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Size and bag limits

Tidal waters (updated 1 August 2012)

The following legal limits apply to sh taken in Queensland waters. A bag limit (take and possession limit) is the total number of sh that one person can legally take and keep at any one time. These size and bag limits are part of the Queensland Recreational Boating and Fishing Guide. To get your copy, call 13 25 23, ask at your local bait and tackle shop or download a copy at www.sheries.qld.gov.au Fishers should consult the Fisheries Regulation 2008 or www.sheries.qld.gov.au for updates.

Coral reef nsh* Species

All cods and groupers Cod and grouper exceptions Camouage grouper Flowery rockcod Greasy rockcod Maori rockcod Barramundi cod Potato rockcod Queensland grouper All coral trout Coral trout exceptions Blue spotted coral trout (Chinese footballer) All emperors Redthroat emperor (sweetlip emperor) Long nose emperor Spangled emperor All fusiliers All parrotshes All surgeonshes All sweetlips All tropical snappers and sea perches Tropical snappers and sea perch exceptions Rosy snapper (jobsh) and lavender snapper (jobsh) Chinaman sh Crimson snapper (small mouth nannygai) and saddletail snapper (large mouth nannygai) Flame snapper Goldband snapper Hussar Green jobsh Paddletail Red bass Red emperor Ruby snapper Smalltooth jobsh Miscellaneous jobsh 55 min 38 min 38 min 38 min 40 min 38 min 38 min 25 min 38 min 38 min Combined limit of 8 in total of both species No take Combined limit of 9 in total of both species 5 5 10 5 No take No take 5 5 5 5 per species 50 min 80 max 25 min 38 min 38 min 45 min No limit 25 min 25 min 25 min 25 min Combined limit of 7 in total of all trout species 5 per species 8 5 5 No limit 5 per species 5 per species 5 per species 5 per species 38 min 50 min 70 max 50 min 70 max 38 min 100 max 45 min No take No take No take Combined limit of 7 in total of all trout species Combined limit of 5 in total of all cod and grouper species

Size limit (cm)

38 min

Bag limit
Combined limit of 5 in total of all cod and grouper species

Emperor exceptions (see also Grass emperor (sweetlip) in Other tidal species)

* Coral reef nsh closures apply. Please refer to the Queensland Recreational Boating and Fishing Guide for more information. In addition to individual bag limits for each coral reef nsh species listed, they all have a combined bag limit of 20. Please refer to the Queensland Recreational Boating and Fishing Guide for more information. For a complete list of coral reef species, download the Fisheries Regulation 2008 at www.sheries.qld.gov.au

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Fisheries Queensland

Coral reef nsh* Species

All wrasse Wrasse exceptions Humphead Maori Tusksh (all species) 30 min No take Combined limit of 6 in total of all tusksh species

Size limit (cm)

25 min

Bag limit
5 per species

* Coral reef nsh closures apply. Please refer to the Queensland Recreational Boating and Fishing Guide for more information. In addition to individual bag limits for each coral reef nsh species listed, they all have a combined bag limit of 20. Please refer to the Queensland Recreational Boating and Fishing Guide for more information. For a complete list of coral reef species, download the Fisheries Regulation 2008 at www.sheries.qld.gov.au

Other tidal species Species

Amberjack Australian bass Barramundi East coast Gulf of Carpentaria Bche de mer (sea cucumber) Bche de mer exception Black teatsh Bream Pikey Yellown Blacklip pearl oyster Cobia (black kingsh) Cod and grouper Blackspotted rockcod (estuary cod) Goldspotted rockcod (estuary cod) Crab Blue swimmer Mud Spanner Eels Longn Pacic shortn (south Pacic) Southern shortn Flathead All athead (except dusky athead) Dusky athead (mud athead) Garsh Giant queensh East coast Gulf of Carpentaria Golden snapper (ngermark) East coast Gulf of Carpentaria

Size limit (cm)

50 min 30 min 58 min 120 max 58 min 120 max No limit

Bag limit
Combined limit of 2 in total of amberjack and samsonsh 2 5 5 5 No take

25 min 9 min 75 min 38 min 120 max 38 min 120 max 11.5 min 15 min 10 min 10 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 30 min 40 min 75 max No limit 50 min 50 min 35 min 35 min

Combined limit of 30 in total of pikey and yellown bream, and tarwhine No limit 2 Combined limit of 5 in total of all cod and grouper species No limit 10 20 No limit


Combined limit of 10 in total of all species

Combined limit of 5 in total of all species (except dusky athead) 5 50 5 5 5 5

A closed season applies to these species. Please refer to the Queensland Recreational Boating and Fishing Guide for more information.

