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Course Syllabus

Course Prefix : Course Title: Credit Hours: Term: Course Start Date: Course End Date: Prerequisites: Course Location/Times:

Course Title : Phys Med II : NMT I & NMT Lab I

PHMD 6020 and PHMD 6020 L Naturopathic Manipulative Treatment I 4 total Winter 2014 Januar 6th! 2014 March 2"th ! 2014 #ompletion o$ %uarter& 1 ' 4 Lecture( Monda 10am ) 11(*0am +oom ,-" La. /( Monda *(00pm ) 6(*0pm La. 4 La. 0( Monda ,(00pm ) "(*0pm La. 4 La. #( 1rida "(00am ) 2(*0pm La. 4 La. D( 1rida 10(00am ) 11(*0am La. 4 La. 3( 1rida 2(00pm ) 4(*0pm La. 4 La. 1( 1rida 4(00pm ) *(*0pm La. 4 Nic5 0uratovich! NMD (campus) ) (480) 222-9227 (office) (480) 831-0717 n6.uratovich7&cnm6edu al&o ma .e reached at( nic5naturo7earthlin56net Wedne&da 12(00 ) 1(00pm 1rida 12(00 ) 1(00pm 8ther time& availa.le . appointment

Instructors Name: Telep one: SCN! E"mail #ddress: #$aila%ilit&:

A web site is established for this course on ! "#$ % &o to 9996&cnm6edu and clic' onto the "#$ lin'% (he course is listed under its course number) *+ , -020% 'equired Text ()ned *& SCN! Li%rar&: 'ecommended Text ()ned *& SCN! Li%rar&: :earch the Li.rar #atalo; <reenman! Philip! D8! Principle& o$ Manual Medicine! 2nd ed6! 1226 :earch the Li.rar #atalo; Hoppen$eld! :tanle ! MD! Ph &ical 3=amination o$ the :pine and 3=tremitie&! 12,6 Ma;ee! David! PhD! 8rthopedic Ph &ical /&&e&&ment! 4th ed6! 200" #haito9! Leon! ND! D8! Naturopathic Ph &ical Medicine( theor and practice $or manual therapi&t& and naturopath&! 200" 3van&! +onald! D#! Illu&trated 8rthopedic Ph &ical /&&e&&ment! 4rd ed6! 2002 Searc Terms: Please include specific subject terms utilized in this class. The library will incorporate these terms within the library catalo :earch the Li.rar #atalo; !

#op ri;ht 2012 :outh9e&t #olle;e o$ Naturopathic Medicine! /ll +i;ht& +e&erved

Pa;e 1 o$ "

M!"# record for easy access. Biography Dr6 Nic5 0uratovich i& a Pro$e&&or o$ Naturopathic Medicine and the Department #hair o$ Ph &ical Medicine6 He ;raduated $rom the National #olle;e o$ Naturopathic Medicine in 12"46 He i& an ori;inal $acult mem.er at :outh9e&t #olle;e and al&o ha& &erved a& the :ecretar o$ the 0oard o$ Tru&tee&6 He maintain& a clinical rotation at the :outh9e&t Naturopathic Medical #enter a& 9ell a& a private practice in naturopathic $amil medicine 9ith an empha&i& in mu&culo&5eletal di&order& and pain mana;ement6

Course Description Thi& i& part one o$ a t9o'cour&e &e>uence 9hich cover& the evaluation o$ normal and a.normal $indin;& o$ the &pine throu;h &tatic palpator a&&e&&ment o$ normal and po&itional deviation&! a&&e&&ment o$ ?oint mo.ilit throu;h motion palpation! ;radin; o$ orthopedic mu&cular &tren;th! ?oint ran;e'o$'motion! di$$erential dia;no&i& o$ common and &pecial di&order&! and evaluation o$ common di&ea&e condition& and in?ur o$ the mu&culo&5eletal patient6 3mpha&i& i& on re;ional orthopedic ph &ical a&&e&&ment and o&&eou& manipulation @HAL/B6 Manipulative evaluation and treatment include& the &acro'iliac! lum.o'&acral! lum.ar! thoracic! ri.&! cervical! and occipital &pinal area&6 :tudent& demon&trate application o$ Naturopathic Manipulative Treatment and patient mana;ement o$ the mu&culo&5eletal patient6 Naturopathic philo&oph and principle& are inte;rated into the cour&e pre&entation6
Course Format and Summary

