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"u0ALS & Baving a PLAN

The fiist thing ANY giown man neeus is an objective. Theie has to be something you aie
woiking towaius in all aspects of youi life. Youi finances, youi physique, youi uating
choices foi a potential team 0R a wife if that is wheie you aie in life. If you cannot honestly
answei the question; "Wheie uo I wanna be S-S-1u yeais fiom now." You neeu to get a plan
togethei ASAP. This staits the giounuwoik foi making you into a REAL NAN.

Alpha Nales know what they want to uo anu they uo it...oi at least attempt it iegaiuless of
who oi what is going on. Beta Nales know what they want to uo but allow things to
inteifeie that change the couise of theii plans oi kills them all-togethei. Taking ovei youi
hoou, having 1u,uuu biawus on youi Facebook oi having all the giils checking foi you in the
club IS N0T A PLAN. That is the shyt that keeps young guys fiom focusing on ieal shyt. If
you aie uoing things in youi life foi anyone else othei than youiself you aie losing...peiiou.

Bon't be afiaiu of ciiticism. This is youi fuel. When people ciitique youi iueas oi youi woik
you shoulu use this to ie-tool youi game plan anu make youi plans bettei.

uet with people who aie uoing well oi at least tiying to uo big things. This is uiscusseu
below in uetail in the TEAN topic but this is impoitant. "Youi NETW0RTB is equivalent to
youi NETW0RK"

Bave multiple plans foi hustlesincome stieams. Any goou hustlei knows you cannot be a
"one tiick pony". Being 0ne-Bimensional is killing the IT uuues in my fielu because they got
ceitifieu to uo 0NE TBINu anu technology is evei-changing so now they aie looking foi
woik. You also finu this with oluei cats in most fielus that have been in a position foi 2u+
yeais tiying to ietiie with a small amount....that shyt is wack. If you aie not moving anu
shaking you aie stagnant anu will be passeu up anu passeu ovei...eveiy time. Be multi-
uimensional playas. Leain how to uo othei shyt to make money....legally of couise - lol. This
economy is not fiienuly to the one-uimensional....as CNN has shown you.


The game woiks in ieveise fiom the thinking of most young cats. They tenu to think that
you go anu puichase swaggei - N0...you make moves foi Y00R betteiment anu the swaggei
comes fiom that. I think uuues have been tiying too haiu to cieate swaggei insteau of
cieating success that will in tuin cieate the swaggei. Swaggei is N0T youi Sciappei on 24's,
its not youi venetian Blinu sunglasses, its nothing you buy in the NALL...niggas stop that
shyt. Swaggei is what exuues fiom the peison who is successful. Being a failuie but having
manufactuieu swaggei is N0T fly.


I am gonna go ueepei than females heie because its time foi niggas to ST0P equating the
success of a mack with a team of women oi giving the FALSE peiception to the masses of
such. Playa's any uickheau can pull some women....any lucky mofo can pull a fine one (at
least one) B0T if you got all of that going but you aie still bioke, still a weeuheau lazy
muthafucka with a ueau enu job Y00 ARE A L0SER. No mattei how many women you can
smash the bottom line is you aie still not winning. That's the ieason you see losei's on }eiiy
Spiingei oi Nauiy sitting uown with S oi 6 biawus tiying to see who the fathei of theii
illegitimate kius aie....NIuuAS LET TBAT SBYT u0. Be exclusive with youi uick anu stop
fuking any chic who will fuk youi ignoiant ss. Lets go ueepei than females as fai as a
"team" goes. A team shoulu be like-minueu people in youi miustciew who aie stiiving to
ieach goals. If the goal is foi you to have an unlimiteu supply of pussi then youi goals aie
stupiu. Pussi cannot get you anything unless you aie pimping on a bitch anu in that case you
aie not suppose to be fuking...you aie suppose to be selling. uet with a team of people who
aie goou at something that you can contiibute to, utilize, anu capitalize fiom. If you aie
hanging in a ciew of loseis then that is who you aie....if you have 2 oi S losei biawus on
youi team then that is who you aie. Be selective anu exclusive about all that you ueal with
in close ielationships. I am not knocking those with multiple women. Bo you. I am saying if
those women aie losing....guess what that makes you. Its the ugly tiuth but it is what it is.


0pgiauing youiself is simply staying B0NuRY foi bettei. Fiist upgiaue youi knowleuge.
LEARN something new. Then upgiaue youi attituue anu be ieauy to take on all challenges...
be places you woik eaily, leave late anu stay focuseu on what you aie uoing anu wheie you
neeu to be going. Bon't evei stop tiying to get moie anu achieve gieatei things in youi life.
Look the pait. If you cannot affoiu the suit, get a clean uiess shiit anu slacks but at all
times uiess how you want to be paiu. If you uon't uiess seiiously no one will take youi
seiiously. I often get cats who want to link up on some business anu they hollei at me in a
business setting in some }oiuans.....I weai them too but not to talk business to anyone. It
uoes mattei. 0se youi heau anu stay Business-FLY if you aie on that. Theie aie seveial
things to being "fly" theie is a suit & tie-fly, polo's & khakis-fly, casual fly (jeans, sneakeis,
etc)....KN0W WBEN T0 0SE TBEN.

0pgiaue youi lauy - she is a ieflection of you. The majoiity of cats I have seen have biawus
with uauuy issues oi come fiom bioken homes oi women who woik fast foou anu can biing
some chicken home anu if that is all you aie woiking with then I unueistanu but you shoulu
always be stiiving to get bettei. You aie not a mack cause you got a woman at KFC anu one
at Subway plus one that woiks in the mall at the Eaiiing shop....you aie uoing some low-
buuget macking if anything. Step youi game up anu upgiaue youi woman. If you have a
woman with potential then you shoulu give hei the game she neeus to be moie of what you
iequiie foi youi goals. If you have a 7, once you upgiaue hei she will be the 1u you neeu. I
heai alot about uuues heie saying that you shoulu look foi a woman who is alieauy a uime
(in teims of looks)....thats all cool but if she got eveiything what the hell uoes she neeu you
foi. Be ieauy to inject small amounts of game into the woman you want to "keep" so that
she is of use to you anu can biing something "ieal" to the table. Contiaiy to populai belief
tangibles aie not necessaiily biinging home biscuits fiom hei fast foou job....make hei biing
something ieal....uo taxes, hei business connections, money, make hei leain a foieign
language oi something new to auu to youi shyt. If you aie woiiieu about hei leaving you
with the game you have given hei - uon't....that's why I saiu inject small amounts not all of it.
Consiuei that a gift. If you aie the type of uuue with a lot of game otheis aiounu you will
absoib anyway. That's the beauty of the game...its infinite.


Not tiying to get spiiitual but those who know a highei powei oi unueistanu the uynamic
of "The Seciet" know that what you believe will conceptually become youi ieality. If you
tiuly believe in what you have establisheu as a goal it will come to you. 0ften times I think
about past yeais when I wanteu set little goals foi myself anu aftei I met them I thought
that I shoulu have set them highei because it seemeu so fast they came to fiuition. In the
woilu we live in if you uo not believe in youiself how in the hell will anyone. With women,
business, school, job, eveiything - no one wants to lose in life anu you have to be able to be
believable to youiself befoie you can even begin to gain the belief of otheis. This is going
past confiuence...this is tiue belief in youi woikoutput anu youi abilities. Confiuence is
emotions that exuues fiom you, belief if what you feel inteinally about youiself - You
"show" confiuence but you "feel" belief (INB0). Theie aie people who exuue confiuence but
ieally uon't believe in theii own shyt....they just lie to themselves. If you have to uo that then
you aie not in a comfoitable place. The things in life that you believe in that tuin out
successfully aie oui gieatest iewaius.

Bieathe in the game anu exhale the success playas!
Although this topic, like most, has been ieguigitateu anu iecycleu, the point iemains

- Plan~B

"I'll auu this, if youi mothei has iaiseu you by heiself then you have alot of emotional
anu logical flaws that you have to oveicome to ieach a tiue level of success. Stait by
spenuing some time with the gieat minus of the past anu see how they appioacheu
things in theii biogiaphies anu stoiies of theii lives. Anu anothei thing foi you college
cats, take Logic anu Psychology classes. Those weie the classes that helpeu me most in
my life aftei unueigiau. Anu stop wiiting like you aie uyslexic even in youi uown time,
the way you piactice is the way you play. I will say this again: The way you piactice is
the way you will play. I want you to think about if you took the same amount of eneigy
anu enthusiasm that you apply to the XB0X oi whatevei youi less than auvantageous
hobby is to something piouuctive like leaining a foieign language, going to the gym anu
getting youi bouy togethei, uoing an inteinship (foi fiee) anu leaining whatevei it is
that you uon't know anu gatheiing some expeiience anu iesume builuing.

Eveiyuay shoulu be an oppoitunity to uo at least one thing that you KN0W is woiking
towaiu youi impioveu global pictuie. Reau if you have a question about things.
Remembei that women in oui community aie famous foi lack of foiesight, uo not let
thiei hanuicap become youis because you aie wiieu to consiuei youi futuie. Bon't allow
a tiait that is youis genetically to go unuseu because youi mothei uiun't instill it in you
to use it."

- Silk

"Real talk playei, you bieatheu fiie on this anu i'm uefinately going to auu fuel to the fiie.
Fiie is not just an element that buins shyt uown it's also necessaiy foi suivival. 0ui society
touay in the 0S has biainwasheu people of all ages to be lazy, ignoiant (meaning lack of
knowleuge), anu ieckless. The bible says "my people PERISB because a lack of knowleuge".
0ne of the most influencing things in oui society is music! Nusic is not ieality. All music is is
someone's NABE 0P peiception of ieality to tiansfei a feeling fiom theii lyiics to the
taigeteu auuience. Too many people aie being sung to sleep! Youi minu is youi most
piecious asset! It contiols EvERYTBINu, thoughts just simple thoughts become things, anu
those things that youi thoughts biing become ieality. So piotect what goes into youi minu
becaue much like watei if polluteu you can longei uiink fiom it unless you puiify it. Nusic
has almost a uiiect influence on youi thoughts, feelings, anu behaviouis. }ust like aftei
seeing a action pakceu movie you feel a iush oi invincibilty oi euphoiia immeuiately aftei
leaving the movie theatei. So whose contiolling youi minu is it Y00 oi the music youi
listening to. Think about that long anu haiu foi a moment.

Also we all come on the boaiu to cho pup uANE, vaiious stategeies, thoughts, anu iueas
about the uANE anu that's calleu NETW0RKINu. Bon't be afiaiu to netwoik w eveiyone
else whethei it be stiangeis, fiienus, family membeis, youi giil, etc.. Ask questions about
how to uo exactly whatevei it is you want to uo peoplw will be moie than happy to shaie
thiei expeiience, thougts, anu iueas w you aswell. This alone w set you so afai i the iight
uiiection of youi path that by the time youi ieauy to make youi maove you'll feel like you
have expeiience anu piobably be a little moie auanceu than othei people in looking to get
into that aie because you've been schooleu on how to uo it, who to see, anu what to look out
The uANE of life is simple is just takes commitment, ieseaich, anu willingness!"
- 1uNACK

"EXEC0TI0N - Banuling Youi Business

Eveiyone is not cut out to leau anu that is cool. Eveiyone is not cut out to play the iole of the
boss oi the businessman....all of that is fine as well....but at the veiy least a man shoulu show
follow-thiu on eveiything you touch anu hanule youi business. In life theie aie only a few
things a man is measuieu by, his woiuintegiity (of couise) but his "output" is extiemely
impoitant too. Bow you execute youi plans anu hanule youi business shows how
uisciplineu anu focuseu you aie. All of us aie not as uisciplineu as we woulu like to be but
being on some giown-man shyt is about making suie whatevei you aie involveu in you
hanule youi business anu execute WELL. Boing a halfass job oi being a lazy bullshittei can
get you so fai until one uay you'll actually have to show youi stuff....this is wheie a lot of
men get exposeu. Nacking as it peitains to manhoou has peisuasion anu manipulation
involveu in it howevei you neeu to have some skill to go along with the slick talk. Bon't be
the nigga with a lot of fly talk but cannot uelivei on any of it. If you have heaiu the
expiession "fake it til' you make it" then you know that putting on a facaue uoes woik but
the question is once you make it....then what. Be a giown man about youi shyt anu P0T IN
TBE W0RK. You can spit fly shyt to people all youi life but someone's gonna call B0LLSBIT
on you anu you neeu to be able to back it up. Be a "stanu up" uuue anu quit bullshitting youi
peeis. The inteinet has helpeu some cats get away with bullshitting the masses but once
you log off......who aie you ieally. Stop the faking anu fionting anu hanule youi uamn
business....anu BE A NAN.

As this peitains to women - Women will fall foi the bullshit you aie spitting but soonei oi
latei you WILL be exposeu. So what...you got laiu because some biawu fell foi some lie you
tolu...once you aie exposeu anu she puts you on blast youi cieuibility is SBYT anu she will
effectively iuin you anu fuk with youi futuie. Pay attention to the tienus
gentlemen...women (anu men who think like anu want to be women) aie taking ovei the
meuia anu in some paits the justice systems so we have to continue to uominate the REAL
W0RLB anu execute. Banule youi business with Y00R womanwomen as well anu be the
nigga you aie selling them you aie. If you aie executing youi plans she will see that anu
coopeiate. If not she shoulu be tiaueu.....let hei flop aiounu in the CBA foi a while but she
neeus not fuk aiounu in the Pios wheie the giown men aie making shyt happen.

