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kemed|es |n genera|:
Case I|rst Instance Appe||ate
L|ect|on protest naLlonal offlclals LlecLoral Lrlbunals
(except|on to
L1: /v elecLlon conLesL
C8: CCMLLLC en banc ! SC en banc (unless
excepLlon go sLralghL Lo SC en banc lf based
on pure quesLlons of law or LranscendenLal
SL1: senaLors/proclamaLlon of Lhe
wlnnlng candldaLe
P8L1: !urlsdlcLlon upon
proclamaLlon and assumpLlon of
offlce, conLesL relaLlng Lo Lhe
quallflcaLlon of a parLy-llsL
/8eglonal Cfflclals
CCMLLLC dlvlslon
Munlclpal Mayor 81C CCMLLLC dlvlslon ! SC en banc
8arangay Cfflclals M1C CCMLLLC dlvlslon ! SC en banc
D|squa||f|cat|on cases (before proc|amat|on)

CCMLLLC dlvlslon C8: CCMLLLC en banc ! SC en banc
Annu|ment of proc|amat|on CCMLLLC dlvlslon C8: CCMLLLC en banc ! SC en banc
Inter party] |ntra party d|spute

CCMLLLC dlvlslon C8: CCMLLLC en banc ! SC en banc

lnlLlally wlLh Lhe 8oard of Canvassers, LxcepLlons: may flle
wlLh CCMLLLC dlvlslon lf 8oC lmmedlaLely proclalmed Lhe
C8: 8oC ! CCMLLLC en banc ! SC en banc
LxcepLlon: lf Lhe ground quesLlons Lhe 8oC,
8oC and CCMLLLC have concurrenL

Congress (buL CCMLLLC may recommend apporLlonmenL) ----
L|ect|on offenses (cr|m|na|) 81C excepL Lhose relaLlng Lo Lhe offense of fallure Lo reglsLer
or fallure Lo voLe whlch shall be under Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe

lollow regular procedure for crlmlnal
I|nd|ng of probab|e cause, prosecute e|ect|on offenses CCMLLLC en banc (Lhrough lLs counsels) ----
Annu|ment of books - no one substant|ve

CCMLLLC en banc SC en banc
Ia||ure]postponement of an e|ect|on

CCMLLLC en banc SC en banc
Inc|us|on]Lxc|us|on of voters

M1C (orlglnal and excluslve) 81C (3 days) ! SC (quesLlons of law, 13
ost proc|amat|on - !"# %&''&()# uepends on Lhe poslLlon - M1C/81C/CA/SC has concurrenL
[urlsdlcLlon wlLh Lhe CCMLLLC
An acLlon under Lhe precedlng slx secLlons
can be broughL only ln Lhe Supreme CourL,

ua||f|cat|ons of Nat|ona| Cff|c|a|s:

Lhe CourL of Appeals, or ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal
CourL exerclslng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe
LerrlLorlal area where Lhe respondenL or any
of Lhe respondenLs resldes, buL when Lhe
SollclLor Ceneral commences Lhe acLlon, lL
may be broughL ln a 8eglonal 1rlal CourL ln
Lhe ClLy of Manlla, ln Lhe CourL of Appeals,
or ln Lhe Supreme CourL.

Cr|m|na| offenses 81C
8|dd|ng of e|ect|on parapherna||a CourLs C8: CA ! SC
res|dent V|ce res|dent Senator kepresentat|ve
(|oca| off|c|a|s may be natura||zed)
naLural born clLlzen naLural born
naLural born clLlzen naLural born clLlzen
kes|dency 10 years 10 years 2 years 1 year
L|teracy Able Lo read and
Able Lo read and
Able Lo read and
Able Lo read and wrlLe
Age 40 40 33 23
keg|stered voter

8eglsLered voLer 8eglsLered voLer 8eglsLered voLer 8eglsLered voLer ln Lhe dlsLrlcL where he wlll be a
represenLaLlve (excepL parLy llsL)
ostponement of L|ect|on v. Ia||ure of L|ect|on

ostponement of e|ect|on Ia||ure of e|ect|on
Causes lLA1S
! !"#$% '()%*#%
! Loss of elecLlon paraphernalla
! Analogous clrcumsLances
! 1errorlsm
! Serlous vlolence

! vlolence
! !"#$% '()%*#%
! lraud
! Analogous clrcumsLances
! 1errorlsm
LlecLlon ln preclncL was noL PLLu or
Who can f||e?