Thi& cour&e 9ill include lecture! demon&tration! practical application o$ o&&eou& manipulative techni>ue& @HAL/B! and te&tin; @.oth 9ritten and practicalB6 SCN! N+D+ Pro,ram (utcomes 16 Demon&trate a commitment to the principle& o$ naturopathic medicine6 26 Demon&trate 5no9led;e o$ .a&ic medical &cience&6 46 Demon&trate clinical 5no9led;e! &5ill&! and attitude& in the care and treatment o$ patient&6 Dia;no&e health condition& .a&ed upon the collection! anal &i&! and interpretation o$ patient data6 Develop treatment plan& and mana;ement &trate;ie& $or health condition& utiliCin; the therapeutic modalitie&6 Devi&e &trate;ie& $or di&ea&e prevention and 9ellne&& $or &el$ and $or patient&6 46 Demon&trate a commitment to ethic& and pro$e&&ionali&m6 Demon&trate the a.ilit to achieve pro$e&&ional &ucce&&6 Demon&trate pro$e&&ional hone&t and inte;rit 6 *6 Develop &5ill& $or &cholar&hip and li$elon; learnin;6

Course (utcomes /t the conclu&ion o$ thi& cour&e &tudent& 9ill .e a.le to( 16 Demon&trate the localiCation o$ normal and $ocal &e;mental and re;ional re&triction& o$ &pinal ?oint mo.ilit u&in; motion palpation6 @/li;n& 9ith Pro;ram 8utcome D4E a&&e&&ed durin; midterm and $inal& 9ee5 o$ the cour&e throu;h the u&e o$ a practical e=am6B
#op ri;ht 2012 :outh9e&t #olle;e o$ Naturopathic Medicine! /ll +i;ht& +e&erved Pa;e 2 o$ "

26 Identi$ the localiCation o$ normal and po&tural deviation& o$ &pinal ali;nment6 @/li;n& 9ith Pro;ram 8utcome D4E a&&e&&ed durin; midterm and $inal& 9ee5 o$ the cour&e throu;h the u&e o$ a practical e=am6B 46 Per$orm the mechanic& o$ the techni>ue& u&ed in o&&eou& naturopathic manipulation o$ the &pine6 @/li;n& 9ith Pro;ram 8utcome D4E a&&e&&ed durin; midterm and $inal& 9ee5 o$ the cour&e throu;h the u&e o$ a practical e=am6B 46 #omplete per$ormance o$ re;ional orthopedic a&&e&&ment o$ the &pine u&in; orthopedic te&tin;6 @/li;n& 9ith Pro;ram 8utcome D4E a&&e&&ed durin; midterm and $inal& 9ee5 o$ the cour&e throu;h the u&e o$ a practical e=am6B *6 Identi$ the indication& $or and the implication& o$ po&itive &pinal orthopedic te&tin;6 @/li;n& 9ith Pro;ram 8utcome D4E a&&e&&ed durin; midterm and $inal& 9ee5 o$ the cour&e throu;h the u&e o$ a 9ritten e=am6B 66 Identi$ the indication& and contraindication& $or &pinal manipulation6 @/li;n& 9ith Pro;ram 8utcome D4E a&&e&&ed durin; midterm and $inal& 9ee5 o$ the cour&e throu;h the u&e o$ a 9ritten e=am6B ,6 3valuate the patient $or normal orthopedic inte;rit ! di&ea&e andFor in?ur o$ the mu&culo&5eletal &tructure& o$ the &pine $or common condition&6 @/li;n& 9ith Pro;ram 8utcome D4E a&&e&&ed durin; midterm and $inal& 9ee5 o$ the cour&e throu;h the u&e o$ a 9ritten e=am6B "6 Demon&trate a pro$e&&ional approach throu;h touch in the evaluation and manipulation o$ the &pine6 @/li;n& 9ith Pro;ram 8utcome D4E a&&e&&ed . o.&ervation durin; midterm and $inal& 9ee5 o$ the cour&e under the evaluation o$ an e=aminer6B Course #ssessments: 16 Written 3=am @u&ed to a&&e&& #our&e 8utcome& D*! D6 and D,B 26 :tudent Demon&tration @practical e=am u&ed to a&&e&& #our&e 8utcome& D1! D2! D4! D4 and D"B6 / ru.ric 9ill .e u&ed to &core the demon&tration6
Principles of Naturopathic Medicine ncorporated into this Course:

