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“Read it. Practice it. Commit to it. And enjoy anew vitality and radiance in your lif” ~ Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Ph.D. Co-author of Breathwall KUNDALINI YOGA Unlocking the Secrets to Radiant Beauty and Health Based on the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. Sandra Tan Halliday @ ‘RESEARCH INSTITUTE APPROVED BY THE! Foreword by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Ph.D., Director, KRI APPROVED BY "HE KUNDALINI RESEARCH INSTITUTE KUNDALINI YOGA Unlocking the Secrets to Radiant Beauty and Health Based on the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. by Sandra Tan Halliday ‘Kundalini Yog isthe Yoga of Awareness. This tradition of yoga, as taught by You Bhajan, wil help you ur fll potential by raising your lee of consciousness. Through regular practice under the guidance oa certified ructr, you willenjy glandular health, rant beauty and intense joy in experiencing Your on spirituality “Sandra's hook gets you onthe roa to immer and outer beat: It ets the path for radiance in your ie.” Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Ph.D. Director of Training, Kundalini Research insite Bresthwak.com “Sandra bas poured hee heart int this beau rendering ofthis ancient body of knowledge. Anyone reading this book wil beable o easily benefit fom thi technol.” + Sat Jvan Singh Khalsa, J.D. (Co-Founder & Diretorof Education, Kundai Yoga East ‘New Yor, New York “Sandra has made the chakras easy to understand and follow and has found some wonder equ to help keep the Kundalini Rising! She has created a beauifl zen." = Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa Author of The Eight Human Talents (Co-Founder and Director of Golden Bridge Yous, Los Angles, Caifomia “Sands writing styles lovely—easy to ead and clear and grace” Sada Sat Kaur Khalsa Dintor of Teacher Training at Golden Bridge Yog, Los Angels, California ‘Kundalini Yoga and Chant Teacher; Recoeing Anis Anges Wale: CD - ANI KUNDALINI YOGA UNLOCKIN THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY AND HEALTH BASED ON THE TEACHINGS OF YOGI BHAJAN SANDRA TAN HALLIDAY (PRITI KAUR) is eo Appa et ona ne ogc hh ve en pond ah Ierevi proces fr accra nd inept of thse pons whch embed the "estnlogy of Kundan Vogs an THO Lies a aut by Yog! Bion 1© 2003 by Sanda Tan Halide, M.A, Al ight reserved No part ofthis ook may be reproduced, stored in areieval system, or uansmited by any means, lectonic, mechanical, photocopying, ecording, otherwise, without writen pemisson from the hoe SBN: 1-4107-2791-26-book) ISBN: 1-4107-2792-0(Paperback) Library of Congress Control Number: 2003001492 “This book i printed on aid fee paper. Printed inthe United States of America Bloomington, IN AI Kundalini Youn kiyas, exercises, meditations and quotations ‘ECopseght 2003 You! Bhajan Allright reserve. Books fev. 05/22/08 Disclaimer Consult your physician before commencing any physical exercise program including the yous Sitin Easy Pose {Hold onto your knees and “grind your stomach,” rotate from the wast in a clockwise dlrction. + Visualize lengthening the lower back s you make your ts {Make 26 very large circles and rotate inte other deetion making another 26 circles, “This exercise tones the intemal organs, increases intestinal motion, stimulates energy in the rave ener, and warms the lower back fr execs Yel 0 come. KUNDALINI YOGA: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH Neck Rolls ‘Gol ad slowly ol your head making lrg ce Make 11 ercles each way and take 8 seconds per complete circle ‘Neck Rolls lps soothe tension ia the neck and shoulders. Kt stinulaes the throat enter andthe thyroid ln 1 Fexes T's impertant todo spinal excess before you stat your yogs sets Warming up the spine may prevent injuries by giving your bck achance to Toosen up and become more Nexbl Lower Spine Fes ‘+ Siting in Easy Pose, hd on o your shins, the outside ankles. 1+ Inka fit your chest, ex yur spine forward, and keep you shoulders back, Star at a sp ahead of you ‘+ Esha, slump your spine, and round your shoulders forward. Stare at that same spot without dropping your head “+ Continue flexing your spine for 2 miauts using a powerful, but smooth and Mud, ‘Sanaa Ton Haley Upper Spine Flex (Riding the Came) 1 Siting in Rock Pose, est your hands on te thighs. ‘Inhale, ff your ches, lex you spine forward, and keep your shoulders beck. Stare at spot ahead of yo, ‘+ Enlil, samp your spin, and round your shoulders forward. Stare at that same spot without dropping yout head ‘+ Continue flexing your spine for 2 minutes using & powerful, but smooth and fluid motion "Get down onal fous {Inhale and it your head up and allow your spine to relax dow is Cow Pose “+ Eile, drop your head and arch your back ike eat. This i Cat Pose. 1 Movesta comforable pace for I to 3 minutes, 4s far as posible. This CatCow spinal exes simulate the enite spine and the optic nerve, and can help to keep you motional stable throughout the dy. KUNDALIVI 10G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH Spinal Twists Washing machine ‘= "Place your hands on yur sholders. Your Fingers ae in font of the shoulders thambe are atthe ack, Or you ean bend your elbows an have your hand “Madea, Keep the upper ars parallel to the Nor and the rears perpen 1 the round. 4 Ile and evist left fom the waist exhale and twist ight. Your head moves with the twists. Continue ina tong, bt smooth, motion for 13 minutes ‘Washing Machine loosens and sass the spine, nd prevents the ri age from being si Leg Stretches Seated Forward Bend ‘+ Siton the floor and stewy youself "Extend your legs and Kep them straight thoughout this exer ‘Reach forward and gra your big toe wth our thumb and index and middle fingers. Ext and bring your ont torso towards your thighs Inhale, come up and elongate your back so that it becomes straight Continue na hid moon for 1-3 nates In this exeris, the purpose so losen the hips and bring the torso down as fir as posible, For ‘his eason the bead needs o come dwn ast. ” Sania Tn Haley Chapter Six Kundalini Yoga Kriyas Introduction to Kriyas "A ya in Kundalini Yoga isa caeflly choreographed sequence of postures and exercises that when don in the preseribed order creates a desired effect. One ofthe main goals of the exercises is to create a Balanced glandular systom, a network that has a det influence on one's emodional, Diysiea, and mental well ving “The vesults that come from doing Kundalini Yoga exercises are felt almost immediately because ofits applisation of angles. Raising the legs to prescribed heights puts pressure on specific glands tnd organs. Glands star scooting when pressure i applied on them. When pressure is released and the boty is in 4 elaed state, th plandslrseretiossroleased during the exereises, can now flow Ticely throughout the enite body. Kundalini Yoga may be described as the yoga of angles and angles andthe we f angles ints ria one of the formulas frit success—the eason why we {el wonderful ejvenated after session ofthis ration of yous “The degre ofthe angles tht we eeate during lg is will simulate specif organs and glands +012 inches: everything Below the navel point, sex organs, ovaries, utes, digestive lands, inestnes, and plands oF elimination (0-6 inches ovaries and ex glands (618 inches: ave pin, kidneys 12 inches? fet iver, slen, gall ladder, pancreas 1.5 feet25 fet iver upper stoma, gal Bladder 253 fet: hea, lungs, Somach “feet and more-90 degrees tyro, parathyroid pioel ‘90 degrees: memory pineal an ptitary lands” 1 Ski arwha Kar Khali, Kean Yoga The Flow of tral Power, (New Yor: Pengsin Pus Ine, 199,24, a KUNDALINI YOGA: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH “Mate sure hat he temperature inthe space where you practice isnot uncomfortably cold. The warmer de oom, the more youl benefit rom the exercises. Traditionally in India, where yogs Said to have originated, asanas Were done outdoots, often in he Dlstring hea where the cleansing ‘moces of sweating natal added, Sweating is by fr the safest and most effective way 10 Femove heavy metals and toxic chencals rom the Body. Following the suggestion below wl help you gs the most out of your session: +” Pract barefoot. ‘Avo cating at east 9 hous before a rat. Use ape yoga mat that wll ofp for support ‘Never exceed the maximum fine suggested fora particular exercise Aways follow the prestibed sequen afro set Dinka glass of natural spring water after your practice. Inhale Sat exile Nam Ment chant Soon the inhalation and Naam on the cxhlation dine your snes unless another manta seed + Inhale up esi doe. Untess instructed otherwise, inhale