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A8 A divided union: Civil rights in the USA, 194574 Year Month 1945 August 1947 Date 15 Event Japanese

Surrender Federal Employee Loyalty Programme allowed investigation of over 3 million employees into whether they were or had been communists Hollywood Ten - all pleaded the First Amendment of the US Constitution which guaranteed all Americans freedom to believe what they wanted and that the HUAC didnt have a right to even ask them this question Alger Hiss but on trial a high-ranking US official with suspected links to communism, spread fear of the Red Under the Bed


1949 1950 Alger Hiss convicted of being a US spy McCarran Act all Communist organisations had to be registered with the gov; banned Communists from being US citizens

1951 1952 September Brown v Board of Education Topeka, ___

1953 June

Ethel and Julius Rosenburg convicted of passing on atomic bomb secrets to USSR, electrocuted to death Brown v Board of Education Topeka Verdict Segregation isnt equal, ordered integrated schools to be set up in USA with all deliberate speed Communist Central Act: American Communist Party Banned McCarthy was censored by the Congress Lost all credibility and was finished as a political force (became an alcoholic)

1954 March


Severed all left-wing ideas of USA 9,500 civil servants dismissed 15,000 resigned 600 teachers lost their jobs 1 Montgomery Bus Boycott (Alabama) King continued the boycott for 13 months until bus company agreed on 1st come 1st serve Rosa Parks Montgomery Bus Boycott Case declared all segregated bus laws illegal

1955 December

1956 December

1957 September

3 20 23

Little Rock, Arkansas, Faubus orders state troops to prevent students from attending school Judge Davis orders the governor to allow the 9 black students to attend school Eisenhower orders 1000 paratroopers 19,000 federalised 19,000 state troops First Sit-in in Greensboro, North Carolina Commission of the Status of Women First freedom ride, rode into segregated South USA; interracial pair sat in the front NAACP files the Meredith Case to the US State Court, rejected then accepted to the US Supreme Court Anniston Fire Bombing Robert Kennedy outlaws segregation in interstate bus travel

1960 February

1961 May

4 31 14


1962 October

James Meredith allowed to attend the University of Mississippi after Robert Kennedy consults with Governor Barnett Birmingham, Alabama Peace March Kennedy pressures Governor to desegregate Birmingham, Alabama Washington March 200,000 Blacks; 50,000 Whites, Highly Publicised, I have a Dream - speech KKK bombs a church in Birmingham SCLC shows America the situation in Birmingham Equal Pay Right The Feminine Mystique published by Betty Freidan JFK assassinated, taken over by Lyndon B Johnson Civil Rights Bill signed by LBJ Freedom Summer whites from the north came down to the south to help with voter registration in 20 months 430,000 blacks registered to vote Berkeley Free Speech Movement - free speech and academic freedom Anti-Vietnam war shouldnt waste lives in other countrys civil war, immoral = burnt their draft cards Selma, Alabama, March - whips, tear gas, sticks March to Washington held by SDS Students for a democratic society 15,000 25,000 protesters anti Vietnam war Due to drafting students to the Vietnam war

1963 April May August September


1964 November July Summer

22 2


1965 March April

7 17

August 1966

Voting Rights Act NOW (National Organisation for Women) by Betty Friedan

1968 April 1972 June

4 17

Martin Luther King is assassinated in Tenessee 5 burglars are found to be sneaking into the Watergate Building, one is an ex-CIA, all are members of the CREEP (Committee for the Re-Election of President) raised $60 million funds by pressuring gov. Suspicious - Nixon and his officials dismiss any involvement Nixon pays hush money US President Elections Nixons victory STOP ERA Forced resignation of 2 high-ranking White House Officials Fires John Dean Has his general attorney appoint Cox as the investigating White House Aide reveals the existence of tapes in the white house; Cox demands them; Nixon replies that he has executive right not to hand them over Tries to have Richardson sack Cox ; Forces Resignation of Richardson (Attorney General) and his deputy Roe v Wada abortion case is won


1973 April


July October

16 20

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