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Awaken to Your True Source of Love and Power

Love and Power: this drives everything we do. How we get the true love and power from within (knowingness of who we are and Universal Principles) vs. the illusion of love and power by looking outside ourselves determines our experience of life. When we look outside ourselves (the External Eternal Quest) for love and power we make an object (another person, money, guns, political power, or career status) our source. Because the object is in the physical world it is by its nature always changing and shifting, in many cases beyond our control. This is like building your foundation on a house of cards, or on the weather. Most any disturbance can bring down the house of cards, and the weather is always changing and practically impossible to control to match our desires and expectations. The Universe will always drive us towards the Truth, to look within for our love and power anchored by eternal principles. Pain and suffering is the Universe's way of guiding and directing us to the right path when we 'miss the mark'. There are immutable laws that the Universe operates under. Understanding these laws will allow us to live in harmony with the Universe and experience true joy. Emotions Emotions come up when we are charged. In other words, emotions are a measure of our self love and power. When we perceive that our personal power and love change, we have an emotional reaction. Emotions are information that tell us something about ourselves (i.e., our beliefs about ourselves and our environment) in response to what we are experiencing either from an internal or external stimuli. An example of an internal stimuli is a painful memory of the past, or imagining something in the future (i.e., worry). An example of an external stimuli is someone you care about rejects you or hurts you physically such that one feels powerless. The emotional charge comes from an underlying belief of who we are. For example, a belief that 'No one loves me'; 'I'm inadequate to handle my life'; 'There's not enough'; 'I'm not enough'; etc. Belief systems are beliefs about ourselves and our environment. They may be based on a lie / an illusion, or truth. If we have a belief that 'I'm not enough', then naturally we will react with a negative emotion that relates to our powerlessness. The emotion is the body's signal to let us know that we are out of alignment with the truth of who we are and with Universal Principles (the micro and the macro). Emotions may be positive or negative. Positive emotions may arise from false belief systems, just as with negative emotions. Positive emotions may come up when our expectations about an external outcome are met. For example, I win the lottery, which may momentarily provide a positive emotion if I'm attached to money as my source of power. Most people suppress negative emotions, because they judge the emotion as 'BAD' (i.e., I shouldn't feel this way). Suppressing may involve drugs that alter behavior, trying to think only 'positive' thoughts, seeking activities that distract us from facing the emotion, and even suicide. Instead of suppressing our emotions we need to embrace them as the gifts they are to help us wake up and align to the Truth of who we are and to Universal Principles. False belief systems are sometimes called our dark / shadow side. We don't want to suppress that side of us. We want to integrate it and expose it to the Light of Truth. When we finally expose our shadow side to the Truth it no longer drives and controls our behavior. Instead we use the shadow side as information to help discern illusion from Truth, identify others who want to cause us harm, and be compassionate to others who may be experiencing their own shadow side. We integrate the light of truth with the dark. Our goal is to become whole, not 'perfect' human beings. By experiencing the lows we can experience the highs (Law of Polarity). Being open to receiving means that we are open to experiencing both the positive and negative experiences in life. This is what it means to be whole. We also are given the gift of compassion when we have experienced our low points. Without experiencing the depths of our sorrow we cannot be compassionate to another who is experiencing the same. In some cases when we are at such a low point we eventually reach a point of surrendering control. Having an open heart is about being open to both the positive and negative experiences of life. We cannot have it any other way. Emotions drive what we THINK and DO and how we RELATE to others. Emotions, whether positive or negative, cloud our ability to process information properly and blocks access to our higher wisdom and guidance. When one is in an emotional reaction one operates in their animalistic nature or automatic self / subconscious belief systems. Our actions / choices we make then determine our results in life as every choice has a consequence. We have free choice to express ourselves in any way we choose. However, the results of that choice are reserved for Universal Law. We cannot choose the results, we can only choose our actions. A choice based on a negative emotion will generally lead to greater pain and suffering. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Getting to the depths and costs of false belief systems and the insanity of our suffering by choosing to live in an illusion / false belief system helps us to become free of it and open to change. To change our results in life (fulfilling relationships, contribution to the world, abundance) we need to address the root belief systems because that is what drives the entire causal sequence of behavior. Belief Systems The subconscious mind acts on old beliefs stored over a lifetime. Many of those beliefs you may have accepted without thinking. Or you may have absorbed them when you were too young to exercise choice. Belief systems are hidden from our conscious mind. This is why the emotions are so important. The belief system is the root cause of the emotion. From this perspective we should embrace our Jaime Alvarez, 2009 Page 1

