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Panel Discussion Self-Evaluation Form Name: Bernard Jomari B. Razote Section: ED Topic: Porno rap!

" Role Portra"ed: #$%&'$DS '(areness 'dvocate) #uman Ri !ts 'dvocate Objectives: 1. To critically evaluate your individual and overall group presentation. 2. To set goals to work on for your next speech in order to improve your presentation. A. Individual Presentation *. $ntroduction (Gained Attention, Motivated Audience to Listen, Clearly Introduced Topic, Established Credibility, revie!ed Main oints": Stren t!s: I think I started my speech pretty well. Bea (the moderator) presented me to the audience via a very good introduction which helped in esta!lishing my credi!ility. "fter those short words from my colleague I was a!le to give a !rief introduction a!out myself and what my role is in the panel discussion. #onse$uently I was a!le to give the audience a sneak peek of what my presentation is all a!out !y stating numerous facts a!out the spread of %I&'"I() in the world. In my attention*getter I tried to use two important num!ers (+,.- and 1.+) in order to attract the audience !y letting them guess on what these figures represent. Towards the end of my introduction I discussed the significance of these num!ers.#$%& represent the num!er of millions of people living with %I& and '%# represent the millions of people who have died due to "I()*related illnesses. +ea,nesses: /ersonally I think the weakness of my introduction is it was too factual to a point that it seemed to !e a little !it !oring to the audience. 0ay!e I can attri!ute this from the fact that the role I play is more on the technical and legal aspect which left me the option of !eing factual and formal rather than informal in my speech. 1evertheless I still think that I could have improved my introduction more had I !een more creative in thinking of a way on how to present it. -. Bod" (Mana(eable )u*ber o+ Main oints, E++ective Or(ani,ational attern, -*ooth Transitions, oints Easily Identi+ied, Easy to .ollo!": Stren t!s: The !ody of my speech was actually in the form of 23". In this format I was a!le to express the points I wanted to emphasi4e in my speech. "lso the $uestions I answered (which actually came from my colleague Bea) were formulated in such a way that I5d !e a!le to answer the $uestions that the audience would want to ask. Through the format of 23" I was a!le to maintain an effective organi4ational pattern. It is in the arrangement of the $uestions that I was a!le to maintain a good pattern through which the topic would go. "lso I was a!le to use smooth transitions !y finishing every $uestion with a concrete answer. In addition !ecause of the 23" format the points were easy to follow and identify since I only need to answer whatever $uestion that was asked of me.

+ea,nesses: )ince the format was in a form of $uestion*and*answer I think that the way I presented my !ody was a !it informal since I deviated from the 6normal5 way of presenting it. "side from that I think the !ody of my speech is good and accepta!le. .. /ontent and 0se of Supportin 1aterial (-u++icient and Appropriate /e0uired -ources Cited1E2a*ples, 3uotations, and -tatistics": Stren t!s: 0y speech is relatively strong in terms of content and use of supporting material. It is !ecause of the fact that many credi!le resources a!out human trafficking as well as %I&'"I() are availa!le online. That is why my speech never lacked references !ecause it is easy to find sources in which one can get credi!le information. In the whole speech itself I can say that was a!le to do proper citation and $uotation of the sources and people involved in my speech. "side from these sources and citations my speech also contained statistics which aided it to !ecome more factual and relia!le. 0y /owerpoint presentation which showcased the negative effects of pornography also has these statistics which were taken from various relia!le sources like the 7nited 1ations (71) and the 8orld %ealth 9rgani4ation (8%9). +ea,nesses: I think this area of my speech can !e improved !y adding more sources which can help in esta!lishing a more factual speech. 1onetheless I think I was a!le to present enough sources that can support the claims and points I presented in my speech. 2. Deliver" and E3pression (Eye Contact, Conversational 4elivery, 5ocal 5ariety, 5olu*e, /ate, Gestures, Enthusias*, 5ivid 8 Appropriate Lan(ua(e": Stren t!s: In the panel discussion I think I was a!le to maintain a !etter eye contact not :ust in the audience !ut also in my colleagues. I was a!le to communicate with them in a more conversational way and I was more relaxed and calm as compared to the first speech which had a more positive impact in my rate of speaking. "lso I had more pauses rather than 6uhms5 which showed great improvement since the informative speech which was filled with 6uhms5. "side from this the volume of my voice was !etter. It was clear and loud enough for the audience to hear and interpret what I had explained in my speech. "lso the gestures as well as the words I used can !e deemed appropriate !ecause of the role that I had to portray. 9verall I can say that the delivery and expression of my speech is good and that I have improved a lot as compared to the first speech which is the informative speech. +ea,nesses: The only flaw I can see is the unstoppa!le use of 6uhms5 and 6ahs5. "lthough I was a!le to diminish the use of these fillers I still cannot o!literate them. %opefully in my last speech I5d !e a!le to remove these fillers !y replacing pauses. auses (+e! 6uh*s7", ieces o+ -upportin( Material,