16 The Healin; Po9er o$ Nature( Ai& Medicatri= Naturae 26 1ind and treat the cau&e( Tolle #au&am 46 Treat the Whole Per&on @The Gnit o$ Di&ea&eB( Tolle Totem 46 1ir&t Do No Harm( Primum Non Nocere *6 Doctor a& Teacher( Docere 66 Prevention( Praevenire ,6 Wellne&&( :alu& The method& utiliCed to inte;rate naturopathic principle& into thi& cour&e are lecture and cla&& di&cu&&ion o$ naturopathic philo&oph re;ardin; ph &ical medicine and naturopathic manipulative therap throu;h hi&torical re$erence! therapeutic per&pective! and clinical application6
#op ri;ht 2012 :outh9e&t #olle;e o$ Naturopathic Medicine! /ll +i;ht& +e&erved Pa;e 4 o$ "

AI: M3DI#/T+IH N/TG+/3( Ph &ical medicine and Naturopathic Manipulative Therap i& applied 9ith the ;oal o$ &timulatin; the .od I& &el$'healin; mechani&m @vital $orceFvi&B . treatin; all ti&&ue&6 T+3/T TH3 #/G:3 /ND TH3 WH8L3 P3+:8N( Di&ea&e i& cau&ed . a deviation $rom a natural li$e&t le leadin; to a.normal .io'mechanical $unction! .oth in mo.ilit and po&ition o$ &tructural ti&&ue&6 Treatment o$ the underl in; a.normalit 9ill re&tore normal &tructure and $unction on ph &ical! ph &iolo;ical! and emotional level&6 1I+:T D8 N8 H/+M( G&e the minimum $orce nece&&ar 6 TH3 D8#T8+ /: T3/#H3+( G&e education to help empo9er and motivate patient& to ta5e re&pon&i.ilit $or their mu&culo&5eletal health6 +eco;niCe that havin; a health ! cooperative relation&hip 9ith the patient ha& a &tron; therapeutic value6 P+3A3NTI8N( /&&e&& patient ri&5 $actor& and heredit &u&cepti.ilit to reduce ri&5 and prevent illne&& throu;h a health li$e&t le6 W3LLN3::( 3&ta.li&h or re'e&ta.li&h the .a&i& $or health and 9ell'.ein;6
Point !alues for the Course "ssignments

"SS #NM$NTS -ee. / /"0 / /"/1 to NMT6 .a&i& and Hi&tor ! principle& philo&oph ! o$ manual

R$"D N#S



Introduction ph &iolo;ical medicine6

<reenman #hapter 1'4 Note& Note& Note&

Joint pla and the $i=ation comple=6 The &pine a& a 9hole6 Indication& $or manipulation6 3valuation o$ mu&culo&5eletal di&order&6 Le; len;th and pelvic & mmetr 6 +evie9 palpation and re;ional e=amination o$ the cervical! thoracic! and lum.ar &pine6 -ee. 2 /"/3 / /"/4

Principle& and .a&ic concept& o$ manipulative techni>ue application6

<reenman #hapter 16 Note& Note& Note& Note& Note& Note& Note& Note&
Pa;e 4 o$ "


#ontraindication& and reaction& to manipulation6 +ed and Jello9 1la;&6 Pelvic and verte.ral &tructure& o$ the &acro'iliac re;ion6 Nutation and counter'nutation6 Motion palpation and manipulative techni>ue&6 Iliac 3=ten&ion +elea&e :acral'#ounternutation +elea&e Pelvic :hear Pelvic and verte.ral &tructure& o$ the &acro'iliac

#op ri;ht 2012 :outh9e&t #olle;e o$ Naturopathic Medicine! /ll +i;ht& +e&erved

re;ion6 Nutation and counter'nutation6 Motion palpation and manipulative techni>ue&6 Iliac 3=ten&ion +elea&e :acral'#ounternutation +elea&e Pelvic :hear -ee. 3 /"21 / /"25 !L6 Holida& -ee. 5 /"24 / /"3/ No Class <reenman #hapter 16! 1, Note& Note& Note& Note& Note& Note& Note& Note& Note&

The lum.o'&acral re;ion6 :pond lolithe&i&6 Pelvic tiltin; and po&ture 8rthopedic te&tin;6 :acro'iliac .loc5in;6 Motion palpation and manipulative techni>ue&6 -ee. 7 2"3 / 2"4

