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Republic Bolivarian of Venezuela. Ministery of Popular Power for Education. U.E A Dios sea la gloria. Maturn-Monagas.

Teacher: Rubn Mota.

Estudiantes: Carrera Marianyelis Centeno Luris Guzmn Laura Martnez Alonso

Maturn, marzo de 2010.

ndice. Pg. Introduccin Narrativa de Miguel ngel Asturias..2 Leyenda de la Tatuana......4 Gabriel Garca Mrquez y cien aos de soledad...5

Conclusin..11 Fuentes de Informacin...12

Conclusin: The country currently has 19 419 MW of installed capacity in different plants. Prior to 2003, according to current projections, an additional 2200 MW installed by the Public Sector and 600 MW, by the private sector, and hydro generation is in the area of Guyana and west of the country, while in the central and western Zulia state are the main centers of heat output.

Thermoelectric power plants: Thermoelectric energy is electricity produced by difference in temperature. It is based on a phenomenon called the See back effect. These are the main power plants in Venezuela:

1. The Punto fijo thermoelectric power plant is situated in Punto fijo falcon state. The power plant has an installed capacity of 143 MW.

2. The Tchira thermoelectric power plant is situated in La fra Tchira state. The power plant has an installed capacity of 285 MW.

3. The Alfredo Salazar thermoelectric power plant is situated in Anaco Anzotegui state. The power plant has an installed capacity of 210 MW.

4. The Guanta thermoelectric power plant is situated in Guanta Anzotegui state. The power plant has an installed capacity of 140 MW.

Hydroelectric power plants: 1. The Guri hydroelectric power plant is situated 100km upstream of the Caroni River in Necuima Canyon in Orinoco, Venezuela. The power plant has an installed capacity of 10,200MW and is the third largest power plant in the world. 2.

Termoelctricas: la energa termoelctrica es la electricidad producida por la diferencia de temperatura. Se basa en un fenmeno conocido como la Santa hacia atrs resulta. Estas son las principales centrales elctricas en Venezuela: 1. La planta de Punto fijo de energa termoelctrica se encuentra en el estado de Punto Fijo halcn. La central tiene una capacidad instalada de 143 MW. 2. La planta de energa termoelctrica Tchira est ubicado en La Fra del estado Tchira. La central tiene una capacidad instalada de 285 MW. 3. La planta de energa termoelctrica Alfredo Salazar est situado en Anaco estado Anzotegui. La central tiene una capacidad instalada de 210 MW. 4. La planta termoelctrica de Guanta est situado en Guanta del estado Anzotegui. La central tiene una capacidad instalada de 140 MW.

Centrales hidroelctricas: 1. La planta hidroelctrica de Guri se encuentra 100 kilometros aguas arriba del ro Caron en Necuima Canyon en Orinoco, Venezuela. La central tiene una capacidad instalada de 10.200 MW y la central elctrica ms grande del mundo.

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