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e-Learning Evaluation

__________________________________ _________________________________
Company Course

Contact: ____________________________ S i z e : __________________________________

L o c a t i o n : ____________________________ # o f C o u r s e s : ________________________

We b S i t e : ____________________________ P r i c e : ________________________________

Phone: ______________________________ K e y C u s t o m e r s : ______________________

O t h e r : __________________________________________________________________________

B r o w s e r : ____________________________ O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m s : __________________

C o n n e c t i o n S p e e d : __________________ ______________________________________

P r o c e s s o r : ____________________________ S o u n d C a r d : __________________________

R A M : ________________________________ P l u g I n s : ______________________________

I T R e s o u r c e s : ________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

O t h e r : __________________________________________________________________________

Course Duration
L e n g t h : ______________________________ # o f K n o w l e d g e I n t e r a c t i o n s : ________

# o f S c r e e n s : ________________________ # o f S c e n a r i o I n t e r a c t i o n s : __________

O t h e r : __________________________________________________________________________

© Sage Learning Systems, 2001 1

e-Learning Evaluation
Status Comments

Core Presentational Strategy

➤ Screen text-driven

➤ Audio-driven

➤ Vi d e o - d r i v e n

➤ Audio supplementar y

➤ Vi d e o s u p p l e m e n t a r y

Learning System Elements

➤ Print materials

➤ Assessments re: job roles and experience

➤ Assessments re: knowledge and skills

➤ J o b A i d s / FA Q s

➤ Mentors

➤ Te c h s u p p o r t ( s e e c a t e g o r y )

➤ Links to external content/internet resources/hubs

➤ Newsfeeds

➤ Chat rooms

➤ Synchronous training events

➤ Push e-mails/newsletters

➤ Company-specific policies and materials

➤ I LT c o u r s e s

➤ Customization (see categor y)

➤ Games

➤ Responsive

➤ Minimal initial set up

➤ Rapid screen changes

➤ Synchronization of media elements

e-Learning Evaluation
Status Comments

Course Structure
➤ Course/lesson/topic or similar 3 level structure

➤ 3 level structure consistently applied

➤ Smallest unit should be in 5 to 8 minute

chunks at the most.

➤ Essential for ward, back and options choices

➤ Complete/Partial Learner Control

➤ Lean and clean; 90% of space for

learning presentation

➤ Progress indication within topic

➤ Bookmark functionality

➤ Options can include: return to menu,

g l o s s a r y / k e y t e r m s , J o b A i d s , FA Q s , n o t e s

➤ Menu of lessons/modules record progress

of completion

➤ Should always be clear “what the student

does next”

Screen Design
➤ Full screen presentation for learning material

➤ Simple and clean; not cluttered with

unneeded images or objects

➤ No scrolling

➤ Few colors that work well together

➤ A few different templates to provide variety

for text and graphic presentation

➤ Judicious use of dif ferent fonts and colored text

e-Learning Evaluation
Status Comments

Media Elements and Graphics

➤ Part of a total graphic design

➤ Optimized for target specifications and

screen settings

➤ Meaningful graphics that add value

➤ Specific and unique role for media elements

➤ Easy to navigate from one medium to the next

➤ Close caption option

➤ Audio production quality

➤ Vi d e o p r o d u c t i o n q u a l i t y

➤ Low and high bandwidth media options

Interactivity and Feedback

➤ Interactions throughout learning;
not just at the end

➤ Initial thought-provoking interaction to

establish relevance

➤ Frequency of interactions: lear ners should not

go for more than 5 to 7 minutes without some
for m of questioning or interactivity

➤ Type of interactions: including multiple choice,

drag and drop, hot spot, simulations,
and free response

➤ Level of interactions: include interactions at the

knowledge, skill and application to job levels.

➤ Presentation interactions such as roll-overs

and hot spots.

➤ Feedback: if learner is right or wrong;

what the correct answer is; and why

e-Learning Evaluation
Status Comments

Instructional Structure
➤ An introduction describing what will be
learned and why it is important.

➤ Many job-related examples

➤ Materials are targeted to reading level,

depth and experience of the audience

➤ Summarize key learning points

➤ Accurate

➤ Current

➤ Comprehensive

➤ Meaningful

➤ Link to objectives and course goals

➤ Easy to update and maintain

➤ Uniquely created

➤ Credibility of developers

Te s t i n g
➤ Pre-assessment to determine what learners
“ d o n o t y e t k n o w. ” ( 2 0 t o 3 5 m i n u t e s )

➤ A recommended study plan based on


➤ A post-test or master y test to document

learning outcomes.

➤ A l l t e s t i n g s h o u l d b e b a s e d o n a Ta b l e o f
Specifications that links objectives to content
to test items

➤ Te s t e n g i n e t h a t r a n d o m l y a s s i g n s t e s t
questions to generated tests.

➤ Randomized distractors within each item (preferred)

➤ A test item pool that is at least two to three

times the number of items in a par ticular test.
e-Learning Evaluation
Status Comments

Tr a c k i n g A i d s f o r S t u d e n t s
➤ Acknowledgement of registration

➤ Lesson completion e-mails

➤ Course completion e-mails

➤ Access to all courses attempted/completed

➤ In process e-mails

Industr y Standards
➤ Granular course structure

➤ Objective linked to content linked to assessment

➤ Essentially compatible with IEEE, SCORM.

AICC standards

Repor ting and Record Keeping

➤ Simple and not overly complicated reports

➤ Data that can be transported to LMS or

other applications

➤ Key activity and completion measures

➤ Key learning outcome measures

➤ Item analysis data on each item and the

percentage of people choosing each possible answer.

➤ ROI data

➤ Vi s u a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s ( p i e c h a r t s o r b a r
graphs) of key results

Unique Customization Features

➤ An initial company specific message

➤ Links within a course to company-specific

examples, policies

➤ Links to external sources of content

➤ To o l s t o g e n e r a t e c u s t o m e r - s p e c i f i c m e s s a g e s

e-Learning Evaluation
Status Comments

Implementation Ser vices

➤ Print Guides/Aids

➤ To o l s a n d Te m p l a t e s

➤ Tr a i n i n g

➤ On-site Consulting Ser vices

Suppor t
➤ Free/Fee structure

➤ Hours available

➤ To l l - f r e e p h o n e

➤ Internet support

➤ Response time policy

➤ Single point of contact

Overall Evaluation

1 . ______________________________________

2 . ______________________________________

3 . ______________________________________

4 . ______________________________________

5 . ______________________________________

We a k n e s s e s

1 . ______________________________________

2 . ______________________________________

3 . ______________________________________

4 . ______________________________________

5 . ______________________________________

Industr y Positioning

■ Outstanding

■ Good

■ Av e r a g e

■ Fair

■ Poor

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