nt seasonality C r*sh ho*r" class sched*les etc B*t what happens when an accident occ*rs5 Ao* will ha#e to impro#ise Ao* will ha#e to )low (his is also what di))erentiates a good manager )rom a mediocre one A good manager will know how to react properly in bad sit*ations 0ther mediocre managers may +*st react with DcannedE responses -nitially we are #ery )l*id" we do the right things at the right time As we grow older" o*ter in)l*ences which are in the discipline stage attempt to discipline *s 4e become programmed and o*r normal responses are hampered

4ith programming occ*rring )rom all sides" a lot o) con)*sion occ*rs beca*se we ha#e tro*ble deciding who to )ollow C which programs we consider good and which programs we consider detrimental 4e begin to belie#e that ha#ing a pattern is better than ha#ing none at all (his is beca*se at this point in time it is tr*e 2a#ing a pattern or sched*le o) doing things is better than ha#ing none beca*se o*r sense o) properly knowing how to go with the )low is being diminished 4e become highly rational beings whose emotions we can not properly control 4e weigh each thing care)*lly 4e then si)t thro*gh all the programs and tell o*rsel#es that Dothers sho*ld not control *s" we sho*ld be able to control o*rsel#esE 4e then make a program )or o*rsel#es" we discipline o*rsel#es (he problem with this is that altho*gh it does help in the meantime" we still do not ha#e o*r )l*idity 4ith the dynamism o) li)e" we make mistakes 0nly a)ter a long time shall we again appreciate )l*idity 3l*idity is pre#alent on the )eminine side o) the )orce (his is beca*se the )eminine side o) the )orce is harmony (he masc*line side o) the )orce is all abo*t will" and in that will" we may ha#e rigidity 4ith attachments to patterns we ha#e a di))erent #iew o) happiness &et *s e9amine the di))erent sides o) the cycleM -n the AC(-%E side G*ses o) the )orceH" we may be attached to material things" #ices" rationality and e#en relationships which sho*ld ha#e been terminated long ago 4e may ha#e tro*ble sticking to a diet 4e may be doing other things which are harm)*l to o*r physical body -n the PASS-%E side Gso*rce o) the )orceH"we may e9perience the abnormal need )or attention )rom a speci)ic person" abnormal need )or s*pport Sometimes we become too com)ortable with one phase that we get st*ck there (his may happen beca*se we ha#e had bad e9periences with the other phases earlier in li)e Sometimes we ha#e been so b*rned o*t in the acti#e side that we wo*ld pre)er to li#e a rest)*l li)e and despite the idea o) being rational or e#en appreciating material things 0n the other hand" someone co*ld ha#e li#ed a #ery simple and rest)*l li)e and gi#en e#erything beca*se he w as a sheltered child 2e w ill then pre)er a m ore risky and ad#ent*ro*s li)e An e9ample o) what may happen when we get st*ck in one phase isM -n the -$E'(-(A phase" possible sel)ishness and too m*ch lo#e o) the sel) -nability to take risks -n the E?PRESS-0' phase" attachment to material things" #ices" rationality and too m*ch sentimentality 4e also ha#e here the inability to rest -n the RE&A?A(-0' phase" the belie) that as long as one is always rested with nothing to do" one is happy 2e may always want the easy way o*t beca*se he belie#es that non, con)rontation is the best policy

-n the 1'-0' phase" losing one.s identity to peer press*re $ependence on o*tside in)l*ence 3or most people" happiness is when they can get a large amo*nt o) the )orce (his is beca*se many people are de)icient in the )orce d*e to their ignorance o) its *ltimate law -n order to get energy they resort to the )ollowingM M0'EA C 4hich *s*ally b*ys appreciation 4hen appreciation is gi#en to a person" a trans)er o) energy is made to the one who ga#e the money 3or e9ample" simple hea#y tipping to a waiter will earn yo* appreciation =00$ &00FS C Anyone who looks good will be appreciated A person gets *sed to this and begins to look less desirable in the )*t*re" will ask )or attention P04ER C Makes one gain respect either )rom )ear or lo#e 3*rthermore" power can be *sed to bolster the e9pression phase S1CCESS C Ao* gain respect" appreciation" power Ao* name it" Soon e#en good looks )rom plastic s*rgery may be a#ailableL (he problem with these is that yo* are getting second hand energy By resorting to these yo* dig a bigger hole )or yo*rsel) =oods and ser#ices nowadays are not necessarily made beca*se they are good )or the comm*nity" b*t beca*se the comm*nity desires them (his society is beginning to be market dri#en -) this keeps *p" desires will be catered too e#en i) they are o#erly e9cessi#e" and all in the name o) )ree will 4ho do we blame5 0*rsel#es5 4hat we are dri#ing here is that o*r tastes )or li)e and c*lt*re may t*rn )rom better to worse Man will begin to lose his relationship with the So*rce 2appiness is there)ore a proper trans)er o) energy (he 7*ality o) this energy is s*ch that it has to be strong Gmasc*line 7*alityH and harmonio*s G)eminine 7*alityH (hese two aspects sho*ld be able to make it )*nction properly within one phase or thro*gho*t all the )o*r phases within the person concerned (his is similar to an electric c*rrent -n order )or c*rrent to e9ist" there m*st be a )low -) there is a )low" work is done 'o )low means no work 4hen this )low is a))ected o*tside yo*rsel) and towards other people it is called lo#e -) it is towards a gro*p" it may mean lo#e o) society or the en#ironment -) it is toward the So*rce" it is lo#e )or the So*rce 5. THE FORCE AND THE OR7ANI8ATION Man per)orms two basic )*nctions within an organi!ation (his organi!ation may come in the )orm o) a corporation" non,pro)it organi!ation or e#en a simple gro*p o) )riends 4hate#er the organi!ation is" man is both a proper leader and a proper )ollower As a leader" one is e9pected to be percepti#e o) the problems and concerns o) his )ollowers 2e is there to pro#ide s*pport" to e9ercise a*thority o*t o) respect and not )ear

