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Cyril Aldred

Cyril Aldred FRSE FSA Scot[1] (19 February 1914 23 June 1991) a! an En"li!# E"y$tolo"i!t% art #i!torian and aut#or&

'orn 19 February 1914 Ful#a(% )ondon *ied 23 June 1991 (a"ed ++) Edinbur"# ,ccu$ation E"y$tolo"i!t and art #i!torian Early life Cyril Aldred a! born in Ful#a(% )ondon% t#e !on o- Frederic. Aldred and )ilian Et#el /nder ood (Aldred) t#e 0t# o- + c#ildren (1 boy!% 2 "irl!)& Aldred attended Sloane Sc#ool% in C#el!ea% and !tudied En"li!# at 2in"3! Colle"e )ondon% and t#en art #i!tory at t#e Courtauld 4n!titute o- Art& 5#ile a !tudent% #e (et 6o ard Carter% t#e arc#aeolo"i!t #o di!co7ered t#e 8utan.#a(en to(b% in 1933% and t#i! (eetin" a! to deter(ine t#e -uture direction o- #i! career& 6e "raduated -ro( t#e Courtauld in 1930& 4n 193+% #e beca(e an a!!i!tant curator at t#e Royal Scotti!# 9u!eu(% in Edinbur"#% #ere #e or.ed -or t#e re(ainder o- #i! $ro-e!!ional li-e% ri!in" to beco(e 2ee$er oArt : Arc#aeolo"y (1901+4)& 4n 193; #e (arried Je!!ie 2ennedy 9orton (b& 19<9)% a $#y!iot#era$i!t& *urin" 5orld 5ar 44% Aldred !er7ed in t#e RAF% returnin" to Edinbur"# in 1940% to underta.e a !eriou! !tudy o- E"y$tolo"y&

Career 4n 1949% #i! boo. ,ld 2in"do( Art in Ancient E"y$t a! $ubli!#ed and a! -ollo ed by 7olu(e! on t#e (iddle and ne .in"do(! in 191< and 1912& 8#e!e $ublication! e!tabli!#ed #i! career a! an E"y$tolo"i!t and art #i!torian& 6e al!o contributed e!!ay! on E"y$tian ood or. and -urniture a! a $art o- t#e ,=-ord 6i!tory o- 8ec#nolo"y in 1914 and 1910& 4n 1911% #e or.ed a! an a!!ociate curator -or a year in t#e de$art(ent oE"y$tian art in t#e 9etro$olitan 9u!eu( o- Art% >e ?or.% it# t#e curator% 5illia( C& 6aye!& *urin" #i! ti(e at t#e 9et% Aldred u!ed #i! arti!tic eye to dra(atically i($ro7e t#e $re!entation o- t#e e=#ibition! and #el$ed identi-y and catalo"ue a nu(ber o$re7iou!ly o7erloo.ed arti-act! in !tora"e& 4n 1910% Aldred returned to t#e Royal Scotti!# 9u!eu( to en#ance t#e E"y$tolo"y tea( and in 1901 #e a! $ro(oted to .ee$er o- art and arc#aeolo"y% a $o!t #ic# #e #eld until #i! retire(ent in 19+4& *urin" #i! ti(e at t#e RS9% #e not only "a7e lecture! but al!o (ade !i"ni-icant $urc#a!e! and #el$ed t#e (u!eu( 7a!tly i($ro7e not only t#e E"y$tolo"y di!$lay! but al!o t#e 5e!t A-rican and Sout# Sea3! !ection!& Aldred3! boo. @A.#enaten% A#arao# o- E"y$t@% a! $ubli!#ed in 190;& @Je el! o- t#e A#arao#!@ a$$eared in 19+1% $ubli!#ed by 8#a(e! and 6ud!on& 6i! (o!t !i"ni-icant artB #i!torical ritin" o- t#e $eriod a! t#e catalo"ue #e rote -or t#e 'roo.lyn 9u!eu( e=#ibition% @A.#enaten and >e-ertiti@ in 19+3& Aldred retired in 19+4% but #i! ritin" continued& 'e"innin" in 19+;% Aldred rote !tudie! -or t#e Frenc# @)3uni7er! de! -or(e!@ !ur7ey! o- E"y$tian art (ot#er 7olu(e! a$$earin" in 19+9 and 19;<)& 4n 19;<% Aldred $ubli!#ed @E"y$tian Art@% alt#ou"# anot#er intended boo. on E"y$tian !cul$ture a! ne7er $ubli!#ed& 8#e 8i(e! Educational Su$$le(ent !aid o- E"y$tian Art @6i! eloCuent ability to ea7e -act!% in!i"#t! and inter$retation! into a co($ul!i7ely readable account !et! #i! boo. -ar abo7e t#e clo""ed te=t! t#at too o-ten $a!! -or art #i!tory@& 4n 19;;% #e enlar"ed #i! 190; te=t in @A.#enaten% 2in" o- E"y$t@ it# later -indin"!& 6e died $eace-ully at #i! #o(e in Edinbur"# in 1991 but i! re(e(bered a! one o- t#e leadin" c#aracter! in i($ro7in" arc#aeolo"y in Scotland at t#e 'urrell Collection in Dla!"o & Biography Ja(e!% 8#o(a! Darnet 6& @Cyril Aldred&@ Journal o- E"y$tian Arc#aeolo"y +; (1992)E 21;00F 5ater!ton% C#arle! *& @Cyril Aldred&@ ?ear 'oo. o- t#e Royal Society o- Edinbur"# (199<91)E 324F Dorin"% EliGabet#% and Ree7e!% C#arle! >ic#ola! and Ru--le% Jo#n% ed!& @C#ie- o- Seer!E E"y$tian Studie! in 9e(ory o- Cyril Aldred@& >e ?or.E 2e"an Aaul 4nternational% 199+F 8#e 4nde$endent 0 July 1991F 8#e 8i(e! ()ondon) 0 July 1991F