The lum.ar &pine6

<reenman #hapter 16

The interverte.ral di&c6 De;enerative ?oint di&ea&e6 #linical condition&6 Mo.ilit te&tin;6 0un on techni>ue6 8rthopedic te&tini; Motion palpation and manipulative techni>ue&6 :ide po&ture( pu&hFpull6 :eated manipulation6 -ee. 0 Written Practical -ee. 4 2"/4 / 2"2/ !IDTE'! E8#! 2"/1 / 2"/5

Note& Note& Note&

100 100

Thoracic &pine anatom ! e=amination and mo.ilit te&tin;6 Prone manipulative techni>ue&( 0ilateral ulnar! cro&&ed pi&i$orm! .ilateral thenar! covered thum.! unilateral pi&i$orm 8rthopedic te&tin;

<reenman #hapter 14 Note& Note& Note&

Pa;e * o$ "

#op ri;ht 2012 :outh9e&t #olle;e o$ Naturopathic Medicine! /ll +i;ht& +e&erved

:colio&i& -ee. 9 2"25 / 2"29


#o&to'verte.ral! co&to'tran&ver&e! co&to'&ternal ?oint& and co&tochondral ?unction6 /ction o$ the ri.&6 #he&t de$ormitie& :upine @anteriorB thoracic and co&to'verte.ral @ri.B techni>ue&6 Prone metacarpalFcarpal relea&e :ittin; and &tandin; thoracic e=ten&ion relea&e techni>ue& -ee. : 3"3 / 3"4

<reenman #hapter 1* Note&

The lo9er cervical &pine applied anatom and ran;e o$ motion6 : mptomatic condition& De;enerative di&c o&teoarthriti&6 Neurolo; upper e=tremit 6 8rthopedic te&tin;6 Mo.ilit a&&e&&ment Manipulative techni>ue&6 :upineFprone6 -ee. /1 3"/1 / 3"/5 &pine applied anatom ! di&ea&e @&pond lo&i&BF o$ the cervical &pine and

<reenman #hapter 14 Note&


Gpper cervical occiputFatla&Fa=i&6

<reenman #hapter 14

:ide e$$ect& o$ cervical manipulation Pattern& o$ $i=ation! palpation! traction techni>ue&6 Manipulative techni>ue& :u.'occipital and upper techni>ue6 :upineF&ittin; -ee. // 3"/4 / 3"2/ Note& cervical manipulative Note&

#ervical traction #ervical &pine a&&e&&ment Puttin; it all to;ether in the order o$ &pinal manipulative therap Headache& 10 :tep Mu&culo&5eletal 3=am6 #ompetence i& a Ha.it6 -ee. /2 Written Practical ;IN#L E8#! 3"25 / 3"29

Note& Note&

100 100
Pa;e 6 o$ "

#op ri;ht 2012 :outh9e&t #olle;e o$ Naturopathic Medicine! /ll +i;ht& +e&erved




:tudent& are &tron;l encoura;ed to ma5e the mo&t o$ their educational opportunit . attendin; all lecture cla&&e&6 6 The &tudent 9ill onl .e eli;i.le $or the reta5e e=am i$ heF&he 9a& pre&ent $or ;reater than or e>ual to 20K o$ the lecture& unle&& there 9ere e=tenuatin; circum&tance& 9hich cau&ed the a.&ence $rom the cla&&6 #TTEND#NCE IN L#*('#T('< SECTI(NS IS !#ND#T('<+ I; # ST=DENT IS 'E>=I'ED T( !ISS # CL#SS (' L#* SECTI(N # N(TE IDENTI;<IN? THE #*SENCE !=ST *E P'(@IDED T( THE INST'=CT('+ ?'E#TE' TH#N T-( =NE8C=SED #*SENCES !#< 'ES=LT IN ;#IL='E (; THE C(='SE+