These species belong to the family Carangidae, which includes (but is not limited to) trevally, queensh, yellowtail kingsh, scad and swallowtail dart. A combined bag limit of 20 applies to all members of this family. Individual bag limits also apply to amberjack, giant queensh, highn amberjack, samsonsh, swallowtail dart and yellowtail kingsh.

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Fisheries Queensland

Other tidal species Species

Goldlip pearl oyster Grass emperor (sweetlip) Javelin Barred (spotted grunter) East coast Barred (spotted grunter) Gulf of Carpentaria** Silver (small spotted grunter) Jewsh Black (east coast) Black (Gulf of Carpentaria) Scaly jewsh (jewel sh) Luderick Mackerel Grey Spanish School Shark Spotted Mahi mahi (dolphin sh) Mangrove jack Mullet Diamondscale Sea Bivalve molluscs and gastropods (including pipis, mud whelks and cockles)excluding oysters Mulloway Pearl perch Prawns Samsonsh Sharks and rays Sharks and rays exceptions Great white sharks Grey nurse sharks Sawsh Speartooth sharks Snapper Swallowtail dart Tailor Tarwhine Teraglin Threadn (salmon) King Blue (east coast)

Size limit (cm)

13 min 23 max 30 min 40 min

Bag limit
No limit 10 10

40 min (whole or partly processed 10 whole sh or 20 llets length) 26 min (llet length) 30 min 75 min 60 min 45 min 30 min 60 min 75 min 50 min 50 min 60 min 50 min 35 min 30 min 30 min No limit 75 min 35 min No limit 50 min 1.5 m max 10 2 2 No limit 10 5 3 10 10 5 5 5 20 20 50 2 5 10 litres Combined limit of 2 in total of amberjack and samsonsh 1

No take 35 min 30 min 35 min 25 min 38 min 60 min 40 min 4 with no more than 1 over 70 cm 30 20 Combined limit of 30 in total of pikey and yellown bream, and tarwhine 5 5 10

A person must not possess prawns with the heads or any other part removed, unless the removal was to process the prawns for immediate consumption.

**Fishers may llet this species at sea provided the skin is left on the llet. These species belong to the family Carangidae, which includes (but is not limited to) trevally, queensh, yellowtail kingsh, scad and swallowtail dart. A combined bag limit of 20 applies to all members of this family. Individual bag limits also apply to amberjack, giant queensh, highn amberjack, samsonsh, swallowtail dart and yellowtail kingsh.

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Fisheries Queensland

Other tidal species Species

Blue (Gulf of Carpentaria) Trevally (family Carangidae) Trochus Tropical rock lobster# Tropical rock lobster exceptions Painted craysh# (Panulirus ornatus) Wahoo Whiting Summer/sand, goldline and northern whiting Trumpeter (winter whiting) Wolf herring Worms (including part thereof) Beach Blood (all worms of the family Eunicidae) Yellowtail kingsh

Size limit (cm)

40 min No limit 8 min 12.5 max

Bag limit
20 20 50 Above 14 south latitude and in Gulf waters: combined limit of 3 per person/6 per boat in total of all species Below 14 south latitute: combined limit of 5 per person/10per boat in total of all species

No limit

11.5 tail min 9 carapace min 75 min 23 min No limit No limit No limit No limit 60 min

As above 2 Combined limit of 30 in total of these whiting species 50 10 30 50 2

A closed season applies to these species. Please refer to Recreational shing rules for Queensland for more information. Recreational shers must not possess live tropical rock lobsters.

These species belong to the family Carangidae, which includes (but is not limited to) trevally, queensh, yellowtail kingsh, scad and swallowtail dart. A combined bag limit of 20 applies to all members of this family. Individual bag limits also apply to amberjack, giant queensh, highn amberjack, samsonsh, swallowtail dart and yellowtail kingsh.

No-take nsh species

Barramundi cod Paddletail Chinaman sh Potato rockcod Humphead Maori wrasse Queensland grouper Red bass

Other no-take species include:

Female mud and blue swimmer crabs Tropical rock lobsters with tar spots attached (tar spots are sperm packets) Great white sharks, grey nurse sharks and speartooth sharks Black teatsh Note: Whales, porpoises, dugongs, turtles and dolphins are all protected under the Nature Conservation Act 1992. Egg-bearing spanner crabs, three-spot crabs, slipper lobsters and tropical rock lobsters All sawsh Clams in the family Tridacnidae, helmet shells and trumpet shells

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