ding expansive, opening, and upward movement or postions Exhale wen you cmt your ba. ‘+ When you have becone familiar with the movements, close your eyes and focus ‘upwards and inwards evar sour hid exe point during he exces, ‘+ Breathe through your mse, unless the exerci cals or pen mouth Breathing *Unles the sequence inthe et indies that you proceed to the net exereise without takin a rea relax fr about 1103 minute ar each exercise. + IF you do not have the specific tape suggssted in a st, subsite it with another recording fom the SHO repertite, ord the set without music” + Unless instrcte ater, conclude an exercise by inhaling and applying the Root {Lock while holing he ret fora few seconds Exhale nd ela. Ite my consistent persona experience, as well as that of my students, tht doing these exercises, 4s taught by Yori Bhajan, pede psive ress of well-being that led to an optima balance between body, mind, and spr. I hve found Kundalini Yoga fo be @ wonderful technology that transcends cues and time when Se Rous for where yon can pshae SHO mis, Sandra To Maldey Sat Kriya speak my Trt ‘Sa Kya is one ofthe fw exeress that is «compet Ari in ell Most Avs consist of a series of exeres tat flow soquentialy fom one to the next. Sar Kb, however an standalone Tike the bilan sun. A bener can stat wih to 3 minutes every day and gradually bald up from that foundation, All the Benefits gained from practicing Sar Kha promote healthy vibrant body ‘nda calm mind—quolits that will enhance you adiant beet and health. The mana used inthis Tria is Sat Naam. Sot Naam is sed or Bij manta because the “seed™ of its sound is planted in the unconscious trough consistent pti, How To Prati St rie Sit n Rook Pose with astaiht spine Bring your arms above you and S contact with the ears. Inerlace all the fingers except he index Fingers. Pont your index fingers upwards and ross your ight thumb over the le Pall the navel in and up toards the spine as you chant So (it should sound ike suas you bring the navel center in and up). Stay Finny seated in Rock Pose and avoid iting our body up as you do this Relax the aomen when ntoniag Naam ‘Avoid rsing through it The rythm of your chanting should low ike a constant and Steady wave-about 8 Sat Naas pr 10 ses0nds Continoe for 3 minutes you ae new to Sat Kriya, Gradually bud the time upto 31 “Ton, inhale deeply and contrct the museles fiom the buttocks upto the spine. Hold the conracton and visualize the energy that youve generated Mowing out ofthe top of the ead. Exhale E-T-C-H fr the sky. The upper ams are in lose KUNDALINI YOGA: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH Inhale and exhale completly and fly. Apply the Mahabandh withthe breath hed ot for as lng i's comttabeto you (abut to 20 seconds) Inland rela, Relaxin Corpse Pose fr tic the amount of tine you practice Sor Kriv Fr example, ifyou did the exercise for 5 minutes, then you shoul est fr 10 minutes. “The Benefits of Practicing Set Kripa Balance the chakrs ofthe lower triangle located a the roctum, sex organ, and navel A Ili fower tangle forms a strong base forthe opening ofthe chakras ofthe higher twang Massnges the internal ergas and promotes good physical health ulate the digestive sytem, Stimulates and channel the Kundalia energy iat ereative avenues, Sengens the nervous system, Induces a feling of cal by allaying fer Sandra Ton Halliday ‘Building a Strong Foundation (To Balance the Lower Chakras)" My thoughts empower and enrich me spiritually Living from the her chakra i ving in a state of compassion where we give and recsve love without fear, anger, or erentment. We ean only become fie to truly express our divine essence ‘when loving-kindness eles our thoughts and actions. However it would be quite challenging for us {olive fom out heart center, if we have not yt learned to channel the energy tht resides in our Tower chakras. ‘The lower chakras control our animal stints for basic survival and food. An imbalance inte Fist 3 chakras, hat contol our sense of security, erat, and personal strength, ‘may result in ow self-esteem, an obsession with sx oa purtanical view of and anger, [As we develop strength in our "lower wing,” we build the foundation from where we can begin fo tlance our upper tangle” the higher chakras. According to youe since, elevation of {he higher eonsciosnes en oly oecur when both eur lower and upper energies rebalanced, 1. Walk tke an Anima ‘+ Get down on all fours and move forward ery slowly sing your bands and feet. Your ‘Kees donot touch the ground—ihis snot eraling Keep up for minutes, + Restin Chil's Pose for 1-3 minutes noni pd oan mato provide suppor sigh recommend forall the exercises dss in thistoa 2 KUNDALINI YOG4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH 2. Sit in Rock Pose. ‘Place your palms flat onthe ground for support. ‘+ Exhuloand kis the grand with your forehead Inhale you come up siting in Rock Pose Keep up for S minutes. ‘© Your arm ate stechod forward and parallel tothe ground Move yur arms up an down 610 ies in a alterating fashion, * Coordinate the arm mevement with Breath of Fire and fan the fie of commitment and Fealessnes in your Bal Keep up foe $ mites. Sande Tan Holi *4-Come into Camel Pose. ‘Apply the Root Lock as you each bac to fouch your hel © Yourbead leans back and your arms are staiht. Lin your chest and open your hea chakra. Brea foe Fein this ose for minutes Rest in Chis Pose for 13 minutes. Cam Pose Camel Pose relenses blocks inthe lower chakras, These blocks manifest a low selfsteom, ditions, greed, and emotional insert. This pose can help you overcame adiction to food and Substance abuse si stimulates the digestive meridians. It also opens he het chakra and makes you ‘ore compessionate person. Camel Pose is a preventive aguas rest cancer ait rejuvenates the lymphatic system 5. Do the Frog ‘Squat and glue your hoes togetber. The hess stay off the flor during the entire + Look up and support youre with your hans in feat of you and position them between ‘your thighs. This the exhale-down position + Stand pa you inhale. Your head is down and close to your knees inthis inhale-up positon + Do atleast 26 fogs and upto 108 fogs or keep up foe $ minutes at your own pace (1 ‘upand-down cycle counts | fog) + On your final fog inhale nthe up poston and hol for few seconds. Exhale and slowly sitdown, + Sieh your legs in font of you and shake them ou Reston your stomach for 1-3 minutes. KUNDAN YOGA UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY &ftE«LTY Frog Hose channels cncrey up th pine by Ft stimulating the encry ofthe ler chakias ad ‘hen moving and eieulatng 110 the beat and higher centr. Frog Pose works on sariovasnlar health, invigorates the nervous system, and tones the eg, 6. ow Pose with Read movement + Lieon your stomach ard reach back to gab your ankles. Inhale and Fit your he, hes, and thighs of the ground. When you ae steady end comfortable in this sition, inhale and run your head to the sight towards your rig shoulder Eales you tn your head to the let. Continue the inalerght onl exhale head movement gently for S minutes, ow Pose ‘shes harmful toxins avay from your organs and ean Help keep you looking and feting vibrantly ‘young. The head movement sinus the beauy glands, the thos cener, and the piary. The “entre glandular system i balanced through this exerci, Sno Tan Haley 7-Deep Relaxation. Relax completly and deepy for 30 minutes, You've done some remarkable work, Now kt the ‘work do yu ad allow the energy cicuate throughout your body while resting in Corpse Pose. KUND LINE Y0G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT REAUTY & HEALTH 1am a sparkling jewel this Universe of Lave. “This set is one of my favorites! My students and I have discovered thatthe cumulative effets ‘hom pratving the exereises inthis st, when done inthe sequence taught by You! Bhajan will ‘rejuvenate your entire body and keep your glandular system in peak condition; thereby revitalizing {YoUrssstem to Keep your face and dy locking yout and lowing with radian ath, The excreses inthis set will stvate your digestive and eliminative systems ad balance your _prana (energy of activity) and gpa (energy of elimination), In addin, i will strengthen your ‘navel center, the seat of your personal power: and stimulate the “beauty gland” the thyroid and Darthyoid. | have observed tat eepuar practice of this Ara can draw in postive ena ‘necessary for youthfil vitality and fash gut poisonous toxins together with al the exces baggage and negative emotions that ause oll age |- Grinding Your Digestive Area + Sitin Easy Pos. ‘+ Imerlock yout hands in Venus Lock and aise them above your