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Le sommeil en Anglais?

Dr Sarah Hartley

Rponse aux besoins des patients nonfrancophones Comprendre les articles en Anglais Avoir des changes avec des collgues anglophones Participer aux congrs internationales

On communique.
Amricain, anglais, australien Anglais langue maternelle Certains mots sont vidents
Polysomnogram (PSG) Electrodes

Dautres nont pas dquivalent

Polygraphie ventilatoire

What is sleep?
Sleep and sleepiness Night-time sleep and naps Sleep pathology
Insomnia Snoring Disturbed sleep Crying and night waking

Sleeping pills Attitudes

Les outils
Sleep diary
shows your sleep over several days fill it in every morning bring it back to your consultation

records your movements wear it all the time except in the bath or shower bring it back on the .

Ambulatory sleep study

To record your breathing during the night


Pressure sensor in the nose

Oxygen saturation monitor recorder

Electrodes stuck onto the scalp with watersoluble glue ECG / EKG Electrodes stuck onto front of the legs with watersoluble glue Recorder Pressure sensors


To record your brain activity, breathing and leg movements during the night

How can I sleep better?

Cut down on coffee Go to bed and get up at a regular time Do regular exercise early in the day Make sure your bedroom is not too hot (18)

Sleep apnea and CPAP

Sleep apnea
you stop breathing for a few seconds while asleep because of your snoring

CPAP autotration (inconnu aux Etats-Unis)

the machine blows into your nose and this keeps your airway open you need to use the machine every night a technicien will visit you at home to help you with your machine and for maintenance

Au congres
Hi Im I work with Dr .. in the sleep lab in Our main interest is Where are you based? What does your sleep lab do? Nice to meet you See you around / later

Les prsentations
Poster ou communication orale Prparation crire le texte, lenregistrer, rpter, prparer les antisches NE PAS lire les diapos Questions..

Devant votre poster

tell me about your work how did you enrol patients? did you have any drop outs? what were your outcome measures? did you have any surprises? what is your take home message?

Take home message

Les Anglophones sont nul en langues Votre accent est charmant Parlez lentement et rptez souvent Dites now show me how to do it Un sourire vaut mille mots

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