As this peitains to youi kius (if you have them) - Theie is nothing in the woilu woise than a
kiu who has no uiiection. This is impoitant foi a giown man to be able to impute his
philosophies, anu expeiiences to his seeus so that the game is peipetual anu lives on aftei
you check out of heie (uie...foi the slow). Who you aie neeus to iesonate in youi chiluien
anu shape them into being inuiviuuals who can pass the game along to the next geneiation
so youi legacy lives on. That may be a little ueep foi some cats but think about that while
you aie tiying to bang out some big booty hoou biawu...is she REALLY who you want to be
the mothei of youi kius....then aftei you iealize that is a iesounuing N0 put youi uick back
in youi pants anu go qualify a woithy biawu to kick it with. See hanuling youi business with
youi kius is moie than picking up pampeis anu saving the ieceipts so the uiity bitch uoesn't
ioast you in couit on some chilu suppoit....hanuling youi business is also what you uo with
the mothei of youi chilu. It is impoitant that if she is not "iight" in the heau then you neeu
to hanule business to get hei on the same page to iaise that chilu piopeily anu uelete the
immatuie-hoou mentality. I see a lot of cats who can manipulate all the whoies in the club
but when it comes to theii babymama they get shook....she is a woman just like the iest of
them. She has youi kiu anu all but if you aie hanuling youi biz you have nothing to woiiy
about as fai as hei taking youi to couit on some bullshit. Be piesent, pay foi shyt, be
instiumental in the leaining piocess (i.e. theii schooling), talk to them about ieal shyt in
life, teach them the value of money, uon't uiop them off at someones ciib so you can go fuk
off....BE A FATBER nigga. I unueistanu that niggas make mistakes anu knock up the wiong
women....its all pait of the game to leain fiom those mistakes to make bettei choices
afteiwaius. As a giown man you neeu to walk the walk anu hanule youi business with all
things so that youi kius can see that in you anu they will walk that line as well. BE A u00B
EXANPLE - Banule youi gotuamn B0SINESS."
- Plan~B


0n some ieal talk....time is the one thing you cannot get back. 0nce its gone - its gone.
Boctois, Lawyeis, Consultants, many men of means equate theii time to $. Bow much aie
you woith. Bow much is youi time woith. Wasting time is equivalent to wasting money.
We all uo both. I woulu be the fiist to say I have blown a lot of money anu time but I tiy to
let the piouuctive pait of my shyt oveiiun the nonpiouuctive stuff. We all neeu a bieak anu
as long as you have moie billable houis than not...you aie keeping it mackish. As a man you
have to value the time you spenu on anything wheie you aie putting foith any effoit, biain
powei, etc. If you aie on the phone, on the computei, on the coinei N0T making money you
aie L0SINu - peiiou. Right now as we speak most of us aie making money while we aie on
the net chopping up game....this is goou. All things neeu to be appioacheu like that. When a
woman is tiying to bait you into houis at a time of giving hei attention on FB, NySpace,
Twittei....nigga ST0P TBAT SBYT. Its useless. The social netwoik thing is beautiful because
it allows the masses to communicate with each othei infoimally but who's making money
while they aie bullshitting on FB....honestly. If you iun an online business oi something of
that natuie then cool but the majoiity of us uo not so that means we aie N0T valuing oui
piecious time if we got seveial loggeu houis online looking at pictuies anu chatting up hoes.
Shout out to Flyness. Bis books teach you how to close the fuking ueal anu not waste time
online with the bantei. Back to the money.....if a uoctoi oi a lawyei makes six-figuies +
because theii time is woith money to them (anu you) then why shoulun't you appioach it
the same way. Its all BILLABLE B00RS. If you take a simple $S foi eveiy houi you have
spent uoing non-piouuctive shyt in youi life by the enu of the week you woulu kick youiself
in the ss at all of the papei you have let slip by. I have Bov in my signatuie foi moie than
just the populaiity thing...that shyt he spoke is the ieal ueal playas - You have to look at
youiself as a B0SINESS. People chaige you when you neeu something fiom them...you neeu
to be chaiging them foi youi seivice oi time as well. It costs to have me woik on
anything....anu I am expensive - L0L.

As it peitains to women - The gains fiom uealing with a woman aie not often seen upfiont
but take time. Its like planting a gaiuen...you have to uo a little woik in the beginning but
when they catch a little watei anu sun they stait coming into full bloom anu the
iewaiusfiuit they beai foi you aie the gains. If you aie wasting time with a woman you B0
N0T gain fiom then - kill youiself. Not liteially - L0L. Let eveiy exchange with a woman
beai some kinu of fiuit foi you. value the time you spenu with them anu it will pay
uiviuenus...if she is a qualifieu woman. An empty woman beais no fiuit. That is the ieason
you qualify them piopeily piioi to giving hei ANY of youi piecious time.

As it peitains to youi peeispotnas - Plain anu simple youi own people can be youi
uownfall anu the time you spenu aiounu cats with no goals oi plans will eventually affect
you. Nobouy wants to be a losei but if you hang with losei uuues guess what youi aie. Its
haiu to see the ones you giew up with commit majoi infiactions in the game anu become
simps, slackeis, poseis, anu ovei all loseis B0T to be the man you neeu to be you must sheu
some things. Youngei cats will see this shoitly when they get on theii giown man anu theii
buuuies still got uumb shyt going on....us Su+ guys have alieauy got thiough the initial
stages of this...now comes the hate. Youi own niggas will hate on you so be smait anu go
aheau anu play them like the Beisman Tiophy anu finu people who you can leain fiom.
value the time you spenu to the uegiee that you aie gaining fiom those who aie tiying to
uET IT CRACKIN' out heie. Time is much too shoit to be wasting at the tiap house oi hang
out spot with a bunch of iuiots. A haish tiuth is that we all aie 0SERS....we use those aiounu
us to gain something anu as long as the exchange is mutual its all goou but as fai as youi
time is conceineu utilize people you can gain knowleuge anuoi insight fiom as payment to
you foi the time they spenu in youi piesence."
- Plan~B

"!"# %&'()

People often oveistate oi ovei complicate how things seem to woik fiom my expeiience.
The minu woiks on the same piinciples that computeis uo, ie, gaibage in gaibage out. Foi
example, a male chauvinists anu women alike piomote the notion that women aie weak,
auoiable, less intelligent,etc. Fiom my obseivations, those veiy beliefs allow women to uo
theii uiit unuetecteuunsuspecteu while contiolling how the man views his own manhoou
in ielation to hei. Be looks uown on hei, so the possibility that she coulu be moie clevei
than he uoes not exist. So she iuns things while he is meiely a figuieheau. Be alloweu
(knowingly oi not) iueas to entei into his minu without sciutinizing them foi tiuthfulness
anu such. If the minu is not piotecteu by the ownei than it will be subjugateu to the whims
of otheis. Note that this involves ieflection on beliefs they gaineu as a youth so that they can
accept oi uismiss them. It is also veiy uncomfoitable( cognitive uissonance) foi people
because they iuentify themselves as the things they uo insteau of the uoei that maue a
choice to uo ceitain things.


0vei the yeais I stiuggleu with keeping a long teim plan in minu anu acting on it. Recently I
iealizeu that the map is not the teiiitoiy. This can mean uiffeient things, but fiom my
expeiience it means that becoming comfoitable with plans is a tiap. Plans aie just maps
meant to guiue behavioi. The ieal powei in implementing the plan comes fiom being able
to auapt anu aujust to situations as they aiise without violatingbieaking the oiiginal plan
iegaiuless if the situation was pieuicteu oi not. A peison cannot pieuict anu contiol
eveiything, so it only makes sense that the planmap foi supieme mackhoou be the bones
that give suppoit anu fiamewoik while the ability to auapt be the changing muscles, all of
which neeu positive ieinfoicement."
- NP

"!""#$%&' )*+, -./ 01+2&

I know tons of people who aie book smait, stieet smait, oi both anu they aie still bioke
sitting up having conveisations about how intelligent they aie. I also know cat's with plenty
of knowleuge about women anu theii ways of thinking, but aie still scaieu to appioach a
woman. I know people who stuuieu business in college anu know a lot about business, but
theii still bioke anu living at home with theii paients. This boaiu has so much info anu we
all can take in all this infoimation, but if we uo not +""#$ what we leain, we aie cheating

The *+#,(-&.. #//#0* cieates a lot of fiustiation, anu fiustiation leaus most people to giving
up oi seaiching foi the easiei ioute. You aie cieating a tieaumill effect by not applying what
you leain. Youi ieauing anu leaining in oiuei to impiove youiself, but youi not applying it
so youi moving but not going anywheie (the tieaumill effect). The tieaumill effect has
messeu me up plenty of times thioughout my life.

What goou is being smait if you uon't use youi smaits the iight way. Cool, you ieau a lot of
books anu can have conveisations about ceitain topics, but if youi bioke you aie still
consiueieu a losei in societies eyes. They say "If you knew bettei you woulu uo bettei", but
a lot of people know bettei anu still uon't uo bettei, so in ieality theii uoing woise.

Take a look at the pickup game. 0ne goou book coulu piobably get the job uone if the
ieaueis apply what they leain. Insteau majoiity of the ieaueis aie in uenial anu they
puichase moie books looking foi moie "tiicks" anu easiei ways to pull women. Theie is no
ieal tiick, the tiick is applying what you know. The same goes foi the game of life. Theie aie
plenty of book anu stieet smait homeless anu pooi people aiounu. The main ieason why
people aie not applying what they know is because theii lazy anu want eveiything hanueu
to them, the easy way. I was the same way, but I am leaining that goou iewaius takes haiu
woik whethei its women, money, health, oi whatevei. What's the point of ieauing anu
knowing 48 Laws of Powei fiont to back but still uon't apply it. Youi just a poweiless
peison with knowleuge of powei. That's equal to knowing when anu how youi gonna get
puncheu, but not uefenuing youiself against it.

I finally figuieu it out. Books, expeiiences, anu mentois aie theie foi you to gain knowleuge
anu apply what you leain. Bon't be mau at the authois anu mentois. The ieason a Self help
book oi seminai woikeu foi }im is not because it ielateu moie to him, it's moie than likely
the fact that he applieu what he leaineu. But applying youiself is easiei saiu than uone as
I'm finuing out, but I still take the lumps of failuie with applying the knowleuge. At least I
know I tiieu anu applieu. So I believe one of the main goals foi all of us on the boaiu shoulu
be applying what we leain. If we all stait to apply what we leain, 0PA will be unfuckwitable
on anu off the net."
- theboyu

Shout out to 1uNACK on this one. Be toucheu on this eailiei.

As a man you must iealize that what you put INSIBE youi minu anu bouy will come out of
you. Think long anu haiu about what goes into youi biain uaily....BET, NTv, Reality Tv
Shows, the latest iap music, gossip, bau news on all channels....all of this kinu of stuff
poisons us. We nevei iealize it until we become some sickfuck uoing some uegeneiate shyt
oi getting miluly amuseu by someone else's sick ss on Tv. I will say this foi the
community hei on 0PA....you cats aie the best at biinging goou game anu
infoimation"foou" foi the biain. Websites like this anu books fiom those iuentifieu within
the pages of this boaiu keep the biain feu WELL. Keep youi minu as clean as watei....but
most of us have been uiinking out of uiity taps foi the last 2u yeais. Its time to feeu youiself
with knowleuge anu something that can help you WIN. Watching losei shyt anu listening to
some losei ovei an 8u8 oi FiuityLoops is gieat enteitainment but when touays man (oi
young cat) cannot uiffeientiate the enteitainment fiom ieality - ITS P0IS0N. You know the
olu saying that music soothes the savage beast....well they weie talking about 0S. They want
us sootheu anu "sung to sleep" anu then tianquilizeu so they can contiol anu manipulate us.
WAKE 0P PLAYAS. You aie a beast when piopeily motivateu anu "they" (feminists, simps,
hateis, iacists, etc) love it when the male masses aie contiolleu. Like a cattle piou they jolt
us with stupiu shyt to coial us into an aiea wheie they can slaughtei us (may have been
little uiamatic theie - but you get the point). I am not totally knocking the enteitainment
woilu....hell allmost of us listen to hip hop & will piobably be out to see Tiansfoimeis 2
next week (I can speak foi myself - L0L) but uon't let that become youi ieality. Sepaiate the
fact fiom the fiction anu feeu youi minu with a "healthy" seiving of knowleuge anu
"moisels" of enteitainment foi the peifect balance in the game. uo past ieauing uiffeient
things anu uo like Taiiq ALWAYS suggests anu take youi macking on the ioau...hell take
youi NINB on toui anu feeu it uiffeient cultuies. Knowing how othei cultuies make money
anu get uown will unuoubteuly help anyone expanu theii global game. Feeu youi minu
thiough EXPERIENCE. Tiy new shyt anu gain knowleuge that way. I am unsuie of many but
I am a "hanus on" guy wheieas if I can put eyes anu hanus on it I can figuie it out. I ieau the
instiuctions last.....that's just me but this feeus my minu as well. The olu saying is 1uu% on
point - Expeiience is usually the best teachei.