head Grind your belly make le circles sing your ablmina are) ina counterclockwise rection and isle you arms in a clockwise dtetion, Move strongly Tor 4 minus, Relaxin you bck for 1-3 mints. ‘This exercise masages your organs of digestion ad your energy. The fewer toxins ou have ia your stm, youth you'l Look, imation, adjusts the spine, and balances we more energy you'll have andthe more Asim onervaton que consent Wald ike oe ore esearch inthis a, 7 ‘SnaeaTan Haley 2 Lag Lifts, ‘Sit onthe ground and plae your hands behind you for suppor. Legs are stretched fwd, ‘+ Bopin the Breath of Fre and raise both legs up and down shythically orf mit 2 After | minute, continue the lg ifs but do Long Deep Breathing. Use dhe strength of Jour abdominal re to conto the motion of your leg Ns. Bring our legs down petly ‘ud avoid thamping the pround with your feet Keep up for 2% minutes Relax fr 1-3 minutes. According to you cence, fyou do this exercise for 31 minutes a day, you willnever age: You will say forever young! Leg lifts strengthen the lower back and balance the prana and pana * KUNDALIVI YOGA: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & tE¢LTH 3.Cobra Clap ‘Come into cobra pose and appy the rot Fock. ‘ Liftyoor chest up high and clp your hands by iting them off the ground, Keep your {eet fly onthe ground and use the stent of your spine o postion your upper body when lapping. ‘+ Retumn your hands to the ground and repeat the clapping motion for2 minutes, elas for 13 minis 4 Alternate Leg Lifts ‘Lie on your back. Plae your ha socesa. + Lilthe right leg up to 90 degrees + Lower your right leg and ase your fe leg to. 90 degrees. Continue fr 1 minute + After one minute, continue withthe allerat leg lis, but his ie tart chan “Sa you the right eg, “Ta” onthe Ie le, "Na onthe right, and "Mo the le + Keepthe motion andthe chanting going for2 minutes and proceed tothe next exercise. 5, palms down, under your buttocks for suppor, if Leg lifts strengthen the navel centr—your seat of personal power and sense of commitment. Attemat log lifts help cgeulateerergy throughout the entire navel are by stimulating het Inthe lower intestines. An added bonts:asing the least 90 degtes stimulates your pineal nd pituitary lands in dation 10 improving your memory. ‘Sea Tom Haldy 5: Double Lex Lifts + Raise both legs upto 90 depres and chant "Sa." ‘Chant “Ta” as you lower them both opt. Chant °Na onthe up and "Ma on te down, + Keepup for minutes. Double le is stimulate the upper digestive system and generates energy throughout the navel center, They also work on promoting the hel ofthe Rea and anes. KUNDALINI Y0G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADUNT BEAUTY & HEALTIE 7. Back Platform with Open Mouth Breath of Fs ‘+ Come up into Back Pfr Pos ad ik your head bac, ‘+ Open your mouth and stick your tongue ou. Do Breath of Fite trough Your mouth fort 1 Relaxin Corpse Pose for 1m addition to developing povis exbily, Back Platform Pose combined with open-mouth Brea of Fire stimulates the "beauty glands”"the thyroid and parathyroid. “ ‘Sona Tom Halide Revitalize and Replenish Tobe fascinating, be fascinated. “This set made us feo ike brandnew! My students, fiends, and 1 felt ally alive, energize, ‘mentally focused and calm atthe san time alr doing this rive and that fs why 1 have named it “Revitalize and Replenish” Ihave found i o be an especially good one to do fist thing inthe ‘moming. This dna set equtes you to dance; and, a8 many who Tove dancing will test, daneing ‘onneds your body to your sense of agiaton and to the erative ats within. 1 has been my Consistent observation tat when the body i allowed to move in fice Form expression, the erative ‘nid stimulated andthe psyche healed. 1. Balance the sugar and sodium levels in your body. Important: Exerelses 13 must be done in the sequence dreced,) Siti Easy Pose > Gentty lean backward and rise your chest as high as you can. Your heads slighty filled back, You'l el slight pressure in your shoulder blades as you do this. Use your head and your alsiominal muscles to support your body 4 Ralse your ams o 60 degrees o form a V. Your fingers are spread wide apart {Feel relsed and happy wile holding this posture. You should not fel any sttness in yourmusees. ‘+ Begin a strong Breath of Fite, Feel your navel pumping powerfully with cash breath Keep up for3 minutes and proceed othe next ste. + Open your mouth and sik your tongue out while diag Breath of Fie. 2 minutes, spin for youthful looks and health Sitin Easy Pose ‘Join your palms in Prayer Mudra and raise your ams above your head. Keeping your palms joined, stretch and reach forthe cling + Suetch and pall your spine, ribcage, and arms towards the heaven. Let his exereise be your prayer fr vibat youthfulness and good health Keep your neck relaxed and do Long Deep Breathing while focusing onthe thin-eye point. 3 minutes. KUNDALINI ¥6G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH ‘You may increas the tne offs exercise to $ minutes but no longer than that less you have the ime to el for ul hour aera 43. Balance Your Glandalar System. Bring your thimbs to ouch the mounds below the ving finger and make iss with both hands. Lean beckwards ik yu din exercise ‘Sth your arms out b the sides and rotate them backwards in small icles. Your ams are stright but do not kek your elbows Keeping the moments ofthe backward cites, athe movement of rising your ams ‘up a tvnging thm down ina continuous fasion, You shuld fel slight presse on your shoulder blades during this exerts. Keep up for 7 minus Relax for 13 minutes. o ‘Sondra Ton Haley 4. Loosen you sine and balance the left and right hemispheres of your bral, Sitin Easy Pose Bing your arms out o your sides to frm a straight parallel ine to the ground "Your let pal faces the earth and your rat palm feces the heaves. Laine your arms have Become a sees and move thm as quickly a8 you can, while keeping them siright. One arm moves up asthe other moves down. Coordinate your betting with the movement. Seesaw for minutes. elas fr 1-3 minutes ‘Sin Easy Pose. Keep your spine straight and apply the Neck Lock. ‘Bend your elbows and bring your hands up to ex evel ‘Your thumbs touch the mounds below the litle fingers. Keep the fiagers apart and pointing tp {Close your eyes and turn them towards your cia. Imagine there's a movie seeen where Your chin is located and watch one of your fonasies being played on that seren, ‘According to yorie siene, you will nover suffer e nightmare if you perfect this seditation.) ‘Meditate in his posture using Long Deep Breathing for 11 minutes. Listen to Nirinjin Kau’ tape of th last ines of Jaap Sah or any SHO music for mediating. [KUNDALINE Y0G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH ‘+ After 11 minutes, nha, hold your breath, and tense every muscle in your body while Siting in this poste. Exhale, 4 Repeat Inkae-hold-tene-evhale 2 more times. Rta for 13 minis 6. Get up and dance! ‘+ Play some Bhangra oe Punjabi drum music" Shake every part of your being #2 circulate the benefits ofthe metitaton throughout your etre body. “+ Move your whole body to the muse for 30S mines, Thee are ecrngs of hangar and bi rum music male on ape, See Resources. 6s Sandra Tan Halidoy Dancing brings us closer o ur spit, ou essence. Surender your body to heey thm, Dont do te dance, le the dance do you. Feel ver comected to your body. When you bgome aware of your "yo become mare of your soul. Listen to your body and follow your Intuition. Many ancient ‘tations Believe tat when you become one withthe dance, you become one with he Universe, and ‘when that happens, you Become one with Divi. 7. Call on the infinite creative consciousness, all on the divine wisdom ‘Sit in Easy Pose. ‘With hands Prayer Madea allow both your subs to touch the edge ofeach eyebrow ‘on the edge ofthe eye socket. Apply very gentle pressure here. ‘+ Close your ees and roll them tothe third eye point. Begin chanting "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” for 3 minutes. + Inhale, hold for 10 seconds and exhale. Repeat “ahale-ol-exhle” 2 more times ra KUNDALINI ¥064 UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTHY is my persgnal experience that this exercise can put you in avery srene slate of mind Focusing on the 6 chakra stimulates our power of inition te ability to know the unkown and Sco the seen, When we are inte, there's litle oom for confsion incur lives, We ell on the Creative Consciousness and dive wisdom for guidance ‘when we chant Ong Noma Gur Dev Namo Put inttion and divine guidance together and you have a powerful recipe for super confidence. You're ead to face he day! @ Sanaa Tan