! CCMLLLC en banc '"+* ,#",-"
! eLlLlon by any lnLeresLed parLy
- eLlLlon of any lnLeresLed parLy

Where do you f||e?

CCMLLLC en banc CCMLLLC en banc
If you |ose where do you go?

SC en banc SC en banc
kemed|es CCMLLLC posLpone elecLlon noL laLer Lhan 30 days afLer cesslon
of Lhe cause of posLponemenL

CCMLLLC shall hold speclal elecLlon noL laLer
Lhan 30 days afLer cesslon of Lhe cause (perlod
ls merely dlrecLory)
AddlLlonal requlremenL: lllegallLy musL affecL
>30 of voLes casL & dlsLlngulsh beLween good
and bad voLes
More kemed|es D|st|ngu|shed:
L|ect|on protest !"# *&''&()# re-proc|amat|on (p.S1)
What |s |t? ! osL-proclamaLlon
! ulslodge wlnnlng candldaLe from offlce
! CannoL be [olned ln Lhe same proceedlng
! lrregularlLles LhaL appear on Lhe face of Lhe elecLlon
reLurn and affecLs Lhe auLhenLlclLy of elecLlon
! nC1 grounds: Mere admlnlsLraLlve omlsslons cannoL
be used as a basls Lo annul an elecLlon reLurn,
uuress ln Lhe preparaLlon of an elecLlon reLurn
ConLesL relaLlng Lo Lhe elecLlon and reLurns of
elecLlve offlclals
CuesLlons Lhe valldlLy of Lhe
offlclal's auLhorlLy (8ule 66 8ules
of CourL/Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code,
sec. 233)
Grounds ! lraud, lrregularlLles ln Lhe conducL of
! CasLlng, counLlng of balloLs and
preparlng/canvasslng of reLurns
CuallflcaLlon of elecLed offlclal:
! lnellglblllLy
! ulsloyalLy Lo Lhe 8
1. ConLesLlng Lhe 8oard of Canvassers
! lllegal composlLlon
! lllegal proceedlngs
2. AuLhenLlclLy of L8s/CoCs
- MaLerlal defecLs
- 8eLurns prepared under duress or was
manufacLured, subsLlLuLe or fraudulenL reLurns were
canvassed & resulLs maLerlally affecL candldaLe's sLandlng
SLaLlsLlcal lmprobablllLy
- voLes casL for candldaLes
- Lxceeded # of reglsLered voLers: consldered Lampered
3. lor ALS: uaLa sLorage delayed, desLroyed or falslfled
(before canvass)
Issue Who obLalned plurallLy of voLes casL WheLher he possesses all
quallflcaLlons and none of Lhe uC
CuesLlons Lhe 8oC C8 Lhe preparaLlon, Lransmlsslon,
recelpL, cusLody and appreclaLlon of Lhe elecLlon reLurns,
and Lhe CerLlflcaLe of Canvass

er|od for f|||ng
resldenL and vlce presldenL: 30 days resldenL and vlce presldenL: 10

SenaLors: 13 days SenaLors: 10 days
Congressmen, 8//C/M/8/Sk: 10 days May be ralsed by any candldaLe or by any reglsLered pollLlcal
parLy, organlzaLlon, or coallLlon of pollLlcal parLles