Feeu the B0BY - Young Savvy anu othei physically fit cats can attest to this...what you put
into youi bouy will show on the outsiue. If you aie putting bullshit insiue youiself you know
what is coming out...iight. Staying fit anu balanceu is a tough thing foi a man to uo with a
hectic scheuule but we (NEN) aie iecognizeu foi oui STRENuTB anu PBYSICAL
PR0WESSB0NINANCE. A stiong bouy inuicates powei anu uiscipline. I commenu cats that
aie keeping themselves healthy wheieas I uaily paitake in that as well anu it uoes make a
uiffeience. Evei notice how those who have a nice builu keep theii swaggei on a zillion...
Its no coinciuence. With women anu men alike they take notice anu show a uiffeient level of
iespect foi you when you aie fit. I have seen countless times wheie someone was passeu up
foi jobs oi ueals because they weie slovenly oi sloppy. Some things in life you cannot
contiol but youi physical appeaiance you can uamn suie altei by P0TTINu TBE W0RK IN.
If you know that fast foou is some bullshyt...SL0W 0R ST0P youi intake. That's acioss the
boaiu. Although theie aie numeious things that woik foi people (exeicise, uiet, fiee
weights, iesistance, etc) - Eating iight is a constant. I am not a health nut oi a fitness guiu
but I know that a NAN neeus to be stiong in both statuie anu minu....that is a constant as

Feeu the S00L - Theie aie seveial uiffeient opinions on ieligion anu a peisons soul. We all
have oui own. 0nly Y00 know what is goou foi youi soul anu that must be feu as well. If
you choose not to believe in anything then that is fine. All of us have a uay coming wheie we
will have to answei to "someone". Like it oi not - its coming. Feeu youi soul a little bit of
humanity. See how otheis live anu appieciate youi situation. If you aie uoing what you aie
suppose to in the game you will be bettei than you weie last yeai anu so on....so give back to
the game. Lace someone, help someone out, uo something to inciease the numbei of actual
STANB 0P B0BES in this woilu. Eveiyone will not be that anu to those cats let them fall on
theii own swoiu but to those who love the game anu all that it embouies it is impeiative to
PAY IT F0RWARB...anu also uIvE BACK once you have succeeueu. Respect is always given
to those who aie ieal men anu unueistanu that as long as you aie immeiseu in the game
people aiounu you benefit as well. Whethei its thiough youi woius, actions,
iueology....someone is soaking this in. This kinu of stuff is always goou foi the soul.

Although Taiiq may oi may not be feeling this in his minu anu soul...this movement foi
awakening the senses anu biinging ieal game to the foiefiont is on fiie iight now. Bis
following anu the extensions of what he has spit has cieateu a foium foi ieal game to be
choppeu up. With eveiy poucast anu appeaiance someone new comes into the folu with
something to contiibute. The numbeis aie giowing. "
- Plan~B

"I've been noticing a tienu on heie that cats sit aiounu anu wait oi expect things to be
hanueu to them. That is not the mentality that a successful man can live by. Its not logical,
because it is countei what the uefinition of success is. Nen have to use theii minus to come
up with solutions to the myiiau of pioblems we expeiience on the uaily. Anu one of the
main things I've notice cats uon't exeicise enough is:

3456789:;< We aie men, the iequiiements fiom us aie polai opposites fiom the
iequiiements of women. Nost of us have been iaiseu by women anu have been
inuoctiinateu with female iueology. Women uon't have to be accountable foi theii
behaviois anu uaily they aie being shown that the 'Someone will save me...' mentality is
logical. So, foi them to believe the 'being saveu' mentality woiks has meiit. So sitting
aiounu waiting anu blaming is cool foi them... Bonestly, ask youiself can the 'someone will
save me' mentality woik foi you. Is youi uaily life showing that mentality is wise. NEN

"You uon't teach a uog to be a cat. Why is that." ~ KRS-1"
- Silk

"I've hau the same pioblem. I have a bau habit making long-teim plans without any shoit-
teim goals.

7*.2, ;12= 9.+#>< It's veiy impoitant to have a 1u yeai plan oi maybe even a five-yeai
plan, but it's ciucial to have shoit-teim goals that you can accomplish uaily, weekly, oi
monthly. Like it's been saiu befoie accomplishing shoit-teim goals builus confiuence anu
will ultimately help you ieach youi long teim goals."
- KP

"The one thing I will auu is that life is a piocess you aie nevei a finisheu piouuct because
theie is moie life to live. Always take time out to enjoy the piocess anu have fun with youi
- themill_woikei

"Also you N0ST visualize in youi minu what you want to uo w youi life, be, anu become,
seeing is believing. if Y00 cannot see it, it won't happen. This is of the most impoitant
founuations of the uANE anu any aspect of life to achive whatevei it is you want to achieve.
You have to piepaie youi minu foi success anu youi minu uoes not know the uiffeience
between visualizeu success anu ieal success, so because it uoes not know the uiffeience
visualizing success will ultimately biing success into ieality because you have fiist
conuitioneu youi minu to it. Pio althletes must fiist visualize winning the game anu
championships in theii minu fiist befoie they actually win the championships, so win they
uo win the championships it no big suipiise to them because in theii minus they'ie alieauy
champions, they've alieauy won just haven't gotten the tiophy yet.
If youi minu can C0NCIEvE it, anu you can BELIEvE it, then you can ACBIEvE it!"
- 1uNACK

"The whole point of thinking is to act. The whole point of acting is the think.

Act without thinking anu being contiolleu by otheis will be inevitable

think without acting anu life will ievolve aiounu fantasies iathei than goals, aspiiations,
anu ieality."


In the game theie aie many iules anu paiameteis in which you must play. We all have oui
own uepenuing on the level in life we aie in. This game is evei changing anu to be on youi
giown man you have to change accoiuingly. Pitfalls in the game aie the things that holu us
back (seen anu hiuuen alike). Sometimes they uo not totally stop the show but they impeue
oui piogiess...if we let them. Some of the pitfalls aie:

- Biugs oi any kinu of auuiction will hinuei you fiom executing to the best of youi ability.
Simply put, because youi bouy anu minu aie focuseu on the auuiction insteau of the game =
TAKINu Y00R EYES 0FF TBE BALL. Be auuicteu to excellence if anything but kick the uamn
habits. I know a lot of weeu smokeis anu cats who uiink heavily anu they all say the same
thing about N0T being an auuict but yetall of them have a stoiy about how they weie high
oi uiunk anu they committeu majoi infiactions in the game. Bon't let youi vices become
uetiimental to youi success....because they will iuin you.

- Choosing the wiong female is a pitfall of the game. Sometimes they uo not show theii
tiaits until aftei they have been qualifieu...it happens. A woman has the ability to be youi
best ally oi youi woist enemy B0T you have to ueteimine which one she will be. 0nce she
has shown she cannot be on youi team you have to chaige hei anu move on..uon't go back
anu fall piey to the pussi. Natuially they aie oui auveisaiy in teims of NAN vs. W0NAN
with employment, the juuicial system anu vaiious othei systems that giaue baseu on
genuei but as men we have been chosen to iule....with theii assistance. Choosing a bau
female can fuk with youi money (uivoice-alimony-palimony-lawsuit), youi fieeuom
(litigation that gives you jail time) anu often times youi health (AIBSBIv, vaiious othei
uiseases). B0 Y00R RESEARCB ANB BE SNART. I often heai cats (heie on this boaiu anu in
the fielu) say they uon't wanna know what the chics histoiy is....B0N'T BE TBIS NIuuA. Be
will finu out aftei the nuise biings him his clipboaiu anu asks who his Bealth Caie Pioviuei
is. I cannot stiess enough - B0 Y00R BANN RESEARCB on these biawus befoie you choose.
You may not want to know giitty uetails but at the veiy least finu out if she has an
unhealthy histoiy if you can. A little pievention goes a long way playas. As it peitains to
finances - Peep how she hanules hei business (bills, cai note, CC Bills, etc) this no uoubt is
how she will hanule youis. Also see if she takes cashcieuit with hei when she goes
out...this uoes mattei. 0ne of the things I noticeu is that theie aie a lot of chics who uon't
even take money with them because they KN0W some simpass will be funuing theii entiie
evening. I actually have seen uuues still kick it with these types of women because theii
theoiy is that "It aint me she's getting ovei on"....uon't woiiy nigga - you'ie next. A woman's
chaiactei tells the entiie stoiy of what she is going to uo with you. Peep the game playas -
eaily. Choosing the wiong fiienus can anu will get you jammeu up as well. This is one youi
momma always tolu you so theie's ieally no explanation neeueu heie - Biius of a feathei,
flock togethei.

- Anothei pitfall in the game is sometimes youi FANILY. A lot of times some of us who giow
up close to oui family have a haiu time uetaching fiom them anu it cieates huge pioblems
when tiying to succeeu. We all want to help momma out oi whoevei in youi family but
sometimes it's to oui uetiiment. Theie is a big uiffeience to "helping" anu "enabling". uive
youi assistance anu FALL BACK unless you will be contiibuting to someone's uepenuency
issues anu making youi job of stiiving foi success haiuei on Y00. The haish ieality is the
oluei folks hau theii time to make things iight foi themselves anu if they coulu not get it
togethei then they got to live with that....not you. Being on youi giown man means letting
people you know anu love see that you will extenu the helping hanu (if they aie ueseiving)
but you have moves to make anu cannot be buiueneu. If youi ielatives aie elueily anu have
nothing to fall back on...you gotta be able to make the tough uecisions about youi futuie
FIRST anu then help them out if you must. It's tough but as a man you must iealize we all
have oui own lives to live anu we cannot allow those who WILL N0T B0 F0R TBENSELvES
to lean heavily on us. Those that cannot uo foi themselves is a uiffeient situation but still
you must make the choice foi them as fai as youi involvement goes. Family element that is
unbecoming of a giown man shoulu be uealt with like how you ueal with anyone close to
you not aligneu with youi goals = Love you like family but I cannot get uown with you if I
want to succeeu. Contiaiy to populai belief you can caie foi someone fiom afai. They will
just have to be goou with that anu let you be.

The latest pitfall in the game is all of the faggotiy on the inteinet anu cats being suckeu into
gossipbitchassnesspop cultuie oi whatevei we want to call it. Right now the meuia has
got the majoiity of us acting like bitches.....anu it's becoming acceptable. Blogging about
people's business, wiiting in some online uiaiy of the uay's eventsTweeting, etc use to be
ieal signs of femininity but now it's gone mainstieam anu we all uo it. I feai getting past this
will be tough wheieas most luciative ievenue stieams will have some soit of "gossippop
cultuie" attacheu to it anu we will have no choice but to play ball if we want to get money (a
la FB, NySPace, Twittei). This is a pitfall because it allows us to stoop to the level of the
biawus. Cats aie on eveiy inteinet site claiming false swaggei, showcasing themselves like
the women uo = B0 SBYT. Someone who is tiying to always be seen (that is not getting paiu
foi thatcelebiity) is loweiing himself to biawu level with eveiy click of the
cameia.....niggas stop that shyt! Be a man anu iepiesent youiself as such on these inteinet
sites. Stop posing like the women anu uancing on YouTube like a misleau female who was
molesteu by hei uncle. uR0W 0P. Remembei that how you poitiay youiselves online is
what the woilu will see you as. If you aie on some goon shyt online on youi social
netwoiking sites then it's veiy unlikely that when you giow out of that bullshyt anu tiy to
get a ieal gig anyone will hiie you (employeis aie looking at applicant's web piesences). We
all have clowneu aiounu on the web befoie as youngei guys (I am suie) but once you get on
youi giown man shyt you neeu to stait ueleting accounts anu uploauing some ieal shyt you
want the woilu to see to help you be successful....anu not look like a jackass. You can be
lightheaiteu about something's but theie is a limit befoie ciossing into foolish...then fuithei
into ignoiance.

0ne of the pitfalls we see moie of as it peitains to the infoimation age, business & women -
BIuITAL REC0RBS. Playas stop texting EvERY gotuamn thing to these females...otheiwise
it'll winu up in couit as6?*%@%, !. Stop typing a bunch of bullshyt on these chics FB Wall anu
on NySpace anu keep it shoit anu sweet anu u0 NEET TBE BRAWB. The infoimation age is
fast...we have seen that a cameia-phone viueo oi pic can be uploaueu in a mattei of seconus
so BE SNART anu keep aleit while you aie out in the fielu (foi those who cieep). Be awaie
that nothing is sacieu anymoie. If people oveiseas aie uploauing viueo of women being
shot anu uying in the stieet then you know heie in the states it's going to get even wiluei.
The inteinet anu cameia phones aie putting niggas on BLAST by the minute so as a man
C0NTR0L Y00R ENvIR0NNENT anu at all times keep youi composuie - The woilu is
watching. The Tech cats know about "E-mail Retention" anu how time anu time again
someone will say some stuff on e-mail that winus up in couit so uo youi business FACE T0
FACE if at all possible (that incluues with women). Repiesent excellence anu take the
ghettoass signatuies out of youi e-mails...I saw one come to me the othei uay anu the e-mail
signatuie fiom the little uuue was "Stuntin' Is a Babit - uet Like Ne"...aie you kiuuing me
nigga.... Who is going to uo business with a jackass like that. Realize that the woilu is
watching anu act like you want to be paiu....if you want coon-nigga B.E.T. tieatment then
continue - but uon't get upset if you aie tieateu as such. If you want to get piofessional pay
anu iespect then be a PR0FESSI0NAL.

- Kick youi uiug habit. If you fiequently inuulge..it's a habit homie anu actually a seveie
sign of weakness (you'ie lying to youiself if you think otheiwise). Be a man anu stanu up
without the junk.
- Choose youi mates wisely (women & men). Bo youi ieseaich on potential female mates.
Association uoes bieeu similaiity - uistance youiself fiom the wiong element.
- Bon't let youi family iuin you. Know how to help anu not be the ciutch
- Poitiay excellence & piofessionalism at all time in the ieal woilu anu especially online.
Leave the attention whoiing to the females."
- Plan~B
"123! !45 !2 62378369 2!:94; 52< =49 48>:!)

Ameiican society was establisheu on the iuea that the westein euiopeans weie "iight" anu
eveiyone else was wiong. BS iueas like manifest uestiny aie eviuent of this. The
pateinalistic attituue is still pievalent in the cultuie anu iesults in people tiying to get the
piaise fiom the next man while hating on otheis to uiaw attention away fiom the fact that
they aie oppoitunists. In ieality "iight" anu "wiong" aie subjective concepts, stick with
what woiks foi you so you can ielate to youiself anu the next peison who may be on
something uiffeient.