Haley Forty Your Immune System 1 very cased door opens a thousand windows of opportunity forme. In onde fr your immune system to work for you, you have to work at keeping it strong and healiy. My students and I have observed that these 2 sels, erated to strengthen your immune system, can cleanout the toxins i your blood and squash any negative emotions that you may be Taboring in your payhe a0 that you canbe fre to be youse to experience your tre essence, the divine in you "My expevence fom practising the exercises in these 2 Aris is that they ean leave one fling ud clevated in spris, Wheh you ae what you love tobe, your radiance wil shine through and inspite cher, The fist st foceses on explling anger fom the psyche; while the second works on rejuvenating the glands, te protectors of your heath, Remember, as always, t0 do the exeriss deseribed in his book in dhe sequence a taught by You Baan 1. Stimulating Your Immune System ‘Sita Easy Pose, Your hands ae ia Prayer Mudra and i fot of your heart center. This js your exhale poston, ‘+ Extend your ams out tothe sides and really setc. Stretch as if you're wsing your stcngth to stop 2 side walls that are moving to cave in on You. Ths is your inhale position. + Bring your ams and bands back into Prayer Mudra and stretch them out again, Continue this motion for 3 minutes. + Start slowly, syhronizing your arm movements with long deep breathing. Your arm ‘movements are deliberate: move with precision, + Gradually pick up speed and start moving faster, while breathing Fong and deep, Use all ‘your energy to get the anger out of you stem. 8 minutes, Relax for 1-3 minutes, “This exercise opens your heart chakra an stimulates your glands fo revitalize your immune and lymphatic systems, A balaced heart chakra opens the doors for us to experience tre lve, Noe ‘Cong Deep Breathing fs practiced throughout exrese KUNDALINI Y0G4; UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT REAUTY & HEALTH 2. Health to Your Liver + Sitin Easy Pose. ‘+ Inerlace you Fingers in Venus Lock and stretch your arms above your ead, Stretch high up a8 you can, Keying the elbows staiht ‘+ Twist left andra rom the base of your spine: Move vigorously othe Breth of Fite. 4 Relax for 3 ites. “his exercise massages your ver and it wll thank you. The fiver serves us by removing hazardous toxins fom the bloodstream. If we overwork the ver Wit alcool, met, and excessive ‘ating twill ease to funtion optimally and we ill become “liverish,” an expression teed £9 See Musi Resouces fr this tpereoring_ You Bhajan played he gong daring this maton when the set wos st tag on October 21983. Several ering a ling sounds layed 0n he set oe ‘alae on CD. See Resour, Sanda Ton Haley Forty Your tmmune System see the Creator inal if Live mindflly ow. Trt the Universal Laws that govern moral and ethical values and your fare willbe harmonious. Trst in the values tat are important to you. Trust the Univers. Seve the Universe aid twill serve you. Believe itand you will ocome it 1. Swimming t Liberation ‘it in Easy Pose and visualize yourself inthe mile of an ozean. You have to swim toward the shore nd 10 eed. Lit your nib cage and star swimming using the eral stoke, Create a smooth crelar ‘motion with your arms; when one am extended forward, the eter is back withthe bow by to your side, Your powerful and precise swimming motion moves your ‘shoulder, ib ee, and back muscles, Breathe dough your mouth and keep the back molars together so thatthe breath sounds Tike a his, Synchronize your strokes with the Breath of Fie. Keep swimming for 13, mits. Relax for 1-3 minutes. 2. Work thas lands to release necumalated stress ‘Come into Back Platform Pos. Plat your heos and toes on the ground, Lif your chest fd hips up. Keep your spine, pelvis, and les in staight ine. Allow the head t fall bck but donot allow the neck to cllase 2 minutes Make a cil with your lips and breathe trough your mouth. Use your diaphragmatic Strength to move the breath, This not Breath of Fite, whic originates fom the navel tt rahe, Focus fear the steam and daphragin. Keep up for anther 2 minutes n -KUNDALIN| ¥004: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH Bac Platform Pose puts presse on the nervous system to release deply rooted stress. It ‘an excelent pose fr the healthy Tunetoning othe hte. ko 3.Relax ‘© Tako 17-minute sist in Compe Pose 4. Wake up dancing ‘+ While sil ying in Cops Pose, and with eyes closed, listen to Liv Singh's Har Har Makan with affemacons. Repeat the affirmations tht Yop! Bhajan recites at the begining ofthe tape + Very graualy and slowly, begin to stretch, rotate your wrists and ankles, and move your body. ‘+ Gently open your eyes and dance while ying down, 3 minites 5. Stand dance ‘= Situp and continue dancing in Easy Pose, This exercise wil distribute energy equally to all pars of your body. 15 minutes, 2 Sondra Tan Holly ‘Spring Clean the Lymphatie System Each now day fils me with deep appreciation and Love for Goat's erations. Lymph isa clear yellowish Mid tht surrounds every cell inthe body. The body has two Criss-ross your arms fon of your fee, Keep the elbows straight, ‘Move enorgtclly and synchronize your stst-erossng with Breath of Fie for 1% Relax for 1-3 minutes, 5 Vogl ahaan, The Aquarion Teaco KRI Deron Kalin Yoga Teacher Trainin (Espns, NM ‘und Research inst, 202), 18 as ‘3. Flushing dead eas and mucus from the lungs ‘Stretch your ame in font of you. The elbows ar straight andthe palms ae facing spars. ‘+ Inte through your mouth and aise your rms up and ack, a if throwing a bouquet of flowers for someone behind you. ‘+ Exhale via the mouth, as you fower your arms 10 thir original postion. Brethe powerfully through your mouth throughout his exercise, Continue fr 2¥4 minutes. Relax for 13 minutes ‘This isa powerful exercise that expels ded cells and mucus fom the lungs and prepares you to ‘mediate deeply and profoundly 4. Get nto Plow Pose ‘Lien your back and ffom a Shoulder Stand exhale, and slowly lower your toe othe fioor above and beyond your head. Keep your torso perpendicular 1 the Noor, a8 much ‘as poms, and your legs straight 6 KUNDALINI 1054: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HE¢zTt ‘+ Lower your lps tothe round and bring the upand over into Plow Pose again Repeat the lei movement fr 2 minutes. This exerise tones and strengthens the abdominal ara and improves the digestive sytem. Food that snot eliminated frm te hod within 24 hours becomes toxic Body Jumps {+ Lison your back and pace your hands under your neck ‘Spread your eels aboat fot apart and start pumping your hips. The lps ad knees remain straight. The rex ofthe body puns vigorously for 3 minutes. 6. Lit your les up into the alr ‘Grab your toes while keeping the knees straight ‘Open your mouth and breathe though your that. Fela cooling sensation down your hot ine Sondra Ton alidey ‘Te cooling breath cleanses the liver and that center and detoifes the body by dissipating oxic heat om the sjstem, 7. Turn over and relax in Child's Pose “lax deeply while stening to Sangest Kaur Khalsa’ recording of Naad—the Blessing. 11 mints. Hoses Gently and ver slowiy sit up Easy Pose and pce your hands (ight over left) over your heart center, Sing lon With the tape for 5 minutes. ” [KUNDALINI ¥0G4: UNLOCKING THESECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTHY ‘Tone and Rejuvenate Postve energy fll my emive being [have found this sett bea eat one todo for building toned legs, Fem buttocks, an strong and flexible spine—all important ase fr Teling yout and energetically vibrant. The exereses hee ako work on stimulating the digestive and reproductive organs by elongating the abdominal muscles, destroying diseases by fshing toxins ou ofthe kidneys, and opening your heart chakra fo love. We et totally toned and rejuvenate and or faces were glowing ar hie st) 1. Leg Lifts on the Side ‘© Liedown on your lft sid and rest your hes on you eft had ‘+ Move your right leg up and down decisively and powerfully. Remember t Keep your righ vety stig nd rise ia igh as you can. Use the Breath of Fre. 2 minutes 4+ Tip: You'll get more oa workout if you seth an ren yo lg ad butocks to keep your ody steady ‘Switch sides and ep: the exereie for 1 minutes ‘Relax laying yourstonach for 03 minutes, EERE 2, Releasing Blocked Energy. ‘+ "Lie facing down. Your palms ae touching the ground andthe arms are close by your site ‘+ end your knees and st kicking your butoks with atemate heel. Move quickly Fr aminates, Sanda To alidey “This exereiae wil lp release blocked energy in he brtocks. 