** case noL allowed for res/v/SenaLor/Congress

Who may f||e? res|dent and V|ce res|dent]M]8]Sk
CandldaLe wlLh Lhe 2
or 3
hlghesL voLes Any voLer
Senators] Congressmen, k]]C
Any candldaLe Any voLer
L v. (procedura|
! LlLlgaLe all facLual and legal lssues, musL
be verlfled, CnlS
! May plerce Lhe vell of elecLlon reLurns
! 8alloLs are Lhe besL evldence (may be
supporLed by LesLlmonlal evldence,
sLorage devlces, Cl cards, sLaLemenL of
voLes lf L8s are fake)

- ay dockeL fee and cash deposlL
! Summary ln naLure
! May only look aL Lhe maLerlal defecL ln Lhe L8s
! 1o conLenL Lhe L8: SubmlL oral ob[ecLlons Lo
Chalrman of 8oC upon lncluslon ln Lhe canvass.
ConsequenLly, submlL wrlLLen ob[ecLlons, SubmlL
oLher evldence and affldavlLs wlLhln 24 hrs.
! AfLer 8oC, may appeal Lo CCMLLLC en banc

1|me||ne of L|ect|on rocedure

verlfled complalnL of any voLer, elecLlon offlcer, reglsLered pollLlcal parLy or '"+* ,#",-", C8CunuS: repared wlLh fraud, brlbery, forgery, lmpersonaLlon,
lnLlmldaLlon, force or oLher slmllar lrregularlLy or ls sLaLlsLlcally lmposslble
C8CunuS: llcLlLlous voLer, no quallflcaLlons, falled Lo voLe ln 2 precedlng elecLlons, lose clLlzenshlp, SenLence by flnal [udgmenL aL leasL 1 yr, ConvlcLlon of
flnal [udgmenL: rebelllon, flrearm laws, crlme agalnsL naLlonal securlLy, lnsanlLy/ lncompeLence declared by courL

! CLher evldence: unLampered and
unalLered L8s/oLher elecLlon documenLs
! nC uockeL fee = Case dlsmlssed!
! CLher [urlsdlcLlonal req.:
1. lf A v. 8, A alleges LhaL he ls a
candldaLe who duly flled a CoC and
was voLed for
2. 8 was proclalmed elecLed
3. uaLe of proclamaLlon
4. CLher lrregularlLles (such as
proLesLed preclncLs eLc.)
! Lvldence (.-*/0% ls proscrlbed
! llllng suspends perlod Lo flle elecLlon proLesL
! SLandard of proof: rlnclple of exLreme cauLlon"
before re[ecLlng elecLlon reLurns & Clear and
convlnclng evldence
! MusL be dlsmlssed once a (valld) proclamaLlon has
been made
keg|strat|on re-e|ect|on day L|ect|on Day L|ect|on Day +1 After roc|amat|on Iune 30
llllng of Candldacy Campalgn CasLlng
Canvasslng of

SLaLemenL of
conLrlbuLlons and
expendlLures (SCCL)
AssumpLlon of
Annu|ment of
book of voters

Serlous vlolence
lorce ma[eure
Loss of elecLlon
Analogous causes
Ia||ure of e|ect|on:
lorce ma[eure
Analogous causes

L|ect|on contest:
uo Warranto
- lnellglblllLy or
L|ect|on protest
(lf you flle a conLesL,
you admlL Lo Lhe
valldlLy of Lhe

L|ect|on offense: Several grounds ! voLe-buylng, appolnLmenL of new employees, carrylng a flrearm, refuslng Lo credlL a
candldaLe wlLh Lhe correcL voLes, Lransfer of employees w/o prlor approval from CCMLLLC, use of publlc funds/equlpmenL for
campalgn, dlsbursemenL of publlc funds 43 days before regular elecLlon, flylng voLer eLc. (See Sec. 261 of Lhe Cmnlbus LlecLlon
! rescrlbe afLer 3 years from commlsslon (lnLerrupLed by flllng a complalnL for l,
! CCMLLLC has excluslve [urlsdlcLlon Lo conducL l and prosecuLe LCs, ower Lo prosecuLe may be delegaLed

