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**Written before taught about it. Behavior Support Plan Student: Houston (Name changed) eacher: !

hristopher "ualls #ate: $%&'%&( !ase )anager: !hristopher "ualls School: *inda Nolen +dministrator%Program Specialist: Shar,n Hillian *!ontinual monitoring of progress must ta-e place. See pages . / '. Bac-ground Summar,
This information should include reason for referral, previous/current services provided, previous strategies attempted and whether proven effective or not effective, diagnosis, medication if any, sources of information, assessment process and hypothesized results determined, information and from home environment.

Houston* is a fifth grade student at Linda Nolen Learning Center. Houston receives all instruction in a self contained setting. Houston e!hi"its good manners "y allowing others to go ahead of him in line, saying yes sir, and apologizing when he is wrong. However, Houston will fre#uently shut down, disrespect staff and teachers, refuse to follow directions and complete assignments, and will say answers out loud during class. Houston has had a history tal$ing "ac$ and not doing his wor$. Houston displays a variety of "ehaviors, which impede his a"ility from "eing fully involved in the general education classroom. The "ehavioral assessment consisted of "ehavioral data and o"servations within the school environment. %esults of the assessment information indicate that the "ehavior&s' is controlled "y multiple environmental factors. The "ehaviors are often avoidance, control of situation, and attention see$ing.

Summar, of 0unctional Behavioral +ssessment

)rovide a summary of results that will ena"le us to identify specific changes in a classroom, or other wor$place that will change patterns of pro"lem "ehaviors. +ctivit,%*ocation Precipitating Specific 2mmediate H,pothesis of 1vent Behavior )aintaining 0unction(s) of !onse3uences Behavior *uring reading class +tudent is assigned classwor$ ,ecomes non compliant with teacher-s directions "y refusing to wor$. +tates that the assignment is .stupid./ 0er"al redirection Control of situation %emoval from location1 attention 2ttention see$ing from others Tas$ 2voidance Lose level points

arget Behavior
Houston is currently refusing to participate or respond in class when assigned classwor$.

4eplacement Behavior
Houston will respond to redirection and/or prompts given "y teachers and/or adults.

Proactive%Preventive Strategies
(. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. )rompts will "e given up to two times. *aily "ehavior log and point sheet will "e sent home daily. *aily discussions a"out "ehavior. )rovide ver"al praise. )rovide a cool down area. 8ill "e provided with two choices &when appropriate'. :se a timer to allow structured time to thin$ a"out decisions. 3

4esponses to 4eplacement Behavior

(. )rovide prompts to choose appropriate response. 3. Through use of correct "ehavior, goals will "e maintained and rewards will "e earned with recognition notices and edi"le and tangi"le rewards. 4. *aily rewards to the treasure "o! will "e earned if daily "ehavior goals are met.

4esponses to !hallenging Behavior

(. ;f student re#uires more than two prompts, points will "e lost. 3. ;f student-s "ehavior escalates to disruptive "ehavior, student will "e sent to ;+*. 4. ;f student-s "ehavior escalates to aggressive or dangerous "ehavior, the staff will use <anaging Crisis +afely restraint procedures.

)onitoring and 1valuation

*aily "ehavior chart and log will "e completed and sent home daily. =valuations on points ta$e place every other Thursday. 2n average of the points over the two wee$ period will determine what level is achieved.

<astery level of "ehavior is achieved at >?@ of points.

*)onitoring Schedule
*ate to Chec$ %esults *ate to Chec$ %esults




* Name has "een changed to secure the confidentiality of the child.

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