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Gay Marriage

Erieane Brooks English IV/2A Ms. Jones March 28, 2014

Have you ever heard the song "Same Love" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis? The song explains that despite your sexuality, you still have the right to love who you want. In the song, Macklemore says "Strip away the fear, underneath; it's all the same love." What Macklemore is saying is that you should not be afraid of things you might not understand because even though it is homosexual or "gay," it is not any different from being heterosexual and that all love is equal love. This song is relates to my topic because although someone is gay, they are still human and still should get the same treatment/rights as any straight couple. It seems unfair to them and violates their human rights because of the emotions and reactions from different groups of people, it does not create that natural "family look", violates civil rights, and is discriminated against. Besides all of that, people are still fighting for their rights and most celebrities are coming out as homosexual without being afraid of what people say or think about them. View Points From Diverse Groups of People Religious groups believe that marriage is an union between a man and a woman in love who want to share their life together as one to establish a healthy family. American Baptist Churches USA believe that homosexuality is incompatible with Biblical teachings and that God's plan for sexuality was created within the context of between a man and a woman. Similar to these beliefs, Catholic Bishops say that marriage should be faithful, exclusive and a life long partner ship between a man and a woman. Other religious groups such as Islam, forbids homosexuality and its practice is a crime in many Islamic countries (Pew Resource Center, 2012). It seems a bit odd that some Christian churches say "come as you are," but still do not really want to accept homosexuals and do not want to support gay marriage. Many people use the

phrase "it is Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve," which means that it should be a man and a woman not a man and a man. Does Not Create That "Natural Family Look" Other than what some religious groups believe, society believes that if they legalize gay marriage, then it would take away that natural family look. They seem to look at marriages to be like that "natural" way including with a man and a woman united together to form a family. Those who do not support gay marriage say that it should stay that way because they see it as "natural" and that it has always been that way. "In a predominantly agricultural United States, men plowed the fields to grow grain, and women made the bread from it: both were seen as equally necessary to human sustenance, survival, and society" (Nancy Cott, 2011 p.40). What this means is that back in the old days, men were the leaders of a household because they supported the family while the wife would cook and take care of the family. They believe that gay marriage should stay illegal because it would somehow ruin their way of life. Just because many people believe and practice the "natural" way of life for a while does not mean that it is right. They also believe that homosexual couples would not be able to create children, which is very common in heterosexual relationships. If they did happen to legalize gay marriage, adoption rates would become lower because the homosexual couples would The thing is how do they know that this is "unnatural" when they really do not know what is really "unnatural" in the first place. Violates Civil Rights What people do not understand is that by legalizing gay marriage, it can probably bring financial gain to state and local governments. It wouldn't harm the "natural" marriages and

society would continue to function properly, but they don't believe in that. In the case United States v. Windsor, two females who married in Canada in 2007 after being together for 40 years, Windsor's wife died in 2009. Windsor was forced to pay $363,053 in taxes on her wife's estate which she would not have to pay if she was her husband. Later, Supreme Court found that the section of DOMA defining marriage as "between a man and a woman" violates the Equal Protection Clause and is therefore unconstitutional (Lina Guillen). "No government has the right to tell its citizens when or whom to love. The only queer people are those who don't love anybody" (Rita Mae Brown). Discriminated Against People say that the reason for marriage is just for reproduction and financial support throughout life and that marriage is a privilege, not a right. If everyone was born with civil rights, then why should people be discriminated because they are homosexual? "Why is that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" (Ernest Gaines) Who came up with the definition of marriage? Just like slavery was abolished, denying people from their rights should be also. Denying these people of what they can and cannot do violates the First Amendment of the Constitution. People also believe that if they legalized gay marriage, it would influence other things such as incest and bestiality. This theory is absurd because gay marriage has no influence on those things. They also say that homosexuality is promoted in schools which can be misconnected and a case of homophobia, because schools are not teaching children about becoming gay. Gay and lesbians have faced a history of discrimination; sexual orientation is not relevant to a person's ability to contribute to society; in the opinion of experts. Sexual orientation is