3. Lion Pose + Sion your heels and stick your tongue ou a far as you can. You are going to breathe flough the mouth with he tongue stretched out throughout this exeris. ‘Using your hands o support you, exhale and lower yur torso lt you forehead gently kiss the ground ‘+ To come op, fist lengthen the font torso. Inhale and very gently and slowly elevate youtslf tm the tailbone. Repeat the bowing movernent fr 2 minutes, es 4. Coben Kick ‘Get into Cobra Pose. {Start kicking your batoks with your hols for 2% minutes, I you experience diicuky doing this exercise, t may bean indzatio that you ae inthe habit ‘of breathing shallowly and that you may ned o work on strengthening your lings and diaphragm, KUNDALINI YOGA: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH 5.Cobra push ups + end the knees and pot your toes towards the eling i Cabra Pose, Your heels donot move inthis exoreise ‘+ Exlaleand lower your oro to the ground Inhale and bring your rs beck up. Contin fr 2% nines, PESTA ieee Sears Sandra Ton Hatidoy ‘6. The ell of 0 “Get into Front Plitform Pose. Keep your body straight fom head t toes. The front of ‘your fet ad your fingertip are supporting your body. 3 minutes ‘+ Start roaring like ion or howling lke aackal. The vocalization shoul originate inthe ‘heat reat re, Keep up for I minut “This pose i «tonic for the brao—itrevialies the gray matter and rejuvenates spinal Mui ‘According to yogie science, prctcing this poe regularly ean help erase wrinkles and impart a {youthful glow te your fee, 17. Rejuvenating Conscious Sleep + 'Siton your ees and lower your back torso towards the ground, Close you eyes. {Listen to Guru Ram Das by Singh Kaur and take aap in this pose for | minutes. Very slowly and gradual, elevate youself into Easy Pose and heep your spine erect Keep your eyes closed and roll them up tothe top ofthe ead. Hands are in Gyan Mudra Go ino deep bls for | minutes. ‘Conscious sleep” rejuvenates the mind and body In ain, this pose wil asst inthe proper functioning ofthe digestive system. A healthy digestive system, when combined with a mostly tlkaine die, can help Keep ou bois as oxe-fee as posible, 2 KUNDALINI ¥0G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH 8. Relax deeply ie in Corpse Pose an puta blanket over yourself Go into deeply relax state and imagine that you can elevate yourself to look down at your body. Bless it and allow ito rest and rcupert,S mins, 9, Knees to chest, nose to knees. Sil on your back ollyour fet and ankles, ol your wrists and neck, and at sec 10 prepare yourself fogrdually wake up and getup. Bring your knees 0 your chest and levate your oso to ring your nose else fo your kes. Rock on you spine ad guy ll yourself up toasting poston, 8 Sanda Ton alidy ‘Chase The Blues Away Iohoose tobe hap ‘Tension i stess—mental and emotional stn, Stress happens when things don't go smoothly the way me want fo, Pain, both physical and emotional, sa eu of prolongs tension, of ehvonic Sires and en we don’t give ur Body and mind a chane> to ake a break fom the attack of Tafa emotion, For many of ws, sree fa daily assault and if welt it cont us, instead of us Keeping i under contol, ain wil manifest itself as muscular ache, headache, depresion, uncontrollable rage, and diseases suchas cancer. “The Tote shamans believe that ur world is as we dream it and that itis we who have the power to erate our aw dreams have found this jut be a powerful healing st, which ca help {sto wash away accumulated stesso tat we can dream only beau dream 1 Etiminating tension. Get into Back Pitform Pose, Plant your heels and toes onthe ground. Lif your chest ‘and hips up. + Keep your spin, pelvis, and les ina straight ie. Allow the head t ill back bu do not low the neck to collapse. Keep your bodys straight as possible in Back Platform. {Raise and fower your hips decisively while synchronizing your movements with the Breath of Fire: Remember to keep you bak ad legs ina staight line when you are in the up position. 4 minutes “The heat that you generate doing this exereis will melt away your sess and anger. 4 KUNDALINE YO: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH 2, Remaining in Back Platform Pose ‘+ Bring\our lets up 60-ogre angle. ‘+ Continue casing and bweriag your hips with the Tet lg suspended. Synchronize the rmoverent with the frat of Fite for I mint, ‘Lower the lft eg tthe ground and raise the ight leg Continue the ip movement for a seconds, ‘The heat that you create doing tis exercise will melt away your sess and anger even fuer ‘3. Strengthening the heart ‘Lie on your stomach ad place your pals, right on top of ff, onthe ground. Lower {Yur toso so that your stenum above your hans ‘+ Raise your torso ino exbra pos. Keep your elbows as straight as possible, Lower your torso tothe ground, Use Breath of Fie with his exerese. 4 minutes, ss Sendra Tan Haley ‘This exercise will increase spinal exiilty, lp relieve sess, and, when the Fight hand is puting pressure on tele srengthen the heart muscles. It will also srengthen the ribcage and Tower spine 4. Cobra Leg Lins + Get into Cobra Pose. Modictions: keep forearms onthe ground like a sphinx; do not straighten the ams. Raise and lower your le leg while Keeping the kceas straight as possible. 1 mint. {Swit legs and continue for 30 seconds. pesbstdatitiee 86 [KUNDALINI ¥0G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH 5. Feet Flexes Ligon your back. 1 Hleyate your hows 12 inches ahove the pron, Sur exig and relaxing your fet, Hoth ect are moving at he same tne, 14 nutes, Ling the lps 12 inches ffom the Mor stimulates the kidneys, iver, spleen gall ladr, and ‘he panereas—al erica organs tht help in removing dangerous toxins fom the boy. The panereas promotes healthy digestion by seeing digestive enzymes into the intestine 6. Lying on your back, arms are close othe sides ofthe body, palms are facing down, ‘Bring your knees 1th chest the straighten your legs ot. Your fet ae about 12 inches ove the ground. * Bring your knees hackto the chest and contin the nat motion For 2 nates Sandra To alidey 7. Sing from the heart and chase those blues aay ring your knees to your chest and hug them. Play vecording of Jaap Sahib—The Lat Fow Lines by Kulwant Singh ands to the music with all your heat and energy. 18 minutes ‘Inte, hod for | minut, and exhale. Repeat 2 more times. slong. ‘According to yor singing activates our panic Body, which makes us fearless and courageous ‘Singing mans opens our heat chakra and fills our ene being with compassion and sweetness. 1, Shaking allover ‘+ Slowly come up siting in Easy Pose {Bring your arms over your hed and shake them vigorously, Shake your whole body, too, and shake everthing fr I inte. Relay KUNDALINI YOGA: UNLOCKING TIE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH (Chakra Fixer am beau al abundant "have found tis iv to be aeally fun one todo! “Chakra Fixer can hop remove blocks tht prevent your chakras ffom functioning at is most optimum, When all your seven shakras are balanced and spinning in harmony at the same desied spoed, you will experience happiness, emotional stability, rs, and a pirtual connection tothe Universe. 1. Arm Circles + Siti Easy Pose 4 Raise your arms over your head. Palms ae facing eachother. + Circe your an in hearin clockwise mation. Move quickly for minutes This motion relieves tension in he shoulders Sandra Tn Halide 2- Bowing in Easy Pose 1 Sitin Easy Pose and aise your arms ‘Exhale and lower your to down to the ground. Your forehead and hands kis the cart + inhale and using the strength in your showin area, come up to Easy Pose with raised + Contin the bowing motion for2 minutes. 3. Navel Center Jumps ‘+ Stand wp and reach down to touch the earth, while heeping your legs as stright as you ‘+ Bounce up and down inthis poston. {Use yournavel contro power your bouneing. 2 minutes. » KUNDALINI Y0G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH 4. Stand up and bow. ‘Stand up and raise your ams Keeping them straight ‘Exhale and bend forward lt your hands touch the ground ‘Inhale and gent ris p, Hen backward as you rise, Contin for 1 mint, 5. Leg and Arm Cris-Crosses Place your hans onthe hips Grose and unos altmats legs: Move quickly without pausing for2 mints. 1 Raise your arms over sour hea and ei-cros your are while crse-eossing your legs athe Same tine. Keepthe ams straight. 2 minutes, Sandro Ton Haida 6 Shoulder Rols + Sitn Easy Pose and make fits with your hands {Bend your elbows and bring you fst the heart center, Your arms are paalelto the ground. 1+ Use your shoulder bade to if your ibeage and rll your shoulders forward one at 8 time. The elbows rotate withthe shoulder. Lift your nib cage higher with each rol 1 sinus. 