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1. 1945 1960: a. 50s ideal - little hours, wives, etc. 2. 1946: G.I. Bill: a.

. Financial aid to veterans to go to college b. Changed attitude of higher education c. Subsidized mortgages d. Homes built in suburban America 3. Cold War: a. China declares itself Communist; 1/3rd or the world was Communist b. Start looking for someone to blame c. 1946 2 spies found Julius and Ethel Rosenberg i. Found guilty, hung d. 1948 Alger Hiss i. Found guilty of lying to Congress ii. No treason proved iii. 70 years in prison e. February 1950 Joseph McCarthy i. 273 Communist sympathizers in state department ii. Congressional committee of un-Americans iii. McCarthyism iv. Red Scare v. Communist witch hunt 4. Television: a. 1951 Hollywood has Communists i. Brainwashing through entertainment ii. Put on blacklist couldnt find work for a long time b. Zero Mostel blacklisted for 10 years for signing petition c. 1952 McCarthy hearings live i. Switched finger to military ii. Got evidence from J. Edgar Hoover (head of F.B.I) iii. Eisenhower is elected president 1. Was a commanding officer in the army during WWII d. 1953 McCarthy military trials i. Military lawyers made him look like a fool ii. Destroyed his reputation 5. June 1950 Harry Truman is president a. Secretary of state is Dean Acheson b. Gives speech describing American foreign policy to press

i. Didnt mention Korea c. Makes North Korea attack South Korea 6. Korean Conflict 1950-1953 a. Truman goes to U.N. because Congress would most likely not i. Has to be unanimous but Russia and U.S. were against each other ii. Luckily, Russian representative was gone and they got the votes needed to stop N. Korea b. Commander in chief is Douglas MacArthur c. Attacked from behind in Inchon i. Cutting them off in supplies d. S. Koreans pushed to Dusan e. N. Koreans flee to China f. China sends troops to push U.N. troops back g. MacArthur suggests to burn Chinese cities and push in h. Truman fires MacArthur i. 1953 truce signed and border put back in 38th parallel j. New secretary of state becomes John Foster Dulles under Eisenhower i. Domino Theory - if one state in a region came under the influence of communism, then the surrounding countries would follow in a domino effect. ii. Nuclear Deterrent 7. 1956 Hungary rebelled against Soviet Russia a. Military Industrial Complex i. Be careful of the sowing partnership between military and industry ii. Symbiotic relationship iii. Both need war to survive iv. Eisenhower gives Farewell Address warned against growing military industrial complex 8. 1960s Presidential Race: a. Republican Richard Nixon; Democrat John F. Kennedy b. Live television debates c. 1960 Kennedy wins, becomes president d. 1961 CIA plan on table to back rebellion for Cuba e. Cuba fell to Russia under Fidel Castro f. Bay of Pigs invasion g. 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis h. November 1963 JFK assassinated 9. Israel-Palestine a. 3000 BC 500 BC



d. e. f.

g. h. i. j. k.

i. Sumer (first civilizations), Babylonians, Assyriansm Persians all Jews ii. Jews enslaved by these people iii. Dragged back to Egypt iv. Developed religion monotheistic v. Writings and ideas in holy scripture Torah 1200 BC leaves Egypt to Middle East i. Led by Moses ii. Found warfare iii. Very high quality resources in limited quantity iv. Immediately joined in the fighting v. King David creates two kingdoms Israel and Judah (existed in Palestine) vi. Captured Jerusalem turned it into a major city 363 BC both states conquered by Chaldeans i. Jesus son of Joseph 1. Not going to lead on military conflict 2. Only religious reasons ii. By 3rd century AD Christianity is the most popular iii. Jewish diaspora (dispersed) 1. Jews persecuted iv. By 7th century AD (622 AD) beginnings of Islam Zionist movement safeground for Jews 1872 Franco-Prussian war of 1870 i. Alfred Dreyfus accused of treason after French loss, was Jewish 1914-1918 WWI i. Zionist movement leaders 1. 1917 Balfour Declaration a. Gives Britain money for homeland b. Support to immigration to a homeland c. Offered Kenya to Jews refused, wanted Palestine (Ottoman controlled) ii. Middle East split up between British and French after the war iii. Mandate system 1. Britain gets Palestine 1923 Jews move into Palestine 1933 Fighting over territory, open warfare 1939 0 British declared that they made a mistake 1946 UN wanted to create homeland for persecuted Jews i. Tel Aviv current Jew capital 1947 UN agrees on partition of Palestine i. Part goes to Jews ii. Part goes to Palestinians iii. Jerusalem is an international city


