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Table of Contents



S...Colonialism 0vei Time anu Space


S...Piison Abolition

6...Poweiful Alliances


This teach in, anu the contents of this packet aie meant to pioviue a
founuational unueistanuing of the piocesses of colonization, anu how they have
impacteu vaiious communities similaily anu uissimilaily thioughout time anu
space. S.A.N.I. !" "$ %&' iecognizes this packet as the "enu allbe all" uefinitive
iesouice on the subject of colonization. In fact, we uaie to suggest that theie is no
single iesouice, since - we hope to aigue - the subject of oui analysis is always

The uocuments anu uefinitions in this packet aie continually in flux, anu as a
gioup committeu to Black emancipation anu piison abolition, we aie concuiiently
committeu to changing oui stiategies accoiuingly.

,-.# )/ 0%1%").1)/23 ,-.# )/ !245$).1)/23

"The two teims |impeiialism anu colonialismj aie inteiconnecteu anu what is
geneially agieeu upon is that colonialism is but one expiession of impeiialism.
Impeiialism tenus to be useu in at least foui uiffeient ways when uesciibing the
foim of Euiopean impeiialism which 'staiteu' in the fifteenth centuiy: (1)
impeiialism as economic expansion; (2) impeiialism as the subjugation of 'otheis';
(S) impeiialism as an iuea oi spiiit with many foims of iealization; anu (4)
impeiialism as a uiscuisive fielu of knowleuge.Initially the teim was useu by
histoiians to explain a seiies of uevelopments leauing to the economic expansion of
Euiope. Impeiialism in this sense coulu be tieu to a chionology of events ielateu to
'uiscoveiy', conquest, exploitation, uistiibution anu appiopiiation"

-Linua Tuhiwai Smith, ()*+,+-./.-0 1)23+4+,+0.)56 7)5)89*3 8-4 !-4.0)-+:5 ;)+<,)5
=<> ?@A

"Between *+,+-./82.+- anu *.B.,./82.+- theie is an infinite uistance"

-Aime Cesaiie, (.5*+:95) +- C+,+-.8,.5D =<>EFA

"Colonialism tiauitionally iefeis to the establishment of uomination ovei a
geogiaphically exteinal political unit, most often inhabiteu by people of a uiffeient
iace anu cultuie, wheie this uomination is political anu economic, anu the colony
exists suboiuinateu to anu uepenuent upon the mothei countiy. Typically the
colonizeis exploit the lanu, the iaw mateiials, the laboi, anu othei iesouices of the
colonizeu nation; in auuition a foimal iecognition is given to the uiffeience in
powei, autonomy, anu political status, anu vaiious agencies aie set up to maintain
this suboiuination."

"Theie appeai to be foui basic components of the colonization complex...
Colonization begins with a foiceu, involuntaiy entiy. Seconu, theie is an impact on
the cultuie anu social oiganization of the colonizeu people which is moie than just a
iesult of such "natuial" piocesses as contact anu accultuiation. The colonizing
powei caiiies out a policy which constiains, tiansfoims, oi uestioys inuigenous
values, oiientations, anu ways of life. Thiiu, colonization involves a ielationship by
which membeis of the colonizeu gioup tenu to be auministeieu by iepiesentatives
of the uominant powei. Theie is an expeiience of being manageu anu manipulateu
by outisueis in teims of ethnic status.A final funuament of colonization is iacism.
Racism is a piinciple of social uomination by which a gioup seen as infeiioi oi
uiffeient in teims of allegeu biological chaiacteiistics is exploiteu, contiolleu anu
oppiesseu socially anu psychically by a supeioiuinate gioup."

