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[G.R. No. 124893. April 18, 1997]

()NO, J.* Petitioner Lynette G. Garvida seeks to annul and set aside the order dated May 2, 1996 o res!ondent Co""ission on Ele#tions $C%MELEC& en banc sus!endin' her !ro#la"ation as the duly ele#ted Chair"an o the (an''unian' )a*ataan o Baran'ay (an Loren+o, Muni#i!ality o Ban'ui, ,lo#os Norte. -he a#ts are undis!uted. -he (an''unian' )a*ataan $()& ele#tions nation.ide .as s#heduled to *e held on May 6, 1996. %n Mar#h 16, 1996, !etitioner a!!lied or re'istration as "e"*er and voter o the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan o Baran'ay (an Loren+o, Ban'ui, ,lo#os Norte. -he Board o Ele#tion -ellers, ho.ever, denied her a!!li#ation on the 'round that !etitioner, .ho .as then t.enty/one years and ten $10& "onths old, e1#eeded the a'e li"it or "e"*ershi! in the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan as laid do.n in (e#tion 2 3*4 o C%MELEC 5esolution No. 2627. %n A!ril 2, 1996, !etitioner iled a 8Petition or ,n#lusion as 5e'istered )a*ataan' Me"*er and 9oter8 .ith the Muni#i!al Cir#uit -rial Court, Ban'ui/Pa'ud!ud/Ada"s/ :a"alne', ,lo#os Norte. ,n a de#ision dated A!ril 16, 1996, the said #ourt ound !etitioner ;uali ied and ordered her re'istration as "e"*er and voter in the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan. -he Board o Ele#tion -ellers a!!ealed to the 5e'ional -rial Court, Ban'ui, ,lo#os Norte. -he !residin' <ud'e o the 5e'ional -rial Court, ho.ever, inhi*ited hi"sel ro" a#tin' on the a!!eal due to his #lose asso#iation .ith !etitioner.
314 324 324


%n A!ril 22, 1996, !etitioner iled her #erti i#ate o #andida#y or the !osition o Chair"an, (an''unian' )a*ataan, Baran'ay (an Loren+o, Muni#i!ality o Ban'ui, Provin#e o ,lo#os Norte. ,n a letter dated A!ril 22, 1996, res!ondent Ele#tion % i#er :ionisio =. 5ios, !er advi#e o Provin#ial Ele#tion (u!ervisor Noli Pi!o, disa!!roved !etitioner>s #erti i#ate o #andida#y a'ain due to her a'e. Petitioner, ho.ever, a!!ealed to C%MELEC 5e'ional :ire#tor =ile"on A. As!erin .ho set aside the order o res!ondents and allo.ed !etitioner to run.
374 3?4 364

%n May 2, 1996, res!ondent 5ios issued a "e"orandu" to !etitioner in or"in' her o her ineli'i*ility and 'ivin' her 27 hours to e1!lain .hy her #erti i#ate o #andida#y

should not *e disa!!roved. Earlier and .ithout the kno.led'e o the C%MELEC o i#ials, !rivate res!ondent =loren#io G. (ales, Ar., a rival #andidate or Chair"an o the (an''unian' )a*ataan, iled .ith the C%MELEC en *an# a 8Petition o :enial andBor Can#ellation o Certi i#ate o Candida#y8 a'ainst !etitioner Garvida or alsely re!resentin' her a'e ;uali i#ation in her #erti i#ate o #andida#y. -he !etition .as sent *y a#si"ile and re'istered "ail on A!ril 29, 1996 to the Co""ission on Ele#tions National % i#e, Manila.
3@4 364

%n May 2, 1996, the sa"e day res!ondent 5ios issued the "e"orandu" to !etitioner, the C%MELEC en *an# issued an order dire#tin' the Board o Ele#tion -ellers and Board o Canvassers o Baran'ay (an Loren+o to sus!end the !ro#la"ation o !etitioner in the event she .on in the ele#tion. -he order reads as ollo.sC

"Acting on the Fax "Petition for Denial And/Or Cancellation of Certificate of Candidacy" by petitioner Florencio G. Sales, r. against !ynette G. Gar"ida, recei"ed on April #$, %$$&, the pertinent allegations of 'hich reads(

). *hat the said respondent is dis+,alified to beco-e a "oter and a candidate for the S. for the reason that she 'ill be -ore than t'enty/one 0#%1 years of age on 2ay &, %$$&3 that she 'as born on ,ne %%, %$45 as can be gleaned fro- her birth certificate, a copy of 'hich is hereto attached and -ar6ed as Annex "A"3 &. *hat in filing her certificate of candidacy as candidate for S. of 7gy. San !oren8o, 7ang,i, 9locos :orte, she -ade -aterial representation 'hich is false and as s,ch, she is dis+,alified3 that her certificate of candidacy sho,ld not be gi"en d,e co,rse and that said candidacy -,st be cancelled3
1 1 1.8

the Co--ission, it appearing that the petition is -eritorio,s, hereby D9;<C*S the 7oard of <lection *ellers/7oard of Can"assers of 7arangay San !oren8o, 7ang,i, 9locos :orte, to s,spend the procla-ation of !ynette G. Gar"ida in the e"ent she garners the highest n,-ber of "otes for the position of Sangg,niang .abataan =sic>. 2eanti-e, petitioner is hereby re+,ired to s,b-it i--ediately ten 0%?1 copies of his petition and to pay the filing and legal research fees in the a-o,nt of P)%?.??. SO O;D<;<D."

