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ON THE CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE COINS OF EPHESUS. LONDON: ROLLIN & FEUARDENT, 61, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, W.C, axp 4, RUE DE LOUVOIS, PARIS. 1880. Period Cire. no. 1400. 1100. Loss. 700-560, 560. 490. J. 700-480. TL. 480-415. TIL, 415-394. 407. CONTENTS. Page Introduction. . i Prehistoric ‘Times. ‘The Hittite Empire in Asia ‘Minor. ‘Tho Mixod Population of tho Const- lands: Tonians, Carians, and Leleges 4 Anciont Trading Station at the Mouth of the Cay- ster, and the Cultus of a Nature Goddess there. 6 ‘Tho Reflux of tho Ionians from Europe back into Asia in tho Eleventh Contury .c.; their Settle ment at Ephesus under Androclus, and their hostile relations with the Asiatic element of the population attached to the Temple of the Goddess . 8 ‘Topography of Ephesus. The New Tonian Colony ‘on Mounts Prion and Coressus, and the Asiatio ‘Village in the Plain round the Temple... 9 Relations with the Lydian Monarchy before the Reignof Crassus. u Pindarus, Nephew of Croesus, ‘Tyrant of Ephesus, Siege of Ephesus by Cresus, and Expulsion of Pindarus +18 ‘Tho Porsian Conquest of Tonia.” Favours con- and her Temple by the ee Cee ent Eloctrum and Silver Ooinage of Ephesus of the Seventh, ith, and Taoly Part of the Fifth Centuries 8.c. 2 15 ‘The Athenian Supremacy disadvantagoous to Ephesus. Subjection of the Asiatic Party. The Coinage—(a) 480-450, (8) 450-415... 18 Persian and Spartan Supremacies. Tissaphernes dofeats the Athenian Thrasylus at Ephesus. 21 Lysander at Ephesus; his Reforms... 21

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