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Sunt propozitii subordonate introduse prin : if , unless (= if not ) , on condition (that) , in case (that) , provided (that) , providing (that) , supposing (that) , suppose (that) . [ unless este conjunctie negativa , d eci verbul va fi la afirmativ ] . In astfel de propozitii nu putem fo losi viitorul sau conditionalul .

I. Daca in propozitia principala avem viitor , prezent sau imperativ , dupa IF vom avea prezent . Conditia exprimata este reala si posibila (90% sanse de realizare). Se refera la VIITOR , la o actiune care are aproape toate sansele sa se realizeze . Exemple : The pain will go if you take some medicine . Where will you put your books if she takes your bookcase ? The sun shines if there are no clouds in the s ky . People eat if they feel hungry . Don t touch the wire if you don t have rubber soles (talpi) . If you think the mushrooms are poisonous , don t ea t them .

II. Daca in propozitia principala avem conditional prezen t ( would + Vb.I ) dupa IF vom avea past tense . ( Pentru verbul TO BE este forma WERE la toate persoanele ) . Conditia exprimata este probabila si imaginara (~ 49% sanse) . Se refera la PREZENT , la o actiune care s-ar putea realiza dar este foarte put in probabil . Exemple : We wouldn t postpone the exam unless we could . Providing Jack were here he would know what to do . If I were you , I wouldn t turn him down ( a refuz a) . Where would she go for help in case she really needed it ? OBS. Exista posibilitatea de a-l omite pe IF , in acest caz are loc

inversiune dintre auxiliar si subiect . Pentru regula a II-a , auxiliarul este should pentru verbele obisnuite si were pentru verbul to be . Exemple : Should I find some money I would pay the rent . Were they eating , you would have to wait . Should it start raining , how would you go on pl aying ?

III. Daca in propozitia principala avem conditional perfect ( would have + Vb. III ) dupa IF vom avea past perfect . Conditia exprimata este nereala si imposibila ( 0% sanse ) . Se refera l a TRECUT , la o actiune care nu s-a realizat conform asteptarilor dar nu se poate modifica . Exemple : How would you have reacted if you had been invited to the principal s office ? If they had lost the match they would have been punished . Suppose he had spoken in French , nobody would ha ve undestood him . If she had been sleeping she couldn t have heard the phone . Atentie ! : frazele conditionale de tipul III se pot traduce prin IMPER FECT. Exemple : Cum reactionai daca erai invitat . ? Daca pierdeau meciul .

Daca vorbea .. nimeni nu-l intelegea . OBS . Il putem omite pe IF , facand in acest caz inversiunea dintre a uxiliar (had) si subiect . Exemple : truth ? EXCEPTII A. Dupa IF putem folosi viitor sau conditional , daca se face refer ire la sansa . Traducere : daca cumva , daca se va intampla sa , daca s-ar intampla sa , daca s-ar fi intamplat sa , daca se intampla sa , daca din intamplare . Had they been late , everybody would have had a shock . What would you have done , hadn t she told you the

Exemple : If she will come to the party I ll give her the message . If it will rain we ll have to cancel the picnic . If they will be thirsty they will drink no matt er what . B. Pot exista fraze conditionale mixte , in a este la conditional prezent ( regula II , se subordonata este la past perfect ( regula III . Adica , o actiune se poate realiza su nu in lta actiune s-a realizat sau nu in trecut . Exemple : hadn t killed that little girl . She wouldn t pay so much now if she had driven m ore carefully . care propozitia principal refera la prezent ) iar , se refera la trecut ) prezent , pentru ca o a

You would have a better job if you had learned English . He wouldn t spend his young years in prison if he

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