%n May 6, 1996, ele#tion day, !etitioner 'arnered @6 votes as a'ainst !rivate res!ondent>s votes o @6. ,n a##ordan#e .ith the May 2, 1996 order o the

C%MELEC en banc, the Board o Ele#tion -ellers did not !ro#lai" !etitioner as the .inner. Den#e, the instant !etition or #ertiorari .as iled on May 2@, 1996. %n Aune 2, 1996, ho.ever, the Board o Ele#tion -ellers !ro#lai"ed !etitioner the .inner or the !osition o () #hair"an, Baran'ay (an Loren+o, Ban'ui, ,lo#os Norte. -he !ro#la"ation .as 8.ithout !re<udi#e to any urther a#tion *y the Co""ission on Ele#tions or any other interested !arty.8 %n Auly ?, 1996, !etitioner ran in the Pa"*ayan' Pederasyon n' "'a (an''unian' )a*ataan or the "uni#i!ality o Ban'ui, ,lo#os Norte. (he .on as Auditor and .as !ro#lai"ed one o the ele#ted o i#ials o the Pederasyon.
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Petitioner raises t.o $2& si'ni i#ant issuesC the irst #on#erns the <urisdi#tion o the C%MELEC en *an# to a#t on the !etition to deny or #an#el her #erti i#ate o #andida#yE the se#ond, the #an#ellation o her #erti i#ate o #andida#y on the 'round that she has e1#eeded the a'e re;uire"ent to run as an ele#tive o i#ial o the ().

(e#tion ?22 $a& o the Lo#al Govern"ent Code o 1991 !rovides that the #ondu#t o the () ele#tions is under the su!ervision o the C%MELEC and shall *e 'overned *y the %"ni*us Ele#tion Code. -he %"ni*us Ele#tion Code, in (e#tion @6, Arti#le ,F, 'overns the !ro#edure to deny due #ourse to or #an#el a #erti i#ate o #andida#y, vi+C

"Sec. 78. Petition to deny due course to or cancel a certificate of candidacy . // A "erified petition see6ing to deny d,e co,rse or to cancel a certificate of candidacy -ay be filed by any person excl,si"ely on the gro,nd that any -aterial representation contained therein as re+,ired ,nder Section 45 hereof is false. *he petition -ay be filed at any ti-e not later than t'enty/fi"e days fro- the ti-e of filing of the certificate of candidacy and shall be decided, after d,e notice and hearing, not later than fifteen days before election."
,n relation thereto, 5ule 22 o the C%MELEC 5ules o Pro#edure !rovides that a !etition to deny due #ourse to or #an#el a #erti i#ate o #andida#y or an ele#tive o i#e "ay *e iled .ith the La. :e!art"ent o the C%MELEC on the 'round that the #andidate has "ade a alse "aterial re!resentation in his #erti i#ate. -he !etition "ay *e heard and eviden#e re#eived *y any o i#ial desi'nated *y the C%MELEC a ter .hi#h the #ase shall *e de#ided *y the C%MELEC itsel .

Gnder the sa"e 5ules o Pro#edure, <urisdi#tion over a !etition to #an#el a #erti i#ate o #andida#y lies .ith the C%MELEC sittin' in :ivision, not en *an#. Cases *e ore a :ivision "ay only *e entertained *y the C%MELEC en *an# .hen the re;uired nu"*er o votes to rea#h a de#ision, resolution, order or rulin' is not o*tained in the :ivision. Moreover, only "otions to re#onsider de#isions, resolutions, orders or rulin's o the C%MELEC in :ivision are resolved *y the C%MELEC en *an#. ,t is there ore the C%MELEC sittin' in :ivisions that #an hear and de#ide ele#tion #ases. -his is #lear ro" (e#tion 2 o the said 5ules thusC

"Sec. @. The Commission Sitting in Divisions. // *he Co--ission shall sit in t'o 0#1 Di"isions to hear and decide protests or petitions in ordinary actions,

special actions, special cases, pro"isional re-edies, conte-pt and special proceedings except in accreditation of citi8ensA ar-s of the Co--ission."


,n the instant #ase, the C%MELEC en *an# did not re er the #ase to any o its :ivisions u!on re#ei!t o the !etition. ,t there ore a#ted .ithout <urisdi#tion or .ith 'rave a*use o dis#retion .hen it entertained the !etition and issued the order o May 2, 1996.


-he C%MELEC en *an# also erred .hen it ailed to note that the !etition itsel did not #o"!ly .ith the or"al re;uire"ents o !leadin's under the C%MELEC 5ules o Pro#edure. -hese re;uire"ents areC