keg|strat|on re-e|ect|on day L|ect|on Day L|ect|on Day +1 After proc|amat|on Iune 30
! lnsane or lncompeLenL: ueclare removal of uC by
compeLenL auLhorlLy
! llnal [udgmenL: lnsurrecLlon/rebelllon, enalLy>18 monLhs,
moral LurplLude: plenary pardon, amnesLy, lapse of 3 yrs
afLer servlce of senLence
! ermanenL resldenL Lo a forelgn counLry
! M1, removed from an admln case, vlolaLe oaLh of alleglance
Lo 8, dual clLlzenshlp, fuglLlve from [usLlce, lnsane or
feeble-mlnded, permanenL resldence
kev|sed Adm|n Code
! LccleslasLlcs
! 8ecelve compensaLlon from /M funds
! ConLracLors for publlc works of munl
Nu|sance (3 days): no bona flde lnLenLlon Lo run for offlce !
Cnly reglsLered candldaLe for Lhe same offlce can flle, All oLher
grounds, any clLlzen of voLlng age/reglsLered parLy may flle,
Must be f||ed before e|ect|on all oLhers, before proclamaLlon.
Mater|a| m|srepresentat|on (23 days from flllng): dellberaLe,
noL possesslng all of Lhe quallflcaLlons,
lmproper flllng of CoC,
Commlsslon of an elecLlon offense

D|squa||f|cat|on cont'd (unt|| before

Challenge: lllegal voLer, Commlsslon of
an lllegal acL (voLe buylng)

Cmn|bus L|ect|on Code
! Clvlng money or oLher maLerlal
conslderaLlon Lo lnfluence
voLers/publlc offlclals
! AcLs of Lerrorlsm
! Lxcess spendlng
! SollclLlng, recelvlng prohlblLed

M8 noL allowed for declslons by
CCMLLLC regardlng quallflcaLlons of
candldaLes ! lnsLead, flle a peLlLlon for

Annu|ment of
- Lrror ln Lhe
compuLaLlon of
voLes ln Lhe
sLaLemenL of voLes
slnce proclamaLlon

re-proc|amat|on (2 branches)

Iur|sd|ct|on]owers and more.

CCMLLLC d|v|s|on CCMLLLC en banc SC en banc
Superv|s|on and contro| over e|ect|on off|cers, promu|gate ru|es, Deput|ze off|cers, transfer e|ect|on off|cers,
summon, contempt ([ud|c|a| funct|ons), |nvest|gate, prosecute
ure quesLlons of law
Iud|c|a| and quas|-[ud|c|a| cases AdmlnlsLraLlve, appeal a declslon of CCMLLLC
ulvlslon by MoLlon for reconslderaLlon

Cance||at|on of a cert|f|cate of cand|dacy ConcurrenL [urlsdlcLlon: CerLlorarl ln elecLlon proLesLs pendlng before lnferlor courLs, prohlblLlon,
See above tab|e for more CCMLLLC d|v|s|on ConducL prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon concernlng
elecLlon proLesL, pleblsclLe proLesL cases !
converslon of a munl Lo clLy

rosecuLlon of elecLlon vlolaLlons
CAnnC1 resolve lnLerlocuLory orders, only
8LSCLu1lCnS/flnal orders

Pearlng on cancellaLlon of reglsLraLlon of Lhe parLy

eLlLlon for correcLlon of manlfesL errors ln Lhe
sLaLemenL of voLes

D|squa||f|cat|on v. Cance||at|on

D Cance||at|on
Grounds Lacklng quallflcaLlon: commlsslon of prohlblLed
acLs and possesslon of resldenL sLaLus ln forelgn
lalse represenLaLlon of a maLerlal facL
er|od to f||e et|t|on WlLhln 3 days from lasL day for flllng CoC noL laLer Lhan 23 days from flllng of CoC
Nature of proceed|ngs lull hearlng Summary procedure, CCMLLLC may moLu proplo
refuse Lo glve due course Lo cancel a CoC
What do they have |n common? noL LreaLed as a candldaLe, can be subsLlLuLed (excepL uC based on maLerlal mlsrepresenLaLlon or
runnlng for Lhe 4

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