4. /onclusion (-i(naled Endin(, -u**ari,ed Main oints, /estated I*portance o+ Topic to Audience, 9sed 5ivid 8 Me*orable Endin(": Stren t!s: I was a!le to summari4e my speech !y giving an opinion on the "nti*9!scenity Bill. By these I was a!le to apply all my knowledge in my human rights and %I&'"I() in order to give an educated stand to that issue. "lso I think I was a!le to say that the importance of my speech is to let them !e aware of the latest scenarios related to %I&'"I() as well as human trafficking. +ea,nesses: 0y conclusion5s weakness is that I wasn5t a!le to give a cue that it was the end. I wasn5t a!le to give a signal to the people as well as give a memora!le ending to them. I hope it did not affect my speech overall since it is one of the most important parts in the speech. 5. Do "ou t!in, "ou6ve improved since "our first ma7or speec! presentation8 +!" or (!" not8 I think I have improved a lot since the first ma:or speech. 8hen I watched our panel discussion I can say that there have !een a lot of changes especially in the delivery and expression of my speech. In my informative speech it is apparent that I was shaky and nervous in my speech !ut in the panel discussion I seemed to !e more confident !ut at the same time relaxed that is why I was a!le to deliver my speech in the way I wanted it to deliver. "lso even though I was not a!le to completely erase the 6uhms5 and 6ahs5 I used still I was a!le to diminish them and was a!le to replace them with more appropriate pauses. "side from those I am also proud to say that I was a!le to maintain eye contact with my audience. Before in my informative speech I was :ust looking in my cue cards so that I won5t forget a thing !ut in this speech I learned how to :ust glance in my cue cards and not to technically read them. To summari4e I can say that I have improved a lot in this panel discussion speech as compared to the informative speech. I hope that these improvements will help me not to :ust pass this course !ut also in my future speeches and other endeavors. 9. +!at oals do "ou (is! to ac!ieve in "our ne3t ma7or speec! :impromptu;8 In my last ma:or speech which is the impromptu speech I want to achieve these goals; 1. (iminish 6uhms5 and 6ahs5 *%opefully in my impromptu speech I would !e a!le to completely remove these fillers and !e a!le to replace them with short pauses. 2. Boost self*confidence *%opefully in the impromptu I would !e a!le to shrug off my stage fright and !e a!le to !uild confidence within myself. I should :ust keep in mind that this speech will not only cause me stress !ut would help me to !uild self*confidence that I will need in the future. "nd last +. <n:oy the speech and think critically *I should keep in mind that I can do it.that I can do it my en:oying the speech. I should think that !y en:oying this speech I would !e a!le to remove the stress. "nd if I5d !e a!le to remove the

stress I could !e a!le to think critically and !e a!le to construct my ideas which I can say in my impromptu speech. In conclusion I hope that I could accomplish these goals not only for the !etterment of my grade !ut also to my future speeches and talks. B. <roup Presentation *. <roup D"namics :preparedness= mem>ers6 interaction and rapport (it! one anot!er durin discussion= e?ual participation amon mem>ers; )trengths; 8eaknesses; -. @verall /ontent :master" of topic= amount of researc! incorporated= ?ualit" of points&ar uments presented; )trengths; 8eaknesses; .. @verall Presentation :or anization= creativit"= audience rapport; )trengths; 8eaknesses;
)ource (wyer =. =. (2>>2). /u!lic speaking work!ook ?th edition. Boston; 0c@raw*%ill /rimis #ustom /u!lishing.


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