7. Stretch Pose ‘© Livonyour back ‘Raise your head and hess 6 inches of the ground, Point your toes and gaze a them. {Do Breath of Fire for 1 mints, Setch Pose tones the abdominal muscle, tunes up the nervous and digestive systems, and strengthens the reproductive organs (thy contol your creative sie) and glands (these tend to make {Jou productive). This pose energizes the whole bod when dane With Breath of Fie, KUNDALINI Y0G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTHE 8. Rock and roll + Bring your knees o your chest and roll back and forth on your spine for 30 seconds 9, Rock and rollin Lotus ‘Cross your ls in Lots or Easy Pose and rollback and forth on your spine For 1 minutes. (Sce descriptions for Lotus and Easy Pose blow) Fat totus Basy Foot Start by siting in Easy Pose Using srona se e ase sitng en thei hands place one foo up igh a ound with your legs cased Whi] possible on top of the opposite thigh Keeping the lower spine sigh pose. | Er with bath hands, place the other Both fect ron the Noor and © 200" a tap ofthe ater th. Your bes, esa fardown as youcan antes. | nck. and’ ches sould be aligned fn 8 Sug ine o ‘+ Get down on sil four standing up and dance to the Indian version of Sar Nom Whe Gara for 2 minutes 1+ Move every par of your body. Get wild 11, Parallel Bieyele eon your back, Place your hands unde the buttocks, your palms are down Extend your les, kep your eel 1 feet above the for. Inbal ed bring your ft knee int bo Exhale and bring your rip kee in a you extend the eft Breathe powerfliy and continue for 1 s minutes. “This exercise balances the navel point, It lso promotes a helihy 2" chakra, which rules your talent tobe creative and your ability to appreciate fa dole ate besuy, Joy, and sweeiness of i, KUNDALINI Y0G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEAL 12. The tent Clap Lion your beck + Raise your ams up and bring your palms together lke you were about to slap, The palms donot meet. ‘Bring your arms aay from each other and repeat the movement for I mints, 13, Relaxin Corpue Pose "= Relax totally and deeply for 9 minutes, Sing along othe niin version of Sat Naw Wahe Gare or 2 minutes Wake up gradual os Sandro Ton Haida 14 Tree Pose ‘Stand in tree pose on you eft leg for 48 seconds {Switch legs and standin oe pose on your right lg for 1 seconds “Tree Pose strengthens the legs, ankles nd spine, sit stretches the inne highs, goin, arms, and shoulders It gives you a flexible mind and helps you mains «sense of balance in allareas of our life by eesing a supple and welladjsted spin, and challenging your ably to stand on one fot. 15. Massage Massage your fe, Scalp and ears for 1% minutes. ‘Massage your chest, shoulders, and area unde the arms for 30 seconds ‘Massage your hands, wis and ams for 30 seconds Flex your spine for 30 seconds ‘Stech Your arms for 10 seconds 16, Relax “Relax deeply in Corpse Pose KUNDALINI ¥0G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH ‘To Me From Me With Love Tam a essing tom so ‘You possess the power to bles yourself and others. This isa deply profound set, whish will ‘pen your heart chakra and inspite You to experience great love for yourself. You have 10love ‘yourslf fist before you can truly be anyone else ina heathy relationship. You canon ben o truly fove completely and uncondFanally when your up f fill Speak the Following afrmations loud atthe start of the exercises (and believe every Woe that yu sa): ‘My soul my best frend Happiness s found right here—te my soul ‘ereate my own happiness. My world is as I dream “Your eyes ae close and ted towards the center of yur chin throughout hs ri According ‘© yopt technology, focusing onthe center of your chin has a cooling and ealming effet om your emotions. When you are ina calm sate of mid, you willbe able o ee yourself, and your soul, leary” 1. Reverse Ad Shakil Kriya ‘Siti Easy Pose with astraigt spine + Raise your right arm over your head: ght pal facing down. Peston your sight palm between 6 and 9 inches above the erowen of your head. You are blessing yoursel ad strengthening your elero-magnetc fd with your right had ‘Bend your let elbow and bring it close to you ib eae. Your left palm faces Forward "ike you are taking an at, Your Ie palm x Bessing the word ‘+ Close your eyes an bring your focus to the mile of you hin, ‘+ Feel the vibration ofthe lve that every soul ia your le pst present, an utr, hs ver given you. Fel that love radiating towards you as you bless yourself. Fest very loved. ‘+ Dolong deep breathing 1 posible, dothe one-minute breath: inhale 20 secondsold 20 seconds exhale 20 secouds. Ae i minutes, inhale and moving very slowly, proceed 0 the next exes * Yogi Bhajan, Me Aqurian Teacher 136. ” ‘Sno Ton Haley In Reverse A Shalt! Kriya, you are mentally Bessing yourself and in doing 8, you come ny kinks in your ura. You will fel «slight change of txt in your mouth, if you are breathing ‘comet. Concetating onthe center of your chin, the laa or moon eens, helps you to fous on {our tus slfby calming your mind sod puting whatever emotions you may be feeling on old. you harbor lt of anger n your psyche, practicing the Reverse Adi Shalt! Kripa may be quite halenging. However, you can put yous trough the motion and just doth rv when it eas Tike isthe hardest thing to do atthe moment, you weuld have conquered your mind. Your soul will ‘emerge vitriol 8 you elevate your conciousness o yet another higher level 2 Open the Heart Center ‘Stetch your arms straight outa fra you can, They ae paalelt the ground and your pals ae facing down, + Your eyes ar stil closed snd your focus remns athe center ofthe chin 2 Do ong deep breathing. After 3 minutes, inhale deeply and moving very slowly, proceed tothe next exereie KUNDALINI YO: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & EAL Exercise 2 will simulate, stenuten, and balance the energy in your heart chakra. When you live ‘om your heart enter, you bless bers aswell as yourself, with tue ve and deep compassion 5. Surrendering to The Ethers. Inhale, Hold, and Stretch ‘Raise yourarms and kep the elbows staght. Your pals faethe ron * Continue breathing slowly and deeply in his poston for 3 mites. ‘After 3 minutes, inhale and bold your beth for 10 seconds while yw stretch your ams ‘ups high as you ean. Visualize being pulled up inf latinity and tense every muscle in your body. ‘Esha and clay. Repeat inhae-hol-stetch penal 2 more tines, ‘You may experience some disomfor in your arms while doing this tie. In the yogic sytem, all the normal pains are communiztion signals that alr us to te fac hat ovr body ether not untioning at optimal level or undergoing transformational level for improvement. A sensation oF tiredness is usualy a signal that your body alsin sll Feelings of discomfort are meses fom the bay thal ret specie organs or Funetons of the bods: ‘Area of Diconioet Communiation Si Upperams Digestion Elbow Cardionasclar an Tae ‘Wrist ad aoa jut abovethe writ [Liver ndebiedo Guracharan Singh Khas for elightning me with thi ifn Sandra Ton Malia Chapter Seven Meditation Mediation is a dvinly-inspied discipline that stanes the mind 1 be consciously avare ofthe nite in ll that we do, think, and say. Its proces of cleaning out subconscious garbage and rving at nut ta of mind where we Become acutely Intuitive to our environment and in our ‘ecsion makin Benefits: “= You become peaceful and eay to serve Inf the will of God. + You become inuitve and ready (0 reesive directions pertaining to ful destiny + You develop mental laity and awarenes to lead fle and happier if ing your “The points of concentration during meditation an their effets: ‘Third ee point (ceter of bro): elp develop and sharpen he gio intuition, {Tip ofthe nose with eyes 110" ope: helps the mind sly fous soi doesnt wander round during meditation 1+ Moon center (enter of chin: help til your mind and put your emotions on hold so you «un focus on your rues ‘+ Crown chakra (op of hea): stimulates the pineal land and is your consciousness up ‘onto a higher lve helps you to remember that this is where your Subtle Body and your Soul can eave your Physical Body atthe time of death without any karma. [KUNDALINI YOGA: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH Why Meditate? ‘We meditate o heal ouselves and others. On & mundane lve, meditation can lp you t del withthe tes of every living, Thmugh meditation, you ler fo activate your Neural Mind and fo "ap into your own intiion and wisdom for asistince in sorting tthe trath from fiction when presented withthe vast aray of information that is avaiable to us inthis age of high-speed {echnology. Kundalini Youa Medison is dosgned to generate the nner energy, which we will eed to surpass our