2e needs to be well liked witho*t compromising his #*lnerability to press*re )rom his )ollowers 2e needs to delegate tasks and responsibilities properly in order to de#elop his )ollowers properly By doing so" he will de#elop sel),esteem and )*l)illment in his +ob 3ollowers are e9pected to respect their leaders since ideally they know better specially when it comes to looking at the Dbig pict*reE (here are o) co*rse instances when details are o#erlooked by the leader (he )ollower needs to be able to con#ey the sit*ation properly to the leader thro*gh proper comm*nication (he organi!ation is a #en*e where both o) these personalities link to per)orm their )*nctions Act*ally" each one is a leader and a )ollower And each one has both roles to play People in an organi!ation ideally work toward a common goal or #ision 4ith this their energy will not be in con)lict (hey are in it not solely )or the money or else their d*ties will be considered chores People work together in *nison )or the organi!ation.s #ision and wel)are People sho*ld not stay in organi!ations solely )or the money Some people )eel that as long as they do their work" they sho*ld be paid Attit*de in a company matters a lot 4hene#er a person )eels that work is a gr*dge" the energy within the company becomes disharmonio*s 0ther people )eel ill at ease and may reach a point where they don.t like to work &eaders most likely )eel this and may tend to gang *p on the employee Aside )rom being bad )or the organi!ation" this is also bad )or the employee 2e is in e))ect repressing himsel) (he problem is" i) he has worked there )or a long time" he always considers his retirement bene)its -) he lea#es" he is also lea#ing a wind)all which he shall recei#e at the end o) his stay -t is best )or people to stay in organi!ations where they are tr*ly happy -t is better )or e#eryone concerned 6. 4 SHIN7 FOR E9CELLENCE A man who has mastery o) the )orce may seem a parado9 to many 4ith the 7*est )or per)ection in each o) the )o*r phases o) the cycle" he needs to be #ery well ro*nded 2e will be a master o) his masc*line and )eminine side" calling each at will depending on the occasion 2e will get along with +*st abo*t anyone introd*ced to him and he en+oys himsel) in the process At times" he will be pro)o*nd" at times he will appear childish As water adapts to any container so will he 4hen yo* sit down and think abo*t how yo* can describe him" yo* will get the shock o) yo*r li)e C yo* +*st cannot seem to 2e seems to be all o) the abo#e and may begin to wonder i) he is act*ally a good )ake Ao* will notice one thing with his character tho*ghM he seems to call the best personality )or the speci)ic occasion 2e is entertaining when with )riends" demonstrati#e with his lo#e interest" and serio*s at board meetings E#en with this seemingly o*tgoing nat*re" yo* will be able to lea#e him alone )or long periods with no complaints 2e will not mind eating or watching mo#ies alone 2e will e#en be 7*iet and tran7*il at times when in deep tho*ght" opposite to the hilario*s personality yo* saw him show d*ring the company o*ting 2e will be #ery )irm when needed" b*t #ery open to s*ggestions concerning his work" )amily" or e#en himsel) 2e will know his rights" pri#acy" and place in yo*r li)e as a )riend 2e