12 32! ?@2;; 52<4 >=%9 24 83!9@@8>9369)

This is simple, if I can tell you what you can anu cannot uo then I can contiol you. If I can tell
you what values, beliefs,piinciples,etc you live by then I can appeai mysteiious oi illogical
to you while taking auvantage of you in uiffeient ways. uathei youi iesouices swiftly,
quietly, anu with like minueu kats. 0nly use the weapons when necessaiy. Stiike like a
ninja. Intelligence is an asset if it cannot be measuieu, uictateu, oi contiolleu. Think about
that next time you ueal with snot noseu uppei class people."
- NP

"The Pitfalls begin anu enu with the peison you see in the miiioi. The univeise miiiois
back exactly what you aie. Be youi own heio anu keep the villain within close pioximity
because it's always seeking its oppoitunity to take the easy way out.

The ieal is that you neeu the villain within theie's no: Batman without }okei, Saigent
Slaughtei without Cobia Commanuei, uou without Satan. Be awaie when the villain speaks
so you can use it as fuel to be the heio.

When you aie sitting on the couch anu you know you shoulu be uoing push ups anu the
villain says you'ie tiieu; get up anu get them push ups in, Feeu the heio. When you know
you aie tiying to go into business foi youiself anu neeu to lay uown the business plan but
youi paitnei tells you that the spot is popping tonight. The villain will say you'll be able to
uo the task latei so iesist, Feeu the heio.

Who's in contiol. Who netwoiks the tiaffic in youi minu. Bon't become youi own victim.
Theie is a fine line between abunuance anu poveity. People that complete things well in
auvance live in abunuance because they have given themselves time to enhance anu enjoy
the fiee time. People that complete things on the ueauline live uay to uay anu aie one
mishap away fiom poveity. People that uon't complete piojects by the ueauline oi uon't set
ueaulines live in poveity because they have given themselves no uiiection.

What life aie you going to choose."
- themill_woikei
It is impoitant foi the waiiioi to constantly meuitate upon these things:
u. Think honestly within youiself in youi uealings with all men
1. Constant tiaining is the only Way to leain stiategy
2. Become familiai with eveiy ait you come acioss
S. 0nueistanu the Way of othei uisciplines
4. Know the uiffeience between iight anu wiong in the matteis of men
S. Stiive foi innei juugement anu an unueistanuing of eveiything
6. See that which cannot be seen
7. 0veilook nothing, iegaiuless of its insignificance
8. Bo not waste time iuling oi thinking aftei you have set youi goals

* Bo not become stiicken with a single-minueu attituue. This is fatal. You must be able to
function flexibly within the stiuctuie of the one thing you aie uoing. You must unueistanu
that theie is moie than one path to the top of the mountain.

* Embouy the spiiit of winning by having the spiiit to win.

* Constantly ieevaluate youiself

* It is essential foi a stuuent on the path of the waiiioi nevei to close his minu to the
possibilties of othei possibilities.

* Stiategy is baseu on quickness anu not speeu, powei not stiength.

* Showing extia stiength inuicates weakness in youi technique. It also shows a lack of
contiol on youi pait because you aie uepenuing on something outsiue of youi tiue self.
Youi own pieconceiveu iueas on what being "stiong" means is not the Way of the waiiioi.

* The tiue waiiioi uoes not go aiounu telling eveiyone he is a gieat. Be peimits his actions
to govein otheis' iesponses.

* Bo not take anything foi gianteu anu uo not put emphasis on the things of men."
- lile4S

"A/#,%B+,%.& C 7D%##>

I think it is veiy impoitant on multiple levels to have something to offei the woilu. Anu by
something to offei the woilu I mean skills oi knowleuge. Whethei it be knowleuge of othei
languages, knowleuge of cais, knowleuge of technology, knowleuge of liteiatuie, knowleuge
of maitial aits, whatevei. In fact, you shoulu have multiple aieas in which you have

Why. Well othei than a lot of these being maiketable skills, when knowleuge of self comes
into play, anu you have to evaluate youiself as a man of the woilu, knowleuge is an
objective, positive factoi that incieases value. When you value youiself as a man in youi
uealings with otheis, you now have leveiage. You aie a skilleu, knowleugeable inuiviuual
anu no one can take that away fiom you. Youi show of ueuication to masteiy of youi
ciaft(s) also plays into youi oveiall value as a man.

As stateu eailiei in this thieau sense of accomplishment is +#,. swaggei. Anu I cosign this
iuea completely, to the point that I see it as fact. This is why it is often saiu that "things" uo
not uefine you anu you shoulu not attempt to let youi "things" uefine you. Youi actions
uefine you anu in this case youi actions aie youi ueuication to masteiy of youi ciaft(s).
veiy uefinitive, something to be piouu of, anu ceitainly valuable."

"Leak Youi 0wn Seciets Sometimes

The ieal puipose behinu this iule is to test the (un)ieliability of youi acquaintences. Finu
out which of youi acquaintences tell youi seciets iepeateuly anu which ones aie
consistently silent by following the flow of infoimation. The so-calleu blabbeimouth can be
a useful tool foi manipulating someone fiom a uistance. If you've got a seciet that you uon't
want anyone to finu out, keep it to youiself. People have a uying neeu to tell othei people's
seciets no mattei how tiustwoithy they may be. This is not to say that people will always
succumb to this temptation. Bowevei, the only way to guaiantee youi seciet will nevei be
tolu is to not tell it.

Nevei Tell Anothei Nan's Seciets

When someone tells you a juicy seciet, ueny the uige to go anu spieau it aiounu. The fewei
seciets you tell, the moie tiust you builu of youi fiienus anu foes alike. Keeping youi
acquaintance's little seciets leaus to him tiusting you with biggei anu bettei seciets. These
seciets can also be useu as leveiage when you neeu a favoi fiom that peison. These seciets
can also be useu as weapons. Bowevei, avoiu thieatening to use one's seciets against him,
even if that is youi intention. Some will kill to have theii seciets kept unknown.

Know Youi Stiengths... Keep Them Biuuen as Well

Sometimes it is even wise to uisguise youi stiengths as weaknesses. When you uo this, you
soon finu who aie youi tiue allies anu who aie not. Typically an enemy in uisguise will
make his fiist attack on this so calleu "weakness". When he uoes, uestioy him. Know Youi
Weaknesses... Keep Them Biuuen This iule applies to even people you consiuei allies. You
can nevei know when that fiienuship will go soui. The fiist aiea that a newly foimeu enemy
will tiy to attack is youi weakness. If you uo ieveal youi weaknesses, be piepaieu to uefenu
youiself against attacks on them.

Become Invisible

Watch, Listen, Leain. Become a silent obseivei foi as long as you can all the while piepaiing
to make youi move. Watch how otheis uo what it is you want to uo. Watch them make
mistakes. Leain fiom them. When you feel that theie is no moie that can be leaineu fiom
obseiving, stait piepaiing to make youi move.

Nevei Let Youi Tiue Intentions Known

In youi time of silence, make suie that you nevei let on what you aie planning. If possible,
misleau people into thinking that you aie puisuing some othei goal while quietly putting
youi effoits into youi tiue goal. When you aie ieauy to make youi move, uo it quickly anu
effectively. At this point, it will be too late foi anyone to stop you.

Always have a Plan

Baving a plan is ciucial in acheiving any goal. Nake youi plan anu ieview it often. Each
ieview will become a piactice session so that when it comes time foi execution, you will feel
as if you hau uone it many times befoie."
- Silk

"I've noticeu on heie that cats that talk about otheis biagging aie ieally having feelings of
infeiioiity in themselves. If a uuue is uoing well foi himself anu he tells you, that might be a
sign that he thinks you aie his peei anu he wants to tell someone that is on his level because
he thinks you'll unueistanuappieciate because of youi own expeiiences. Biagging
shoulun't evei come out of anyones mouth on heie because we aie all tiying to get bettei in
this game. Also the uuues that might be consiueieu "biagging" piobably give back moie
than the otheis on heie anyway. I'll speak foi myself, I've been labeleu that by some cats in
the past. I speak on myself because I woulu have nevei thought I coulu accomplish some of
the things I uiu while unuei my mothei. It wasn't until aftei I moveu out that I saw that youi
minu is the only baiiiei to achieving things you want. I speak on my successes, as well as
the mentality, anu step by step uetails of how I accomplisheu them. Its up to them to
inteinalize anu employ oi not.

So ieally, the cats that call any of the uuues that shine on this boaiu biaggeis oi whatevei
aie hateis anu aien't living up to theii full potential. Anu what aie we heie foi. All of the
uuues that I see speaking on themselves on heie aie also the top contiibutois who pioviue
a plate full of goouies foi the ueseiving anu unueseiving alike, anu they uo it unselfishly.
Anu although alot of cats use the knowleuge they still secietly hate the teachei because they
know the teachei is supeiioi to them in that aiea, anu because most cant contiol theii
emotions like a chick they channel those feelings of infeiioiity onto the peison that is
helping them, anu tiy to make it like the teachei is uoing something wiong.

Look at the posts in which someone is saying that someone else is biagging. In ALL of them
the peison that is labeling is usually a hatei, jealous, has self esteem issues, uoesn't
contiibute himself but is a ciitic, oi is just a bytch. So to all the cats that aie labeleu biaggeis
on heie because they contiibute: Keep shining fam. 0thei shineis appieciate as well as the
futuie shineis."
- Silk


As most of us know that have evei uone a business plan one of the items you must pioviue
most investois is an "exit stiategy". By uefinition, an exit stiategy is a means of escaping
one's cuiient situation, typically an unfavoiable situation.

We all know how to get into a situation. Whethei that be with women, business, school,
LIFE in geneial but theie is always a way to giacefully leave the situation with minimal
uamages. In the wake of the tiageuy of Steve NcNaii anu otheis who have fell victim to the
pitfalls of the game...you have to have an exit stiategy oi escape plan. Not to say NcNaii uiu
not have one but its impoitant to know what you aie uealing with anu how to step away.
Theie may oi may not have been waining signs in his case but the bottom line is you shoulu
ALWAYS have a way out of a situation. Be paiu the ultimate piice. RIP

Winneis of wais usually have a way to escape uefeat anu oi ueath. Always keep the
backuooi 0PEN in eveiy situation you aie in.

As Silk always iefeiences, life is ieally like a Chess game. Youi moves must be calculateu
anu analyzeu anu you shoulu keep a iecoveiy move in minu. The Queen in chess can move
all ovei the boaiu (with limiteu to no iules) anu has help of all the othei pieces on the boaiu
to uo so....the King, in most cases, can only move one squaie at a time in any uiiection anu is
still not as ieveieu as the Queen on the boaiu. Tianslation:

These women can move all acioss the boaiu with ieckless abanuonment. They have all the
law enfoicement, meuia anu juuicial help to back them up. As men we N0ST move one
squaie at a time...thinking eveiy step of the way with only a little help along the way. Nen
must make ceitain we uon't make a move that claims oui lives oi oui livelihoous. Women
aie piotecteu to keep those things.

0se stiategy & keep in minu a way out of any situation. TBIS INCL0BES NARRIAuE. I won't
get into the things a maiiieu man must conceive as an exit stiategy, but nothing in life is
exempt. Bave an exit stiategy foi all things Y00

As it peitains to business:

Plain anu simple, youi money is uepenuent on youi moves. You must always keep in minu
that things uon't always woik out anu even a well thought out plan can fail. You neeu to
have some kinu of plan in place whenif it all comes ciashing uown. Whethei that be selling
off assets, bankiuptcy, woiking 2 jobs....always have something in minu = BE PREPAREB.
Investois neeu this too because its theii iisk as well anu usually theii exit plans incluue
iuining youi cieuit + filing on insuiance anu selling youi uebt to a Siu paity....so they aie
cool. You neeu to be as well. If you woik a job anu have co-woikeis oi bosses that
consistently have it in foi you oi youi job is closing its uoois...you shoulu have an exit
stiategy almost like oxygen (essential).
At the enu of the uay no one will have youi best inteiest at heait like Y00. Piotect youiself
in all things anu uon't stumble thiough life...jog at a moueiate pace so that you aie moving
but not so fast you will fall anu not so slow you get passeu up.
- Plan~B


As uesciibeu by webstei is the ait anu piactice of conuucting negotiations between
iepiesentatives of gioups oi states. It usually iefeis to inteinational uiplomacy, the conuuct
of inteinational ielations thiough the inteicession of piofessional uiplomats with iegaiu to
issues of peace-making, tiaue, wai, economics anu cultuie. Inteinational tieaties aie usually
negotiateu by uiplomats piioi to enuoisement by national politicians.

But I'm going uive into being able to ueal anu effectively communicate with all types of
people. As a mack you must achieve supieme masteiy with social skills. You must be able to
change youi style, way of speaking to suit those you'ie speaking too. You must be as an
chameleon always changing anu auapting to youi new social envioinment. You must have
complete contiol ovei youi emotions, be mouest, anu have gieat listening skills. You must
know when to talk, when not to talk, anu what to be concise when you uo talk."
- Su4 Nack


Keep youi fiienus close anu youi enemies closei

Nothing is evei what it seems

uuilty by association

You aie what you keep

All of these iefei to one thing ATN0SPBERE. Pay attention to whats aiounu you anu always
iemain awaie. Who you think aie youi fiienus can actually be snakes in uisguise anu not
eveiyone has youi best inteiest in minu. Thioughout youi uaily activities keep youi "eye"
open anu be caieful off the steps you take. Theie aie enemies all aiounu you...keep youi
heau on the swivil.

Always keep you 1u foot iauius in check.

- Flijack

"The King uoesn't piotect the Queen "because" of hei ieckless moves, he piotects hei
because she is the Queen anu the most poweiful piece on the boaiu. Be neeus hei to bait
the opponent to get his King.