"Sec. %. Filing of Pleadings. // <"ery pleading, -otion and other papers -,st be filed in ten 0%?1 legible copies. Bo'e"er, 'hen there is -ore than one respondent or protestee, the petitioner or protestant -,st file additional n,-ber of copies of the petition or protest as there are additional respondents or protestees. Sec. #. How Filed. // *he doc,-ents referred to in the i--ediately preceding section -,st be filed directly 'ith the proper Cler6 of Co,rt of the Co--ission personally, or, ,nless other'ise pro"ided in these ;,les, by registered -ail. 9n the latter case, the date of -ailing is the date of filing and the re+,ire-ent as to the n,-ber of copies -,st be co-plied 'ith. Sec. @. Form of Pleadings, etc. // 0a1 All pleadings allo'ed by these ;,les shall be printed, -i-eographed or type'ritten on legal si8e bond paper and shall be in <nglish or Filipino.
1 1 1.8 Every !leadin' *e ore the C%MELEC "ust *e !rinted, "i"eo'ra!hed or ty!e.ritten in le'al si+e *ond !a!er and iled in at least ten $10& le'i*le #o!ies. Pleadin's "ust *e iled dire#tly .ith the !ro!er Clerk o Court o the C%MELEC personally, or, by registered mail. ,n the instant #ase, the su*<e#t !etition .as not in !ro!er or". %nly t.o $2& #o!ies o the !etition .ere iled .ith the C%MELEC. Also, the C%MELEC en *an# issued its 5esolution on the *asis o the !etition trans"itted *y a#si"ile, not *y re'istered "ail.

A a#si"ile or a1 trans"ission is a !ro#ess involvin' the trans"ission and re!rodu#tion o !rinted and 'ra!hi# "atter *y s#annin' an ori'inal #o!y, one ele"ental area at a ti"e, and re!resentin' the shade or tone o ea#h area *y a s!e#i ied a"ount o ele#tri# #urrent. -he #urrent is trans"itted as a si'nal over re'ular tele!hone lines or via "i#ro.ave relay and is used *y the re#eiver to re!rodu#e an i"a'e o the ele"ental area in the !ro!er !osition and the #orre#t shade. -he re#eiver is e;ui!!ed .ith a stylus or other devi#e that !rodu#es a !rinted re#ord on !a!er re erred to as a a#si"ile.
3204 3214 3224

=ilin' a !leadin' *y a#si"ile trans"ission is not san#tioned *y the C%MELEC 5ules o Pro#edure, "u#h less *y the 5ules o Court. A a#si"ile is not a 'enuine and authenti# !leadin'. ,t is, at *est, an e1a#t #o!y !reservin' all the "arks o an ori'inal.

Hithout the ori'inal, there is no .ay o deter"inin' on its a#e .hether the a#si"ile !leadin' is 'enuine and authenti# and .as ori'inally si'ned *y the !arty and his #ounsel. ,t "ay, in a#t, *e a sha" !leadin'. -he un#ertainty o the authenti#ity o a a#si"ile !leadin' should have restrained the C%MELEC en *an# ro" a#tin' on the !etition and issuin' the ;uestioned order. -he C%MELEC en banc should have .aited until it re#eived the !etition iled *y re'istered "ail.

-o .rite inis to the #ase at *ar, .e shall no. resolve the issue o !etitioner>s a'e. -he )ati!unan n' )a*ataan .as ori'inally #reated *y Presidential :e#ree No. 667 in 19@? as the )a*ataan' Baran'ay, a *aran'ay youth or'ani+ation #o"!osed o all residents o the *aran'ay .ho .ere at least 1? years *ut less than 16 years o a'e.

-he )a*ataan' Baran'ay sou'ht to !rovide its "e"*ers a "ediu" to e1!ress their vie.s and o!inions and !arti#i!ate in issues o trans#endental i"!ortan#e. ,ts a airs .ere ad"inistered *y a *aran'ay youth #hair"an to'ether .ith si1 *aran'ay youth leaders .ho .ere a#tual residents o the *aran'ay and .ere at least 1? years *ut less than 16 years o a'e. ,n 1962, Batas Pa"*ansa Bl'. 22@, then the Lo#al Govern"ent Code, raised the "a1i"u" a'e o the )a*ataan' Baran'ay "e"*ers ro" 8less than 16 years o a'e8 to 8not "ore than 21 years o a'e.8
32?4 3264

-he Lo#al Govern"ent Code o 1991 #han'ed the )a*ataan' Baran'ay into the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan. ,t, ho.ever, retained the a'e li"it o the "e"*ers laid do.n in B.P. 22@ at 1? *ut not "ore than 21 years old. -he a airs o the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan are ad"inistered *y the (an''unian' )a*ataan $()& #o"!osed o a #hair"an and seven $@& "e"*ers .ho are ele#ted *y the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan.
32@4 3264

-he #hair"an auto"ati#ally *e#o"es e1/o i#io "e"*er o the (an''unian' Baran'ay. A "e"*er o the () holds o i#e or a ter" o three $2& years, unless sooner re"oved or #ause, or *e#o"es !er"anently in#a!a#itated, dies or resi'ns ro" o i#e.
3294 3204

Me"*ershi! in the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan is su*<e#t to s!e#i i# ;uali i#ations laid do.n *y the Lo#al Govern"ent Code o 1991, viz:

"Sec. ! . "ati#unan ng "a$ataan. // *he 6atip,nan ng 6abataan shall be co-posed of all citi8ens of the Philippines act,ally residing in the barangay for at least six 0&1 -onths, 'ho are fifteen 0%)1 b,t not -ore than t'enty/one 0#%1 years of age, and 'ho are d,ly registered in the list of the sangg,niang 6abataan or in the official barangay list in the c,stody of the barangay secretary."
A "e"*er o the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan "ay *e#o"e a #andidate or the (an''unian' )a*ataan i he !ossesses the ollo.in' ;uali i#ationsC