emotions, since they are the gateway to who we are being, which is the first step in transforming our belief systems. By identifying the emotion from a neutral, non-judgmental space, we can dig out the root belief system that created it. We cannot think our way out of the emotion, as our emotions drive our thinking. We must feel our emotions fully to get to the depth of the belief system driving the emotion. For example, before we can forgive, we need to allow ourselves to really feel the pain of the experience. If we dont fully acknowledge our emotions, we will continue to carry them subconsciously and they will drain our energy. By honoring our emotions / pain, we release them, and can access our deeper belief systems. Once we have the false belief system identified it no longer has power over us, and we can then integrate a new belief system to replace the old. This is equivalent to cleaning out our minds to align to Truth. One way to feel our emotions fully is to imagine the worst case scenario that triggered the emotions. Our worst case scenario will generally lead us to a point of total surrender of control to a higher power where we reach the void of creation. For example, let's say I feel inadequate and incapable of handling my life. If I take this to the extreme where everything I do backfires on me, then I'm better off dead. Once we get to a point where we're better off dead, then we've reached the bottom, or extreme point of the emotion. At that point the emotion has been experienced fully and no longer has a tight hold on us. At that point we reach the void of creation, the ego has surrendered to a higher power where we can create ourselves anew in alignment with Truth. We create our belief systems from past experiences, genetic inheritance, programming by our parents, programming by society (school, friends, television), in the womb through the emotions experienced by the mother during pregnancy, to name a few. This creation is done subconsciously as we are not aware of what we are doing. We unconsciously accept what we see and experience from our senses and adopt it as a truth, even though many times our senses deceive us. Because we have not been taught to discern illusion from Truth we adopt the illusion in place of Truth. In the absence of Truth we adopt illusion. The issue is not necessarily the illusion. The issue is that we think the illusion is Truth, and we live our life that way without questioning it. The longer we live with that illusion as truth, the more difficult it is to uncreate it and adopt a Truth based belief system. Once we are able to see our false belief systems for what they are and the insanity they represent, then we have power to change them. We are at choice to change them and consciously create ourselves in alignment with Universal Principles. However, this process requires that we be open to change and accept the insecurity and uncertainty that comes from changing beliefs that we have held to be true for most of our lives. False belief systems that have had many years of programming and have been ingrained in our subconscious mind for many years take some time to dissipate the energy. Once you become aware of the false belief system you will notice more often where you are being out of alignment with truth. That will bring out your negative emotions even more. This is a gift as the negative emotion needs to be experienced fully to dissipate the energy of the false belief system and create SPACE for the new belief system to take hold. You can express these negative emotions in a non-judgmental way in a journal knowing that this is just part of the process. False belief systems are belief systems that are based on illusion / lies that go against natural law and the natural order; i.e., artificial systems (such as our Federal Reserve monetary system, project deadlines, believing in scarcity, believing we are just a physical being). When your belief systems are aligned to Truth you experience less stress. When they are aligned to illusion, then you experience greater stress. Why? Because we are natural systems and we live in a natural world. If we go against nature we are going against ourselves, and are ultimately hurting ourselves. By aligning our belief systems with natural law we work with nature, rather than against it, and therefore become one with the whole; we integrate the micro with the macro. You cannot get the guidance from Universe unless you have cleared the false belief systems and replaced them with truth. One cannot be open to receiving unless they know who they are in their True Self. Knowingness of who we are opens the door to be led and guided in synchronicity with Universal Energy flow. That requires that one have cleared their emotional charges and integrated truth into their belief systems. Wisdom and Stress Wisdom and stress are inversely proportional. Wisdom and stress do not go together. As such believing in illusion leads to greater stress, which leads to lower wisdom. Greater stress also leads to greater disharmony in the body. In fact, when we experience stress our cells will shrink, stop the growth process, and instead go into protective mode and eventually decay and die. So stress stop growth. Here's the casual sequence: Environment -> Perception (based on False Belief Systems) -> Greater Stress -> Lower Wisdom; Physiology goes into 'Protective Mode' which leads to disease state and decay. The Fundamental Paradigms Victim: I am powerless and incapable of handling life. I get my power and love from outside myself. No masculine or feminine. Fatal Identity. Eternal, External Quest. Creator: I can do whatever I put mind to. I will make it happen no matter what. Too much masculine, not enough feminine. It's taking your power, but still disconnected from Universe as Source. You're doing it yourself as separate and disconnected from Universe. Jaime Alvarez, 2009 Page 2

Co-Creator: not my will, but thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. We integrate and become ONE with the Universe. Balanced masculine and feminine principles. Male / Female Integration Female Principle: Represents the Love component. The knowingness of who I am. We love ourselves when we know who we really are. Without the female component we cannot receive the power that comes from the male component. What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself. -- Abraham H. Maslow Male Principle: Represents the Power component. Universal Principles. We have true power when we connect to and understand our unique place in the Universe and connect to Universal energy through understanding and application of Universal Principles. "Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world. The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same. Every wonderful sight will vanish; every sweet word will fade, But do not be disheartened, The source they come from is eternal, growing, Branching out, giving new life and new joy. Why do you weep? The source is within you And this whole world is springing up from it." -- Jelaluddin Rumi

Jaime Alvarez, 2009

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