The Queen can move moie fieely than the King. Any ieckless move fiom any piece can
iesult in captuie but as you stateu I was iefeiiing to the movements anu limitations in
compaiison to women anu men touay. You know we can't move like they can because the
consequences aie not equivalent...theiefoie we must move with moie stiategy.


6"#AA B&#0# C D&'E

:,F&'E , G&'E &A -,'(,*H+I #F#' *"HJE" "#KA B+#**I -J0" LH+*".#AA ,'( +#,..I 'H*"&'E -H+#
*",' , -#+# /&EJ+#M"#,() NJ* *",*KA *"# +J.# H/ 0"#AAO .&G# &* H+ 'H*O IHJ ",F# *H ",F# , G&'E) !"#
G&'E &A ,.L,IA *"# *,..#A* B&#0# H' *"# 0"#AAPH,+( ,'( *"# G&'E 0"#AA B&#0# L&.. JAJ,..I ",F# ,
0+HAAM.&G# HPQ#0* H' *HB) NI *"# +J.#A H/ 0"#AAO "&A -HF#A ,+# B+#**I .&-&*#(O "# 0,' H'.I -HF#
H'# ARJ,+# ,* , *&-# PJ* "# 0,' -HF# /H+L,+(O P,0GL,+(O .#/*O +&E"* ,'( (&,EH',..I)

6"#AA B&#0# C SJ##'

<'.&G# *"# G&'EO *"# RJ##' &A 'H /&EJ+#M"#,() ;"#KA *"# -HA* BHL#+/J. 0"#AA B&#0# IHJ ",F# H'
*"# 0"#AAPH,+() !"# RJ##' JAJ,..I .HHGA .&G# , RJ##' &' *"# A#'A# *",* A"#K.. ",F# , 0+HL'O
AH-#*&-#A L&*" '&0# A",+B BH&'*A) =00H+(&'E *H *"# +J.#A H/ B.,I&'E 0"#AAO A"# 0,' -HF#
F#+*&0,..IO "H+&TH'*,..IO ,'( (&,EH',..I QJA* ,A -,'I ARJ,+#A A"# L,'*A)U
- Plan~B


Although it may seem like a peison is uown with you oi uown foi you, sometimes you have
to set tiaps aiounu youi game so that the people you consoit with expose themselves....to
youi betteiment. Lets say theie aie a few people in youi ciicle you iun with oi quasi-tiust
anu something is telling you that things aie not what they appeai. Some ieal goou game will
attiact all kinus of people. In this economy anu in this uay & age people aie STARvINu.
Staiving foi attention, money, piestige anu sometimes quite liteially foou anu with
eveiyone wanting to eat.....if youi plate is laige oi giowing anu you have some excess those
same people will be waiting to collect it. Sometimes not on puipose but moie times that few
its planneu. As a mack you will be able to give out game almost unconsciously because the
moves you make aie so habitual foi you that what you say anu uo in fiont of otheis will
almost "iauiate" with the game. Knowing this keep an ample amount of things in youi miust
that will tiiggei youi inteinal alaims anu booby-tiap those who have a hiuuen agenua.
Peifect example;

I have a guy who uoes what I uo anu we aie often on the same jobs with each othei anu he
tiies to get me to go out foi beeis with him, offeis to take me & the mis. out to uinnei.....but
nevei asks foi anything in ietuin. 0ccasionally we thiow each othei bones when one of us
has a pioject loau to heavy but foi the most pait we aie both uoing well. See niggas like this
you must always watch because the agenua is going to come out eventually. I set a tiap foi
him eailiei this yeai anu by having some pioject stuff on my white boaiu in my office when
he comes by. Now gianteu some of the things I have on that boaiu aie ieal but some have
laige numbeis neai them. Little uiu he know those numbeis weie the contacts phone
numbeis (I just left the uashes out anu no aiea coues). I knew he woulu think I hau some
big money guys on ueck anu he woulu tiy to contact them on the sly so he came to me about
if I hau anything I coulu thiow his way this summei anu I saiu no. Be then pioceeus to biing
up one of the clients on the boaiu "as if" I mentioneu them to him a while back. 'uame'

I gave it to him anu he got the contiact but it was only thiee uigits of the numbei he saw + it
was fai moie woik than I was willing to uo foi that small amount of money.

Noial of the stoiy is....eveiyone wants something fiom you & as }ay Z put it:
"when the giass is cut, the snakes will show".

Set tiaps to expose youi auveisaiies.....

)8;: )4E6F

Even though we got them as oui lauies, wives, uF's, iostei, etc....they aie always tiying to
play us. Set tiaps foi theii ass too. Women will foievei be testing us. Its the natuial balance
of genuei contiol in society. Theie's nothing we can uo about it besiues play smaitei anu
set oui tiaps. They have the most poweiful tiap in the known woilu....The Pussi. Bon't fall
foi it. I have seen the stiongest cats fall victim to the coochie anu become weakei than
public iestioom tissue. Women know this anu they use it to manipulate us. A ieal tiue to
the gamei will not be phaseu oi vexeu but N0 NAN is above this tiap. Eveiy man has a
weakness anu it is usually attacheu to a woman. The best way I have seen to tiap a female is
with goou bait (oui woith, youi value, youi game). Noimally these things will be ievealeu
to hei anu she will show hei motives although some canwill play the iole foi months oi
even yeais befoie it comes out....ask Nasii }ones oi Nos Bef. At the enu of the uay they aie
piobably oui most uefiant auveisaiies.

uentlemen....set youi tiaps.



a 0RN, you must obtain a lot of gieat skills. It's essential that as a mack that you be auept in
the ait of self-uefense anu iespectively possess the physical aptituue to piotect you anu
youi assets. While that Is impeiative I piopose that you acquiie a skill that will cut youi
physical alteications back uiamatically. 0ne that can uiveit a high-iisk situation into a
comfoitable one that plays out in a favoiable outcome foi you. What am I speaking of you
ask. I'm iefeiiing to the ait of BIPL0NACY. Not only uiu I touch on this subject a few
months on go on the 0PA boaius, but King Flex a.k.a Taiiq Nasheeu actually spoke on this
subject on his 2uuth poucast hustlei's mentality.

As uesciibeu by Webstei is the ait anu piactice of conuucting negotiations between
iepiesentatives of gioups oi states. It usually iefeis to inteinational uiplomacy, the conuuct
of inteinational ielations thiough the inteicession of piofessional uiplomats with iegaiu to
issues of peace-making, tiaue, wai, economics anu cultuie. Inteinational tieaties aie usually
negotiateu by uiplomats piioi to enuoisement by national politicians.

But I'm going uive into being able to ueal anu effectively communicate with all types of
people. As a mack you must achieve supieme masteiy with social skills. You must be able to
change youi style, way of speaking to suit those you'ie speaking too. You must be as an
chameleon always changing anu auapting to youi new social enviionment. You must have
complete contiol ovei youi emotions, be mouest, anu have gieat listening skills. You must
know when to talk, when not to talk, anu how to be concise when you uo talk.

Piioi to speaking you must swiftly uiagnose the peison you'ie talking to anu speak to them
on a level upon which they can unueistanu you. Bon't unueiwhelm oi oveiwhelm the
conveisation. Foi example if you'ie talking to Baivaiu giau, you'u want to exeicise youi
laige vocabulaiy to effectively communicate with them in such a mannei wheie you uon't
sounu like an uneuucateu oi simple minueu peison. You want to have gieat sentence
stiuctuie anu speak as coiiectly as you possibly can. Now on the othei anu if you'ie
speaking with a thug fiom the hoou it woulu be in youi best inteiest to use a limiteu
vocabulaiy anu to speak using slang oi ebonics just so they can compiehenu you. Anu
always be cognizant of the fact that even though we have a founuation foi ebonics they'ie
some slang that vaiies fiom the Countiy, to iegion, to state, to city, to the aiea in the city. In
othei woius what you'll say to someone fiom the 9th waiu of New 0ileans won't be the
same thing you woulu say to someone fiom Biownsville Biooklyn. Nost people you see on
the stieet well be in that miu section of Thug anu Ivy league giauuate . Anu If you'ie talking
just to a noimal peison who's not fiom the hoou I'u auvise you to just talk in a mannei
that's easy foi them to unueistanu you uon't have to say "Ya Beaiu me" aftei eveiy sentence
noi uo you have to say I concui eveiy time you agiee with them. A gieat example of a
biothei with gieat uiplomacy skills woulu be Nalcolm X. Nalcolm X was able to conveise
with a ciiminal fiom the ghetto aswell as possessing the ability to pioficiently uebate with
an ivy league alumni.

0nce you've efficacious in the youi attempts to uiagnose anu communicate with people
we'll move on to the next phase. Law # 4 of the 48 laws of poweiAlways Say Less Than
Necessaiy.(one of my favoiite laws) You must be able to balance youi talking anu to
peisuaue otheis to uo youi biuuing. Nevei talk to little oi to much. No one likes a
chatteibox oi a motoi mouth.When you speak always have a puipose. Now being quiet is a
lot bettei than being veiy talkative. But it's a gamble, you can eithei be left with a shiouu of
mysteiy upon youi piesence oi can be vieweu as weak anu unable to expiess youiself.
Though peisuasion can be categoiizeu as anothei skill in itself it can also be vieweu as a
sub-skill of uiplomacy. To get someone to uo something you have to make it appealing to
them. You must be able to play on theii fantasies, wants, anu neeus.

Lastly 0RN one of the most piofounu things about you is the fact that you'ie mobile, unlike
youi beta male counteipaits you make it a hobby to tiavel. I'u auvise you to become
bilingual. Bell I auvise foi you to assign a uiffeient language to each of youi team mates
also. When you go to these countiies you can eithei go alone anu bag a couple uimes in the
countiy by beingaffluent in theii language, you can even just know how to say hi anu they'll
be satisfieu anu aiouseu just by anu Ameiican attempting to speak to them in theii native
tongue.(which most uon't uo uue to aiiogance anu laziness) 0i you can of couise take one
of youi ueseiving team mates acting as a tianslatoi. If youi game is tight she alieauy know
the ueal, you can eithei kick with hei oi not she'u be ueseiving foi just coming along.

I hope the game I spit touay was a big help to my fellow Biotheis, Playas, Nacks, 0RN, anu
0RN's in tiaining.

Also peep out the blog, Bi-Chambeis, Lonnie, anu Ne aie spitting that Nitious game!



In my life I have hau stiuggles with focusing on what ieally matteis....but I have gotten
bettei with time & expeiience. 0n this boaiu, in ieal life, in college its haiu foi a playei to
keep his focus. We aie actually self piogiamming the bullshit into oui lives. Playa's when
we feel like we N0ST bust that nut off on some chic we aie "low-key" giving the biawu the
powei.....because youi uominant thought is to bust that nut with hei. This is what becoming
a man anu a mack is about = F0C0S. Bo not take youi eye off the ball young playas. I WISB I
hau someone back eailiei to pull my coat-tail about this (pops passeu away). Although the
best teachei is expeiience we as men still neeu a PLAYB00K to ieau by. When you keep
youi focus you aie not giving the women the powei. They cannot manipulate you anu youi
actions anu in tuin they will appioach you. I ieau a question on this boaiu wheie someone
askeu "So you mean you focus on othei stuff anu the women will come." anu the answei is
N0T EXACTLY. I mean youi focus on youi goals is foi Y00 anu once you aie flowing anu
glowing in youi success it looks attiactive to females....thats when the appioach comes in to
play. Theie is no magic tiick to pulling women howevei being the best you can in othei
aieas of youi life show women you aie a winnei....anu the quality women want to be aligneu
with winneis. 0nfoitunately the bullshit biawus want that too but this is youi choice with
whom you mess with. Bow many of us know someone who was banging many females anu
thought they weie the mack anu aftei a few yeais of this behavioi they got at least 2 (anu a
possible) kius by uiffeient chics. This is not mackish playas. If you want to be tieu up in
couit foi chilu suppoit anuoi involveu in a gang of uiama with seveial nuthin-ass-bitches
then be this nigga. The ability to select oi be selecteu anu the act of making that into
something beneficial foi Y00....thats mackish.The ianuom fuking of many anu any biawus is
not mackish homie. A fool can smash seveial biawus. This is actually thiisty behavioi. As a
mack you must be selective with whom you lay uown with. Its not quantity...its quality.

Back to focus...the way it woiks is that ieal focus can help you accomplish the goals-that
builu the value-that cieate the situation foi a mack to be chosen....not just by women but by
ANY oppoitunity.

Theie aie seveial books anu thieaus on this boaiu alone with ways to inciease focus. Stay
on couise young playas. The pussi will come anu its not going anywheie. Some cats may feel
like if they uon't fuk as many biawus as they can lay eyes on oi they'll stop making pussi oi
something... They aie making new pussi foi you cats eveiy 1u seconus....its not going to
iun out. Stay focuseu anu quit being thiisty. Running up behinu a bunch of women is thiisty
behavioi. Youi pussi count will be high but what about youi euucation. What about youi
money. What about fitness. We got a lot of woik to uo othei than letting the pussi take
youi eye off the ball.

uet off the bullshit playas. Stay focuseu my fiienus.....Stay thiisty foi success & foi the
impoitant shyt in life (gains)."
- Plan~B

"8&,2.>"1G,%.&< The self-obseivation anu iepoiting of conscious innei thoughts, uesiies
anu sensations. It is a conscious mental anu usually puiposive piocess ielying on thinking,
ieasoning, anu examining one's own thoughts, feelings, anu, in moie spiiitual cases, one's
soul. It can also be calleu contemplation of one's self.