"Sec. !8. %ualifications. // An electi"e official of the sangg,niang 6abataan -,st be a citi8en of the Philippines, a +,alified "oter of the 6atip,nan ng 6abataan, a resident of the barangay for at least one 0%1 year i--ediately prior to election, at least fifteen 0%)1 years b,t not -ore than t'enty/one 0#%1 years of age on the day of his election, able to read and 'rite Filipino, <nglish, or the local dialect, and -,st not ha"e been con"icted of any cri-e in"ol"ing -oral t,rpit,de."
Gnder (e#tion 727 o the Lo#al Govern"ent Code, a "e"*er o the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan "ust *eC $a& a =ili!ino #iti+enE $*& an a#tual resident o the *aran'ay or at least si1 "onthsE $#& 1? *ut not "ore than 21 years o a'eE and $d& duly re'istered in the list o the (an''unian' )a*ataan or in the o i#ial *aran'ay list. (e#tion 726 o the Code re;uires that an ele#tive o i#ial o the (an''unian' )a*ataan "ust *eC $a& a =ili!ino #iti+enE $*& a ;uali ied voter in the )ati!unan n' )a*ataanE $#& a resident o the *aran'ay at least one $1& year i""ediately !re#edin' the ele#tionE $d& at least 1? years *ut not "ore than 21 years o a'e on the day o his ele#tionE $e& a*le to read and .riteE and $ & "ust not have *een #onvi#ted o any #ri"e involvin' "oral tur!itude. =or the May 6, 1996 () ele#tions, the C%MELEC inter!reted (e#tions 727 and 726 o the Lo#al Govern"ent Code o 1991 in 5esolution No. 2627 and de ined ho. a "e"*er o the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan *e#o"es a ;uali ied voter and an ele#tive o i#ial. -husC "Sec. &. %ualifications of a voter. // *o be +,alified to register as a "oter in

the S. elections, a person -,st be( a1 a citi8en of the Philippines3 b1 fifteen 0%)1 b,t not -ore than t'enty/one 0#%1 years of age on election day, that is, he -,st ha"e been born bet'een 2ay &, %$4) and 2ay &, %$C%, incl,si"e3 and c1 a resident of the Philippines for at least one 0%1 year and act,ally residing in the barangay 'herein he proposes to "ote for at least six 0&1 -onths i--ediately preceding the elections."

"Sec. &. D,alifications of electi"e -e-bers. // An electi"e official of the S. -,st be( a1 a +,alified "oter3 b1 a resident in the barangay for at least one 0%1 year i--ediately prior to the elections3 and c1 able to read and 'rite Filipino or any Philippine lang,age or dialect or <nglish.

Cases in"ol"ing the eligibility or +,alification of candidates shall be decided by the city/-,nicipal <lection Officer 0<O1 'hose decision shall be final."
A "e"*er o the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan "ay *e a ;uali ied voter in the May 6, 1996 () ele#tions i he isC $a& a =ili!ino #iti+enE $*& 1? *ut not "ore than 21 years o a'e on ele#tion day, i.e., the voter "ust *e *orn *et.een May 6, 19@? and May 6, 1961, in#lusiveE and $#& a resident o the Phili!!ines or at least one $1& year and an a#tual resident o the *aran'ay at least si1 $6& "onths i""ediately !re#edin' the ele#tions. A #andidate or the () "ustC $a& !ossess the ore'oin' ;uali i#ations o a voterE $*& *e a resident in the *aran'ay at least one $1& year i""ediately !re#edin' the ele#tionsE and $#& a*le to read and .rite. E1#e!t or the ;uestion o a'e, !etitioner has all the ;uali i#ations o a "e"*er and voter in the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan and a #andidate or the (an''unian' )a*ataan. Petitioner>s a'e is ad"ittedly *eyond the li"it set in (e#tion 2 3*4 o C%MELEC 5esolution No. 2627. Petitioner, ho.ever, ar'ues that (e#tion 2 3*4 o 5esolution No. 2627 is unla. ul, ultra vires and *eyond the s#o!e o (e#tions 727 and 726 o the Lo#al Govern"ent Code o 1991. (he #ontends that the Code itsel does not !rovide that the voter "ust *e e1a#tly 21 years o a'e on ele#tion day. (he ur'es that so lon' as she did not turn t.enty/t.o $22& years old, she .as still t.enty/one years o a'e on ele#tion day and there ore ;uali ied as a "e"*er and voter in the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan and as #andidate or the () ele#tions. A #loser look at the Lo#al Govern"ent Code .ill reveal a distin#tion *et.een the "a1i"u" a'e o a "e"*er in the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan and the "a1i"u" a'e o an ele#tive () o i#ial. (e#tion 727 o the Code sets a "e"*er>s "a1i"u" a'e at 21 years only. -here is no urther !rovision as to .hen the "e"*er shall have turned 21 years o a'e. %n the other hand, (e#tion 726 !rovides that the "a1i"u" a'e o an ele#tive () o i#ial is 21 years old 8on the day o his ele#tion.8 -he addition o the !hrase 8on the day o his ele#tion8 is an additional ;uali i#ation. -he "e"*er "ay *e "ore than 21 years o a'e on ele#tion day or on the day he re'isters as "e"*er o the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan. -he ele#tive o i#ial, ho.ever, "ust not *e "ore than 21 years old on the day o ele#tion. -he distin#tion is understanda*le #onsiderin' that the Code itsel !rovides "ore ;uali i#ations or an ele#tive () o i#ial than or a "e"*er o the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan. Dissimilum dissimilis est ratio. -he #ourts "ay distin'uish .hen there are a#ts and #ir#u"stan#es sho.in' that the le'islature intended a distin#tion or ;uali i#ation.
3214 3224