something that cannot be changed; and gay and lesbians are politically disadvantaged" (U.S. News). Gay marriage is looked upon as a serious problem in our society, but for what reason? Many people believe gay marriage is the reason why families are not secure or established as they should be. Fighting For Rights On January 6, 2014, gay marriage has been legalized in 17 states including: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Iowa, New York, California, Maine, New Hampshire, Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island, Minnesota, New Jersey, Hawaii, New Mexico, and Illinois. In the case, Lawrence v. Texas tackled down state laws who criminalized homosexual relationships. Supporters of gay marriage believe that it would have lower divorce rates, while heterosexual marriages have higher divorce rates. Gay marriage supporters have strikes all over the place to make notice that gay marriage should be legal. Homosexual couples should have the ability to receive the same rights that heterosexual couples have such as taxations rights and health insurance. People think that they should not be spending their tax money on something they believe is isn't right. They believe that marriage is not a right, it is a privilege and that gay marriage should not even be in a category with them. Gay marriage supporters believe that communities should work together help teach one another about how gay marriages can be looked at in a beneficial way. Celebrities Who Came Out Not being afraid of what society says or thinks many celebrities have came out and said that they were gay. On December 29, 2013, Robin Roberts came out as gay from a Face book post

saying that she has a long time girlfriend. Tom Daley, an Olympic diver, revealed that he was gay in a YouTube video. Many other celebrities came out as gay such as Wentworth Miller, Bob Harper, Darren Young, Jason Collins, and many more (E! News). Frank Ocean, well known singer, came out as gay through an open letter he wrote on December 27, 2011 but revealed on his tumblr on July 4, 2012. Frank Ocean basically talks about the summers he spent with this guy and said that he did not know what it was at first, because he was not used to that kind of feeling but he soon realized that he was in love. In his letter he said "I don't know what happens now, and that's alright. I don't have anymore secrets I need to keep anymore... I feel like a free man." (Frank Ocean, Tumblr). Frank Ocean's letter inspired many other celebrities came out as gay such as Wentworth Miller, Bob Harper, Darren Young, Jason Collins, and many more. Frank Ocean also inspired Macklemore and Ryan Lewis to release "Same Love." "I wrote the song in April. Shortly after Obama came out in support of gay marriage. Then Frank Ocean came out. It seem like time was of the essence... I knew I wanted to write the song since 2011, I just couldn't figure out the perspective" (Rap Genius). Macklemore also compares the struggles of civil rights and what they overcame to the gay community. "Gender to skin color, the complexion of your pigment. The same fight that led people to walkouts and sit-ins. It's human rights for everybody, there is no difference"(Rap Genius). Conclusion Although someone is homosexual, they still deserve to be treated the same as someone who is heterosexual. Gay marriage should not be determined illegal because of view points from diverse

groups of people, not creating that natural "family look", violating civil rights, and being discriminated against. People should still fight for their rights and be themselves by not letting prejudices and opinions force them into being someone they are not.


Research Centers, Pew. "Religious Groups' Official Positions on Same-Sex Marriage." Pew Reseacrch Centers Religion Public Life Project RSS. N.p.; 07 Dec. 2012. Web. 28 Mar. 2014. Solmonese, Joe."The Defense of Marriage Act Is Unconstitutional." US News. U.S. News & World Report, 14 Mar. 2011. Web 29 Mar.2014. Macatee, Rebecca. "Robin Roberts, Tom Daley, Wentworth Miller and More Celebs Who Came Out as Gay in 2013."E! Online. N.p., Dec. 2013. Web. 29 Mar. 2014. "Frank Ocean OFWG KTA." Frank Ocean. N.p., 4 July 2012. Web. 29 Mar. 2014. Kendell, D. (2009) Social Problems in a Diverse Society Census Update

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