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Situation 1 Mr.

. Benedict Ocampo just graduated from college with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing from arecognized college of nursing. He intends to take the integrated comprehensive nurse licensure examination so he canpractice his profession after passing the said examination. Questions 110 refer tot his situation.1.W hich of the following requirements is NOT needed fro Benedict to quality for the said examination?a.A holder of Bachelor s Degree in Nursing from a college or university that complies with the standards of nursing education duly recognized by the proper government agencyb . M u s t b e o f g o o d m o r a l c h a r a c t e r c . A c i t i z e n o f t h e P h i l i p p i n e s d.A member of the accredited professional organization. 2. For him to pas the said examination, he must obtain a general average of with a rating of not belowin any subject. a. 75%, 60% c. 75%, 70%b . 7 0 % , 6 5 % d . 7 0 % , 6 0 % 3.Should Benedict fail in one subject, but obtained the required general average, which of the following should he do?a.Takes the whole set of examination all over again b. Takes the examination on the subject where he is rated below the required passing rate c. Makes an appeal to the Board for the rechecking of his examination papers.d . E n r o l l i n a r e f r e s h e r c o u r s e f o r o n e y e a r . 4.Upon passing the licensure examination, which of the following is a priority action for Benedict?a.Take an oath of profession before the Board of Nursing b. Apply fro registration with the Professional Regulation Commission c. Apply for membership to the Philippine Nurses Associationd . P r e p a r e c r e d e n t i a l s f o r j o b hunting. 5. He was issued a certificate of registration by the Board of Nursing. W hich of the following information should beshown in the certificate? 1. Full name o the registrant 2. Serial number 3.Signature of the Chairperson of the commission and the members of the Board4 . O f f i c i a l s e a l o f t h e C o m m i s s i o n 5.Signature of the President of the accredited professional organization a. 1, 2, 3 c. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 d . 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 6.Which of the following information is NOT indicated in the professional identification card issued to Benedict? a. Date of Examination c. Date of Issuance and Expirationb . R e g i s t r a t i o n D a t e d . L i c e n s e N u m b e r 7.Benedict knows that he is duly bound to renew his professional identif ication card every how often? a. Every five years c. Annuallyb . E v e r y t h r e e y e a r s d . B i a n n u a l l y 8.As a registered nurse, Benedict is covered by the law regulating the practice of nursing in the Philippines which is: a. R.A. 4704 c. R.A. 877b . R . A . 7 1 6 4 d . R . A . 9 1 7 3 9. He knows that the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the said law was passed through:

a. BON Resolution No. 425, s. 2003 c. BON Resolution No. 459 s. 2002b.BON Resolution No. 524, s. 2002 d. BON Resolution NO. 99-14 s. 199910.He dreams of pursuing a career as a clinical faculty someday. Which of the following qualifications is NOT mandatory?a.He must have one year clinical practice in a field of specialization b . B e a r e g i s t e r e d n u r s e i n t h e P h i l i p p i n e s c.Member of good standing in the accredited professional organization of nurses.d.Must have three years of clinical practice in any field of nursing. Situation 2 Nurse Pamela is newly appointed by the local government to lead the program on Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses in the Municipality of Sto. Tomas. She knows that as a young and inexperienced nurse, she needs toupdate her competence in the legal aspects of professional practice.11.As a nurse, she should be guided by the nursing law in the country. Which is NOT a provision of this law?

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