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Bronte School Headmasters Newsletter

4th April 2014

From last weeks newsletter: The Mothers Day Secrets Room raised 185 for Bronte Friends funds. Tuesdays Tea-Time Concert overran by ten minutes because there were so many performers to accommodate. It was so impressive to note the quality of the music and the drama in the school and Mr. Clements was delighted since many of the individual performers were from Years 1 and 2! Mrs. Egan has prepared for you a lovely collage of photographs. Year 1 and Year 2 visited Wingham Wildlife Park on Wednesday. They all had a fantastic day in the glorious sunshine. They held snakes and tarantulas and saw lots of amazing animals. In the afternoon they had a brilliant time playing in the super play area.

The Quiz Night invitations were sent out yesterday. The calendar for next term is being distributed today with the newsletters. The Riverston Indoor Athletics results were very promising. Seven schools took part; we had four second places (boys obstacle relay, girls standing long jump, girls seated overhead throw and girls four lap relay) and one first (Leon in the boys standing triple jump). Well done to all of you.

The Gymnastics Competition was held on Friday afternoon. Each competitor had an encouraging certificate; Megan and Kiki were extremely close in the total marks and Ayomikun distinguished himself in the vault.

Looking ahead to next term do remember that (1) Year 1 and Year 6 will be doing their swimming on the first Thursday and (2) that summer uniform is worn from the first day of term. The hot lunch menu is distributed with this newsletter.

Some of you may recognise Miss Janet Davie, a distinguished local artist, who used to teach art here at Bronte. She came in to school this week to paint the bald robins near the back door and thus finish off (after so many years) the beautiful painting we have all come to admire.

Retirement now calls! Mrs. Dyson and I have had twelve very fulfilling and enjoyable years at Bronte School working for two impressive and delightful people with whom we have developed a close personal friendshipMr. and Mrs. Carter. We join you in thanking them so much for the 36 years amazing service they have given to the school and in wishing them well. We have thoroughly enjoyed the two months of working with Mr. Clements and we wish him and all of you all the very best for the future, knowing that the school is in very safe hands.

Stop press .. Marvellous news for Mrs. Lonergan, Miss Carter and the school! We took part in the art competition organised by Gravesend Rugby Club. There were 150 entries from 12 different schools and Bronte finished 1st overall. Congratulations!

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