seems to know how to e9plain things in the least amo*nt o) words 2e will not impose his ideas b*t instead respect yo*rs E#en with his o*tgoing attit*de he is not swayed by peer press*re and has a high sense o) independence 4hile maintaining his link with the So*rce )or wisdom" he knows how to adapt well to material things 2e may ha#e e#erything yo* want in li)e b*t be seemingly *nattached to it E#erything +*st seems to )all in his place 2e will be able to control his desires #ery well 2e will diet or e9ercise when needed 2e cra#es nothing" and simple things in li)e seem to please him Aet" he will be e9perimentati#e And de)initely not boring 4hat else wo*ld yo* want5 As yo* mo#e *p towards e9cellence" yo* will ha#e many obstacles 0ne problem is while the conscio*s part o) yo* will want to impro#e" yo*r s*bconscio*s will want to cling to what yo* c*rrently are (his str*ggle may ca*se yo* to be Dcon)*sedE *ntil the Ddisp*teE is settled -n my case - str*ggled with the workings o) this )orce" - strengthened my *nion phase while sacri)icing my identity and e9pression phase 0nly then did - )ind o*t the meaning o) balance 4ith this book" this will not be m*ch o) a problem At least yo* will know that yo* are not alone" and that yo* ha#e someone yo* can relate with P*sh the en#elope" e9plore" and remo#e yo*r limits )rom where yo* once tho*ght they were A )ew years back - tho*ght - was at peace (hen one night - co*ld not sleep )o*nd o*t that - had +*st been so acc*stomed to stress that - had already dismissed my stress)*l condition as being peace)*l Sometimes yo* will only know how m*ch more yo* can impro#e *ntil yo* ha#e impro#ed Aside )rom these there are a lot more )*nctions yo* may begin to ha#e (he )irst broad category is by being percepti#e to the )orce that may mani)est itsel) as int*ition (he second is a transmittal o) the )orce that may mani)est itsel) as charisma People will sometimes dismiss int*ition as nothing more than body lang*age -) yo* talk to a psychologist" notice that he will pay close attention to yo*r gest*res and )acial e9pressions (his is beca*se yo*r intent mani)ests in yo*r )acial patterns -nitially" yo*r bo*ts o) int*ition will be on knowing the character o) a person yo* ha#e +*st seen Ao* will be a good +*dge in terms o) N)irst impression. Soon yo* may notice that yo* are becoming a good +*dge o) character o#er the telephone By hearing the #oice yo* seem to know the person by heart Ao* may ha#e strong )eelings o) whether an e#ent will p*sh thro*gh or not" or which decision is right -n terms o) charisma" yo* will not only get along with many people b*t yo* will be #ery good at con#incing them (his is not only beca*se o) yo*r in)l*ence b*t also beca*se yo* instincti#ely know how the person thinks S*bconscio*sly" this aspect o) the )orce is highly *sed by politicians and other leaders :. IT IS 4 TO ;O

-t is really *p to yo* i) yo* want to change yo*r li)e or not 3ree will has been granted to all men 2owe#er" not all men wo*ld want to e9ercise their )ree will (his is like the right to #ote Some o) the people #ote )or those they belie#e sho*ld win 0ther people sell their #otes beca*se they belie#e that the money they get wo*ld be better than e9ercising their right -t is *p to yo* i) yo* want to in#est some time to learn to connect the So*rce yo*rsel) or take the shortc*t and rely on an intermediary to do it )or yo* -t is *p to yo* i) yo* like to depend on others )or energy the same way a person is dependent on another )or money -t is *p to yo* i) yo* persist on belie#ing that man sho*ld be led and not ta*ght to be sel), s*))icient -t is *p to the )ollowers i) they want to be led this way and insist on belie#ing what manip*lati#e leaders tell them +*st beca*se it is con#enient )or the moment -t is *p to yo* i) yo* persist on not seeing the tr*th o) it all A tr*th which has been glaring at yo* since time immemorial" hidden by a lot o) ill*sions which we ha#e created )or o*rsel#es thro*gh programming and thro*gh peer press*re -t is *p to all o) *s to know that many things in this world +*st ha#e to be changed And it is *p )or *s to know o*r act*al potentiality <. RE NION Search )or the tr*th Search )or the *ltimate laws o) the *ni#erse Something which we knew be)ore Something which we still inherently know now 'ot by thinking 'ot by organi!ing B*t by being one with it Being one with the So*rce (he bea*ti)*l energy which created all o) *s Spanning the #astness o) space and time And thro*gh all other dimensions 4e are still one with it -) only we co*ld remember -) only we co*ld sense o*r distant past 4hen separated )rom it in order to e9press o*rsel#es So that we may do as we please in o*r own little *ni#erse 'ot in an act o) rebellion b*t in an act o) play)*lness

Some o) *s rebelled" some o) *s +*st got lost Either way we go thro*gh the hardships o) li)e Since we ha#e )orgotten the ways o) the )orce 4e groan" we cry" we e#en c*rse the So*rce And he says to himsel)M -) yo* wo*ld only listen -) only yo* remember E#erything wo*ld be )ine &e)t and right we see people attempting to sol#e the p*!!le (o know the meaning o) li)e Searching )ar )or an answer 'ot knowing that the answer lies within yo*rsel) -t has ne#er le)t yo* 4ith little steps we stri#e to go )orward to get the clean energy once again straight )rom the So*rce 4e smile" we celebrate as we begin to know the law how simple it now seems to be 4e la*gh at o*rsel#es in retrospect 4e grow stronger e#eryday 4e )eel we wo*ld want to share the knowledge and yo*th we )eel B*t we know that we too were once ignorant o) the *ltimate law o) li)e 4e know that there is a time )or all things (he cycle is abo*t to complete 4e see the light at the end o) the t*nnel 4e are coming home L QQQ

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