-he ;uali i#ation that a voter in the () ele#tions "ust not *e "ore than 21 years o a'e on the day o the ele#tion is not !rovided in (e#tion 727 o the Lo#al Govern"ent Code o 1991. ,n a#t the ter" 8;uali ied voter8 a!!ears only in C%MELEC 5esolution No. 2627. (in#e a 8;uali ied voter8 is not ne#essarily an ele#tive o i#ial, then it "ay *e assu"ed that a 8;uali ied voter8 is a 8"e"*er o the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan.8 (e#tion 727 o the Code does not !rovide that the "a1i"u" a'e o a "e"*er o the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan is deter"ined on the day o the ele#tion. (e#tion 2 3*4 o C%MELEC 5esolution No. 2627 is there ore ultra vires inso ar as it sets the a'e li"it o a voter or the () ele#tions at e1a#tly 21 years on the day o the ele#tion.

-he !rovision that an ele#tive o i#ial o the () should not *e "ore than 21 years o a'e on the day o his ele#tion is very #lear. -he Lo#al Govern"ent Code s!eaks o years, not "onths nor days. Hhen the la. s!eaks o years, it is understood that years are o 26? days ea#h. %ne *orn on the irst day o the year is #onse;uently dee"ed to *e one year old on the 26?th day a ter his *irth // the last day o the year. ,n #o"!utin' years, the irst year is rea#hed a ter #o"!letin' the irst 26? days. A ter the irst 26?th day, the irst day o the se#ond 26?/day #y#le *e'ins. %n the 26?th day o the se#ond #y#le, the !erson turns t.o years old. -his #y#le 'oes on and on in a li eti"e. A !erson turns 21 years old on the 26?th day o his 21st 26?/day #y#le. -his "eans on his 21st *irthday, he has #o"!leted the entire s!an o 21 26?/day #y#les. A ter this *irthday, the 26?/day #y#le or his 22nd year *e'ins. -he day a ter the 26?th day is the irst day o the ne1t 26?/day #y#le and he turns 22 years old on the 26?th day.
3274 32?4

-he !hrase 8not "ore than 21 years o a'e8 "eans not over 21 years, not *eyond 21 years. ,t "eans 21 26?/day #y#les. ,t does not "ean 21 years and one or so"e days or a ra#tion o a year *e#ause that .ould *e "ore than 21 26?/day #y#les. 8Not "ore than 21 years old8 is not e;uivalent to 8less than 22 years old,8 #ontrary to !etitioner>s #lai"s. -he la. does not state that the #andidate *e less than 22 years on ele#tion day. ,n P.:. 667, the la. that #reated the )a*ataan' Baran'ay, the a'e ;uali i#ation o a *aran'ay youth o i#ial .as e1!ressly stated as 81 1 1 at least i teen years o a'e or over *ut less than ei'hteen 1 1 1.8 -his !rovision #learly states that the youth o i#ial "ust *e at least 1? years old and "ay *e 1@ years and a ra#tion o a year *ut should not rea#h the a'e o ei'hteen years. Hhen the Lo#al Govern"ent Code in#reased the a'e li"it o "e"*ers o the youth or'ani+ation to 21 years, it did not reena#t the !rovision in su#h a .ay as to "ake the youth 8at least 1? *ut less than 22 years old.8 , the intention o the Code>s ra"ers .as to in#lude #iti+ens less than 22 years old, they should have stated so e1!ressly instead o leavin' the "atter o!en to #on usion and dou*t.
3264 32@4

=or"er (enator A;uilino I. Pi"entel, the s!onsor and !rin#i!al author o the Lo#al Govern"ent Code o 1991 de#lared that one o the reasons .hy the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan .as #reated and the )a*ataan' Baran'ay dis#ontinued .as *e#ause "ost, i not all, )a*ataan' Baran'ay leaders .ere already over 21 years o a'e *y the ti"e President A;uino assu"ed !o.er. -hey .ere not the 8youth8 any"ore. -he Lo#al Govern"ent Code o 1991 i1ed the "a1i"u" a'e li"it at not "ore than 21 years and the only e1#e!tion is in the se#ond !ara'ra!h o (e#tion 722 .hi#h readsC
3264 3294

"Sec. 5#@. Creation and <lection. // a1

x x x3

b1 A sangg,niang 6abataan official 'ho, d,ring his ter- of office, shall ha"e passed the age of t'enty/one 0#%1 years shall be allo'ed to ser"e the re-aining portion of the ter- for 'hich he 'as elected."
-he 'eneral rule is that an ele#tive o i#ial o the (an''unian' )a*ataan "ust not *e "ore than 21 years o a'e on the day o his ele#tion. -he only e1#e!tion is .hen the o i#ial rea#hes the a'e o 21 years durin' his in#u"*en#y. (e#tion 722 3*4 o the

Code allo.s hi" to serve the re"ainin' !ortion o the ter" or .hi#h he .as ele#ted. A##ordin' to (enator Pi"entel, the youth leader "ust have 8*een ele#ted !rior to his 21st *irthday.8 Conversely, the () o i#ial "ust not have turned 21 years old *e ore his ele#tion. 5eadin' (e#tion 722 3*4 to'ether .ith (e#tion 726 o the Code, the latest date at .hi#h an () ele#tive o i#ial turns 21 years old is on the day o his ele#tion. -he "a1i"u" a'e o a youth o i#ial "ust there ore *e e1a#tly 21 years on ele#tion day. (e#tion 2 3*4 in relation to (e#tion 6 3a4 o C%MELEC 5esolution No. 2627 is not ultra vires inso ar as it i1es the "a1i"u" a'e o an ele#tive () o i#ial on the day o his ele#tion.