-Robeit Blaunei, !-2)9-8, C+,+-.8,.5D 8-4 G3)22+ 7)B+,2

Questions to consiuei:
What uoes colonization cieate. Bestioy. Bow. Anu wheie.
0%1%").1)/2 %65$ 7)25 ."& 84.(5

"We attempt to tiack the :-)B)- 2)D<+98, 5)4.D)-282.+-5 in which impeiial
foimations leave theii maiks. Nost impoitant, we seek to ask how empiie's iuins
contoui anu caive thiough the psychic anu mateiial space in which people live anu
what compounueu layeis of impeiial uebiis uo to them"

-Ann Lauia Stolei, !D<)9.8, ()H9.56 $- 7:.-5 8-4 7:.-82.+-

18I+9 JB)-25 .- 23) 3.52+9K +L M>N> C+,+-.8,.5D
=*+99)*2 +94)96 HO LO )O *O 8O IO 0O 3O .O 4A

a) Foimation of state police:
begins as a iesponse to union
actions. Laige coipoiations hau
employeu own piivate foices,
anu iefoimists saw this as
unsavoiy while coipoiations
saw it as expensive.
b) Cieation of the "Sheiiff":
iepiesentatives of the ciown
who maue suie laws weie
ieinfoiceu. 0npopulai figuies
weie tax collectois anu
c) Foimation of a nation-state in
0S colonies: National militia
unifies in effoit to iemove the
Biitish anu a national
constitution pioviues foi
maintenance of militaiy.
u) Piison Population Expansion:
by 2u__ the 0niteu States
impiisons 1.S million people,
up fiom 198,uu in 1977.
e) Establishment of the tians-
Atlantic slave tiaue: use of
foice anu contiol of bouies
institutionalizeu into economic
systems of the Ameiicas.
f) Colonization in the Ameiicas:
Biutal militia foice is a ioutine
pait of lanu-giabbing, along
with latei foicing Inuigenous
peoples into woiking in mines
anu agiicultuie.
g) Wai on Biugs: Begins at
Raegan's uiging, setting up
uiban communities of coloi as
both victims anu peipetiatois
in an ogoing piocess of
h) Patiiot Act: Following 911, a
feueial law is hastily passeu
that uiastically incieases the
poweis of suiveillance anu
piofiling foi the state.
i) Aiizona's SB-1u7u: Anti-
immigiation law that taskeu
local police with immigiation
enfoicement anu foimalizeu
iacial piofiling
j) Watts Riots: Riots began aftei a
stanuaiu "uiiving while Black"
tiaffic stop in the Watts
neighboihoou of LA wheie
police assaulteu anu aiiesteu
bystanueis. 6-uay iiot in which
S4 people weie killeu.

P3) P3)+9K +L !-2)9-8, C+,+-.8,.5D

"uhettoes aie the consequence of the imposition of exteinal powei anu the
institutionalization of poweilessness. In this iespect, they aie in fact social, political,
euucational, anu above all - economic colonies. Those confineu within the ghetto
walls aie subject peoples. They aie victims of the gieeu, ciuelty, insensitivity, guilt
anu feai of theii masteis.The community can best be uesciibeu in teims of the
analogy of a poweiless colony. Its political leaueiship is uivueu, anu all but one oi
two of its political leaueis aie shoitsighteu anu uepenuent upon the laigei political
powei stiuctuie.0nuei a system of centialization, Bailem's schools aie contiolleu
by foices outsiue of the community"

- Kenneth Claik, (89Q G3)22+

"The pioblem is that, as the concept of "inteinal colonialism" to uiscuss iace in the
0niteu States continues to ciiculate, the uistinctions between inuigenous political
soveieignty iecognizeu by tieaties anu the inuiviuual soveieignty that foims the
basis foi inclusive peisonhoou within 0.S. multicultuial uemociacy collapse as the
0niteu States is cathecteu as mastei.In many ways, then, one might aigue that the
iuea of "inteinal colonialism" seivices the constiuction of the 0niteu States as a
multicultuial nation that is stiuggling with the legacies of iacism iathei than as a
colonialist powei engageu in teiiitoiial expansion since its beginning."

- }oui A. Byiu, P3) P98-5.2 +L JD<.9) =<> @?RA

Questions to Consiuei:
What is the ielationship between piisons anu colonialism. Between piisons
anu the fiist act of "settlei" colonialism. What is the ielationship between the
cieation of the ghetto anu colonialism. Bo we agiee with the phiasing of "tools".
Bow about "manifestation". Aie these uesciiptois ieally that impoitant.