ordinary’ selves whan we are pt under pressure, Developing your incr enery will ‘enable you to consciously direst your awareness toa higher and pure level so that you ean st accordingly at that higher evel “The science of meditation i «practical technique designed to help ws accomplish an aray of objectives that may range from combating stress to strengthening inition sod fon tacting ‘rosperiy to building personal fortitude. Mediating regula will elean out the subconscious farbage that we store In our psjche when we undergo and remember traumatic and steal uations, To use a eyber analegy, we go through process of deleting junk mail in our subconscious inbox during mediation "Yog! Bhajan hs pated hinereds of medaton eehngues forthe Dene of ll uankind to help us cope with life's many ctallenges. Each mediation cares is own anigue and distinct estisand that the inedible teauty of Kundslini Yoga in he Raj Yous tration of Guru Ram Das. You ean almost always find a mediation exercise that will suit your curen ned, disposition, ‘nd level of practise fom he vast peti of Kuan’ Yoga Meitaton se, Regular meditation wil brings to tht state of inner calm and peace, whereby we can experience oneness wih the universe. When we are endowed With that sense of cosmic boundlesness” and knowledge of he divine nature of our sols, we wll begin t view life fom an Infinite pespestive—and itis developing this Infinite view of our purpose in life, which will uitimatey ead us to Liberation. Wien we embrace life with tht renewed perspective, we hel ters with ou thought of loving kindnesupiting words, and compassionate dee ‘As with many ofthe Kundalini Voua exerises, some Kundalini Youn Meditation sts employ ‘poifc breathing techniques tha re combined with a mantra o achieve optimum results, Aways Keep the spine taht and apply the Neck Lock while meditating % aterm that evokes the cals, vast nd nite ature of he Unive tot Sandra Ton Haloy For Blessings As Tbess, become the Blessed one “This isan elever-minite silent mediation that requees you to bess others and yourse. I is simple, yet ts beets are profound. Your heat chakra wil be simulated and many Besings will be yours when you practise this meditation fr 40 das. You wil begin to fel Go's love in every Suation and person. You wl se the Crestor in every let, Mower, mountain ake, and beauty of ‘Nature, You wil se God a you look ino the eyes of another person o animal and you wl lose all, Asie to hut o to harm anther ou To bless nother it ative the divine power within ones ‘When you bles otters you will dincover tat I is you who have been blessed. When you love tuner nthe res and pret sease, yu become te beloved. Sit in Easy Pose, {Place your let hand over your heat chakra, Stretch your right arm outa a 4S-legree “angle, The right palin fs fing the ground. Do not bead the ws. Keep the right arm relaxed ad sf oti “+ Chose your eyes and focus on the navel center. ‘Visualize yourself asa noble and angelic being of ight, blessing de universe and all peopl, got and bad, even those who dona ove you Say the word bless in your mind onstantly and consistently, and fet your heat fe the healing emotions of compassion nd Kindoes. Bless everyone in your lie, pas, preset, and fue, as well as the earth for 9 minutes. "Then forthe remaining 2mninus, less youre, Fel very loved and grateful as you bess youre withthe deepest desires of You ear + After II minutes, inhale and bold the beat until you need to exhale. Cirulse the blessings within your body, Let very cell dance withthe joy of each blessing Rela ‘+ Repetinhale-ol-exhale twice KUNDALINI 1064: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH For Calm Mind and Heart hen Tear my word, they are sce and beneficial my heath This mediation set will endow you with «calmness that wll pve you clarity of mind and 3 sense of fearlessness to fice your shallenges, Practicing this meditation wi Shine while in the midst of trbulerse and person si 1. Cleaning Out the Subconssfos Mind + Sit in Easy Pos ‘Stoic you ight arm out and keep it staight. The right palm is facing down ‘Bring your lft hand up tothe center of your forehead and line your Fingertips up in a straight nen the areabetwen the hain and the roto the nos, + Your fe thom pointing up Cows your eyes and pun ye mel fe ane powefilly a yu can for ‘Optional: You may sychronize yur navel pumps with Breath of Fite, Ate end of 3 minutes: ‘Take 3 very deep bres + Inhale as deeply as you can, exhale, and apply the Great Lock or Maha Band for 10 seconds Repeat the sequence ie, Rela, Sande Tan Hatoy 2. Conquering The Fear of Death and Dying Extend your arms with your pals facing up, cup your hands, and slightly end your elbows + Gently tk your ead back and open your mouth keeping your ps and tongue sof Begin pump your navel powerfully for 3 minutes. Fiat Bik 2 ih Ate end of 3 minutes: Tahal hol, and lock your back molars ad tghen your jaw for 20 seconds. Exhale 1 Repeat the sequence ove 2 Ret 43, Stimulating Your Powers of Intution and Projection "Open your arms and ase your chest up and out 1 Inale and eis crss your hands rapidly a the heart level, while holding your breath for ts long as you're able fo. Motion: Openerss with Kft hand closest to youropen-eross ‘wih ht hand olosest 0 you. + When you noed to take in another breath, exhale, inhale, and start the eris-costing KUNDALIVI 104: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH ‘This mation clears out the subconscious mind by stimulating the pituitary. Thi sland, located inthe 3 eye are, contos our powers of projection, a well tour ability to se the unseen an io know the unknown, ‘+ After 3 minutes, lax end take a np ia Corpse Pose. Sondra Ta Halley For Getting Rid of Bad Habits Seven: Wave Sat Naan am one with Nature and Nature is one with me. This mediation possesses cleansing effect as it assists in eraating undesirable habits by working trough our chakras. It employs the 6 (eed) mantra Sa Naum, which tales: truth s Iny Hlnty: According to the ancient yogi, A mantras contain the power to rerganize the habi- forming paters of our subconscious mind. By practicing this mediation, we gun the strength to replace ur bad bits with desizable ones. “This meitaton Is lo excellent for peparng the mind for deep meditation; ts benefits inchade ‘washing the stress and hurd thoughts ofthe day ava). You enter into a sate of pled eal and ‘Ree after chanting ths mania ‘The mane: Sat Naar Sots Trth ‘Naam: Tent + Sitin Easy Pose and apply alight Neck Lock. {Hands are in Prayer Muda and thumbs ar touching the sternum. {Inhale deeply an chant Sarin 6 waves begining With the base of the spine and working Upwards t the sex org, the navel the Heart center, the Hat ara, andthe thineye point If would sound ike Saa-to-a-i-a-aa.” Physically pln your lower chakras as Yow intone by applying gee pressure to these aes. 1+ Chant Vaum while focsing oh te top of your head and allowing she sound to emerpe land rs through your ern chars, Allow the sound o radiate into Inn ‘+n deeply and continue even waving fr 11 or mints. Check my web se sald con to ten aud ies ofthis nd her mantras discussed in ttistock 106 KUNDALINI YG UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH ‘Chant ‘Area of Focus = ase of spine Sex on Nave ent Hert enter Throat rea Thir-e pot ‘Naam Top of head 5 Sanaa Ton Hate Freedom from Addietions am fee when Lam oe to mel ‘According t yogic scene, ations are caused by an imbalance in the sem of te pineal land, whic & lasted inthe potrioe forbin. The combined action of pressure, pulsation, and Fanta employe in this meditation wil activate the glands loatd inthe ental bran are and help Uihto beak ou of ation and undsiale habits. This meditation san especialy good one to do iT You're trying to break fice from addition fo Tobacco, alcohol, and excessive eating, a6 well as Subconscious addictions to power, social acceptance, physical love, and fear of abandonment Practice this meditation bacen | 31 minutes a day for 40 days. “The mane: Sa Taa Naa Maa ‘Satin Taw: Lie aa: Deth ‘Maa: Rabi Sit in Easy Pose witha mild Neck Lock. Keep your spine ereet and lock your fist 6 lower verbs forward Make fists with Boh ands and kep the thumbs ou straight. Place the thimbs on the temples and apply gel, but fem, pessure in that are, Close your mouth and look the back moar. Pasa the jaw muscles by aerating pressure between the right molars andthe let mols Synchronize your pressure-pulsing shythm with Saa-Tao-Nag-Maa, You chant this ‘manta mental Close your eyes and tur them towards your they ata, Projet your silent chanting ofS Tac- Na Ma towards this area between the eyebws. ‘Mecitate botwesn $ and 