,n the #ase at *ar, !etitioner .as *orn on Aune 11, 19@7. %n Mar#h 16, 1996, the day she re'istered as voter or the May 6, 1996 () ele#tions, !etitioner .as t.enty/one $21& years and nine $9& "onths old. %n the day o the ele#tions, she .as 21 years, 11 "onths and ? days old. Hhen she assu"ed o i#e on Aune 1, 1996, she .as 21 years, 11 "onths and 20 days old and .as "erely ten $10& days a.ay ro" turnin' 22 years old. Petitioner "ay have ;uali ied as a "e"*er o the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan *ut de initely, !etitioner .as over the a'e li"it or ele#tive () o i#ials set *y (e#tion 726 o the Lo#al Govern"ent Code and (e#tions 2 3*4 and 6 o Co"ele# 5esolution No. 2627. (he .as ineli'i*le to run as #andidate or the May 6, 1996 (an''unian' )a*ataan ele#tions. -he re;uire"ent that a #andidate !ossess the a'e ;uali i#ation is ounded on !u*li# !oli#y and i he la#ks the a'e on the day o the ele#tion, he #an *e de#lared ineli'i*le.

,n the sa"e vein, i the #andidate is over the "a1i"u" a'e li"it on the day o the ele#tion, he is ineli'i*le. -he a#t that the #andidate .as ele#ted .ill not "ake the a'e re;uire"ent dire#tory, nor .ill it validate his ele#tion. -he .ill o the !eo!le as e1!ressed throu'h the *allot #annot #ure the vi#e o ineli'i*ility.
3724 3724

-he ineli'i*ility o !etitioner does not entitle !rivate res!ondent, the #andidate .ho o*tained the hi'hest nu"*er o votes in the May 6, 1996 ele#tions, to *e de#lared ele#ted. A de eated #andidate #annot *e dee"ed ele#ted to the o i#e. Moreover, des!ite his #lai"s, !rivate res!ondent has ailed to !rove that the ele#torate the"selves a#tually kne. o !etitioner>s ineli'i*ility and that they "ali#iously voted or her .ith the intention o "isa!!lyin' their ran#hises and thro.in' a.ay their votes or the *ene it o her rival #andidate.
3774 37?4 3764 37@4

Neither #an this Court order that !ursuant to (e#tion 72? o the Lo#al Govern"ent Code !etitioner should *e su##eeded *y the (an''unian' )a*ataan "e"*er .ho o*tained the ne1t hi'hest nu"*er o votes in the May 6, 1996 ele#tions. (e#tion 72? a!!lies .hen a (an''unian' )a*ataan Chair"an 8re uses to assu"e o i#e, ails to ;uali y, is #onvi#ted o a elony, voluntarily resi'ns, dies, is !er"anently in#a!a#itated, is re"oved ro" o i#e, or has *een a*sent .ithout leave or "ore than three $2& #onse#utive "onths.8
3764 3794

-he ;uestion o the a'e ;uali i#ation is a ;uestion o eli'i*ility.


Bein' 8eli'i*le8 "eans *ein' 8le'ally ;uali iedE #a!a*le o *ein' le'ally #hosen.8


,neli'i*ility, on the other hand, re ers to the la#k o the ;uali i#ations !res#ri*ed in the Constitution or the statutes or holdin' !u*li# o i#e. ,neli'i*ility is not one o the 'rounds enu"erated in (e#tion 72? or su##ession o the () Chair"an.

-o avoid a hiatus in the o i#e o () Chair"an, the Court dee"s it ne#essary to order that the va#an#y *e illed *y the () "e"*er #hosen *y the in#u"*ent () "e"*ers o Baran'ay (an Loren+o, Ban'ui, ,lo#os Norte *y si"!le "a<ority ro" a"on' the"selves. -he "e"*er #hosen shall assu"e the o i#e o () Chair"an or the une1!ired !ortion o the ter", and shall dis#har'e the !o.ers and duties, and en<oy the ri'hts and !rivile'es a!!urtenant to said o i#e. IN VIE+ +"EREOF, the !etition is dis"issed and !etitioner Lynette G. Garvida is de#lared ineli'i*le or *ein' over the a'e ;uali i#ation or #andida#y in the May 6, 1996 ele#tions o the (an''unian' )a*ataan, and is ordered to va#ate her !osition as Chair"an o the (an''unian' )a*ataan o Baran'ay (an Loren+o, Ban'ui, ,lo#os Norte. -he (an''unian' )a*ataan "e"*er voted *y si"!le "a<ority *y and ro" a"on' the in#u"*ent (an''unian' )a*ataan "e"*ers o Baran'ay (an Loren+o, Ban'ui, ,lo#os Norte shall assu"e the o i#e o (an''unian' )a*ataan Chair"an o Baran'ay (an Loren+o, Ban'ui, ,lo#os Norte or the une1!ired !ortion o the ter". O ORDERED. Narvasa, C.J., Padilla, Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo, Melo, !apunan, Mendoza, "rancisco, Panganiban, and #orres, Jr., JJ., #on#ur. $ermosisima, J., on leave. itug,

