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0ui heaits bleeu with giief while we iage foi the killing of oui fellow human iights woikei
anu oiganizei William Bugatti.

We extenu oui ueepest conuolences to William's family, membeis of his community, the
people of Coiuilleia anu to all those who have known him anu his untiiing ueuication to the
cause foi just anu lasting peace in the countiy.

William Bugatti is Regional Council membei of the Coiuilleia Buman Rights Alliance-
KARAPATAN, Regional Council membei of the Coiuilleia People's Alliance iepiesenting the
Ifugao Peasant Novement, anu the piovincial cooiuinatoi of Bayan Nuna paitylist. Bespite
thieats to his life anu secuiity, he uiligently assisteu political piisoneis anu othei victims of
human iights violations until the uay he was assassinateu.

William attenueu the heaiing on the tiumpeu-up chaiges against two political piisoneis,
Rene Boy Abiva anu viigilio Coipuz, befoie he was gunneu uown by uniuentifieu assassins
who aie believeu to be elements of the Aimeu Foices of the Philippines. Be enthusiastically
hosteu the inteinational uelegates who joineu the Inteinational Soliuaiity Nission in }uly
2u1S in Ifugao to shaie with them the seveie impact of the militaiy opeiations on the lives
anu livelihoou of the pooi inuigenous people in the piovince.

Theie is no uoubt that BS Aquino's state secuiity foices aie iesponsible foi the killing of
William. The motive of the AFP was laiu baie when they taggeu William as "utak ng NPA"
(biains of the NPA). In a taiget list of the Sth IB anu the 86th IB in Tinoc, which was
obtaineu in 0ctobei 2u12, Bugatti was listeu as #21 among the 28 people taggeu as biains,
membeis anu suppoiteis of the New People's Aimy.

The AFP anu BS Aquino, which stanu to gain most fiom this inciuent anu othei iights
violations, may be besiue themselves with glee with Bugatti's ueath anu the ueath of 187
otheis killeu unuei this auministiation, as if they have silenceu theii most vocal ciitics. It is
cleai though that they aie soiely mistaken because justice will always be puisueu by the
people who, togethei with William, confionteu the iepiession anu exploitation of the State
thiough 0plan Bayanihan.

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