Youi outwaiu life is a uiiect ieflection of the innei woikings of youi minu. If you aie
clutteiing youi minu with all types of negative thought patteins anu gloiifying all the wiong
things mess those things will come out in youi uay to uay. Changing any patteins of
negative outcomes in youi life neeu to stait heie. Now, scenaiios wheie things aien't going
youi way shoulu stait with intiospection, it is the shoitest ioute to the most effective
poition of the solution. Insteau what we finu is that this step is avoiueu, since a laige
poition of us weie iaiseu in a mannei wheie we woulun't have a stiong moial base.
Accountability was not stiesseu in oui homes, in fact the exact opposite was shown to be
the noim as a methou of hanuling auveisity. Young black males geneially have been iaiseu
without key elements of manhoou being instilleu in theii lives, anu iegaiuless of the ieason,
these tiaits aie missing in a significant amount of auult males.

Although an emotional base is the founuation of many of these males thought patteins,
theie still has to be an accounting of the iole that they themselves play in any situation they
finu themselves in. What insteau occuis is that an immeuiate lashing out occuis anu the
situation spiials uownwaiu at an even quickei pace. Lashing out at the wiong inuiviuual oi
when you aie not in a position of stiength can have catastiophic effects on youi life. 0nce
you finally iealize youi iole in the situation anu how things uiun't have to be that way it is
too late.

Although most of us aie haiuwiieu now with oui peisonalities anu attiibutes we can
howevei slow uown oui ieaction time, ponuei oui iole anu RESP0NB. Responuing to a
situation, uenotes contemplation, anu then action. The gieatest minus of the past spent
laige amounts of time in ueep thought, a piactice almost lost in touays young males. Young
males spenu time on things that aie iaiely going to be piouuctive to them longteim. This is
not acciuental, theie has been a stiuctuiing of a system wheie people that uon't ieally have
to piactice intiospection iaise those that must have intiospective behaviois to be
successful. Impiessionable chiluien aie like sponges anu they take the things they leain in
theii youth anu take them into theii auult life. Although this impeuiment has been
iuthlessly useu against the males of oui iace, it can be oveicome. Rushing in impetuously
anu not consiueiing the potential hazaius of ieckless behavioi can be easily avoiueu, anu
the afteiaffects can be moie malleable when you ponuei the elements that have leau up to
the impenuing conflict.

Eveiy step you take touay, will affect some aspect of tomoiiow. Bo you want huiiieu anu
emotionally baseu uecisions to ueteimine youi futuie. You aie the peison that contiols
these outcomes, with self-uiscipline you can contiol them. It all staits in youi minu anu the
uecisions maue theiein."
- Silk


"I foigot to auu this quote to my 8&,2.>"1G,%.& post.

So it is saiu that if you know youi enemies anu know youiself, you will fight without uangei
in battles. If you only know youiself, but not youi opponent, you may win oi may lose. If you
know neithei youiself noi youi enemy, you will always enuangei youiself. "

- Sun Tzu - The Ait of Wai via Silk

"Taking immeuiate action is a habit you can builu. Like woiking a new set of muscles, at
fiist it's uncomfoitable. But soon you'll come to enjoy youi new level of powei anu
piouuctivity. Piactice taking immeuiate action. Soon you won't have to think about it --
you'll just act immeuiately out of habit! "Time is at once the most valuable anu the most
peiishable of all oui possessions."
- }ohn Ranuolph via Ill Bill

"Thinking anu Feeling

When you fiist encountei a conclusion in the couise of a uiscussion, you uo so with a
histoiy. You have leaineu to caie about ceitain things, to suppoit paiticulai inteiests, anu
to uiscount claims of a paiticulai type. So you always stait to think ciitically in the miust of
existing opinions. You have emotional commitments to these existing opinions. They aie
youi opinions, anu you quite unueistanuably feel piotective of them. This point ueseives
special emphasis. )1 @2%&' #.,> .H "12>.&+# @+''+'1 ,. 1B12$ I1G%>%.& J1 =+D1K
1?"12%1&G1>L I21+=>L B+#/1>L ,2+%&%&'L +&I G/#,/2+# *+@%,>M :.J1B12L %H $./ +21 ,.
'2.JL $./ &11I ,. 21G.'&%N1 ,*1>1 H11#%&'>L +&IL +> =/G* +> $./ +21 +@#1L "/, ,*1= .&
+ >*1#H %& .2I12 H.2 =.21 G.&,1="#+,%.&M 4&#$ ,*+, 1HH.2, J%## 1&+@#1 $./ ,. #%>,1&
G+21H/##$ J*1& .,*12> .HH12 +2'/=1&,> ,*+, ,*21+,1& .2 B%.#+,1 $./2 G/221&, @1#%1H>M
;*%> ."1&&1>> %> %=".2,+&, @1G+/>1 =+&$ .H ./2 .J& ".>%,%.&> .& %>>/1> +21 &.,
1>"1G%+##$ 21+>.&+@#1 .&1>O ,*1$ +21 ."%&%.&> '%B1& ,. /> @$ .,*12>L +&I .B12 =+&$
$1+2> J1 I1B1#." 1=.,%.&+# +,,+G*=1&,> ,. ,*1=M Inueeu, we fiequently believe that we
aie being peisonally attackeu when someone piesents a conclusion contiaiy to oui
own. The uangei of being emotionally involveu in an issue is that you may fail to consiuei
potential goou ieasons foi othei positionsieasons that might be sufficient to change youi
minu on the issue if only you woulu listen to them.

Remembei: Emotional involvement shoulu not be the piimaiy basis foi accepting oi
iejecting a position. Iueally, emotional involvement shoulu be most intense aftei ieasoning
has occuiieu. Thus, when you ieau oi conveise, tiy to avoiu letting emotional involvement
cut you off fiom the ieasoning of those with whom you initially uisagiee. A successful active
leainei is one who is willing to change his minu. If you aie evei going to be a ciitical thinkei
you must be able to change youi minu, you must be as open to iueas that stiike you as
wiong oi stiange when you fiist encountei them."
- Silk

"}ay I agiee with youi point to a uegiee howevei I think the one uynamic that you may be
ignoiing is the uynamic of caieei oppoitunities anu money. If you aie in the coipoiate
woilu oi you'ie a high status piofessional (i.e. lawyei, biokei, accountant, bankei, political
figuie, piofessional athlete) while you may not have gotten all of the smashin out of youi
system (if that's even possible) theie aie auvantages to being maiiieu veisus being single
as it ielates to piofesional ielationships anu enuoisements.

0n moie than one occasion I have spoken to executivespiofessionals who have aumitteu
that they got maiiieu oi continue to stay maiiieu because it's a bettei image to poitiay
piofessionally. It gives off the appeaiance to theii clients, investois, employees who iepoit
to them, etc. that they'ie moie stable anu aie able to make bettei uecisions in geneial.
0nueistanu that the ieal money in this woilu is contiolleu by the conseivative population.
They stay focuseu, that's how they get iich.

This is even moie impoitant if you aie young anu black. Tiust me, you will not finu many of
youi white collegues anu CE0's that will be willing to invite the single, athletic built, shaip,
piogiessive minueu, black man to the house foi the annual Chiistmas paity at Bob's.
Bowevei these aie the events wheie the netwoiking foi caieei changing piomotions anu
ueals happen. Peep most successful white cats, getting maiiieu is one of the fiist things that
they uo.

While I love meeting new chicks anu smashin as much as a the next man I also unueistanu
that 9S% of the time its a supieme waste of time anu eneigy. P%>G%"#%&1 %> 1B12$,*%&' %H
$./ J+&, ,. @1 +&$,*%&'. Playing the game giown man style you play 1 of 2 ways: 1. You
get maiiieu to a lauy that helps you win anu stay focuseu 2. You only ueal with females who
tiuly have something to auu to youi wealth oi knowleuge. Choosing the lauuei option
piobably iequiies moie uiscipline than the 1st because in ieality 9 12 out of 1u women
that you meet will not be willing oi able to auu anything significant to the impiovement of
youi iank in the foou chain.

I'm not saying that its wiong to have a team of chicks anu stay single foievei oi that I woulu
nevei get maiiieu anu cheat. I'm just giving you a uiffeient peispective that you may not
have consiueieu.

Biun't mean to get off topic, gieat uiop 'B, anothei classic!"
- Bollywoou via Plan-B


As the new yeai is usheieu in by unlikely gym membeiships anu bioken piomises anu
iesolutions I have ponueieu on a ielative question; WB0 ARE NY LEABERS.

It's kinua tough foi some of us out heie to take oui leau fiom anyone in paiticulai being
that it appeais a lot of cats aie on some ieal bullshyt. I have been seeking out a mentoi foi
about a yeai oi so with not a lot of luck evei since my 0u passeu away. I finally founu a cat I
coulu ielate to anu who has hau a few uollais in tiansactions in his hanus befoie who
knows the iopes. I iealizeu that to be a leauei you must fiist know how to be leau youiself. I
am speaking all of this to say that playas even seasoneu macks neeu someone to school
them anu I think that the last few yeais a lot of us in the 2u-SS uemo have ieally been on
some self piomotional shyt anu uoing too much "acting AS IF". I am one of the fiist who will
say that peiception is the only thing that matteis to most but P0SSESSI0N is 91u of the
law. Be who possess the infoimation, the piopeity, the money, the uiive, the hustle has the
auvantage ovei most otheis out heie.

We got to stop bullshyting my uuues anu be ieal about what we aie anu wheie we wanna
go. A lot of this attituue comes fiom not having mentois anu goou guiuance out heie. We'ie
basically just bumping oui heaus anu leaining thiough expeiience anu that is cool
B0WEvER, the key is to minimize those bumps thiough applieu logic anu calculateu moves.
Naximize the wins anu leain fiom the losses.

I guess I am becoming incieasingly uisgusteu with Twittei anu othei Social outlets making
us men look like some bitches. We aie constantly stepping away fiom leaueiship anu slowly
taking the womans leau. Liteially gossiping with hoes online....WTF. We weie ioasting a
young cat in the Baibei Shop last week anu he was like you uuues aie too olu to unueistanu
Twittei, FaceBook...thats wheie all the bitches aie so we young playeis go to wheie the
bitches aie. I was like look homie, I am not too much oluei than you but look at what you
saiu "WE u0 T0 WBERE TBE BITCBES ARE AT"...you aie being leu by biawus little nigga -
uont you see.

Last night on 0stieam with Taiiq theie weie iepeateu Lame-Nigga-Attacks to the point
wheie I hau to bounce anu Taiiq was tiying to get me to stick aiounu saying the game
neeus to put the spotlight on these little ignoiant niggas but I hau enough. I was chopping
up game on the PN anu one of the lauies in theie was just talking ciazy about how chiluish
things hau gotten anu how it was cool with the auvice anu the lauies calling in until the
joking anu all the ciaziness just continueu. I hau to chop it up with hei offline about some
biz anu she mentioneu it again touay. See fellas. This is the imageiy we leave women with
because we have N0 LEABERSBIP.

I tiy my uamneuest to be what I say I am anu to uiop game so that cats can win a few times
anu step up anu be leaueis in theii iespective spots on the soil but this shyt is getting
iiuiculous. Nan I STR0NuLY suggest that all macks oi macks-in-tiaining finu a mentoi in
youi aiea anu abioau. I chose to look mainly in my aieas because I am a visual peison anu I
want to see the "uet Bown" in the flesh. I want to visit the peisons businesses anu see if he's
living what he's spitting.

The moial of the stoiy:


Let's keep this thing of ouis 1uu% mackish playas.

Ny iant."
- Plan~B

!"#$%&$'() +'%,))&-,'.,

The concept of emotional intelligence has been iuentifieu in iecent yeais anu pioviues some
inteiesting insights into peisonality. Emotional intelligence, oi EQ, iefeis to the extent to
which people aie self-awaie, can manage theii emotions, can motivate themselves, expiess
empathy foi otheis, anu possess social skills.

These vaiious uimensions can be uesciibeu as follows:

/,)01(2(3,',44: This is the basis foi the othei components. It iefeis to a peison's capacity
foi being awaie of how they aie feeling. In geneial, moie self awainess allows a peison to
moie effectively guiue theii own lives anu behaviois.

5('(-&'- "#$%&$'4: This iefeis to a peison's capacities to balance anxiety, feai, anu angei
so that they uo not oveily inteifeie with getting things accomplisheu.

5$%&6(%&'- 7',4,)0: This uimension iefeis to a peison's ability to iemain optimistic anu to
continue stiiving in the face of setbacks, baiiieis, anu failuie.

"#8(%9:: Empathy iefeis to a peison's ability to unueistanu how otheis aie feeling even
without being explicitly tolu.

/$.&() /;&)): This iefeis to a peison's ability to get along with otheis anu to establish
positive ielationships.

Pieliminaiy ieseaich suggest that people with high EQ's may peifoim bettei than otheis,
especially in jobs that iequiie a high uegiee of inteipeisonal inteiaction anu that involve
influencing oi uiiecting the woik of otheis. Noieovei, EQ appeais to be somthing that isn't
biologically baseu but which can be I1B1#."1I

E.21 %&H. H.2 $./2 21+I%&' "#1+>/21<

- Flijack

"In this installment I wanteu to touch on uuues who let theii womenwife iun the show.
Playas we got to step oui intellect up anu take on moie ioles within oui houesholus as it
peitains to the "business" of maiiiage anu oi ielationships. Beie iecently one of my closest
potnas took a majoi "L" anu his wife hit him with the uivoice papeis + Chilu Suppoit. Now
the laws aie uiffeient in each state but in a lot of aieas the couits iequiie a uegiee of
counseling befoie a uivoice is gianteu (akin to the bankiuptcy piocess). Nainly this is
because fiivolous maiiiages anu uivoices waste tax payeis uollais (oi so they say).
Anyway...the cat maue the giave anu fatal mistake of letting the women hanule all of the
bills, papeiwoik, house, piopeity taxes, etc while he playeu the iole of the pioviuei. Beie's
wheie she gameu him; She went to school while he woikeu anu got heiself in position
wheie she staiteu making moie than him. Be alieauy thought this woman was an asset
because she knew how to hanule business anu he uiu not so he put the ship on auto-pilot
foi a few yeais. While he was uoing that she staiteu suggesting they get out of theii iental
anu step up to a house. Nothing wiong with that at all. Bowevei his cieuit got toie up by a
bau uecision he maue at the beginning of theii maiiiage B0WEvER she was signing foi
eveiything. Although he biought income to the house anu paiu the bills on time that weie in
BER NANE....long stoiy shoit he is now Su+ yeais olu....sleeping on a twin sizeu beu in his
motheis house while she has:

- The goou cieuit
- The new Benali
- The new house
- Chilu Suppoit

all in a mattei of S months = Checkmate

She useu the ole "I'm going thiough an emotional time uue to postpaitum anu seiious
weight gain" ioutine on him anu this nigga STILL believes it. While shooting ball I have
askeu him anu his statement is always...."man I know my wife - something is wiong with hei
mentally".....veiy sau.