Anne1 8:8 to Co""ent o Provin#ial Ele#tion (u!ervisor Noli Pi!o, Rollo, !!. ?@/?6E Anne1 8A8 to Petition, Rollo, !!. 1?/16
314 324

Anne1 828 to the Co""ent or the Private 5es!ondent, Rollo, !!. 109/112.2

-he <ud'e .as then *oardin' in the house o !etitioner $Co""ent or the Private 5es!ondent, !. 2, Rollo, !. 69&.
324 374

Anne1 8=8 to the Co""ent o Provin#ial Ele#tion (u!ervisor Noli Pi!o, Rollo, !!. 61/62.

Anne1 8C8 to the Petition, Rollo !. 16E Anne1 8G8 to the Co""ent o Provin#ial Ele#tion (u!ervisor Noli Pi!o, Rollo, !. 62.?

Anne1 8:8 to the Petition, Rollo, !. 19E Anne1 8D8 to the Co""ent o Provin#ial Ele#tion (u!ervisor Noli Pi!o, Rollo, !. 67.
364 3@4

Anne1 8,8 to the Co""ent o Provin#ial Ele#tion (u!ervisor Noli Pi!o, Rollo, !. 66. -hrou'h the P- J -. Anne1 8L8 to the Petition, Rollo, !!. @1/@2 Co""ent o Private 5es!ondent =loren#io (ales, Ar., !. 17, Rollo, !. 101. Co""ent o Provin#ial Ele#tion (u!ervisor Noli Pi!o, !ar. 16, Rollo, !. 71. Anne1 858 to the Co""ent o Provin#ial Ele#tion (u!ervisor Noli Pi!o, Rollo, !. 62. Anne1 8(8 to the Co""ent o Provin#ial Ele#tion (u!ervisor Noli Pi!o, Rollo, !. 62.








(e#tion ?22 $a& o the Code $B.P. 661& .as a"ended *y 5.A. @606 .hi#h in !ertinent !art readsC

8(e#. 1. 1 1 1 -he #ondu#t o the san''unian' ka*ataan ele#tions shall *e under the su!ervision o the Co""ission on Ele#tions. -he %"ni*us Ele#tion Code shall 'overn the ele#tions o the san''unian' ka*ataan.8

5ule 22 !rovidesC

8(e#tion 1. Ground or :enial o Certi i#ate o Candida#y. // A !etition to deny due #ourse to or #an#el a #erti i#ate o #andida#y or any ele#tive o i#e "ay *e iled .ith the La. :e!art"ent o the Co""ission *y any #iti+en o votin' a'e or a duly re'istered !oliti#al !arty, or'ani+ation, or #oalition o !oliti#al !arties on the e1#lusive 'round that any "aterial re!resentation #ontained therein as re;uired *y la. is alse. (e#tion 2. Period to =ile Petition. // -he !etition "ust *e iled .ithin ive $?& days ollo.in' the last day or the ilin' o #erti i#ates o #andida#y. (e#tion 2. (u""ary Pro#edure. // -he !etition shall *e heard su""arily a ter due noti#e. (e#tion 7. :ele'ation o 5e#e!tion o Eviden#e. // -he Co""ission "ay desi'nate any o its o i#ials .ho are "e"*ers o the Phili!!ine Bar to hear the #ase and to re#eive eviden#e.8

(e#tion ? 3*4 and 3#4, 5ule 2, C%MELEC 5ules o Pro#edure !rovidesC

8(e#. ?. 1 1 1 $*&Hhen sittin' in :ivisions, t.o $2& Me"*ers o a :ivision shall #onstitute a ;uoru" to transa#t *usiness. -he #on#urren#e o at least t.o $2& Me"*ers o a :ivision shall *e ne#essary to rea#h a de#ision, resolution, order or rulin'. , this re;uired nu"*er is not o*tained, the #ase shall *e auto"ati#ally elevated to the Co""ission en *an# or de#ision or resolution. $#&Any "otion to re#onsider a de#ision, resolution, order or rulin' o a :ivision shall *e resolved *y the Co""ission en *an# e1#e!t "otions on interlo#utory orders o the :ivision .hi#h shall *e resolved *y the :ivision .hi#h issued the order.8

(ee also (e#tion 2, Arti#le ,F 3C4 o the Constitution. (ar"iento v. Co""ission %n Ele#tions, 212 (C5A 20@, 121/127 319924.


%ne #o!y .as iled *y re'istered "ail and the other *y a#si"ile. -hird and ourth #o!ies .ere sent *y re'istered "ail to !etitioner Garvida and the C%MELEC o i#er $Anne1 ?/B to the Co""ent o Private 5es!ondent, Rollo, !. 116&.
3194 3204

=a#si"ile -rans"ission,8 -he Ne. En#y#lo!aedia Britanni#a, !. 6?1, vol. 7, 1?th ed. 319924. %d.