Ja(e!% 8#o(a! Darnet 6& @Aldred% Cyril (1914B1991)&@ ,=-ord *ictionary o- >ational 'io"ra$#y% ,=-ord /ni7er!ity Are!!% 2<<4& Writings [collected article!] Ancient E"y$t in t#e 9etro$olitan 9u!eu( Journal% Holu(e! 1B11 (190;19+0)E Article!& [ by Cyril Aldred]& >e ?or.E 9etro$olitan 9u!eu( o- Art% 19++F @8#e *e7elo$(ent o- Ancient E"y$tian ArtE -ro( 32<< to 1311 '& C&@ 3 7ol!& )ondon E A& 8iranti% 1912F >e 2in"do( Art in Ancient E"y$t *urin" t#e Ei"#teent# *yna!ty% 119< to 1311 '& C& Aubli!#edE )ondon% A& 8iranti% 1911F A.#enaten and >e-ertiti& >e ?or.E 'roo.lyn 9u!eu(IHi.in" Are!!% 19+3F A.#enaten% A#arao# o- E"y$tE a >e Study& )ondonE 8#a(e! : 6ud!on% 190;F E"y$t to t#e End o- t#e ,ld 2in"do(& )ondonE 8#a(e! and 6ud!on% 1901F Je el! o- t#e A#arao#!E E"y$tian Je ellery o- t#e *yna!tic Aeriod& )ondonE 8#a(e! and 6ud!on% 19+1F 9iddle 2in"do( Art in Ancient E"y$t% 23<<B119< '&C& )ondonE A& 8iranti% 191<F ,ld .in"do( Art in Ancient E"y$t& )ondonE A& 8iranti% 1949F 8#e E"y$tian!& )ondonE 8#a(e! and 6ud!on% 1901F @8#e A#arao# A.#enatenE a Aroble( in E"y$tolo"y and Aat#olo"y&@ 'ulletin o- t#e 6i!tory o- 9edicine 30% no& 4 (JulyAu"u!t 1902)E 293B310F )3uni7er! de! -or(e! [!erie!]E )3J"y$te du crK$u!culeE de 8ani! L 9KroK% 1<+< a7& J&BC&B4He !iMcle& Aari!E Dalli(ard% 19;<F )3E($ire de! conCuKrant!E l3J"y$te au >ou7el E($ire (110<B1<+<)& Aari!E Dalli(ard% 19+9F )e 8e($! de! $yra(ide!E de la $rK#i!toire au= 6y.!o!% 110< a7& J&BC& Aari!E Dalli(ard% 19+;&

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