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Yuvay Jeanine Meyers, Howard University
ABSTRACT Although there has been significant research regarding ethnically targeted marketing and the portrayals of ethnic minorities in Advertising, the central focus has been on categorizing race as a physiologically homogeneous group without considering other variables such as skin color. When targeting the Black consumer, the role that the visual identifiers of race play has been omitted from extensive examination. Using the consumers ethnic identity as a framework for this study, the reception of advertisements featuring Black models of different skin tones was tested in this research. The specific outcome measures of advertising effectiveness examined in this study were attitude towards the ad (Aad), attitude towards the product (Aprod), attitude towards the model (Amod), and purchase intent (PI). After the analysis of the data collected in this study, it can be stated that the ethnic identity of a Black consumer does play a significant role in how Black models are received in advertisements based upon their skin color. Black study participants that were stronger in ethnic identification felt more positively towards darker skinned models than those Black study participants that were weak in ethnic identification. This research suggests that examining skin tone within race may provide a more accurate insight into the effect that ethnicity plays on visual reception of ethnic marketing. The findings from this study will help marketers to further understand the dynamic present when targeting Black consumers with ads featuring Black models. INTRODUCTION In spite of the fact that images and portrayals of African Americans have been extensively studied in advertising research, the common variable in those studies has been race without accounting for variance that may result from skin tone differences within race (Bailey 2006; Cox 1970; Dominick and Greenberg 1970; Kassarjian 1969; Shuey, King, and Griffith 1953; Taylor and Lee 1995). As minority spending power and social interactions of different racial groups in America have increased over time, advertisers have increasingly been concerned with reaching minority ethnic groups through visual inclusion. With minority purchasing power increasing (Selig 2010), research in this area is more important than ever before. However, many companies were initially leery of offending the White majority that was their consumer base (Surlin 1977). In a 1953 study (Shuey, King, and Griffith), only 0.6% of ads contained African
Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Volume 15, Special Issue, Number 2, 2011

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a scale of color must be identified and agreed upon. Color classification is not the same for everyone; it is affected by culture and language (Franklin et al, 2008). With color being severely subjective, it may be difficult to get consensus on the description applied to each subject. Future research in this stream should also extend to other cultural groups. The phenomenon of skin tone bias has been reported in other ethnic groups (Herring 2003). In America, Hispanics and Asian ethnic groups would benefit from a replication of this study. As discussed globally, people of color around the globe and their reception of ads based up the models skin town should also be analyzed. Using models from other ethnicities could help to determine how consumers, both within and outside of their group, respond to the spectrum of color that may be represented as a targeted endorser from that group. Consumer Behaviorists should strive to fully understand the affect that we as marketers have on consumers and how our targeted efforts are in turn received based upon the variable of skin tone. REFERENCES
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Demographics What is your age? What is your gender? What school do you attend? Attitude towards the Ad I dislike the ad / I like the ad I react unfavorably to the ad / I react favorably to the ad I feel negative toward the ad / I feel positive toward the ad This ad is bad / This ad is good Attitude towards the Product This is a bad product / This is a good product I dislike the product / I like the product I feel negative toward the product / I feel positive toward the product This product is awful / This product is nice This product is unpleasant / This product is pleasant This product is unattractive / This product is attractive I approve of this product / I disapprove of this product

Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Volume 15, Special Issue, Number 2, 2011

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