=a#si"ile,8 -he Ne. He*ster>s ,nternational En#y#lo!edia, !. 2@? 319964E 8=a#si"ile,8 He*ster>s -hird Ne. ,nternational :i#tionary, !. 612 319@14.
3224 3224

Bla#k>s La. :i#tionary, !. ?21, ?th ed. 319@94. (e#tions 1 and 7, P.:. 667.


Hhereas #lauses, (e#. 1, P.:. 667E Mer#ado v. Board o Ele#tions (u!ervisors o ,*aan, Batan'as, 272 (C5A 722, 726 3199?4.
32?4 3264

(e#tion 2, P.:. 667. (e#tion 722, Cha!ter 6, -itle ,, Bk. ,,,, 5.A. @160. (e#tions 722, 726, Cha!ter 6, -itle ,, Bk. ,,,, 5.A. @160.




(e#tion 720, %d. (e#tion 729, %d. % thin's dissi"ilar, the rule is dissi"ilar. A'!alo, (tatutory Constru#tion, !!. 172/172 319904.




-he Lo#al Govern"ent Code s!eaks o the re;uire"ents or "e"*ershi! in the )ati!unan n' )a*ataan, not the ;uali i#ations o a voter.
3224 3274

Civil Code, Arti#le 12E National Marketin' Cor!oration v. -e#son, 29 (C5A @0, @7 319694. Er.in v. Benton, 6@ (.H. 291, 297E 120 )y. ?26 3190?4. (e#tion 2, P.:. 667. =eli#iano v. A;uino, 102 Phil. 11?9/1160 319?@4. Pi"entel, A.I., -he Lo#al Govern"ent Code o 1991, -he )ey to National :evelo!"ent, !. 770 319924.





,t is .orth notin' that it is only in the #ase o () #andidates that the Lo#al Govern"ent Code sets a "a1i"u" a'e li"it. ,t sets a "ini"u" a'e or the rest o the ele#tive o i#ials, e.'., "e"*ers o the san''unian' *aran'ay, san''unian' !an'lun'sod or *ayan, san''unian' !anlala.i'an, "ayor and 'overnor $(e#. 29, Cha!ter ,, -itle ,,, Bk. ,, Lo#al Govern"ent Code o 1991&.
3294 3704

Pi"entel, supra, at 770. Castaneda v. Ka!, 76 %.G. 2267, 2266 319?24.


(an#he+ v. del 5osario, 1 (C5A 1102, 1106 319614E =eli#iano v. A;uino, Ar., 102 Phil. 11?9, 1160 319?@4.
3724 3724

=rivaldo v. Co""ission on Ele#tions, 1@7 (C5A 27?, 2?? 319694.

A;uino v. Co""ission on Ele#tions, 276 (C5A 700, 722, 729 3199?4E La*o, Ar. v. Co""ission on ele#tions, 211 (C5A 29@, 211 319924E (an#he+ v. del 5osario, supra, at 110?.
3774 37?4

%d. Co""ent o Private 5es!ondent =loren#io (ales, Ar., !!. 17/1?, Rollo, 101/102. # . La*o, Ar. v. Co""ission on Ele#tions, supra, at 211. (e#tion 72? o the Lo#al Govern"ent Code !rovidesC




8(e#. 72?. (u##ession and =illin' o 9a#an#ies. // $a& ,n #ase a san''unian' ka*ataan #hair"an re uses to assu"e o i#e, ails to ;uali y, is #onvi#ted o a elony, voluntarily resi'ns, dies, is !er"anently in#a!a#itated, is re"oved ro" o i#e, or has *een a*sent .ithout leave or "ore than three $2& #onse#utive "onths, the san''unian' ka*ataan "e"*er .ho o*tained the ne1t hi'hest nu"*er o votes in the ele#tion i""ediately !re#edin' shall assu"e the o i#e o the #hair"an or the une1!ired !ortion o the ter", and shall dis#har'e the !o.ers and duties, and en<oy the ri'hts and !rivile'es a!!urtenant to the o i#e. ,n #ase the said "e"*er re uses to assu"e the !osition or ails to ;uali y, the san''unian' ka*ataan "e"*er o*tainin' the ne1t hi'hest nu"*er o votes shall assu"e the !osition o the #hair"an or the une1!ired !ortion o the ter". 1 1 1.8 8=ailure to ;uali y8 "eans a !u*li# o i#er>s or e"!loyee>s ailure to take the oath andBor 'ive the *ond re;uired *y la. to si'ni y his a##e!tan#e o the o i#e and the undertakin' to e1e#ute the trust #on ided in hi" $Martin and Martin, Ad"inistrative La., La. o Pu*li# % i#ers and Ele#tion La., !. 170 319624E Me#he", A -reatise on the La. o Pu*li# % i#es and % i#ers, (e#. 2?2, !. 162E Hords and Phrases, 8=ailure to Iuali y,8 #itin' (tate v. Boyd, 76 N.H. @29, @?1, 21 Ne*. 662&.


Gaerlan v. Catu*i', 1@ (C5A 2@6, 2@6 319664E Peo!le v. Kan+a, 10@ Phil. 666, 690 319604.

=eli#iano v. A;uino, Ar., supra.


(e!arate %!inion o Austi#e 9i#ente 9. Mendo+a in 5o"ualde+/Mar#os v. Co""ission on Ele#tions, 276 (C5A 200, 296 3199?4.

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