Noial to the stoiy:

A. PLAYAS - Take contiol of youi householu eaily in the game. Bow you stait is how you

B. No mattei how much you love a woman...she is still youi auveisaiy...even on youi team.

C. Nevei take youi hanus off the steeiing wheel of life. (note: a lot of playas tenu to put giils
on theii team anu kick back while honey uoes hei thing foi you but bewaie the scanualous
natuie hiuuen in ALL W0NEN)


It seems that when family anu fiienus aie uoing bau they swaim you like bee's to a flowei.
Although many may be cool in theii ielationshipmaiiiagesingle life those aiounu you
with the wiong eneigy can subconsciously mess with youi eneigy - IF Y00 LET TBEN. The
above mentioneu gentleman is a ueai fiienu of mine anu I have tiieu to put this negio up on
game, point him to the sciolls anu the poucasts foi enlightenment but no no avail. Be is just
lost anu a wieck aftei this woman has gameu him foi so much of his life now. The thing is I
was staiting to take peisonal offense to his situation anu getting pisseu that the bitch uiu
him that way but as the saying goes - You cannot hate the playei, hate the game. In essence
his eneigy was staiting to fuk with my flow anu hau me ieaching out to him with moie help
than I shoulu have gave him. see in this woilu NEN SB00LB BE NEN - PERI0B. 0nce I laceu
him I shoulu have steppeu away anu let the seeus of game sink into the soil but insteau I
gave him a few books....askeu him foi a few uays if he ieau them anu about some items in
them....inviteu him to hoop with this gioup of cats while we chop up game...gave him a little
game on getting a little cash injection to put his life back togethei - all to no avail. I hau to
limit the involvement anu keep his eneigy away fiom me. It is what it is.

Anothei inciuent I can think of is a guy I choppeu it up with this weekenu anu his pioblem
with his people anu theii incessant whining about spenuing money to take clients out foi
lunches anu how they hit up the 99 cent menu uaily to pinch pennies B0WEvER they
smoke weeu anu shoot uice iegulaily. Bioke nigga eneigy at it woist heie. Nan it says
something when you cant even eat uecent foou foi supplying youi habits anu vices. Theie is
always a laige gioup of cats who get uown like this too....these aie the uuues you wanna
avoiu. I have potnas who engage in this kinu of activity anu I only see them in passing foi
that veiy ieason = they geneiate bioke nigga eneigy. Foi some ieason this eneigy also
makes cats thiisty anu geneially the uuues aie on some low buuget love shyt with some
hoouiat too (its almost like a combo meal that comes with the fiies). Not many upscale
females aie aiounu this eneigy fiom what I have seen.


All this goes without saying but some STILL uon't get it:

1. Stay in contiol of youi ielationships
2. Siuestep the bioke anu unfoitunate "
- Plan~B

"Anothei Bome Run with this one Plan~B

I can tiuly ielate to this one. Aftei ceitain inciuents in my life I have begun to giavitate away
fiom bioke nigga eneigy. Anu ueciueu to be on my own giown man shyt that tiying to be
one the RYBAS.

Bont get me wiong ive been with my ciew my entiie life but I have leaineu thanks to this
thieau anu youiself that theie aie winneis anu loseis in life anu that some people just aie
not meant to make it. Plain anu simple. Anu i iefuse to be one the loseis, which means its
time to cut some nyggas loose, if they aie not what im about.

Ive also put my whole ciew on to TN's Poucasts about a yeai ago. Now they most gangstei
uuue on my team uoesnt fvck with the poucast. But when I askeu foi his ieasoning he saiu
"because it's common sense shyt". That tolu me iight now that he was up on game fiom a
stieet peispective but just uoes not have enough life expeiience 00TSIBE of the hoou to see
the impoitance of listening to a uuue of Taiiq's statuie. So im not goin to shove the game
uown his tiought especially if he CB00SES not to listen.

The same thins goes foi the main playei of my team. Be has been the lauies man of the
gioup since we weie touuleis. Be is S0NEWBAT moist but not on a skinny jean tank top
weaiing type uuue peispective. Noie so fiom a stiippeiiuiot foi the bytches type
peispective. Be's got the most bouies unuei his belt in the squau but thats piobably why he
is tuining 21 anu BIS S0N is tuining 2. Since he got his giil piegnant he tiieu to make it
woik with the bioau but while he was uoing so i woulu |lay the poucastwhenevei he was in
the cai anu let him soak up the game. Be began applying it by acciuent, because this type of
game CAN N0T be ignoieu, even if one uoes not "fvck with it". I came home foi the summei
last week anu since i been home he's tolu me that outsiue of the upbiinging of his son, he
uoes not **** with his BN anymoie anu is tiying to iun with me this summei.

Then theie is my homeboy who is a B2 football playei at his 0niveisity. I put him on to the
game (The Nack Within) fiist. Bamn neai immeuiately aftei I came acioss it in u6. Be sais
he hasnt change much but I no he has, even if he uoes not notice it. But about a yeai ago I
put him onto the poucast. Anu he just tolu me that 2 thing have stuck with him the most.
Anu he has been implementing it eveiy uay since he fiist came acioos it.

1) 7 Levels of Bisiespect - he puts bytchs in check immeuiately whethei he knows them oi

2) "The seconu you come out of youi pocket you become a tiick anu nothing moie", im
seiious when I say this because one of my othei homeboys that is in "the game" wanteu to
go to a stiip club to get off the block foi a night because it was "hot out".

We went anu sat iight theie anu let homie tiick off uamn neai 2uu uollais in piofits as my
homey who plays football tolu them bytches fiom jump that "he is not a paying

Anu then theie is my little biothei who tuins 19 this yeai leaining fiom ALL 0F 0S.

But uespite whatevei they uo with TBEIR live I make suie that I stay Nackish with mine
anu leau by example."
- Flijack

"Anu what aie we heie foi. All of the uuues that I see speaking on themselves on heie aie
also the top contiibutois who pioviue a plate full of goouies foi the ueseiving anu
unueseiving alike, anu they uo it unselfishly. Anu although alot of cats use the knowleuge
they still secietly hate the teachei because they know the teachei is supeiioi to them in that
aiea, anu because most cant contiol theii emotions like a chick they channel those feelings
of infeiioiity onto the peison that is helping them, anu tiy to make it like the teachei is
uoing something wiong.

Look at the posts in which someone is saying that someone else is biagging. In ALL of them
the peison that is labeling is usually a hatei, jealous, has self esteem issues, uoesn't
contiibute himself but is a ciitic, oi is just a bytch. So to all the cats that aie labeleu biaggeis
on heie because they contiibute: Keep shining fam. 0thei shineis appieciate as well as the
futuie shineis."
- Silk

"Nacks foi the most pait in my opinion aie lone wolfs. Iionically enough we aie veiy social
beings, but in most cases we uon't hang aiounu huge gioups of uuues like alot of othei kats
though. The same coulu be saiu of alot of pimps aswell, when the last time have you seen a
pimp kicking witih a bunch of squaie uuues. Nevei

Let's face it, we piiue ouiselves in being the alpha cats in the jungle, suiiounueu by a swaim
of hyenas. You'ie an elite gioup of uuues. So the pioblem in most cases is lack of compatible
fiienus.But theie aie infact cats just like you, with the same values, piiniciples,anu similai
goals. You aien't the only mack to ioam the eaith, but mack men aie fai anu few
inbetween.But you may have come acioss one of these macks maybe in a chic club picking
up chicks, oi on vacation in a foieign countiy. You can feel youi equivalent's eneigy, anu as
you look at each othei, you communicate with a simple nou to each othei valiuating youi
instincts that inueeu I'm a mack as well homie anu instantly you feel that like you this is a
thoiough kat.

Now If seen some instances wheie kats like us have actually bumpeu into each othei, anu
now of each othei anu just a sense of mutual iespect but yet no foimeu ielationship. But
theie aie iaie times wheie these type of kats uo foim an alliance of some soit anu connect
togethei like voltion foiming an entity I iefei to as "TBE NACK PACK". Can you imagine, a
bunch of macks, shoit, tall, skinny, musculai, black, white, hispanic, foiming togethei in
biotheihoou. BEABLY!!! Eveiyone making up foi each othei's weaknesses. This is the type
of ish that cieates an auia of mysticisim amongst b*tches & niggas alike.

This is a foice to be ieckoneu with, if you have the auuacity to foim such a gioup, you &
youi team will have powei of titantic piopoitions!

"Like you alluueu to, the potential when you have a team of piouuctive cats on the same
page is enuless. When you have TBAT many cats ieauy to mack, anu spit on uemanu, you
have to be on point when out in the fielu.

"fiienuly competition, shaipens the blaue" - Savvy"

"What Su4 sais is seiiously on point. In fact i spent my entiie past summei builuing up my

I came home fiom school to finu that almost my entiie squau I hau giown up with hau fallen
off. The uiiection I saw my "biotheis" going in was iippeu stiaight out of a }ohn Singleton

They hau, money they oweu the gov foi tickets anu acciuents. Baby Noma uiama,
piegnancy scaies, chubby hoouiats anu a whole list of othei things that weie going to cause
them to hit the wall BARB.

Nost of the things they weie going thiough weie things that I knew they weie above anu
most impoitantly, these gioup of uuues incluueu, my little biothei who uiopeu out of
college aftei the fiist semestei of his fieshmen yeai. Be hau his own peisonal ieasons but i
iefuseu to allow my own BL00B to fall off.

As soon as i got home I began to put my whole team on game. I hau alieauy put them on to
the sciolls anu the poucast, but aftei listening to them each inuiviuualy I ielizeu the females
weie the least of my homies pioblems.

So aftei some ieally ueep ciitically analytical convos with them in gioups as well as
inuiviuually I ueciueu to biing out the big guns anu I put the ones that weie "woithy" on to
48 Laws of Powei.

I assigneu each anu eveiy one of them the task of puichasing that book foi themselves. In
exchange I woulu mentoi them while ieauing it seeing as I myself hau not yet finisheu it
until iecently.

The only one to finish thus fai is my youngei biothei anu that mainly because he lloks up to
me the most anu is the closet to me uaily so I coulu stay on top of him anu make suie he
ieaus it.

When I tell you my team liteially upgiaueu theie minuset TENF0LB, I mean it. Ive got some
of the shaipest stieet cats as well a some of the youngest "hoou piouigy's" uoing uiit
aiounu my way, 0N P0INT now.
All we uiu this entiie summei was uiscuss 48 laws anu plan foi the powei moves we aie
going to be making this wintei, in the hoou as well as on some of oui iespective campuses.
We liteially iip that book apait on uiffeient levels amongst myself anu my team that
incluues my youngins that aie as young as 16

I hau some of them pic up "The Ait of Seuuction" foi goou measuie as well as give us
something else to uiscuss uuiing oui occasional "Cipheis" (my stieet cats now what I mean
by ciphei:lol: )

Right now im woiking on getting my hanus on "SS Stiategies of Wai" so that I can auu that
game to my aisenal as well. }ust wait until i biing TBAT game to the iounutable....Its not
even going to be faii to oui simping, hating, giimey, thiisty, competition....in oui hoou anu
oui city as well "
- Flijack

"I think we can all agiee that the Finance Thieau is laceu with game out-the-ying-yang. We
can piobably all agiee that since it's not at the top of the boaiu it often goes unuei-noticeu
to the untiaineu eyes. 0n some ieal giown man talk.sometimes when otheis fail to see the
value in something it leaves the oppoitunity wiue open foi you anu I. I have been ciiticizeu
foi saying this but I will say it again anu again:

"Eveiybouy can't win out heie.somebouy has to be the losei"
Bence the ieason this is calleu "The uame".
When cats in youi miust uon't want to pay attention when you put them up on game oi
when they blatantly uisiegaiu REAL uANE being given that will lace pockets anu minus..I

Theie have been a few posts heie in this veiy section about iolling solo anu TBE uANE
gives us all the oppoitunity to make something mackish happen foi ouiselves in that iegaiu
but we have to be ieceptive to it. When cats aie not ieceptive anu want to ovei hype othei
topics like pop-cultuie, uating, etc. they aie subconsciously hanuing you money anu
oppoitunity. It's mainly because they have not leaineu bettei oi just uon't value that iight
now in theii lives. That's cool.moie foi the iest of us then. Black people have this pioblem
wheie we uon't want to get on something until we see S0NE0NE ELSE shinning. Especially
black men. We stay tiying to one-up the next cat on some bullshyt when some of us see
someone else out heie winning. It's time to look at this site foi what it ieally is.it's a T00L.
The woius typeu anu loggeu on the pages of this website have so much game to offei the
aveiage cat, it will essentially make him AB0vE AvERAuE in a ieal way. 0PA has the net on
lock with S00NB ABvICE on Fitness, Finance, Empoweiment, Relationships, Fashion, Race
Relations.I mean uamn man I uunno why anyone woulun't want to have this site saveu as a

To those who uon't caie anu just swing thiough to get a iise out of people anu an occasional
chuckle - Keep thiowing away golu nuggets.its cool - We'll take it fiom heie.

