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Name: ____________________________________ Signature: _______________ Date: _____/_____/_____ Expo: _____ Weird phobias. What is a phobia?

A phobia is an intense fear or feeling of anxiety that occurs only in a particular situation that frightens you. This might be something as seemingly logical as a fear of heights, or as illogical as a fear of the color green. At other times you don't feel anxious. For example, if you have a phobia of spiders (as millions of people do), you only feel anxious when there's a spider around, otherwise you feel fine. About one in ten people has a significant phobia, although few people seek treatment. People develop phobias to all sorts of things. Each phobia has its own name. Some (of a very long list) includes: Musophobia - fear of mice. Peladophobia - fear of bald people. Amathophobia - fear of dust. Pnigophobia - fear of choking or smothering. Maieusiophobia - fear of childbirth. Homichlophobia - fear of fog. Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.

Phobias make people avoid situations they know will make them anxious, but this can make the phobia worse. A person's life can become increasingly dominated by the precautions they take to avoid a situation they fear. You may know there's no real danger and you may feel embarrassed by your fear, but you're still unable to control it. It's better to confront your fears, even if it's in a very careful way or with the help of a trained therapist. A phobia is more likely to go away if it began after a distressing or traumatic event. What's the treatment? Cognitive-behavioral therapy -- a 'talking treatment' where you learn all about the thing or situation you are scared of and how to change your behavior -- has a high success rate in phobias. Your GP can refer you.

Phobia Ablutophobia Aerophobia Allodaxaphobia Anablephobia Anemophobia Arachibutyrophobia Arithmophobia Automatonophobia Barophobia Basophobia Bogyphobia Cacophobia Cathisophobia Catoptrophobia Chaetophobia Chionophobia Chromatophobia Chronomentrophobia Chronophobia Cibophobia Clinophobia Dendrophobia Dextrophobia Eleutherophobia Eosophobia Ereuthophobia Euphobia Geliophobia Geumaphobia Gnomophobia Heliophobia Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia Homichlophobia Hypnophobia

Fear Washing or bathing Swallowing air The opinions of other people Looking up Wind
Peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth.

Numbers Ventriloquists dummies Gravity Walk The bogeyman The ugliness Sitting Mirrors Hair Snow Colors Clocks Time Food Going to bed Trees Objects to the right side of the body Freedom Daylight The color red Hearing good news Laughter. Taste Garden gnomes The sun Long words Fog Sleep

Phobia Ichthyophobia Ideophobia Kainophobia Lachanophobia Leukophobia Levophobia Logophobia Melanophobia Melophobia Metrophobia Mnemophobia Motorphobia Myrmecophobia Octophobia Ommetaphobia Oneirophobia Ophthalmophobia Ostraconophobia Papyrophobia Pediculophobia Peladophobia Pentheraphobia Photophobia Phronemophobia Plutophobia Pogonophobia Sciophobia Selenophobia Siderophobia Sophophobia Telephonophobia Triskadekaphobia Uranophobia Urophobia

Fear Fish Ideas Anything new Vegetables The color white

Objects to the left side of the body

Words Color black Music Poetry Memories Automobiles Ants The number 8 Eyes Dreams Opening ones eyes Shellfish Paper Lice Bald people. Mothers-in-law Light Thinking Wealth Beards Shadows The moon. Stars Learning Telephones The number 13 Heaven Urinating or fear of urine

1) Find the words in the crossword: ACROSS Anxiety Weird Behavioral Cognitive Therapist DOWN Therapy Feeling Fear One in ten people Phobia

2) Answer these questions. a) What is a phobia?

b) According to statistics. How many people have a phobia? c) What is cognitive-behavioral therapy?

d) How you call the phobia of long words? e) How you call the phobia of stars? f) What is the meaning of pentheraphobia? g) What is the meaning of barophobia?

3) Scan the text to classify 5 phobias relating to: things, science and human body.

4) Glossary: Bald Calvo. Beards Barbas. Behavioral Comportamiento. Childbirth Parto. Choking Ahogando. Develop Desarrollar. Embarrassed Avergonzado. Fog Niebla. Freedom Libertad. Frightens Asustar. GP Mdico de cabecera. Heaven Cielo. Lice Piojos. Seemingly Aparentemente. Shellfish Mariscos. Smothering Sofocando. Swallowing air -- Ingerir aire. Taste Sabor. The bogeyman El coco. Ventriloquists dummies -Muecos de ventrlocuo. Wealth Riqueza.

5) Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/emotional_health/mental_health/mind_phobias. shtml http://www.listofphobias.org/index.htm Documental: Trastorno de ansiedad, Agorafobia, Fobias. (5 partes) o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK7gGJSIlPc o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x47wE73quM o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9dkjnbNQUk o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl-qQNW8Coo o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyDYqLmktrA

6) Date accessed: Friday, January 14th, 2011.

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