#cademic Honest& /cademic hone&t i& hi;hl valued at :#NM6 / &tudent mu&t al9a & &u.mit 9or5 that repre&ent& hi& or her ori;inal 9ord& or idea&6 I$ an 9ord& or idea& are u&ed that do not repre&ent the &tudentL& ori;inal 9ord& or idea&! the &tudent mu&t cite all relevant &ource& .oth in the te=t and in the re$erence& li&tin; at the end o$ the paper6 The &tudent &hould al&o ma5e clear the e=tent to 9hich &uch &ource& 9ere u&ed6 Word& or idea& that re>uire citation& include! .ut are not limited to! all hardcop or electronic pu.lication&! 9hether cop ri;hted or not! and all ver.al or vi&ual communication 9hen the content o$ &uch communication clearl ori;inate& $rom an identi$ia.le &ource6 #cademic dis onest& could in$ol$e: Havin; a tutor or $riend complete a portion o$ our a&&i;nment& Havin; a revie9er ma5e e=ten&ive revi&ion& to an a&&i;nment #op in; 9or5 &u.mitted . another &tudent G&in; in$ormation $rom online in$ormation &ervice& 9ithout proper citation Ta5in; e=am an&9er& $rom another &tudentI& paper GtiliCin; material& not allo9ed to an&9er e=am >ue&tion& 'eta.e Examination Polic& #+ Eli,i%ilit& for 'eta.e Exam 16 / &tudent 9ho $ail& a cour&e in the le;ac curriculum or revi&ed curriculum! 9hich mean& competenc i& .elo9 ,0K! i& eli;i.le $or a reta5e e=am in the $ailed cour&e@&B! i$ the &tudent meet& the $ollo9in; criteria( a6 the &tudent i& ta5in; the cour&e@&B $or the $ir&t time! .6 the &tudent $ailed the cour&e@&B $or rea&on& other than academic di&hone&t c6 the &tudent ha& participated in the cour&e@&B! and the &tudent ha& met the cour&e@&B re>uirement& a& outlined in the cour&e & lla.u&! d6 the &tudent ha& pa&&ed the non'o.?ective re>uirement& o$ the cour&e@&B! and 26 the &tudent ha& achieved a $inal numerical ;rade o$ 60'626The &tudent 9ill .e noti$ied . the /cademic /dvi&in; :peciali&t! a& &oon a& $inal ;rade& are availa.le! i$ the &tudent i& eli;i.le $or a reta5e e=am@&B6 I$ the &tudent choo&e& to ta5e the reta5e e=am@&B! the &tudent 9ill .e ;iven the non'ne;otia.le dateFtimeFplace $or the reta5e e=am@&B6 I$ the &tudent choo&e& not to ta5e the reta5e e=am@&B! the &tudent mu&t
#op ri;ht 2012 :outh9e&t #olle;e o$ Naturopathic Medicine! /ll +i;ht& +e&erved Pa;e , o$ "

reta5e the $ailed cour&e@&B at the ne=t o$$erin;! or .e;in $ollo9in; the revi&ed curriculum pro;ram o$ &tud immediatel ! i$ the cour&e i& in the le;ac curriculum and the cour&e@&B i& no lon;er .ein; o$$ered6

*+ ;ee for t e 'eta.e Exam 16 The reta5e e=am i& con&idered a &pecial e=am ;iven at a time di$$erent $rom re;ularl &cheduled e=am&6 26 The &pecial e=am $ee ;iven in the catalo; 9ill .e char;ed to the &tudent $or each reta5e e=am ta5en6 The $ee a&&e&&ed $or &pecial e=am& i& not &u.?ect to 9aiver&6 46 0u&ine&& 8$$ice receipt &ho9in; proo$ o$ &pecial e=am $ee pa ment mu&t .e provided prior to &ittin; $or a &pecial e=am6 C+ ;inancial #id 16 1inancial aid ma .e impacted i$ a &tudent choo&e& to ta5e a reta5e e=am6 Plea&e contact the 1inancial /id /dmini&trator $or more detail&6

#rading Formula

To ma5e ;radin; ea&ier to calculate! the total num.er o$ point& ou can receive in thi& cour&e i& 1006 The letter ;rade ou 9ill receive 9ill directl relate to the point& a& indicated .elo96 $rade ! . # 5 55 "P "5 %escription 'utstandin /ery $ood !2era e 5ail 6 eli ible for reta7e e8am 5ail "eta7e:Pass "eta7e:5ail &uality Points ( 0 3 * * 3 * Percenta e )*+,**1*+1)4*+4)9*+9)Not eli ible for reta7e e8am 4*- or hi her followin reta7e e8am 9)- or lower followin e8am reta7e

NP'$(: )*ou may refer to the appropriate pages from the blue print+




#op ri;ht 2012 :outh9e&t #olle;e o$ Naturopathic Medicine! /ll +i;ht& +e&erved

Pa;e " o$ "

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