P.&Q, @1 =+I +, /> J*1& J1Q21 '1,,%&' %="+,%1&, J%,* $./ +&I I.&Q, #1+B1 $./ +
I1G1&, ,%"M

Knowleuge is moie than powei.its oxygen.

- Bieathe oi Bie"
- Plan~B

"Beie's some tips foi you homie:

1. Woik haiu foi what you want anu EN}0Y IT. I woikeu a few gigs anu hau women at each
one. I know its fiowneu upon but that helpeu me inteiact with oluei women anu pick up
some veiy useful game along the way. Bon't sweat finishing school so much...get youi
money up playa...TBEN focus on school. The whole cliche of "going to school full time foi 4
yeais anu getting a gieat job"....is bullshyt. The woilu iewaius expeiience FIRST...then
euucation is the cheiiy on top. You have to have pioven tiack iecoiu befoie anyone will
believe in you enough to pay you what you aie woith.

2. uet youi money up, get youi skills up, LEARN FR0N TB0SE AR00NB Y00. I soakeu up so
much game woiking aiounu those Su & 4u yeai olus maue me a supeib playa. I got game
fiom all angles in those spots...IT Tech game, uame fiom oluei women, uame fiom oluei
uuues, Real Estate game....all the tools to get aheau. Nothing wiong with woiking two gigs to
get youi money wheie you can invest in something.

S. B0NT W0RRY AB00T W0NEN. When you uont woiiy about women they come to you.
Its wilu biuh, but eveiytime I basically saiu "fuckabitch" that is when they showeu
up...C00PERATINu T00. Bont let these uuues out heie anu on this site pump you up into
thinking fuqing baiiels of bitches is living the life. It is only a ticket to having closei ouus of
illegitimate chiluien, chilu suppoit in youi 2u's, oi a bunch of uiseases.

4. NAKE Y00RSELF RARE. Bont always be in the hotspots....Fuq all that socialite bullshyt
these niggas anu these hoes aie tiying to be on....smiling anu posing foi these club
pictuies....who gives a F0Q....wheies the money in that. 0nly show up to a few functions anu
when you uo the women who aie checking foi you will be looking foi you. Stay moving on
some othei level ish. uo to clubs wheie a total uiffeient iace goes, go to oluei sets. Soak up
all the atmospheies anu expeiiences to make youiself well iounueu.

S. Anu finally - L00K F0R TBE LIFESTYLE. If you want to tiavel to the exotic spots anu live
nice, ieseaich those things anu what it takes to get at them anu go uo it. PLAIN ANB
SINPLE. Bustle haiu foi 9u uays anu iewaiu youiself with a light tiip...then hustle haiu foi
6 months anu take a majoi tiip. Nake this a ioutine anu abiacauabia - You have a lifestyle.

Bont feai being homeless...uont even think about that pimpin'....as long as you have bieath
in bouy you can woik a few jobs anu get something going in life. As fai as the coinyass
social events...man if you aie woiiieu about that shyt then you wont be successful. Those
people you see smiling in the club pictuies aie stiuggling homie. They aie peipetiating like
they have money anu aie happy but in ieality most of them aie losing in the game. The ones
who uo have some money will not be on the scene all the time because they got money to
make. Which one uo you want to be.

Bope this helps.

BTW - the only website I can iecommenu is www.iiseanugiinu.com

That cat Fieeman is the tiuth!"
- Plan~B
"6=.,%.&+# 8&,1##%'1&G1

Ima go kinua ueep on this one so baie with me. 0vei the last few yeais of my life I have
been tiying to mastei the business of NE. Leaining things uaily about myself in oiuei to
move aiounu with enough knowleuge about what I can anu cannot uo. In this continuous
jouiney I have been stuck on the same chaptei foi about S yeais now in this book of life;
Nasteiing Emotional Intelligence.

Fiist off, the uefinition of Emotional Intelligence is paiaphiaseu as a self-peiceiveu ability to
assess anu contiol youi emotions anu the emotions of those aiounu you.

Full uefinition: http:en.wikipeuia.oigwikiEmotional_intelligence

Although this is consiueieu anu measuieu as a skill, I woulu ventuie to say that this my
fiienus is essentially what we aie all stiiving to uo on this boaiu. Theie aie countless
stuuies, books anu measuiements on this but in the ieal woilu these things have to be
ielate-able. Taking out the IQ anu Neasuie-ability of the teim, I think that having a high
level of Emotional Intelligence uoes a few things to help the mission:

1. It helps you unueistanu why you feel the way you uo in ieaction to ceitain things that aie
in ANB beyonu youi contiol - This allows you to make bettei juugment calls on anything
fiom business to peisonal

2. It helps you piocess the motivation of otheis - This is extiemely impoitant in the fielu
wheieas if you know what moves youi opponentallypaitneiacquaintances aie going to
make baseu on stuuying theii emotions you can hanule them bettei.


In business we often see a vaiiety of things that aie not all too noticeable on the fiont enu.
Such as gauging the tempeiatuie of an employei oi client foi a possible move that woulu
put you into maximum eaining position 0R if you woik a squaie 9-S; ieauing a cowoikeis
motivation foi wanting to assist you anu othei things that go on within the office that aie
"questionable". With iaising youi level of emotional intelligence you can basically PEEP
uANE on a lot of these anu othei instances simply by obseiving how they get uown foi an
extenueu peiiou of time. The key to using TBEIR emotions to Y00R auvantage is in being
the same peison in fiont of them. I have founu that if you aie of a uominant statuie (i.e. an
alpha) you speak LESS (Law #4) anu }0ST B0 IT (Law #9). What this uoes to those aiounu
you is show them you aie a man of action anu you aie ieseiveu...people will stait to talk
about themselves anu theii issues because you aie not talking about youi business to them.
This allows you to see what makes them tick emotionally. Take that infoimation anu use it
wisely...knowing what gets people iileu up oi exciteu is a poweiful thing in the wiong

I've uone things foi clients to invoke some kinu of emotion that went bau because some
people cannot hanule that. I once saw that this cat was ieal sensitive about his wife cheating
on him anu to get him to by an IP cameia setup fiom me I foiwaiueu him a few aiticles on
cheating wives...he bought the system (thanks foi the $SK BTW ) but I ieau about him in
the papei a few months latei because he tiieu to iun the bitch ovei with his cai...ouch. Now
I am not saying it was all me who hau this uuue wigging out but planting moie seeus in his
gaiuen may have uiove him ovei the euge - liteially.


This is kinua a no-biainei heie. About 8S% of the questions on this boaiu woulu N0T be
askeu if uuues knew what kinu of powei they hau just by tapping into anu managing a
females emotions. Women aie the most emotion cieatuies on the planet anu all you have to
uo is 0BSERvE. 0utsiue of the obvious, if a woman is not into you you cannot make hei "uo"
B0WEvER, you can still cieate favoiable situations foi youiself if you know what kinu of
emotions spew fiom hei. I think BossNack saiu it best in a poucast he hau about "The
Bitches uotta Like You" anu in a sense they uo but that comes fiom you knowing how to
make hei laugh, make hei feel happy, etc. Now I'm not talking about tiicking noi am I
iefeiencing cup-caking but just KN0WINu what the female's emotions aie can help you
auvance with hei...oi hei fiienus. Peisonally I like to cieate an emotional neeu in females
wheie they gotta see me oi chop it up with me just to even feel goou about the uay...this has
helpeu me in my single life immensely. Not on an iule chattei tip but to the uegiee a female
who hau no intentions of evei fuqing aiounu with me wanteu to uiive 2u minutes just to get
a uamn hug. 0f couise it went fuithei than that but you get my uiift. 0n the othei siue of the
emotional coin you gotta be able to get some less pleasant emotion out of a female also.
Women have to be feaiful of losing you. This is a veiy poweiful tool...use it with caution
because when women become scaieu to be without you they tenu to uo ciazy sh!t. Its safei
just to ietain the infoimation anu let the bitch pass on to someone else if you think she will
be a pioblem.

}ust some things I hau iattling aiounu on the mental...enjoy if you can use it...comments anu
ciiticism welcomeu."
- Plan~B

"Which all goes back to the whole 0RN piece. You have to be something youiself... Thats
what the majoiity of these cats uon't get. If you aien't anything woith keeping then she will
nevei have that feai. Nost of these uuues aie so cookie cuttei that they aie fungible. A chick
woulu have no pioblem uiscaiuing most of them because she coulu easily ieplace them
tomoiiow. When a female KN0WS that you aie something special, she will act a lot bettei.
Females thiive off of competition, anu one of theii piime motivatois is that they want theii
fiienus anu othei women to be jealous of them. If you up youi game you will always have
women because you will have sepaiateu youiself fiom this bottom iung society we live in.
The competition is so weak among these uuues its easy to uiffeientiate youiself. If she
knows that hei fiienus woulu love to be with you oi even fvck you, she will behave a lot
bettei. Also you have to cieate situations wheie she will see youi value as exhibiteu by the
uesiie of othei females. "
- Silk

"Common Sense- You have to make moves baseu off how you think. If think too fast, you
will move to fast anu youi outcome won't be appieciateu it. Rathei it be by you oi by othei
people aiounu you (Family anu Fiienus). Example: I uiu some stieet hustling when I was
youngei. 0ne uay the neeu foi me to get money, maue me think too fast anu hau me in the
back of a police cai. That uay woke me up anu let me know to think a little haiuei on how to
get financially stiaight. Bow uiu I uo that. By using the gieatest auvice given to men!
thiu life befoie me, so why shoulu I not listen.. By me ieauing books on financial savings
anu also sitting with oluei men who succeeueu in life. I now have 4 mutual funu
investments totaling 1uk! About to be a business uegiee college giauuate anu will be
puising a giauuate uegiee soon afteiwaius! I now always take two thoughts befoie moving
towaius one action!!"
- umpu79

"Soiiy, just seeing this. If you stay suiteu anu booteu accoiuing to the enviionment you aie
in you will get attention fiom othei females. A tight cut, toneu physique, anu confiuence will
cause othei females you check you out. uoing to places wheie theie will be othei females
theie will cause youi giil to see youi value in othei females' eyes. Funny, I hau an instance
of this last night. I was at a white paity with the cuiient female I ueal with. She is not fiom
my city so noone knew hei but me. She uiun't know what to expect, I maue suie she talkeu
to some females that ieally likeu me. I also maue suie she sat in aieas wheie theie weie
females that I hau eithei hau sex with oi wheie theie weie females that I know woulu holla
at me given a chance. She caught the cut-eye all night.L0L. Then when my fiat biotheis took
a pic anu they staiteu calling foi me to come anu get in the pic she ieally hau this look of
aumiiation because eveiyone coulun't just get in the pic.

Not only hei but othei females weie staiing. Eveiy female wants to be a pait of something
exclusive. Anu if they cant be in it, having a man that is is the next best thing. When I came
back anu sat by hei she was all ovei me because she knew othei females weie checking me
out anu she saw them.

Cieating invisible amoiphous opponents of the minu... Its haiu to keep fighting an opponent
of youi own cieation, but they uo it without hesitation. "
- Silk


The thing about life is when you aie tiying to come up, it's so easy to let youi cuiient
situation inject feai into youi minu anu heait so much so that you begin to uoubt youiself
anu subsequently youi potential.

This uynamic cieates a cycle of self-uefeat. Applieu faith baseu on soliu plans is the
antithesis of any situation. Always walk in faith, no mattei what.

R%>%.& 88<

The enemy is clevei in knowing how to attack youi minu using the element of
uiscouiagement. Bon't allow uiscouiagement to iule youi minu anu heait. Each uay,
envision youiself being wheie you uesiie to be mentally, spiiiitually, physically, anu
Continue to woik in this uiiection iegaiuless of the setbacks anu uetouis because if you
uon't, you'll will meet fiustiation heau on. Fiustiation is typically a pieuecessoi to
uiscouiagement to the point wheie you subconsciously beat youiself up. But playas, you
can not allow tempoiaiy uefeats to bog you uown.
It's of absolute impeiative that you continously ieminu youiself of youi vision anu push
towaius it."
- embiya2k

"Keep youi paitneis close anu youi auveisaiies even closei...youi just thinking aheau anu
that is always smait.

}uuas oi not, no one can stop a man with a plan."
- Plan~B

"Some auuitional insight along siue of Plan~B's, I see the situation as Revenue Shaiing vs
Agiee To Buy. I assume hei main piouuct is T-Shiits so uo you see youi piouuct anu hei
piouuct in uiiect competition with one anothei. Fiom the looks of it, it uoesn't seem like
she sees you as uiiect competition because she put in woik foi you.

In most cases I'u auvise the Niciosoft Nouel by giowing the pie (paitneiing). If you two can
negotiate a ueal that leaus to inciease foi the both of you by allowing access to each otheis
netwoik anu you have a level of tiust foi hei, shoot. This is Revenue shaiing similai to the
pievious aiiangement you maue with hei.

Theie's also anothei mouel similai to Apple wheie you "own" youi piouucts in youi supply
chain anu tieat eveiybouy like a suppliei insteau of paitneiing. But you must be a
negotiating anu piicing beast like Steve }obs. This ioute is agieeing to buy fiom each othei
foi a peiiou of time which piotects youi intellectual piopeities.

As fai as uealing with a }uuas you must alieauy have this built into youi system. IN0, the
best way to hanule a gieeuy mf is to set youi system wheie the people that woik foi you see
themselves incieasing each uay by builuing in compensation quiiks. You must expect
people to giow out (positive outlet) oi sell out (negative outlet) of youi system, Plan foi it."

- themill_woikei



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