What aie the aiguments piesenteu in both paiagiaphs. Bow can the theoiy
of inteinal colonialism eiase the expeiiences Native Ameiicans.


"Lisa Lowe's uefinition of uecolonization as 'the social foimation that encompasses a
multilevel anu multicenteieu assault on those specific foims of colonial iule' is most
appiopiiate heie."

}. Kehaulani Kauanui, "82.B) S8T8..8- ()*+,+-./82.+- 8-4 23) ;+,.2.*5 +L G)-4)9

"Becolonization, which sets out to change the oiuei of the woilu, is, obviously, a
piogiam of complete uisoiuei. But it cannot come as a iesult of magical piactices,
noi of a natuial shock, noi of a fiienuly unueistanuing. Becolonization is the
meeting of two foices, opposeu to each othei by theii veiy natuie.It biings a
natuial ihythm into existence, intiouuceu by new people, anu with it a new
language anu a new humanity."

Fiantz Fanon, P3) %9)2*3)4 +L 23) J8923

Questions to consiuei:
What is it uecolonization. What uoes a uecolonizeu woilu look like. What
aie some goou metaphois.

;$)/%" <=%1)#)%"

"$ $"J .5 (!N;$N&UVJ

"Piison abolitionists aie political activists who shaie the goal of eliminating the
'secuiity cultuie' of impiisonment, policing, anu suiveillance anu cieating lasting
alteinatives to punishment anu impiisonment. Abolitionists stiess that the piison
inuustiial complex is not an isolateu system. In oiuei to effect ieal anu sustainable
change we must call foi not only the abolition of piison cages, but also the ieoiuei of
a society anu cultuie uepenuent on secuiity, ciiminality, anu punishment. Piison
abolitionists challenge us to change the way we think about who is fiee anu who is
not.abolition is both a piactical oiganizing tool anu a long-teim goal."


"Fiom wheie we aie now, sometimes we can't ieally imagine what abolition is going
to look like. Abolition isn't just about getting iiu of builuings full of cages. It's also
about unuoing the society we live in because the PIC both feeus on anu maintains
oppiession anu inequalities thiough punishment, violence, anu contiols millions of
people. Because the PIC is not an isolateu system, abolition is a bioau stiategy. An
abolitionist vision means that we must builu mouels touay that can iepiesent how
we want to live in the futuie. It means ueveloping piactical stiategies .that move us
towaiu making oui uieams ieal anu that leau us all to believe that things ieally
coulu be uiffeient. It means living this vision in oui uaily lives."


;%>5$?'1 <11)."(5/
"0nuei the olu but still potent anu uominant mouel, people of coloi oiganizing was
baseu on the notion of oiganizing aiounu shaieu victimhoou. In this mouel,
howevei, we see that we aie victims of white supiemacy, but complicit in it as well.
0ui suivival stiategies anu iesistance to white supiemacy aie set by the system of
white supiemacy itself. What keeps us tiappeu within oui paiticulai pillais of white
supiemacy is that we aie seuuceu with the piospect of being able to paiticipate in
the othei pillais. Foi example, all non-Native peoples aie piomiseu the ability to join
in the colonial pioject of settling inuigenous lanus. All non-Black peoples aie
piomiseu that if they comply, they will not be at the bottom of the iacial hieiaichy.
Anu Black, Native, Latino, anu Asian peoples aie piomiseu that they will
economically anu politically auvance if they join 0S wais to spieau 'uemociacy'.
Thus, people of coloi oiganizing must be piemiseu on making stiategic alliances
with each othei, baseu on wheie we aie situateu within the laigei political

-Anuiea Smith, P39)) ;.,,895 +L %3.2) N:<9)D8*K

0%1'2=). 8@;

"We aie a Columbia stuuent gioup oiganizing aiounu iights anu justice foi
Palestinians. We follow the Palestinian Civil Society call foi Boycott, Bivestment anu
Sanctions of Isiael."

0%1'2=). A<0

"Scholais. Aitists. Wiiteis. Banceis. Athletes. Engineeis. FiyBieau. Allies. Family."

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