1948 Jews declare creation of Israel i. Arab nations keep their word ii. Declare war on Israel iii. Israel supported by Russia, Truman 1. Truman was warned by Secretary of State not to get involved, barely won election iv. US replaced Soviets as the primary partner of Israel v. Soviets support Palestine 1. Spheres of influence vi. Israel won the war 1. Arab nations were poorly led 2. Egypt was leader of Arab nations a. King Farouk blamed b. 1948 military coup c. Replaced by General Nasser who didnt really want war

10. 1956 Suez Crisis a. Soviets primary backer of Egyptians b. US backs Israel c. British financially backed Suez Canal d. Egyptians provided labor e. Nasser wanted to nationalize Suez Canal i. Claimed to protest US support for Israel f. France, Britain, Israelis made plan for Israel to attack g. Egypts order for British paratroopers to take back the Suez canal h. Gunboat Diplomacy i. Suez Crisis of 1956 i. US will not back gunboat diplomacy 1. Britain ends up having to retreat ii. Event that marks the end of old imperialism iii. US, Soviets, only ones with power j. 1967 Egyptian military received huge shipments from Soviets i. Israel attacks Egyptians army ii. Six day war, disarmed Egyptians k. 1972 Yom Kippur war i. Egyptian surprise attack on Israeli holiday ii. Stalemate iii. Palestinians get nothing, play no part 11. Terrorism a. PLO Palestinian Liberation Organization b. Eventually bigger enemy gives up

c. Protected war i. War you want to go on really long ii. Inevitably you are going to win d. Prolonged war i. Involved in really long war that you try to end but cant e. Ireland, first terrorism in 20th century i. 1916 Easter Rebellion failed but kept the Irish fighting ii. 1919 ready to fight again 1. Formed terrorist organizations like IRA (Irish Republican Army led by Michael Collins) iii. 1919-1921 Anglo-Irish war iv. Terence MacSwiney 1. It is not those who can inflict the most pain who will win this war, but those who can endure the most pain v. 1921 26/32 counties were set free by Britain to form Republic of Ireland; 6 still under British f. Mao Zedong i. Fish in water metaphor (3% population support) g. 1972 PLO kidnaps Israeli Olympic athletes i. Munich 12. Africa: a. 1920 European countries colonized Africa i. Berlin Conference 1884-85 ii. Liberia, Ethiopia not colonized but regulated b. After Great Depression, countries look to colonies for reserves/markets i. Single crop economies created (e.g. Nigeria rubber) ii. Cash crop economy iii. Creates food shortages iv. Brings Christianity along to Africa c. WWII breaks out i. Some fought for different reasons like freedom, money, excitement ii. Clears delusions of white superiority d. WWII ends leaves European countries crippled in economy/military i. Little reason to hold onto colonies e. Islam unites North Africa i. Well organized ii. Europeans leave except for Algeria in the 1950s 1. French colony 2. Fought bloody colonial war 3. ~1 million people died 4. Wont be independent until 1962


1956 Suez Crisis i. France, Britain decide to get out of Africa ii. Period of decolonization g. 1957 first to win independence sub-Saharan gold coast becomes Ghana (led by Kwame Nkrumah h. 1958 Guinea given its independence from France i. 1960 Nigeria given independence from Britain i. French get out of everything j. 1961 Sierra Leone (B), Kenya (N) etc., Somalia (I)(B) won independence k. Institutions dont change borders in Africa border problems today 13. Cold War a. US, Soviets exploit people in Africa b. Gain control or spheres of influence i. Gets involved in the politics c. USSR offers Somalia $$, declares It Communist d. US pumps money into Ethiopia 14. 1974 military coup in Ethiopia a. Military overthrows govt. b. Declares itself Communist c. Kicks US out, replaced by USSR d. USSR pulls out of Somalia, replaced by US 15. 1990-91 Soviet Union collapses a. Military in Ethiopia collapses b. Overthrown by capitalist civilian govt. In 1992 c. Kick Soviets out of Ethiopia replaced by US again who pulls out of Somalia 16. 1992-93 Somalia collapsing a. Chaos and warfare b. Refuses heading to Kenya i. People who were running Somalia c. Organize into different tribal groups i. Fight over territory

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