7 minites and pradally workup to 20 and eventually f0 31 108 KUNDALINI Y0G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH ‘To Send Divine Healing Energy Divi is win me, no ouside of me ‘This isa powerful mediation that ells on the power of the Universe to heal ourselves and ‘otters. When chanted ina group, he person receiving the heling energy lcs in the mide ofthe circle. You canals send healing enety to someone across the miles by visualizing your recipient ‘while chanting” ‘According to yogic technology, the 8 sounds in sis mane help timate the kuin energy to flow inthe cenal chanel of te spine and inthe chakras. This rsh flow of energy ctetes 8 ietaolic transformation in the bocy and brings it up toa new level of vai. This sound mantra ‘bo jump stars the Neual Mind by balancing the 5 zones ofthe I and right hemispheres of the brain. When our Neutral Mind is tong, we are not swayed by biased opinions, bt tnd otest ou ‘nition to make the best de sons, Ra Ma DarSo, Sa Say So Hung a Ma Da Sa: Sun, Moon, Earth, Infiity ‘Sa Say So Hung: Totaly of Experience, | am Tho. Sit in Easy Pose, Place your elbows against the base of your ribs and extend your forearms outa 45-derce ele ‘+ Palms are fing up ant at, not cule, Your fingers are together but the thumbs are part + Keep your eyes 1/10 opened and fous on the tip of your nose o you ean close your eyes an focus onthe thine pot. ‘+ Chant Ra Na Da Sa an pul your navel non Sa. Sis sung in a staccato manne. {Chant Sa Say So Hun nd oll your navel in on So and Hug. So ea shorter sound and ‘ngs not raw out but liad > There re several CD corns ofr Me De S502 50 lng, Seo Reroures 109 Sanaa Ton Haley 1 Chant the manta for 11 minutes and gradually buildup to 31 minutes. One eyle of Ra ‘Me Da Sa Sa Sey So Hung is chanted in one breath ‘+ Inhole deeply, old, and circulate the healing eneray throughout your body. Ifyou are ‘ending the vibration to someone (including youre, visualize this person being immersed in hie Hiht and healthy and completely beled, ‘+ Exhale and inhale again. Litt your arms and shake your hands and fingers out energtically. Relax. M0 [KUNDALINI ¥064: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTHY ‘To Heal Through Touch and Prajection Tershula Kriya "Shiva's Thunderbolt” erayatract energy: A sida is a spiciual gif that a yogi gins ar much perseverance practicing yoga and ‘meditation. This mediation wil tetow you with the siddh to heal someone thug your touch, {our projection as well sto hel ata distance, Tera Kriya alo has the ability to dissolve inst ‘ngs, psychological imbalances, ad phobias, You'll experience a feclng of wat, or hes eur hands after 120 days of practising this meditation This powerfol meditation wil stimulate the Kundalink and wil produce heat in your body making you feel warn I is ecommended tht you practice Torsha Kriya in 4 somnfitaly col space “Te manta Her Har Wahe Guru (haar haa’ wha-kay u-r00) Her Har: © einite One ‘Wale Guru: Wow! Great nd Idesrbabe i this Wisdom! Position your ams nex to the ibs andthe forearms ae sigh lower than the ster, + Palms fcing up place your right hand over the lef. Your thambs ae stretched out othe ses of te hands. Postion your hands about 10 depres above te elbows. Do not bend your wrists, Close youreyes and look atthe hack ofthe epi * Inhale and pal your nel in towards the spine. Stspend the breath Mentally chant Hor Har Wahe Guru and visualize glow of white High serounding yourhands + Exhale powerfully and visualize lighting steaks shooting out from your fing. + Exhale completely, hol and apply the Root Lock. Mentally chant Har Har Wohe Gura for as lng ts you can hold your beth out m Sandra To aldey 1 Tnhale deeply and repeat the “inhale white lghexhale lighting” process. Continue for 31 minutes and gray build upto 62 mints. 1 KUNDALIVIY0G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS 10 RADIANT BEAUTY & HEALTH For Spiritual Protection and Galdance To become the beloved, lve Gwen, Guu, Wahe Gara, Guru Ram Das Gurw is healing mantra for spiritual protection, guidance, and peoce. Vibrating yur heart and mind with this mantra podoes powerful Healing and ‘brings miracles into your lie. Thiss the mantra to chant when you or anyone fin danger. Chant it With fve and compassion for yous forthe people and animal in yout if, and the universe, “The manta Gur Guru Wake Gur, Garw Ram Das Gur Guru Guru Wake Guru: Wow’ ow great and indescribable is his Infinite Wisdom! Gara Ram Das Gurw: Great sth one who serves Gi ‘Sit in Easy Pose witha right spine. Apply agsitle Neck Lock 1 Close your eyes and frus your invard gaze atthe center of your brow. Tuck your hin insti *+ Place your hands over your hear, atthe center of the chest left hand against your chet, Fight and ontop. Fel very loved an send your good vibrations ott the Universe ‘+ Asyou begin your mediation, foes your tention ona sivation that you would ike 0 Sse resolved. Visualize x miracle coming ino futon, ss you complete your chanting. Continue for 11 minutes and pradually building wp to 31 mints + To end, inhale deeply. Exhale completely as sou release your prayer ott into the Universe to allow tae cae of your concern. Repest 2 more tes, Bring your arms shove your hea and shke them vigorously, Ren This manta forms part morning Sadhana forthe Aquarian Age 5 pt Waltz CD by Sa Sot Kar Khas or ny recoding cotaang ms fr moring Soa, See ‘Sanda Ta Hal (Gru Ram Das (1534-1581) “Gara Ram Das was the Tout Sikh Gura and a Raj Yogi. He was renowned for his extraordinary git ‘of healing and was greatly loved for hie elflss service and. sease of humanity and compassion In 1573, be initted the constuction f the Golden Temple tnd the Tanks of Nectar—a Imizaculous pool of water that surrounds the Tempe. The healing powers ofthe Tank of Nectar tact any pris to Anwritsarin search ofa mircle and spsiual ‘aliglenment us KUNDALINI Y0G4: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS TO RADLANT BEAUTY & HEALTH For Glandular Rejuvenation (My mind, body, and soul acta ome ‘This meditation does its magic on the guardians of your helth—your glands, Accoding to yoen technology, practicing this Rejavertion Metation ean boost your glandlar system infighting and ‘warding of disease, st stimulates the hesling and preventive capabilites af yur etre boy ‘es practiced right before gong toed, as i¢can tend to make you exromely relaxed The mane: Sau Tas Nag Maa Wha Garoo ‘Sa Ta Ne Ma: lft, Life, Daath nd Rebirth Wake Guru: An cette wow! Great and indescribable i this Wisdom! ‘+ Sit in Easy Pose with light Neck Lock Keep your spine straight. ‘+ Place your arms close to your rb cae; thee should be tension in your shoulders Koopa tho ellows stu athe sides of your rib, bring the hands level with the chest ith the palms fcing fhe tors. Gently allow the base of your hands a meet. The wrist do not meet but bend them so thatthe palms fee upwards. Spread our Fags and thumbs o form a lotus lower the tps oF the ile Rngers wil ouch, ‘+ Keep the eyes focused just past the tip ofthe nose and toads the ground in front of ‘you. Visualize looking into the bowels ofthe Earth, Kespa soft ce ‘+ Inhale very slosly ane deeply though semi-packered lps. Sor the cooing sensation, Hold for 4 seconds as you mentally chant Sas NoMa, ‘+ Exhaling completely trough the nase, mentally chant So-Ta-Na-Ma in 4 power and precise breaths, ‘Hold the breath out For? seconds while mentally chanting Wahe Gir, 4 Repeat and contin fe I minutes, gradual Building 31 minutes, us Sandra To Maley For Good Lack and Prosperity am prosperous. “The foundation ofall mantras, the Antar Naa! Mud mediation opens all he chakms so that you can enjoy the maxi effets of chanting oer mana. According to yogi tralon, mastery ‘this manta vasa requisite Before practicing another man, Practicing this meditation wil Bless you with «destiny, good luk, prosperi, powerful communicative sil, and a highly creative ‘mind. “The mane: San Ray Soa Soa, Saa Ray Sau Soa, Sau Ray Soa Soa, Sao Rug. “Har ay Har Har, Har Ray lr Har, Har ay Hor Har, Har Rang. Soa: The Infinite, God, It represents the element eter and its quality is sub. That Infinite “Tota sere everyers, “Hay: Te power of manifestation andthe creative power ofthe earth Is quality tangible and pereivable That ereaiity of God is here, everywhere “The sounds of Sao ahd Har are knifed together then crystallized trough the sound of ung to create a powerfl effet + Sitin Easy Pose and keep the spine strait. {Hands are in Budi Sao (lp of litle Finger meets the thumb) and resting over the ges Keep the arn sagt Clase your eyes and focus on your thin-

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